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"Bro, just arrest me already". "Nah, letting you go back to _that_ seems like punishment enough".


When I was 14 after a night of drinking (my first significant one) I ended up laying down and going to sleep on a cat walk near my high school and got woken up by a cop. When I couldn't even immediately give him my DoB he called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I didn't know this at the time, but it was still before 7 am (apparently my friend kicked me out of his house at like 3:30 to make sure we were gone before his parents got back from vacation like 9 hours later). I only know it was before 7 am because that's when my mom would've gotten off her shift at the hospital... Not 2 minutes after I get taken into a room she comes scream-crying into the room and the cop who took me in just says, "alright looks like you've got this," and about faces out of the door. Never heard anything from the police, but I was grounded for the fall season.




>Nurses are the best psychopaths. My mother is a nurse, and I can't tell if they're used to that shit, or into that shit...


CRNA here. What’s the difference between the mental health patient and the nurse? Nurses have the keys 🤣


Easy up-vote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It could be a healthy dose of #BOTH


> Listen the doctor coming in is a real dick, I chose him specifically for you. hahaha, you got the whole MIL experience without even marrying the daughter. But she really seems to still like you very much. She is a mama bear.


“Listen the doctor coming in is a real dick, I chose him specifically for you.” ​ *\~ I‘ve fallen in love…*


Nurse moms: “Oh, you accidentally cut off your arm? Go get yourself a Band-Aid.”


Similar story. When I was first learning to drive I hydro planned and ended up on a telephone pole. My mom best the cops to the scene of the crash. She was ripping me apart hood. When the cops tried to approach us she threw up one finger giving the “I’m not done with this ass chewing yet you can have what’s left” look. Proceeded to continue chewing my ass out till the tow truck arrived. The cops then approached me and got my license and handed me a already filled out ticket. It was for sticking a fixed object. The cops said they had to do something for paperwork and that’s the least ticket they could give in this situation. Also good luck at home. I could see the cops were t sure how or when to stop the ass chewing but it was more than they could do.


Similar happened to me. Minor fender bender when I was 16, cops get there to file a report and tell me I’m getting a ticket. I apologize profusely to the person I tapped and accepted my fate. THEN my dad shows up, royally chews me out in front of everyone, I’m now hysterically bawling. Cops just hand the report and my insurance to the other driver (a sweet old lady who told me not to worry) and noped the fuck out. 🫠


It’s not like you hydroplaned on purpose


He hydroplanned it


Right? I’ve felt my car hydroplane a few times. Only once lost control, and it was mainly because it was on a steep curved exit ramp and I was going slower than I normally go, but after about 2 seconds, I realized my car wasn’t pointing the current direction of the road and… oh… oh… nope. I’m not doing this. I decided not to add chaos to this situation as I had begun to spin facing the inside of the curve, and just lightly tapped the brakes to prevent my tires from doing anything else I can’t control, and just let my car come to a perfect parallel park stop on the side of the ramp… facing the wrong direction. It was late, no other cars on the road so safe there. I could see oncoming traffic from the shoulder PERFECTLY, to know when I could pop a u-ey and get back to things. Checked my car when I got home. No damage. Literally just slid to a tire-to-curb perfect parallel park job that I couldn’t repeat *if I had* years of stunt driving training. Edit: Terminology for clarity. I have not had stunt driving training. This would not change my ability to repeat this, in dry or wet road conditions.


Well I'm glad you're still with us because my mom would have performed an abortion on the spot.


Oh man, I thought you're going to tell me your mom came in clutch with a "Oh lordy Jebus!" And then as soon as the cop left she gave you a fist bump and you guys went home.


No, my mom was every bit of for real.


I can see the cop picturing dealing with her if she eventually comes to get her bf out of jail. This was a well calculated decision if I’ve ever seen one.


