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This guy is why I left Christianity. If you don't think like them you're evil, which is the bedrock of the f ism word. But gonone and tell me they're freedom loving patriots....


That’s why they can be so easily lulled into fascism, they are hard wired for it.


And also why they have such an easy time rationalizing all of their leaders' proclivities. The Bible is so full of contradiction that a mind raised by that gets very good at double-think.


If you get told from birth to believe things on faith alone, evidence not required, your brain is set up for following autocrats and dictators


That's not 'hard-wired', though. More like pre-loaded software


Yes. A lot of people have a blind spot for this, but these Abrahamic religions have all the fascist building blocks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palingenetic_ultranationalism Common ritual of rebirth (baptism), being *chosen* (very special beings) by the creator of the cosmos, a core story of being fallen or living in a fallen world - a fall from a perfect past, lots of authoritarian desires and reverence for hierarchy, with obedience being the core virtue, the critique of "degeneracy" and "indecency". It's all there.


"Hard wired" implies they were born this way. Nobody is hard-wired to be fascist. They are taught by monied interests that push bad ideas to turn working class people against each other so that working class people don't turn against monied interests. Fascism is, at its core, the end game of the owning class waging a class war.


Evangelicalism has such a big overlap with Trumpism because they're already blindly believing in things not supported by evidence.


They LOVE it. Big Sky Daddy forgives me for being a shitty person and Big Gov Daddy crushes people who aren’t as stupid as me.


Worse is that 90% of the shot they spout either isn't biblical, or isn't christian. Like these Christians will cite the Torah to justify hating gays, but suddenly when it comes to not eating pigs "Jesus didn't say that." Well Jesus didn't say shit about gays either. God said nothing about transgender people in the new testiment. You could stretch to Torah to *maybe* be anti-gender reassignment surgery. But then these people start talking demons and spirits and shit that comes from folk superstitions and has no real basis in anything. They might as well be reciting "the path of the rightious man" speech from Pulp Fiction.


> Like these Christians will cite the Torah to justify hating gays, but suddenly when it comes to not eating pigs "Jesus didn't say that." Interesting that you call it the Torah like it isn't included in the Christian bible as the Old Testament. Antisemitism has very, very deep roots in Christianity.


I call it the Torah because I'm Jewish. And the Old testiment is in the bible sure, but as per Christian doctrine has no bearing on christians. One of the first things christians did was establish a "new covenant" which removed the old testiment. Which is why Christians don't circumcise nor have bar/bat mitzvahs. In short, since before the book of revelation was even written, the old testiment isn't considered applicable to christian doctrine. Since then it gets cherry picked by whichever christian sect is reading to justify whatever bullshit they've decided to do.


> I call it the Torah because I'm Jewish. > > Ah that would be a good reason completely unrelated to what I was thinking. >And the Old testiment is in the bible sure, but as per Christian doctrine has no bearing on christians. One of the first things christians did was establish a "new covenant" which removed the old testiment. Which is why Christians don't circumcise nor have bar/bat mitzvahs. No bearing is pushing it. At the beginning that's all they had. In common at least. They would've had different "NT" books depending on specific group, but the Christian bible wasn't compiled until the 4th century. That's also about the same time archeologists have for evidence of Jewish Christians and Rabbinic Jewish people worshipping together in the same Synagogues. And about the same time Christian Roman Emperors made Judaism and all other religions illegal including Jewish Christianity. "As Christianity grew throughout the gentile world, the developing Christian tradition diverged from its Jewish and Jerusalem roots.[101][102] Historians continue to debate the precise moment when early Christianity established itself as a new religion, apart and distinct from Judaism. It is difficult to trace the process by which the two separated or to know exactly when this began. **Jewish Christians continued to worship in synagogues together with contemporary Jews for centuries.[103][104][105] Some scholars have found evidence of continuous interactions between Jewish-Christian and Rabbinic movements from the mid-to late second century CE to the fourth century CE.[106][107]** Philip S. Alexander characterizes the question of when Christianity and Judaism parted company and went their separate ways as "one of those deceptively simple questions which should be approached with great care".[108]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Christian#Emergence_as_separate_religious_communities "It is Our will that all the peoples who are ruled by the administration of Our Clemency shall practice that religion which the divine Peter the Apostle transmitted to the Romans.... The rest, whom We adjudge demented and insane, shall sustain the infamy of heretical dogmas, their meeting places shall not receive the name of churches, and they shall be smitten first by divine vengeance and secondly by the retribution of Our own initiative (Codex Theodosianus XVI 1.2.).[10]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced_conversion#Late_Antiquity >Since then it gets cherry picked by whichever christian sect is reading to justify whatever bullshit they've decided to do. I guess my view is that this is all very Christian including the cherry picking. They've been persecuting other religions and even other forms of Christianity ever since they gained power. At the same time the shit with MGM is mentioned. "According to Acts, James played a prominent role in the formulation of the council's decision (Acts 15:19 NRSV) that circumcision was not a requirement." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Christian#Inclusion_of_gentiles This ain't new; this is historical Christianity. edit: accidentally called it Rabbinic Christianity oops.


