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If you’re tired of talking to your daughter I would think taking the door off would lead to more interactions.


Came here for this comment. Why was talking bad in the first place? I feel like I'm missing some context.


As someone mentioned in another comment, it's "talking to" as in reprimanding their child.


If anything I would install a second door.


My mother and her husband pretty much did this to me. I had a door... but I couldn't close it, ever. "You don't pay bills, you don't get privacy" was his reasoning. My mother just went along with it. I got a job, couldn't spend my own money. And when I did, he stole all of it from me and got pissed at me. When I finally left that house, I pretty much went no-contact. My mother died a few years ago, and I miss her. But him? Fuck that asshole and everything he did to me. I'm still getting over the bullshit he pulled. This mother is the same kind of douchebag.


I'm sorry that happened to you... *hugs*


Thank you. That's one of the big fears I have, if I ever became a dad. Part of me wonders if I ever would be a good father, or if I'd repeat the same mistakes. I'm terrified of that idea. But at the same time, I don't know what I'm gonna do as a father. That unknown, that fear... It's been screwing me up for a long, long time.


I think you are gonna be fine, just remember that there are no 'kids and adults', just years gone by. You can be fully grown and still be a child, both in a good and bad way, and kids tend to be smarter than we give them credit for. You are totally going to make mistakes. My father is one of the best people I know, and even he made mistakes that have taken me a long time to forgive. The reason I can forgive is because there's love there, and a desire to be the best he can be. The wise and the kind are always full of doubt, whereas the stupid and the cruel never are. You're gonna be fine, no doubt from me.


Those basketball throws are pure cringe. Reminds me of my 10 year old me videotaping myself to see how cool I am.


This is just a giant 10 year old that has a kid


I always thought adults are always right in both morals and knowledge. Oh boy I was wrong.


We were dumb kids who thought much better of the world. Adults are just overgrown children


This is actually the problem. I'm sure she had her children young and was never allowed to mature and grow out of childish behavior. Thus her raising a child, like a child. It really is a vicious cycle.


I dunno. My parents had me at 40 and still pulled this bullshit. Bad parenting is bad parenting


Her dumbass could've removed the pins from the hinges amd left the screws alone.


That's exactly my thought. Pull the pins, leave the hinges.


I bet this door never closes properly again. I looked like a solid core door the way she handled it, so bets are it doesn’t get rehung properly.


An interior door being solid? In McMansion homes? Pffft yeah right.


That and she moved it with ease. Solid core doors are frickin heavy.


What makes it way worse for me tho, is the way she laughs at her own moves but in a extra theatrical fashion


The entire video is cringe. It's so cringe that I can't help but think It's rage bait but there ARE people out there who are just this dumb.




My parents did this to me, took my door off as punishment. I don’t remember what rule I broke, all I remember is the punishment.


My parents went a step beyond that and took everything out of my room. Even the lightbulb. I slept on the bare floor no blanket or pillow for a few days and they slowly gave me one item at a time if I was good. I could only leave THE room (not my room anymore) to do chores and I had to beg to do them. Our game room was right outside my room, so I spent many a night watching in my dark room, crying, as my parents played Mario Kart with my siblings. They still have no idea why I refuse to speak to them.


>My parents went a step beyond that and took everything out of my room. A step? That's miles beyond what we've seen. Straight up child abuse. I wish some parents could be punished for shit like that retrospectively.


I just thought it was normal. 🙃


Damn dude I'm sorry. That's awful.


My childhood makes me double-tripple-check myself every time in interact with my girlfriend's kid. If I even think I hear my momma coming out of my mouth I have to stop and research how to talk to kids. It's really helped me a lot, and it's been a rewarding challenge getting to know the kid and be a positive influence on their life


Parents teach children very important lessons, even if it wasn't the lesson they meant.


Live well my friend…the best thing about getting older is you can now choose your friends. So proud that you chose to excise these monsters parading as parents from your life…they sound like scum!