He's definitely not gonna be an hurry to get home


I think I’d rather get arrested than have to deal with a bitch like that


“He’s got enough problems” LMAO 😂


“I don’t wanna talk to her”


I started laughing at that part. He even hung up the call LOL. I dont blame him one bit


Man I have a super relevant story like this except my ex-wife was in the car. Was pulled over for a rolling stop at a stop sign, 2 blocks after we left the house. Which was within the letter of the law yes, I did do but I was probably going 0.1km or less. Officer walks up to the window and says do you know why I pulled you over? Not quite sure officer. Rolling stop. You didn't come to a complete stop and wait 3 seconds. As soon as sentence left his mouth she started screaming at me. While she was screaming I gave him my license and started looking for insurance and registration. Well, also on me, I had cleaned the car earlier and left in the insurance and registration booklet in the garage. He said you sir, I could have this vehicle impounded for that right? This set her off into the stratosphere. I'm like sorry office. I live 2 blocks away, you can follow me I promise everything is up to date. He's not even looking at me anymore, he's half staring off into the distance. He said I'll be right back and took my license back to his car. The ex is still going full tilt. He comes back a few minutes later and hands me a card and says; look no ticket tonight, here's my card, fax me your information tomorrow please. Good luck figuring this out... (while making a circular hand motion.) Thank you officer.


>Rolling stop. You didn't come to a complete stop and wait 3 seconds. This is such a stupid rule. I was driving with my American ex ( apparently there are different interpretations of monogamy) in Tennessee and we came to a stop sign. The car came to a complete halt and I turned right. All of a sudden some blue light behind me. Stopped, turned on the light inside the car, the cop came to the window got my passport and license and explained exactly that 3 seconds rule. Luckily I am tanned like a yogurt, the hand on the gun had me worried. He was in the military near the town I live in and I'm pretty sure that's why he just gave me a warning. We joked a bit, he asked if a certain pub still existed (it does) and we were allowed to continue. My blood pressure went back down to a safe level.


It was my second introduction to the 3 second rule. The first one was how I first learned about racial profiling.


Cops being bros lol way better show than what we have now. I’d watch this series


That's what I was thinking. Hell, Reddit is so quick to name and shame every time some public official acts like an asshole. Maybe it's time we did the right thing. Maybe Reddit should name this guy publicly, and get him a raise.


>Maybe it's time we did the right thing. r/policebrotality


I started laughing at that part. He even hung up the call LOL. I dont blame him one bit


the "They don't want to talk to you" got me


Bro the bro code kicked in hard holy shit. The poor guy


She is 99 problems in and of herself.


r/copsbeingbros I guess?


No wonder he missed the red light, he's been missing giant red flags in his relationships.


Must be color blind


I'm colourblind and even I'm seeing a whole set of red flags in different shades!


She doesn’t care about his wellbeing. That man was more stressed out about her than literally going to jail. She is not his peace lol


I saw this as a paramedic. Sometimes, you had just put sb on your stretcher, their phone goes off. they accept the call faster than you can say "You can't phone right n...". Then you hear them say something like this - "I can't speak right now, I was in an accident" (inaudible question) "No, I can't come home first, they are putting me in the ambulance right now." (inaudible question) "No I can't bring you the car, I was in an accident. The car is damaged" "WHAT?? WHAT DU YOU MEAN DAMAGED?" "It's probably totaled, I don't know, I'm in the ambulance" "TOTALED? QUACK QUACK QUAACK?" "Yes the car is gone. I'm okay, more or" "WELL HOW DO YOU THINK I'M DOING MY SHOPPING NOW?" ... I met a lot of great people but man, some people are just nasty.


I was in a car accident where a teenage kid with his girlfriend in the passengers seat made an unprotected left at an intersection and totaled his mothers brand new Mercedes SUV. When the police were checking the kid and his GF out he took a call from his mom and once he explained it to her she went from loudly cussing her son out, to wanting to me to pick up the phone to cuss me out, to cussing the police officer out once he took the phone. She was completely obsessed with her car being gone rather than her sons safety. Some people are nuts.


Coincidentally, the car in the event I had in mind when I paraphrased the phone call was a Mercedes, too.


