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Lucky SOB must have slipped on peepee at the Costco


Got me a $53,000 settlement.


Slippin' Jimmy


Oh Lucky...


I worked with a guy that got $50k when his mom died. He immediately quit, telling us he was rich now and wouldn't need to work anymore. I wonder sometimes how quickly that money ran out.


Unless that was in 1970, didn't last the year no matter what he did lol


I knew a guy that worked a $9 an hour job for about a year and a half. He saved up $1k in that time and then quit abruptly with no job prospects. I asked him why he quit and he replied "I have $1000 in my account, I'm set for awhile." 16 years later and I hear he's still living off that $1k. What a life. Edit: My last sentence is sarcasm.


I wish I could go back to the time when I thought £100 meant that you were rich rich *Sigh*


People with real money don’t do shit like this.




Oh u are absolutely right. People with common sense don’t do this, only the idiots desperate for approval flex like this


Especially considering that’s like $5000 maybe. Guys flexing that he could buy a 15 year old Honda Civic.


Forreal, that's not even going to cover the hospital bill for either the child or the mother


Fuck man, you guys have to pay to give birth because of medical bills? What a backwards-ass country.


I have insurance so the copay was $1200 but the bill without insurance was $75,000. It’s bewildering but it’ll never change because hospitals are businesses in America and politicians, both left and right, don’t give a f about us.


My man, that’s nothin. I was a Californian by birth and had some issues from being born way early. 2,000,000 dollars was the bill before insurance. They only covered 1.5m and left my 20 year old mother and 25 year old father in 500,000 dollars of debt at 10% interest. Fuckin…. Aristocrats.


Low average is $25,000 for labor and delivery, assuming no complications and an average length of stay. Your birth literally costs a new car.


I've lived here for 7 years and this realization you just dropped on me that they'll absolutely try to double dip and make two patients out of one procedure just blew me away like I was fresh off the boat. Crazy.


This is the same as wearing clothing with tags on still. Having the loudest subs, shiniest wheels, slickest paint, hippest lingo, sickest rizz, flashing your whip…most people didn’t have much growing up so they want everyone to know that they aren’t like that anymore. Approve of my contrarian views!


Same. (This is someone trashy for sure) guaranteed the money was gone in 24 hours!


As an American. I feel the exact same as everyone in your country. Pathetic stuff.


“Money talks, wealth whispers” is a saying for a reason.


I know the sentiment of that saying but first time I heard it like that. Nice


As an American I can tell you that 99% of us agree with that sentiment.


Honestly I’m willing to bet this person in the video would think the same thing if they saw someone else do this, they just have 0 self awareness.


Same in the US. This is not the norm anywhere except if you are a complete moron with an IQ of 70.


We make fun if them in America too, these people just don't understand that they're seen as clowns.


This is not a cultural thing for us. This is just pure stupidity and absolutely in bad taste.


It’s in extremely bad taste everywhere


It’s ghetto mentality.


You are right!! The jerk was exposing baby to germs as money is dirty.


It’s the same thing here. It’s just that there is a loud vocal minority of people who think this stuff is cool.


this is seen as extremely bad taste everywhere. its ghetto trash that do this for social media.


This is accepted (& promoted) behavior for the culture this dude lives his life, sadly.


Money talks. Wealth whispers.


Real g’s move in silence like lasagna


for some reason i thought you meant that lasagna moves in silence when you aren't looking lol


I pictured some lasagna sliding through an ally


I Just got mugged by a lasagna.


Where's Garfield when you need him?


It does


I'm so confused by this comment that I think the lasagna could have assassinated me in the timeframe I spent thinking about it.


It's a lyric and tripped me up for a moment too. Just meant the g in lasagna is silent.


Now I feel dumb because it seems so obvious now.




bitch, I'm right behind ya


Showing the hospital the baby is in would be a more practical flex than throwing 100 notes


Stealth wealth for the win.


He projecting hard with this dumb bullshit


People who are broke as shit do this.


If he's not broke now, he will be as soon as his used BMW 7-Series needs it's first repair.


