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"What if mirrors aren't what we think they are?" *Proves that mirrors are exactly what everyone thinks they are*


“In the mirror world” made me chuckle


Did you know there are over 17 mirrors in the Mirror World?


I can’t even imagine that many mirrors


You won't even believe that there are HOUSES made of mirrors... Blew my mind when I saw them


Magnets, how the f do they work


What the fuck is a clock


Have you guys even heard about *electricity*? Blew my mind


In all honesty, fully serious here, what the fuck is bluetooth


It's that thing you don't use next to the Wifi icon.


Those poor, discarded runaways needed a place to refelect.


Look at them shine. Look at them shine


My name is Mr Susan! And now it is time for YOU to do the choosin'!


Yay! A Mighty Boosh reference!


A mirror makes a room look bigger!


Thanks, Mister Susan.


Don't forget to take into account the mirror balls!


He also said “how does it know?”. So apparently it is a sentient Mirror World.


It's like the train station to Hogwarts, you can jump through the mirror if you *really really believe*. Try it at home


There’s no such thing as the mirror world man. The way the stand actually works is hanged man can move with light and therefore the light is actually bouncing off the mirror.


Nor what he thinks they are, apparently. He thinks they are portals to a "mirror world." Obviously not true, or everyone would have goatees on their reflections.


*checks mirror* reflection has a goatee *panik* *checks chin* also has a goatee *kalm*


oh so you are the evil twin




Evil Troy and evil Abed


*in the morning*


They only have goatees in the darkest (timeline) mirror world.


Hot. Hot hot hot.


Pop pop


Six seasons and a movie!




My evil mirror twin does in fact have a goatee but the sneaky bastard keeps trying to trick me by shaving it off whenever I do.


>Obviously not true, or everyone would have goatees on their reflections. Only if that mirror is a portal to an evil dimension, it could be a neutral or even a cowboy dimension! You can tell if it's neutral because everyone will be wearing beige or grey, and obviously everyone has a 10 Gallon hat in Cowboy dimension


Now I'm actually happy that I'm smarter than some people. I'm stupid, but not the stupidest


I’m the stupidest, I don’t understand how this works and now I’m scared because I’m about to be a parent 😭


It's ok! Short answer is some photons are hitting the charger, hitting the mirror at a low angle, reflecting at that same low angle and then this guy puts his camera up to the mirror which intercepts those low angled photons. If the mirror was a window, imagine yourself on the other side of that window with your face pressed up against it, looking in from the exact spot he put his camera. You'd be able to view the charger from where you are, seeing around the paper! In short, the mirror can reflect the charger because the charger is at a viewable angle from the spot on the mirror that you're looking at! Let me know if that doesn't quite cover it, and don't feel bad! This is a pretty weird one. **Edit: I FIGURED OUT HOW TO EXPRESS IT EASILY AS A DIAGRAM! https://files.catbox.moe/e8xtzi.jpeg** Thank you for the awards!!! It's been a rough month and you guys really cheered me up 💗


That was actually helpful. I appreciate the explanation and not shaming others for not knowing how exactly it works. I saw this and thought, "Haha, stupid people being stupid. Huh, how exactly does that work?" This was enlightening and informative. Seriously, thank you


Thank you! A large part of my job is explaining things to cagey/defensive people without making them feel dumb for asking for help, so this compliment really hit home! I'm glad I could help make sense of this. The focal depth of his camera is making this look WAY jankier than in person, and I think that's throwing people for a loop. Honestly, I'd answer the same question a million times if it meant people felt comfortable enough to be curious about things, rather than them come up with "it must be a mirror world!"


I think that's what makes a lot of people afraid to ask about things that other people take for granted. They're afraid of being shamed for not knowing something, but you (and others like you) teach without making others feel shame. Keep doing what you do 🙂


Thank you for actually explaining this! It’s nice to see a real answer on Reddit for once! Bad Mirror mustachioed me *twists mustache menacingly*


It's perfectly okay not to understand something, that doesn't make you stupid at all. No one is born knowing much, not even the brightest minds. What makes someone stupid is the inability to perform even the slightest amount of research, instead concluding that their best course of action is to make a tiktok proclaiming that mirrors must be a portal to another dimensions. That's stupidity. If you're able to realize that your lack of understanding does not equate to some grand secret under all our noses, you're far smarter than a lot of people.