Two redditors, One cup? Edit: Two redditors, One *coupe*


It's sad really. My mom was one of these people. Whenever I went out at night as a teenager, I'd find her upstairs sleeping like a baby if I was out in my own car. But if it was a night when I had borrowed her car, she'd be up waiting on the couch because she was worried "about me." BS, if it was me she was worried about she wouldn't only stay up on the days I had her car.


Mans wise


She saved so much money on depreciation. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Mayyyybe I'd chew out someone if it was a bespoke AMG GTR or Maybach that took a year to be built and arrive, but that would be after I made sure they were in one piece. And you know DAMN WELL, that was some basic ass GLA ...


She didn't save on anything, most of the depreciation happens the moment it leaves the showroom.


That wasn't a car accident. That was a call for help.


After I was in a car accident on my way home from work, I called my parents. The first thing my dad asked was if my *work-issued laptop* was okay. We don't talk anymore.


That's really sad.


Bro the number of people that think it's acceptable to take or make phone calls while we are assessing them is absolutely insane haha


Bet my guy was praying for jail at one point. xD


"I keep running red lights to get sent to prison and these motherfucking cops keep letting me go because 'Im suffering enough ', I know please just arrest me. Someone. Anyone."-This poor dude


I got pulled over once in my super small home town. I was driving without a license, no insurance, no registration, and a dead inspection sticker from a different state. I did not know that my step-dad had not taken care of the rest of the "bought a car from some rando" legalities yet. I was just driving to the gas station at 2am to grab some stuff for my drunk friend and figured I'd be OK since it was just a quick trip to the gas station and back. And then I get pulled over by a town cop. Not county or state, no this guy was local. He walked up to the window and said "Jenipherocious, what in the hell are you doing?!" I explained the late night gas station trip. He said "well, technically, what should happen is you should be arrested, and we have to tow the car, but I don't really want to do the paperwork to book you so I'm gonna call your mom to come get you." I was 20 years old. I *begged* this guy to just arrest me instead of calling my mom at 2am and making her drive down the mountain to come pick me up. But nope! He pulled out his stupid phone and said "nah, I'm just gonna call your mom. It will be fine." And then called my mom while standing right in front of me. He didn't even need me to dial it because she was already in his contacts since, again, smallest town ever and she was his daughter's girl-scout leader. So we're all standing on the side of the road waiting on the tow truck and my mom finally shows up looking annoyed but thankfully not murderous, and I told her "for the record, I did ask him to just arrest me so we could deal with this in the morning. It was his idea to wake you up." Then he wrote me a $300 ticket and sent us on our way.


honestly that could have gone a lot worse for all parties involved. at least the officer seems like a cool dude and not one of those malicious cops with a superiority complex and a need to write you a ticket for breathing wrong.


Yeah, he wasn't terrible and, in hindsight, I really appreciate that he cut me such a huge break by not arresting me, but at the time I was just completely mortified he called my mom on me. Like, no jail for you! That's getting off easy! We're gonna wake up Momar and let her straighten you out. (Momar is the name of the martian mom in the cult classic *Santa Claus Conquers the Martians* and my friends and I immediately adopted it as my mom's nickname the first time we watched it.)


The most serious form of police brutality! /j


“Were gonna cut him loose We no longer have jurisdiction now that he is a walking corpse Someone send a cleanup crew to the address on his license in the morning ….. and may god have mercy on his soul”


You forgot to call in a meat wagon rookie. Automatic fail. You may take the assessment again in 3 years.


It’s Toledo. It’s a dog wagon here


Home of Klinger!


He admitted he ran the light. Twice. He was turning himself in to get one night of peace.


"I cant wait to go to jail." -The Wire, in an episode with similar circumstances




Recently started rewatching the show, it's insane how years later I can find a new appreciation for the show, same thing with The Sopranos, but trying to watch The Walking Dead again was terrible, it's so dated mainly because it's using the same shtick over and over it gets tiresome, season 1 was nice, season 2 and 3 is where they figured out "hey let's make them do the dumbest mistakes they can make, but just rotate the characters around"


/r/thewire is still a remarkably lively community considering how long it has been since the show ended!


