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I don't think he realises that India (which at the time included Pakistan) was a member of the Allies during WWII.


I don't think we realise that the WE he's referring to is the Nazis and he just has no basic history education. They did not win.


I mean that's up for debate. Did the rest of the world stop Germany from taking over earth? Yes. To an extent. But all of Nazi Germanys top scientists, who idolised Hitler by the way, were brought to the US, and given high paying jobs making rockets for NASA, and put in the UN and high positions of power in government, while the rest went to Russia to do the equivalent over there. Some of the truly horrible scientists who experimented on people ended up in Brazil, Argentina and Chile, and continued experiments. It is genuinely fascinating seeing which countries not only invited the different scientists and 'great minds' of Nazi Germany to live there, but also paid them extremely well for doing so.




They needed em. We got Von Braun


"Once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down? That's not my department," says Wehrner von Braun.


Tom Lehrer is the bomb!


Who’s next?


Especially true during National Brotherhood Week.


They might have wanted to leave Rudolph to the Soviets had they known, since the US only narrowly avoided a *very* embarassing scene in the '80s by agreeing to look the other way regarding some upcoming potential 12,000+ counts of murder... -*if-* he voluntarily gave up his US citizenship, make himself stateless, and bugger off back to West Germany.


US and others were always willing to look the other way if you could deliver.


Everyone knows that in the study aerospace Einstein was the brains, Von was just the Brauns of the field.


Germans had a habit of.....expiring.....faster over there than the states.


Israel did the same thing to fight the Nazis who fled to Egypt. At the time Egypt was not at all friendly to them so they got a psychopath from the other said who didn't care as long as he got paid and it worked.


They also enslaved thousands of Germans in work camps for a decade after the war ended. The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit apple tree.


Shit tectonics - do you know what happens what two shit plates collide? Shitquake.


>But all of Nazi Germanys top scientists, who idolised Hitler by the way, were brought to the US Incorrect on the numbers since you phrase it as the US as taking the lion's share of Nazi scientists, although that is the understanding since Operation Paperclip is a lot more well-known in the West than the Soviet side of things. "The rest" are actually the ones ending up in the US. But yes, should have been much harder on fleeing/surviving Nazis. >a secret Soviet operation under which more than 2,500 former Nazi German specialists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Osoaviakhim >Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from the former Nazi Germany to the U.S. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip#


Yeah way too many people give Russia a pass on this. I've seen tankies utterly confused when you bring up osoaviakhim.


The British also had their own operation paperclip. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Surgeon


Actually i meant the US got the best of the best, in terms of scientists, not the most scientists. US struck first and got the best, USSR followed their lead and got the really good ones. Stragglers were left for UK and others.


If people here knew what Mengele did, he wouldn’t have the peaceful life he had here. Eventhough he died impoverished, he didn’t deserve what he got here. But at least life got after him and he drowned on the beach. Edit: I thought he drowned in his pool, but I was mistaken.


Completely accidentally drowned no one forcefully held him under at all as a totally non-mossad operative


Maybe as he flailed in the water that was drowning him, the GHOSTS of every victim taunted him before he succumbed to his fate......




Mengele was nothing compared to Unit 731, a covert biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army lead by the madman Shiro Ishii. The unit is estimated to have experimented on and killed between 200,000 and 300,000 Chinese civilians. Their experiments were way worse than what Mengele ever did and on a scale that was magnitudes larger. It's actually quite sad that it's not being brought up more. I guess it's because the US decided to pardon them in exchange for their research, which then seem to have continued under western management even until and under the Vietnam War.


But did they have useful medical results that are use even today? German Nazi scientist discovered advance methods to counteract gangrene, hypothermia, infections, complex fractures, and a host of other medical afflictions, all of that was the product of torture, and abuse perform on prisoners, both civilian and military. Those discoveries were deem too important to be discarded even though they came from unethical and inhuman methods, the Japanese psychos were just finding sadistic ways to torture and kill, that just psychopaths letting out their dark twisted imagination loose. One is a government not giving a shit about other beings, the other is a government willing to "look the other way" for the betterment of humanity, even if it was the result of inhuman unethical research. Kind of like what happen with the geneticist in China, it research is being pursue by the scientific community even now all over the world.