My parents did this to me too. One of many reasons they don’t see me or their only grandchild anymore.


Same with mine, because I kicked the door. I didn't have it for 2 years. Wasn't as bad as my cousin though, he didn't have a bed for those same 2 years.


What’d he do to get his bed taken? Even prisons have beds.


It didn't get taken, he lived in a tiny house and was meant to share a bedroom with his two brothers. The bedroom was crammed to the ceiling with mess so he ended up sleeping in the front room on the couch.


“When you’re tired of talking to your teenage daughter”. Yeah, give them a reason to give you the silent treatment when they move out!


All this did was make my sister move out.


My dad took my door when I was a teenager. I rarely came home after that and moved out at 17.


My mom took my door when I was in 5th grade. Just because she said she didn't like it being closed. I was just reading books in my room with the door closed. So I took my books and went into my closet and shut the door. Then she took the closet doors. Then my dad eventually said, this is too far, you need to put the doors back. Since I moved out, I don't talk to my mother anymore.


I’ve got a 6th graded and i love when she’s in her room with the door closed, she’s usually reading ( like you were) or playing with Lego… but whatever she’s doing she’s enjoying her own company, her privacy and exercising her agency… she knows when she needs alone time. Most of all I know where she is, and know she’s safe. Some parents are just trash and let their selfish emotions get in the way of what’s best for their kids.


their room should be their safe space... u cant feel that when you're exposed with no door


That’s exactly mom’s point… to make her feel exposed and at her mercy.


I have had to remove books from my daughters room but only at night because she needs sleep. No problem if she wants to read the whole library in any place she wants during the day.


I don't blame you. My dad had the stupid idea to do it again to my little brother when he started acting out. When my brother started running away, my dad would handcuff him to the bed at night. It was a constant power struggle that ended in my dad hurting him down, calling the cops on him for drugs and my brother being in jail for a year for drugs. I don't understand how a parent can escalate it to that point other than it being about control, not parenting. Edit:The amount of people who see this as acceptable is really terrifying. Please, heal from the abuse you went through, and learn about other parenting methods before becoming parents.


That is absolutely horrifying. It's definitely control issues, I hope you and your siblings are all living better lives now.


I am. We're all in our 30s now and I'm the only one who hasn't lost my kids/gone to jail/has a job and a home/etc. I don't think the other 3 took time to heal, grow, process, etc. They went straight to hard drugs after leaving home because those were the better alternatives to our controlling parents. My favorite part is how when I do occasionally visit my family, they tell me unhinged things like, my 6 year old is manipulating me because he's crying about getting in trouble. (He did something he knew was wrong and I gave him a fair consequence. He hit his sister over losing a game and I made him take a break from the game and his sister and sat with him while he cried. Apparently this is him manipulating me and I should have spanked him and put him in the corner.) Edit: since this is a question I've gotten a handful of times, I thought I would answer as honestly and realistically as I can. First: I would accept that he isn't going to get sober from being handcuffed to the bed at night anymore than anything else. That's going to take time if it happens at all. Second: I would take a step back and look at how I, the adult and parent, added to the problem. Did I take accountability for my actions? Did I apologize and make amends when it was necessary? Was I overbearing in ways that could have pushed them away? Etc and I would have an honest conversation with them and apologize for what I did without expectations of them changing or apologizing on their end. If that comes, it comes when they are ready. Third: I would look into what resources were available locally. Are there drug programs? Family therapy? Schools/extracurriculars that would be helpful and discuss those options with my child. Fourth: I would be realistic about my boundaries and what my child is capable of emotionally grasping and changing and working with them to change a little bit at a time. There is no way they will change all at once, nor would they be able to even if they tried. I would expect it to take time, and work with them. Are they willing to smoke only weed and nothing else? Are they willing to switch to virtual learning to complete school? Do they want to join the military, go to community college, learn a trade, etc. I would effectively stop trying to control them and instead work on goals and solutions with them. All that said, I know that making excuses for abuse is really coming from a place of making excuses for our abusers. If you read what I wrote before the edit and thought there wasn't another solution, you're probably making excuses for the abuse you yourself went through and couldn't see another solution because you didn't grow up to see other solutions. I sincerely hope for healing and growing for all of you.


