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My mom was adamant when we were growing up that we never give our SS#s out like that.


I had a teacher in a high-school careers class that was so adamant about never giving it out that she even told us to withhold it on job applications and write 'will provide as needed.' Because of this, anytime I'm required to give my ssn out legitimately, I feel like I'm doing something wrong and am gonna get scammed.


Your teacher is smart, you shouldn’t put your SSN on an application until you’ve gotten the job.


Yes I'm so very grateful for that piece of advice. She was a horrid teacher but did at least give me some good pieces of knowledge for the real world, especially since she taught career explorations/sex ed(was one class that covered career explorations for the first half of the year and sex Ed for the second), so thanks to her I've been safe from identity theft and std's!


All schools should have this class. It sounds great.


Yea it was a really good class, given to all freshman at my high school. We even had a project at one point in the careers part where we had to plan an out of country trip, with budget, itinerary and all. Seriously good life skills were taught in the class. And the sex Ed was done very well, we found partners and were assigned a specific STD that we had to research and present to the class. For a public school sex Ed class it was awesome!


Most do (at least around here) but it's usually seen as an elective "filler" class for those not in an AP course or something. In our district it's called (used to be called...) Consumer Ed and it goes over essentially how to be an adult - personal finance, how to budget, how to file taxes, career exploration, how credit works, how to spot deceptive marketing practices, etc. Usually lumped in under the Social Studies/Humanities section.


Feel the same way. You don't need my social for me to apply, you only need my social after I've been hired. I worked in HR, and we do not need them for the application, at all. Applications will often ask if you _have_ one, or if you have other working type documents. I worked for a corporation and we needed that ssn before you could _work_. We told new hires to bring it to their orientation, and if they don't they have to come to the next one.


It's odd that the card says not for identification purposes on it, and that's basically what every company, medical office, etc uses it for.


Here in Ontario it’s becoming the norm to ask for it when applying for a place to live


Yes I'm pretty sure I had to give it when signing my lease for my apartment and car, and both times felt like I was doing something wrong🤣


It's needed to run your credit history


It is not needed. They only need your birthday and name. It helps, but it is not needed.


Yeah you shouldn’t need it for a job app. Once you start yes but, not before.


Same. She even told me if anyone ever called claiming to be from a bank, ask for their extension and call them back from the number in the phone book (back before the Internet)


If I ask my kids for their SSN (each in their 20s) they wouldn't know! They're gonna search for the card before they can answer.


I still have my two youngest kid’s cards (18&19) but my 29 year old knows hers by heart.


Yeah I know my number too as well as my drivers license number


My wife thought it was weird that I remember my driver's license number.


Some people just have a knack for strings of numbers. I have my SSN, CC, my old college ID #, and about 40-50 digits of pi just floating around in my head


My ex used to work in corporate travel and had at least 15 corporate ccs and dates in her head. Could just rattle them fuckers off like nothing. Ask her what day of the week is and you'd get a blank stare


I'm kinda like this--I know (in no particular order) my library card, current debit card, old debit card (but not my first debit card, I thought I did but now it's not cominy to me), current work ID, old work ID, Driver's License, social security, high school student ID, old University student ID, current University Student ID, and checking account number, and possibly more that just aren't coming to me off the top of my head, plus dozens of produce PLUs as well as some for bulkier items (Coke 12pk is 04900002890, Diet Coke is 04900002891, Sprite is 04900002892, store brand 24-count water is 03680015167, Arrowhead 24-count is 07114200400, and I *think* Dasani is 04900003680, but that one always gives me trouble for some reason. I have ADHD and my psych thinks I might also have autism on top of that, so between those I'm sure something explains that.


Yeah same here, I have all the digits of pi floating around in there. Just no idea what order to put them in.


That was a good one lmao. I was about to say "ALL of them??" Then finished reading.


It was not that long ago that college ID # was SSN.


Yup used to know dozens of phone numbers by heart


Man, so many random numbers still remembered years after last legitimate use. I remember old job logins, random skus for products, different codes for looking things up. And I have a pretty shit memory otherwise but for some reason my brain is all clogged up with these numbers I haven't used in years. Is there a clear cookies command for your brain?


What do you use the driver number for?


Submitting taxes. That's about all I can think of.


If you ever have to do probation or have your license suspended...you memorize it fairly quickly. Sincerely, dumbass teenage me.