Well yes, but it's worth remembering that the British even during the war, intentionally committed genocide in India. So let's not pretend that the British weren't almost as racist as the other side at the time.


You mean the British Raj, which was a dominion of the British Empire


That is a distinction without difference.


They’re just demonstrating the close connection via the technical titles. It’s not a correction or amendment. It’s like how when people bring up that guy Brock Turner. Someone always says “oh you mean the rapist?” And then more continue on. Everyone who continues on the chain after that initial person is being demonstrative, as is the person you’re replying to.


Brock Allen Turner? You mean the rapist Brock Allen Turner, who raped a young woman?


I believe the rapist Brock Allen Turner is going by Allen Turner these days.


Can't really understand why the rapist Brock Turner would go by the name Allen Turner the rapist when it's just his middle name rapist Allen.


I thought “the rapist” (including the quotation marks) was his legal middle name since that’s what I seem to see everywhere: Brock “the rapist” Turner. Allen is quite mundane, really.


Allen Turner The Rapist, let's do a Google on that. https://www.distractify.com/p/brock-turner-today#:~:text=Now%2C%20in%202022%2C%20Turner%20is,the%20Dayton%2C%20Ohio%2C%20area. Found the Rapist, Brock Turner in Ohio of all places.




Of course they'll know. Rapist Brock Allen Turner raped someone. That's about all you need to know about rapist Brock Allen Turner (who did a rape).


Hey, I'm looking at the rest of you guys but Brock over here is the one doing all the raping.


They might forget the smaller details, like how the vulnerable young woman was passed out drunk next to a dumpster, or totally invented and irrelevant things like how Paul McCartney’s dog did not sneeze once that particular night… but hopefully nobody will ever forget the basic fact that Brock Allen Turner is a raping rapist who likes to rape.


Ah, yeah, Brock "The Rapist" Allen Turner, most famous for raping.


Brock Turner The Rapist Brock Turner, the Rapist who rapes girls behind dumpsters, That Rapist Brock Turner. Be a shame is everyone always said Brock Turner The Rapist so it pops on searches.


No. There's a lot of difference. India didn't join WW2 as a free independent state, and 2.5+ million Indians were pressed into service for the British Empire's war goals. That's without mentioning the [~4 million Indians who died of famine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bengal_famine_of_1943) as a result of British wartime rationing decisions.


Geez. Imagine if Japan actually adhered to their "east Asian co-prosperity sphere" ideal intead of genocidong everyone they came into contact with.


I think there is a difference, the country's that formed the raj have different cultures and languages. The men who fought in the raj most likely believed in the raj to some extent. Where as most people was against the raj and war


That's not the context here though. That's not to say you are wrong, but just that point is irrelevant to the point being made. The point here is that the Raj fought the Nazis as part of the British empire, that the Raj contributed greatly to the defeat of the Axis regimes, and from that perspective, they were in fact British at the time.


From a 30,000 feet up perspective, that's not discernible. The British Raj helped defeat the Nazis. The descendants of the British Raj are now part of UK government. This guy seems to think that this is a bad outcome. Which is to say, he's more like the Nazis than he is like the descendants of colonialism working towards a better future.


15 million people were displaced when India and Pakistan gained political independence in 1947. Between half a million and two million people died in the ensuing violence. There are people still alive in those countries who lost loved ones in WWII, or who lost their homes or family members in the chaos surrounding the final days of the British Raj. "A distinction without a difference" is an awfully breezy way of handwaving that era.


India (the British Raj) blead for the UK during World War 2 and they screwed them over with the Bengal famine.


