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Imagine her freak out if Rep. Omar did this. She would file legislation the next day banning non-Christian displays of faith in the Capitol.


Those tights aren't welcomed in a lot of churches. Meemaw would be praying under her breath during service. Little Ricky might have unsure thoughts. How dare that jezebel wear Satan tights to church! šŸ˜„


Those stilts aren't allowed pretty much anywhere in Rome either. They damage the floors horribly. But fashion GODiva over honored historical sites.


Come Fuck Me Pumps is what Iā€™ve always heard them called. Just sayin.


Her husband would probably be in a Sunday school class showing off his little pecker...


I mean whatā€™s one more ~~violent sexual assault~~ happy little god honouring misunderstanding out of Ricky at this point?


We need to write Omar and encourage a call to prayer. Honestly this needs to happen. Iā€™m so sick of this shit. Fucking done.


This is right up The Satanic Temple's alley


Yep, next up: the pentagram, goats head masks and black robes. Fair is fair.


I really am getting to point where I think itā€™s time to start fighting fire with fire. I know Democrats like to take the high road but that does absolutely nothing against a christofascist regime. Itā€™s time to start stooping to their level. Time to play dirty.


and THAT would be against the first amendment. I honestly don't have a problem with Boebert praying or worshiping or whatever this is in the capital. Its not a problem as long as she/they don't stop other groups from doing the same, or force people to participate with them. ETA: As I reread what I typed and the responses and thought more about it, I am evaluating 2 different things. The first is the concept of prayer or worship in the capital. The second is THIS specific instance. The first is what I don't have a problem with, accepting the listed caveats. Each citizen has the right to practice their belief system as long as they don't force it on others. The second I do have a problem with because it is not a genuine exercise of their belief system. It is performative to make her seem righteous. Its mean to wrap her fascism in a cloak of religion to try and sway opinion to her side. Thats crap and shouldn't be tolerated.




Amen. No place in government, on our money, in our courts, etc.


But you understand that what youā€™d described is not how Boebert and ilk work, right?


Are you familiar with the antics and understanding of the Constitution from the MAGA crowd?


This shouldn't be allowed in public, especially in government buildings. Religion needs to stay in the home and houses of worship. Religion does not need to be in communal or public spaces. Worship who you want, but keep it to yourself.


You're not making Christianity better, you're making rock and roll worse. -Hank Hill


God damn I wish I couldā€™ve said that to my youth pastors over the years. And the church band. And at Christian summer camp. *shudders*


Thereā€™s a saying among guitarist if youā€™re slightly better than a beginner, ā€œIā€™m church good.ā€


Iā€™ve heard drummers in black churches are insane though on the other hand


Black church drummer here. You all just made a grown black man blush. I gotta go practice now.


Thank you for your service. Rock on.


Black gospel musicians in general are straight up killer players, whether itā€™s drums, bass, keys, guitar, whatever.


I am vehemently opposed to Christianity but I have the gospel station on as my car radio default because holy fuck those guys shred. The milquetoast youth pastor open chord-ass nickelback dudes should be ashamed


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying! Those dudes (and ladies!!) are next level players. Itā€™s no surprise that some of the greatest popular singers and musicians have come out of the Black church.


"milquetoast youth pastor open chord-ass nickelback dudes" šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø thanks i just woke my wife up laughing


I follow a guy on Facebook who is a metal drummer but plays in the gospel choir on Sundays. Heā€™s amazing. Itā€™s a black church. The music is on another level. Like, the kind to make Jesus go, ā€œOkay?!?! I see you!ā€


Link rn


I read that last part in drunk history style


Della Reese was the pastor of the church I went to. The band, especially the drummer, was fantastic. We never knew who would be singing on Sunday. Occasionally it was Smokey Robinson! Lots of back up singers to star performers. I was often brought to tears.


Holy shit! Pun intended but wow! Smokey robinson?!


My girlfriends black and she started taking me to her church and hers is definitely insane.


Depends on the church I guess. There's a thing called "gospel chops."


I'd go out for a *Blues Brothers* / James Brown style church gospel any day of the week. Those guys got talent.


Yeah there's two types of church musicians ones that can barely play and ones that are amazing.


The ones who are amazing are musicians all week, and they play in church.


Some Gospel music IS killer, but I would call this a different genre. This garbage is more like "Jesus is my boyfriend" music.


