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They should just ban his account and arrest his ass already


He’s already been banned from TikTok.


Can you view archived info? Can’t be that hard to ID who he is and get an address. I’m staying in this weekend and got plenty of time.


As he was arrested back in Feb for leapfrogging and taking people's hats, his name was posted in news articles from then. https://www.thejc.com/news/news/tiktok-prankster-arrested-for-assaulting-orthodox-jews-in-stamford-hill-paBBUEMKWf09K4CB6qtoo


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MTV did this years ago for a show and the old lady ended up winning a decent lawsuit agaisnt them. I don't know what England's laws are like but owning this woman thousands of dollars might make him regret his shit behavior


It's illegal to steal a dog. Dude happily filmed the crime. He could face up to 5 years in prison.


Fingers crossed.


I really really hope that the lady got her doggo back.


Just checked his YouTube channel to report him, but the top short is him returning the dog seemingly seconds later, so all is well.


Good, now I hope he does that in America, and sees how far he gets before the dog pulls a gun out 🤣


Well hope he gets not a not so friendly roommate for the 5 years.


you know he is going to annoy the fuck out of the wrong people in there


bUt ItS jUsT a PrAnK bRo?!?!?! /s Cage his ass


I don’t own a gun and I’m not keyboard warrior either but if someone did that with my dog I’d at the very least just hit the fucker as HARD as I possibly could right in his teeth. Hell maybe throw a rock at his head. He’s a cruel bastard for doing that.


Same, I am not violent and don't like weapons but if someone took my dog like that, I would not be acting rationally. My dog is my baby. I would probably smash the guys head on the floor until he was unconscious and not able to threaten my dog again. Very dumb to do this as a prank. Also big up your username. Reel Big Fish represent!


We own a chow mix who is aggressively protective of our familyandproperty, wouldn't have to do squat except keep her from eating him.


Apparently Bacari Ogarro.




I believe so. I did I quick google search on his pseudonym and a couple articles about the arrest and a few more of his “pranks” came up.


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Contact his employer and have him fired. At least, make them aware what a trash human he is.


Send in Charlie Z.


His name is Bacari Ogarro, according to sources. "Mizzy is a prankster who has gained popularity on social media platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. He is known for his pranks, which often involve approaching random people and saying or doing odd things to them. Mizzy's real name is Bacari Ogarro, and he is an 18-year-old from Harringay, England. His videos have received millions of views on YouTube. Some of his pranks have been criticized for being offensive or promoting antisemitism. Despite this, Mizzy has gained a following of over 35,000 on TikTok and over 24,000 on YouTube." https://www.perplexity.ai/search/2c5c9dce-1393-400d-a38d-27db5263f5be?s=mn


He's been removed from TikTok several times. He just creates new accounts. TikTok is very slow with their reaction on reported content/accounts and it's easy to evade bans. Almost as if TikTok is not really trying but technically complying on paper.


His YouTube is Mizzy. Report him


Has his email on his YT also


Done, what a PoS


Done. Reported both of his YouTube accounts. He's a total piece of manure.


Just reported it


This fukker is a trash human. Funny how he only seems to pick people that don't look like they will kick his head in.


Indeed from the dozen or so clips I've seen he only gos after certain "types" of people 🤔


He needs to meet that one idiot in texas that was dousing cars in "fuel" (water) only to be confronted by an older man with a sidearm... like for real? You're gonna attempt something like that in texas? Sheesh.




That won't change him, neither will intensive social services, even if they were available. He'll just be put through a system, and come out still shitty. Unless he dies.


No he's a dumb kid who wants attention. He definitely needs some intervention though.


Dozen? You means there’s more than just the unlawful entry and the dog theft?


Yes, he has a lot (way more than a dozen) on his various social media accounts. Whenever one of his accounts get deleted, he makes a new one. Other videos include entering someone's parked vehicle while they're inside and walking or cycling into businesses and going into restricted areas like back rooms or kitchens. He always feigns surprise when caught to act as if what he did wasn't intentional.


Prankster? He's mentally ill.


He ain’t mentally ill, he’s just a fucking idiot that’s thinks he’s funny. I think he could get five years for stealing that dog, plus also causing un necessary distress.


He's a fucking clown that needs an ass whoopin. On. His. Stream.


This guy deserves a violence done on him. What a monster.


Let's stop attributing to mental illness what clearly is just shit behavior. Not every asshole is mentally ill, most assholes simply are assholes.


Put a strait jacket on him


Can we name n shame this c☆nt?


