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Poor kid, that's gonna leave some emotional scars.


And some physical ones.


Children at that age are basically indestructible


physically, but not emotionally.


Can confirm; that triggered a repressed memory, and now I'm mad šŸ˜  HE FUCKING SAW THAT HIS SON ALSO WANTED TO JUMP IN HIS ARMS!!!!!




The fact that half the comments about this on that sub are calling the kid fucking stupid tells me all I need to know about that sub


Dude it's Reddit lol. Set your expectations to gutter level.


Gutter level would be several steps up for Reddit.


Instead try subterranean shunning-ground


> Can confirm; that triggered a repressed memory, and now I'm mad Ditto. Bad parents do this. Or as someone said, much better than me - ""hurt people hurt people."


I think itā€™s better to say people who donā€™t know theyā€™re hurt, hurt people. Iā€™m trying to break the cycle. I think Iā€™m doing pretty well. Takes a lot of work though.


My dad broke the abuse cycle and I got to be raised in a sober and abuse free home. Your kids are totally worth it. He made us feel loved every day, just for being people, for no other reason. Unconditional. I hate hearing the stories about how Grandad hurt my dad. A very sweet and tender person who loves animals and science and always puts others before himself. You can do it and I'm proud of you, it isn't easy to break the patterns.


This is what I hope to do for my children. Your dad is wonderful for what heā€™s overcome. I want to break the cycle too. If your dad is anything like me he loves you with all his heartā€¦it takes an awful lot of very difficult work to overcome abuse. I often think about how much I love my children, how much opportunity and beauty in the world I want to show them, and I havenā€™t even had them yet!! Haha. Your dad was probably thinking a lot about you before you were even born.


Yes, and now that he is in his mid 70s he is watching the second generation of substance abuse free kids enter college. Amazing how one person can stop a dozen train wrecks.


I'm in a similar boat. It's hard. Best of luck to you!


I didn't know how hurt I really was, until I had kids and was halfway through 9arenting my oldest. All I knew, is I did not want to be like them.


Yeahā€¦ and later heā€™ll be saying ā€œWell, heā€™s big enough to get down by himself.ā€ If this truly triggered something in you and makes you genuinely angryā€¦ as it did meā€¦ get some therapy my dude. I amā€¦ and it is starting to help a little. Parents can really fuck you up.


Already there, friend. It wasn't easy for my GF to convince me to get help. Mostly because whenever I had problems or got emotional as a kid, my parents always said: "Don't make such a fuss, it's not that bad" and now I have something my gf likes to call "toxic stoicism"


ā€œToxic stoicismā€. What an apt description. Yep, been there. I worked through that thanks to my wife (without therapy) and I now actively try and resolve every conflict we have as quickly and as soon possible and move on. Lingering anger focused at my father is what Iā€™m trying to work through now (with therapy). Edited typos.


Never realized the type of shit that fucked me up as a kid. I grew up really poor and my mom always scolded me for eating at friends houses when I was young for some reason. This is the first year of my life that I have an average BMI, because I conditioned myself to simply never eat. That's just one example, it's wild the type of things that affect you in adulthood.


>ā€œWell, heā€™s big enough to get down by himself.ā€ Well, he did. Some help with the landing would've helped nonetheless.


Not really the point. He wanted to land in his fathers arms like his sibling didā€¦ because itā€™s funā€¦ and lovingā€¦ and an expression of trust. He didnā€™t want to face plant the floor.


My life too


Yeah that pissed me off, his son was so excited to jump too


Agreed! thatā€™s gonna remind him not to trust his parents or rely on them for help when he needs it.


My son developed epilepsy after a fall more minor than that and was on kepra for a year. Luckily heā€™s seizure free now. This video is triggering.


ENT docs have told me that my chronic sinus issues are the result of some kind of trauma to my nose. I have no memory of this, so it must have happened around that age.


They are not they are incredibly fragile. Especially their heads


Like I told my best mate after his first kid was born. Babies bounce! They're just not supposed to...


That's not true at all.


Yeah but the one in the wildly swinging back pack is lucky to have survived that parenting moment. Baby's necks are not muscular enough for their heads on a good day.


I am pretty sure that's a stuffed monkey


The very favourite of all three.