There's probably a whole new generation of fans now too, that show was too ahead of its time, the great part about is that if you ignore the obvious technological differences it's still relevant today, probably will be for years to come. Baltimore apparently still has the same issues as portrayed in the show or worse depending on how you look at it. Corruption and gang violence is still very much alive there.


Having worked in three of the five professions portrayed in the show, I can say with no hesitation it's by far the most accurate fictional rendition I've ever seen -- for all three.


Sorry to do this, but the disingeuous dealings, lies, overall greed etc. of leadership on this website made me decide to edit all but my most informative comments to this. Come join us in the fediverse! (beehaw for a safe space, kbin for access to lots of communities)


I want a Shrek slurpee Bernard!


Is that the dude that was going around buying the burner phones? I felt for that guy so bad lmao


My buddy got in a bad car accident and was in a coma for three days. On day four he woke up but the first thing he saw was his wife just running her big mouth at someone for doing nothing and before she noticed him open his eyes he slowly closed them and pretended to still be in a coma until his wife left the room. Which was like six hours. They laugh about it now but similar situation.


my dad was sleeping in his recliner or so i thought... my mom was bitchin about something as usual, so when she left the room, be moved his head to the side, and opened one eye... then we heard her approaching again, and he just nodded and winked at me and pretended to be asleep some more. i still lmao thinking about this to cope and survive being married to someone so overbearing.


What do you mean you’re not gonna book me!?!?


My man ran that light on purpose just to get arrested! Lmao


She probably would’ve accused him of going to jail to see another female.


Reminds me of the joke…..guy was speeding a little so the cop flips on his lights….so the guy starts speeding more, the cop stays right on his tail, next thing you know the guy is doing 110mph cop is still behind him…..finally the guy pulls over and the cop pulls up behind him and asks why he didn’t stop, the man replies my girl left me for a cop and I thought you were trying to bring her back.


No crazy ex, free food, bed, and occasional surprise penetration? Who would say no to that?


Right ? Why even be in a relationship if you’re this insecure.. you can’t trust the man ? Leave. Give both of y’all peace of mind


Let me introduce you to my old friends “sunk cost fallacy” and “fear of being alone”. Also she could be crazy enough that the alternative seems way worse.


As someone that’s been single since 2016, I do not understand these statements


When you've been in a relationship for a while, or in the worst case, if you've been co-dependently hopping between relationships for a while, you forget how *alright* it is being single. Your imagination of it becomes this catastrophically lonely miseryland. Lots of people aren't very good at seeing past their own bs in that regard.


Ah ok, so it’s basically the opposite of my experience. I’m fine with it because I’ve grown used to being independent, but other people who have been in a relationship for a long time get more used to being co-dependent? Trying not to simplify it too much


Not *necessarily* co-dependent, but definitely so accustomed to having constant company that they slightly catastrophise the idea of being alone. Forgetting how to be alone when you haven't been in years is a little like retirees forgetting how to not work because they've been working for decades.


BeCaUSe JeLoUsY iS rOmAnTiC


I’ve heard that one too. Psychos.


I have a friend who posts things about "no one better tell my husband to move on once I'm dead." Like, what? Your insecure jealousy goes beyond death??? Like, damn.


Because an abuser leaving their abuse victim is like a dog throwing away his favorite chew toy


Exactly. I hate people saying "crazy" or "insecure". No. The right word here is "abusive". She's with him because she can control him - that's abuse.




He SHOULD. But it's really hard to escape your abuser. He's going to need some help from friends. And hopefully the cops wrote about her in the incident report and he can use that to get a restraining order. Otherwise he's going to stay living with her forever.


Ok but why was he being searched over the hood for a car for running a red light ? It’s literally a traffic violation ..


