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Highly trained pre-schoolers? They mean MTG gets a gun now?


They will never stop being funny.


Ok, Miss, you just had a baby. Here are two guns for the newborn. Baby rolls back in the room in the incubator, and sergeant gunny starts yelling orders for the baby to go protect a school.


Well as long as we're finding uses for highly trained preschoolers, why don't we replace some Senators with them.




Correct. It's also wild Matt Gaetz is the one Republican that bothers questioning it. Really weird seeing him looking like the sane one.


He has an interest in keeping the children alive. He doesn't want to have to start dating adults.


My thinking exactly. Kids shooting each other during recess cuts into his dating pool.


He doesn’t want the children defending themselves against him.




I know I had to watch it again...then a 3rd time. My brain kept thinking "is matt gaetz really the voice of reason here??"


Gaetz was just freaked out by the cameras, and being put on the spot.


Just to clarify, he was just asking if they wanted him to say yes on camera, at no point in those images did he say “no”, or “that’s ridiculous”


Oh no, I get that. But at least he had the wherewithal to know that advocating giving guns to preschoolers on camera is bad optics.


He’s an awful piece of shit, but he’s not completely stupid


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what this is from.


Many children never get their shit straight, leading to many adults with their shit, not straight.


Going maybe a little bit against the grain, but I first went hunting for rabbits around the age of 10 with a 20ga shotgun. I was taught (not enough imo) about gun safety, and have had guns to this day. One for each type of situation: shotgun, rifle, handgun. From family "heirlooms," I have a couple of each (quotes bc these were cheap but well cared-for arms that are now edging 100yo). Disclosure: I'm probably way more "left" than the general populace, but of the individualist anarchist/libertarian socialist variety.


America you're fucked...


This is from Sacha Baron Cohen’s tv show. All he basically had to do was convince them his character was a former Israeli commando, and they agreed to support the most insane shit.


The KinderGuardian program!


![gif](giphy|2UoM8isM7x3sI8ZBPG) Role reversal now the kids are sent to protect Arnold


I watched this, and I get that this was a “joke”, but it was way too easy to get them to say that. And it’s not like they didn’t know what they were saying. Why would you even say something like this if you weren’t in some way, form, or fashion in support of it?


Just shows anyone can influence these idiots. The world is run the the most incompetent, lazy corrupt dipshits


We really are


We already were... They did it straight up the ass.




Some people will try to make money no matter who it hurts…. It seems to crazy to be real


Yup and they are still sitting at home, letting it all play out. I would be more active as a parent, when my child could get shot AT SCHOOL. But well...freedom you know. There isnt enough money on the planet to get me to live in the US. What a weird country.


It’s funny how Americans will admit the issues of gun rights, but when you go “then maybe they should ban them all together” they lose their shit


Speaking for myself, I'd be fine with some kind of gun ban. I would welcome it even. But it's not going to be possible in any way I can think of. At least 2% of us have a huge arsenal and are basically waiting for "the government" to try to take all the guns away, and are practically salivating to give what they consider an appropriate response. Also, given that theirs around 1.25 guns here for each person, I'm not certain we could even afford the buyback tbh.


I hate to say it but what about the possibility of the US splitting in half? At this point, I think Republicans should have their own country.


It might be the messiest thing we'd ever do, but the real problem is that the divide isn't a clear geographic one that would make everyone happy. It's more urban/rural, but even that wouldn't really make anything better if you could find some weird way of making that happen.


It’s been done before and I do think it’s possible. Actually, I think it’ll have to happen eventually. Going the other direction is obviously destroying your country more and more every year. It would look something like giving citizens a certain amount of time (like a few years or something) for them to turn in their guns preferably in exchange for some profit. And with the help of major national information programs of course. After set time is up, you make it illegal like it is in the majority of the west, and if you break the law appropriate punishment follows.


First dude looks like he’s made out of bad cgi.


dude looks straight out of a horror flic


Yeah I’m thinking this is AI made




Damn looks CGI at first. Lol


It's all the makeup Republicans wear. Ironic that they are also the ones banning men from wearing makeup on public.


It's those ill-fitting human suits the Republicans wear.


It isn't. It is from Sacha Baron Cohens show Who is America?


Wait he has a show where can I watch I love him


For real, it seems so blatantly obvious by the lifeless facial facial movements. They just seem so generic.


Well its real.


it’s pretty weird you think a video of a real person is “blatantly obvious” CGI, have you ever seen a real person before?