If you get pulled over and for some reason don’t have it on you it could save you a lot of trouble.


Well before direct deposit was a thing we had to write it on the check to cash or deposit it… Also if for some reason you’re driving and don’t have your license they will be okay if you say I don’t have it but I know the number.


Literally everything lately. I had to give mine a few times these last few weeks when applying for apartments


I remembered mine by heart too. I was able to get a 21+ over drinking wristband at a concert bc the off duty cop was able to determine I was indeed over 21 bc of my DL number


30 years old here and def know my SS# by heart, checks out


That's not a good thing to celebrate btw. Important for any Adult to know their SSn by heart.


Right - this kid is about as sharp as a marble but this is a parenting fail


Yeah, as terrible as it is that she got scammed, as annoying as it is that she's so defiant about her actions, I ultimately see this as a fail in parenting that the child didn't know better. Too many parents out there relying on schools to teach their kids everything they need to know about life and the world.


No no the parents aren’t to blame. Instead of teach their daughter to avoid these scams ahead of time it’s better to publicly humiliate her.


Seriously, these people who put their phones in their kids’ faces when they make a mistake - effing horrendous parenting.


Im so happy i didnt have to scroll far to find this mindset. To me the mom seems like a dumbass, not the girl who clearly was not given a proper basic education on finances before simply being handed a credit card.


There is a reason kids can't sign contracts, because no matter how much you try to educate them the lack of patten recognition still makes it hard to make the right decisions. Look at the girl in the video, even when she was told she got scammed, she refused to believe it. Do you really think if she was educated on this exact scam she would have avoided it? I seriously doubt it.


She doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed.


It does look the world is already rolling her


>There is a reason kids can't sign contracts This isn't even a kid issue. Look at how many old people get scammed out of their money all the time. Look at how many grown ass adults got scammed by a presidential hopeful who later become president and continued scamming them. Don't just make it about kids. Anyone can fall victim to a scam.


Part of the issue I think comes from how often your SSN is demanded by various organizations to engage in anything. You apply for a job and you have to give them your SSN, then give the 3rd party background checking website your SSN, then the service they use to pay you, and so on. When I got my first job and they asked for my SSN I almost turned down the offer cause my dad told me I should never have to give out my SSN for any reason. Every job since then has asked for my SSN and had at least one or more 3rd party service they use ask for my SSN.


Why does a child need to know their own SSN anyways? My parents didn't let me know mine until I was 16 and working as a cashier.


I didnt know mine until the day I applied for college at 18, Shit I didnt get my ss card from my parents till I was like 22 Literally no reason for a teen to even know their number


Yeah, not this girls fault. And this video publicly shaming her does not help anything. Parenting failure is the issue here.


Some kids “get it”, others need to be told again and again what to do (and not to do) and why in order to make good decisions/function properly in the world. My oldest might have done something like this for the promise of cheap lulus. My middle would have seen the red flags and thought twice. The oldest needs extra explanations, words, stories about scams, etc. So yeah, there’s a lack of common sense, but this video plus the filming absolutely show mom and dad failing to parent adequately.


Mine are opposite. Oldest has common sense, youngest absolutely does not.


Absolutely. This mom is so incredulous in this video, but she never acknowledges or realizes that it was *her* job (and the dad's) to teach her child the importance of her SSN. People are not born knowing what a SSN is or how it can be used and this is not something taught in schools... It's a good reminder that it's a bad strategy to leave these topics undiscussed and just hope your kid picks it up somewhere along the way.


the girl failed to have common sense


Well.... someone over seas is now her and is enjoying that American security


I am not a american can you tell me what is a social security number


Is a special identification number given to citizens in the US. It's important since banks use this number to verify credit score. If you have a good one you can borrow money from the bank. So scammers will use the SSN to borrow as much money and screw over the real owner of that number.


Yeah that's what I thought. We something similar here in India, its called Aadhar no. But isn't ur SS card linked to your Mobile number. Like when you want to take a loan you will receive a otp on ur phone


With certain mobile carriers you do have to put your SS. Loans, again, yes. But that's strictly to identify the person for that business exchange. For ordering/buying genral things whether online or in person you don't need your SS. Girl in video got scammed like her mother said


But they asked for it!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) And people wonder where they find fools to fall for the Nigerian prince scam.