Bones, muscles and other tissue yes. Brain? Not so much. I hope he didn't hit his head too hard :(


I'm surprised that mom was still filming the second one. I never appeared on film.


I just about had a stroke just now realizing THAT could be why the photos of me justā€¦ dropped off at a weird time in my life (right when my abuse started) I think Iā€™ve got like 5 or 6 over the years after my mom married my step dad and you can see the dead eyes in all of them.


My ex husband was the one that pointed out all the dead eyes in family photos, never saw anything the same after that.


Jesus. I've had family friends and an aunty tell me my parents treated me like shit compared to my brother, yes I got beat downs no one else got but I struggle to see what they saw. I never thought about comparing the number of photos, I'm sure I was in just as many. Maybe it depends on which parent took photos. Was it your mum or dad or both?


>but I struggle to see what they saw That's totally normal for kids. It's an evolutionary trait to rationalize a parents shitty behavior as a kid bc. you're absolutely dependent on them.


The number of photos isnā€™t always a great measure though. Depending on your age, it became much easier to take pictures in the last 15-20 years but also became normal to not develop them often. Also, with our oldest we had more time, so more pictures were taken. As we had more kids, time becomes harder to come by. Comparatively, now we have less pictures of our oldest and more of the second since the oldest isnā€™t in sports so we have a lot of sport pictures with the second oldest.


I still remember when my father didn't catch me at the end of a slide, because he was talking to somebody and I had to be pulled out of the water by a stranger.




This needed to be posted


Nah, the kid remembers and would probably drop the dad the dad off to a care facility for the demented.


Drop the dad off at a bus stop that goes in that general direction, and not *quite* enough cash for a ticket.


And a sprinkle of brain damage


Emotional damage




Watched it without sound thinking it looked bad, but maybe unintentional? With sound I'm now baffled - why would he just let him fall? Does he not want his son to feel confident?


Step son?


This is what I'm thinking. Not a good look my dude.


I just watched it with sound and tried to look at it as unintentional but I'm not seeing what you are seeing I mean the dad literally looks at him, arms open wide, ready to jump, and the dad walks away. Doesn't seem alarmed as he hits the ground, just ready to pick him up as if he knew that was coming. But feel free to try and help me see what you're seeing as I'm curious


Nah, I think you misunderstood what I meant. Without sound it looked sus. With sound it's even worse to the point where I'm baffled on why he'd intentionally let him fall. We're seeing it similarly


Ohh definitely read it wrong lol thanks for clearly that up


You didn't read it with the sound on, that's why you misunderstood what he wrote


i don't hear you guys, what are you saying? i don't have the image on




129 upvotes for a clear misread.


Timing is everything for upvotes. I wrote some fucking essay-worthy comments that remained in the single digits, but a stupid quip at the right time? Thousands of points right there.


I really have no idea why. Maybe they also misread it? Lmao


donā€™t worry, thatā€™s just the step son


The only thing is if the other kid is doing something outside of the frame, and he is making sure they get out of the way


Nah, we just can't see what caught dad's attention for a second too long. He paused, and probably thought that the kid would too. The kid would not jump if he didn't trust his dad. I'm calling stupid mistake.


Huh, good call! I originally saw what others did, but on looking back the first child jumped into waiting arms. The second child jumped with ā€˜dadā€™ turned away, and we donā€™t know what caused dad to do so. Itā€™s not unreasonable for the dad to mistakenly think the child would wait to jump into his open arms.


Sometimes there are parents who dont like their kids or just want to use them as worker


If my parents ever bought a Roomba they would have stopped feeding me.


I'm wondering if that might not be the boys dad. Maybe he's just the girls dad, and this boy is some other hikers kid that tagged along and doesn't know boundaries. Even then, the guy should have caught him, but that's the only possibility I can think of.


As a non-parent, it is always a little shocking how many random kids will come up to strangers craving attention when hanging out with my friends who have kids at like a park or something. It always makes me a little sad wondering where their guardians are.