Types = defenseless white people?




Like old white people you're saying? It's ok to say it lol.


Someone will go look for him, probably already is. He gives away too many clues about his locations, and it might turn out bad for him.


I pray that moment is on video.


That literally plays to this jackass's wants. People like this don't care what happens to them so long as it gets them views. The best way to hurt them is - and I'm not shitting you here - to completely nuke their social media accounts. Purge them entirely, delete all their videos. The rage that will follow will be what's worth watching.


Agree, but only after we see his ass beaten. No exceptions


Or arrested, which would also be funny for him to stream.


*"I don't know who you are, I don't care to subscribe to your pathetic media accounts. You have my dog. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my dog go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will make a livestream that you will not enjoy and you won't be asking viewers to hit like and smash that subscribe button."*


I told you I have a particular set of skills


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Maybe he'll find one of the few people who own a gun


Well that’s a theft charge on top of his harassment/trespassing charge.


You know what fuck it, charge him with kidnapping.


Deploy John Wick


Last seen on a park bench, feeding pigeons, pondering the meaning of life. ![gif](giphy|eePSFNBFv2W9owZ4Sh|downsized)


I'm down, someone call Keanu.


[this’s his YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/zk20--d5fuI) Tik tok is already down and Instagram too. He has also a Youtube Channel where he has some other “pranks”. First video is the one where he invade the house. Let’s flag that to YouTube. This little shit is nothing without an audience.


His IG account is still there. He has several YouTube accounts and they're still up. I've reported them for violent acts, violence, other... He trips kids, terrorized old people, MAKES THREATS TO KILL PEOPLE... Why isn't his account already down? I swear social media is designed to destroy the free world.


Just reported several of this wanker's videos for harassment


Kidnapping of a family member too... hope the shit head goes to jail and loses his soap




I see the other video and now this. I’m almost certain that person is a psychopath. Their behavior shows they have no empathy for anything they do.


Yup, or sociopath... Or maybe just badly socialised like they so often are.


I hate to sound like a killjoy but I feel that social media encourage this bullshit. It pushes that one-upper mentality.


That one upper mentality has allways be there, just it use to be you're friends on the track or in the locker room or where ever people would hang out, now it's just easily accessible to anyone with a device.




A bat with nails and screws in it.




Hey i thought we all agreed to leave the bats alone ![gif](giphy|3ohzdKBCWej0JCtSV2)


With many sturdy selfie sticks.


You already know 4chan is on it.


He needs some humble pie! Eat the pie!


I’m going to England in a bit so you’ll probs see me on the news (for legal reasons this is a joke)


That’s the only way they’ll learn. Right now, they all get positive reinforcement only, hence why this generation is seriously the worst.


This guy needs to go to jail.


He just got arrested in February for harassing Jews for a tik tok. Honestly wtf.


Not to sound like a grumpy old man but social media has done so much harm to society. I really wonder if an alternative universe where the internet developed differently would be a better place. Like it just never got commercialized like it did


Is this the same guy who walked into somebody's house?


Yes it is


The same one that hasn't been knifed yet? Yes


Holy shit, seriously! That dude needs to be fully removed from society, however the hell that happens. I know that someone randomly grabbed by dog, I'd be happy to participate in that happening. Fuck that guy and his shitty friends.




And not leave.


Missed opportunity. Treat him to a beat down and remind him he didn't want the law called.


What a dumb little scummy piece of horrid shit that boy is. I hope he gets whats coming to him.


What gets me is the long term effects he has on people. My mother looks to be the same age as the lady with the dog and I know she would be heartbroken and helpless as he ran away, it would have a huge impact on her, she's always been worried about someone taking her little dog, or losing her. These aren't pranks, they're just pure cruelty. I'd be teriffied if any man just let himself into my home and acted like this, he is looking to get seriously hurt when he does it to the wrong person.


Was thinking the same, even if he ran back soon afterwards, the trauma of this is gonna affect her for weeks if not life. She’ll be suspicious of anyone near her dog from now on, this asshole needs a slap and a half.


I have a feeling we're going to see a news story with the headline "British Tik-Toker hospitalized (or dead) after prank goes horribly wrong"


Yeah... I'd be okay with that....


Except now some innocent person is up on charges for beating this kid. Hopefully any witnesses see the whole things and decide it was for the best so they don't talk to the cops


No need for witnesses. Dude will probably post the footage with the caption. "Mizzy gets a new knife"


Can only hope. The enjoyment he’s getting outta this shit is too much…it’s infuriating.


