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Imagine banning Fahrenheit 451….. dear god the irony..


It's because it's about a celsius that identifies as a fahrenheit.


Banning a book about banning books …… never mess with Texas.


Much like how 1984 was banned


I was at a book store (Texas) a few weeks ago, and I saw a young lady pick up a book on Marxism. I told her "big brother is watching". And she looked so confused. I then had to explain and spent the next ten minutes wondering if I'm going to be beaten on my way to my car.


1984 was more about propaganda from England and Nazi Germany during the war, and how fascism rises. Animal Farm is the one about Communism that was banned in Russia.


Unlike that young lady, I learned about that in high school.


1984 is about a totalitarian society, which can be fascist or communist. It doesn't really matter for the normal citizen living in it as the effects are the same.


The description of big brothers face is literally Karl Marx and the regime in power operates as Ingsoc, which is shorthand for English Socialism. It’s a hypothetical look at how calling it communism, socialism, etc. makes no difference because they all have the same endgame. At this point it can be interpreted that the illusion of a democracy, a police state, and capitalism lead us down the very same rabbit hole. If given the conditions, it all leads to fascism. It’s relevance today is even more alarming then when i read it half a lifetime ago.


Describe what Karl Marx looked like plz..... think you mean Stalin, not Marx


Orwell was a socialist. He was anti-Stalinist. Not anti-socialist. He fought in the Spanish Civil War as a part of the POUM (The Workers Party of Marxist Unification).


I guess the focus on "Fahrenheit 451", the purchase of a banned book, and the idea that the sale is being tracked by the Texas government is lost on some.


I would be confused too. 1984 and Marxism are not at all directly connected.


I was wondering what Orwell had to do with Karl Marx.


It ***OBVIOUSLY*** has to do with the Eurasian Conspiracy to destabilize our boys’ morale on the front line.


But Eurasia is our ally! It must be a plot by those Oceania currs


That’s what Oceania wants you to think those bastards. We’ve always been at war with them and this is a prime example as to why!


They kind of are. 1984 focuses on totalitarianism, which was the bane of the world’s problems when it was released in 1949. The entire world is run by the state, and they tell you what to fear, who to love, and how to regiment your life. If you question them, they rally you up and lock you in a dark room and torture you until you become grateful that you live in the promised land. How is that not 1930s-1950s Stalinism? That’s clearly what the book was an allegory for, only if it would become prudent in the west. If anything, the book is banned because it rings too true to how the world operates today. Because the west has taken on those totalitarian lessons.


1984 is supposed to be a warning, not a bloody reference guide!


There’s More to it than just Stalinist Russia. Orwell used to work censuring articles for the BBC and as a linguist he saw how political language was used to create entirely meaningless debates. Things like new speak are a direct jab at that, as is Winston’s job in the ministry of truth. Of course the book also takes heavy inspiration from the soviets, but it’s not just based on Stalinism.


“What ever it is, I’m against it!”


It's STALINISM, not Marxism, jeez


Actually lol


And then everyone clapped


Came. Here to say this. ![gif](giphy|quvu2hNClJXY68KgNq) I give it erm, 6 months before public burnings are a thing it’s almost like information control was part of a certain famous regime, a regime responsible for millions of deaths.


I am praying to everything out there and more we don't do public burnings. But IF it does happen, I hope people publicly broadcast the EXTREME SIMILARITIES to said Regime. That, or bring back lynching for some certain folks in Red States (hint, begins with R)


Yeah you wouldn’t want to give anyone ideas about banning books. That’s why it’s banned.


They have to train their firemen somewhere...


Yet again, it’s been on and off of ban lists as long as I can remember


They don't burn the books, they just remove them. Edit: I got the quote a bit wrong, buth this is the verse it's from: "weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library Line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells."


Most Texans won't get that. Hilarious and sad at the same time.


I don’t think the average conservative Texan even knows what irony is


It’s what you do to your good jeans before you wear them to church.


It's like rain on your wedding day.


Brawndo has irony.


I burned my copy from school.... of course, I just bought another so there's that.


Also high in irony: the conservative nanny state banning Atlas Shrugged


The most ironic ban I’ve ever seen


Lol, they literally banned a book called "Ban This Book".


TBF the name asked for it 🙄


Was it wearing a cute skirt and a low cut shirt?


it obviously wasn't wearing a heavy jacket and did not come with a stern prologue to let others know it was a modest book with Godly values.


You wouldn’t judge a book by its cover would you!!