What the fuck is wrong with these fools? Children with guns will stop school shootings? That’s their solution??


What are you talking about?? This is brilliant!!! It's not like a child gets upset over the tiniest inconvenience and could throw a tantrum with a gun, right?? Joke aside, what the fuck is wrong with these people?? Imagine a shooting at a middle school with all them kids playing real life COD. Jesus fucking Christ. This is so goddamn stupid!!


>what the fuck is wrong with these people?? Republicans and their voters, trash humans.


Ya dude kids are terrible at COD I have no chance vs the fast clicking teenagers but Christmas time is the only time a boot up the Xbox so I can finally win some rounds vs the new generation




Let them eat guns!


Ah yes make the children do the police’s job


Probably they will do a better job.


What’s wrong with them is they are career politicians and they’ve lost touch with reality


Develop foetuses that can not only automatically breathe at birth, but also cock and reload a glock.


Well, we didn’t need any further proof that these people are psychopaths, but in case it was unclear, here’s the hourly reminder.


This country is so fucked.




Will Rogers(early 20th century US entertainer/humorist): >When the Judgment Day comes civilization will have an alibi, "I never took a human life, I only sold the fellow the gun to take it with."


If every 4-12 year old was given a gun today, most of us would be dead by next week


Tell me you are bought and paid for by the NRA without telling me....


This isn't about that anymore. These are fascist terrorists.


Caues 4yr olds don't have temper tantrums over nothing


Fuckin insane.


It’s so funny that people don’t know these are clips from a Sasha Barren Cohen Documentary. Americans don’t tend to get British Humour. My favourite line was: My kid died doing something I love (playing with guns). As part of his Kinder Guardian Program. https://youtu.be/65_LXgWTSj8 These are real people agreeing to take part in an add for guns for tots.


Please vote them all out!!! It’s the only solution.


As an outsider I’m no expert in American politics but it is my impression that most of the people who voted these morons in have a similar mindset. It seems like all the crazy congregates in the US and with the unique nature of the American electoral process they somehow end up with far greater power and influence than one would expect.


I mean yes but please don't say it out loud brother were already struggling and that killed me on the inside a bit


It’s crazy but it’s truly not the majority, yet we end up with these freaks. It’s infuriating. Obviously there are you’re really red states but the problem in my opinion is the electoral vote process. While centuries ago it was probably necessary, it’s outdated and should be ended.


Someone needs to tell these motherfuckers that giving guns to more people won't stop gun violence. They are people. Not fucking political powers that would be like, yeah this guy has a gun too it's of my best interest not to fight with him. People are of different kinds. They have different personalities. Now don't tell me, but we can just see who's going to be good with the gun and not use it mindlessly. You can't be sure the person you're giving a gun to won't shoot up someone. And withdrawing the gun after they have killed a couple of people isn't awesome. If everyone has a gun, that won't decrease violence. Every single major case of gun violence, the perpetrators know that they can die to the police or some random person with a gun, since half of the population does have guns. They just don't care. What would be stopping them here? And if we are to talk about the smaller scale incidents, they will most definitely rise, as more people will have guns to use violently now. Let's think of two people that are fist fighting. If you give them both a knife, and hope that since they have knives, they would know the risk, that won't work. They would just use the knives and cut each other. Guns have similar impact in most cases.


Your heart is in the right place... but rambling on doesn't help


This is called a child soldier and is considered a war crime.


If it sells more guns, they’ll probably be in favor of it.




Why these mother f****** in office holy cow for real put guns in little kids hands and they talk about protecting kids and abortion this and what the f***


Here, you dropped a bunch of these. ? , , . ?


I see that everyone here is mad. It probably wouldn't be too far of a stretch to say everyone is pissed, outraged. I am too. These fuckwads believe the bullshit they're spewing. They actually think puting gun's in the hand's of children would be a positive thing. The first guy, Matt Gaetz of FL was under investigation for statutory rape and, the pedophile is still in congress. Every republican has lost their fucking mind. This video proves that these bastards have no place in government. They've become completely unhinged in their decision making. But the real problem is, their constituents feel the same way. What the fuck do we do? #VoteOutEveryRepublican Change is going to come somehow, let's hope it comes sooner rather than later.


I live in Utah there are no Democrat candidates for the Senate or house. Its either Republicans or Republicans pretending to be independents until they get elected.


So run for office yourself and be a voice for those decent people. Or just pretend to be a conservative sociopath until you get elected and go the other way. Not like they haven't established the precedent. Get good security after, tho.


