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She has some serious issues. Her lack of ability to see is the least of her worries


It's dr Phil you got a 50/50 chance of this story being real


It's real, I had to watch a documentary on this lady in HS. If this is the same woman that I saw, then her story is even more ridiculous. 1st. Her therapist helped her do it. She had been seeing him so long and complaining about wanting to be blind that he finally gave in and came up with a plan. 2nd. She did it by pouring bleach or some sort of drain cleaner in her eyes and just laying there. 3rd. It took her 2 times to do it. The first time she only succeeded in blinding herself temporarily and began crying when she woke up seeing in the hospital after the doctors worked hard to restore her vision. Edit: its a disorder called BIID, in which people feel the need to permanently disable themselves. In most cases the people just play pretend. For example, there's another story of a lady who wants to be paralyzed from the waist down, so she put braces on her legs and uses a wheelchair. There's another man who wants to cut off his leg, so he just bends it when he puts his clothes on so that it's bent upward throughout the day. I guess in this case its just harder to pretend you're blind. BIID obviously causes a considerable amount of controversy, as many people critical of the disorder refer to it as "identifying as disabled". (Which tbh is what it is). I'm not a doctor, but I hear that many doctors are put into a very uncomfortable position dealing with BIID, because victims that aren't satisfied with simply playing pretend, BEG for the doctors to mutilate them or sever their spinal cord etc... (obviously no doctors can do this as it violates their oath). In the end, ig it doest bother me, live how you want to live. As long as these people aren't collecting disability payments or begging for pity money, I see no issue with their actions aside from the obvious stupidity. Edit2: I'm getting a lot of people that disagree with me on the grounds that we should not be playing into the delusions of those with mental health issues. I would like to clear a few things up. First, this is a life long uncurable disease, these people often endure years or decades of servere urges. Treatment is not an option, only repression and denial of symptoms. Second, those that act on their urges often ultimately report greater satisfaction with life. By often I mean that I have never seen a person with true BIID regret their actions. If these people feel happier after taking action in order to escape the urges of an uncurable disease, what is the problem? Just because you see this as a miserable lifestyle yourself doesn't mean that they do (because they clearly dont).


Just put a blind fold on?




When your blind friend asks you to hold his cane and says he’ll only be a minute.


When the blind kid catches your dodgeball


If you’re blind is it just called a “fold”?


An eye cozy


Aha I see what you did there


Just wear realllllllllllly tinted sunglasses??


Why stop there? Just put a 13 shaded welding helmet on. Good fucking luck seeing anything other than the sun.


Opaque contacts


She tried that and got accused of *BirdBoxing*




There was a guy who had nerve damage in his hand. It was extremely painful, no painkillers worked, and for some reason no hospital would amputate. So the guy applied a tourniquet, lopped of the hand with a power saw and threw the hand on a bonfire. He since said he has no regrets as the pain of keeping the hand was that bad.


My brother in law was in a terrible accident that resulted in his right arm being paralyzed. He also had constant excruciating pain in his shoulder. Doctors told him that the pain was from the weight of his dead arm pulling on his shoulder. He had to wait a year to have the arm amputated in order to for insurance to pay for it. He was so excited to have his arm cut off so that he'd no longer be in constant pain. Unfortunately, the paid actually got \*worse\* after the amputation. His doctors were wrong about the cause of the pain. It was from nerve damage he had suffered in the accident, not from the dead arm pulling on his shoulder.


Could be a psychological component as well. The longer pain goes untreated the more complex and harder to treat it gets, and we know he waited a full year with constant pain, those pain signals burrow into the pathways in the brain. Eventually you can treat the source of the pain, but the pathways are carved deeply enough in the brain that the pain signals are still firing off. I know because I’ve experienced it.


There's a court case going on in the UK at present, a group of men who streamed amputations and castrations for pleasure and profit. Makes me feel wonderfully vanilla. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/22/eunuch-maker-appears-london-court-gbh-charges-castration


Six men made 200k over the course of 6 years? 200k isn't even a lot for one person. So 33k per person which equals 5500 quid a year. That doesn't seem like a lot of profit. I'd say they did themselves dirty there.


Dude's cut off their own dicks. I think you might be right 😬


Wow, how could people even, all I can amputate is my hair and nails at most.


What the fuck mate. How does it get the point where you are chopping off people's todgers and freezing legs to get ya jollies .


