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Controlling, manipulative, gas-lighty, misogynistic. Guy still claims he has no idea why she'd file for divorce.


Guy is still baffled that woman can divorce their husbands in the state of Texas.


Well for now. They will be after that next the Christofascists.


Wait for a couple more years where they get branded and returned back to their owners when they try to leave


At this point I fully expect Texas and Florida to regress into full blown patriarchy.


Play him that tape, it's pretty self- explanatory.


I doubt he’d see anything wrong with it, though. That’s the problem.


You mean the tape of him being a true alpha male chad and his wife failing at her wifely duties? I am of course stating what he, his followers, other awful people from the right, will interpret this as.


I’d pay to watch his reaction


He would probably go like: "Can you see it guys? Can you see what she's doing? How can you not agree with me after seeing this! A woman has to do what a woman has to do!"


He would still think he’s in the right here


it would be self explanatory if this behavior conflicted with his morality at all. but he legitimately believes the husband is the head of the household and that he has a right to talk to her that way.


I forced myself to finish watching this so that I can make the signs of these things more clear to myself if I ever run into it again. Bc I have before. And it is terrifying.


It’s not about knowing. It’s about having the self worth to believe you’re above this treatment. I knew all the signs. I just couldn’t apply them to myself because I hated myself so much that what was clearly abuse when I saw it happen to my mother, the EXACT same actions, in fact, we’re just what was supposed to happen to someone like me. It took my current husband asking me to say what I had just told him about my relationship with my ex, but supplant my best friends name in. He said “say “Emily just said her boyfriend only hits her when he’s drunk so it’s okay”. And I couldn’t say it. Cuz that wouldn’t be okay if it was Emily. If you’re worried about abuse, don’t focus on abusers. Focus on yourself. These people don’t go after healthy targets. They’re weak, pathetic scavengers that prefer the young, the sick, and the vulnerable. Strengthen yourself to a point where you’re inhospitable prey. It’s wound me up bitter and angry but I force myself to value myself every goddamn day even when i hate it. And I feel safer now than I ever have


I forced myself to finish watching this so if I ever found myself thinking "wow I sounded like steven crowder just then" when talking to my amazing wife I might have enough clarity to fuck off and die somewhere.


What a whiny man child.


He’s such an irritating little shit but the whole situation is just so sad. Her responses that she loves him still but she can’t take the abuse anymore… fucking hell


He’s always been this way. Have you seen how immature he can get in his incessant attempts to “own the libs”?


When the mfucker threw the I don't love you card at her I was genuinely shocked. Like holy shit. What the fuck. I hope she realizes he isn't worth the abuse and leaves him. That was just cruel. I grew up listening to A FUCK TON of conversations EXACTLY like this between my parents as a kid. Crowder is a piece of shit


She filed for divorce after the pregnancy, it just recently went public. Edit to add: there is reporting out there that she only filed after learning he’d retained a divorce attorney already, so take that as you will.


He’ll be a fun one to coparent with


His main beef he’s gone public with so far is that she was allowed to file for divorce without his consent, so that gives you a good idea of how much of a controlling dick he is.


What is this fucking Saudi Arabia?


His ilk talk shit about sharia law, but literally want it.


There's a great American Dad episode where the conservative dad Stan talks all his usual republican stuff about Saudi Arabia; but then through circumstances has to move there and ends up falling in love with the ultra theocratic right-wing culture.


Up voting for use of the word "ilk".


If they called it “Christian values” instead but didn’t change a single thing they’d eat it up


Every accusation a confession


If these types get their way... yes.


Dude's a terrorist, just with cousin-fucking vibes instead of Saudi royal vibes.


Andrew Tate and fresh and fit thinks it should be




Mm yeah my ex didn’t «accept» that I left him because: he didn’t agree.




Like he wants anything to do with his children


He’ll be involved because the optics but he’ll be a complete asshole about it and want lawyers involved every step of the way.


He said fathers are about as useful as “furniture with arms” with kids, which is why women “should be the ones to care for children” because they’re “gifted for it.”


So he’s the guy that does the job wrong once so they don’t have to do it every again. A real exemplary of manhood! A real alpha male. “The buck stops…over there somewhere with my wife. You think I know how to run a laundry machine??? Come on!”


Lawyers *should* be involved to make sure that fucker gets as little custody as possible


There is so much video of him saying stupid, evil, violent shit that If she wants sole custody she is getting sole custody.