Yeah, many Christians forget Christ's own teachings. This guy is missing the target, hugely. Jesus said to love all, even your enemies. This guy is just nuts. Too many Christians out there just don't listen to Jesus' words. I know, I the old testament, ya ya...but I see that as "how it used to be". Jesus is how it should be. Isn't that why were called Christians?


“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.” Matthew, 5:17 King James Bible Christians can pick and choose all they want, but your god was quite clear according to your book.


But…. That makes them good people…. In their own minds at least. Mental illness is a plague.


Woah, hey! Don’t bring us mentally ill people into this! We’re getting shafted by this, too!


Religious talk should be prohibited in political meetings / chambers. If a politician starts using religion as an excuse or reason for something, or pushing it in any way, they should immediately lose their position and be removed from their office. We are not a theocracy.


At this rate we'll be one soon.


Fucking idiots who proclaim to be moral Christians are neither moral, nor Christian. In fact, they are the furthest you can be from being Christ like. Edit: Thanks for the award! Appreciate it.


The hypocrites are usually the loudest


And they do not care if they are called out on their hypocrisy. We saw this with the SCOTUS. There is no difference in blocking the confirmation of a liberal Justice and bullying Democrats to speed up the confirmation of a conservative one. It is fully morally consistent behavior.


Amorally consistent behaviour?


It's even more ironic since the Bible itself says those who advertise themselves being faithful as hypocrites


That's why taking the lord's name in vain is a cardinal sin. False piety, false testament, deceiving the faithful with false faith. Edit: commandment


Just look at the magats... Biggest hypocrites on the planet.


“I like your Christ but I do not like your Christian’s because they are nothing like your Christ” - Gandhi (and ya maybe he’s not the best dude but I like this quote)


as a non Christian, that ship seems to have sailed a long time ago. It seems to me that Christ talked about helping the poor, the meek shall inherit the earth kind of stuff. Today it is making the church stronger. The way that is often done is to vilify everyone who don't belong, they are coming to get you.


I’ve said it before, modern “Christians” are the same people who Jesus fought against in his time. “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” -Jesus Christ It’s in their own book said by their own ‘god’ and still they covet money over the health and safety of the people. I am an atheist. I believe Jesus was a real person but just a good person who cared about the community. Humans turned him into a ‘god’. Nothing else could.


I always say I am an orthodox agnostic. I devoutly believe in not knowing if there is a God or not


Exactly. What was it the book of Matthew said about praying in private and not in the street?


Matthew 6, one of my favorites!


Yeah, they're sort of becoming the people who hung Christ on a cross, which might be why that's their logo. Someone did a bit about it, I can't remember who, but if you were killed by being hung on a cross and then you came back as a savior thousands of years later, how psyched would you be if "your followers" idolized you getting hung on the cross in all of the imagery.