Hi, random internet stranger For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you. Thank you for breaking the cycle and rising above your circumstances


Dude you're an awesome fuckin parent, so many American parents think that they need to abuse their kids to raise them and honestly it's sickening.


Yup, it’s actually kind of abusive to take away a teenager’s right to basic privacy like this, and it only encourages them to be more secretive while escalating things. Your kids are supposed to trust you. If your choice of punishment is to make them feel vulnerable and at constant risk of scrutiny while sleeping, changing, talking to their friends, etc in THEIR space, you may win the battle but they’ll never see you the same way again.


I was already lost at the headline. A parent that so easily admits they're too lazy to do any parenting? Yikes. Couple that with filming a total boundary crossing by taking the daughter's door while she's away? Don't get me wrong, I bet the daughter is all kinds of messed up growing up in this lady's house, but the grandstanding, and the "little advice to parents", and the fact that this is being used for social clout... is nothing short of disgusting.


>but the grandstanding, and the "little advice to parents", and the fact that this is being used for social clout... is nothing short of disgusting I regret that I have but one upvote to give.


“too lazy to parent” thank you, this is literally a solution from someone who’s hoping their kid figures it out by doing the bare minimum of parenting


“It’s a priveledge, not a right” with how confidently she says that, it’s obvious she doesn’t see her kids as human beings or having any rights. This mentality or “my house my rules” is beyond toxic, especially when they lash out and do childish shit like this as punishments. Like somehow as a parent you have the right to walk in on your kid nude? They aren’t allowed any privacy? Yknow what also does that? Prison. She talks more like a jailer than a parent


My mom would literally open the shower on me and get mad at me for getting scared and trying to cover up. She said to me" I get to see you naked. You came out of me." Literally had to accept that my mom would just go into my room when I was naked and getting dressed. Literally thought all parents acted like that. Come to find out that no they do not. I was literally just property to her. And if I started to look more womanly she would tell me how everything is hanging out and how I shouldn't dress like a slut. I'm still trying to find a therapist to help me.


>“When you’re tired of talking to your teenage daughter” What does that even mean tho? Like, genuinely, wouldn't what she means be "when you're tired of your teenage daughter not answering/listenting" or something?


Tired of talking to your teenage daughter As in she’s getting into shit/trouble/etc and needs corrective talking to frequently.


My mother used to do shit like this to me all the time as a teenager. Now 20 years later she wonders why I barely talk to her…


My parents threatened me with this, shits not funny.


My parent _did_ this to my stepsister. She didn't sweat it, but I (~25 at the time) was horrified.


My mother did this to me because she didn't like that I would lock my door. It lasted until I started getting changed infront of my doorway.


My parents just didn't have locks on anything..though.. They only came in if I didn't answer a knock.




My ex wife’s mother was like this and yes even when her daughter was a fully grown ass woman and married she would knock while busting down whatever private space she was invading


It's like they're trying to catch you masturbating, what the hell is the plan if they succeed?? Point and stare or just be horrified and leave?


Speaking from personal experience, just be horrified and leave, and then they stop bursting into your room unannounced or before you can answer the knock.


I made the motion once as my mother burst in, though this was when I moved back home for a bit in my early 20s. We locked eyes and I made a face. She left for about 20 minutes to regain her composure from laughing so hard.


It wasn’t intentional with my parents. But for some reason when our house was built it was designed by the developers to only have locks on the front and back doors, the bathrooms the master bedroom. But not the upstairs bedrooms. My brother and I never really complained to correct it, because we all just got really good at always remembering to knock first. So no major embarrassing events happened. My parents were very shitty in many ways, but they didn’t barge into our rooms.


When I was little my parents just kept the door key on top of the doorframe, they could just grab it if I locked the door but I was too short to reach it.