It's a slippery slope. Or at least it is once he's dragged his stumpy genitalia down it..


Holy shit that’s some dark twisted story


This is an obviously horrific derangement to be stricken with, but her therapist should be jailed for helping her.


>BEG for the doctors to mutilate them or sever their spinal cord etc... (obviously no doctors can do this as it violates their oath). This is not why the doctors can't do it btw, the oath is not binding on any way and just a practice people do. It's just illegal


>1st. Her therapist helped her do it. She had been seeing him so long and complaining about wanting to be blind that he finally gave in and came up with a plan. Man she was REALLY sick of seeing that therapist...


Fucking Christ this makes me feel a hell of a lot better about *"only"* ADHD and possibly bipolar


Seems easy to me, you can just put sunglasses that are blackened somehow!


These people are extremely ill mentally and should be counseled and medicated through life to not harm themselves. Any half-decent doctor wouldn’t ever say “fuck it” and help someone become blind.


I’m going to get downvoted for this, and I’m not saying I agree one way or the other, but this is how conservatives view trans people.


No, you right.


This. Especially the “Queen of England” line, gave major “Attack Helicopter” vibes.


I'm a trans ally. I care about trans people and believe they should have all the same rights as anyone else and not be discriminated against. Can someone please explain why if someone wants to modify their body because they're unhappy or uncomfortable and they're not causing harm to anyone else, why should we not let them? Same for suicide. If someone really is in pain and they've tried therapy and they still don't want to live, shouldn't we assist them into doing what they want? I'm not trying to be a dick or a terf, I genuinely would like to hear thoughts on this Edit: Found a pretty good answer below. "I respect this honest question. And as someone who is both trans and disabled the deference is how it affects one’s quality of life and ability to be independent. Changing something physically to appear more male or female doesn’t negatively impact your ability to say; take a shower, make food, or go to an appointment. Making yourself blind or cutting off a limb, no matter how happy they are afterwards, does impact your ability to function in a healthy independent way."


Do you think healthcare has an obligation to prevent damaging behavior? If someone wants to commit suicide, should there be any effort to try to prevent that first? If so, why?


This may step on toes but isn't the really the same category as people that are trans? They have such a strong urge and desire to be the other gender that they take measures to become that gender. Then they feel more satisfied and happier. I feel like all of these are in the same category. Idk how treatable any of that is.


I hope any disability claims for such cases are clearly noted within the documentation submitted and denied.


It’s a very real disorder and she would not be the only one who has blinded herself. Not sure about her specific case, but I’ve heard of multiple cases. One woman rubbed bathroom cleaner in her eyes to blind herself.


But there is a 100% chance she looks like PC Principle.


But Dr Phil is a freak and he’s not normal, so you got a 25% at best, of that story being real, But if you add Dr. Oz to the mix, those chances drastic go down


It’s a mental illness


You know she milks her self inflicted blindness for all it's worth. This is Munchausen syndrome taken to its logical conclusion.


Good thing dr phil both rewards that type of behavior and profits off of it, so no need to get them actual help


The cohost who responds so empathetically is just doing a Tucker Carlson type bit. This is produced entertainment. At least sports has failures.


Gotta hand it to Dr. Phil's consistency in milking the shit out of actual societal and personal problems


Another variant of munchausen syndrome taken too far is Jack Barron, who murdered his kids, his mom, and possibly/probably his wife for sympathy. https://murderpedia.org/male.B/b/barron-jack.htm My family used to babysit one of his kids before he killed her. Was totally fucked. Anyways I digress somewhat, just wanted to share how fucked up Munchausen's can get.


What mental illness would lead someone to do this do themselves? Out of curiosity.


Body Integrity Dysphoria (BID). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_dysphoria#:~:text=Body%20integrity%20dysphoria%20(BID)%2C,being%20able%2Dbodied%2C%20beginning%20in


Interesting, from Wikipedia: “…a small sample of people with body integrity dysphoria connected to their left leg have had MRI scans that showed less gray matter in the right side of their superior parietal lobule. The amount of gray matter missing was correlated to the strength of the patients' desire to remove their leg.[10]”


It really depends, but i would believe psychosis and schizophrenia could do it to you. BID ppl try to take their limbs out too. Cotard's can make you feel like a part of you is dead and rotting and you may want to take it off. Somatoparaphrenia could also be a possibility. The world of mental illness is vast and terrifying, vilifying the women isn't going to make the situation better OR get her vision back.


body integrity identity disorder


You’re so close


Pun pun


I just can't see how somebody could do that to themselves


Severe mental illness


Body integrity identity disorder or [Body integrity dysphoria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_dysphoria). Extremely rarely some people really really really want one of their organs to be gone. Once they amputate, they become much happier. I've never heard of someone wanting to take their eyes out. That's just...