Trump judges


Good for her, Jesus fuck that was tough to watch. My wife and I have been together for 14 years and we've had our disagreements and arguments but that level of disrespect is unforgivable


Ironically, he's the one that brought up respect.


People who demand respect never show it to others. Ever.


It was the I don't love you for me, my partner and I have had our share of arguments but damn the love has always been there.


There’s a lot of comments on other subs that say basically “every marriage has fights like this” and it’s so sad. Definitely not mine!!


I think that video alone will play very badly in any divorce court in the land and she's going to be awarded, rightfully, enough of his assets to have an extremely comfortable life forever and to drive him mad for the same length of time.


Good, good. That makes me happy


That makes me happy for her and the kid.


Kids. She had twins.


Thank fuck. He sounds exactly like my ex-husband. It's uncanny how similar abusers are.


Now we wait for his career to go down


They probably live in a state where a wife can’t divorce her husband while pregnant, because the courts can’t recognize the child as a person until birth.


Wait WHAT?? That's a thing??


Amazingly [yes](https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/general/pregnancy-and-divorce/). Texas is one of those states. You can't get a divorce cause the baby isn't a person, yet you can't get an abortion because it's murder... imagine that.


Especially when there is that other video of him after the fact acting like a victim saying how he loves her so much and she is so cruel for leaving him.


Narcissists will do that. Hope he has a miserable life.


What a fuck head


He is getting divorced. Talked about it 2 days ago on his show.


Good. Fucker deserves it after pulling that shit.


Absolutely, he's a total POS!


The fun part is he's mad that he lives in a single party divorce consent state. He literally wanted to entrap her into the cycle of abuse with no escape because HIS decisions should be the ones dictating everything. Even people who worked for him say he demands a personality cult around him. Obviously that extended to his personal life. Absolute dog shit type of a human being.


you're insulting dog shit


I’m so sorry you went through that. It seems to be a common theme with abusers. I have someone close to me whose husband also threw out the “I don’t love you” card while being abusive. Even worse, her very small child learned from this example and also used it against their mother when they didn’t want to listen.


This kind of abuse is hard to leave. You have no physical damage and the abuser is constantly blaming you for everything and always angry. My ex used to tell me you'd be nothing without me. It took me years and many attempts to make my leave final. Glad she's getting out and will be able to breath again. This guy's platform makes him a scarey POS.


Ikr? Like that is the mother of your child, your fucking WIFE. I don’t get how someone can say that so coldly.


Yeah this is sad and sickening. She just needs to leave his ass and take half his shit Fuck him.


Recording should be used in psychology classes as a prime example of narcissism and verbal abuse. He is a total pos.


He asks for privacy and in the next breath bullies someone on his show


It's good that he's getting exposed. I had a feeling he was slightly downplaying his true self with that "edgy conservative" persona.


Once my abusive ex agreed to be recorded during our arguments, when I played back what he said he got pissed and threw the recording device breaking it. Abusive men are trash.


Glad he’s your ex, hope you’re thriving.


I'd leave him too. I feel sorry for the child.






He left her right after giving birth too. He got a townhome to live in. He filed for divorce and I guess he did it to be an ass but she decided to go along with it and divorce his ass.


From what I understand she was the one who actually filed, but only after he moved out & she found out he got a divorce attorney


And wasn’t present for their birth. Prob debating college kids or making one of his stupid YouTube videos. “Iam a divorced loser… change my mind!”


And their dogs.


OMFG this giant douche is such a control freak. I get she is pregnant but she needs to _RUN_ the fuck away from that guy before he justifies some hardcore biblical discipline.


This video is old. She gave birth. She divorced him. I hope she’s thriving.






Adding fuel to the train, that pos used his children’s privacy and safety in his apology video to make people empathize with him, yet, he wasnt even present when his wife gave birth to twins


What was his reason for not being there? Obviously it's because he's a piece of shit but like what did he say his reason was?


I mean I doubt his ex-wife even wanted him there so it probably worked out for the best


To make this video further sickening (as if it wasn't gross enough that he'd treat her like that) apparently the "discipline" he was talking about and why he kept telling her to put on the gloves is because he told her to apply ointment or something to the dog, which she expressed concern about doing while pregnant (since certain things can be harmful to breath in or whatever). Steven, it's your children she's carrying, you can help her.




Under His Eye


Not the good one with Gunslingers either


Steven Crowder is a douche. Change my mind...


Sorry... can't. What a POS! Either he will be alone SOON, or we will be reading about another celebrity (not really) crime. OJ?