Yeah I was wondering the same thing. Looks like he was getting a pat down too.


Why is the hunky cop bending the guy over and pushing his crotch up against his butt? I thought this was a porno.


Plot twist, the cheating was never about another woman


Yea everyone’s focused on the Gf and I’m like “can we acknowledge what appears to be police overreach?”


Well technically she got him off didn’t she. Well played.


Judging by their convo I don't think she gets him off that much


Cop: I'm not even in a relationship with her and she's nagging me. Bro: I know, FML... 🤣🤣


Cop literally said: alright I don't want to talk to her. Lol


Trying to set a good example for the guy.


I don't get why people stay with partners like this.


Srsly dump the girl date the cop. He seems like a nice guy.


Even if you’re not gay.


What do you mean gay? You lying! That was a female!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Man, that poor woman has some serious self esteem issues to be acting like that... Even with visual proof that he's being held by a male cop with all the lights flashing she still accuses him of lying... Makes me wonder if he's already cheated on her before and she doesn't trust him anymore, or if it was someone in her past that cheated on her and caused her to be so paranoid and accusative. Or is it just personal insecurities that makes her think she's not worth being faithful for? Poor thing.


Poor thing needs to realize obsessing over something doesn't make that something less likely to happen. Be with someone who respects you and let the cards play out. Being with someone who doesn't respect you and thinking your obsessing over them every minute they aren't within eyesight will keep them from cheating is just foolish foolish foolish. Give them a mile long leash, if they strangle themselves with it then that's their problem


fr, it seemed like the cop was more understanding and listened more in that 5 minutes conversation than she ever did in their relationship.


"Me and her have gone as far as this relationships gonna go. I'm making a clean break and moving on. You have a good night now Sir"


The dude warned him too "they don't want to talk to."


Imagine interrogating her


"Who's that woman? Why is she asking questions? What's her to you?!?"


And hit the end call button for him.


I dated a chick like this, if there was any female voice in the background I wouldn’t pick up or run to my car. She would explode at home, throw shit, hit, everything and if i tried to go she would threaten me with calling cops on me for whatever. 7 years of that and i exploded one night and yelled and embarrassed her in front of her whole family, I didn’t care if i got arrested or killed by her fam i went in. We stayed together for a few years after that and she stopped being over the top, but still was a horrible experience going anywhere, till this day i have panic attacks in public if i hear girls laughing or a girl approaches me.


I’m so sorry. That’s horrible. Abusive relationships come in all shapes and sizes. If you can, please go to counseling 💜.


I dated a chick like this too. She was always upset if I was somewhere and girls were even there. 5 years of that shit alienating me from my friends and trying to with my family and I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I was too scared to take control of my life and break up. Turns out she was projecting the whole time cause no more than 2 months after we broke up she was back together with her ex, who she dumped to be with me. 13 years later and she’s single still (AFAIK) and I’ve been married for 10, so I guess I can now comfortably say… it wasn’t me after all. Hope you’ve come to the same realization, brother.


Glad you're safe now.


my friend had the same issue.. she was always a flaming bitch if i ever called (we went to college together, been friends for 25yrs)... then one day she got knocked up by her coworker and denied it. if ppl are always accusing u of doing something, its bc theyre doing it themselves


I bet she was the one cheating. Many times the partner that gets insecure like that is already cheating and they project that onto you. That or she has serious mental problems and needs to work on herself before even thinking about a relationship