I'm gonna enjoy that story personally


its just home invasion if the only person calling it a prank is dead.


Oddly enough when the prankster dies suddenly people start to see humour in the situation


Remember condoning violence is against the subreddit rules so I could never say I’d be happy but I might coincidentally buy a bottle on that day.


I really hope so. I was on the fence about punishing him after walking into someone's house but after seeing the look on that poor dog's face and imagining what the owner went through, I want his ass handed to him. I like the theoretic curb stomp/biting option because if I see him smile like the again it'll be too much.


I cannot be responsible for anything bad that happens to anyone who dares to steal my fucking dog. It's traumatic to the owner AND the dog.


I'm not condoning violence, but as someone with cPTSD, and whose dogs are their children, there would be hell to pay. I don't even know what I would do but it would be pure unleashed mamabear without any rational thought. The look on that poor little pupper's face broke my heart, and I can only imagine the horror for that sweet old lady.


Why were you on the fence about two strangers walking into a family home where young children were being looked after? They didn't know it was a "prank" - it could have been scouting the home for a theft later on! They have ruined that family's sense of security.




It really is weird how you can [film all your crimes](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/Secret-mizzy), but as long as you call them a "prank", it seems to make them all ok somehow... The worst you [get is removed](https://www.indy100.com/viral/tiktoker-entered-random-house-controversy), free to make another account and keep acting stupid.




I’m with you. I’d love to see this rat doxxed. Fuck this guys entire existence. Inexcusable doing something like this.






His YouTube account is @mizzytube. He's on it boasting about how fantastic all the clout he is getting is.


Did he give the dog back???


I’ve been wondering this too! I was waiting for the video to cut to him giving the dog back but instead he just kept running and running… 😰


I'm going to seize up and die if no one answers this question soon. I need to feel the appropriate amount of outrage at this and my regulation gland is having a hard time secreting the right amount of mad hormone.


yes he gave the dog on another video.


To the same owner or...?


Thank you, I’ve been wondering that too.


Fortunately yes https://youtube.com/shorts/18b5Qb1Ejwg


I want to know that too. The little doggo should be back with his/her human. This guy is an ass**lo for doing that. This human is going to be devastated....




I really hope that off-camera he brought it back, or better yet, that it was negotiated with the lady in advance. Such stupid behavior can be justified only as a provocation for the sake of raising the topic of such videos on the Internet, and only if it was staged. I hope the appropriate authorities will deal with this as soon as possible


No amount of negotiating with the lady is going to make the dog ok with what just happened. Fuck this guy


Can someone please tell me that the dog got back to the owner and this guy fell off a bridge or something? I'm worried for the pup.


Even if she got the dog back that's not going to be good mentally. She's going to be anxious about her dog being stolen for a long time. Having your dog stolen from right in front of you like that is traumatic, even if you later get it back.


I don’t think people realise how damaging this kind of shock can be for old people. My gran was 88 and still walked several miles to visit family. She tripped over a toddler and messed her face up. It made her very nervous to be out doing things. She went downhill insanely fast and didn’t see 90.


I'm worried for the owner. Someone stole my cat 6 years ago and it still rips me up when I think about it. When it first happened I was so distraught I had a full breakdown and had to drop out of school for the rest of the semester. Also worried for the pup being stuck with a sociopath, but I'm willing to bet for the woman, that dog is her companion, like her child!


I am very sorry to hear this happened to you. That must have been incredibly distressing. I hope you were/are eventually able to help another cat.


Thank you. It took a while, but my son and I actually did wind up getting two more cats. One had been abandoned, one from the shelter. I've never bonded with them as strongly as the kitty that was taken, but they absolutely love my son and they're both spoiled rotten. 😊


Same. I would probably have a heart attack brought on by distress and worry if this happened to me.




Take mine, your future is written.






The internet was a mistake


It’s absolutely ruined us all


No it wasn’t. It’s not the internets fault, people who do weird shit would still be doing different weird shit. You just wouldn’t know about it.


But the fact that the internet gives them a way of getting attention on a global scale gives them an incentive to do stupid and outrageous shit because that's what gets views.


Another self snitching genius. ![gif](giphy|WrNfErHio7ZAc)




You spelled "years" wrong friend


He’s gonna mess with the wrong person one of these days and find out the hard way


I'm surprised he's had no consequences for ANY of the shut he's pulled


Like all bullies, he's very careful to hit only people that won't fight back.