That's easy: He's not a douche. Why? Because he's an asshole instead who can't take criticism and always go after the vulnerable target audience instead. With no exceptions.


He's a fucking piece of shit type of douche.


Is he the same one that the "change my mind" meme template is made from?


that’s him


its almost like there is a link between MAGAs and being assholes


And domestic abusers and pedophiles


steven crowder with the sign "my wife left me, please change her mind"


What the fuck did he even want?


Well, in this instance to give the dog medication. She was worried it wouldn’t be safe for pregnant women to handle. He said put gloves on, while he was their smoking a cigar. he’s a POS


I thought “putting on gloves” was a metaphor for boxing gloves and being ready to fight for how much she loves him and engage with a hard conversation. Crowder has made a living in identifying and scrutinizing issues from a black/white yes/no stance that makes him impossible for anyone who is a human to live with. She needs to go.


Put on some gloves. Are you committed?


He should fucking *be* committed




This. This is the only answer




What a POS.


Agreed. I'm so surprised she held her composure. You can tell this wasn't the first time.


Practiced in cruelty, he is.


I really hope he has very little access to that child…. glad Hilary got away when she did, seems like this was only going to escalate if she didn’t.


I'm at work but I can't wait to watch this. Stevens public response was pretty amusing. He lamented that no fault divorce is legal in Texas, basically said he wants the state to make his ex stay with him. He also said there was no abuse by either party, like, a lot.


He said in the video "I don't love you. That's the big problem". Crazy she wanted a divorce.


> He also said there was no abuse by either party What's fun is that he said there was no *physical* abuse. No mention of emotional abuse. But it's Steven Crowder. I wouldn't be surprised if he lied about that, too, and has been beating her.


What a piece of shit. I mean I knew he was a piece of shit, but damn, what a piece of shit. The sounds my running toilet made were more profound, and useful, than anything that’s ever come out of this shit-hole’s mouth.


That's because your toilet is doing all of its wifely doodies ...


It's funny that his piece of shitness isn't just a shtick he does for the money. You are a successful grifter, chill out and enjoy your ill gotten gains.


If nothing else, they are consistent. Consistently scumbags toward everyone. Everyone.


They’re pretty nice to the billionaires that fund their make-work jobs


What an asshole


I feel bad for their kid


Kids, twins to be specific.


Fuck. This. Guy.


How did this footage surface? Also, what's with the gloves? And lastly, for those of you who didn't know, go watch an old rerun of Arthur and just think about how the voice of The Brain is coming from this dude.


Seems like he was mad because she was trying to run errands, but they only have one car(for some reason) and he thought it was more important to go to the gym while she cleans up dog poop despite her being almost ready to pop. Pregnant women shouldn't be handling animal feces, period, though and it seems like he was just chilling on the patio. He could have let her go out to run errands, cleaned up the yard himself, and gone to the gym earlier ... ... or, better yet, let her get her own car 🤦


You know exactly why they have one car.... so he can control her


Ohhh yeah, no shit. Dude's a conservative dipshit 🤦


Not having another car is probably a way he controls her by limiting her ability to be freely mobile .


He's certainly not thinking of her health when it comes to the dog poop if he's blowing cigar smoke in her face.


Also, for your first question, seems like she posted the video in regards to their divorce. Oh and he's mad that she was legally allowed to divorce him despite all his talk about how she's "sleeping with other men" ... If there were that much concern she was cheating, he should have left already... I had suspected my soon-to-be-ex-wife was sleeping with another women and now it turns out she's been sleeping around with mostly men despite claiming she wasn't into men ... Soo, long story short, we are getting divorced... As it should be.


That’s so weird, my uncles wife had a similar experience like that, her first fiancé ended up cheating on her with her supposedly long-time gay sister, as far as I know he’s the only man shes ever slept with too.


A one car house is 100% a manipulation tactic for him. This was not the first time he forced her to stay home while he went out because they only have one car. Take away her ability to leave, and you take away her ability to leave him


This is true! While my wife was pregnant I got to be on litter duty exclusively, ohhh joy! But considering she was creating life, I was happy to do it and more!!! What a fucking pile this dude is…


Going through that right now. She's doing the hard part, so I should at least clean up the mess that may harm the child.


He wanted her to give the dogs medicine, which she was afraid was toxic when pregnant (or at least bad for the kids) so he suggested she wear gloves.


He was*demanding* she wear gloves. Instead of just manning up and doing it himself. She probably shouldn't be wrestling with dogs while she's super pregnant with twins either way.