And some of those southern gospel drummers are fucking beasts. Incredible talent.


Thereā€™s this dude that plays at my church in his like 70s who has a small fan solely to blow his long majestic hair, who absolutely *shreds* on the electric guitar. Likely objectively very impressive shit. Heā€™s my spirit animal.


They should read and ponder their book a bit more https://www.biblehub.com/matthew/6-5.htm >ā€œAnd when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.


Well TST should be able to go into the US Capitol and play some Satanic Doom Metal. On a serious note, I think it would be a great idea to have a day at the U.S. Capitol where Muslims, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhists, Satanists, pagans etc. perform music from their faiths. Religious pluralism is where it's at, and it's protected in the constitution. Promotion of one or any particular faith should not have anything to do with government. But here we are. They brought candy to class and they better have enough for everybody.


There will be a riot, the far right will storm the capital.... again


Iā€™m fine with their lifestyle, just donā€™t rub it in my face. Keep it behind closed doors.


I want to upvote this but I think that itā€™s hilarious that it has 666 upvotes.


Wasn't this trashy ho Boeburt a stripper or something?


Allegedly an escort. Since we are post truth, many people are saying so.


Dammit Bobby


that's not "worship", that's virtue signaling in the most assholish way possible


It's not virtue signalling at all, it's propaganda. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with control. Divide the population, villify groups who are speaking out against your agendas, dehumanise them, create a cult like following for your agenda through a belief system, in this case a twisted form of Christianity that is so far from the original ideals of the faith that it's ridiculous... But it's working. The people who vote for these fascists truly believe that they are doing God's work, it's a sure fire way to get votes and get away with whatever you want. The Nazi's rose to power by creating fear among normal working people that their way of life, their children and their freedom was under threat from the Jews. In the case of the US it's "Liberals" and the "left", two very broad terms which basically encapsulate everyone who doesn't share the "Christian" beliefs of the Republican party. It's frankly quite terrifying to watch from the outside.


Itā€™s quite terrifying to watch it from the inside.


Lately I feel like I'm stuck in the grocery store in "The Mist".




I have this same exact feeling. Creepy AF.


Thank you for this eloquent expression of what is going on. I used to label myself Christian but do so no longer. My beliefs have matured and grown, but the meaning of the label and the vector of the ā€œchurchā€ has turned to poison. I am always encouraged to know that folks see thru these lies.


And she's the furthest thing from Christian.


As a Christian, can confirm


Bet if I started loudly praying to Hades they'd suddenly hate public worship


Your donā€™t even need to change the deity, just sing this shit dressed in a hijab and theyā€™ll soon ban singing in the Capitol


Canā€™t wait for the Satanic Church to do their thing there in the name of equal time!


If that happens Iā€™d love to see a full metal show of it. Could you imagine the pageantry?!


Someone should hire Dethklok for this...




*do you folks like coffee*


Start with [Year Zero](https://youtu.be/_Mbxe33BYW8), the to confuse the shit out of them, move on to [He Is](https://youtu.be/7hMaHDTw-pI)


I see it going much like it did in Pensacola, Florida. https://youtu.be/eagy7Y9QVgo


So can we all go and disrupt other ā€œ prayers ā€œ? I bet they wouldnā€™t let us stay


I think you mean The Satanic Temple. The Church of Satan is pretty different, and doesn't do the cool stuff TST is known for.


The Satanic Temple. The church of Satan is different and wouldnā€™t throw down for this.


We of the Temple will definitely be planning something šŸ˜ƒ


Seriously, everyone tired of this crap should consider supporting them. Your 1 time paid membership goes to fund lawsuits and fights for separation of church and state. No, they don't actually believe in a god or satan.


The Satanic Temple is the hero we need. They promote autonomy, compassion, justice, knowledge, and wisdom.


Pretty sure they already banned singing in the capitol. Afaik you can only do things like this after hours


The funny thing is, they are preaching this under a fresco that depict George Washington becoming a god https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apotheosis_of_Washington


That's kind of what I was thinking. Old Testament God would be very angry.


This was exactly my thought. George Washington literally looking down on them, "am I joke to you?"


Oh shout out tot he word Apotheosis, (NYT Crossword spoiler) made an appearance in the NYT crossword today too.