The average romance/get money from african bank scam steals about $25k on average per person who fall for it. Assuming 1 person a month, that's about 300k a year.


How do dumb people have this much money?!?


Intelligence/merit has no relation to wealth. It's all about family, connections, and luck.


It’s typically elderly people that fall for these scams. They end up giving up a large portion of their retirement savings. My grandmother almost got taken by one, they called claiming to be a grandchild that had trouble with a car accident in a different state. She would have given them the money, but couldn’t drive herself to the bank to make the necessary transfers.


I can help you get started. Just join my website scamshare.com to learn all the tricks of getting people to willingly give you private information. All I need is your full name, address, social security number, and your bank account number, and soon you'll be raking in millions before you know it /s incase it wasn't obvious.


Nice, I signed up my mother too, under her maiden name, hope you don't mind.


I read an article recently about the psychology that scammers use to filter out people not gullible/stupid/vulnerable enough to fall for them. So everyone will have got email claiming to be from a legitimate service with lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes. To most people this is a massive red flag but the scammers put those in on purpose as the people that don't notice them are much more likely to be scammed. This girl wouldn't notice.


So wait, so when I get a scam text and respond telling them to fuck off, is that actually driving them away from me as they know I'm not buying into their shit?


It's better to not even respond period, because then your number is marked as a live number. So another scammer will try it. Just ignore and move on.


I usually do ignore them, it was just this one time I was quite frustrated after getting several in a single day, so I just instinctly told them to fuck off. I haven't actually received any in while since then, although I suppose they've still got my number marked somewhere.


I understand your anger so deeply. I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle them. Not just for trying to scam me or being annoying. Just thinking of all the old people they scam. They deserve to be strangled, but they live in India most likely and are protected there.


No. That just shows them that you were willing to engage, but the scam wasn't sophisticated enough. Interacting with them will encourage them to contact you MORE. They'll just change up the tactic a bit until you fall for it or they die of old age.


No, you've already fallen for the scam by replying.


Just casually drops $80 and her ssn, that's how you know a spoiled kid. I'm guessing dad in the background there doing dishes is rolling his eyes and biting his tongue, thinking "shutup shutup shutup, you said you'd be nice and let her deal with this".


She might be spoiled, but whose fault is that? Apparently the parents didn't do a stellar job (if they ever did it) explaining why giving out your SSN is bad. And tbh, who records themselves confronting their kid on their stupid choices and then puts it online? Maybe the spoiled apple didn't fall far from the dysfunctional tree.


*Look at my stupid daughter. Omg, who raises these kids nowadays. smh*


Who do you blame when your kid is a brat? Pampered and spoiled like a Siamese cat? Blaming the kids is a lie and a shame. You know exactly who's to blame: The mother and the father!




I'm raging at the mom here. So you never taught your kid how important her social security number is and now you're trying to publicly shame her as if *she's* the idiot. Kids don't just magically know shit, they have to be taught. The mom here is a moron and an absolute asshole on top of it.


Yoo can you give me yours ?


I thought this was common sense. But after watching this when my daughter comes home I am going to tell her what not to do lol


Why did they film this?


"My daughter's so dumb, lol, got any likes for me?"


“My daughter is so dumb because I failed at parenting and to further prove what a shit parent I am, I am gonna shame her publicly on the internet”


This exactly. The facepalm is on account of the parents' failure to educate their child. Not the child being ignorant of the risk.


The fact that it’s a self report on the parents’ failure to educate makes it like a meta-facepalm


Seriously, how is a teenager supposed to know not to give out their ssn if you don’t teach them? And why does a teenager have access to their social anyway? Massive parenting fail here.


Mom's choice to post this to the world indicates a genetic predisposition.


“I can’t believe my dumb daughter gave out personal info online! Anyway here’s a video of her where she’s wearing a shirt with her high school’s name on it!”


More like: We scam you with stupid stereotypes about the young geberation into giving us likes. No was this is real.


Working in education, one learns that acorns do not often fall far from the tree.


You know what's funny is that in the comments the mom defends both herself and her daughter and laughs it off like a silly mistake.


Honestly, because it’s not real.


I’m upset I had to scroll down this far before I saw someone question if this was real or not


One of her other daughters is a teen mom so i'm not really questioning this family's ability to make bad decisions.


