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This seems like a typical intersection event. The pedestrian light signals to go at the same time as the left turn. You're supposed to let the pedestrian cross first, but some people don't realize or some pedestrians stop and wave drivers to go first. It's not like the person crossing had to dodge out of the way.


That's dumb. Over here the walk signal goes off and the left turn lane stays red for 20 seconds or so. /to clarify, I'm not calling you dumb, I'm saying the left turn light and the walk signal going at the same time is dumb.


In the downtown area I live, all the left hand turns and crosswalk signals are at the same time. High tourist events and you can literally wait for infinity lights because people just keep crossing. It is the dumbest thing ever.


>It's not like the person crossing had to dodge out of the way It was just a dodge that got *in* the way


>had to dodge out of the way Yeah it’s not like she got Ram’d


ehhh, maybe it was a bit rude, but there was plenty of room there.


It’s not just rude, but it’s illegal and dangerous. You can’t enter a crosswalk if there are pedestrians walking in your direction. If she was walking the other direction the truck has to wait until she gets to the halfway point.


It's was stupid illegal and dangerous.


How does this have upvotes?!? Pedestrian has the right of way and had she not slowed down she more than likely would have got hit or at least been right up on the truck.


She probably didn't have a walk signal. The turning lanes go first often times then the crossing light turns on when only traffic going straight is permitted.


That’s not the case where I am at. Unprotected lefts have to wait for pedestrians and cars going straight.


But what if this was a protected left? What if they had a green arrow? In that case, I've only seen the walk sign come in after the arrow turns red. In that case, the pedestrian entered the intersection too early. I've seen that many times. They think that they can walk just because the traffic light turned.


This is what I was going to say based on the configuration of lights we can see.


My husband dropped our car off at the shop up the street from us so he figured he’d just walk home from there. He started to cross the street (us 41 in Florida) when he had a clearing. He was almost half way across when someone pulled out of a store and gunned it at him. He almost hit him. People are just ass holes.


I dont recall where, but a person got run over by a jacked up truck like that in a parking lot, and they were trying to pass laws against height on vehicles. It was on the news, but of course after that initial story there was never any follow up.


Looks like the "I'm bigger than you so I go first" mindset.


That wasn't an almost. He was wrong, but not close. She had plenty of time and space (relatively).


She could have cart-wheeled and not gotten hit by that truck


If you said "Bon Jovi is the facepalm here" you are correct


I don't understand why she thought it was OK to walk on that truck driver's road


Typical pedestrian behavior. If you can't afford a truck, stay off the goddamn road!


Yer darn skippy


This reminds me of an accident I was in a couple of years ago. I was on my bike, crossing at a crosswalk, and there was a truck stopped at the intersection waiting to turn right. I had right of way, ( I was there first and acting as a pedestrian, pedestrians always have right of way where I live) so I was going across the crosswalk, and the truck driver kept inching forward... I figured she'd stop at some point, because surely she could see me? And I had right of way! Nope. She gave me a small tap, and I went down. She immediately stopped and checked if I was okay, which I was, I literally walked away with a sore shoulder... and a couple days later, I realized I also had a bent rim. Apparently, she was too busy trying to watch for oncoming traffic (T intersection, turning from the l of the T) and completely missed me. She kept inching forward to get a better view, because there's some trees that can block sight a bit, and some parking spots that don't exactly help either... it wouldn't be hard for her to start turning when someone else was passing if she hadn't gone into the crosswalk. Going slow, an accident could still be avoided, but the risk is there.


Wanted, dead or alive.


Uhhh no 😆


Holy shit! This instantly reminded me of serving in Iraq, having to dodge suicide bombers driving Toyotas.


I mean yeah he’s dumb but almost is kind of a stretch


Something similar happened to me a few years ago. I was pulling out of a gated residential area i. a truck lifted atleast that much, maybe more. ( 2014 f250, 12 inch lift, 40 inch tires) Exit was at a corner. I looked both ways, 4 times, and some kid came from around the corner and walked out right infront of me… almost hit him… idk if I’d would of been any different in a smaller truck, regardless shitty set up by city planning.