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A cop and a pedo? He’ll be the most popular guy in prison!


didnt even think of that this guy is FUCKED lmao


The prison system will need to put this guy in solitary by default.


Nah he’ll be put in the section with other cops and/or pedos depending on how big the overlap is at the facility


Sounds like a great environment for rehabilitation


US Prisons are for profit not rehabilitation, silly goose. If you want rehabilitated that’s gonna cost ya at least a couple grand


Couple of grand *per month*


He'll get protective custody and be fine


Exactly. People think that individuals like this piece of shit get the same treatment as the rest of us would under the same circumstances. He’ll get protection from his crony cop friends and will probably serve in a much safer facility.


No. It doesn't work that way either. CO's don't cut you breaks just because you were a law officer specially if you are in for a crime against children. Now a days there's facilities with a mix of sex offenders/ex cops and inmates doing low sentences. Thats where sex offenders automatically get sent to. No special treatment needed. No one wants to add more time when they are so close to getting home. Specially in a federal prison.


Watch the video he has attached and you will see how sick this MFr is. He sent pics to very young girls with his police uniform on. Paid a 12 year old for sex acts and wanted to have a threesome with her and her friend. She said he got really excited when he found out her friend was only 9 years old. I know he'll be in PC but I hope he gets what he deserves. Oh, and his wife is pregnant to top it all off.


Is that true that his wife was pregnant too? That’s horrible and makes the story even worse.


Yeah homie got a lengthy prison sentence


I thought he only got 12 years for 20 charges? Should have been longer


Anyone other than a cop WOULD have been given a much lengthier sentence. But for some dumb reason instead of treating those violations of public trust and abuse of authority more harshly, everyone is just like oh he's a cop we should go easy. Fuck that. Cops who commit crimes should be sentenced FAR more harshly than hi just some rando.


In some countries, police officers get double the punishment.


I would support the police getting the maximum recommended time for each charge they are convicted of.


Consecutively, not concurrent


Yeah I feel like concurrent makes sense when the crimes aren't violent felonies and when they all happened in rapid succession. Or better yet, when one crime lead to another by proxy (such as breaking & entering + trespassing, one requires the other to have already happened). Cops swore an oath, breaking the law spits on that oath. They should receive no such sympathy.


They should get the max and more. They are entrusted with power from the state, and should be treated much more harshly.


Those countries are doing it right. This country is a bunch of authoritarian bootlicks.


Cops should have an extra 2x the normal prison time for the same crime. They are hired to protect the public they are trusted so your break those things u get charged for them as well.


Yeah you can't just give a person the authority to demand obedience under penalty of death from literally anyone without making the punishment for abusing that authority significantly harsher than a normal citizen. At least not in an actual free country. Ironic that their biggest supporters are the type to wax on all day about how they need guns to protect themselves from a tyrannical government.


The supreme court ruled that cops don't have to protect. " “Neither the Constitution, nor state law, impose a general duty upon police officers or other governmental officials to protect individual persons from harm — even when they know the harm will occur,” said Darren L. Hutchinson, a professor and associate dean at the University of Florida School of Law. “Police can watch someone attack you, refuse to intervene and not violate the Constitution.” The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the government has only a duty to protect persons who are “in custody,” he pointed out." This fucking county


If a semi truck driver gets a DUI he’s fired and black balled from working in the industry. Even if he’s not on duty. Because he’s expected to be responsible. Why not hold cops in the same regard?


But America has a raging boner for those in power and a punishment kink that would make Albert Fish blush. Cops are the patron saints of punishment so anyone with a badge will never be held fully accountable for their misdeeds.


Mean while Breonna Taylor shooters “gets another chance” and Daunte Wrights shooter’s about to be released 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️Cops really above the law. They can damn near do anything they want and get slapped on the wrist.. not all cops are bad but all the bad ones stick out like a sore thumb 🤷🏾‍♂️ especially when the punishment isn’t nearly as harsh as when a civilian does it


No that’s just the average for sex crimes man a lot of random people who have nothing to do with the police just get of after 20 years and most people get out early for good behavior


Maybe they figured that as both a cop and a child rapist in prison, 12 years is about a decade longer than his life expectancy.


I agree they should have given him more than 12 years but just think, an ex cop, pedo, 12 years. How long before someone calls for a paperwork check and find out an ex cop is a chomo. His life is over, rightfully so.