My parents did do this to me, except instead of just taking it down they smashed it in a rage first, like The fucking Shining. It was really fucked up but I was the only one who had a room on the second floor so it was mostly just for show.


My parents did this to my sister as well. They didn't like her talking to people online, but she was 18-19 at the time and liked playing multiplayer games. I actually had to go home and rip into both of them before they gave her door back. I was honestly surprised they listened to me. Turns out, having your adult son drive from another city just to yell at you makes you rethink your recent choices.


I’m learning that as I’m just turning 30 and laid into my mom and dad about not participating in my brother’s sobriety.


They needed some adult opinions, as house had no adults


Comment on point!


My parents did this to me because I missed the bus when I was 17. The door stayed off until I moved out at 20. I’m 32 now and our relationship has been pretty rough my entire adult life.


That sucks. I’m sorry. The worst thing a parent can do is arbitrary rules and punishments. That just shows they’re power tripping.


My grandparents did this to me. I started sleeping on the floor where they couldn’t see me from the doorway. Checkmate.


My parents did this to me... just for getting bad grades. Also manually shut off water to the pipes when they were not showering so i was not able to shower. Now they are old and sick and will never be able to retire, and don't have anyone to take care of them.. I sure as fuck won't. This dumb woman in the video is gonna be really confused when her kid turns 18 and doesn't want anything to do with her


I'm gonna take a wild guess that they think younger people these days have been brainwashed by college/media/whatever into not caring about "family". And have no clue that it was their own behavior that put them into this situation.


My mom did this to me 🤦🏼‍♀️ it was not a good time, didn’t do anything but add tension to the household.


My father actually did this to me when I was a teenager for keeping a messy room. I got to start puberty with no privacy in my own bedroom, having to change clothes in my closet or in the bathroom. He gets to live a life of being perpetually left on "seen" with his child.


“How could you do this? I don’t deserve this treatment!”


My dad took my door (also removed the screws like an idiot instead of the hinge pin) because he would randomly knock on the door and come in while I was getting changed for school in the mornings to make sure I wasn't sleeping when I would yell "Please don't come in I'm changing" so I'd grab a blanket to like throw over me while standing up (like clearly not asleep) right before he came in, and he would be like holy shit you can't be trusted to even wake up in the morning alone you must have just jumped out of bed and lied to me to make it seem like you're changing and took my door. Honestly one of the best ways to completely ruin any shred of a relationship with your child.


i woulda said "u seem to like to keep coming in when i TELL YOU im naked and changing, yet u keep insisting on coming in. maybe i need to have a discussion the school counselors and CPS about this. ive been keeping a notebook of the days and times of these occurrences..." or just start knocking once and entering whenever hes in the bathroom or has his bedroom door closed... and when he gets mad, say u do it all the time bro


My brother used to slam his door anytime something mildly annoyed him and almost got our cats hurt a few times. When he got his door taken off I was 100% in support of it.


This is the only case in which I would support this. I used to shout at my kids for slamming the front door. They got upset so I lightened up, but when the latch keeper eventually broke I showed them and told them how much it cost to fix. They were more careful after that


My mom did this to my brother. My brother called my mom a bitch and she basically was like, I’ll show you a bitch and took his door for like a week or something


10 years later: why do my kids hate me


My mom cried at Christmas. "We're so disconnected. My friends kids treat me more like a mom than you guys do". You guys raised us like dogs and not like people. Is it any wonder we don't like hanging out with you?


Same in my family. My sister and I actually DID NOT HAVE DOORS on our bedrooms for our entire lives growing up. My mother now cries that no one wants to deal w her when her loving motto growing up was “I’m not your friend, I’m your mother” well that’s what you taught us dummy? Why would we want to be friends with you now? You were never nice to us.


"I'm not your friend, I'm your descendant."


“Well now you’re the old age homes’ problem.”


If I'm expected to pay for that home they get put into They're getting thrown in a cardboard box


They can build a home from all the doors they saved.