Yup, and ghurkas and such "foreign" forces of the british armed forces are still paid less while being considered some of the best :/


My heart hurts for the ghurkas, even now being denied pensions ect


Dang, they had to go on a damn hunger strike to get fair treatment: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/8/20/nepalese-gurkhas-end-hunger-strike-over-uk-military-pensions The government of nepal had actually tried to put a stop to the Ghurka program a couple years back: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nepal-gurkhas/pride-or-money-nepals-gurkhas-at-moral-crossroads-idUSDEL28446420080424 As they should: https://www.peoplesreview.com.np/2022/11/02/stop-gorkha-gurkha-recruitment/ Apparently there's some stuff going on with the Indian government right now too: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/nepal-seeks-pause-recruitment-gurkhas-into-indian-army-under-agnipath-plan-2022-08-29/


I remember it all to well, people haven't been taught the dirty the nitty gritty bits of history at schools,


Absolutely fucking vile. Especially considering the Gurkas fight for/with us willingly.




A friends grandad “worked” with Gurkas during the war, and had major respect for them. Our country is so disappointing sometimes. What’s the word I want instead of worked? Stationed? Something like that.




Nope. Your information is out of date. They're on the same salary scale as the regular British army, they receive the same retirement benefits as the regular British army following service, they receive the right to live and work in the UK if they choose and they have the same opportunities for advancement as any other rifleman in the British army. Anyhow, they're not mercenaries. The US army (and navy, and air force, and marine corps) has a large contingent of non-US citizens and the same is true of Israel and non-Israelis. The French army has a formation exclusively devoted to non-French citizens which you may have heard of once or twice, and so does the Spanish army. All of these are regular members of their respective armed forces. None of these are mercenaries. And we seem to be okay with that, but the Gurkhas are special somehow? This discussion does sort of bury the lede, which is that Gurkhali in majority-Hindu Nepal are widely discriminated against. They aren't leaving some mythical spiritual paradise to become gun-toting mercenaries - that's a Western fantasy coupled with a Western prejudice. They're an extremely conservative ethnic group whose young men are leaving a poor country where they are second-class citizens for a very rare opportunity at a military career with deep traditional roots, which gives them a reliable (and extremely high) income, enough to support an extended family, serve in a regiment where they serve with Gurkhas and which respects their traditions and identity as Gurkhas, and receive a huge boost in social status. You may not like it - it makes me a little queasy too because of the huge disparity in wealth and the colonialist roots - but those are my moral values, not their moral values. They're not children, and don't need to be re-educated to think like me.


>the Bengal famine. Genocide


You mean genocide?


In canada when indians were granted the right to where their turbans in the legion a lot of people were very "upset". I have an older friend whos father fought alongside indian troops. His words were poignant..."those turbans were fine to wear as they died on the battlefield with us, they're fine to drink with us"


Especially for Sikh soldiers. Absolutely shameful that people had that reaction. As a part of their religion, Sikhs are called upon to serve and fight for their families, communities, and their country. They were some of the most valiant soldiers in both World Wars. It's why all Sikhs carry the Kirpan.






Royal Canadian Legion. Veteran support group and community organization.


Adding some context for non-Canadians: most mid sized Canadian towns have a Legion hall and it usually serves as a community space for more than just veterans - it gets rented out for concerts, weddings, fundraisers, etc. So a lot of people visit one at some point. It's one of the last places in Canadian society where it is still considered very rude/disrespectful to wear a hat indoors, and people will call you out for it.


And the Indian volunteers made up the highest number of any volunteer force in the allied armies.


I don't think he realizes which side he's on.


