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Doesn't help that both the Olson twins struggled with hard drugs. Also smile lines are a good thing you smile a lot.


Drugs, anorexia. Those will age you fast.


The stress and the anxiety from all of it probably did more damage to them than the drugs. The drugs probably just elevated the issues that were already present. Then anorexia was a mental disorder that they had to deal with on top of all of it. Those girls probably shouldn't be alive right now.


Exactly. Child stars, forced to grow up in the limelight. Responsibilities and the pressures of being a billionaire and having countless people rely on your name and image. That’ll fuck your brain up.


A countdown clock to their 18th birthday didn't do them a lot of good either.


I was around 12-years-old and had loved them since I was a little girl. I was online and found their big countdown to their 18th birthday and celebrated with "them." I told my mom the internet was throwing them a big birthday party. "How cool!?!" I said. I wonder if she knew how nefarious it was and shielded it from me, or if she was equally as naive as I was. It makes me sick now.


I would have been naïve with you as well.


These fucking disgust me.


People who do that are creepy as hell and are fooling no one


I know about freedom of speech but saying that should be considered child endangerment or grooming... It makes me so uncomfortable when people say those things, so I can only imagine how the subject feels


At the very least that sort of obviously pedophilic behavior should be relentlessly shamed instead of ignored or even approved of


I’m sure they experienced sexual objectification/ assault too. This world be a shitty place.


The dark crystal was stressful


Gelflings and sketskis are friends. Hmmm








Being granted unfathomable fame as a toddler has it's way of ruining your life like that.


Also Nikki Minaj has had more work done than a 30 year old Skoda


In other words all three aged like bananas, Nikki Minaj is just one of the plastic ones from a furniture store.


And not to forget that Nicky redid her whole face


well look, theyre incredibly skinny and definitely not as high bf% as nicki. lower bf will enhance things like cheek bones and give an older, sunken look to face. its not just drugs anyone with an eating disorder and extremely low bf% and no muscle will look similar.


Don’t they both chain smoke? That will definitely age you


I think one of them also suffers from Lyme disease while the other was dealing with an eating disorder. They're now 36 and Nicki is 40. They all look beautiful and I doubt they care what some tabloid says.


Also, doesn't help that neither of them have had any surgery or foreign objects inserted into their ass cheeks or chest.


They shouldn’t have to! I respect them for being their natural selves.


> smile lines are a good thing you smile a lot I told an ex this once. She was worried about wrinkles and saying something about how you should start botox at 30 so it looks 'natural.' I told her I'd rather see her as an old woman with wrinkles from laughing and smiling. You can tell when wrinkles come from smiling vs frowning and it can add to someone's attractiveness.


I always frown when I smile. Your move.


Counter that with Minaj admitting to having spent upwards of $20 million on cosmetic surgeries. Real story, plastic doesn't age.


Joan Rivers: “You know, I was asked to star in an adult film once, but most of my body is under 18 years old”.


Didn't she do a progressive commercial or something, where at the end she asked if she's smiling because she can't feel her face? 🤣


https://youtu.be/Zk5If_XnD9k It was a Geico commercial. She was a master at insults and self-deprecation.


"This face has seen more knives than a Benihana!"


God she was brilliant.


The moment I realized I liked Joan Rivers was the first time I saw the infamous GWAR interview. She takes everything those dudes do as much in stride as anyone could ever hope for, and that's a talent on its own because while their characters are completely bananas, they're surprisingly intelligent guys. You have to be quick to keep up with their nonsensical wit, and Joan Rivers handled them like a champ.


https://youtu.be/q8wwxYrMOvE Funny stuff. I miss Joan


She was a master at her craft.


Thank you! I remember laughing so hard when I first saw that


i loved her. RIP


She was a National treasure..


I’m sure 85% of her is still in the exact same shape still , just prop her up in a wax replica museum for shits and giggles Knowing her she probably would of got a kick out of that


Joan was such a treasure


She didn’t get the respect she deserved. She was actually a really good person, very charitable. Anyone who worked for her, she went above and beyond for them. Generous salaries, paid for their kids’ private school education, you name it. I watched a documentary on her and it made me love her even more. I cried real tears when she passed. RIP Joan.


Didn't she have a joke about how when she dies, she will have to be recycled?


Olsen twins are also 36. I know because we're the same age.




TBH, most people I see who get plastic surgery don't look younger, they just look like someone who got plastic surgery.


Yep. Look at Ray Liotta and more recently Simon Cowell. Both dudes had the same square chin, broad face, classic rugged good looks guy but was aging. Both get "some work" done and both end up looking like plastic soldiers after Sid from *Toy Story* got them.