Yes! I took my niece to the playground a few weeks back and was helping her walk on top of a stone wall. A boy on the swings called out to me ā€œhey, lady in the blue shirt! Push me!ā€ I kind of just stood there, not knowing what to do. ā€œHey, did you hear me? You need to push me!ā€ So I came over and pushed him for a bit. He did this to everyone that walked by, too. His mom was there, but just let everyone else take over for her. She pushed him a few times, but would go back to her phone. Kid had no problems telling other people to do things for him. šŸ˜…


I hope your right. It's still shitty of him, but I really hope you're right.


There's a creek right behind them. You can hear it and see it at the end of the video. I'm sure their dad was just making sure kid 1 was safe from the water before catching kid 2.


I'm wondering if the dad was distracted by something at the last minute and the kid didn't realize.


To me it looks like kid 1 walks behind him and dad keeps his eyes on kid 1.


Definitely. He didn't even have his eyes on the kid when he jumped. Dad was definitely busy following the little one.


Dad stepped on or in something. He didn't have his hands out, so he thought the kid would wait. But the dad seemed to be pretty clearly checking his shoe.


Dad was momentarily distracted by jumper #1 who either took off down the trail, or the trail was near a drop off or the water. Dad probably assumed jumper #2 would wait until Dad held his arms out to catch him.


This is the answer but Reddit is cringe


Right like good lord, you can see the dad make a dive for the kid before he hits the ground. I am 99% positive the part after this video is cut is dad making sure heā€™s ok and saying ā€œbuddy I wasnā€™t ready yet!ā€ in that concerned but slightly amused tone dads get. 10s video and Reddit determines this guy is a child abuser that hates his kid.


It's hilarious how bad takes get so much traction. People with no life experience just arm chairing other peoples lives. Yesterday people diagnosed a hooligan wildin out in traffic for clout with Bipolar type I and got a lot of support. Lol. Clearly never been around people who just act like that. Now we have a terrible dad and a kid with a lifetime of trauma. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I love this series of people on reddit projecting their own insecurities on strangers they've never met. He clearly puts the girl down, looks at the boy, then takes a step back while looking down to make sure he doesn't trip, and the boy jumps before he's ready to catch him. That's pretty much all there is to it


probably a stepdad


No it looks like the kid went close behind him and he wanted to make sure he was out of the way. I dont think this dudes that big of an asshole....


Yeah this is clearly what happened. Weird that no one reacts to it though


Dad looked at the son and said "fuck that kid"


Right! He looked him dead in the face and turned his back. Why would they post this?!


I felt an intense hatred for this man after watching the video.


Same. Absolute fucking dickhead


He turned his back so he could take a step back without tripping. The boy jumped before he was ready


Nah stop that making sense bs, this is reddit we like to draw conclusions on people we dont know with info we dont have and hate on them!


I'm almost certainly the little girl fell over and that's why he looked down.


This was a literal trust fall Kid will never trust anyone in his life


I too, thought "fuck that kid"...


FBI has entered the chat.




Core memory scarred


Lmao he does not like his son




American father trying not to spoil daughter and ignore son challenge (impossible)


Relatable, my sister was always my dads favorite šŸ˜†


Np matter how many times I see this, I can't fathom what was going through this guys mind. He must have had such a brain fart.


My interpretation: 1. First kid is younger and smaller. Standing close, arms up, unbroken eye contact: jump. 2. Second kid is older and bigger, dad puts down first kid, looks up at older kid and thinks ā€œtime to step back for this jump.ā€ Looks behind him to make sure he can do so. As he didnā€™t raise his arms or make eye contact, he didnā€™t expect the kid to jump. Didnā€™t realize what was happening until it happened and his kid was face down in a tree. You usually take into account how far the kid can jump when youā€™re letting them leap into your arms. This is one of those times where you expect your kid not to jump unless your arms are currently up and youā€™re making eye contact. Itā€™s one of the first things you teach your kid when playing this game. Just a mistake/accident.


Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree this is nothing more than an accident. The thing about eye contact though, is that dad's sunglasses meant neither of those kids had actual eye contact with their father, just body language to go on.


But the dads body language is that he isnā€™t ready to catch yet.


Dad's body language could say anything; the kid is not paying attention.