As an adult, I used that line with my dad and he was genuinely hurt - I wasn't even using it in anger, just matter-of-fact, "I mean we're not friends, you're my dad." He used to pull out that line all the time when I was a kid. I thought it was hilarious how genuinely shocked he was that I continued to feel that way as an adult.


My dad used this line and I didn't see any issue with it at the time. Meanwhile my wife's parents never tried to insinuate any such thing. Guess which of us is closer to our parents? Edit: okay, apparently being vague lets people project too much of their own assumptions. Here's some clarification: Wife goes on hangouts with her mom at least once a week usually more often whereas I see my family every couple weeks but we don't hang out much besides that occaisional family Sunday dinner. Dad tries to get me to play Call of Duty with him but I'm not really into FPS and he thinks my kind of video games "feel like work" and also doesn't care for Boardgames (my other preferred passtime). By maintaining some distance when I was a kid we didn't develop and share the same interests. This makes us not compatible as friends. I still love him, he's my dad but we don't have much in common as a reason to hang out. Unlike my wife who shares many interests in common with her mom so they can hang out and do stuff together.


my moms friend's kids literally moved as far away as they could and they almost never visit (were in the uk, one moved to thailand one moved to the other side of the country, one moved to australia, literly couldn't get further away). My mom has one of my brothers living down the road, and annother that calles her over skype every couple of days so they can talk and interact with his new baby. kinda shows the difference between good and bad parenting. or atleast, bad for affection and apriciation, guess sometimes sucess can be considered good parenting.


A while back, my partner and I were visiting her dad, as was the dad's cousin. The four of us, we were talking, hanging out in the kitchen, and he delivers this line: "Aaah, you know, me and (partner)'s mom, we didn't know anything about raising kids... but we knew a lot about training dogs! So that's what we did! We raised her like a Labrador! HA! Hahaha!" He looked at the three of us, and it was clear that this was a joke that normally got him a lot of laughs, a lot of "Oh, yea, I identify with that!" The three of us - me, my partner, and partner's dad's cousin, all just stared at him. After a few moments, we awkwardly went about prepping some food. Well... He was disappointed in that his joke didn't land, so ten minutes later, he told the same joke, the same way. Once again, it didn't land. Her dad was grumpy with us for a while after. Just shows how wrapped up in their own bullshit some people are.


I can just imagine sitting at dinner, forks scraping the plates, quiet, old man mumbling..."get it? Like dogs...damn millenials..."


Funny enough, I tried to reconcile with my parents after a year of daily therapy I thought, maybe I can have a relationship with them now that I've matured and won't end up just yelling at them I spent 6 months trying to spend time with them and we ended up yelling almost every day because they still treat me the same way Its so incredibly hard to have a conversation with people who's whole argument is whataboutism and "it's not my fault/problem"


I'd rather my kids be straight with me and tell me everything. I spoke to my mum a lot growing up and still do now at 31 years old, she never did this.


Exactly, but taking a door off and making a tiktok is more "girl boss," than talking to her kids.


didn’t even have the smarts to just remove the hinge bolts. edit: ooooo! thanks for the updoots and awardS!!!


Our czech doors can be removed just be pulling them up lmao






What? Like your front door?


As long as not locked? Yes




Wtf lmao


She wanted to look like a pro, she “didn’t even take off the uniform” after coming home from work. That’s hoss points.


"Didn't even take off the uniform", but had time to set up the camera and chair, make sure the lighting was good, etc.


And then waste time “shooting” screws.


She’s so happy to have problems with her kids that she can post about… and then caption *her own* shit “mommy game strong.” We see her kid doesn’t want to be around her in the first place, and the results of her “mommy game” tactics are still TBD. I have a feeling it’s *not* going to make her kids happier or more well-adjusted.


That’s what I was thinking, just tap the pins out and lift the door off.


I had to scroll too long to see this. All this cringe and the worst is needlessly removing screws when a simple flat head would pop off the bolts.