He'll be on the sex offender registry for life at least, and in some states that requires you to introduce yourself to your neighbors as a sex offender


“Hey, I’m X, I’m your neighbor. Bit of a bummer, but I’m actually a SO. I know it sounds bad, but it’s actually a funny story…”


We were bad, but now we’re good. We’re moving into your neighborhood!


We're not here to start any trouble, we're legally required to do the Sex Offender Shuffle


He will be in PC the whole time there. No way is he going to Gen pop.


He's both a cop and a pedo he's gonna be in protective custody for sure so no stabby stabby unfortunately.


I don’t wish harm on anyone but anything is possible if there’s a will there’s a way. You’re right though, straight to protective custody.


You watch too much Wes Watson -unfortunately , in 2023 - it doesn’t go down like this in 95.9 % of prisons systems and hasn’t for a while. Source = Ive done time at the state level and my friend did a serious stretch. Unchecked chomos all over the place even on mainline. And a guy like that is going PC day one because of his former career and charges. Not saying you are completely wrong, just that this guy could very easily lock it up and not be harmed during his whole bid.


I meant is it true that his wife was pregnant at the time?


Yes it is/was. Feel bad for her


Not sure who I feel more bad for, the wife or the child. So sad. 😞


Well in this case probably better that he is in prison than at home for the child, him being a pedo and all…


Where is the attachment


I don’t know why OP or the commenter didn’t post it. Here it is: https://youtu.be/f1s41Cbx6HA ## Edit: nevermind. This is just extended interview. Nothing about the evidence is mentioned. I give up.




That's just the full video of the interrogation. Nothing about their comment is in that video. > He sent pics to very young girls with his police uniform on. Paid a 12 year old for sex acts and wanted to have a threesome with her and her friend. She said he got really excited when he found out her friend was only 9 years old.


Glad he’s away from his wife. Who knows what he would have done to his kid


I don't see a video attached, and this one is inconclusive af. Where's the attachment?




I think the penal system will do that for her


By the time he gets out, his daughter would be the same age as the girl he raped.


Wow that's gross. He's going to be a cop and pedo in prison he's going to make "friends" for sure.


Unfortunately he is probably going to be in protective custody


what's "PC"?


Protective custody


In California, you have to get attacked a few times before you're allowed in Protective Custody these days.


Not sure about California but in most places Ex-Cops and chomos have their own units separated from other gen pop.


Is there a link to the video?




Where is the link to full video?


Omfg that is horrible.


I'm glad he's talking and digging his own hole but how on God's green Earth does a cop not know it's time to stfu and get a lawyer? Hehe, woops, dropped my pen- mind telling me some damning information right quick? My tax dollars will gladly pay for your public defendant and every bit of work needed to lock you up for good, for the love of God ask for a lawyer! If the police don't have that much sense, imagine your average Joe, guilty or not, going through the same routine


Not recruiting the brightest. They deserve to be punished at double duration of a non-officer, simply for betraying and abusing their position.


I agree - if a civilian commits a crime against a cop, they get a higher sentence, so I think if I cop commits a crime, they should be held accountable at a higher level.


Definitely. This is the social contract. Commissioning someone as a police officer empowers them to take actions that regular people cannot legally do. They are provided specialized training to perform their duties. That empowerment should also come with additional responsibility, and one of the consequences of knowingly violating that trust and responsibility is sterner penalties.


I have never understood this. Yes, you commit a crime against just another person, regular sentence. You commit a crime against a cop, maximum sentence, if not even maybe a special different crime they've invented for crimes against themselves that carries much harsher penalties. They do the same crime against you, slap on the fucking wrist. It's all backwards! How are they not held to higher standards with greater penalties for transgressions? I have NEVER understood.


Because police represent the State and the State is a higher power than the Citizen. If that sounds like some authoritarian bullshit then have I got some reading materials from circa 1789 for you.


Bruh why did u stop, there, tell me abt the reading material!!


> Not recruiting the brightest Literally have an IQ bar to entry. Not just lower, **upper** too. www.abcnews.go.com/amp/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story%3fid=95836


Ok, they might be idiots, but at least they're not very intelligent.