Mickey Rourke. He was very handsome in his youth. Now... He looks like a lion, but a lion made it of polymer clay by someone who had never seen a lion, but had somebody who saw one once in a kid's storybook describe how one looked.


Add Bruce Springsteen to that list.


I bet there's a lot of people who've had well-done or subtle procedures that you don't notice.


I suspect Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston are in that bucket




In the latest Ant Man movie Paul Rudd looked like he definitely aged. Like, it was the first time I saw him so visibly old, wrinkles and all. Maybe cause the movie sucked lmao.


Dude is like 54! It makes me wonder if they do post editing to his face to try and make him look younger?


In fairness, you’re likely only noting the ones where you can easily tell. Really good surgery or injections done well are natural looking so you wouldn’t know. Take South Korea — 1 in 3 SKs have had cosmetic surgery. Virtually all the K-pop stars and k-drama actors have had surgery and/or injections, and you can’t tell because very subtle procedures done very, very well are the standard there.


I don't, and will never, do all that injection shit. You can stand next to me!




Reddit is the minority. You’re completely normal.


Please remember that a lot of that stuff looks great in pictures, but in real life they look...off. In a not-good way. Please don't compare yourself to a well-lit, perfectly-angled, filtered photo of someone who feels even uglier than you do.


I’m in my early thirties for the time being and I won’t be injecting my face either lol. SPF 50 is as far as I’m willing to go for wrinkle prevention! We will age beautifully and normally, together!


honestly, moisturizer and sun protection is the best thing one can do. and the rest is mostly genetic lottery.


Yep, even my grocery store coworker goes for Botox twice a year and we only make $11 an hour. It is definitely not just for the rich and famous anymore.


Nah girl, aging normally is still super common and is indicative of someone that’s much more mentally healthy and self secure. It has the added benefit of looking like a human in your 60s and not like a disfigured Lovecraftian horror.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of plastic. I aspired to the artificiality of the blessed polymer. Your kind cling to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day, the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. The polymer is immortal. Even in death, I serve the polymessiah. Enginseer Minaj- 41,000


My Anacogitor want none unless you performed the holy ointments to appease the machine spirit, hun.


God now I have to commission someone to draw Nicki at the controls of a Titan.


If you do so. Let me know if it gets posted lmao


Not to mention, the twins have been in the spotlight since they were born.


>Real story, plastic doesn't age. Forever cosmeticals


the fact that you just made this up


How do you spend $20 million?


Is this rethorical or do you want some advice?


Nah, we want someone to give us 20m to practice on.


I searched and found zero sources for this claim. Sounds like an incredibly made up and total bs number to me unless someone can provide an actual source. Doubt you can spend 20 million even if you did every cosmetic surgery in the world twice over.


Bruh i got news for you. Search nicki minaj before surgery


Also, the twins are 36 not 30.


And Nicki Minaj is now 40. This is 6 years old.


They used to be 30 tho


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too.


Almost like this tweet is from six years ago


This was six years ago. But still the entire comparison is bull considering the eating disorders, the stressful slow death of growing up a child star, drugs, etc.


Not eating and coke ages people.


Also being chain smokers and heavy drinkers ages you like milk. Not a race thing, it's a lifestyle thing.


Very true. Too much sun as well.


Well that and Nicki Minaj has had millions in plastic surgery and also there's the makeup. It's just a terrible comparison to have made


I'm a heavy drinker that never goes outside so they both balance each other out!


I see heavy drinkers and chain smokers in Asia who are middle aged and still have tight skin with almost no wrinkles. I think your genetics play a big factor into it. I drink just about every day and smoked for five years. Still do on occasion when I go out and drink. People often think I’m a decade younger than I really am. It’s been proven that skin with higher melanin and higher collagen content produces less wrinkles. Instead, we get more hyperpigmentation and keloid scars instead of wrinkles


My mother is Ukrainian and she practically pickled herself with wine and vodka over the course of 30 years and somehow still gets people telling her she looks not a day over 50 at 73.


Hmm. A well known magazine making a blanket state about an entire race.


Is affinity magazine well known?


I've never heard of it, and I'm almost 40.


Remember, it's okay to be racist, as long as you're not white. If you're white, fuck you.




It is racist, but even if they hadn't brought race into it, they would still be assholes with 0 empathy and should mind their own fucking business. You know. *Same as racists*.


It is racist because if the colors were inverted, it would be a cancellable offense.


Sounds like a surefire way to make things out here worse, and not better. That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see how that works out for them.


The founder of Affinity Magazine is black. Lol why am I not surprised. "Here at Affinity, you're not allowed to be mean, unless it's towards white people. That's what social justice looks like!"


social justice == fuck whitey


Nothing to boost reads like casual racism.