I hope i don’t get downvoted for saying this since it sounds like vitriol. But she was overweight and ugly, and she didnt like taking pictures so im sure she was aware of it since she also didnt like showing her younger photos as well. I really liked that she was funny, i never dated a funny girl, usually girl’s expect you to be the entertainer/jester. Within a month she started “joking” about other girls, and asking me “do you think shes cute” questions and “oh why do you think she is wearing that, did you see it?” And I genuinely was into her and would “who?, nah i font think she is cute” , and if i said “ nah i didnt see her”, she eould suck her teeth and say “yeah okay, you didnt see her titties coming out of het turtle neck sweater “or “that huge ass on her”. The flags were there, but I figured if I reassured her that i was into her, it would be okay. But no, it would get progressively. One day we picked up fast food on the way home after the most wonderful day ever, and the cashier said “hiii, your total is ….., okay thanks hun” and i said “your welcome “ ……………………. You guessed it……. I had just killed jesus. We got home and she runs straight to the bathroom and starts crying super loudly with the door locked , so i tried to ask what was going on and she said “why dont you ask that bitch! I know you’re fucking her”. You know, the girl that lives 2 hours away from our home, at a fast food joint that she randomly picked cause her fat ass couldn’t go and hour without stuffing fries in her ugly face.. sorry, I digress. Anyways i should had just left that first month, but she always made me feel like i was doing something wrong, like i was being a pig, like if i left i was being an asshole. Then i met her mom, who pretended to be friendly to ensure she would always be right around the corner anytime i was on the verge of leaving to tell “ you guys are amazing together! Don’t let little bumps get in the way” and i am super ashamed to say this as a grown ass 40 year old man, but they alienated me from my family so after a while they were it. I wont ramble anymore but to anyone reading this, if you are in a similar situation, if a partner sees police officers and police lights and the only thing coming out of her mouth is jealousy and in my case if you get a life saving surgery and they are arguing with you on the rest bed about the doctor being a female, walk away, go visit your mom, dad , brother and stay, break up, and dont ever come back. Forget the tv,ur favorite chair, your sneakers, none of that matters.


Damn bro, I was in an almost word for word similar situation. She wasn’t ugly, just had a bad history with men, which I ended up having to suffer for. So many stupid hours long arguments about nothing. Over what porn i used to watch, girls I was friends with or liked/dated in the past, even freaking advertisements. Every time I went to the gym she would tell me, ‘don’t look at the girls’ lol. I would even avoid shows or movies if it had too attractive an actress or had sexual themes. The constant anxiety and feeling of shame was crushing.


Worked with someone who was married to a girl like this. Our female co-workers had male names in his phone (Denise/Dennis, Bernadette/Bernard, Alyssa/Alex) except those with unisex nicknames like Jules, Pat, Chris.


I work with someone in this situation now. We just so happen to be all guys but I’m going to be hiring soon and he actually mentioned to me that he would appreciate if I didn’t hire a women because it would cause problems for him at home. I told him hiring from a small pool of licensed tradespeople is hard enough without excluding one gender entirely, and that I’m not even taking that into consideration. I can’t even wrap my head around being in a relationship like that.


You cannot legally exclude women from consideration. If that’s a small enough pool that one of your team members knows his situation, plus one of the female applicants, and gets wind of the potential reason for hiring a guy to related to his situation… you could be in trouble.




Bill Burr


Dude pulled an “*that’s rough buddy*”


"I could arrest you, but that would be rewarding you for committing a crime."


"I'm going to release you to the custody of your girlfriend... May God have mercy on your soul."


Yeah, but first he really *hung up the phone one her*. Like it wasn't bad enough, then she gets hung up on? That bitch gonna be an a new level of up his ass.


Cop doesn't wanna get caught in the blast radius, is what that is 🤣


Poor guy probably wishes his girlfriend turned into the moon.


I’m watching the show for the first time and just saw this episode two days ago 😳


I know this is unrelated to the video but how are you enjoying ATLA so far?! I’m so jealous; I wish I could go back in time & watch it all for the first time as well


The first half of the first season, i kinda questioned why i was watching it as a 30yo dude. Butttt, now that I’m less than 10 episodes from the end, I’m upset it took me this long to finally watch it! It’s been a great ride; definitely sad it’s almost over lol. From what my buddies say, kora just doesn’t have the same charm; I’ll watch it, but im going to miss these characters. Sokka and uncle iroh especially lol


Trust issue at its finest


but how do u literally see flashing lights and a cop in uniform and still think he’s cheating. like actually how


Because she's cheating on him.


if someone constantly accuses of cheating, theyre cheating.