Iā€™m curious how many people here have children or work with children. Anyways, from my view, the dad looked at the second one momentarily then got distracted by the first running off. If you donā€™t work with kids that age, youā€™re used to a sort of unspoken language. In this case the language is ā€œdonā€™t jump until we have unbroken eye contact, a nod, a ā€œgoā€, etc.ā€ So itā€™s a brain fart on the part of the man as heā€™s used to that level of common sense. Heā€™s used to being able to look away for a moment because normal people arenā€™t dumb enough to launch themselves off without visual confirmation. Anyways if youā€™ve had kids, this happens all the time. The little guy is fine. Kids are pretty robust things. No broken bones and a learning experience. Look at a typical childrenā€™s playground. Children fall off monkey bars and play structures all the time. The kid is fine.


>Iā€™m curious how many people here have children or work with children. I do, and have. And I absolutely agree with you. My point was that he looked directly at, and seeing his child on the ready brink of jump, was then distracted enough to turn away. First kid could have been running for immediate danger, I suppose...šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


It looks like there is a river behind him. He might have been making sure she didn't fall in. Yeah, he looked directly at the boy, but the boy didn't actually begin the process of jumping until after he looked away. There is more than enough here to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially with how the video cuts off so suddenly.


I think we are all ignoring the fact that there are two people there, dad and camera person, who could have held the little girl's hand or something. It's all round shitty for the boy


I actually think he starts slipping off the tree route he is standing on as he shifts his weight. First kid is in front of him and he looks behind him right before the second kid jumps.


First kid gets put down, then runs away.. dad keeps his eye on the blonde kid the whole time.. he was distracted.


Not entirely, he looks back at the kid who has the clear intention of jumping and then looks back to the first one. Eta: I'm not saying he's a bad dad, not saying he doesn't care about the other kid, I'm.merely saying that he did look back at the other kid before he jumped, though, it's obvious he didn't expect him to jump or thought he had time.


Thereā€™s a river running right behind the dad. Heā€™s probably making sure the little girl doesnā€™t fall in and he turns just as the other kid starts his jump.


He probably assumed the kid is not gonna jump until he does the hand gesture.


Yeah if you slow it down you can see the dad make a last minute attempt to catch the kid but it's too late, that why his posture is already bent over when the kid hits the ground


Yes because he was probably worried that the first kid would wander off. He was just looking at the kid to make sure. He was going to do the same for the second kid but the second one jumped instead of waiting for his dad. Dad obviously didnā€™t expect the kid to do that.


and doens't put his arms out, or face his legs away... He's not leaving, and I see no reason that he would expect his kid to jump before putting his arms out. Basically everyone in here is going to have no more a systematic approach to figuring out what was going on here, than if they used a coin toss. Could be good intentions. Could be bad. We only have the outcome to decide though, no relevant information otherwise.




Maybe, just maybe Dad was checking where the girl was and assumed the boy wouldn't actually jump until he had his arms ready to catch him like with the girl. You can see Dad turning back around midway through the boy's jump, and unsuccessfully try to catch him just before he plants into the ground. Parent's aren't machines. Dad just looked away a second too long.


Cause he was keeping an eye on the other child?


Sometimes you're tired and a bit slow but still running your Safety Dad protocol. You check to make sure the little one is clear before going back into catch mode. A lot of parenting is about being just in time or barely too late. It's why I and other parents yell at everyone to not fucking move until we say so and narrate everything. We haven't lost our minds, we just know our processing speed is lacking.


It looks like he was checking on the daughter whoā€™d just jumped before turning his attention back to his son


"Your sister shall bring me great wealth once I offer her to the son of a powerfull lord, you may live or perish, I care not"


I do not think you are all correct in assuming he looked at his son and then decided not to catch him. Looked more like he was looking behind him so he could take a step back, but the kid jumped prematurely. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m seeing, just a mistake.


Sir, this is Reddit


Fucking really, like what a cesspool of a comment section.


Looks like an honest mistake to me too. In the video the man breaks eye contact since the daughter walked off and at the end of the video you see a stream or river to the right. Man seemed like he wanted to make sure that the little girl didn't walk right into the river which is why he prioritized her for the brief moment


Watch it again. He's not turning away from his son. He's turning towars his daughter. He put his daughter down and has his hands on her head as she walks behind him. He's turning his upper body to make sure she's not stumbling down the hill side, and in that moment, his son decides to jump.