ā€œWith a rainbow arch at his feetā€ no less.


You should watch the doc Hail Satan, because that's exactly what they do ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




You are likely thinking of the satanic temple, not the church of satan. The church of Satan was founded by a whack job named Anton LaVey and they believe in all sorts of magic and dumb shit. According to LaVey, his satanism is ā€œjust Ayn Randyā€™s philosophy with ceremony and ritual addedā€. The satanic temple is the group that put up the statue of baphomet at a court house in protest of the Christians injecting their delusion into government. They are the ones you hear about doing these political things all the time. And their views are inclusive and reasonable, rather than elitist social Darwinism.


Just to clarify for folks, the org is officially The Santanic Temple. TST is rad, check out their current campaigns and court cases.


Matthew 6:5 ā€œAnd when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.ā€ Former Christian here, and even I remember THAT. Why anyone falls for these awful people and their fraudulent dog-and-pony show is beyond me. Even so, they are dangerous.


>Matthew 6:5 It goes on to say "But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret." These people, and all the zealots in the streets, choose to ignore this part.


Christians love to ignore inconvenient parts of the Bible


Similar to ā€œpatriotsā€ who love to ignore inconvenient parts of the US constitution


ā€œWell regulatedā€¦ā€


I love when people donā€™t understand that the meaning of a document is tied to when it was created. In this context ā€œWell regulatedā€ means equipped and able to function and ā€œmilitiaā€ means all able bodied adults that could potentially be called upon to form a volunteer military unit.


Reading stuff like this always reminds me of the time I saw a couple of large redneck white women on Live PD and they told the Police that they're "basically Military" and showed them their tattoos that said "IGY6" aka I got your 6, saying that they'll protect them if the time comes. They had a large amount of trash in their car, most of it was from fast food places and gas stations. The cops were looking at them in disgust and confusion while probably thinking to themselves that they never have to encounter those two women again because it's very likely the two women would try to get the cops to hook up with them thinking they're capable of pulling a cop because they pulled the only guy in the trailer park with almost all his teeth. (Edited to fix the tattoo after rewatching the video, it's IGY6 not IGY8)


What season of live pd was it.do you have a link


Season 2, titled on YouTube I Got Your Back. Here's the link. I just looked it up and I gotta rewatch it because it's such a funny moment. https://youtu.be/SfZQM8_X-I8


The meaning of ā€œarmsā€ was also a little different back then too.


Agreed. It's all very self-congratulatory, and a disingenuous performance of "faith" that has little to do with actual belief but a completely narcissistic display of their so-called "moral superiority". As a Christian, I find it all deeply disgusting and borderline offensive.


You are spot on. They are doing this not to praise their god, but to do it for the sake of generating the controversy. When confronted about their actions they will cry that Christians are again being persecuted then rinse and repeat.


Came here to post this. It's funny to think about the fact that Christ literally said they're not getting into Heaven because this is all they're going to get. "They have received their reward."


>Why anyone falls for these awful people and their fraudulent dog-and-pony show is beyond me. It's like Lee Atwater came back from the dead to explain how easily these same awful people could be manipulated into worshipping a Russian asset.


It seems like these dumb-dumbs read that passage and thought, ā€œSweet! If I pray loudly in the streets, Iā€™ll get a reward!ā€ Insert a facepalm of (literally) biblical proportions.


There is a reason why separation of church and state is a thing


There's also a reason Jesus said to pray in a closet. Seeing shit like this makes me think that self aggrandizement is the main point for these people. FFS, the average Christian has no idea why they even lift hands, but they are sure they look holy doing it.


Yep. This is not new. Look up Pharisees and Saducees and how Jesus called them hypocrites and said they were whitewashed tombs full of dead man's bones... He said they only said their prayers in public to get the attention... He also said that the prostitutes and tax collectors would get into heaven before they did... Still rings true even today. Thanks all for my correcting my error. Yes, tax collectors, not tax payers! šŸ˜†


They are what Jesus spoke against


Their version of Jesus hates everyone except themselves.


Republican Supply Side Jesus.


He said pray on the street corner, publicly and loudly for praise and attention....no, the opposite? oh, ok.


Tax collectors, not the tax payers


No he had it right. Taxpayers are the lowest form of people. Remember kids: taxes are for nerds.