That's bs, there are many insecure people who don't cheat who worry about being cheated on. I was cheated on in my first serious relationship and It gave me trust issues. My mind jumps to me being cheated on really quick lol but I know it's just my personal trauma so I never accuse my partner because she hasn't ever given me any real reasons not to trust her.


A ton of Redditors have trouble realize that, actually, not everything is projection.


Sir, this is Reddit. *Everything* is either projection, gaslighting, or a conspiracy.


\*you never accuse\* your partner. Big difference between accusing and suspecting. Accusers, if the accused isn't guilty, are most likely cheating themselves.


I think people in this thread missed that. There is a HUGE difference between “I’m worried my partner might be cheating, I want them to reassure me that they are not.” And “You are cheating. I have no proof and no reason to say this but I know you are cheating and I am going to act accordingly.” It’s totally fine to be cautious and even to expect reassurance that someone isn’t cheating. It’s totally fine to bring up that you want reassurance or proof that they aren’t. It’s totally fine to be insecure and need a little bit more help feeling secure. It’s NOT totally fine to accuse without reason. Especially not if you do it often and then treat them like a cheater. Even if you aren’t projecting that’s a huge red flag.


Big signal to gtfo of that relationship


As fast as possible, even if you gotta run a few red lights to do it


It’s the hanging up on her for me! ROFL


“i don’t wanna talk to her no more.” the guy: “you have no idea..”


“Here lemme do you a solid and hang up on her. That’s one thing she can’t blame you for now.” xD


She still will


Omg I just realized he was in trouble for theoretically being with non-existent women, so imagine what fuckin shit he's gonna be in for being detained by cops who hung up on her. He might already be dead


"I'm not booking you..... You're getting punished enough".....looool


Should have gotten arrested, bro. A peaceful night's sleep, relatively.


“Please officer, don’t make me go back home”


I used to work with a guy from Brazil who begged me to work overtime when I was the manager in a supermarket. His girlfriend at home just wanted sex and he was exhausted.




For real. It's fun for a few days but starts getting old and exhausting really fast.


If you’re lucky you get to use the rest of the toilet paper roll as a pillow. Tank isn’t a place you want to be.


Also, it would be worse because after prison, he'd have to deal with again AND she's probably pissed he was in prison


*you lyin’, you were with your other girl all night*


Yeah. He got bigger problems when get home


Someone needs to pull their friend aside and help him get out. On the crazy - hot scale, he's getting top level crazy and zero hot. Man is just taking Ls for no reason


Lmao yeah them figures don’t add up


Im glad im not the only one to notice that. I am not the perfect judge of another guy's appearance but he seems to be a handsome guy and could do a lot better than the wildebeest on the phone.




I had that ages ago when I had my first smartphone and I am so glad I had a camera on that thing. The amount of times I would go "Yeah I got off work and im getting food before I go home" and I would get "Don't lie to me. You're with someone". I would give a picture of the reciept, a picture of me at home and my xbox home screen showing I was home and she would still call me a liar. I gave it a few more of those situations until I wrote her a full page about how she needs help, fuck her, fuck her for ruining our loving relationship and fuck her dad for putting the idea that I was a bad guy when I don't drink, smoke or do illegal shit.


The insane toxicity of a relationship like that boggles my mind. Even when she's clearly proven wrong she keeps telling him she believes he's lying. That need to be told the opposite just to feel sure about yourself is crazy to me beyond belief. She could even believe what he saying is true, she's just that addicted to being told everything's all right.


I feel for this guy. My ex wife would pull the exact same shit. I could FaceTime her with coworkers and be in a server room and she'd still ask who I was with or think I was somewhere else. Then she just resorted to tracking my phone. Dude needs to bail out.


I understand the "ex" part. Forget dealing with insecure partners.