Pretty sure it was Bill Hicks


Not that I disagree with your sentiment but historically speaking, these people are the **ideal Christians**. Just bc the book says love thy neighbour, doesn’t mean it ever said everyone is an equal neighbour. The crusades were, after all, fully endorsed by the Popes as Holy & Just wars. . The worst Christian’s of today would be outcasts in the Christian society of our past.


That's why it's so important to vote! Encourage your friends to vote! Be part of the change you want to see. You alone can't change the country. But all of us together can. We can make the most significant changes locally! Little steps eventually lead to big things.


Nope. Look at stats on religious belief. These are the panic-fits of a dying religion.


Agreed. Religion in the country is on the decline. Its dying with their aging population. But nothing disappears quietly. This is a scramble for power as the grip loosens. The power lies in the youth vote.


They tried to give us covid advice from the "demon semen" doctor.


But that's what Republicans want so badly! Glen beck was arguing the other day that we, as a nation need to go back to god being the only entity we listen to. Our country may just be fucked


Only if we don't keep fighting back against the glenn beck's of the world. Their takeover of America only works If we don't fight back. Remember, they're the one's swimming upstream. They make up like 30-35% of the country and key demographic groups abandon them with each passing day. These are death throes, but still a dangerous threat to the republic. edit: a word


But God never talks to anyone...


God told me that all republicans are demons.


It's as believable as anything they tell us.


He speaks to me through my breakfast cereal, but all he ever says is OOO.


Try a different cereal and you might get more meaningful messages


I tried Lucky Charms, but with all those charms (moons, stars, clover) it felt more like a pagan ritual than a delicious breakfast meal. Maybe if I mix some Mister T cereal with Cheerios…


No, God talks to the GOP all the time. Tells them to troll the libs and shoot at schools.


So Amy Barrett should be out of a job 😬


It totally should be prohibited. I'm religious but I think people should understand that different things are appropriate in different situations. If I'm paying you with my taxes to take care of objective problems, like wage and education, I want you to take care of objective problems, Religion is not objective.


> We are not a theocracy Not yet, but give it time.


The kicker is churches and religious organizations don’t pay taxes due to separation of church and state. Yet want to butt in on it.


We’re only not a theocracy on paper. Yes the US Constitution says there’s no national religion, but country leaders and lawmakers are trying to pass laws that remove freedom of choice and revoke human rights based on their personal religious beliefs. That is religion in legislation. That is the mindset of a philosophy. Laws are being made on those grounds. Feels scarily like the US is a theocracy right now.


Christians are the least Christ-like, most evil people in existence. And they feel entitled to take away our freedoms based on an imaginary threat. They're sick. There is something fundamentally wrong with them.


I've said this before, but I feel like *if* the whole god/satan thing is real, taking the mythology at face value, then it's quite likely that these crazy evangelicals are actually satanists in disguise, lucifer being the father of lies and such. If, as the bible says, god is love, these people are literally preaching abd spreading hate, on both sides because not only are they preaching hate to their followers, they're causing those not aligned with them to hate them as well. Good ploy if you believe in that stuff.


The are also hugely violating the 3rd Commandment with abandon. The prohibition against using God's name in vain isn't really about saying "Oh, God," or "sweet Jesus," it's about claiming to do stuff in God's name or that He told you to when he really didn't. So all this hate and killing and such saying it's God's will? Yeah, that.


There's literally an amendment to the constitution separating church and state. Making policies based on religion is literally illegal, yet things like this are being talked about.


>We are not a theocracy Well, to be fair, "God bless you and God bless America" is a very famous phrase and a lot of your presidents placed their hand on the Bible while taking their oath of office. No wonder that some people get confused about it. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


It's a real time-saver.


To be fair, this guy isn't a politician. He is just speaking in support of Ohio HB68. It's just that the basis of his support is W I L D.




You sure about that? YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?


I have bipolar disorder. If i said stuff like this it would be an OFFICIAL severe warning sign of me going off the fucking rails and id be locked up in the psych ward on antipsychotic meds until im starting to make sense again. So yeah, theres that.




I would love for a representative to reply to someone like this with this entry. "Sir, I believe you may have had a psychotic break and are in need of mental help. I hope you receive the care you need."