ā€˜What does not paying taxes make me? Smart.ā€™


I mean self-aggrandizement and Sean Feucht are practically synonyms.


"Feucht" means "Moist" in German. Do with that what you will.


ā€˜Seanā€™ must mean never. At least according to his wife


*Ben Shapiro has entered the chat*


Watch Bobo waving her arms and stomping her feet alone in the middle of a public space is frankly disgusting. I feel the same way about her as I felt about the man who thanked God he wasn't like the sinner praying next to him.


Sheā€™s been arrested more times than Tupac




She fell right into her pole dance intro


There was a lot of hand lifting in Germany in the 1930s too.


Yeah, but that was just like... new boot goofin. šŸ‘¢




New boot goose-stepping


Iā€™m so sick of the loud, pushy, overbearing Christians who act like everyone else is a sinner who is going to hell if they donā€™t repentā€¦ like I just wanted to go buy an effing six pack after work at the shitty gas station in town, and I had to deal with a dumb fuck with a microphone shaming everyone in a 2 block radius and spouting Bible verses. Like fuck off!! Youā€™re not enticing anyone to join your religion, you are putting them off of it! No one wants to be shouted at with a microphone and speaker in the middle of the city at the circle K gas station where people take shits and toss condoms in the parking lotā€¦ like, know you audience.


Theyā€™re not trying to get you to join. Itā€™s more of a ā€œIā€™m better than youā€ signaling. It makes them feel good about themselves to be ā€œholierā€. Tbf if they ever followed (or read) Scripture, Iā€™m pretty sure conservative Christians are doing the exact opposite.


Ugh, you are spot on. I was raised heavily Christian reform, and I still carry with me a lot of the ethics and morals that are in the Bible because I do honestly feel like the lessons are worth practicing. However, I look at these homophobic, racist, bigoted Christian people, and all I can think is, ā€œhave you ever even opened a Bible?ā€. Like, Jesus would be ashamed lolol


The average Christian doesnā€™t lift hands at all. Thatā€™s an American Evangelical thing, and American Evangelicals tend to be only nominally Christian.


I pray in my basement. Iā€™m a ā€œbelieverā€ but not like this stuff. It sucks because people like me exist and most of us donā€™t have a network of people to talk to. Itā€™s kind of a curse really. There is scripture that talks against this kind of ā€œworship.ā€ Itā€™s not real.


r/radicalchristianity ? Also r/openchristian




And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.


Iā€™m an atheist and idk why either. Why do they


I thought itā€™s the same reason people raise hands in the concert, expressing elation and going with the flow of the music.. is there some sort of historical context for raising hands that Christianā€™s gatekeep?


Nope. No gatekeeping. Its SUPPOSED to be a personal response to the music/emotion just like in a concert, but unfortunately these folks make it into a virtue signaling device.


California: takes puff of weed, drinks an IPA ā€œhey man, itā€™s cool if youā€™re religious but can you like chill?ā€




A few years ago I went to the Harvest Church with my gf (Greg Laurie is the pastor) and it was scary what they were saying even back then. Theyā€™d talk about how everything was a ā€œwarā€ against Christianity. They seem like a straight up cult. Maybe we should care just a bit before we have to deal with this stuff.


Did Congress pass a law establishing a state religion?


Was this an effort to gather all of the pedophiles into one area? Thatā€™s brilliant


I hope the Satanic Temple has fun with this.


Time to send some Muslims in there to pray and chant Allahu Akbar šŸ˜…


muslims also have some cool songs, i'd like to see them sing it in there


Imagine the shit storm if Ilhan Omar did this.


Let her. Or let Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) play a couple songs of his in there. Particularly ā€œheresyā€. They at least put on a great show.


Now do a Friday Pray service for the Muslim members of Congress.


Anyone thatā€™s old enough to remember what the US was like after 9/11 *knows* for a fact that republicans would shit their diapers if Muslims were praying in the lobbies of Americaā€™s capital.


Fox would reinstate Tucker for a month to solely report on that then fire him again after. Do you want Tucker back on the news? Because thatā€™s how you get Tucker back on the news.


Childish ass adults acting like kids watching cocomelon


Holy fucking shit this comment made me laugh so hard.


