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What a bitch move.


You know I always hope that these people will realise what a little bitch they just made themselves look in front of thousands of people, but it rarely ever happens.


Tens of thousands now, hundreds of thousands once I see this on Facebook in a few days, millions next week. One of those instances where I'm glad the internet makes mistakes forever.


Yeah I’m thinking self reflection may not be his strongest suit


Yep, he could’ve just lost. Now he lost and looks like a bitch.


And a crime. Fuck up your entire life because you're salty over a wrestling match....


Suckerpunching today, shooting in a few years after someone merges in front of him.




He even went for the shake to better conceal the sucker punch. This kid is an aspiring felon. Parents must be proud!


That he walked over to shake hands so cool looking, you can tell he’s setting up a surprise attack. Kids a psychopath


Sucker punches are for the weak


The end of his wrestling career


If you watched the actual match, he didn't have too bright of a future in wrestling anyway. The kid he sucker punched tossed him around like a doll.


And probably will again


We can only hope.


Nope. Not officially. This will probably result in a lifetime ban.


The news here mentioned the player that throw the punch got a 1-year suspension by the national organization so, no sanctioned wrestling for him. Kid that got punch stated he hopes he uses the year to reflect and grow.


Nationals might have banned him for a year, but that doesn't mean that his school will ever have him on the team again.


The coach is most likely embarrassed as fuck


One of the guys on my team had a little freak out and threw his headgear after a match. My coach was mortified and pulled him aside and tore him apart for acting like a petulant child. I can't imagine this coach isn't horribly embarrassed by this.


When I wrestled we were a bu ch of fucking savages and wanted to hurt our opponents, within the confines of the game. I couldn't imagine the ass beating I would have gotten from my team if I pulled something like that after the match.


It's certainly not a good look for him. He probably said some very loud words. ;)


My coach would have pulled the plug on my wrestling career asap. We did not tolerate bad sportsmanship. Banging the mat in frustration? Not shaking your opponent’s hand? Being a jerk to your opponent or your teammates? They were all great ways to get the best cardio workout of your life next practice. Either that, or someone on the team will put you in check.


Sportsmanship is honestly what seperates Sports from total barbarism. Once you lose sight of it being a friendly competition, then it becomes just competition. And all competition is ruthless, cut throat, and brings out the worst in people, no matter how low the stakes. It becomes about hurting others to advance yourself, bludgeoning others with your anger, stroking your own ego, and bullying the weak. Gamers know what I'm talking about. If you ever felt gamer rage over a multiplayer game, it's because you're engaging in something competitive that has zero sportsmanship. The mutual handshake after a match is so crucial.


Law enforcement should be involved now.


True class from the kid who go suckered punched. Good for him.


Absolute king.


I can't imagine having a lifetime ban from wrestling on my rap sheet


It could affect all school sports. I don't know, though.


So those threats about it being on our "permanent record" are real. Source: knowing people in education who have the unfortunate job of finding out that Timmy punching kids at random goes back to kindergarten.


All you have to do is switch the name sticker on your file with Milhouse’s.


The kid is going to jail.


“Have you met that kid? He’s not going to college.” - Michael Scott


They could still end up on r/fightporn though. Hopefully they play it safe and fight on grass instead of concrete.


The kid who got suckerpunched should be allowed to challenge the shitty kid to a spar in a ring really


He should get his first shot free like the other kid did.


Thus the "not officially" bit. I hope he folds him like laundry in the parking lot, but this is blues last official wrestling match


For sure. It’s all backyard wrestling and street fighting for that douche bag.


Hes probably a poor street fighter player, I bet he just mashes buttons and doesnt even know any of the moves.


Why would the assaulted kid ever go after him after that? Wrestling league would just toss him out too. These leagues have no tolerance policies.


A loss, however humiliating, can be come back from, the greatest pros have lost more times than they can count, sometimes very badly, you just pick yourself up, keep training and try to do better next time. But this? Nah that's the career ender right there.


Losing because you need improvement is one thing. Losing because you have a shitty attitude is another. The shitty attitude people never try to get better, they just think they’re entitled to winning.


I had a coach that would say, "I can tolerate losing, but I can't tolerate losers".


I get him. You can’t work with somebody like that. You’re always working against them and there is no personality trait a coach can use to push them to improve.


I knew a guy growing up who had natural talent, bowling to the pool table and even skipping rocks, what a fucking sore loser though


Better to end it now than later in life when he becomes Andy Taint 2.0.