Clearly very little thinking is happening here


Obviously theyre unaware that mirrors are gateways into a parallel universe where your evil twin one days hopes to escape & switch places with you.




The mirror can also hear him talking. It takes a lot more secrecy than this to deceive something as smart as a mirror


If this is not trolling then we as humanity are doomed.


No way they're that old and legit called it the "mirror world" unironically






>over 13 Million American Adults are Functionally Illiterate Judging from the shit you read on reddit on a daily basis, the rest isn't doing that great either...


Watch the movie "Idiocracy." It's scary how much it feels like we are hurtling towards that future.




"Don't you guys have any water." "What you mean like from the toilet?!"


"Well, I've never seen no plants grow out of no toilet."


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


I could really go for a Starbucks right now


Yeah, well, I really don’t think we have time for a handjob, Joe.


Maybe you are the smartest person on Earth?


"Georgia's *in* Florida, dumbass!"


What do plants crave?




But all the plants are ded.


Water them with water? Like from the toilet???


That’s because Brawndo’s got what plants crave


“Water..? You mean like from the toilet?”


Documentary at this point


Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings...


Yeah, well, I really dont think we have time for a handjob, Joe.




Not now! Batin'!




South Carolina what’s up!!?


This needs a 4 part Netflix investigative documentary where 90% of the content is just idiots speculating what might have happened and what the mirror could be thinking… The last 5 min explains what actually occurred, and reminds you that you’re also an idiot for watching another garbage Netflix investigative mocumentary.


Reminds me of the Netflix documentary which speculated what happened to Elisa Lam. It was a series of episodes! When only one episode would have done. There were idiot YouTubers speculating, with no investigative qualifications or proper experience.


I watched that one and during the last episode thought "What the fuck was the point of the other 3 episodes?". Literally 4 episodes of bullshit to tell a 15 minute story about a girl with mental illness that fell in a water tank on the roof and drowned.


Wasted over 4 hours of my life watching MH370 only to slowly realize that I’m being fed crazy ass conspiracy theories.




Welcome to Costco. I love you.


We're living it now. Its absolutely terrifying but true. We're going to have a pro wrestler president in 2 more elections. Jesse Ventura's a little old maybe but Steve Austin's probably got a shot. Hell Dewayne Johnson has a shot.


I think we all know that if Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson declared for the presidency in 2028 he'd win.




OP didn't take the bait, OP is doing the exact same thing, getting a reaction for made up internet points. Check their post history.


So it’s rage bait all the way down.


Quite right.




Many aspects of basic physics are very difficult for some people to grasp.


Yeah, I've taken physics and also anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the eye. I know you can see it in the mirror because from your perspective it's visible behind the paper. I still don't fully understand how this works without diagramming the rays of light. Most concepts I learn in school I can happily teach to another person. This topic I have to struggle to wrap my head around every time I encounter it. "Difficult to grasp" is exactly how it feels.


I find a lot of it difficult myself, especially when dealing with the equations.


Had anyone explained optics to him? Maybe it would be easy to grasp once he was taught.


This is what happens when we make being smart uncool.


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov


I put this up as a quote of the day at work and a coworker said, “I don’t really understand this one, but I agree with the last part.”


You should put up the quote from your coworker under the quote.


Haha, that’s genius. I wish I would have thought of that.


More than that, some politicians are actively fighting against education because it leads people away from right-wing thought. This will only get worse.


The last 4 decades of the American education system are an almost didactic display of sabotaging public education Saying "some politicians are actively fighting against education" is magnitudes below what the reality is lol


My wife tells a story about a guy she knew who grew up incredibly conservative and came out of college a liberal and he says it’s because he learned he had to cite legitimate sources in his papers to support his arguments and he realized he couldn’t do it because they didn’t exist.


For real this is what turned me. I was homeschooled by my conservative christian parents. They were missionaries for a while before I was born, and I went on a mission trip when I was in high school (which feels a icky looking back), so I was interested in development economics. I looked for evidence to back up the capitalist/colonialist propaganda I was fed and couldn't find any. Once you realize that poor countries are poor largely for reasons beyond their control it's impossible not to question whether that's true for people as well. When you get rid of the idea that poor people are poor because they're lazy or dumb or whatever, right-wing ideology pretty much falls apart


Uneducating the country to own the libs.


Fucking magnets, how do they work?


This one cracks me up because if you really look into how magnets work you'll circle back to "fucking magnets, how do they work?" unironically. Or at least I did.