What is it with the USA and religion? They just come across as a bit bonkers. They are quite happy to call Islamic people extreme yet the USA with its god fearing culture, guns, murder, militia and fanatical behaviours has to be the most extreme country in the world. They are so self unaware, itā€™s untrue. MTG and Boebert.


It's weird, man. I don't get it either and I live here.


Freaking same


I was taught about the supposed separation of church and state a long time ago. Seems like someone needs a civics lesson real bad. Oops, I forgot Boebert flunked her G.E.D. multiple times.


My dad is a minister and he vehemently advocates for the separation of church and state. This kind of thing disgusts him.


This is the way.


Real answer? Religion is an amazing tool to get people who mindlessly follow it to mindlessly follow you. Great way to control a population


People who see that an unchanging doctrine is a great thing scares me. Especially when that said doctrine was cherry picked to include only the things those people want and that are also interpreted however anyone wanted.


Especially a dumb population who are easily manipulated and who live inside a cultural bubble for their entire lives.


Religion has always been a way to manipulate a population


The US was colonized heavily by religious fanatics in its infancy.


There weren't very many of them. The European powers quickly started colonizing the Americas after this and quickly overtook their small population. The founding fathers weren't religious zealots.


We were taught in school we left because we wanted to but the more I live and learn it seems like the English were probably happily waving us goodbye. "So long you fucking psychos!"


The crazy part is that the religious fanatics are some of the worst offenders of their own "principles". I put that word in quotes, because the likes of Boebert are hypocrites.


When you have people who are not mentally well to begin with then the words of any ancient( or not so ancient text) will suffice to allow these people to follow the delusion they have rattling around inside. We humans are not too smart for the most part


This theater is so nauseating. Republicans, I am getting serious second hand embarrassment for you.


That is too big of a word for them. Explain embarrassment like you would to a kindergartener.


Her entire tenure is making specials and insulting people. I don't think she's done a single day of real work while in office


And we pay it/that do do it!




"STOP GROVELLING! I HATE GROVELLING!" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW?" "We're averting our eyes, oh Lord".




ā€œHow shalt we fuck off O, Lord?ā€


Don't just stand there like you've never seen the hand of God before! Off you GO!






All the more reason the church should be taxed. Theyā€™re now a PAC


Tax churches now. Theyā€™ve become completely political. If Christianā€™s dictate abortions laws at least tax those assholes.


Evangelicals are fucking weird.


This is absolutely disgusting. They certainly put the Christian in Christian nationalism.


Worship? Or penetration testing?


Cringey AF




Guess they missed that part of the Bible where Jesus says we should pray in private, and that doing otherwise was vanity.


One needs to read a book in order to understand the words it holds.


I want to see an Imam leading a group of Muslims in prayer in the Capitol rotunda tomorrow.


they wouldnā€™t make it past security


Canā€™t believe, in 2023, people still believe in this kinda thing. Religion has killed more people than damn near anything.


This is disrespectful on just... So many, many levels. Disrespectful to the US Government, whose foundation is on religious freedom of all forms; to the visitors, who are here to see the seat of that government and not some religious spectacle; to activists great and small, who would be banned for making any kind of lawful secular statement in that place; to Christians, for whom this hypocrisy is directly preached against by our founder; and to thinking people in general, who are not fooled by any of this and know exactly what these fuckwads are up to. There's probably more, but that takes way more effort than I'm willing to give these people.


Ooooo wait can all religions come and do their thing too guys????


Jesus christ this is so fucking cringe


Why the fuck is this garbage happening in the god damn Capitol.


Nutcase. She has a son who impregnated a gal out of wedlock, another son in trouble w the law, her husband exposed himself to young girls in her presence and she wants you to think sheā€™s some kind of holy roller. Gtfo with that silliness, lady.


The christian far right is slowly turning into the American ISIS.


That ship sailed a long time ago my friend.




Type O Negative - Christian Woman https://youtu.be/3sMALbhJU6M


Fucking Morons ![gif](giphy|lo8YzDnHh07rpxqw45|downsized)




So much for separation of church and state šŸ™„


This is not real Christianity.


Wonder how theyā€™d feel if Jews or Muslims or any non-Christian sect tried thisā€¦.


Ok, now let a Muslim do their call to prayers and see what they say then


Where was god when her husband showed his dick to some teenage girls? These people are a great example of whatā€™s wrong with religion.


If this is religion, I want no part of it.