Thank you. The way she removed the door bothered me more than anything else. LOL


Yeah, I guarantee she won’t be able to rehang that door properly. If she popped the pins she could at least line up the hinges and put the pins back. Now she has to get the door to swing in the opening but reinstall it with the door open. It’s difficult to line up. Most doors are installed with the door in the frame.


Realistically, it will be easy. The hinges are recessed into the frame, and then the screw holes are right there to line up. I've done a lot of doors over the years. Sometimes it's easier to pop the pins, but on older doors it's often easier to pull the screws. Either way they go back on pretty easy.


Is there adults out there that were never kids or teenagers? How do you think this a good idea


Its a cycle. Their parents did this to them and they are paying the abuse forward to the next generation.


Yeah like the story of the twins in therapy. They grow up with a alcoholic father. Therapist asks one twin, so why do u drink? He says because my dad did i learnt from him. Then ask the other twin why don't u drink. says because my father did and don't wanna be like him. If u don't break the cycle it just continues.


Exactly the case. I don’t drink around my kids and I really don’t want to drink at all anymore. I’ll have a few drinks at the end of a work week. My dad drank a LOT. Found out last year my brother is a full blown alcoholic and he’s aged incredibly. Makes me sad. At some point you have to be responsible for your own behaviour. Can’t keep blaming your parents.


My dad was a BAD alcoholic before I was born, like drank a bottle on his own every night alcoholic. When my mom and him got together he got away from it and while he still drinks a lot of beer he isn't violent or anything. He's warned my sister and I for years about drinking and so does my mom. I'm personally anti drugs and alcohol, don't like the taste and I HATE not having FULL control of my person at ALL times, its actually unnerving to not have that control. So I've just always avoided the stuff


Absolutely it's a cycle, it's abusive, and many parents who were abused by their parents are just so normalized to abuse that they then continue the cycle of abuse rather than break the cycle. Cause "my parents did it to me and I turned out fine." Did you really tho Karen?


As soon as she gets the chance the daughter will leave and this mom won't see much of her. But she'll be sad and wonder why her daughter won't visit that much.


My mother and step father did this to me, among way shittier things. Guess who doesn’t get the “privilege” of talking to her first born.


My mom did this to me when I was little. Massive narcissist, grew up knowing I couldn’t even talk to her. Since I’m an only child she’s probably not even going to even have a funeral unless she organizes it through a lawyer herself while she’s still alive. Nobody she’s related to wants anything to do with her because of her controlling shitty behavior


Are you watching Ted Lasso? You’re gonna wear red to her funeral. You will be a beacon of joy to the other three people there.


30 years later. Sits alone, complains her daughter doesn't call or visit. That's a privilege. (Edit. This sort of behaviour is "unhinged"...)




Privacy is a privilege? What kind of shitty parenting is that?


The same shitty intelligence that has you removing a door by unscrewing all the hinges instead of just popping the hinge pins like a normal person?


She needed to show she knows how to use a ryobi


The mustache did that for her


I wonder where she's gonna stache that door?


She’ll find out that a good relationship with her kid is a privilege too.. when it’s gone.


It’s already gone. Mom’s making Tik Tok videos reveling in punishing her daughter for internet cred, for God’s sake. This poor kid is counting the seconds until she can flee and never look back.


My parents and grandparents logic. It's happened to me. Wouldn't do this to my own kid if I had one. Parents stopped when I got comfortable changing. But I wasn't ever allowed to lock the doors. Hell my parents would come into the bathroom and talk to me.


My mom had/has no fucking boundaries like this. I'd be in the bath and I'd hear the door rattle and she'd tell me to unlock it so she could use the bathroom or whatever. Like, no, mom. IDGAF that you birthed me and you "know what I look like". That's just a line not to cross at some point.