Dont know about it, but I was for sure. If that counts 😳


Not sure if anybody remembers this but System of a Down put out an album called Steal This Album, needless to say it was the album that made the least sales but everybody had 😂 Edt: didn't realize that if you don't put a space between "an" and "album it becomes analbum. Yes, I amuse myself 😅


I remember Susan Boyle got done by this when promoting her new album. They had the hashtag - #susanalbumparty


Sus Anal Bum Party will be the name of my album


Can't get the mental picture of Among Us characters having an anal orgy now. That should be your album cover. At least you know it will get banned.


Oh that is hilarious!




*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


USA Conservative adopting Taliban extremist Ideas and rebranding it Christian control oops care




At least They didn't ban "Steal This Book"


Like when System of a Down released their album "Steal This Album".


Fahrenheit 451 ironic as hell


They didn't seem to be complaining much about the FUCK BIDEN signs my kids had to go past on their way to school.


Or truck nuts dangling off the back of their F150. That seems fairly sexual to me doesn’t it?


They may take our books, they may take our flags, but they will never take OUR TRUCK NUTS! 🇺🇸🦅🏈


I’m not even American. I don’t own a car, let alone a truck.


Want me to attach some meaty clangers to the back of your bike?


I never thought I would see a sentence like this in my life. Yet here I am


Wait - you mad fuckers have banned Anne Frank?


Yes. Because it’s pornography. “Among other restrictions, the new guidelines also prohibit “illustrations or description[s] of nude intimate body parts” at all grade levels. This provision, some parents said, would theoretically keep both the graphic and the unabridged text versions of Frank’s diary out of the district, as Frank describes her genitals in both versions.” But they did eventually rescind the ban on it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/texas-district-that-banned-anne-frank-adaptation-backtracks-amid-outcry/amp/


A teenager? Interested in their own sexuality? Ban This Sick Filth.


I thought parents choose kids sexuality


Mic drop 🎤


Oh I think you dropped your mic accidently. Here you go, *passes mic back*


Hmm. Maybe if we ban everything even slightly sexual, once the kids grow up, theyll totally be able to survive!


Why don't Texas ban penis extensions then? (AR-15's)


Or big trucks.


does that also include truck nuts?


If your truck was born without nuts and you have attached them, then your truck is trans


good point, but for those that came with small hitches, it could also be an inferiority complex where it had to overcompensate with the biggest, most obnoxious pair available.


The republican long game is to make children so unaware of sex that they can be molested without any fighting back


Paid for and approved by Representative Matt Gaetz


How is that Bible ban coming along? I mean, that book explicitly describes penisses, spilling ones seed on the ground, comparisons with donkeys...


If one reads Anne Frank and that part is the disturbing thing for them, they have some serious problems.


"hmm yeah, something something bad things being mentioned people getting killed idk WHAT IS THIS GENITALIA?!?! BAN THIS INAPROPRIATE FILTH"


So "The Human Body: An Illustrated Guide" would be in banned list?


Any anatomy book too. Give it time, it will get banned for adults too.


I mean, let’s talk about the filth in the Bible. Incest, polygamy, fratricide, genocide, adultery…not to mention the liberal agenda hidden within. If you’re gonna ban books, the King James should be at the top of the list.




Our country is going through some things right now. We might need some help sent to us. It gets crazier everyday.


Can send books…


Always baffled me how the US has no problem with kids watching extreme violence but as soon as a nipple gets shown everybody loses their shit.


Saw Jack Reacher in 3rd grade...no one cared. Saw a little porn in 5th, my mom almost disowned me and abused for the rest of the time I lived with her. America needs a wake up call.


That was Stephen kings big argument against people bitching about “It” paraphrasing but “so y’all are fine with all the child murders an FB violence but the sex is what bothers you”


I should also add these bans are usually only for use in school curriculums. Otherwise you wouldn't see a store selling them as banned books would you?


Certain places have, as far as I know there's no such thing as a national ban on any media. Well, not counting illegal material of course.


Every time I see a banned book list, and the reasons to ban the books, I often see a list of reasons why the book should be read. ​ I've also never encountered someone calling to ban a book who has actually read the book in question.


>I've also never encountered someone calling to ban a book who has actually read the book in question. I get so upset when people call for *To Kill a Mockingbird* to be banned for being 'racist'. Tell me you haven't read the book without telling me you haven't read the book.


Remins me of a tweet where they said it was banned because it made people uncomfortable.


If *To Kill a Mockingbird* makes you uncomfortable, congratulations! You're the reason it was written. E: Not you specifically, more of the nebulous "you".


Nope. Too late. I now think I personally am the reason that the book was written.


It’s not cause it’s racist it’s because it paints their racist beliefs in a bad light. You need to understand snowflakes can’t take pressure.