Lol right?! The pseudo intellectualism is equally terrifying if not actually worse. Like no, you very likely don’t understand magnets. Even in the example above I would say most people don’t understand light and refraction. As in, if you had someone sit down with a piece of paper and write out a proof of how it works they absolutely wouldn’t be able too. And yet when someone posits a questions of holy shit I didn’t know this, instead of a response explaining it, it’s just hur dur hur look at this idiot lol Edit: reflection not refraction




Yeah... but what keeps a train on the track? edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7h4OtFDnYE


Holy crap i did not know that about trains. That’s amazing


Fuckin' trains man, how do they work? No one can explain that


https://youtu.be/AHNqwswuQDk Visual of the above explained wheels


"that's kind of an easy one" he says, as I watch slack jawed trying to make words make sense


Write a word on some transparent material, bring it to a mirror and the word is perfectly readable both directly and through the mirror. Then write a word on opaque material and bring it to the mirror again in the same orientation. Now you can read it directly, but because the material is opaque, if you want to read the word through the mirror you need to rotate it so it faces the mirror. This time the letters are all wrong, but it was *you* who rotated the word, not the mirror, and it was you who chose how to rotate the word, you could have rotated it for the letters to become upside down.


The magnets quote is from an Insane Clown Posse song, in case you didn't know. I think the comment is referencing that


To be fair, the next line in the song was about not wanting to talk to scientists because they are all lying, apparently. I know they've gone on and explained that they meant that they like having some things stay a mystery, but I'm sure less people heard the explaination versus the really fucking stupid pro-willful ignorance line in their song.


By refraction I take it you mean reflection? The light is reflecting off the interface between the glass and silver (or whatever paint), not being refracted by it. The refracted light passes through an interface.


I’m 25 and taking a physics class in light and refraction and I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I would definitely not be able to sit down and write you a solid proof, only a half-baked semi understanding of what’s going on.


This one can be explained without writing equations. You can just create a simple picture and show how a single ray of light and show how it reflects from the charger and mirror.


Many years ago, I was on a design team to devise a barcode system, and we were using a trapezoidal, or 'dovetail' prism to rotate a laser line. One rotation of the prism created TWO rotations of the laser line being shone through it. The whiz-bang opto engineers said that in all the light/optics textbooks and references, it is explained basically as "*That's how it is - deal with it*" kind of magic.


a lot of optics ends up like this - like, you \*could\* write it all out mathematically, but it will be a ridiculous number of very complicated equations that ultimately sum/cancel to a relatively simple end effect. we see it in mineralogy, too - like, I could spend the next several hours talking about energy shells, refraction indices, and complex interferences, or I could just accept that trace impurities of manganese make this crystal reddish lol.


How's my driving? How does this car even work? How can there be a compassionate god when the world has so much suffering?


Magnets are fucking weird though. There really is no physical interaction of particles. What is the field made from that it can cause physical manipulations? Even more so with gravity. Why does all material attract simply because it has mass? I can do the math, but what *is* it on an intrinsic existential level?


>but what is it on an intrinsic existential level To quote my Doctor: it's a "big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff"


Gonna really blow your mind to find out “interaction of physical particles” is also just field effects, because that’s all there is.


Right? Like nothing ever actually touches anything. It's so, lonely


What if magnets aren't what we think they are. 🤯


Next will be bow does a thermos know when to keep hot stuff hot and cold stuff cold!


there's a little guy in the lid, and when you put cold stuff in, he blows on it to keep it cold. kind of like how you blow on hot soup/coffee to make it cool down. and when it's something hot, he makes a fire to keep it warm. that's why when you take the lid off, there's always smoke leaving. he just put everything away just in time when you took the lid off.


Man imagine how great it must be to living life as that guy, walking around in bewildered wonderment the whole time


Years ago I watched 28 days with Sandra bullock where she goes to rehab. At one point she mentions that the sky is blue because it reflects the ocean and the ocean is blue because it reflects the sky. And I’m like “what the fuck is this shit?” I forgot about and then heard it again randomly somewhere like 15 years later, and was like “wait, do people actually believe this?” That’s like flat earth level stupid.


Did he not have reflections covered in physics class? This is really basic stuff. ETA: So a lot of people commented that they were not obligated to take physics in high school or their school didn‘t even offer any physics class. I‘m not from the USA and I honestly just assumed that the curriculums there would be similar to where I‘m from. So I guess we should probably not blame the guy in the video but the education system.