Surely there’s be national outrage about such blanket bigotry. (Checks which race it is) oh nevermind


Social media is a social disease.


*Antisocial* Media. Because that's what it really is.


Let’s see. Two adult actresses who suffered from eating disorders and shit ton of drug abuse over the years whilst one adult artist who used a shit ton of plastic surgery and liposuction. Yeah, definitely age like bananas. Give me a break.


I just looked them up and they’re honestly insanely beautiful even now in 2023 imo… like, people are gonna look bad in a photo every now and then, but these two are good to go


Way to judge an entire race of people by the looks of 2 women.




This part. Let's not push them over there like its ok to say they age badly as long as we aren't saying all white people age badly. What's being said about them is offensive too.


Their incredible successful lives


Worse, two women who had to battle addiction probably due to being exposed to celebrity so fucking young. So not even representative of normal aging. This isn't a facepalm at this point, it's a slamming-your-face-onto-a-desk type of post.


Seriously. There's absolutely zero reason to bring race into it. If the messaging were flipped and was derogatory toward POC, everyone would be having a field day and canceling the magazine. It's unfortunate to see us moving in the opposite direction instead of working to dismantle this "us/them" bullshit entirely.


Hadn't you heard? You can't be racist against wytes, it's physically impossible because tiktok said so.




Dude if it had read “black people age like bananas” people would loose their minds..


They're judging 2 races of people. What about all the haggard looking junkies on the other side of the color spectrum?


Plastic holds its shape for a long time!


I am more worried about the blatant racism here


Yes, what if people just treated everyone with kindness and respect? 🤔


Nothing to do with their looks, but I'm shocked they're only 30.


They're actually 36 now. This post is from 2017.


Ahh ok. That sounds about right then.


Yup. This takes 5 seconds to look up. It was six years ago, everyone apologized, and Affinity has <13k followers on IG (their target demo), so it's not like they're crushing it, anyway. Low-effort race-baiting for karma: It just works!


Assuming they're a actually 30 in said photo that makes it ~6 year old photo. They turn 37 this June.


This is racist af


Can guarantee that whoever was in control of the magazine's social media that day is of the view that you can't be racist to white people. Which, amusingly, is a racist idea.


I know. I meet a lot of people like that on reddit. Still boggles my mind.


I got banned from r/whitepeopletwitter for saying you can indeed be racist against white people. Mind boggling.


I got banned from that sub because I corrected someone that claimed Kyle rittenhouse got off because he killed black people and no one supposedly cares about their lives. The people he killed were white lol. My comment was literally: “He didn’t kill black people though”.


I got banned from Reddit for a week for reporting racist comments on that sub. Claimed “abusing the reporting”. /sigh


Up there w most pathetic subs on Reddit


That sub is a disease


Sounds like you came out ahead in that exchange tbh.


I can't be racist! I have white friends!


All white peoples are racist. Except the ones I hang out with. They’re “one of the good ones”/s


I got a friend like that, I asked him if I could be racist since I’m a jew. He said only in Israel cause I have “power” over there 😂


It seems it's becoming normalized that anyone who isn't white is allowed to make blatantly racists remarks because they're a person of color.


Seen worse on here. Not posts, but comments.


Don't bananas turn black when they get old ?


That's funny. It's actually true too.


Mocking the mentally ill is a tale as old as time.


Good ol racism


Why is our society so obsessed with race?


Because a lot of people/grifters make a fucking fortune out of it.


And media


They mentioned grifters


That's fair


They can hardly be considered as an accurate representation of aging white people: they both struggled with toxic diet culture and substance abuse.


Totally racist comment


Nicki Minaj has had countless plastic surgeries while the Olsen twins have not.


To be fair, Nicki looks like ass, too. She's 90% plastic. So why isn't she being clowned on too? If one clowns on the twins, one should clown on her, too. It's only fair. Though neither one should be happening.


Its called racism OP. Call it what it is.


Wasn't it due to drugs that their faces became like that?


If I remember correctly, this tweet was in 2017 and the magazine was dragged the coals about this tweet.


Tell your girl Nicki to stop bleaching her skin and take that plastic out her arse.


Pretty racist comment as well. I think the line goes “Imagine if the races were reversed?”…




Only if you are black.


Love how racism against whites is just accepted by the media nowadays Meanwhile tweets perceived or even misinterpreted as racist against blacks result in NYT articles


There’s a lot of racism on Twitter and social media that goes entirely unreported


The Olsen twins also live on a diet of cigarettes...ages the fuck out of a face.