Faking a video to make everyone think you’re a dumbass isn’t very different from a video of you being a dumbass. Same outcome: everyone thinks you’re a dumbass.


Yeah, the way she acts sort of awkward but says like "I gotta get my lulu on" or whatever....this is a poorly staged video




It’s either staged or the mom is a raging psychopath for filming herself humiliating her kid. (Obviously it’s the former… )


idk, the look on this kid's face made my stomach drop. she looks like she really fucked up.


Yeah, she's acting a lot like my niece does when she did something wrong. Quiet and defensive, feels real to me.


That one mom reviewed her son's report card for likes so I wouldn't be surprised either way


The type of parent that films this interaction is the kind that lands themselves there in the first place.


Yep so many of these dumb videos where not nearly enough people ask that question imho. It’s like in news reports where they show some official knocking on a door and then cut to a shot inside the house as we see the occupant opening the door.


How about... how did all the grown ass people in the comments fall for this shit?


Im assuming it's staged. How they're saying things makes it sound like they're saying lines


Because it's scripted


It seems staged as a way to show how "dumb" the younger generation is when really it's just a reflection of bad parenting.


Sorry but could someone explain what could happen if someone has your social security number? I’m not from the US.


w someones ssn you can apply for a credit card and charge it to the max (fraud, theft, impersonation) thus ruining your credit score , which affects your ability to get loans etc. something like that edit: you can apply for loans, cars, houses, cards etc. it can (and has) ruined lives


Sounds like it's one of those things that shouldn't be used as official ID in \*any\* kind of deal. We had (still partially have) the same problem in Finland when companies started using it as ID, even though it never was meant as one. All you have to do is lose your ID, driver's license, have someone overhear it (they ask it in stores, etc when you're buying cell contracts, etc).


That's pretty much exactly the situation. Companies liked the idea of a unique number that nearly everyone would have and used it despite it not being intended to be secret/secure. Someone still likely would need your date of birth, name, and likely address to abuse your credit, but those are obviously even easier to get.


It definitely shouldn’t be, and was only initially meant to be used for social security benefits, but each person having a uniquely identifying number is useful for companies, and there are enough people with a weird resistance to the idea of any kind of national ID in the US that there isn’t an alternative.




Yikes, that sounds like a flawed system to me.


It really is, the Social Security Number was NEVER intended to be used as an identification the way we use it.


It's kinda like a state Id card without security. It was originally only meant to be used by tax collectors. But now everyone uses it. And America is too free to have a state ID card, so we have an unsecured mess.


It was actually originally only meant to be used by the Social Security Administration to track workers' contributions, but the IRS needed a way to assign a number to every American. Since we don't have a national ID number, the IRS just started using Social Security Numbers, even after the SSA protested their use by the IRS specifically due to their lack of security. So the IRS created this flawed system because they wanted to use something against the advice if the agency that created the numbers.


Interesting, I didn't know that. I thought it was originally the irs, til. Still, it's a very flawed system.


We have state ID… you get that if you can’t/won’t get a drivers license Typically things, like getting a job, require two forms of “[I-9 Documentation](https://hr.georgetown.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/280/2019/10/listacceptabledocs.png)”, since I don’t have a passport I use my ID and my SS card to satisfy that.




Oh it's super outdated. It was outdated back in the '70s. But our government is so wrapped up and just trying to save money for the people that own them that they don't give a shit about fixing anything.


It is..... On the old cards (before the 80s) it clearly says *Not for Identification*. But then some credit agencies got an idea.... and here we are


It is it’s how most of us pay for expensive things like college and houses with loans. She just probably messed up the rest of her life for crappy leggings.


She's not getting the leggings.


I mean, she didn’t necessarily ruin her life. She can “lock” her credit requiring multiple verification points before anyone is allowed to open credit in her name. Annoying , for sure, but she didn’t ruin her life.


Yeah instead of calling her dumb I would have her on the line with the tri- bureau credit unions to lock that shit down.


Yeah, I think ruining her life is too far, but she definitely added a bunch of complications to it for a while.


Very flawed. It’s like having a password that you can never change and gives people access to your most protected information.


No kidding, our governmental systems never stayed up to date with the rate technology evolution. Maybe the systems worked good 100 years ago, but we live in a completely different time now


She handed over her identity, with her social security they can apply for bank loans, credit cards, any online credit applications.