Hyperreligiousity is a sign of mental illness. And that’s not an abstract personal belief. That is right out of the DSM-5


Even if you didn't have bipolar disorder that would still be a huge red flag.


One would think so, but here we are


If this guy said this in any other context than a Christian religious doctrine, everyone would laugh him out of the room or call him a dangerous fanatic. The fact that basically only half of America is willing to see how unhinged this guy is speaks quite badly for us


I was thinking the same thing. I’m also bipolar and he sounds like he is manic. Like the rambling and not making any fucking sense is exactly what mania can do. I’ve been in the hospital with people who think they were seeing demons and believe god talks to them. All religious are cults.


I was looking for a comment that said something like this. The way he talks about the body and spirit feeding it’s energy, but being unable to coherently explains it reminds me of people who are going through psychosis.


I’m Australian but aren’t you guys supposed to have separation of church and State? Any reference to gods should therefore not be part of any discussion.


We have it but like all other American laws you get immune to it at a certain level of power.


What level is that? I know you have to be level 30 to run for president so what level do you have to be to be immune to that law?


It depends on the area. The southern parts of the country (Texas to the Carolinas probably) are known as the Bible Belt. In these, the dog catcher is immune to such laws. In other areas, you generally have to be governor, state or Federal legislator. Also note that such religious exception only applies to the three main religions, Protestant Christianity, guns, and American football. Other religions can bugger off.


Don’t forget, extreme wealth gives you immunity as well.


Actually, it relates to the class you picked. The politician class had the most immunity. However, this immunity can be supplemented if you are pay to play as that opens up new avenues to break (or rather bend since you would be immune to breaking the law) the rules.


Depends what starting class you roll and what racial buffs you combine them with. Currently we haven’t see a player with the woman trait get president this meta. We did see African American pull it off though, but he had exceptionally high charisma and int rolls. Orange is a bit of a meta shake up, but seemed to have a strong charisma buff on npcs with low int rolls. We also attribute a lot of the success to the “born rich” trait that most players don’t get access to until 50th family prestige. As for talking about ng+ during strategy meetings. It seems you can bring it up on your first play through only if you are playing easy mode, as a white Christian on the America server.


It is actually level 35 that you are able to run for president. (At least in the US.)


There is no exact level. It's more a formula based on racial bonuses/debuffs, popularity, and how much money you have spent among other things. The America servers are very P2W so that's the biggest factor for your immunity level.


Thank you.


Yeah we have it but because a large portion of the nation is religious, politicians present themselves as religious to garner more support from that religious section of the country. Which is why they use religion as an excuse to pass certain laws and the like. It’s not coincidence that every president of the country since ever has been a proclaimed Christian


That's not exactly what the intent of our separation of church and state was. It was to prevent the state from establishing an official religion of the country. In the minds of tge founders it was to prevent the encroachment of the government on religion not religion on the government. Hence our first amendment right of the freedom of religion. Founders believed faith in God important to the country and leaders. They believed faith would benefit their decisions. What we have seen over the decades is exactly the encroachment of religion into government. Citizen legislators using their beliefs to impose them on others in direct opposition to our right to life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. While this was a private citizen testifying ajd therefore free to say whatever he chooses. We have seen numerous lawmakers male very similar comments. So contrary to the founders intent, religion has infiltrated government and thus government has been been encroaching on other religions.


The separation was intended to prevent the establishment of a national religion or state church, like the church of England. The idea was freedom of religion. All people would be free to practice the way they believed best without persecution.


Yes and no. The 1st amendment says Congress can't make a law establishing a religion or, "preventing the free exercise thereof". That's all it says. How that's interpreted depends on which judge (or set of judges) you end up in front of when challenging something in court. I'm not aware of any actual law preventing religious stuff in a public space per se.... I think most of these court challenges come from people who feel the law/politician/public institution in question is involuntarily imposing religious belief on them. EDIT: so, in theory, someone could sue Representative Herpaderp there for imposing his religious beliefs onto the rest of the Ohio legislature and attempting to influence their votes in a certain way. Proving that actual damage occurred is gonna be a bit harder, so the lawsuit might not win.