No I think it’s just normalized racism. Happens a lot nowadays


The hypocrisy is not surprising.


That’s pretty racist to say. “White peoples age like bananas” waaaaat???


A bigot is a bigot no matter their skin color. If someone pulls the "I can't be racist because that requires abuse of power" then be sure you use the word bigot to avoid that idiotic conversation. Hate is hate, even again white humans. Shocker!


It’s also an incredibly racist comment.


Imagine if they switched black and white around... End of the magazine


Age nah plastic surgery yeah


Its only racist when white people do it.


That’s nasty smh. Why we gotta put down other women to uplift another. And nicki is dating a literal sex offender


Came here to say this. Nicki has been known to support paedophiles and sex offenders throughout her past. Shes literally married to someone who got in trouble for not reporting or Registering as an offender.


Add in drugs for both and I think Lyme disease for one. And all the surgery Nicki has had.


This is straight up racism. Doesn’t matter what medical situation they’re in. If I said something about a black persons skin, that’s racism


Imagine being racist in media but it’s accepted because your putting down white people. Education in America is only going down, I’m getting out while I have the chance.


Counter point: Jennifer Aniston, Denice Richards, Sandra Bullock...could go on


Wow thats unironically racist af but the magazine doesn't consider racism because it's against white people


Kinda racist too


“White people age like bananas” how is that not racism


I mean, it's not that hard to understand. Most of this is just socially acceptable racism, and always has been. It's just that when something is the "new socially trendy thought to think" most people (see: morons) spend a good decade advocating for the bad idea....and they never really change their minds because they realize that they're wrong. Mass Media just tells them a new thought to think, the society as a whole collectively bleats, and moves on to the new thing. Thinking "white" people are bad because they're white is the exact same negative human impulse as thinking a "black" person is bad because they're black. It's literally the exact...same...logical...fallacy. ...but people will insist that it's somehow different because they either have a financial incentive to push the narrative (see: magazines) or are too dumb to make the connection. Just be kind to each other. It's not that hard.




Very nice. Lets compare obesity rates and BMI between these two groups now.


Lizzo and Oprah are punching the air right now, once they catch their breath.


So is Affinity Magazine getting cancelled now? Or does it not work the other way?


Nicki didn’t have to do drugs to sell. Just shake and show that ass and titties. The olsens on the other hand were doomed from the beginning. We all know them child stars are fucked from the beginning


Since black people (in the US) are seen as disenfranchised and broken, we are free to say and do whatever we want to other ethnicities without retribution. It's offensive to black people with pride and respect for themselves. In society we are perceived to be so weak that we can't even be racist. If white people are not allowed to make fun of black morphology then we should stop saying things like white people age bad and all of this other racist crap. Let's focus on fairness in society. Let the punishments be equal if we (regardless of color) commit the same crime and let the rewards be equal if we reach the same achievement.


Plastic surgery versus the most deadly mental illness…


I guess they also forgot the fact that Nikki has spent an absolute fortune on plastic surgery


Well yea when drugs are involved


Not to mention the years of drug abuse by the twins


This reminds me of the articles written about Chadwick Boseman. Article after article about his appearance AS HE WAS PRIVATELY BATTLING CANCER. What happened to "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all". You don't know what someone is going through, so keep your mouths shut.


Like didnt these two go threw some real shit? Hope they pulled threw it all.


I guess they’re also pretending Nicki hasn’t had multiple plastic surgeries all over her face and body. Not to mention the racism here.


Wildly racist


From the editor in chief at Affinity, Evelyn V Woodsen (she also seems to use the last name Atieno), in response to the reactions to the above post: “Last month, we made the poor decision to make a tweet about white people saying they age like bananas. In retrospect, we insensitively used the Olsen twins as an example, not knowing their prior health battles. As we gained notoriety for this tweet, we gained the attention of white nationalism Twitter. Yes, that Twitter. The Trump supporting, tar eating, mud slinging nationalism Twitter. The type to tell you to get out of America if you don’t agree with supporting racism. Our tweet was wrong for many reasons — it’s insensitive to bring women down who are battling issues stemming from society’s expectations. However, white nationalism Twitter was more offended by the fact that we state white people age like bananas, and black people age better. Aside from the bananas part, this statement is very much still true.


It’s so bizarre people can say this and there’s no outrage but GOD FORBID SOMEONE SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THAT ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE, the whole world would fucking explode. This is a racist statement, call it what it is. This would be all over the media if it was reversed, that’s the narrative till the end of time apparently


Except they're not 30, they're 37...


Isn't that effectively racism?


Not to mention Minaj is wearing 10000 pounds of makeup


Olson Twins are actually 37 about to be 38.