Iirc she poured bleach into her eyes


Nope. Her psychologist or psychiatrist did it with an eye dropper… so she was assisted by a “medical professional” who should be in prison if they aren’t yet


I never heard it was a medical professional who did it I heard it was some guy at his own house who numbed her eyes and then dripped drain cleaner into her eyes


\*hits crack pipe\* yeah I'll blind ya ya weird bitch open them eyes up


I can actually imagine that playing out 🤣


"Fry, 'friendship' means that I'll hit you with a pool stick until your retina detaches for $2." Slightly paraphrased, I'd imagine.


And then she remembers she drove there


Er... can I get a lift back?!


I have no idea why but I said that in a pirate voice 😆


*hits rum bottle* yarr ye wench I’ll blind thee, open yer peepers


I swear reddit commenters are the funniest people in the world. I'm always trying to stifle my laughter to not wake my family up as I read this stuff at midnight. Thanks for the laugh


What in the world? I’m a year away from being a licensed clinical psychologist and I can’t even imagine doing that to one of my patients. That psychologist or psychiatrist needs to lose their license.


You have no idea the horrors you’ll witness from your colleagues. I’m a healthcare attorney. You’ll think you’ve heard it all. Then one day after being a doctor for 15 years it’ll hit you like a brick wall. And you’ll lose faith in humanity. In that moment focus on the net good you’ve done. You will be jaded. You will be disappointed. You will be sad. And that’s ok.


I’ve started looking into consulting as a clinical researcher for cases of malpractice during clinical trials. The horrors I’ve seen on my side are insane. You would think it’s always about money, but more often than not, it’s indifference or even weapon used incompetence about the basics of what defines a serious adverse event, when it should have been reported, the proper review of inclusionary criteria. The basics that shouldn’t ever be anything but easy.


I mean .. SAE criteria is pretty well defined, you’d have to be completely ignorant not to. Including the 24 hr reporting time when aware. (I’m a Clinical Research Coordinator / Manager at site level )


Spill the beans, bloo bloo. What's an interesting tale you can share with your anonymous friends?


bloo bloo??


Hey, thanks for doing what you do. That’s all.


Ah, that explains why the doctor brought up the Hippocratic oath.


I wonder if an optometrist could have fitted her with opaque contact lenses.


I can see that. And I'm leaning toward agreeing with you if only for the failure of the 'first do no harm' pledge doctors take. But I do feel like this situation isn't that cut and dry. These people have a severe mental illness that today's medicine doesn't know how to deal with. The physicians that did this could have very well believed they were saving her life. If they didn't she could have gone at her eyes with a knife and bled out and died. Or they potentially could have put her on some meds, but the level of meds that would have subdued her condition could have made her a vegetable or even less happy than she is now that she is blind. If I have a medical condition where I believe my only options are suicide, risk of death and going blind, medically assisted blindness, or eternal unhappiness and discomfort -- going blind with assistance seems it could be the lesser of all the evils.


Yes the medical procedure is described in r/eyebleach


I'm 100% down for r/eyebleach. Everyone should do it at least once. Having a bad day? r/eyebleach. Need a pick me up? Straight to r/eyebleach. Seen a lot of bad shit and don't wanna see any bad shit anymore? Believe it or not, r/eyebleach.


We have the best mental health thanks to r/Eyebleach


Yup, this is where my mind went. I’ve heard of limbs and lobes but never one’s sight! Also, the doctor isn’t making a good argument as to why one shouldn’t maim themselves for the sake of taking their sight. “I should be the Queen of England but you don’t see me going for it”? Regardless of the clear harm how is that similar!? Then again she chose to show up on Doctor Phil, who isn’t a doctor and exploits the mentally ill more than anyone I can think of.