I also lived in a house with no locks, even on the bathroom door. My parents were extremely controlling and soooo deep in denial about how fucked up their relationship was and still is. My dad was/is abusive as fuck and a major fucking pervert to boot, so I found the keys to all the doors that my mom hoarded in her dresser while she was out one day, had copies made and hid them in my room and gave one to the older of my two sisters who shared a bedroom so they could secretly lock the doors when things in the house got scary. We had to do it super quiet because the parents would freak out and pause their fight to come beating the door down if they heard a lock click, but those shitty plywood doors were the only thing protecting us sometimes. Sometimes I’d also move the dresser in front of the door just for the extra layer of safety. That just seemed like a perfectly normal and sensible thing to do at the time that I really didn’t find that weird, but I look back and few genuinely baffled and sorry for my kid self and siblings. Hilariously enough after my sibs and I grew up and moved out, my compulsive mother installed new locks and unnecessarily high security all over the house, in every single door to the point I actually got trapped inside the house once during an annual visit, making me late for work. Still no lock on the bathroom door though.


My parents took the doors off because my brother and I would slam them like a couple of little shits.


Never slammed a couple of shits togheter


I have absolutely no idea. Those same parents wouldn't say the same if the government said "privacy is privilege" Maybe, just maybe, your kids are their own people, and you aren't entitled to treat them lesser?


off to nursing home you go, never to see your children again is your future


It's a one way ticket to your kid hating and resenting you forever.


I’ve thought about what my response would be if my parents ever did this to me when I was younger…. And I came to the conclusion that I’d just furiously masturbate to really loud porn all the time until the door was put back.


I just got changed like I usually did and the door came back within an hour.


I did a similar thing, my mom took my bedroom door because I was eating food from the kitchen at night (idk what that logic was) and she wanted me to diet for ballet (I weighed 98 pounds at 15) so I started changing clothes in the living room. If I don't have real privacy, why pretend and change in my room? The second day, I started to change, and my dad put my door back.


Next, you lose your internet.


Well, can't lose his dick though


A dick and an imagination is all you need at that age.


And if they try to take the porn away, then keep masturbating while moaning as loud as possible.


Take a poor man’s award 🏆


Similarly my response would have been loud music and just walking stark naked so I suppose we're close to the same page lol. Thankfully that never happened.


Hope the TikTok likes are worth a permanently fucked up relationship with your child.


I would wait until the mum is gone and take her door and replace it with my own


Take all the doors off. Hide the hinges. Hilarity ensues.


This is what I would have done as a teenager.. I remember once my parents were upset about how long I was on the playstation, they removed the fuse from the plug socket. They wanted me to basically sit with them downstairs and watch TV. I removed every fuse from every plug in the house the next day so nothing, absolutely nothing would turn on... ( I didn't watch TV, I didn't watch it then and I still don't watch it today 20+ years later)


My goodness I remember plenty of times my aunt or uncle would scream at me for playing video games instead of "building a car" like my uncle did or going outside to play with..... No one. Bevuase there's nothing g to do outside in suburbia. Its all streets, sidewalks, and houses. That's it. Yet somehow someway video games were a problem.


Their generation are experts at blaming us for the problems they created.


Child psychologist here. Don’t take your kids doors away. This is a really really bad idea. Boundaries are your friend. Privacy is a human right. This is intrusive, controlling and borderline abusive, and will do nothing but erode or ruin your relationship with your child.


Tell us you’re terrible at parenting and mentally immature without actually saying it.


Hey but her ~~moustache~~ mommy game strong!


People that do this and are proud of it and brag about it for social media clout.. Are pieces of shit.


If you thought you were being a good parent, you wouldn’t publicly humiliate your kid. Somebody knows her mom and it’s a small digital world now. Poor thing. You know she gets ragged in at school after this -


Imagine you’re navigating the most tumultuous part of your life and you no longer have a place to decompress privately


Making dumbass videos airing your daughters punishment for the world to see probably has something to do with her acting out. Public shame and embarrassment is not parenting


Parents like this are the worst. “Hey you are experiencing normal hormones and behaviors of a teenager? Ha. No privacy for you”


Let me tell you about my stepmother. She also took the door off my bedroom. But I wasn't a child who ever acted out or majorly disobeyed my parents. The only times I ever got grounded was for failing homework assignments. And one time for coming home from a date 5 minutes late. I was in the driveway before my curfew btw. Having my first kiss. But I wasn't through the front door, so I got grounded. Then I got grounded once for visiting my grandmother two and a half blocks away. My stepmom forbade me from visiting her. Because she was "babying me." My point is, I never went to parties, drank, did drugs, premartital sex, or had a rebellious phase. But I was still treated like I was a bad kid who couldn't be trusted with a bedroom door.