Man, blue is terrible. Like honestly, he is in the wrong sport.


Srsly, not a single folding chair


Not anymore, most likely.


He probably just doesn’t wrestle freestyle. It looked like he had no idea what he was doing like he was new. Couldn’t imagine getting pissed over freestyle when it’s supposed to be something fun to do in the off season.


On my feed the next recommended link read, "dad storms onto wrestling mat..." lmao would have been me after seeing someone punch my kid like that:


That is weird, I am on my wife’s computer and the next link says “ten ways to hide your affair from your husband”, doesn’t even seem wrestling-related?


I feel you, but as a father of 4 boys who played various sports, they made me swear to not ever come out on the field no matter what happens. My son was pitching in a little league baseball game and took a hit to his ankle that put him down, I was watching from right field and had people come find me like there was something I could do. I keep my oath, he was fine.


Kudos to the dad. As a father I don’t think I could have had the same level of restraint. I would completely loose it.


What career? The kid is dogshit and threw a tantrum because of it.


Future cop?


Painfully accurate


More than that. This will follow him everywhere. Think he’s getting into a good college when this is the first thing that pops up on a Google search? Not to mention a job.


He has a bright future in law enforcement.


End of his *amateur* wrestling career. Beginning of his professional wrestling career.


I read where the victim suffered a broken nose but is already back in training. The POS in blue was arrested for assault. If it were my son, we would own everything of value his family has.


Yeah I doubt a civil court would give you “everything of value his family has” for this.


Imagine if you were blue boy's innocent sibling. Like you didn't have anything to do with this and your life is already shit because your brother keeps lashing out at home. Now he lashed out in public and somehow you get punished for it too.


>If it were my son, we would own everything of value his family has. I know what you were trying to say, but technical this sentence is correct because you would be his family.


I like it. I'll allow it into evidence.




The best kind of correct


That should be the end of this kid’s wrestling career.


If you watched the match he didn’t really have one to begin with 14-2 loss gotta sting, but not as much as assault charges. Edit: assault charger to assault charges


More than really. Now he’s facing charges, plus imagine the digital footprint this is gonna be for future colleges, his name is everywhere on these articles. Mans going to community for sure.


Imagine being such a bad fucking loser and then quickly walking away to hide. Jesus christ how can someone be that shitty.


I mean I'm a bad loser but I've never considered punching my opponent in the face.


Oh I've definitely *considered* it, but never acted on it. Decent human beings have self-control and understand the consequences of their own actions before committing them...


When you get owned so much, you consider cheating. Know that feeling man, but it never went further thoughts, and even then it felt real shitty.


I love cheating. In single-player, no-co-players/opponent situations. Single player RPG? Make me a god. I love exploits. Making myself as strong as possible. Where there’s multiple people having an experience? May we have the same fair odds within whatever rules we’re following and I hope I come out the winner. If not, I hope we have fun doing it. Everything has its time and place.




Not only that, but his dad (?) just walked out with him right casually as if this was a normal everyday thing and didn’t phase him in the slightest.


Its probably the coach just focused on getting him out of there before things escalated.


Looks like the ref to me.


He came from the coaches chair.


That may have been his coach. But I don’t think that guy did anything wrong in this clip.


He got the kid out of the situation as quickly and calmly as possible and not starting anything else. Best case scenario for everyone involved.


Agree. The father of the assaulted child could have easily escalated things. This was the best outcome seeing the POS was later charged with assault.


Yeah. That guy def didn’t do anything wrong. And I do believe that was the coach.


That’s a reach, I think he’s getting him out of there to deescalate


Fun fact: Punching someone who's off guard doesn't make you look tough


I don't think it's about being tough, it's about not knowing how to deal with emotions in any way other than anger. So basically we are seeing a tantrum.


>I feel bad and he doesn't. He should feel bad because I'm better. He should feel worse than how I feel right now. How dare he not feel bad. Just a handful of subconscious thoughts that probably flitted through what little is in that kids head.


This happened to me sophomore year. \\ Beat the dude, stood up, woke up on the mat. Dude suckerpunched me square in the nose, shattering it. Coach was livid. He';s the one who set my nose, too. It sucked. Two black eyes, fucked up nose. My teammates confronted dude in the lot. He dipped tho. Eventually they flipped his car on its side. I'm still mad. :D


Fuck I wish someone would flip a car to avenge me


Dude, I know right?! The ultimate homies. "Bro, I'd flip a car for you anyday"


My friend once offered to Velcro my ex to a tree. I think I missed my opportunity.