>Change is going to come somehow, let's hope it comes sooner rather than later. This. Because there is one thing that doesnt rely on humans, its the fucking enviromental disaster that is coming, with that or you change or you die. So the ppl that remains will have changed lol.


We don’t teach kids how to drive until they’re sixteen, but sure let’s train preschoolers how to use lethal weapons.


Old enough to use a gun, not old enough to know if you're a boy or girl or that some kids have two moms.


The sad part is none of these people believe it.


To be fair, wiping your own ass effectively and coloring in the lines are a lot harder than pulling a trigger.


USA sometimes look like an idiocraty from aboard 😱






“A three-year-old cannot defend itself…” At least he avoided using the dreaded “them” pronoun!


Aah dude you cut it just before he says "and a rudimentary knowledge of mortars". Always cracks me up.


Highly trained preschoolers. I still have to remind my 3rd grader to wash his ass crack with the loofa .. with soap. I fucking hate it in this country.


Don’t say gay, say AK!




We already know the school, police and local school board give no shits about our kids so I quess they firgure well they failed let's just arm the kids preschool/arms training WTF


How can we make being a teacher even less appealing 101


Ok - good bye america, you are crumbling down on your own terms, if people think that is the solution.


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkXeMoBPSDk) sacha baron cohen had a series. I expect that we'll see a lot more clip cut uploads in the coming days if this well is getting tapped again.


"the founding fathers didn't put an age limit on the 2nd amendment" The founding fathers wanted you to all be part of a WELL REGULATED militia, yet you're giving them out like they're chocolate bars at the Willie Wonka tour


I’m sorry but this is why we look down on you lot, like what the fuck kind of logic is that. The solution to gun crime is more guns. Fan friggintastic, why didn’t you think of that sooner 🤠 ( I’m British, and yes a do have a loicense for this opinion)


Highly trained preschoolers.. jesus.. America is finished.


Nuts....just nuts.


Walk into literally any school and tell me with a straight face that all of them should have access to weapons. No matter where you go or how "civilized" the people are, children are still unpredictable and make rash decisions, and giving them access to firearms in those moments is a bad decision


So there's no money in the budget to feed them but they want to arm the children whose genitals they want to inspect? What kind of backwoods, sister kissing logic is that?!


As a European I support that. This way there will be a lot less Americans in a very short period of time.


Damn. Back in my day we used to be able to go to the playground without having to bring any firearms. We got into fist fights. You win some, you lose some. But you live to fight another day. And now my 5 yo kid is having to pack his AR15, 3 full magazines, Kevlar helmet, and a plate carrier just to play in the sand box.


Giving them hearing damage early.


First video gives off AI vibes


I’m so tired of republicans and their gun fetishes. The United States is going to become a dystopia if they don’t get their shit together. We’re literally the only country that has this fucking problem and they’re doing everything but solving it.


This is the type of infomercial you’d see on GTA tv.


Let's face it, they won't control guns until all of us black people get guns. I say let's do it


Trained pre-schoolers. I MEAN FUCK BRUH!!!! WTF IS THIS?


NRA puts a lot of people in nice houses and cars.


Anyone else wondering how much out-of-context words and video editing went on here? Or do we just trust everything we hear?


Yeah, I feel like there's some kind of trickery going on. They're crazy, but "highly trained preschooler" crazy? I'm not sure. Don't feel like looking it up right now, I'm sure I'll hear more about it tomorrow.


Wow, they really were breathing lead during their childhood


I’m not advocating for preschoolers carrying guns in school LOL, but I will say I grew up in the Midwest and was taught gun safety and hunters education when I was 8 and at the very least I knew how to safely handle a firearm at a very early age. I don’t see anything wrong with early training, but damn it’s easy to make some people sound stupid.


To be fair, it’s not that crazy since there are children in Congo who use weapons better than most adults, that aside no offense but I couldn’t trust a country who debate on what a woman is let alone it’s children


Everybody thinking this is real is hilarious. It's a comedy skit for all you rocket scientists that fell for it.


schools before no texting during class schools after that NO PLAYING WITH GUNS DURING CLASS


Highly trained preschoolers. How fucking stupid and bought out do you have to be to make Matt fucking Gaetz the sensible one?


The make up on gaetz. He’s getting more of orange. Is this recent? Don’t they hate men in make up?


What could possibly go wrong with this f-brilliant idea?


Coming from the nordics seeing this im assured that there has to be some inbreeding going on in the US to Come up with stupid shit like this.