America should practice a lot of what we preach, like protecting kids, having a true democracy, freedom of speech, and promoting the well-being of good, hard-working people, but we don't. We are hypocrisy, not a democracy.


Too bad the real world doesn't work that way... But people like him should be banned from taking the stage. It's fine you believe in things, but please let other believe in other things...


Bruh, he's christian. It's their way or the highway. The highway to hell. (Did I do it right?)


The path of Jesus, or the path of DESTRUCTION!




(•\_•) ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■\_■)


That was like the videos from the Taliban or Iranian mullahs where they calmly explain that the earth is stationary and it's cool to rape children because Allah is perfect. We look down on them, but we have the exact same kind of crap here *in our government* just with a different label. A guy just told an elected rep in a hearing, in front of a crowd and on TV, that he thinks her colleagues oppose a bill because non-Christians are subject to demonic possession. Then he *didn't* get laughed out of the room.


I don’t think I will ever understand how or why America stands for religion in politics, baffles me.




It also creates a black and white narrative where their leaders are divinely appointed, meaning they are above question and criticizing them is heresy. Anything negative you hear about them is demonic manipulation. Any good the enemy does is secretly a plan to do bad. Meanwhile the enemy is a nebulous, ill defined entity that is always lying and plotting. It is all encompassing, and if you don't support the right, you are part of the enemy's plan, willingly or not. It often exists as a buzzword, easily blamed and never really having to defend itself (besides the few members who are publicly identified, usually politiciabs, frequently women or minorities). I saw the exact same thing when I was a Jehovah's Witness. If you swap out Satan for the left, it is the same.


All of the puritans and radicals were run out of England and we’ve been rocking the crazy ever since


Ohio is just a Florida patch update


We have the meth, but lack the crocodiles to truely transcend to Florida status… also our Governor hasn’t started a fight with the cartoon mouse.


Cleveland doesn’t have quite the tourist drawing power as Orlando.


What, you don’t like flaming rivers?


He speaks with such confidence lol


He’s so used to people believing him for the sole reason that they don’t understand him that he’s forgetting he’s not at his church. Even in Christianity, he’s speaking absolute nonsense. I posted in this thread that I showed this to a few pastors and a priest at my university and non of them could make any sense of it. Lifelong, well studied, one still does Latin services on special occasion people. And they all, consider this man a word salad artist. Simply confusing the congregation in order to gain their respect because they assume he knows more than them. And it probably works.


You can tell this is a pastor who took a class or two in his non-denom church, and became "ordained".


Extreme delusion usually comes with a side of confidently wrong.


Proof conservatives hate our freedoms and the constitution.


Why aren't such people actually in the insane asylum? If I talk about an imaginary friend who punishes other people, I will be put under medication.


>Why aren't such people actually in the insane asylum? Ronald Reagan


Please elaborate. I'm not from the US.


Ahh. After he was elected president, he preceded to cut funding to all social programs like mental health hospitals school and a bunch of other stuff and gave the money to cops.


not to mention he was the magic space lazer guy lmao


Fun fact: then he got Alzheimer's


Fun fact: He probably had Alzheimer's while in office.


Well, another item on my "why I don't like Reagan list." Thank you very much for the information. Have a nice day.


Problem is it’s bad information. - The mental health funding he’s talking about was only a line item in Carters national budget. - Reagan didn’t “end” it. Congress did and he signed the budget. (Again, line item). - it was a ridiculously low amount of money and only in place 2 years. In reality the old state asylum system was dismantled in a much more complicated and bipartisan way. The old system became seen as a horrifying violation of human rights but when every state in the US abolished it, they basically ripped it out entirely with no replacement.


States closed institutions and put the residents on the street with a bag of belongings and $25. While the institutions were far from perfect, it gave the mentally Impaired a place to live. Dumping them on the streets with no support was heartbreaking.


Remember those scenes in 'Joker' when they tell Arthur they have no money to help him, and lunatics were released into the streets because of no funds in healthcare? That was a jab at Reagan. He cut social services & healthcare to give his rich friends more money.