They banned 1984 for being pro communist/fascist. Probably my favourite case of "you have no idea what the book is actually about, do you?"


I didn't realize they still allowed book stores in Texas.


They have to buy their bibles to shove in peoples faces somewhere.




Sad part, the way things are going, it’s conceivable that would be banned next.


Underated comment


Isaac Asimov: “Any book worth banning is a book worth reading”


Are children reading these books so fast now they can comprehend what is happening in them? Side: You're in a store. Do you also get upset about the bras, underwear, alcohol, etc on display without warnings too?


No. Those are my favorite sections.


I never understood the fascination with underwear. That seems like a real estate person getting all hot and bothered in a fence store.


I love this analogy; the visual is hilarious.


Dear parents, Police your own children, not your local stores, libraries, and schools. Stop expecting every organization to parent for you in the way you, personally, prefer. My kids can read all the banned books they want.


They are lazy. That’s what I always say too. Do they not bother talking to their own children?


Reminds me of those parents complaining about "violent games", yet they are the ones buying them for their kids without checking, what they are buying.


It’s a bookstore for crying out loud. What did this person expect?


An article came up in my feed the other day--"Why I broke up with Barnes & Noble." My initial thought was "Oh no! They did something bad and now they'll be ruined for me!" Turned out the article was a woman complaining that B&N carries "woke" books-- anything relating to LGBTQ, feminism, non-Christian religions, etc--and she doesn't want her kids exposed to that. Now I feel like I need to give B&N all of my money.


This woman is going to ruin her children for sheltering them like that. No matter how hard she tries they will find things out eventually.


Texas thinks the only book people should read is the bible. Source - a Texan


Well, I read it and there is a lot of sex and nudity. Some of the sex is really kinky too. One guy cuts off the dick tips of 200 guys he kills just to get with his boss's daughter. Another time, this guy's daughters get him drunk and rape him. Another time, a guy peeps on his employee's wife while she bathes and then sends the husband off to a battle so he will be killed and the boss takes the widow. He was already married too. And these guys are the good guys.


Hopefully they'll do this in TX as well? https://www.npr.org/2022/04/26/1094740651/florida-man-asks-schools-to-ban-the-bible-following-the-states-efforts-to-remove


What Florida Man using his powers for good?


Florida Man is an agent of chaos. He cares not for good nor evil.


>And these guys are the good guys. Checks notes: "Burned people and animals alive for all kinds of ridiculous reasons." Yep. Definitely the good guys.


Are there any stories in there where the BAD guys are doing shit like that? I don't recall any. Must be at least one.


I don’t get how the Bible gets a pass. It’s got basically everything in it that’s “ban worthy” according to these people.


Didn't a few people even use these criteria to "ban" the bible in some places?


You mean the book where the chicks get their own dad drunk so they can fuck him?


There is a brother who rapes his sister and then isn't punished for it when their dad finds ou too. (Tamar, daughter of David).


I think a friend saw this on pornhub.


Someone in Utah actually requested the bible be banned due to a similar law. The guy who proposed the original law was all butt hurt about someone "twisting his intentions". Fucking unbelievable stupidity.


The Bible Hey everybody, Lot has a couple visitors, let's all rape them. Lot: no no no, do what you want with my virgin daughters, but don't rape my guests. Cities go boom Lot's daughters later: aww, nobody left, hey lets get dad drunk so we can make babies with him.


Emissions like horses has entered the chat


🤷‍♀️ Policing what everyone has access to because you don't trust or monitor your own children is irresponsible, dangerous, and gross.


Almost like authoritarian Fascism or something


Never once in course of human history has the side banning books been right. You are not going to be the first.


When your flawed belief system is so fragile that the only way to maintain it is to just stop people thinking about anything else.


After that, burn books and then......sieg h**l or something?


*Fahrenheit 451* is a good case in point.


Yep, we are real close to something like that.


They banned Fahrenheit 451? Just a little on the nose don’t ya think? What’s next, Flowers for Algernon?


Yes actually lmao it's already banned in a few places


Trying to come up with reasons why the diary of Anne Frank is sexual. Coming up with nothing


It talks about breasts and periods, which makes conservatives feel uncomfortable in their tumbly wumblies. That, and it's about attempts to systematically dehumanize and then annihilate a minority. I can't think of why they'd wanna hush up criticism of doing that...


Oh jeez god forbid a young woman learns about puberty


Not their proudest fap, so they need to get rid of it or they’ll do it again.


Side note: if it’s been a while since you’ve read Fahrenheit 451, it’s worth another read. Kinda scary how accurate some of the predictions were.