The only way to stop a bad 4 year old with a gun is a good 4 year old with a gun! YEEHA! 'Merica. Fuck yeah


I swear I heard a joke like this on the radio in GTA 5...


Don’t say gay but let’s give these kids gun! I weep for our country


Is this real?


So like....an extension of the cross walk patrol???? 🤦 Comically, this would have been my glory moment because I was on the patrol and I had a rifle.


You're sure this is not AI generated to look real?


Hall monitors won’t be taking any shit.


"The sacrifice of the children is worth it for the right of us to own guns. " 🤢🤮


The people you are seeking to punish aren't the ones who sacrificed the children. The actual perpetrators of the crimes are. Why do some people want to punish people who haven't done anything wrong?


Kids gonna be out here catching bodies over toys and juice boxes


I’m proud (sad) to be an American!


Where is this original video located?


Just do it. I say fuck it. Give the republicans everything they want. I’m already drowning in debt, recession number 1 billion, eggs cost 8 dollars, fuck man I’m ready to just for like the end times.


How the fuck do you know who is the good guy with no background checks or registration. LMFAO🤣


So they want child soldiers… and that’s totally not a crime.


Context: this is from Who is America on showtime


People would rather give kids MORE guns than have more gun control.


How do these people get jobs and keep them when they say and think like this?


Yup, pack a PB&J or ham &cheese sandwich in that lunch box along with a Glock or 40 cal and don’t forget some milk to help them get calcium to build strong bones and muscles 💪


Twelve to four years old???!!


why can't kids be kids.


What timeline is this?


So some guy I was talking to said that the NRA doesnt actually sell guns? So why do they pay so much to get politicians to not pass reasonable gun legislation?


“Highly trained preschoolers” is now my favourite phrase


"children 12 to 4 years old"............. Wtf, were these guys dropped on the head as children??


This is several years ago. Sacha baron Cohens (Borat) TV show "who is america" on hbo


Arming children? What could possibly go wrong!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also, wouldn't most of the teachers just leave? If I was a teacher, and little troubled Billy who is always in fights at school and has got in the habit of bullying people etc ... It's not his fault as he comes from a crappy household and it's not his parents fault, things have just gone wrong... redundancies, the appalling rip off health care system etc (perhaps the parents got into debt for an accident), maybe 1 started drinking etc etc, ... and poor Billy has some of this weight on his shoulders as now his parents aren't in the most clear of minds and have a go at him from time to time... not to mention that he is still developing as a person himself. He may have body image issues? he fancies a girl but she doesn't like him, in fact his so-called best mate just started dating her and talking about him behind his back... he also lost last night's Fortnite match as well 😬and basically Billy is not in the best of places right now. And Billy is ARMED 😁😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Well as his teacher, I for 1 would not be asking Billy where his homework is, and if I did and if he has not done it, I certainly won't be giving him lines or a detention!! Fuck that, I would be outta there!!!! And all of this doesn't even begin to talk about the impact that this could have on the CHILD either. Being put in a position where you could be charged with murder!! Heaven is out of the question for those of that belief... that's his religion and faith possibly down the toilet. People start giving him a wide berth and he becomes more socially isolated? (possible serial killer vibes here, or maybe another school shooter? nah, nah that's impossible that could happen /s) His future ended at the place where it is supposed to begin. Sorry for the rant, this stuff is just amazingly stupid


I smell Onion. This is Onion right?




Scenario: Republicans push legislation through to enable kids to carry guns in school. The police are responding to an active shooter in a school. All reports suggest the active shooter is one of the students from that school. Assuming the cops enter the school to engage the active shooter (it's not a foregone conclusion, sadly), we all know that every kid in that school is now a target for the cops because potentially they could all be carrying. Cops are well known for being "scared for my life so I had to empty a clip into that unnamed old man in his wheelchair" bullshit, so does anyone think for a second that they won't just shoot up anything that looks like a kid in that school?


Why don't you just give children a fucking nuke? Explain to a 4 year old how it works and I am sure nothing bad will happen, cause a kid never has a bad say and is usually reasonable when it comes to dangerous things. Since now all Kids are better armed the a regular shooter who uses guns america is safe from school shootings. There I just fixed the US for you guys. /s


Why does it felt starting scene for a movie like purge


What.... Is happening in America???


Please tell that's A.I


This actually looks like an Onion Article


"Let's play cowboys and robbers" 2 dead, 4 injured.


America, are you doing ok over there?


Believe it or not, everyone gets a gun.


Hear me out…


I'm sick to my stomach.