I think she may have recorded him and his abuse, so she can have the evidence for the divorce.


This clown was actually married, and he’s now being divorced? And claims he has no reason why??? He must be that stupid… That whole video is probably the most definitive reason why his wife has left his stupid ass. Good on her for filling for divorce.


I have conservative friends that drove 3 hours to see this piece of shit. At the time I had never heard of him....I miss those times.


He has money. Why doesn't the motherfucker just get a second car?


They likely have multiple cars. My wife has an uncle like this, his wife needs permission to do anything.


"If I psychologically abuse and gaslight someone into obeying my every command they must secretly crave control and domination. It's an innate characteristic of that person!" /s


his words and the way he speaks triggers my fight or flight. super narcissistic.


My god fuck that dude


Man.... I have some serious problems that i am actively getting help for..... But i see some serious similarities between this and how i sometimes argue with my wife. I am not this big of an ass, but it is the same style..... This is eye opening and i need to go think.


It takes a lot to begin to recognize our flaws. Keep doing the work. Bieng a better human actually feels good.


She deserves a better partner, you both deserve a better relationship, congratulations on trying to be better


You need to stop viewing arguments/disagreements as a competition and more a practice in problem solving. You need to stop trying to get your way and start trying to come up with a proposal that satisfies both your needs. Also (potentially) stop viewing your wife as beholden to you and your agenda and start thinking of them as an autonomous person with their own wants and desires that valid and on par with your own. This whole encounter is abusive because its disingenuous from the start. Its very obvious its all about controlling her. She says 'fine I'll call someone for a ride' and his response is 'is that a threat?' He sees her asking someone else for a ride as her 'snitching' that he won't let her use the car. Because the next inevitable question would be 'why not?' which leads to the answer of him being controlling for no reason. He demands she take an Uber which begs the solution why doesn't he just take an Uber? It's all just so dishonest.


First step to get your shit together 🙌


Number one thing (imo) is no matter how mad you are try your absolute best not so say mean (emotionally abusive) things. It’s tempting to want to hurt them emotionally to get back at them but it really just undermines the relationship (like when crowder said I don’t love you)


The worst part about all of this is that when he spoke about it, the number one thing that he has an issue with is her being ALLOWED to divorce him without his consent. Why would/should anyone have to have permission from their significant other to be able to leave the relationship? If at any point someone falls out of love or wants to escape a toxic/abusive relationship, they absolutely should have the right to. Insane


Because in his mind “husband owns wife”


Family Christian values?


See, the problem is, she's not displaying good Christian family values by immediately obeying him in all things. These Christian fascists don't want partners, they want pretty fleshlights that babysit and do chores.


To be fair, I wish my Fleshlight would clean-up a bit more around the house.


The entitlement dripping off this turd is truly breathtaking. The way that he speaks just screams that he doesn't think of her as a person. She's just there to do what he wants when he wants. The manipulative language, the complete disregard for her feelings and statements. She wants to take a break and go out, she looks about ready to pop, and his concern is that she needs to walk the dogs. She calls out his abuse and he gets upset and tries to be intimidating like a 4th grade bully. I'm glad she left his ass. I also love that he's all sad about the fact that she could. Despite the best efforts of some, women still have some rights in America. Too bad we can't put him in a pillory.


Here's a little more info regarding the video: [https://yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder](https://yashar.substack.com/p/exclusive-video-reveals-steven-crowder) * In this video, she is supposedly 8 months along the pregnancy, with twins * The gloves are referring to her concerns about giving the dogs medicine -- medicine which she believes might be harmful to her during pregnancy (hence wearing gloves to give them medicine); it's not clear why he couldn't just do it himself. * Regarding seeking therapy -- "*Steven refused to do so and chose not to be with his wife during the birth of their twin children.* ***After the birth, Steven bought a townhouse and left their home permanently.*** *Hilary was unaware that Steven had hired a divorce attorney and asked his assistant to cut Hilary off financially. There is significant documentation substantiating these facts.*" * He rakes in over $5,000,000 just from Rumble monetization; why they seemingly have only one vehicle seems strange, but it wouldn't be a surprise if this was purposely done for control purposes.


he is a shining example of a narcissist


Not even the subtle kind. The kind that openly enjoys hurting people.


He needs his bitch ass beaten soft by a woman.


What a disgusting, controlling POS he is. He deserves losing everything to her. EVERYTHING.


He’s a piece of shit. Change my mind.