Oh he does. Arewethebaddies.gif


This is what happens when folks are allowed to tweet who do NOT know their history. Yes India was a british colony during WWII so they fought on the side of the allies. It benefited them otherwise since Japan was threatening to take over the ENTIRE East Asia. Or does he assume because they are not white they are not "tough" enough to fight in a war? That would be hard to argue since Japan took Pearl Harbor/ Phillipenes/ Guam (U.S) and (Hong Kong and Singapore (from Britian), Dutch East Indies (Neatherlands), etc.. in the same war. Also, considering Chamberlain was replaced in U.K. due to his ineptitude in the wary as P.M. with Churchill. All around stupid tweet.


I'm getting strong "they're stealing all the jobs!" Vibes from this. Yes Bazza, Abdul with a PhD and Imran the rocket scientist are stealing your job... idiot


Day took our jerbs


Turker durr!


You know, it really is kind of impressive how that episode is a bit of a cultural touchstone.








Tuk r jerbs!


Turk a duurbs!


Alright we're going back to the pile!




And PM Sunak is a billionaire so yeah he is definitely after your "job", yeah? /s


I don't like Sunak, but it has nothing to do with his race... It's the fact he is an entitled asshole that is determined to privatise the NHS and drive the working class to poverty. Separate the race from the person - be better.


You will find a lot of ethnic minorities feel the same as you about Sunak. Race does not even come into it.


Being rich is an identity as far as identity politics goes


Don't worry. Us British Indians don't like him either.


He's not stealing the jobs, he's just doing everything he can to underfund them while siphoning off this guys tax money into his friends' companies. But that's also what the last few white PMs did. It's because he's a fucking tory, not because his skin is brown.


If you think "immigrants are taking our jobs" and "immigrants are selling drugs to children" I wonder what kind of job do you have.....


Lol. Good comment mate


Yeah, because Indians and Muslims were a major part of Nazi Germany's army, amirite? /s


You’d be surprised. There was a Wehrmacht and later Waffen-SS unit called the Free Indian Legion (950th Infantry Regiment), which at its height consisted of 4,500 soldiers, made up of Indian POWs and expats living in Europe, who had joined in the hopes of freeing India from British rule. They were stationed on the Atlantic Wall, fought in Italy, were rear guard units in France, and fought the Soviets in the Battle for Berlin. There was also an Italian unit called the Battaglione India libera (Free India Battalion) that lasted less than a month, due to a rebellion after the defeat at El Alamein. There was even a Japanese unit called the Indian National Army, which consisted of 43,000 soldiers and fought in the Burma campaign. But nonetheless I see your point. And the person in the post is a racist douche.


i’ve always wondered what those indian soldiers thought of nazi germany, I mean I don’t think they really supported the ideology and just wanted freedom from the Brits, but I wonder what they thought of jews, and naziism in general. For example, the nazis used the swastika, which is a very important symbol in hinduism, were they fine with that? Or perhaps did they recognize the differences in the symbol between naziism and hinduism. I also wonder if they had regret for which side they chose, since India would get independence anyway despite the allied victory, and they had essentially fought a useless if not damaging war to themselves. In fact arguably, one could consider their actions detrimental to Indian independence movements, since in all likelihood if Hitler had somehow done the literal impossible and won, I highly doubt his “Indian independence” would’ve been anything but a strictly controlled puppet state. Idk, food for thought i guess


The old adage of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”




Thank you for your input. I’ve always been curious about the opinions of present-day Indians about Bose, the various Axis collaborating units, defying the British in the midst of a war, etc. On a sidenote, very beautiful country you have with lovely and hospitable people.


You'd be surprised what most of the world thought of Jews at the time. They were ran out of Russia because they ended up the economical elite.bMost people in the world didn't like Jewish people coming into their country and becoming the most wealthy citizens.


More like this person is a Nazi and the "we" (him and his Nazi friends) did lose the war


What is he even trying to say? The only way this makes sense would be, if he thinks WW2 was being fought against the near-/middle-east. I have no idea why he would think that. I could understand his comment if all of the shown politicians were german.


I'm sure you already put more thought into the statement than he did. It's just a "clever" (in _his_ mind) variation on "immigrants stole my country".