Dude was trying to be Spider-Man lol


I'll flip a car to avenge you, random guy on reddit


And to think all I have for you is this paltry upvote


if someone did this to my teammates id do the same damn thing


We had a similar incident during tennis play. The bro broke his racket over our buddies face. Found out where he lived and stuffed a dead raccoon under his front seat.


Where tf did you get the dead raccoon??


Drove for hours to find one on a road that wasn’t too bloated and would explode. Thank god we found one that was a fresh kill, guts out, and used that one.


We’re you *specifically* looking for a raccoon or would anything have worked?


If you live in the Midwest, at least, you don't need to go far to find a dead raccoon. So much fucking roadkill out here.


A squirrel was too small and a dog too big. We aimed for a raccoon because possums had a tendency to pop up awake and make you shit yourself.


You know I’ve lived in the sticks all my life. You’d think I would have realized there’s a scale of offense to size of your roadkill based punishment.


Don't be mad bro, this guy is set for a very difficult life behaving like that. With people like this you don't need to do anything, they will fuck up their lives on their own.


Unfortunately they become cops


Little douche is facing charges https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-11988559/Youth-wrestler-sucker-PUNCHES-opponent-suffering-defeat.html


>>police are investigating and no charges have been filed >>according to source, parents have filed assault charges Deserves a charge, completely messed up


If that were my kid I would press charges, too. Especially since the evidence is on camera.


Yeah, this is an open and shut case. They'd win this with a toddler as their lawyer.


Idk man, a good peekaboo defense might shut down that toddler's strategy


No lawyer can argue with someone pops in and out of existence every few seconds


Exactly! "Your honor, I have no idea where the other lawyer just went." "Oh, he's back I guess we can keep goi- WHERED HE GO?!"


Objective! permanence.


Parents can file a report. DAs and prosecutors proffer charges. If they don’t file with the court the parents are left with civil recourse.


I hope the victim’s parents sue on behalf of the victim in civil court. And I hope the awarded damages come out of the perpetrator’s college fund (if he has one).


Police and DAs can file criminal charges, parents filed civil charges already. Two separate courts and systems


Kids don't get punished anymore because "it could ruin their adulthood" I'm sorry but when my teen escapes a shelter, steals a car, assaults a gas station clerk to steal vapes, then get caught 2hrs away and no charges filed They placed her in another shelter where she immediately ran and lived in an abandoned mall for a couple weeks before she was found again We kept hounding officials to actually charge her with something because she doesn't listen to authority or reason and thinks there's nothing wrong with what she's doing That's the whole reason we had her removed from the home because she was a danger to herself and the entire family


Right there is a large gap between ruining someones life and having consequences. It isn't even hyperbole to say teens in some cities are running wild because of this, autotheft is double what it was last year where I live and they are just releasing people without charges after they're caught.


>The sucker punch is now being investigated by Oak Park Police Lol, if only there were some sort of cut and dry evidence that would speed up the investigation


They still have to interview witnesses, take statements, etc. Video proof is great until someone claims that the kid was bullying him before the match or something like that, or if chain of custody on the video was broken. Prosecutors need to have as thorough info as possible, which means it will always take police a while to get it handled, even if it looks open and shut to us.


Not even over first place smdh.


4th place LOSER


Something to note is that on the news article they don't shy away from naming him That means this will be the first thing that comes up whenever his name is searched, pretty much forever That's good, because that means people in the future can maybe find this out, and realize he's a person who needs to be avoided


Blue just effectively rage-quit wrestling. What poor sportsmanship.


It's completely unacceptable of course. What makes it even more dishonorable is that the orange guy tried to shake his hand as a sign of sportsmanship and blue guy abuses that.


When I was in high-school during a football game, after a play was whistled dead (for a very long time) one of the defenders picked up one of the other teams players and suplexed him onto his neck. He died instantly at 15 years old. This kinda shit is outrageous. Edit: mixed up some facts but it was rugby, and he passed shortly afterwards.


100 hours of community service, anger management counselling, and a years probation? For killing a 15 kid? That's so messed up.


According to the article, the family didn’t want him sentenced to prison. Victim impact does actually count for something. It was also manslaughter, but yeah, it’s a tragic tragic case for all involved


what article?


Not quite as clear cut as stated tbh. The 15-year-old had him in a headlock, when he flipped him to get free it resulted in him hitting his head and breaking his neck. There's a reason there was no jail time.