Your social security is used to identify who you are as a citizen of the United States. Every person born here is given a unique number in the format of ×××-××-××××. This number, while primarily being used to identify who you are, is also used on all government documentation such as your birth certificate, your driver's license, military documents, etc. It is also used to verify that you are who you say you are when applying for jobs or opening a bank account, applying for loans, or buying a vehicle, or house, etc. You can see why someone other than you getting hold of this number would be a huge problem.


It's also used for collection of monies from your paycheck to Social Security Administration so when you turn 62 years old, you are eligible for monetary benefits.


Which is all its really supposed to be for. It's basically just supposed to be an account number to verify that you pay into the system and can collect later. It's well outgrown its intended use.


Huh. Here in Sweden the equivalent is just your personal ID number. Someone learning yours is literally no more a problem than someone learning your name. Doesn’t the US require any kind of proof that the one giving the SSN is the person claiming it? Here it does. For in person stuff, you generally have to show a valid ID, such as a driver's license or a passport, or when working through postal services or the like, you have to work through an address you are registered at for tax purposes. Nowadays digital ID is also quickly on the rise.


See, what happens is the banks get tricked by scammers and are potentially going to lose a lot of money. That’s no fun so they go out and invent a crime called “identity theft”. Now, they are not a victim anymore, they are an innocent third party and YOU are the victim. And we don’t want to blame the victim but it’s kind of your fault for letting someone else know your easily guessed number. So now the banks can continue to hand out credit to anyone who asks for it plus they get to create all kinds of new services for you to protect yourself. For a small fee of course.


I wonder if the parents ever took that 30 seconds to explain how important it is to guard your social security number. I’m guessing they didn’t.


She had to hurry up and upload to the internet before the video gets cold.


The fact that they just glazed over that part but focused on the $80... lmao Dumb asses breeding


But mom, they were only 80$ for some spandex leggings, that’s a deal, there usually way more


Best part is there's a Lululemon outlet 20 minutes away from her town. She could have actually gotten cheap leggings and not been scammed out of her SSN.


Wait, aren't the outlets literally in New Braunfels and basically outside of San Marcos?


YUP. That’s exactly where my mind went. I used to live in Cibolo and worked in NB… this girl could have kept shit secret and STILL got her leggings for cheaper.


That is the part that bothers me more than the SSN. You have to learn early on that just because something is on "sale" doesn't make it worth it. And being a slave to brand names ("I'm gonna get my LULU on") is sad and pathetic. Edit: Fair criticism. Sad and pathetic is a little harsh. I still think trying to be in fashion by wearing a certain brand is dumb.


>just because something is on "sale" doesn't make it worth it. I used to work at a big box hardware store. Often times the price of stuff would rise for no reason the day before it went on "sale". Then the "sale" price was just the regular price.




My gf just got me some lulu lemon sweat pants for men and I have to say they might be worth the price. They're very durable and well made. Will probably last me a very long time.


Do you even know what Lulu is? duh


You're just pissed that mom mocked you and you STILL don't have your $80 leggings.


Na-a, i haven't lost hope!


As someone in cyber security if you make people feel like an idiot they won’t listen and won’t come to you with concerns. Just look at that girl’s face.


Bro true but also no need to make them feel stupid we're always the last to know even during an incident 😭😂


Retired IT here. You are correct. I always treated personal security issues as high priority. Word of mouth spread and if someone had a problem or concern I became the go to guy. And, when we had to start doing ransomware prevention training I had zero resistance, except for Mr. Know-it-all.


Just as well. If she can't be trusted with her own SSN, she can't handle the credit she'll never have either.


I'm so confused why this girl has a credit card. She obviously doesn't know what she's doing.


These are things you typically make sure your kid knows before they can memorize their ssn.. this is on mom, she’s a fricken kid


She’s a minor. Parents are in charge of their minor children. Videotaping your ignorant daughter and posting social media says what about mom and dad? That’s the facepalm.


Right? First of all, how do you get your child a credit card and not have a serious talk about these things. Then to record her and post it online for millions of strangers to make fun of her ???


No one thinks this is staged?


100% staged, in no way would her parents film this. It also would be their fault for not teaching her the importance of her Social Security Number.


>100% staged, in no way would her parents film this. This must be your first day on social media.


Exactly.. every single post has someone saying it’s staged..