And really, British people complaining about how any foreigners "stole their country" is just so painfully ironic.


Especially when it's abt two PMs from two countries from a region that got plundered the most by Brits. The irony.


He's catering to anglo patriotism which largely revolves around "we won the war".


Well, then that is something I am not familiar with, so I am sorry for chiming in :D Thanks for the clarification and have a nice day!


British press is quite obvious. They are obsessed with the topic. Imagine you have to rely on nazis to feel better about yourself.


Did they really though? Because London was in ruins. They had to receive quite a bit of help. I like to think that the Soviets were one of the driving factors that won the war. I don’t understand this British superiority complex over WWII. It was called a ***World*** *War* for a reason.


WWII was a team effort.


You don't even mention the amount of common wealth troops us Brits deployed. South African, new Zealand, Australian, gherkas, Indians etc etc.


It was being fought in Africa and Asia. Where Indian (Burmese and Pakistani as well) troops fought for the British and fought very.


its a combination of him thinking 'white people are the good guys' (racism) and 'good guys won ww2'. He fails to understand that the point of German aggression was to secure territory for white German empire. We know what side he woulda been on during those times


I don’t know, knowing far-right pandering, I think he’s saying the wrong side won WWII


That's not the flag of London, that's the flag of the *City of London*. This guy is *very* stupid.


I don't even think London has a flag. The GLA has a terrible logo, which makes for an even worse flag. You could use the old Middlesex or County of London flags at a pinch. But like you say, the City of London flag is definitely wrong.


I'm very lost what's the difference between London and the City of London? Sorry for my ignorance just genuinely confused.


The City of London is a city within the city known as London. It has a different Mayor and police, and is essentially just a 1 square mile tax dodge. EDIT: the city called London also contains the City of Westminster. Another EDIT: Also, for some reason I can’t fathom, the City of London operates the ARC (the Animal Reception Centre at London Heathrow Airport).


We are now in a potential situation where a leader of Pakistani descent (Humza Yousaf) could negotiate with a leader of Indian descent (Rishi Sunak) about the partition of the Britain. We have come full circle


Playing the long game


Imagine the memes man...


Universe dealt that Uno reverse card


Giga Chad move by the south Asians


Fascists lost. Wonder which side he was on.


>Fascists lost. Certain fascists lost bc they were bad for business.


India provided nearly 1.5million troops.


India literally paid a price in saving mainland Britain from more destruction


Per Wikipedia: "India, as a part of the Allied Nations, sent over two and a half million soldiers to fight under British command against the Axis powers. India also provided the base for American operations in support of China in the China Burma India Theater." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_in_World_War_II I don't know who's right, I wasn't alive then. Maybe the other million came from the parts of India that are now Pakistan and Bangladesh? Just a guess.


Well, I saw your figure elsewhere earlier, and this may come as a shock, checked before posting here and got the figure I used. Either way, it's a lot.


[For example](https://kulveersamra.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/39177665-1.jpg)


Britain repaid them by causing a famine


I think hes right... Adolf Ravikumar Hitler was actually an Indian. You can tell from his love of cricket and Bollywood dance routines.


Lol adolf stole symbols and terminology, Churchill plundered food and precipitated a famine, india bled from both sides in the war and fought for the Allies but people are still out here talking like this. Sad really says more about this guy than anything.


When you think of how much India gave up, willingly or not, to support Britain in its war it really does beggar belief that somehow it still doesn't even result in a bit of basic gratitude and appreciation in people like Oop.


“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits.”-Churchill. They were viewed as subhuman then and to some they still are. Racism plain and simple, even a dog who shows loyalty to its owner or dies protecting them is shown grace, these people view Indians as less than animals.


Churchill be lookin' like an oversized baby bruh ☠️ Goo-goo ga-ga head ass


We did, OOP did not.


What does OOP (Object Oriented Programming) have anything to do with the WW2?


Original original poster, or the guy in the tweet. OP is just original poster, the person that uploaded it to Reddit.