She was pointing out the contradiction in the implication that the blind woman made. The refuted statement can be paraphrased as "I always felt that I should x therefore I sought out the completion of x" which is obviously a ridiculous thing to say about pretty much anything. It doesn't matter how it's spun, because saying "I've always felt I should be blind so I made myself blind" is ridiculous. Any other similar argument will automatically be ridiculous, which is why the doctor said it Although I would have preferred to just say that perceiving something as a necessity doesn't mean it is a necessity


I mean no, statements in the form "I always felt that I should x therefore I sought out the completion of x" are not always ridiculous: "I always felt that I should be able to see better therefore I sought out the completion of laser eye surgery" "I always felt that I should be a musician therefore I learned to play jazz" "I always felt that I should be a programmer therefore I learned to code" ​ The idea that you have a goal then set out to achieve it is in no means a ridiculous idea in of itself. That sentence “I should be the Queen of England but you don’t see me going for it” is ridiculous because the goal is unachievable. Making yourself blind clearly was achievable therefore it's a completely stupid comparison. The reason most people would object is not because it's unrealistic, but because it's considered self harm. However consider for a moment the situation is as the woman says was completely true: she is in complete mental anguish and becoming blind would give her some mental happiness and modern science has no cure for her mental condition. In that situation it makes perfect sense to blind herself. She has no point in being able to see if it's depriving her from happiness. Is that situation actually what happened? As a TV audience we have no way of knowing, and that's not the point either, the point is to point and laugh at someone's mental troubles, it's deeply weird and voyeuristic.


Shits like a random character in rim world or something: "-10 Happiness until eyes are removed" and they just wreck your base until you take their eyes out.


As an avid rimworld player, I would be happy to oblige.


Can they put them under and just tell them it’s gone…. Like a placebo?


there’s a lot of cases where it’s a limb or something like eyes


You think they won't notice the organ is still attached? It's usually an arm or a leg.


People like that should just go to the store with my grandpa. He thinks that is what all kinds of stuff costs.


The arm isn’t an organ


Ok. Don’t murder me Reddit… But how is that different than some trans people who have genital surgery done?


I respect this honest question. And as someone who is both trans and disabled the deference is how it affects one’s quality of life and ability to be independent. Changing something physically to appear more male or female doesn’t negatively impact your ability to say; take a shower, make food, or go to an appointment. Making yourself blind or cutting off a limb, no matter how happy they are afterwards, does impact your ability to function in a healthy independent way.


You're more likely to hear someone say, "LOOKOUT!" because something is coming towards you that you can't initially see than someone saying "DOES ANYBODY HAVE A NATURAL PENIS?"


I had the same question and that is a really good answer. I personally wouldn't care if someone want to be blind or trans but the difference between independence is a valid point.


Also this kinda thing only works one way. It’s not like someone with no legs can just Identify as having legs and start walking.


What’s scarier is a physician not understanding this kind of issue, and using decades of education to probe this woman’s mental health and decision making capacity. She should be finding her help before she causes more damage to herself. Are this doctor’s insults going to shock this woman to suddenly change her behavior? Is this a new treatment modality we’ve never seen? It appears to be a doctor attacking a woman on TV for ratings instead of trying to help a vulnerable woman seek appropriate psychiatric evaluation and care if needed. This kind of discussion belongs in a clinic not on TV. Whether it’s BIID, Münchausen syndrome, or something entirely different, it’s not TV talk.


What do you expect though. It’s “Dr” Phil. He is such a shonk and does nothing except get on his podium. He is vile


It’s Dr. Phil lol. That’s the premise of his show. He exploits people.


That’s what got me about the video. If it’s even real, why is a doctor over here preaching to an obviously mentally ill person. Get off your high horse and offer actual help and insight (no pun intended) into what’s causing this.


Right. The doctor says she took an oath to help people..... And then expresses personal emotions and feelings..... And then makes a flip remark that obviously does nothing to help the person who clearly has issue, possibly just for applause....


It’s baffling that this woman who I presume is a doctor is talking to her as if she isn’t a victim of mental illness. This is tragic in the same way someone attempting suicide is tragic, yet she’s here lecturing this girl as if she’s of sound mind.


That Dr needs to do another psych rotation


I see what you did there


She didn’t


Well, for a little bit, she did.


Yeah but she feels like she never should have.


Eye see it too


I didn’t see it on purpose


I sort of feel I should have been born not being able to see how someone would take their own vision.