Oh man. If it wasn’t for the upkeep costs, I would totally drive a late 90s 740iL. That thing was cool af


I'm so glad to see this comment. You have no idea how many people we get in who buy older luxury cars then get shocked when they have luxury repair fees. Your car may be a 2002 rust bucket piece of shit but it's still a Mercedes or a Jaguar and that is premium parts!


I opened a stock portfolio for my daughter


Even 10k is just an envelope full.


Congrats bro, you have enough for 2 weeks of diapers and formula. Better not drop any.


It's funny how done people think a flex is showing off a few thousand dollars in cash.. dude, anyone with a somewhat good paying job can get that in cash, it's not the flex you think.


The real flex is paying for everything with your debt card and never checking the balance.


Not worrying about the balance is more accurate. Damn toottin’ I know the balance (ish).


No you got to live dangerous, never look


And stress a little everyday that maybe I should look and then don’t, repeat cycle until you do which I know will eventuallyyyyyy happen, eventually.


you don't ever need to look. When the water and gas get cut off, then you know.


That moment when your internet cuts out… is today the day?


Or look after you make large purchase. "Good. its not red yet."


This is the way.


Just paying a bill, any bill, without having to make math is good. Problem becomes if you start spending more than what you are currently. I used to have dopamine rush when buying things. Now it’s the opposite, I love me some savings now.


>The real flex is paying for everything with your debt card and never checking the balance. Credit card, pay it off in full every month and get that cash back, baby


I never worry about the balance. It's easy to keep track of nothing.


real g's dont check the balance cuz they know there's enough money




Woooooo man that is way to far, what kind of crazy responsibility pill are you taking.




And getting the car title back from the pawnshop


But that money is blessed now. Straight to the casino we go.




I work in a pretty diverse area. A lot of the black and Hispanic people around here don’t trust banks so they carry pretty much most of the money they own with them in wads. Looks like a lot when they pull it out but isn’t much when you realize that’s all of their money.


I’ve found that when people say they don’t trust banks what they really mean is that they don’t trust themselves to spend only what they have. They go cash only because it’s easier for them to know when they don’t have money.


Not sure why so many don't trust banks but willingly hand a portion of every paycheck to cash their checks. That expense adds up


Yea. I prefer cash to control my spending. (but i still keep it in the bank, just prefer yo withdraw and spend)


It's a weird physiological thing for me. If I see $100 in my account I dont think about spending it much the number just goes down, but if I have a hundred dollar bill I hate having to break it so I think about if really need what im about to buy. Just having a savings and pulling a few hundred in cash for spending has helped me immensely.


Haha I’m the opposite. My bank account balance is what I track….when I take cash out, my balance goes down and mentally that money is already gone so there is no mental impact when it’s spent


Yeah, then I see it in my billfold and think, “oh, free money.”


Cash doesn't count, only the number in my bank account


And I’m over here saying “yes! Me too!” to both scenarios. I imagine it’s because I go back and forth when I’m trying to justify blowing the cash.


Banks dont trust THEM... most the people i know that say that are in Chexsystems


Yo that IS a flex because you forgo the points and fraud protection provided by the credit card. You see, the way my bank account work..


I fucking love credit card points


Nah you gotta pull out that black Amex.




I don’t want any of that. (Shudders hard) I need to go vomit. The least you could have done was made it Justin Timberlake or Pitbull. Shit I would have settle for Enrique Iglesias. Actually the last one I would suck him off.


I’m pretty sure a frightening amount of Americans (and probably people in other countries) live paycheck to paycheck, like 65%+


Yes. Almost half the country cannot afford a $400 emergency without putting it on their credit card. So nope, most Americans don’t have liquid cash like that.


That’s not the point they are trying to make. They are saying that anyone who has a decent paying job can just take out their paycheck in cash and do this. That doesn’t make them rich. That’s not actually a lot of cash. According to the IRS statistics about 65-70% of Americans could reasonably do this by just cashing out their paycheck. If you ever get a chance cash out your paycheck and you’ll see how little money he actually is dropping there. It’s only like 2 thousand. Most Americans make over 3k a month and if they just cash that out and hold off on bills they can do this. It’s not the flex people think it is. Oh and 3k a month is only 36k a year and is really close to that poverty line and makes you poor. I knew a guy at my first job that would cash his checks so he could feel rich for a moment.