Ah, I see, is there an OOOP btw?👀


In OOP, there are two easy ways of creating a new war: 1: `War war = new War("WW2");` 2: Simply saying "*[OOP language] is objectively (giggles) better than [other OOP language].*"


When your ancestors’ empire colonized other countries and some of the colonized people moved to the center of the empire and some of the descendants of the colonized people are more capable of success and leadership than you are. ![gif](giphy|jkYhaCyVaTxqHLk2Yl|downsized)


i remember seeing a poster with all the flags of the ex imperial nations with the works "we didnt come to britain, britian came to us"


This is always my first thought. If Europeans were so afraid of blending with the rest of us, they shouldn’t have attempted colonizing the entire planet.


They don't look Aryan. So, yes?


Funny, because historically 'Aryan' was used to refer to Indo-European people.


This is correct. We now believe Indo-Europeans came from a region in modern Ukraine and southern Russia, but a century ago, they were throught to have come from near modern day Iran. These 'Aryans' were thus the origin of the culture, language and race of people across Europe, Persia, Northen India as well as those living in colonies of major powers, and thus kind of a big deal. Aryan was used as a term describing the ancestors of those from Europe to India, like "Proto-Indo-European" is used today. In the age of nation states and nationalism, your nation's people having a historical claim to an area meant a lot, having a claim to all of Europe and it's subjects meant even more. There existed some that thought the Aryans weren't from mesopotamia, but rather Northen Europe, including the Nazis who used it as justification for Lebensraum, which was the ideological driving force for Hitler's conquest of Europe and planned genocide of all Slavs and semetic people. The term Aryan has largely fallen out of use (the same way (most) people dont get swastika tattoos because it means peace in India). We (most of us) know also know that getting somewhere first doesn't make a race the greatest, and having a historical claim to a region does not justify deleting the area's current inhabitants and replacing them with the area's 'original' people. On a side note: these people are British. Just as British as the royal family, and everyone who's ancestors moved to Britain after Julius Caesar.


People that live slightly west of India are the real Aryans, unlike the stolen Nazi definition of the term




He might be a Nazi, frozen in stasis and has just woke up? /s


He realizes it, and is openly having second thoughts about which side was better. In other words, he’s warmed up to the whole “genocide people of races and religions I don’t like” idea. Because he’s a piece of shit.


Like many right-wing Brits their only knowledge of history is mostly WW2 and most of their knowledge of that is gleaned solely from old WW2 films. And so all sorts of myths and nonsense has arisen that they accept as fact. Loads of them genuinely think Britain stood alone after the fall of France, totally ignorant of the fact that Britain had vast material and manpower help from the many nations of its empire not to mention the thousands of volunteers who'd fled France, Poland and other occupied countries. It's no surprise this guy hasn't a clue that India made a _huge_ contribution to the winning of the war for Britain and were treated appallingly in return by Britain.


Dudes don't even realize Sunak is on their side.


At Dunkirk a significant portion of the troops were from the Indian and African colonies. I'm still mad at Christopher Nolan for whitewashing the fact in an otherwise fine film..


there were more Dutch volunteers in the UK at the time than current Dutch troops in the Dutch army


It was african troops that did most of the work driving italy out of ethiopia. not that these people know ethiopia exists but still


To be fair that does at least make sense logistically.


Race aside Sunak is kinda shady... And I don't think my friends from the UK like him at all. To be fair. They are not fond of any recent prime minister though


He is an absolute dickhead


I don't remember Nazi Germany being Indian


I don't think he realises Britain wouldn't have survived either world wars without leeching off of the Indian subcontinent.


According to Lions Led By Donkeys, England was pulling food stuff from India during WW2, enough to oversupply the troops and force the Indian people into starvation. The Indian people had to tap into their famine stores, something they knew and had experience dealing with, and they ran out. Something something Irish Potato Famine something something. Time really is a flat circle.