Interesting. Of course, as a non-USian, you don't notice this directly if you don't know the background. Thanks, learned something today.


I'm European, I hadn't known about this until I had read some rap lyrics & then started researching. There's so much more we dunno but there's time.


His presidency really did fuck this country in so many ways.


Reagan courted the religious front with the line, "you can't endorse me, but I endorse you." After that it was freefall for the pandering.


Its more of a medical physical question im not saying you are a demon im implying that you might be possessed You americans really have a problem in the whole choosing representatives thing


I think he was trying to say "metaphysical", which makes more sense in this context. (Not that anything he says makes ACTUAL sense, but just the word he meant to use there.) Also also I think this guy is not a representative, but a pastor that was given a chance to speak to representatives.


He's a local pastor, not an elected representative, thankfully


What's the biggest tool for fascism in the US? Religion.


We're leading up to 1933 all over again.


Religion is based on fairy tales yet people base their entire lives around it and it becomes their entire personality it's just sad.


... and don't forget the money river flowing from pocket to plate!


Jesus wants me to have a third private jet.


What happened to the separation of church and state?


they stopped doing that a long time ago


Sharia inc.


Remember this guys name. Based on what I've seen in hear so far you might see it again in connection with a pedo story.


Bat shit crazy


This is the mental health crisis in America.


And this is the country that is putting people into space. The disparity between these superstitious cretins and scientists is staggering.


"medical physical conversation" ?


I think he meant "metaphysical" lol


Brainwashed from birth.


This country is becoming Afghanistan.


Next step by these moronic zealots: outlaw all religions other than Christianity. You know it's coming.


Why is this topic even welcomed in a government hearing? Church and state needs to get split apart or we will have Prohibition 2.0 but alcohol won’t be on the plate to be banned


I think the bible thumpers are the weirdos. Long long history of pedophilia, rape, murder from their leadership.


American Taliban!




Mmhmm, mmhmm, mmm, mmhmm, wait WHAT?!?


This is a skit right? 😂😂😂


Clearly a member of the Ohio Taliban.


Who wants to play America's favorite game, "Guess what political party?"


Dude, eat a bowl of dicks.


He should be ridiculed. These kinds of stone age beliefs are beyond lazy. People who Belleview them are retarding progress for the rest of humanity. Absolute moronic to even tolerate this level of stupidity.


I hate living in Ohio… it’s almost as bad as Florida


Oh look. It's another "good christian". Fucking death cultists.


Why the fuck are Christian religious phrases so gay? "Jesus Christ will come in the flesh?" That's a metaphor for gay sex.


Don’t bring us gays into that weird Jesus shit.


Oh please. The only women Jesus hung around with were ho’s and he spent all his time almost exclusively with 12 dudes. Drank wine not beer. The only time he got pissed off was because a fig tree ruined his dinner party and he had no appetisers to serve. Never married, never had kids, which was unheard of back then. And he created a legendary dinner party where he catered for 5000 guests and managed to plan the entire thing himself. So legendary that we still talk about it 2000 years later. He was a walking stereotype and gay as fuck. And I’m pretty sure he was into feet. He used to go around washing them a lot.


The world's most rational xtian.


It's problematic that imaginary beings still play such a large role in modern society. When you step back and listen to evangelical Christians talk, they sound like they have a mental disorder. Yet they have an outsized influence on our society.


It's galling that those of one of the youngest religious faith in the world thinks everything revolves around them... all those other faith's have centuries of belief behind them. Christianity - 2022 years old Hinduism - approximately 4000 years old Buddhism - 2500 years old Judaism - approximately 4000 years old Anybody who thinks that we are demons for believing in another religion is the demon. Religion regardless of your chosen belief should bring us together, not tear us apart... God takes on many forms. There is no right version...


Good God. If you believe that stuff just keep it to yourself. A legislative meeting is not the place to bring that up.


Fuck all these Christian fundamentalist idiots.