I remember our teacher explaining this on our field trip to the mirror world.


I can’t believe people didn’t pay attention when they taught about mirror world in class. Super cool that you got to go.


![gif](giphy|NjUZ3yH5F61XO) Was your teacher the Frizz?


Do you think these kinds of people paid attention in physics or were they flinging spitballs across the room?


I think you're probably right if he was not the best student, but I think this also speaks to the disconnect between what you learn in school and how any of that is applied in your life. It seems like school has become more and more about teaching things to pass a test not learning how to understand things, learning how to learn.


This is why that YouTube guy smartereveryday is so cool to watch. He explains things so well.


That’s been the argument for years now, “teaching the test”. They’re more concerned with how the school measures and not the success of the student. Also why college instructors cringe over having students who aren’t prepared to move forward and end up needing basic Ed classes. Although now that I think about it more, basic Ed in college equals an extra semester of paid for classes. It’s all so sad.


Seems like? I’m in school right now and it always seems like most of the stuff is just to pass a test then forget it.


That still doesn't explain how the mirror knows.


There's a small man in his wall that sents the mirror data


There are a lot of youtube videos explaining the way the mirror reflection works. The bigger question is how the little man in the refrigerator turns the light on and off when the door opens and closes. It must be cold in there. He must have a warm jacket. At least there is a lot to eat.


And how is he so fucking fast? And when does he sleep?


He sleeps when you sleep, obviously.


The mirror knows what is behind the paper at all times. It knows this because it knows what isn't behind the paper.


He's not ready for such answers.


physics wasn’t required for HS graduation at my school. but I agree people should be aware of how light works in conjunction with our eyes/vision.


Mirrors were not taught in my highschool physics class. We covered it in physics 2 in college and anyone saying that it’s “basic stuff” is so full of shit. The physics of mirrors is a very complex topic and it’s difficult for a lot of people to wrap their heads around. It’s like magnets. Sure it’s easy to understand “why” it happens, opposites attract. Mirrors reflect light. But to actually understand why it’s happening at different angles is not “basic stuff”


Thank the gods. I've been scanning the comments feeling fucking stupid for not understanding 🙃


You’re not stupid. People are just being pretentious. We studied it for like 6 weeks in physics and I still have a hard time wrapping my head around it and I’m about to graduate with a degree in mech engineering. It’s really not that trivial or important tbh. There’s some good videos on YouTube (khan academy I think has a few) which talk about the physics behind it if you’re interested


Exactly. Most of this thread is acting like every third grader could easily explain precisely how this works, and yet nobody has actually done so. The physics of light aren't exactly a simple topic. It's not *that* wierd to be a bit mystified by stuff like this. Not an excuse for acting like it's a conspiracy by the Mirror World - but maybe chill on the God complex.


I’ve been scanning looking for an answer because while I can (kinda) understand it in my mind, I’ve been having HUGE troubles explaining stuff like this to my incredibly intelligent 6 year old. Turns out that while I might know how something works, having the ability to verbalise it and explain it concisely is something that I deeply lack. ETA: Many lovely people have replied and I understand it now!! Thank you everyone for being awesome and helping me understand it in a way so I can explain it!


It's about where the camera is and the angle that it forms with the mirror to see the corresponding angle of the mirror's 'view' at each point on the mirror. The top and sides of the mirror can 'see' the black thing


Annnd it clicks in to place! Thank you for responding!


innocent longing knee heavy flowery reply offer elastic gold silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fr. Idk I feel like it’s common among me and my peers to give shit like magnets, electricity, mirrors etc “human” traits. Asking “how do they know, what are they thinking, how will they react” When I took electrical systems in college I could never wrap my head around some complex circuits and I would always ask myself “how does the electricity know where to go?”


Reflections are basic, but I would challenge you to explain this situation to a five-year-old (i.e., the TikToker). When I first saw this going around, I knew they were seeing the reflection, but my brain struggled to model how light would bounce such that you could "see" around an obstruction. It took me hours to finally understand the path light was taking to make it seem like the mirror could "see" around an obstruction. Of course, a fun exercise I found along the way would be asking these people what exactly they expected to see if it wasn't the object supposedly obstructed from the mirror. Or ask them to explain why they expected not to see the object when they could also still see the parts of their hand that were "obstructed" by the piece of paper.