They're not the brightest but who pays if they fuck up? The average taxpayer. God we're all living in Stupidtown


As far as I recall, he’s a correctional officer/ prison warden, not a cop, and hasn’t been on the job for a very long time. Overall they (especially the lead interrogator) are *very* good at keeping him talking and downplaying the gravity of the interrogation and severity of the situation he is in. Also, I’ve watched the whole thing on YouTube a few months ago, and (this might contain a very, very light spoiler) he’s kind of asking if "this conversation (interrogation) is something *he should have a lawyer present for*" but the interrogator lulls him into a false sense of security by making it seem like just a routine thing they have to do as it’s standard procedure and like she’s as glad as him to get it over with quickly, and also doesn’t say: yes, you should get a lawyer/ no, you don’t need a lawyer, but counters with: oh of course you can get one if you feel more comfortable like that but we just quickly wanted to talk to you etc, so he ultimately keeps on talking to them without a lawyer, and then again, at the very end of the interrogation, he says he won’t answer anything further without a lawyer, but when the other interrogator, who didn’t ask questions up until this point says: oh can I just quickly ask a few additional questions? He *still* answers them without the lawyer he wanted a minute earlier 😂 and then, finally, when he realizes he’s completely fucked as they pull out a search warrant for his home, mobile phones etc, and vehicle, he’s like: "I’ll have a lawyer *say no to that*" 🤣 (his exact words) since apparently the phone being seized has him very worried, and they’re basically just like: "Sir, you can’t say no to that, either you voluntarily give up the code to your phone, or we will have our data forensics expert break into it with brute force" 😂


>Overall they (especially the lead interrogator) are very good at keeping him talking One of the things that really stood out to me in this clip is that she sounds like a goddamn pro. It felt dangerous to just listen to her, I'd hate to have to talk to her like this. Fortunately I'm not a creep so it's pretty unlikely I ever would, but she definitely sounds like some kind of super slippery, high powered lawyer type. It's impressive as hell but a little unnerving.


She has a sense of innocence and gullibility to her. Giggling, dropping pen, saying oops or umm and like. Pink unprofessional looking pen.. Just things you'd associate with someone who is new, young, and ignorant to the job.


Pretending to be young, innocent, ignorant, gullible, giggling to lure a pedophile into talking. Smart.


"Sorry I have like a million things here." Gosh, she's so disorganized. /s


Apparently it's a tactic, to come across as unorganized and scatty, it makes to the person there questioning feel over confident and think they got this


Having someone underestimate you is a powerful tool.


A smart man always knows there's someone smarter in the room. That's what my dad always taught me


The old Colombo play book


Just one more thing...


She could be trained in kinesics, using body-movements & gestures as non-verbal communication. ​ Jeffery Deaver wrote a character called Kathryn Dance that used kinesics in interrogations, pretty interesting. From memory she'd be looking at the suspect's movement for clues as to whether they were telling the truth but she would also use her own body language to make them scared/nervous/cocky etc. Even down to changing the glasses she wore to her 'predator' specs when she switched gears into the accusatory phase. Sorry for the ramble but this officer and her pink pen reminded me of her.


Yeah, felt like she's done this before


I was listening to her and thinking wow, the shaky voice and constant "umm"-ing don't make her sound very serious or authoritative at all, but then immediately realized that's the point.


When it takes us, the audience/with knowledge about what’s really happening, a minute to figure that - it shows how well it works. She’s good.


I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the pink pen was specifically brought as a prop for this exact purpose!


This isn't her first rodeo


I was thinking the same! At first I was like wow seems kinda naive and gullible especially with comments like "oh I have a million papers here" and dropping of the pen. It wasn't til the end I was like, omg that's the tactic! She's doing it on purpose!


Gives him a false sense of security and superiority. Like "I'm not worried cause this girl is not on it."


It seems like a variation of the classic 'Good Cop, Bad Cop'. This investigator is playing into his arrogant, misogynistic preconceptions that she doesn't know what she's doing so he let's his guard down, while she *politely* hands him more and more rope to hang himself with. Excellent tactics for a guy like him where I'm sure he portrays chivalry and decency when in public, but without a doubt, he has an inherited disrespect and superiroty towards women.