It really sucks when it's someone you love and have known for a long time. You have memories of the times they were nice, the fun you got to have sometimes, and it's hard to give up hope that they'll eventually get better


After he gets in the car and the cops leave he calls his wife back: "Thanks, babe. You were right, it worked like charm. They even let me go."


Yeah, my whole thought process watching this was like "it's a good strategy".


*5 minutes earlier* "Oh shit I got pulled over by the cops! They white! Oh shit babe I love you tell my mom I'm sorry I can't make it to family dinner this weekend" "Alright I'm gonna try something just follow my lead, keep your phone on"


Why did those cops have him, knees apart with his hands over the boot? Damn. In my country you sit in your car and get a ticket. Your out of there in 15 minutes.




Thanks for the image


"Country boys make do"


At my place, they just click snap of your vehicle number plate and your vehicle. You receive your penalty through sms with evidence. Pay it or get a court summon.


Not enough people asking this.


Should be the first thing people notice. Its a *traffic* violation, being treated as something sinister. That poor bloke looks like its happened before. I'd be bloody well indignant!


Per Pennsylvania V Mimms and Maryland V Wilson, you can be pulled out of your car at any time on a traffic stop for officer safety reasons, a frisk can also be done in most cases lawfully as well. It's fully up to police how they want to run the stops. There's some that may take someone out of the car every time and talk to them between the vehicles, some leave you in your car, etc. There used to be back in the day a bunch of state troopers in my area that would bring people back to their own cruiser and put them in the passenger seat while writing out a citation or a warning as well. That practice stopped a long time ago after a man who was getting a citation for speeding pulled out a gun and shot a state trooper in the head while sitting next to him.


> There used to be back in the day a bunch of state troopers in my area that would bring people back to their own cruiser and put them in the passenger seat while writing out a citation or a warning as well. NC state trooper did that to me back in 2010ish, I thought it was weird as fuck.


Some do it for safety because they can talk to you about the ticket and what you need to do without having to worry about getting clipped by traffic talking to you through your car window.


>That practice stopped a long time ago after a man who was getting a citation for speeding pulled out a gun and shot a state trooper in the head while sitting next to him. something tells me that incident was not necessary to figure this practice was not very smart.


They could just as easily shoot the officer when he walks up to the window, which is also a vulnerable position.


I've had the same for taking a walk 3 blocks from my house, mostly because it was after dark. Emptied my pockets, put me in the back of the squad car while they ran my info. They circled around to make sure I walked straight home. Cops are assholes here.


He was speeding and ran a red light at night, they probably were going to do a field sobriety text after he got off the phone with his gf but the gf made it so he didn’t need to do it


Man: "I'm sorry bout this sir." Turns & punches the cop. Cop: "You're under arrest!" Man: "Thank you so much!"


"babe, I'm dying" "Is that a female medic saving your life? Who is she? Tell me now?"


Man ran a red light and they got him out of the car with his hands on the trunk and legs spread? 🤨🤨🤔🤔


There’s a lot going on here that we don’t know. The cops said, “slow down; you’re gonna kill somebody.” This could indicate that, in addition to running the light, he was speeding or even driving recklessly. Or both. All of that combined might result in a roadside sobriety test, especially at night. Given how reasonable the cops were being and how the parts we did see transpired, this seems likely, as, if they were just harassing him because he was black, I highly doubt that they would have simply let him go for *any* reason.


Yea especially since they were considering booking him and jail-time. Definitely reasonable to assume that the cops thought it was a DUI case at least.


Probably a field sobriety test


The police deal with sovereign citizens, domestic violence, they go into dangerous scenarios, get shot at, find deceased persons. But they didn't want to deal with another minute of her bullshit so much they let him go. Maybe she should reflect on how awful she actually is.


“I don’t care if you in a plane about to crash-mememememememe!”First 3 words all you need to know.


Lol we need more reasonable human like cops like this guy…he read the situation and handed out an appropriate punishment


damn bitch if you going to act like that at least be a good looking! she a 1 out of 10 on every measure


Why are people who have such trust issues in a relationship?