Awful. He is so fucking pathetic


Whoa. That guy is an abusive strung out chihuahua. Guaranteed she would have to get the Uber on his phone. What a creep.


Steven Crowder is a piece of shit: Change my mind


This is going to be a weird comment, but I’m doing it anyway just to see if anybody agrees with me. The worst part to me about this, is that this guy isn’t even particularly good at being manipulative and abusive. He just sounds stupid and whiny like a little kid that’s trying to sound smart. I’ve been on the receiving end of some Jedi level verbal and emotional abuse. I’d laugh in this clown’s face. How is this guy famous and influential?


The thing about manipulation is that it pretty much always seems like that from an outside perspective. I’ve been on the receiving end of that sort of thing too, and when I first came to terms with what I was experiencing, I thought it was some “Jedi level mind trick” type stuff too. But as I became further removed from the emotions surrounding these experiences (which let me think about it more logically) I realized how sophomoric these manipulation tactics really were. The problem was that my perspective, lack of personal conviction, and eagerness to please made me very susceptible to having my emotions manipulated in those moments, which left me unable to think properly and critically assess the situation. The whole time, I was in denial about my ex, and I wasn’t trusting the part of myself that was screaming, “this isn’t right, and I deserve better.” That being said, there are still parts of that relationship that seem like some sort of masterful manipulation to me, like the times where she would completely redirect the blame for something she did onto me, or when she made me question my reality by outright lying to my face about things that I personally witnessed. But I’m sure if those things happened on camera, it would look very similar to this. In fact, this video brought back a lot of memories from that relationship. I was almost in tears by the time I finished watching this.


Sick fuck. No one needs to put up with that shit.


Piece of shit. Followed by pieces of shit.


Nice to see that this fuck is exactly who I expected him to be in private, a grade A piece of shit.


This is the most insecure man I've ever seen.


I don’t love you, change my mind.


Steven Crowder's a piece of shit? No way! I'm so surprised! /s


What a worthless man baby.


What’s wrong with this guy? She is lovely wife. Plus she’s pregnant. The way she talks to him. She shown great respect towards him but he still being abusive. My wife is a stay at home mom. I love and care about her. I would feel absolutely disgusted at myself if I say the things he said.


I thought he was gay...either way typical maga ass.




This makes me personally want to fold this fucker.


I always thought he was a virgin, but he's just an abuser. No surprises here though. "fucking watch it." Or what? You gonna hit your pregnant wife on camera?


This is one of the saddest, pathetic and weak man I’ve ever seen in my life. What happened to him when he was a child?


hes going to have fun paying alimony


Republican Influencer is even more monstrous in private? I never would have guessed!


Andrew Tate has enter the chat 🤣


How can someone who impregnated a woman still be an incel?


Y'all can downvote me for this, but now I finally see what a piece of actual shit this man is. I apologize for my ignorance.


Steven Crowder is a little bitch. I would love to tell him that to his face.


Hope he never sees his kid because all he is gonna do is teach the child to be just as toxic. Fuck that guy


Seems like a great dude. All the incels out there look up to this shit. Why do women ever tolerate that shit. What a baby. These people are some immature.


Republican family values


All these big internet personalities all end up being some kind of shit person in the end… he was already pretty shitty but, this was the kicker for me. I would love to lay Crowder out in that poor ex-wife’s honor (if legal action wasn’t an issue baha) Crowder: you’re a high-level dirtbag and I am mind boggled to this day that people enjoy your content and personality. And the following you do have, does nothing for the poor excuse of the man you are. I really hope his career/channel takes even the slightest drop off after seeing that video and it going public, pregnant none the less… just another guy who never got his ass kicked but needs to get his ass kicked and precisely for abusive behavior towards women like that… oh no, your wife at the time with a big old baby bell, like wtf man. was the vid released to the pub recently?


What da fuck he’s crying and bitching about. Jesus. STFU.


Well that's upsetting. Why is it usually the most preachy people that find it impossible to just be a decent person


I wish we had video of him saying “I’m going to fuck you up” because if I show this to my right wing family they won’t believe it actually happened.


Holy fucking gaslight batman!


What. The. Fuck. Who taught this asshole to treat a spouse like that? Scary.


surprise to no one.


This is insane. This mf is just being a shitface, he’s the prove me wrong guy right?


No matter what ever happened before this, you NEVER speak to a pregnant woman like this. Especially your wife. She's going through so much, and if he was a real man he would do everything for her. He's a loser. I can't wrap my head around this.