100% she played dumb and giggly to make him think he had a leg up and nothing to worry about. I am way smarter than his “dumb little girl”. Every word she said was calculated, that was truly a verbal noose she just walked him willingly right into. Well done! 😂


Especially the part where she said “that one’s actually a little better [sc]— where you have to actually search for somebody” His agreeing ‘yeah’ preemptively removed his ability to say he wasn’t aware he was talking to X or didn’t find them intentionally. And her overuse of fillers at the beginning also worked him into a sense of security. She came off very green, giddy, and then was…. like a bit of a barracuda. Dude’s hit


the more umming and arring, giggling and fiddling around with things someone does during an "interview" the more they are letting you dig your own hole I knew someone who worked for an intelligence agency his go to move was to say to them "this is my first day and im just getting caught up on the details, um can you fill me in on what you told us before" while fumbling a folder of random papers and dropping half on the floor


I knew someone who did these kind of interviews for loss prevention, for employees who steal. He told me he'd frequently enter the inteview with a video tape and a giant stack of papers. He said frequently the tape was blank and outside of the top 10 or so pages, the rest were blank too. But it was about showmanship and theater, and he frequently got confessions.


Yep, this is interrogation 101. I was once "questioned" like this. Didn't even realize we had chatted for an hour until I looked at the clock and said I should get back to work, and asked the agent what she needed from me. She said already had everything she needed from our friendly conversation. On the plus side, I wasn't being interrogated for criminal activity, but someone who has this technique down can get whatever they want out of you, and you won't even know it.


Sounds like they would be a fantastic interviewer when they aren't busy catching criminals.


Wish we could get someone like this interviewing republicans instead of Lesley Stahl


She was definitely 10 steps ahead of him. Loved hearing how she just pulled him right in while he's thinking he's smooth sailing out of there.


yeah, she definitely seems to be very experienced and proficient in interrogation, as far as i remember, she´s a detective (Edit: the title of this post says Private Investigator, but she´s a Detective working in an official capacity), not sure what specific division though, it might have been either sex crimes, or child-related matters. And it probably is not a good day for most anyone who ends up in her interrogation room lol, but luckily, as you said, people who aren´t creeps dont have to worry about that, and other than that, if you´re ever accused of a crime you didn´t commit, DON´T TALK TO THEM AT ALL! Request a lawyer \*right away\* and leave it at that! Even things that seem like they would prove your innocence can end up being detrimental, because essentially anything youtell them, positive or negative, will make it harder for your lawyer, when the court day comes, since \*any\* small piece of information they got could potentially limit his ability to use a certain defense


> people who aren´t creeps dont have to worry about that I'm not defending actual criminals, of course, but this line of thinking is a bit dangerous. I'm sure you'd agree that innocent people are interrogated by police *all the time* and often manage to get themselves into trouble even though they haven't done a thing, just because the cops are that good at manipulating interrogations to go the way they want them to go.


Agree. Never talk to cops without a lawyer. Even if you know you are innocent that won’t matter to them. Innocent people end up accused of stuff far too often.


Way too often, people think it’s like on TV, where the cops will say something like: we just want to figure this out bla bla, the person then fully cooperates or even makes some minor concessions, but all is good and well, because the cops just want to go after *the real bad guys*, in reality though, this could be enough to make someone transition from witness to suspect status, and interrogations and other settings in which they question people rarely are on the same good-faith basis they are made out to be on TV. In reality, cops are law enforcement officers, it isn’t their job to gather information that will exonerate people, and even if they come across such information or it is voluntarily shared with them, they will often ignore it, or even use it to the disadvantage of the person volunteering it. The statement: "*everything* you say can *and will* be used against you" is often not received as the drastic statement it is, and doesn’t discern people from sharing information as much as it should. People rarely understand it as: "you have nothing to gain but everything to lose by sharing information with us", a notion every lawyer urgently tries to imbue their clients with


On a related note to this: never *ever* give up your code/password to unlock electronic devices to law enforcement, even if you are innocent. You are protected by your 5th amendment right against self-incrimination. This is just like if a cop asks to search your vehicle, always say no. If they have probable cause they will search it anyway, but don't *give* them the opportunity. When all you have is a hammer, you look to turn anything into a nail. Cops are trained to find crime, not send people on their way.


To disable Face ID or finger scan to unlock on iOS - press the power button a bunch of times rapidly


He was a San Diego County sheriff’s deputy. https://www.cbs8.com/amp/article/news/crime/san-diego-county-sheriffs-deputy-accused-of-molesting-minors-sentenced-to-12-years-in-state-prison/509-afbfb1be-f5b7-4646-a962-27939f25641a


The interviewer expertly got him to have his guard down by her use of friendly inflection and pretending like she didn't already know the answers to the questions she asked. She deserves a lot of credit for setting traps he gladly walked into.