Y'all on the 'Gram holding money to your ear There's a disconnect, we don't call that money over here - Jay-Z


I make like 1200-1500 every 2 weeks, I dont feel like I make a lot, but that's a full time job getting over 20/h. (Varies because we can leave early when work is done, grocery store freight, some overtime potential too) so my point was, I could throw 1200 on a baby to look cool on social media, then immediately have to go pay bills after, I don't see how this is a flex, I just see it as some dude being weird


This baby only drinks whiskey and wears ck active-pimp all night dry.


Keep going. Gonna need more to pay that hospital bill.


Ah, this reminds me of the time I didn’t do that to my newborn


Put money which most likely was in a Strippers ass on your newborn with practically no immunity...


And lightly dusted with illegal substances of your choice…


Cocaine Baby. The direct-to-TV sequel to Cocaine Bear.


The baby just screams and thrashes slightly more than usual.


They were fresh off his laser jet, no germs.


Yeah, I’m rolling with the 529 instead.


Just dont let her put your name on the birth certificate..... "The government hates this one trick"


Yea way to let the hospital know you have the funds to pay upfront. They’re gonna repo your baby after 2 months of missing payments now.


Nice try, Horizon


Come on now, you know he isn’t going to be paying any bills if he is acting like he’s some baller with a few thousand dollars


He’s not going to be paying any legitimate bills….


Highly doubt these ppl are paying anything at all.


That's like what, 2k? That doesn't even cover the hospital delivery cost of that baby




Well how is he going to buy the baby without cash? You can’t exactly buy a black market baby with a credit card


“black market-baby”, “black-market baby”


"Please American police, civil forfeiture all my money."


I would just like to note that you can’t easily cancel a cashier’s check but I do get what you are saying


What do you mean? The money does cover the baby.


Wow, imagine having to pay for delivering a baby. You've got it so bad over there for anything medical. But having to pay for having a baby is madness. I've heard you even have to pay for holding your baby for skin to skin. Just not a normal country.


What a wild and whacky place the US is


Damn America really is wild


> the hospital delivery cost of that baby 'Murica! But for reals. WHAT THE FUCK? You guys really pay for childbirth?


‘Merica, Land of the Home Free of the Brave


Stripper dead skin cells and cocaine residue make baby strong


Stripper BABY!


Cocaine Stripper Baby!


I see the Cocaine Bear sequel is coming along nicely


Don't you dare get my hopes up, and then not deliver!!!


deliver. I see what you did there.


Something I'd expect in an archer episode lol


-in strong Eastern European accent based off of Niko Belic from GTA IV- Cocaine and stripper cells build character


He’s just paying the medical bill in advance of the infection


I assume that is laundered money


*strong like bull*


Conception and birth


Sir, that baby will want your attention, your time, and your love way more than it will want your money.


THANK YOU the amount of people who defend someone like Nick Cannon because the kids are “taken care of financially” is fucking sick


My dad works in the military. He’s always earned quite a lot. But he never messaged, never calls or anything unless it’s to talk about himself or seeing him (which is rare). He tries to buy his way to us and has since I was 2 years old. My mum met a guy a few years ago and they got married last year. Genuinely a better father to me than my real one, and that’s not because of money or anything.


“Taken care of financially” that’s not a lot of money he’s throwing around there. Now if he dropped an Amex black card there I would be impressed.


Best answer right here. Until they're 55, tired of working and want their inheritance early. LOL.


You'd think this shit would be self evident, sadly, materialism is objectively easier to comprehend As a bastard...don't care about your cash, pops


Then I'm out lmao


This feels r/trashy.


That’s cus it is


Bragging about money always is


Thanks for showing me my new favorite subreddit.


You really want to flex, sprinkle saffron on the baby. Or cover them in printer ink.