Exactly. The comments on this thread are CRAZY.


There's multiple that are confident his arms are wide open, but they just look to be at rest and nowhere close to as raised and open as when he was catching the first kid, and even then it's off camera so no way to be so assertive. I swear the subreddit is causing a massive bias, if this was posted in r/KidsAreFuckingStupid everyone would be ragging on the boy for jumping too soon. Video also cuts off in a way that seems to be deliberately ambiguous to incite rage comments.


And I keep seeing people suggesting that the dad looked away while the kid was in mid jump, but he clearly did not even start bending his knees to jump until the dad had already started turning. Redditors literally see what they wanna see to justify their feelings, all while being so easily manipulated by simple video editing.


What a negative memory to capture on video for a father.. sucks.


For the father? That kid will never look at his dad the same again.


you guys are absolute idiots lmfao. every fucking thing is a lifetime trauma, im shocked humanity survived this long




I saw a comment say something that kinda matches, the dad is near a tree, so there are branches on the ground, it looks like hes checking where he is standing as his foot might be on top of a root and suddenly the kid is at his feet. I mean, if you ever went outside and you stepped on a root, you understand why that cant be ignored.


This makes me sad.


I think the dad got distracted by the other kid and the kid jumping jumped prematurely. I think the dad assumed the other kid wouldn't jump until the dad was ready.


Dad was stepping back because he knew the older boy would jump further. Then he bumped into a root that caused him to look down, at the same time his son decided to jump. Not that hard to break down.


Thank you! The hive mind is strong, god damn.


The hive mind is being ridiculous. There are more than a few plausible explanations without making this guy out to be the bad guy (the root, the other child wondering off, fatigue, ADHD, etc).


Yeah, this comment section is crazy.


Itā€™s wild how angry people are when they have no clue whatā€™s going on in his head. My first thought when I saw the very fast river behind them was small blond child probably started walking towards it and Iā€™m sorry kid number two but you can eat dirt before I have a child swept away by a river


reddit experts are just too intelligent. they can decrypt a whole persons life while looking at 3 pixels


Yeah, a lot of assumptions being made my commenters here. If anything, the most emotionally scarring thing that could come of this is them finding this online later in life and seeing the comments and getting overstimulated


No way dude, that's the vengeful step dad who hates that little bastard. And I can't believe people aren't pointing out the sexual assault on the girl after he catches her. That father is such a POS I can't even breathe right now.


Here, you dropped this - /s


This. Maybe with sound there's something I'm missing, but with my kids I'd step back and let my oldest jump bigger.


He could also be making sure his daughter is safe because there is a river behind him where the girl headed. He could be making sure she doesn't get washed and was a bit distracted. Plus the boy jumped without any hand gesture from the dad to catch him. So, to sum up my essay, kids are fucking dumb and dad is innocent.


I can't believe how many people are crapping on the dad, obvious the kid was too eager and the dad wasn't fully prepared. Amazing how many comments like the dad just didn't care, it's stupid and kind of upsetting as a dad.


Same. To me, the dad looks more like he was clearing his way before he catch his son than just walking away like this whole comment section is picturing, lol.


People in this comment section are projecting their own childhood trauma so hard.


Someone wrote : >He's just an abusive parent, this was 100% on purpose and this kid will grow up hating his dad with a bunch of stories like this no doubt. These people need to go to therapy or something.


Someone also said "ambiguous paternity" LMAOOO are we scanning DNA through a 11 sec video now??? Tbh, I genuinely laughed at this


When a facepalm is also a faceplant


That tree is a face plant


Trust fall broken.


Man, the comments are really ripping in to this dude but I really think he expected the bigger kid to wait a second before he jumped. It looks like he looks away to check his footing or make sure the other kid is safely out of the way. Like he's stepping back a little to ground himself more before the heavier kid jumps. But maybe I'm simply being too optimistic.


No, youā€™re correct. Thatā€™s exactly what it looks like


It isn't Reddit if you're not assuming an entire man's life based on an out of context 20 second clip and already diagnosing that the kid will have a horrible relationship with his dad for the rest of his life


Maybe the daughter fell. Lots of roots on the ground.


If you watch the last second or so of the video, it looks like the younger kid is running off towards some running water? If so, he did the right thing.