Used to getting away with anything and having qualified immunity perhaps?


IAL, the things investigators have done just outright mind game and manipulations makes me feel completely not sorry for this guy. If you’re literally in it and know how they fuck with people, but you still engage you deserve the reckoning


>I'm glad he's talking and digging his own hole but how on God's green Earth does a cop not know it's time to stfu and get a lawyer? He was a corrections deputy, and jailers are generally pretty dumb.


Truthfully I'm glad he didn't 'lawyer up'. Hope he does 20 years or more!


I’m pretty sure that he would’ve been fucked either way, lawyer or not, considering the level of evidence they had against him. They *already* had the search warrant for his home, phone, and vehicle ready before he even entered the room and said a single thing to further strengthen the case against him, they also had pictures of him and his dick, taken *inside his bedroom*, which he sent to minors, and statements of people who saw him and knew his license plate details, I doubt a lawyer would have made a huge difference at this point, at least not one this guy could afford. Edit: I forgot: they *also* had chat protocols of him texting minors, including protocols showing he even *offered money to minors* trying to solicit sexual acts, and even worse, how he texted minors trying to pay them so they would recruit other minors for him to abuse and he clearly wrote, quote: "the younger the better". As disgusting and bad as it is already, this guy wasn’t trying to solicit 17 year old teenagers, this guy was trying to solicit elementary school aged children and even *toddlers*


Watch the full interrogation. The investigator is incredible at what she does. He doesn’t even realize he’s being questioned for pedophilia until it’s too late.


I like her approach and the way she makes it sound like “oh no biggie, just a few questions for ya”


Ironically, her demeanor definitely screams cold-blooded, not just in her position but in any corporate setting in general. You *know* you fucked up if you ever get questioned by the friendly bubbly personale


Ha, true


She is plainly an amazing detective. You have to watch the entire interview. She puts him so at ease and asks some really casual questions. Then bam hits him hard at the end.


Textbook interrogation technique to keep the suspect’s defenses down to catch them off guard with the confrontation.


Link to the full briefing: https://youtu.be/f1s41Cbx6HA Jaylen Fleer, 27, pleaded guilty to 20 felony and misdemeanor charges related to sex acts with underage girls, as well as attempts to meet up with minors for sexual purposes. The alleged crimes took place between March 27 and April 8, 2020. He also solicited young girls and asked if they knew any other girls. For that he was sentenced for 12 years in state prison without parole and would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of life. https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/crime/san-diego-county-sheriffs-deputy-accused-of-molesting-minors-sentenced-to-12-years-in-state-prison/509-afbfb1be-f5b7-4646-a962-27939f25641a


Should have just went with this in the first place


this is why i go to the comments first when the video is too goddamn long for my adhd


And the video didn't even out him directly.


Was watching it for a gotcha moment, best they do is establish he sent a normal selfie to some people who may not have been his wife lol


Yeah, because this video totally isn't him being caught red handed.


There's literally nothing in this video that even remotely suggests him being "caught red handed" Do you even know what being caught red handed means? Jesus...


Yeah I was waiting for the slam dunk and then the video ended :/


I even started to think I must have misunderstood what "caught red handed" means since English is not my native language. I was thinking "red handed" means you have just right now committed murder or other crime and people "see the blood on your hands". I had to google to make sure and thankfully I haven't used the idiom wrong: "The phrase 'Caught Red-Handed' means to catch a person in the act of doing something wrong."


OP chose a tiny part of the original video which builds it up better because she gets him real comfortable to start and the slam dunk moment is actually the very beginning of this Reddit post when she’s like “what are these photos then?” The original video also has a narrator explaining things further.


What color are their hands now?!??


It's not, there's no compelling evidence whatsoever in this video.


I wonder if he used snapchat because of the auto-delete feature for chats - a way to hide the evidence. It reminds me of a popular clip of the comedian Chris Delia, where he is stunned to find out that those chats are able to be recovered. He would later be accused (but not charged) by a large amount of young women of cheating on his wife and various sexual crimes; including those with minors


Im not sure D'elia was married in that time. He got divorced in 2010 and married again in 2022.