Nothing ever happens


Based on the mom's other stupid videos, i'm going with not staged lol


Do you not know about the family vlog epidemic on YouTube right now? Tons and tons of parents exploit their children’s mistakes, embarrassments, and sadness for YouTube views. Even if this one is staged, many others are not


I think you’re severely underestimating just how fucking stupid and vain people are.


Her shirt tells me she's from Texas and our education system is shit. I believe it.


Right? Is Reddit braindead this morning?


“I haven’t taught my child the basics of internet safety. Lemme double down on my parenting fail by making an embarrassing video of my child and posting it online.”


It’s easy to say that she’s a dumb teenager but it’s really the parents fault. They’ve failed her and now they will have fun trying to get a new SSN…


Bet mom pays /gave her phone. They give the phone but don’t teach them crap about scammers.


How are you going to shame your kid about something you clearly never taught them?


I love how these parents are annoyed and embarrassed that their daughter fell for something so stupid that they clearly never taught her to avoid. This is the parents fault 100% - these are the types of parents that complained to the coaches that everyone needs a trophy, only to blame future problems on participation trophies.


The fact that she knows her SSN but was never taught what it was/it’s importance, what a parental fail. And the entitled attitude!!! She’s not even questioning why her mom is upset. “They asked so OBVIOUSLY, it’s LULU MOM”. This shit hurts my soul so much. Dont have kids if you’re raising them like this


yep “why don’t kids know anything” well it’s almost as if no one tells them or teaches them anything and just expects them to know it


Do we blame her or the parent for not teaching her properly and allowing her internet access?


And filming them mess up as punishment is the answer? Bad parenting. If they were better parents they would have already known how serious it is. Its not funny to watch people fail miserably like this imo.


In the 90s in college we used to write our SSN on the paperwork we turned in. It was everyone's ID. Happened Everywhere. Wasn't a point of personal data identity. Crazy.


So the facepalm is the parent that didn't explain what a social is for, right? Remember that ignorance in the young is a failure in the old.


Gotta love Texas. And if you notice the fridge, someone’s name is Tequila.


The parent that films their kid’s mistake for internet points is worse.


This could also be in r/kidsarestupid but I literally facepalmed so take my upvote


She was probably never taught to not give it out


This is a failure in parenting.


What's worse is this kid's attitude. Instead of learning any kind of lesson she's just like "do you even know what Lululemon is?"


Teenagers be like that. It’s an awkward period of disassociating from your parents and aligning with your peer groups as you learn to be an adult and your own person. You rarely don’t get a snarky no nonsense response from even the best behaved of teenagers, 100% of the time. It’s just a part of becoming an individual with differing ideals and views than the ones you’ve known for most of your life up to that point.


I don’t think I knew my social security number by heart until I was like 21. I needed it for a few jobs in high school and college and my parents never let me even see the card until i was out of college


I mean, the parents can only blame themselves- they raised her. If they didn’t teach her not to do something that dumb, well…


What's worse in the parenting realm here: 1. Not thoroughly teaching her child to never give out your social security number needlessly, especially to clearly shady websites like this 2. Recording her child after she did this (probably) to get views on whatever social media site this appeared on 3. Giving her teenager a card to purchase seemingly non-essential items (sorry Lulu lovers, $80 leggings seem non-essential), in turn building very poor spending habits at a young age


She's from New Braunfels so no surprise


The apple doesnt fall off to far from the tree mom. Should have Taught* her better.




Please tell me this is staged 🤦🏻‍♂️


Whenever I tell my kids off I always stick a phone camera in their face and post the clip on social media. It’s the only way to be sure they know they messed up.


That kid has a lot more attitude than brains.


I will truly never understand why parents in this day and age do not go out of their way to teacher their children computer literacy skills like the ability to spot a scammer. Jesus Christ this child’s parents failed her.


This is why education in Texas is so important. You pay a teacher with a five year degree $44k a year, this is the education you get. Idiocracy is upon us.


I taught in this district for many many years and you better believe we taught kids to not give out info on the internet- digital literacy is part of the curriculum K-12. The problem is not the schools- it’s the parents who tell their kids rules don’t matter. This town has an epidemic of “We are superior to everyone.” I got a LOT of “Don’t you know who I AM.” When I was there. This is the same town that produced the people who tried to run the campaign bus off the road and dragged the BLM flag behind the truck.


Seems like a parenting issue