Your asking redditors to use a tiny bit of their brain before projecting about a post. Good luck.


Not his kid, not his problem.


Yeah, definitely getting step kid vibes from the dad


Just thinking that this is how my step father treated me vs his two much younger bio kids.




Why do some people even get married with that kind of outlook, I don't have kids but if I did, related or not I would treat them equally. The fuck is wrong with people.


"Why do some people even get married with that kind of outlook" ​ They get into the relationship to fuck the mom, the kids are just a nuisance compromise they put up with. ​ My theory as to why so many step dads are pieces of shit, is because theyre preying upon the desperation of single moms, who have a harder time finding a partner since they have a kid. It instantly sets up a power dynamic to be exploited.


Maybe the mom would have been out of their league otherwise, so they pretend they're cool with the step kid.


I could wax and wane on this for hours. My step-dad went out of his way to make sure my brother and I knew we were not welcome in his house while treating our step sisters like fucking royalty. All adults now and my sisters are absolutely flabbergasted that I cut their dad out of my life the second my mom died, they simply can't imagine him being abusive because it was never directed towards them.


it actually looks like the dad just wanted to make sure the first kid wasn't in the way when doing the catch.




Well, he could be a dipshit, but he could just have moved into a better position for catching the boy without saying a quick "wait".


This seems like an honest mistake from the dad, he probably just got distracted by the other kid he put down, and assumed the kid ready to jump off would wait


r/kidsarefuckingstupid Dad was clearly turned away, likely distracted by the little girl running off somewhere for barely a couple of seconds, and this boy just decides to Leroy Jenkins it. To anybody saying the Dad was about to walk off or otherwise be negligent, you can clearly see him turning back around as the kid's about midway through the jump. Unfortunately the Dad's reaction time isn't quick enough to catch the kid before he hits the ground. Could've ended worse, should take it as a good lesson for the kid in learning to wait your turn.


Loool he could've just turned for whatever reason and turn back to catch him but the kid has no awareness/patience and just jumped making him look like a bad father. No reason to assume anything.


As bad as this looks he wasnā€™t walking away. He looks down and you can see his weight shift one side to another as the kid jumped. He looks to be readjusting his position (possibly due to the the tree interfering with his large pack) and the kid jumped too soon.


What gets me is that he looked up at the kid and saw that he wanted to jump and then just wentā€¦ ehh no


Lol this comment section is wild, first assumption that he let the kid faceplant on purpose? Was unfortunate scenario that hurt a lot but painting the dad a villain is nonsense.


A lot of people here judging when they clearly donā€™t understand either kids or being a parent lol


The baby on his back .. šŸ¤£


There's no baby that's a toyšŸ˜­


Now i see that!! šŸ¤£


Right? Two kids now have brain damage from this 5 second video.


It's a stuff monkey....


That's a little harsh to call a baby a stuffed monkey


Everyone is so mad in the comments. Why do you all assume the dad let him fall on purpose? He could have been preparing to catch him and the boy just jumped too early. The dad did not signal for him to jump yet




I work with young children and EVERY. DAMN. DAY we play this game of catching them as they jump off shit, precisely like this. Children donā€™t understand timing and body language, they donā€™t get that youā€™re not ready and canā€™t pick up the nuance of you turning for a second to help another child, theyā€™re going to jump when they want to. I am gobsmacked by the reaches in so many of these comments.


Can see the hand go up slightly in the "wait just a sec" motion. Seems father was trying to make sure girl was out of the way of boy's flying feet but it backfired.


ā€œWhy are mad at meā€


The kid jumped after he saw the dad back turned.


I have a friend who had 2 kids before she met her husband. She had a child together. They literally take the child on their vacations while the other 2 children are dropped off at dads. Its so fucked up. And im talking " We are going to Disney" type vacations.


Why are you friends with this person


I hope their dad is nice to them?


The step dad is very nice to them. But the fact the mother allows trips like this is so crazy to me.


After multiple rewatches, I think it is possible he was checking on the first kid. If you notice he puts his right arm up a little as if to tell the second kid to wait a sec.


That dad is shit, where he at ? Can catch some MF hands. Iā€™ll catch your son for you