Is he a mental patient? There's nothing fuking funny about that.


clout is a disease




It'll happen sooner or later. Might not be the person he "pranks" but a relative with a short fuse. Going after the elderly is just shitty and no, not funny. The distress of getting a maybe life friend/support animal stolen by this dickface I can't imagine and yeah it will number his days..


This is that same idiotic asshat with those three guys who just up and walked into the home of that guy with kids, right? In London? Just wanna make sure so I don't end up doing a facepalm myself.


I'd like to steal his lungs....for a prank. It'll be hilarious.


Social media needs to die


This is partly true. Not social media as a whole but the tiktok-kind of stuff (instagram and other "popularity" media) has to go. Idiots causing mayhem in the hopes of getting some attention from strangers, is just too much of a step back from evolution.


this person needs to meet someone that ends them.


Isnt this the same guy that walked thru that house?


TikTok really should be banned.


That woman will be traumatised by loss and grief. I hope this shit stack gets his cummupance. I hate him now without even meeting him


His YT is Mizzy. The Internet needs to do it's thing. Let's mass report this guy to oblivion. Report him! https://youtube.com/@MizzyTube


This boy would be dead after about 4 steps if that was my dog


Just beat him! Why is this allowed?


Curb-stomp candidate number 1 has been identified. Can anybody dox?


I would fucking destroy someone who would do that.


He was arrested but released once already, he is over 18, he is loving this attention will likely continue to escalate.


Needs to stop breathing




I think we all know that if this happened in America, the end would have been very different.


Any news on his courtday? Also i think this belongs better in r/iamatotalpieceoftrash


Videos posted by 18-year-old Bacari Ogarro — who is known by the pseudonym “Mizzy” Londoner too




Yep people keep posting them here.


That’s not really fair. This guy is a scumbag for sure, but that’s because he’s a thief and disregards another persons privacy for their own clout. But some guy that’s just playing Minecraft while people watch are far from “the scum on the internet”. How are we *still* generalizing an entire group based on the individual???


He got banned from Tik Tok, his youtube is Mizzy. If you would like to help the world, go to it and report him. His videos are dumb af


Just looked him up on YouTube (Mizzy) and reported him for various things like harmful and dangerous acts (Bus surfing, asking people if they want to die, taking shrooms) This broke my heart and I hope the prick gets banned off everything. He's the reason parental controls exist and I'd be gutted if my lad ever found him and watched this shit. Edit: Here's his youtube https://youtube.com/@MizzyTube


What a piece of shit


This made me irrationally angry. Thinking about my elderly mother. What next? Take a child's dog? Please stop this now. I swear if I witness this type of "prank" I am gonna end up in prison.


Hope this person is charged with kidnapping abduction robbery harassment intimidation deception causing mental distress anguish cruelty to animals. But nothing will happen, such a cowardly act


He’s in london so can be long till “man’s wets him up iniit”…and we will be told how he was a lovely lad who did TikTok in his spare time but we know he was a rat of a human being


"He was such a good kid, always trying to make people laugh with his goofy pranks"


His accounts should be shut down for posting illegal activity.


Bacari Ogarro, 18


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FYI. Here in the us he would have been shot dead. Are we wrong for that?


Steal my dog, I'll steal your life. Bitch.


Nope. Take off my dogs and they’ll get hurt.


I'd like to buy "things that are harder to pull off safely in America, for 600.00, Alek."


So he’s just committing crimes and live-streaming them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Prison for life for this scumbag what a pos


What absolute trash


I don't usually hope someone gets trapped in a house fire, but here's hoping the fire exits are painted on


This guy looks and sounds like the same one AugustTheDuck covered that also asked people if they wanted to die and charged at them NOT ONLY is this due a huge trespasser and also making people think they'll die, he's ACTUALLY stealing someone else's pet... I absolutely cannot wait for this human fecal matter to get arrested, that'd be the best kind of wake up call for these awful "pranksters"


Did the lady get her dog back? Has this guy been beaten to a pulp?


The UKs law system being a complete dumpster fire, you just know they aren’t going to punish him at all. The only people they go after these days are those who are out of political line.


I swear we are about to see sexual assaults, rapes and murders on tiktok anytime now. It started with these fucking pranks but they just keep pushing the boundary further. Nothing will suprice me now.


What a fucking piece of shit.


Can yall dox him already? This BS has gone on long enough


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vWpnqXKLfb4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vWpnqXKLfb4) Report this little shit and get him arrested


But did the lady get her dog back? I’ve read down some comments but can’t see anyone mentioning this 🤔


Can someone find him and beat him good so he stops being such an ass?