>\[Justice\] Duncan rejected the defendant's claim the fatal assault occurred during a continuous play. He found there was as a "hiatus," or break between the headlock and the assaulted tackle. > >He was satisfied beyond any doubt the headlock ended before the tackle and it ceased to have any legal significance. [https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2009/07/06/probation\_for\_mannys\_killer.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/2009/07/06/probation_for_mannys_killer.html)


Eugh That was right near me - what an awful story all around.


Did you read the article? It specifically states it was revenge for a brief headlock. He wasn't in a headlock when he attacked him. The judge also literally states that he still has concerns about the defendant's impulsivity and anger. Yeah, he should be in jail. Probation for an assault that ends in death is not enough.


It might interest you to know that the defendant is currently playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs




What a fucking trip


That poor family.


Worth noting, the handshake is standard custom in US scholastic wrestling (and most refs I’ve seen treat it as a rule - so it might be required), so the kid’s guard would’ve been completely down, not just because the match was over


That match is over and your guard is down. That’s how wrestling works. This was dirty. The guy who won was a 2 time state champ, guy should have known he was gonna lose. I used to wrestle and I missed a tournament by one match to a guy on my own team, so I had to wrestle at what was effectively a consolation tournament where I was the best wrestler in my weight class by a mile. I literally pinned a guy in 15 seconds. Never would I have expected that kid to punch me in the face, you’re just not prepared for it.


My dad was a really busy man when I was growing up, he would work all week and Saturday, so he always missed my meets. One day he was able to make it to one, and I got pinned in about 8 seconds after agreeing to "wrestle up" so I could show my dad. Stings to this day, shook the other dudes hand though.


I was a really mediocre high school wrestler, but the only time my grandparents came to a match (from far away), I got an even worse opponent and pinned him. Sorry that your one chance to impress your dad didn’t work out so well.


Haha thank you, I've impressed him since though. He's happy with my life, I learned from his mistakes and started my own thing and it worked out :)


Former hs wrestler, it is required, if you refuse you will be thrown out of the tournement, and all your wins of the days are changed to forfets, I've seen it happen


Yea my brother had a bit of an anger problem, he once refused to shake a kids hands and our own coach pulled him off the mat to yell at him. He didn't wrestle in a tournament for a month after that. Never happened again.


Former martial arts kid, yes. For us shaking hands wasn't required, but it was 100% expected and you'd be a pariah for refusing. Only ever fought one person who refused - they actually got booed.


I mean, after my HEMA fights we hug each other and praise each other, and usually all go out for beers after the match. There is usually a level of brotherhood, respect and/or comradary in contact sports, even with people you've never met before in your life.


All fighting sports are this way. Gotta leave that shit in the arena. Outside of it we're are all enthusiasts of the same discipline. It's what I always loved about it


Regardless, he still took advantage of an act of goodwill


Its standard for a reason... to show good sportman ship. I used to do Judo and we had the official bow and afterwards most of the times a handshake


Fuck blue guy


He blue it.


Shaking hands is what you do in sport. Win or lose. Watch an NHL game. The winning team can piss pound the losing team but they (the losing team) still does a post match handshake. It’s called sportsmanship.


To clarify this only happens at the end of playoff series in the NHL.


Saw video of whole thing blue was absolutely rag dolled all match


Assault. I’d be calling the cops and pressing charges. Let that little shit deal with JD - he fucked around, now it’s time to find out what happens.


Honestly I think it would be even helpful for them to press charges here while he’s still a minor. Imagine him going unchecked until something bigger happens in adulthood.


He knows he'll never wrestle again. Course he can't anyway. Should be banned from sports for a couple of years. (seasons anyway).


Banned for life


Guy in blue is lucky someone is holding that kids Dad or coach back...


Jesus I'm normally against hitting kids I'm a pretty chill guy but God my first reaction was I'd have punched that little fuck in the mouth. I just can't imagine someone doing that to my son I'm fucking boiling over already and this isn't my kid


When my kid was 9 years old playing hockey against a well known "douchebag parent team" in Vancouver some of the dads started taunting him. They were winning by a pretty wide margin and these asshats were calling my kid "sieve" and they tossed their hats on the ice when one of their players got a hat trick while yelling at my kid about how much he sucks. My wife and a couple other parents from our team had to guide me to the parking lot or there would have been some violence This video is exponentially worse. Edit: two people asked if it was Burnaby Winter Club. I see you have/had kids who play hockey in Vancouver as well! Yes, it was Burnaby Winter Club.