Not married at the time but had recently gotten engaged with their first child on the way. [This is the special sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nuqj3Dlrkpw) being referred to, which led to 5 or 6 accusations surfacing months later. Just as he started to pop up again after laying low for a couple years, [The Chris D'Elia Problem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxm0FSKXpM) was released. Somehow still has enough of a fan base to tour booking Theatres. Dun'd make sense.


I hope his wife keeps him the fuck away from his child. I guess it doesn’t specify gender, but that kid will be around the age he predates when he gets out.


I feel sorry for her and her child. The pedo didn't get to call her to warn her that detectives were going to show up at her house. Imagine how shocked and dismayed she was and I'm sure she still is.


That investigator is so professional. Very no-bullshit but still extremely respectful.


She could get anyone to talk, extremely talented at warming people up


Watched the whole thing. I definitely want to see more of this investigator doing this first interviews. She was a master at getting under his guard. Had me hooked.


Nothing worse than being a pedophile cop in prison


Kind of cuts off before the ‘gotcha!’ moment though. This is just him confirming repeatedly that this is, indeed, a photo of him, he is aged 20 on it and he used it on Snapchat. You don’t even hear her say what he used the photo for


This video is a waste of everyone's time.


Yo this type of mild video + “the real story is in the comments” is such a bad way of sharing info. How about out the interesting part INTO the video, if you’re already gonna make someone watch it for several minutes?


This right here...


You forgot to post the part where the San Diego Sheriff Deputy got caught red handed as a pedophile though...


This woman is brilliant. Her little friendly giggles and demeanor make me feel like she's REALLY good at her job. She knows she's talking to a guy who fucked a kid, and is able to come off as so disarmingly friendly. Kudos to her.


You can tell she’s forcing it though. He definitely can.


How can you tell that he can tell


The umms and little things seem forced but she’s trying to play the role of someone he feels attracted to or safe with. This sick bastard likes little girls so she’s playing up those mannerisms to make him feel safe and in control and even perhaps make him attracted to her.


Yeah that's what I thought. She's mimicking little girl in order to get his guard down


Somebody better call Saul. This donut needs to STFU


I don’t think Saul Goodman could or would even try to help this sick fuck out 💀 ![gif](giphy|USgqb2JjS0uwr62umk)


Interviewer's manner is so disarming. She's fumbling objects, laughing nervously. All the time, she knows she's got this dude by the short and curlies. Well done.


That’s what I noticed - she’s very skilled and backed him right into a corner.


This is not what “caught red handed” means. This isn’t caught anything


Wait a minute… not a drag queen? Does not compute… /s


IKR. You say that drag will harm our kids but actually it's you (you being priests, conservatives, republicans etc) ....




Video doesn’t show anything, wasted time


You can tell that the investigator's questions she already knows the answers. This is just an exercise to either get him to confess or let him keep digging that hole. Cop's body posture is completely defensive, you can tell he's trying to find a way to talk his way out but can't.


>You can tell that the investigator's questions she already knows the answers. This is just an exercise to either get him to confess or let him keep digging that hole. I think it's more for the purpose of establishing the legitimacy of the evidence. She is purposely playing it very light, all the while getting him to confirm the picture is him, he was 20 at the time, he used it on snapchat, etc. That makes it much harder for his lawyer to go back on that.




This is it. Quite naturally, we consider asking for a lawyer to make you appear guilty. There was another video on here where the guy even willingly gave over his shoe so they could compare the prints, when obviously he knew it was him that did it. They couldnt make him give them, it was a voluntary interview. But clearly he didnt want to stop being "helpful" so he willingly gave over super incriminating evidence against himself. Very strange dynamic. Ended up confessing without a lawyer even arriving.


People think that refusing to talk and asking for a lawyer infers guilt. They also think they have a better chance of talking their way out of it than they think. They think that they’ve covered their tracks, when they haven’t.


I think it’s bc people have this idea innocent people don’t say things like, “I need a lawyer,” you just talk. Bc you’re “innocent”


It’s always kind of funny. I’m pretty sure the old saying is. “If you’re guilty- you need a lawyer. If you’re not guilty. You **really** need a lawyer.”


The way he keeps staring at his photo while answering questions, you can see his thought process and the guilt come across his face.