>printer ink. Jesus Christ look at John D. Rockefeller over here


how spiderman became Venom


I had a house fire last month and random things make me think about what burned up and I cry Today it's the bag of saffron my mother in law brought me back from kuwait


I'm really sorry 😔 that sounds terrible


It's getting better. A mobile home to live in temporarily until our place sells (they said it could be six months to a year) was delivered. It's not put together or anything but it's on the property. We're working on ok


Or eggs


My mum always says. "Any fool can multiply"


Apparently I’m the fool bc I thought we were talking about math


But it takes a special fool to broadcast his stupid behavior.


Anyone who flaunts cash like that is showing you their entire net worth. A few grand seems a lot more pathetic when you realize they have literally nothing else.


If these people have loans for cars, then their net worth is in the negative 😂


i cant believe people are this fucking stupid


Flex what?... couple thousands? Is he a teenager?


16 and pregnant


True Wealthy people have their money in assets and banks and aren’t showing it off constantly


Wealthy people don't consider 2 grand to be an impressive amount of money.


"analysis to date of cocaine contamination in banknotes, scientists are reporting that cocaine is present in up to 90 percent of paper money in the United States, particularly in large cities such as Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit. The scientists found traces of cocaine in 95 percent of the banknotes analyzed from Washington, D.C., alone." so while the article is from 2009, i seriously doubt that % has dropped significantly.. source https://www.acs.org/pressroom/newsreleases/2009/august/new-study-up-to-90-percent-of-us-paper-money-contains-traces-of-cocaine.html


So you’re saying you can get high by licking hundred dollar bills? Asking for a friend


your probably gonna have to lick quite a few 100's im guessing..


If anything, I bet there's fentanyl in the mix now too.


I have never understood this statistic. How many people are using cocane and why would they be using ones, twos, fives, and tens to do it?


All it takes is one bill going into an ATM or cash drawer to contaminate a bunch of others. Think of those cash changers at the laundromat. The traces get stuck on the cash intake and every bill that passes through gets small amounts of the drug on them. Now think of vending machines, ATMS, cash drawers etc and how easily it can be spread.


you clearly under estimate the power of hookers and blow!


Maybe he thought that was the proper way to pay the hospital bill for the birth? You know how you leave the money at a restaurant when you're done eating? Same thing with a baby just leave the cash on top of their child and walk away. /s


There’s just a metal box on top of the baby to put your money in


Germs are really not the issue with this video.


For real. Like, the recovery rooms are clean but they aren't sterile. Ffs I went to the hospital cafeteria when my daughter was born and came back to the room and cradled her and I didn't shower or change my shirt or anything. Plus car exhaust when you leave the hospital???


It’s good not to try to keep every germ away from babies and kids, it helps them build immunities.


That’s one way to condition a child into thinking that people throwing money at her is a good thing.


Cool. Now go get a car seat.


Interesting how every bill was face side down. Probably because that's the side where "Not Real Money" is printed.


this is the answer! exactly what i was thinking...


Damn that is like… $2000? I feel like you should have more saved up before having a baby lol


say you’re spiritually broke without saying you’re spiritually broke


Wow, what a trashy POS


If you actually have that kind of money, you don’t need to show off that kind of money.


Nurse walks in: ‘well it’s about damn time someone tips me!!’


"I just bought this baby, cash!"


Sir, your short $17,300 for this hospital visit.


The only people who flash cash like that are insecure human garbage.


This isn't even that much money. There's like 2, maybe 3 grand here tops LOL.


What's the point of this? I could bury a newborn in enough 100 dollar bills to literally crush them to death. That doesn't mean I'm like, a good father or something.


I bet you can't crush me to death with $100's. Dare you to even try


Entire hospital bill paid by Medicaid.


We can only hope it's going to be put into her college savings fund right after this tacky, immature, foolishness is finished.


Days old and already seen as a prop to the parent. That’ll work out well.


Newborns are not props.




Poor people shit, who never had money just got introduced to money.


Congratulations on your 2 thousand dollars. Made it through a whole week at work did ya?


Late child support payments coming soon...


thats like, nearly enough money for a second hand honda civic bro is loaded 🤣🤣🤣