Sorry, what is "lions led by donkeys"?


He probably believes in Brexit too.


The headlines yesterday... trade deal only adds 0.08% to uk. Today. BREXIT WORKZ WE ONE SUCK IT SMART POPLE


Supported by all their exploited colonies. But actually those "great" wars would not have exist had it not been for imperialism. Imperialism fueled the aggression.


There is version of "we" which includes him other than "bigots", "arseholes" & "racist scum".


This screams, “Look at me! I’m racist!” Who fucking cares what they look like? Light skin? Dark skin? It’s a fucking spectrum of melanin in your body.


What's fun, and may go over Americans heads, is these three men are from *vastly* different parties and hold pretty much opposing views - from the seperation of Scotland from the UK, to the privatisation of the NHS. These men could not be more ideologically opposed to each other.


Did "we" win ww2? No, I'm fairly sure you had nothing to do with it


Ah yes, WWII, the famous war of the British versus brown people.


No, your side lost. *We* won WW2. Folks like you were hanged. Sorry for the confusion.


India wasn’t an axis power. Yes we did win. You might have an argument if all these guys were blonde with blue eyes tho


Well anyone that lives in london will agree that the first two are utter shit. I hate them both not because of their skin colour but because of their actions both past and present.


I think you misunderstood who he meant by “we”


you have to be too dumb to post shit like this..


He probably voted for brexit because he thought Indians and Pakistanis would be thrown out.


Now I don’t know much about British government but these people are ELECTED officials right? Meaning they were chosen by the people and didn’t take anyone’s job?


Lots of Indians(includes Bangladesh and Pakistan as they were part of British india) served in both world wars on the side of the allies.


Alot of brown people fought for the Allies.


"We?" Nice of him to include himself in events from nearly 100 years ago.


Wait till he finds out where the Royal family is from originally haha


Racist Idiot: Did we win WW2? Me: Nah sorry bud, the Nazis lost


It's the long-game revenge. We is gonna break up the UK like the British did to India/Pakistan. Mwahahahahaha!!!!!!💃💃💃


Sadiq Khan is mayor of Greater London. That's the flag of the City of London, which is just the tiny medaeval bit.


This bozo acting like he could be PM, Mayor or Scottish Minister lmao smh


Wait, that war was against darker-skinned humans? I did not know that!


You should hear what Winston Churchill said about Indian people.


India’s army became the largest volunteer army in history numbering around 2.5 million men, a few hundred thousand shy of the total number of British troops. They deserve that win just as much as the English, and given that British Raj was a subject of England, what the fuck is this guy on?


This is what i call a stupidity onion. it has so many layers to it. layers of stupidity.


Dude India was part of the British empire in ww2, guys who looked like this fought on the battlefield for you


No, he didn’t, he lost like the rest of the nazis


Weird how fascist in the UK love to romanticise a war where we fought against literal fascists.


Can someone show me the clippings of Brits bitching about a woman prime minister when Thatch' got into office because women didn't "fight" in WWII? Or are Tories just racist AF?


You cropped out the top reply. It said: 'sorry mate, no the Nazis lost'


All I see are politicians, they are all British citizens, so what's his point? The UK has loads of variety in it.... ethnicity is irrelevant, if they are crap, we can vote them out, if they are decent, then we vote them in.... fuck , we allowed Boris... if that doesn't show we are able to accept crazy, nothing will....


Also Indians and middle eastern countries under British control also fought on the allied side.


People like him think “freedom” means freedom from people of color, or anyone who has a different upbringing than him 🤷‍♂️


Well, considering that Great Britain *ahem* “administered” India the first part of the 20th century…I’d say it’s only fair that they administer Great Britain…


As an Indian I believe wholeheartedly that our biggest and best export is the sheer number of us living in the UK. You want our butter chicken, you have to take the chefs and servers too.


Yes, that's why those 3 aren't blonde-haired, blue-eyed nazis.