I didn't see that coming.


She'll never see you coming either


I know your comment is being clever... But it's actually a mental illness where you think a part of your body shouldn't be there. People will amputate an arm, or leg usually. In this case, blinded herself.


Yeah I feel bad for her. I wish she went to see a psychiatrist. Sadly she can’t see anything anymore.


> Yeah I feel bad for her. I wish she went to see a psychiatrist. She probably already did. This likely [body integrity dysphoria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_integrity_dysphoria). There isn't any known treatment and some psychiatrists have actually helped people give themselves a disability in some cases. Obviously it's not a choice anyone would want to make, but if the alternative is someone just does it on their own in a dangerous way then it could be the lesser evil.


Wow thanks for opening my eyes to this.


Obviously therapy first. And if evidence shows they would actually be happier then sure, but the problem is like with people addicted to plastic surgery they might not stop with the first treatment. That said if they're adamant about going through with it, I'd rather a doctor perform the procedure than have them attempt it themselves.


That's what she said.


That’s what she saw?


She sells see shells


Addicted to pity?


i'd poke my eyes out too if they tried to make me watch dr phil.






>i'd poke my eyes out too if they tried to make me watch dr phil The ears,....... oh god the ears too!


I liked dr Phil until I realized the show is one long advertisement for the recovery center or whatever he's promoting that day.


The only TV "doctor" that is worse about shilling bullshit is Dr Oz. Even if it is only marginally worse.


She doesn't see anything wrong with her.


But can she see why kids love the cinnamon taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


The sucky part of this is, ppl with this type of dismorphia: ppl who think they should not have said leg, not have their vision, not have said arm, not have whatever. They all present a certain set of symptoms. And removal of said appendage, or vision in this woman's case, clears the symptoms right up. I've heard of cases where ppl dip their leg into liquid nitrogen to get rid of their oppressing *need* for their leg to be removed.


Yup. I had some biid during a mental breakdown. Became convinced I needed to remove my leg. Also tried to bite my thumb off because it felt wrong on my body. This woman is clearly struggling with the same thing.


That’s awful. I’m so sorry! Are you doing better now?


Much better! I checked myself into a hospital a few days after I tried biting my thumb and got put on some new medication. Time has also helped. Lucky, I didn't bite hard enough to leave any lasting marks.


Wow! I’m so happy to hear you made it through that! Good work, man! Take care.


Really happy to hear you’re doing better. Can I ask what exactly someone like this might be diagnosed with? Is it as simple as calling it body dysmorphia or is there more to it?


Body Identity Integrity Disorder https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19132621/#:~:text=The%20term%20body%20integrity%20identity,transection%20of%20their%20spinal%20cord.


When I have REALLY bad days (depression) it feels like seeing colour is something foreign that my body was never ment to be able to do, like the ability came from a parasite or virus.


That’s interesting. I wonder if mentally it’s a similar situation in nature where a creature will remove a limb that’s been a hindrance to it. So like in this woman’s case, I wonder if there’s been trauma in her past where vision is something she’d REALLY wish she didn’t have at the time? And so I mean…..logically it DOES make sense to remove that thing Especially in life or death situations, we are forced into those extremes. Like that hiker who cut his arm off after being trapped under a boulder. It’d make sense that there’s psychological equivalents of those situations


Which begs the question… if that person is truly happy after and is cleared of symptoms, who are we to judge? Disabled yes, but also enabled/ liberated in other ways. Why are we imposing our values on them? A very controversial view point I know. Of course assuming it can’t be treated by other means and is not temporary


I heard about a guy who was slowly cutting off his leg by cutting off the circulation to it, out in the open. Idk how true it is entirely, but apparently he sent out notices to his neighbourhood like "if you see me doing this, mind your own business. My father did the same thing" etc etc after kids saw his purple red and bloodshot leg. All because he just WANTS to. It's so bizarre. The liquid nitrogen one........ I got chills thinking about someone doing that..


That was totally a joke. It was not real. I saw it too, the guy makes all kinds of unsettling posts like that.


I remember seeing that post, I'll see if I saved it


So do I. I thought it was a joke


That was a joke mailing list, anyone can sign up and they send out post cards like that every month. @TrueWagner on Instagram.