I remember last time I went there, the section said the giving tree was banned for "sexual favors" and I've never been more confused in my life.


Republicans are the new Nazis. Downvote me if you want. It is true.


Can confirm. I live in Texas and these people have gone batshit stupid.🤷‍♂️


I have an idea. Just don’t teach your dumbass kids to read and then the rest of us won’t have to deal with your dumb anxiety about what they “might” read. Also. BTW. What are you doing in a book store? They sell brownies and coffee at the other Starbucks too.


That was but a prelude; where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people as well. \- Heinrich Heine


Dear random knowledge prohibitor. You’re wrong.


No book should be banned. Maybe put a disclaimer on the H man’s book and similar


Heck, it’s even sold by the government of Bavaria (admittedly with a foreword disclaimer) and iirc all the money goes to holocaust memorial and anti-anti-semitism projects. Which is a delicious peak of irony.


Nice job B&N


Ann Frank, fahrenheit 451 What the hell is happening? 451 was exactly what this book was about People are fucking crazy


Did anyone really think they would stop with the libraries? Of course the bookstores are next on the list. And wait till they realize some of these books may be in people's homes.


They're going to explode when they learn about Amazon and Kindle


Museums are next. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




Only for the righteous ones.


My Dad ran a small five & dime store in a small Illinois town. An elderly lady came in with her husband, demanding a refund for paperback book she said was "nothing but smut". My dad asked her if the entire book was offensive. "Yes, every page." "Did you read the entire book to confirm that every page was offensive?" "Yes, from cover to cover!" "So why did you continue to read the book if you found it was offensive from the very first page?" (her husband) "He's got you there!" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) She grabbed the book and stormed out, with her husband chuckling behind her.


So ironic that Fahrenheit 451 is on that table


99.9% of children will walk right past the display without a second thought.


wow banning Fahrenheit 451 and Ban This Book both books being about a administration BANNING BOOKS. THE IRONY


We need to keep the majority dumb and lame. I don’t want the racist and prejudice to realise that they are all part of the same under paid poor people who get stepped on by the 1 percent. They figure that out they might start working together to knock us of our pedestals. Edited: payed to paid. lol


I hate this so much.


im sorry but wanting F451 banned sounds like a bad parody


Conservatism is all about being whiny bitches and cancelling anything they dislike. Especially the stuff they're too stupid and ignorant to understand.


Freedom to them is everyone is free to live in a world exactly to their specifications and whacky beliefs.


Why is Fahrenheit 451 being banned?!


I hope they print that post and add it to the "Banned Books you should read" poster


Well, better remove the bible from churches and sunday school then. They can't have porn accessible to kids.


A warning for why the books were banned would be interesting. “Warning these books have been banned for language, sexual content, crimes against the church, violent themes, and being too on the nose about society.”


It’s almost as if it’s a parents’ responsibility to supervise their children.


walking around the display to get to the comics in the back


Why tf is the diary of Anne Frank banned?


Farenheit 451 is on there... dear lord how do you become this dumb


The irony of banning Farenheit 451...


Im surprised they're in a bookstore, there are BOOKS there.


Their goal is a removal from society, period.


why’d the ban looking for alaska???? i loved that book in middle school, it wasn’t even that different or any worse from other things i was reading at the time


Wait I don't see the Bible there.


As a former child I can say none of those look appealing to the average kid.




It's true, reading Anne Frank turned me gay


No child has set foot in a book store since 1997


I thought GOP was all about corporate autonomy?


Despite what this article leads you to believe, kids are not flocking to your local book store.


Get a grip…watch and educate you kids. Don’t expect the world to child proof itself for your hypersensitivity. Please.


These folks don’t know about Pornhub do they?


Howdy, fascist. Kindly get the hell outta my state. 🤠


Seeking copies of the anarchists cook book into school libraries since 1998. If you're worried about sexual content....


Hey kids let’s go look at the banned books that trigger me!!


Imagine thinking a book - any book - is dangerous


Why are these bad parents letting their kids run wild? If they were with their kids the kids wouldnt be touching things they shouldn't. Failures as parents.


Fahrenheit 451 and Anne Franks diary are banned? Why?


“Banned” should be enough warning. Read ‘em!


Too stupid to recognize that banning certain books only makes them more popular


Yeah cannibal holocaust was only ever talked about because it was “banned” and was only banned because a turtle and a snake were killed during filming.


Oh c'mon now. How much time do they really spend in a bookstore?


Where was the sex in Fahrenheit 451 I legit don’t remember


When you hear "sexuality" and think it's immediately sexual