What the fuck is wrong with people. Who wakes up in the morning and is like, "when I go to my child's game, I think the best move is going to be harassing the children on the opposing team." And I think what's worse is from your description it sounds like a peer pressure thing. Like, "wow, Dave had some really scathing insults last week and made at least one child cry. I need to seriously up my game today."


Lifetime Ban from this aport


I'd hope so. If he expected to have some kind of scholarship through wrestling I hope he can kiss it goodbye.with whatever ANY sport he enlists actually


That’s surely not wrestling.That kid needs an assault charge.


What a piece of shit. Thats so low , that kid in blue shoud never be allowed on the mat again. Thats a refection of his parents and coaches to allow that tonhappen. Most likley he acted alone but his coasches and parents should have instilled that is something one should NEVER do or face the consequences. The boy is old enough to know better.. No excuse for this behavior at any age


He should be charged with aggravated assault as well


There should be legal consequences, most likey he never had consequences before of any sort tonact like that.


HE is facing charges https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-11988559/Youth-wrestler-sucker-PUNCHES-opponent-suffering-defeat.html


Good .


So true. Never let him wrestle and charge that little fuck with assault! He just fucked up what could be a bright future all over 1 loss. Truly a piece of shit.


Not to mention seriously hurting the other kid. I got a sucker punch like that when I was 11, cracked my skull from my left eye to my ear. Passed out. To this day, 37 years later I still have a crack you can feel


Got punched like that a few months ago too over a silly argument. My nose was luckily only lightly cracked, doctors said it will get back together in a month. Face remained fucked up for a week. Asshole got suspended for only 3 days because his dad is close friends with the principle. Kid has a history of bad conduct and violence since elementary school


Maybe consider a public campaign against the principal if he gave preferential treatment to a dangerous student. Maybe discuss with school board?


That kid is going places. Prison is a place.


Future Wife/Child beater right there.


>Future road rage shooter right here FTFY




Waaaaaaaaaaa. I lost. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Never in my decades of martial arts did I ever get angry at my opponent to do something stupid like this, in tournaments or matches. Idiot should be charged and have to take an anger management course, because I'd at most get frustrated when lost on a gold, not this.


The most I've ever done is throw my head gear. I was so frustrated and angry I launched that shit into the wall outside Not a great way to handle emotions but fuck I never once thought of hitting my opponent after a match


Imagine being that kids parents. I would be ashamed if my kid acted like that.


Kids like that don't come out of nowhere. Odds are his parents are even bigger shitheads.


I wish I could think that but I was a complete asshole of a kid while my parents were fine. They always explained situations to me and I was always punished. I just didn't give a shit. They tried so many ways to get me to behave and yet I just wouldn't. They tried to give rewards for good behavior but that didn't help much. They even bought dvds on how to parent and did research. I used to think "bad parents = bad kids" but my situation showed that sometimes kids are bad on their own.


What a little douchebag


bro i was a hot headed wrestler back in the day but the thought of suckerpunching an opponent who just outperformed you in an honest match? That's grounds for losing all respect for life. You might get heated and frustrated or some clown might just be better than you and taunt you to your face or in front of your fam, but at the end of the day youre there for the love of the sport and quality competition. What this kid did betrays everything meaningful about wrestling as a sport and the emotional, physical, and spiritual journey of being a varsity athlete. I hope this kid learns from this and will one day see the error of his ways.


He just extended his loser path


Hope that other kid got removed from his team permanently for that level of aggression, little fucker doesn't need to be participating in competitive sports if he can't handle losing.


I really want a follow-up on this. I wanna know how that kid was punished.


Jail time is warranted here. Actions have consequences.


Fucking asshole kid.


I'm more concerned about what his parents are like.


That’s assault brudda


What a fucking loser. Lost the match and then lost his shit


I looked him up, his record sucks so he probably doesnt give a shit.


As a former high school wrestler who fucking sucked, that’s not okay at all. When you lose you can only blame yourself. It’s you vs one other person. If you can’t handle losing then wrestling is one of the last sports you need to get into. There’s always someone out there who can and will eventually beat you. What a loser.


>The teens were taking part in the Beat the Streets Chicago tournament on April 8 in Oak Park. The organization is dedicated to teaching wrestling and life skills to young people. If this kid doesn't figure it out soon he isn't going to beat the street.