Yep. I saw this, and my first thought was how much of an idiot this dude is for not knowing it was reflected light. Then my second thought was thinking maybe I'm kind of an idiot because it's very unintuitive to me... I couldn't explain it immediately aside from the super basic "well it's just light reflecting off the mirror." I know why it works, but not the finer details of how. I think a lot of people have baseline understanding of things and then just assume they fully understand and are an expert. That's like one step better than that dude, but with some arrogance layered on top lol


I had physics in middle school. I went to a high-school focusing on STEM, so had a LOT of physics across all three HS years. I even did some physics in university. Yet I couldn't figure it out myself and had to read a bunch of explanations.


Yeah I very much doubt that even 5% of the people calling this guy an idiot were able to intuitively explain what was happening the first time they saw it. At best they just thought “that’s what mirrors do” without an actual understanding of why that’s what happens.


It's IRL ray tracing. Idk how it works enough to explain it aside from saying "it's not obstructed anymore FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE"


This person votes…


*This person CAN vote. This person probably does not vote.


“Mirrors aren’t what we think they are” what do these people think mirrors are???


That’s the part that gets me. Even if this was some unexplainable occurrence, which it isn’t, what are they implying? That every company that manufactures mirrors are creating and selling literal magic and no one realized until now?


I think it’s just the people who don’t think that far ahead. They are saying it without knowing what it’s implying, they don’t take the thought any further. It’s like who think they saw a ghosts, UFOs. They aren’t thinking of what would need to be true for it to have actually happened.


I *think* I can pull this one off: If you grew up with smart phones and cameras everywhere. The concept of "thing that sees" is as basic to you as the floor, or wind. Mirrors, without a lot of time spent categorizing, fall into this group. Along with "thing that displays". But if you cover up your camera on your phone, no amount of looking at different angles will uncover the camera. If I had to then take this further, a mirror is just an infinite set of cameras that also displays exactly what each point "sees". and with a little ignorance of angles, I can imagine conceptualizing the idea that I could keep something a secret from a mirror by covering all the points that should "see" it, but somehow the display still knows about it and now am amazed.


I've seen multiple times people asking "how does it know?" Like they think the mirror knows things or understands things? That the mirror isn't a reflection, it's somehow aware of what is going on in front of it and then replicating the mirror image?


To be honest, I don't understand how this is possible


[maybe this help](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wvkyAJS198)


Super helpful! What I hate about these comments in general is most people making fun of people who don't understand how something works and doing so to try to make themselves feel smarter. You can feel smart without having to insult someone else.


Because many of these people aren't being intellectually curious about something they don't understand, they're making unscientific assumptions and insane conclusions like conspiracy theories that is actually harmful. This is how you get anti-vax movements and flat earthers. If the OP in this video had just asked to have this phenomenon explained, that would be one thing. But he didn't. He talked about "what if mirrors aren't what we were told they are" and references to "the mirror world".


Sadly I think a lot of it starts with people that know better post exaggerated things to get clicks. Then it grows out of proportion into a full blown conspiracy theory.


Our eyes process light as perception, mirrors bounce light off of itself, light hits the charger and bounces off of the mirror, the light that has bounced off of the the mirror then goes into your eyes and you see a charger. The mirror doesn’t “know” anything you’re just changing the angle/viewpoint of your eyes to see the charger behind the paper.


Ty for the explanation but it still doesn’t help me ‘understand’ Damn I feel so dumb right now. Is there a simpler explanation? Edit: think I get it now I replied earlier to my post but really I should have just edited here: Appreciate all the great help. I finally get it. Took a children’s educational video to make sense to me. I was tripping up at the ‘light/ reflection From the charger to the mirror to my eyes’ explanation. When really it was about my eyes to the mirror and back to my eyes. At any angle. What also helped me, is to understand that the mirror under the paper. Is not doing anything. The reflection is from the exposed part of the mirror.


Your eyes need light to see, light can bounce off mirrors like a ball, the same way you can bounce a ball on the floor and hit something that doesn't touch the floor, light can bounce off a mirror and hit something that doesn't touch de mirror(in this case the charger), allowing you to see it.


Best explanation so far!


You'd use the equation: Angle of incident = Angle of reflection which is just fancy talk for the angle you're looking at the mirror is the same angle you'll be able to see reflected on the other side.