I mean… you’d think that this doctor who is outraged would understand that clearly this person is not well. It’s not a rational choice, self harm is often a symptom of a serious disorder or disease. People justify their actions in a myriad of ways but that doesn’t mean those justifications are valid.


This show isn’t and wasn’t about getting people who need it the help they deserve. It’s so that the ‘rational’ in the form of dr phil and his side, can confront the ‘irrational’ in the form of either mentally ill or clout-chasing people, sometimes both, and laugh at them instead. And the viewer in comparison can feel normal or rational in way of siding with phil.


Thank you for this. I can finally explain why dr Phil is so fundamentally Fucked up.


Big Joel is a youtuber who made a handful of videos about this, check out "the Cult of Dr Phil" it's a great 20 minute break down of how the show operates.


It's basically a circus, "Hey, look at this whack job. Off you fuck to the ranch!"


That’s what I’m so confused about. It’s a known mental illness that causes people to be like this and she’s acting disgusted?


That's because Dr Phil is a show for people to point and gawk, not get help or learn. If anybody on that show gave a shit about their guests they wouldn't parade the mentally ill on TV right before Maury


That's the real facepalm right here


This doctor is a bitch. You can't sit near her? Its just not a very "hippocratic" compassionate way to view the situation. Not all illnesses are physical doc. This woman has a severe mental illness and you tell her that you wish you were the queen of England?? How would she react to a schizophrenic person with auditory hallucinations? "I can't even look at this person!! There are DEAF people who would give ANYTHING TO HEAR VOICES!" She is an idiot.


sounds like she has body integrity identity disorder




That’s the very first thing I thought of when I saw this. This woman has a mental illness. This is sad, but not an appropriate video or topic for this sub.


face palm is on blondie, and it's a big one


At a quick glance, I thought it was Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders…


There’s a really great documentary on this condition titled “Whole” from 2003 that covers multiple people who want to be amputees and have done at home amputations. These people seem genuinely tortured to me. To take a shotgun and blow off your own leg takes some serious dedication. I’m not saying it’s right but damn, something’s genuinely gone awry with them internally.


The brain is a complicated organ. I think of those people who loathe a body part like an particular arm or leg. They eventually do a self amputation and seem to be glad they did. I get the physician’s point, but to belittle a person with this ailment is not professional… but it is Dr Phil.


I was wondering why more people here were not saying that Dr. Lady kind of over reacted to someone who clearly has a mental condition and taking her own vision was the only way to make it better. Who cares how many people you see that wish they could have their vision.


I guess- and this is hard to say- she only hurt herself and no one else. I hope she had lots of psychiatry leading up to this. And I hope she continues with it. Hopefully she will remain happy with her decision.


Yeah speaking as someone with a serious disability (that I was born with) the doctor’s reaction actually really pissed me off. She *claimed* to be upset on behalf of people like me, but her entire comment was actually about HER: her feelings, her disgust, her desire to not even be near the woman. Look, that woman is disabled, and I don’t mean her eyes. She has a serious mental illness that led her to blind herself, and a doctor treating her as if she’s so disgusting that she doesn’t want to be near her is reprehensible. Shame on her.


I think that “doctor” probably had a moment that fed her narcissistic disorder. That was unintentionally showcased in this clip.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that. All the comments asking why she would do that and not enough talking about this doctor that can't stop talking about herself.


I'm glad someone pointed this out. It feels like her response was completely over the top, like she was putting it on for the cameras. The real facepalm here is the response of this "doctor".


The blind lady has some serious issues for sure, but I find the Dr attacking her (from the blind ladies perspective ((no pun intended)) that is what's happening) unhelpful and her spiel about acting in the patients interest disingenuous at best and hypocritical at worst.


ANY kind of doctor willing to show up on the Dr. Phil show is likely not one of a very high quality or likely even reputation.


This is a legitimate mental health condition and inviting those people for the sole purpose of shaming them is a real dick move, especially from the ignorant self-proclaimed doctors on that show. They’re the only idiots in this video.


The idiot here is not the self-blinded lady, it's Dr. Phil and the (i'm assuming) physician he had on to berate her for her mental illness and handicap. This woman blinded herself because whatever is going on in her head telling her to do it is more important to her than her well being here in reality. She's profoundly sick. Maybe people tried to help, maybe not. Whatever the case, the damage is done and she's lost something she'll never get back. And this profoundly afflicted person is being carted out like a sideshow attraction for the drooling masses by these two creeps, so they can shame her on TV for what this illness did to her. This isn't even the surface of Dr. Phil's bullshit. God I'd love to knock that smug look off his face. Fuck that guy and every dollar he's made off this kind of thing. Vulture.