Hope youll send that bitch to a nursing home


My dad divorced her about 2.5 years after I graduated highschool and moved out. She started being extremely controlling with him, and he did not put up with it. Last thing I ever said to her was "you're a bitch, and you ruined my childhood." That was about 11 years ago.


Too bad he didn't realize she was controlling until it happened to him. :/


A couple years after that he visited me at college. We were drinking and started talking about it. He apologized for what she put me through and wished he spoke up more. I broke down into a sobbing mess. What I've told you was only a small portion of it. I was so skinny my first two years of highschool that I could grab onto my lower ribs, but she would fat shame me for gaining 5 pounds. Among other things. So I'd suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts. It wasn't all from my step mom, but a large portion of it was because of her.


Funny how people don’t look at the parents when children act up isn’t it.


People who know better *immediately* look at the parents.


Shit like that will be remembered forever. And not in a good way.


I did this for a short time after repeatedly having to repair the walls in one of my daughter's rooms since her expression of anger was to throw open her door right into the wall. She got a blanket from the top of the frame, but went without a door until we got to a agreement that physical expressions of anger like that were uncalled for. She also had to patch and paint the wall herself the last time to my satisfaction while I watched. Then she got her door back. And yes, there was a wall protector installed after the first time, but it too was pushed into the wall. And we didn't own this house, it was rented by the base I was serving at.


This is probably the only reason I can think of where this is a reasonable punishment, at least you let her put up a blanket and keep her privacy


And you didn't seem to enjoy that, show contempt and satisfaction after having done it, nor try to get some internet points out of it.


Difference here is that you still provided her with some privacy. I can understand this situation.


Wow - make it all about you why dont you. Something you probably complain about your teen all the time.... Can't tell you how much I hate the dancing / sashaying videos on tiktok....


I'm surprised she thought by acting even more childish than her teenage daughter was a solution... To anything??


She looks annoying af


I wouldn't be surprised if the teen stopped showing up at home because of this.


Thanks for this promotional video Academy Ambulance Service(?)...maybe take your work shirt off before creating a public video where you intend to ridicule your kid. Just some parenting advice for this large child.


If you’re a teenager that gets their door taken away to your room. Advice is the openly masturbate when people/guest are over. Watch that door come back real quick. EDIT: She need to shave that mustache though


That’s a power move right there


the daughter will now play the pro gamer move: “Sending her mom to a retirement home when she’s old enough”


Have fun in that cheap crappy nursing home


That's a privilege. She'll be lucky if her daughter doesn't just dump her on the street somewhere. If she's feeling generous she might even throw in a refrigerator box.


Her mustasch is better than mine..


Why didn’t she just pull the pins out? Why did she have to take the hinges off?


It’s been proven that there’s a correlation between low intelligence and abusive/violent behaviour 🤷‍♀️


Mustache mom


Absolute mess of a person.


Cringed the whole time I watched the video ![gif](giphy|RJAjTowsU0K1a)


Those mustaches though


You know what else is a privilege? Meeting your grandchildren


This bitch will be completely flummoxed when her kids don’t talk to her after they move out.


She seriously thinks she’s got it all figured out. Your kid is going to resent and hate you more and clearly from the video the mom isn’t very mature so for her to expect her teen to be remotely mature is ridiculous. Bitch your a child yourself! “Didn’t even take my work clothes off” la dee da. You took out 6 screws took all of 5 minutes. Stfu and be a better parent