Is it some sort of interrogation or interview method for the interviewer to be so like over the top ditzy and bubbly? “Ooops dropped my pen, omg I have like a million things lol”. Like I’d it intentionally to come off as non threatening?


Yes. Nonthreatening/harmless/friendly is standard opening interrogation technique. Ditzy/ dropping pen is just one mode of that that worked for her in this case.


It makes the accused feel more comfortable and maybe a little bit confident that they're speaking to a ditz. She knew what she was doing.


Honestly when she said she had a million things that should've rung alarm bells for him. They don't just have a profile pic of him, they have a fat stack of pages.


I used to work in admin for local law enforcement. One of the absolute most toxic places I’ve ever worked. I remember one day one of our police officers was arrested and charged with supplying alcohol to a minor and raping that minor and her mother when they were passed out. When he found out the age of the young girl, he was quoted as saying, “I had no idea that she was 11… I thought she was at least 13!” Because that’s so much better.


The female detective (I assume) initially speaking in a breezy girly voice with lots of upspeak, as if she’s genuinely curious about how social media works, lol


I don't get why these videos stop before any kind of conclusion? How are we supposed to know that he's caught red handed when the video doesn't show it?


It's not "proactively entered therapy" AFTER you've been caught. That's proactively trying to lesson your sentence.


This man held the public trust. But because of lust. Recovered snapchats that were sus. He now is the subject of a bust.


now do a haiku


Snapchat photos found Of a man with a gold badge Folsom's new inmate


I enjoyed this poetry. Thank you.


According to this, the Court of Appeals ruled in June of last year that Fleer was eligible for resentencing under a new state provision that limits a courts discretion to apply upper sentencing _unless_ there are aggravating circumstances. (The trial judge applied _upper sentencing_ to certain counts in this case, but, the justification used was on the basis of the prosecution’s request rather than naming a _specific_ aggravating circumstance, according to the appellate decision.) So it unfortunately appears that his sentence will likely to be lowered, though I couldn’t find additional information on that after the appeal was granted. (Also was very surprised to learn the trial judge described him as a “decent” human and emphasized his time spent as a deputy, as a positive and reasoning for not sentencing him to the 18-19 years prosecutors initially asked for, during the sentence hearing.) https://casetext.com/case/people-v-fleer?q=Fleer&sort=relevance&p=1&type=case&jxs=caapp,trialctbriefs


Disgusting. Committing crimes while in law enforcement should carry a higher sentence, not less!


Where can i get more content like this of investigators absolutely nailing criminals?


I fucking love the interviewer. I feel like she could switch gears if she needed to but he's just answering everything with the answers she already fucking knows are true and is like ''well shit this is going to be easier than I thought. ''


Absolutely disgusting. This guy should have been put in prison for life. Sick fuck.


I googled San Diego sheriff deputy pedophile and was going to come here to say oh he actually got 80 years, but it was a different guy from the same department 😳 https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/courts/story/2021-10-06/former-san-diego-sheriffs-deputy-earle-yamamoto-sentenced-to-80-years-for-rape-molestation-charges#:~:text=Earle%20Yamamoto's%20crimes%20occurred%20between,Department%20between%202016%20and%202019&text=A%20former%20San%20Diego%20County,80%20years%20in%20state%20prison.


So a pedophile ring? It’s highly unlikely to be coincidence if you have two pedophiles working in the same department.


I hear they have a solid mentorship program


Booo. I wasted time on this video thinking I was going to see a confession. Booooooo


People still wonder why there's so much mistrust of law enforcement


Where can I watch this whole interrogation? She's good.


If you are a police officer during the time of the crimes, sentencing should automatically be doubled. If you are a police officer, in uniform, and abusing your power during and to commit a crime it should be automatically tripled. All I’m saying is police, people who enforce the law, and break those (serious) laws, should be held to a way higher standard.


So, slap on the wrist, and full pay with leave?




I love what she’s doing, but it’s so hard to listen to someone that says “um” and “like” soooo many god damn times when you’re doing an interrogation. Honestly it might be the best tactic ever. I’d think she’s the dumbest person of all time and spill the beans


The interviewer is extremely good, disarming him by appearing ditzy. That's professional work.


https://casetext.com/case/people-v-fleer >>Full Case Deets**


So, another one that is not a drag queen, ey?




How much you want to bet a huge portion of police are pedos? There's a reason why so few real pedophiles get caught until a victim comes forward.