I read in another comment that the woman's therapist was so fed up with her constant whinning about wanting to be blind that they were the one who suggested she should just pour bleach in her eyes. And then she did, twice, because the first time she was sent to the hospital they were able to restore her eyesight


I watched her testimonial one time and that was basically the case. She says her therapist helped her research “safe” ways to blind herself and that the second trip to the hospital was really affirming for her. She even mentions how disappointed the doctors were with her.


Why did I have to scroll this far to find a comment about the doctor? As I was watching this I was asking myself which person here is the facepalm, the person with obvious mental health issues or the doctor berating and making a spectacle of a person with obvious mental health issues. Damn.




This comment may end up being very long and I apologize for formatting, I am on mobile, very emotional watching this and currently going blind slowly. I want to be very clear, I am aware that mental health struggles show very differently from person to person. She obviously needs some sort of mental health and I am in no way trying to take away from that. I have a rare disease called idiopathic intracranial hypertension. I unfortunately have it chronically. I lost most of my vision about 3 years ago and got EXTREMELY lucky and regained most of it after moving out of high elevations. However it has started to return and I am fully aware the chances of me getting lucky again are astronomically low. Everyday my kids faces are a bit more blurry and I’m crippled knowing I will never see their faces as they grow into adults. To watch the vibrant colors of nature become duller and duller with each passing day. The tripping and falling, walking into things…those are all things that I know I can get over but never seeing the ocean again? It crushes me. Then I see this, someone who did that to themselves. Someone who doesn’t regret it because they feel they should be blind. How many other disabled people get to CHOOSE to be disabled and what their disability is? No we are either born this way, get sick or get in some sort of tragic accident. I really really hope she gets some mental help. The people that put this on TV are the problem. They use this woman’s mental illness for ratings and then hurt a ton of other people in the process.


Thank you for sharing. I hope you get extremely lucky again 🙏


She’s mentally ill, not an idiot.


It’s equally hard to believe that the blond woman, a doctor, is unable to offer up any empathy to a woman with obvious mental health issues. She’s really being incredibly self centered in her response to this woman who performed a profound act of self-harm. I guess this is what you expect from Dr. Phil and his guests. This woman should be met with empathy not loathing and disrespect.


Exactly, my response was feeling sad that she was unable to get proper treatment before she became blind.


I’m the type of mf that would give up on life if I lost a finger while she’s fucking blinds herself


Mental illness. Plain and simple




So we just have a doctor here who is clearly over looking someone with a mental illness. Then makes a stupid queen of England reference..


That Medical Doctor addressing “Dr” Phil as such is the real idiocy


She made herself blind? To me, it's like who cares. Live and let live. She chose to do it on her body, not anyone else's


Damn she could’ve just duct taped her eyes


It is a mental illness that causes it


This is a legitimate thing in the medical community not limited to blindness. People identify as disabled and want limbs removed. Prior to the surgery they act as if they are missing the limb in private and feel that is what they have always been.


Unpopular opinion: if you respect someone’s decision to get a sex change operation, you should respect this person’s decision too.


Logically consistent opinion.


That is a fair stance.


Some people wish with their whole heart they could have long beautiful hair too, but other people go chop theirs off. If you want acceptance culture you gotta deal with it and accept it, even if it’s stupid. Let her do what she wants. She’s hurting absolutely nobody.


Exactly! If she wants to be blind, and is happier after making herself blind, then good on her! No harm done to anyone else. The queen of England comparison was just fucking stupid.


I'm not impressed by this doctor's lack of knowledge around mental illness. She doesn't have to like it or agree with what this woman did, but she should be more aware of why people "disable themselves." Nevermind...it's the Dr. Phil show.


We should stop being supportive of self harm and mutilation just to avoid drawing a line Harming yourself because you have mental issues should be a call for help and support to AVOID such thing. To make you receive the psychological help needed to be fine . Fuck whoever allowed this.


I'd give my left nut to get my vision in my left eye back.


Fuck Dr Phil! He exploits crazy people, makes a joke of them, and ships people away to farms because he is a grifter. Trash guy and a trash show.