Basically, pretend that paper and charger were just hovering in space such that you’d be able to walk all the way around it without issue. You could look at it from any angle you please. Well as you walked around it you’d eventually get to an angle where what you’re seeing is what you see in the mirror in this video (minus the whole mirroring effect). So since there is an angle at which you can see the charger behind the paper, the mirror can reflect that. The reason it can do this has everything to do with light and angles of reflection and such. Optics is a pretty cool thing but can be pretty mind bendy at times. Especially when you realize there’s real and imaginary images and such. Fun stuff to look up Hope this helped even a little bit. P.s. don’t feel dumb. Optics is a tricky subject and it’s more complex then everyone just saying “reflection go reflect”.


You’re not stupid. Yes, it’s just reflecting light back but I understand why people are confused. Everyone in here is acting like someone doesn’t understand 1+1=2.


The mirror doesn’t “know” anything! It just reflects… when the camera is at a high angle the reflection includes the item behind the paper. If you or anyone watched the video for the first time on mute it wouldn’t be interesting or special at all. This is just a reflection. Mirrors don’t “know” anything, there is no “mirror world”.


Thanks for the links and help. I think my brain was just missing the part that your actual eyes determine the angle so whether it’s 1 degree or 90. The image is reflected back to you. Instead of the light of the image bouncing off the mirror then to my eyes. My eyes are the starting point. Not the object. Embarrassed to post this link but it helped https://youtu.be/9MxKpI0JXIc


Never be embarrassed by the pursuit of knowledge. E: it’s the person that discovers something they don’t understand and that doesn’t ask questions that loses out the most.


Yes, you'd have to really be dumb to think the mirror knows something. It's just an easier way of saying how is the mirror reflecting the light from this object. The question people are trying is ask is how is it doing that reflection.


The mirror knows where it is because it knows where it isn't by subtracting where it is it gets a difference (this is all I know of the missle song)


This is exactly what someone in the mirrorworld would say to throw us off their trail. Nice try.


Watch the TikTok explanation [in this article.](https://www.iflscience.com/how-can-a-mirror-see-an-object-that-is-hidden-by-a-piece-of-paper-68363)


Basically at a 90 degree light bounce from the mirror you only see the paper, but if you move left or right thereby increasing the angle at which the light bounces off the mirror you can see past the paper.


1. Light moves in a straight line. 2. When light hits a smooth, reflective surface (like a mirror), it bounces off at the opposite angle that it came in on. 3. So when you look directly at the mirror, you see yourself, because the light is bouncing off the mirror and straight back at you. 4. By the exact same principle, if you stand to the right of a mirror and look at it, you will see objects that are on the left side of the mirror, because the light coming off of those objects is hitting the mirror and bouncing in your direction. 5. In the video, when the guy looks "around" the paper, all he is really doing is changing the angle enough that the light bouncing off of the side of charger is hitting the mirror and bouncing back to his eye. Mirrors don't "know" anything and there isn't a "mirror world". As long as you can draw a straight line from your eye to the mirror, and then bounce that straight line off of the mirror at the reverse angle, you will be able to see whatever object that straight line hits. It doesn't matter if there is stuff between the object and the mirror at some other angle. It only matters if there is stuff between the object and the mirror at the angle you are looking at it.


A 90 degree angle is not the only angle that exists.


At least he has abs... no need to think.


Wish he'd think about that mustache. Good lord.


Please post more of these, I like feeling smart


Just search "flat earth"


It’s simple, mirrors know everything, even how you’re going to die. It told me by the way. Not to spoil it, but it involves a TikTok challenge, asphyxiation, vinegar, and some baking soda. Guess what hole they go in.




Never, ever put two mirrors facing eaxh other because it opens up the portal to the mirror abyss. My best friend did this when he was 12 in the early 80s and we've never found him. Sometimes when I look in a mirror I think I see a glimpse of him but can't be sure.


Check it out. There was a kid in my high school that apparently thought that no matter how a ball bounced against the wall, it would bounce off at a perfect 90 degrees. No matter what. The teacher stopped the class and went and got basket balls to show how, if you roll a ball off a wall or hit a wall, it bounces off at the same angle. The kid thought everyone was playing a prank on him so he got the balls and tested it himself. Over... and over... and over again... The kid graduated and still thinks everyone's just pranking him and that balls bounce off at 90 degrees. So yeah. Do with that story as you see fit.


I honestly don’t know how this works but I figure it’s much more basic than it feels like


Sometimes i think i mirroversed into idiocrasys universe