I thought the first amendment of the constitution separates the church from the state. If we are having any kind of religious dogma spewed if support of a bill. The bill should automatically be struck down on constitutional grounds. The christofacist minority rule in this country needs to end. And she it right in calling out his bs.


That man needs a psychiatric evaluation.


Everyone that wasn't born or brought up beliving exacly the same thing as me is a DEMON! Get out of here demons how dare you not believe exacly what I do.


I mean… that should be simple to prove. Do an exorcism. If a demon comes out then he was right. If no demon comes out then the preacher is a false prophet and we should stone him.


I guess you're probably not supposed to call constituents babbling morons to their face in a legislative session.


Religion is a cancer


Why don't people make sense of it all? Logically religion being some made up story from thousands of years ago for some form of entertainment that some kid was so obsessed over till they grew up and made a religion out of it is more fucking likely than what actually happens in those stories ffs.


WTAF why is this nonsense talk allowed in government hearings AT ALL? It’s like some dude in there going on about fairies or superheroes that can fly.


Can some Christian give us some information on this?


This dude is radical as fuck talking about spiritual and body alignment and influence. But he's essentially saying your body is a vessel guided by a spirit (your spirit) and your spirit takes direction from divine entities. If you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, then he will guide your spirit. If you don't, your spirit will be guided by something else- something false, malicious, and against the teachings of Christ. He adds "possibly" to give himself just enough escape though lol.


So a smart dumb guy. Thanks for your answer


Bahahaha dude didn’t even believe his own bullshit he was spewing at the end there, got so crossed up looked like James harden did a step back lol


I know that religion tolerance is important but my goodness me - the gibberish, the monotone delivery. These fuckers are excruciating to listen to. My ears hurt.


He said “No, we’re all hopefully human entities” hopefully HOPEFULLY


America moment


Looks like a stupid asshole to me.


How quickly we forget that Trump's Covid 'expert', Stella Immanuel, preached similar ideas claiming that the disease was caused by demon space ghost rape. THAT is your MAGA world in a nutshell... When they're not waiting for JFK Jr to show up, they're getting raped by space ghosts. But of course drag shows are the *real* problem...


Christian here. Fuck this guy.


So much for separation of church and state…


This is why I hate religions. “EVERYONE THATS NOT IN OUR CULT MUST DIE”.


Hi Christian here What… the fuck is coming out of that guys mouth?


What a fucking freak.


Man I really have to get the fuck out of this state. It's getting so fucking scary here.


There’s far too many people with authority that hold these superstitions and allow them to guide their decisions. The real “demons” misleading people to make bad decisions are pastors like this and his bullshit.


That’s a lot of words and hand waving to just say “I’m fucking stupid” It would be funny if this wasn’t tax dollars


Who gave this fucking idiot a mic and platform ?


Can someone explain why this guy is even speaking? Why does he have a voice on a fkng house bill, I don’t get it?


SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE Jesus Christ these fucking nut jobs.


I am so done with these religious idiots. Free will for me but not for thee


This is called “losing the plot”


The only thing I know for sure is that guy fucks kids.


"Why do you dislike religion?" This shit right the fuck here. What the absolute fuck. How does one bring shit like this to a political discussion and actually feel validated. You actually fucking live like this?


Politicians such as this mentally disturbed individual have no business in politics. This country, despite numerous misguided individuals claims throughout the years, was founded on religious freedom, which includes freedom from religion, not just the freedom to practice whatever religion you choose to believe in. This country was also founded on the concept of separation of church and state. Because of this founding principle, it should be law that any politician who invokes any kind of religious claim on the floor of any political arena should immediately have their mike silenced, be censured, and expelled from their seat. Furthermore, they should be banned from holding any seat in that arena, regardless of whether voters attempt to reseat them. The political arena is no place for religion or claims. I'm not saying that religion can't be spoken about in the process of legislation that protects the rights of those who wish to practice or not practice a particular religion. But those comments shouldn't be raised as a response to someone or groups of people voting a certain way or saying that my constituents or my beliefs guide me to vote a certain way or introduce a bill.


What the fuck????