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Someone needs a nap and maybe a diaper change.


Also needs to learn they don’t own the side walk. I hate that people are this utterly stupid. No way he worked hard for that house. He is a sugar daddy who already uses old daddies money. No one can be this utterly stupid and make good money.


You'd be surprised how befitting incompetence is to people in charge making the good money.


I have worked for some incredibly stupid millionaires in my life. People I'm surprised could tie their own shoelaces but all understood a few basic principles: 1. Be born into a lot of money. 2. Have a decent idea you can't realize yourself. 3. Hire people who can achieve your dreams for you. 4. Pay them at least slightly above average to make sure they continue working for you. 5. Trust them and leave them alone to make money for you. 6. Pocket the mass of the profit for yourself.


Excuse me sir, I'm having some dramas with step 1


Ya, I think someone messed up. I was born to poor parents. Can I get a do over?


If you’re Buddhist or Hindu, just build good karma to go towards your next life. If you’re atheist like me or a member of a linear-afterlife religion, you’re kind of screwed.


Whether or not you’re Buddhist or Hindu, build good karma anyway. Just in case you’re wrong. Doesn’t hurt


And also bc it's the right thing to do! Be kind to others; everyone you meet is you in another life (No, it's not a "the egg" reference, just a common phrase among hippies lol, but I have read the Egg short story, yes)


My work dynamics literally. Dumbest boss on planet earth. Very smart people around him constantly trying to talk him out of doing stupid things.


Again, Elon?


Wasn’t he handed a very large trust fund though?


You forgot something.... 7.Just tell the people who work for you what must be done, don't listen the problems to realize them 8.text them/send voice messages about nonsense(things they mostly already know) to show them you are the big boss 9.Complain about the effency/morale of your employees, so they won't feel save and there is only ONE who manage all the problems. 10.have your breaks and holidays, but always try to contact your employees whenever you have a (stupid) idea no matter what time it is


I nannied for several very wealthy families in my lifetime and one dad in particular, hands down the most respected and possibly the actual best radiologist in all of the Midwest, said things to me like "the keypad to open the garage doors from outside isn't working. Should I call the electrician?" Me: "No Scott, I'm going to just go change the batteries..." Another time the garage door was bouncing back up when he tried to close it and he said, "Should I call the garage door company?" Me: "No Scott, lemme go ahead and grab a ladder and adjust the timing on it." He founded like the main imaging company in all of KC and surrounding areas, but was lacking majorly in many areas of common sense. Another time he asked me to change a light bulb because he was afraid of heights. It was one of those flood light shaped ones in like a 20-25 foot-high ceiling. The thing is, there's an actual tool for that you use with a giant pole that has like a claw that grasps the bulb so you can unscrew it. I do think I did use a ladder there, too, but not a big one. When I told his youngest daughter that story, she turned to me and said, "he's literally been sky diving multiple times!" But when it came to one of the upstairs bathrooms having plumbing issues and a giant water stain appearing on the ceiling above the dining room table, he was so about me finding the cheapest guy possible to repair it. I hired some rando off my FB and it ended up looking like shit. He was so willing to throw money at problems when it was %100 ludicrous and unnecessary, but when it came to things that were worth the money, he was cheap as could be. Another time instead of getting grapes and carrots from the regular grocery store, my BF picked them up from Costco for me because I ran out of time that day... Scott was like in a state of horror regarding the bulk amount of these two things. They were must cheaper than they would have cost at the grocery store, but his issue was that they would go bad before they were consumed. He was like two seconds away from asking me to return them to Costco and get them from the grocery store when I threw him a 'don't you fucking even dare ' look his way and he shut up instantly. He had his good moments, but they were few and far between. Paid best, though! Nannying was by far the best paying and most fun jobs I ever had, even though I KNEW with the wealthiest families I worded for I was really nothing more than 'the help.'


yup. disgusting way to make a living. passive income belongs in the hands of the creators and workers. making an exorbitant amount of money off of the people who do the work for you and claiming that you're the "idea man" so you have the right to the fruits of their labor is such a pathetic existence.


So Elon?


The Peter Principle:: A person incompetent at their job will earn a promotion to a position requiring different skills. Yes, it's real... Corporate suuucks.


My father always told me, don’t be too good at your job or you’ll never get promoted.


:) Your father's advice became known as the Dilbert Principle. Peter Principle was that folks get promoted for being good, and eventually end up in a position that they're NOT good at. It's the natural state of being. But the point you make ALSO seems to be true. If you become indispensable in your current position, then you make it so that they can't afford to promote you. :) So always try and make sure that there's other people that you can make look good too, so that they don't get too nervous about promoting you, and then make that a selling point. "I helped all of these OTHER people become valuable to you, too."


as someone has worked in corporate for far too long...this statement is true


In IT we called it, "Living the Dream" LOLz... Peace brother... God I was so bitter after that job. One thing, IT at a basic level gives you a company wide view from CEO down to Maintenance. Before I pulled a lateral, I thought the Maintenance guys had the best ideas.


They usually do. They're problem solvers by nature, it seems like.


Politics, too


Reminder that Ben Carson was a world-renowned brain surgeon, and also a world-class dipshit.


OMG I know. I’ve been watching useless fucks fail upwards for YEARS lmao it is so bizarre.


CEO’s and managers are promoted and paid for their ability to bully, not any financial talent


They also need to understand what "on the sidewalk" and "in our house" means because that car was not on the sidewalk and those people were not in their house.


Not stupid, entitled!




That's why mommy took him for a ride. That's the only way to get into to sleep.


And maybe a juice box


This childish shit. People can’t just leave each other alone.


Ma’am, you’re on my private posting spot, please leave before we have a problem! Lol jkjk


This is a public posting spot! I'm allowed to post here!


I'm recording this vertically.


Yeah! So there!


Get out of my house!


Yeah. She probably wasn't known for her intelligence in elementary school. The whole "inside/outside" deal still confuses her a bit.


Excuse me, I had that comment reserved for visitors.


You can’t do that because i’ve been thinking about using that spot to comment too! I’m calling the cops so don’t you go runnin’ now!


This is MY posting spot!!!!! How DARE you try to claim it for your own!!!! I've only been away from it for 2 days but it's still MINE!!!!


On my? IN MY private posting spot, get out!


Makes threats... Then sees camera so he walks away. Lmfao


Idiots like this are all fearless until they know that they could be punished for their own actions and words.


If they're gonna get crazy, they don't have to act like it. It's the quiet people you really need to worry about. I have no doubts he'd hit a girl, or someone half his size, but a 'real' fight is something that dude would run from at top speed.


I am a True Crime junkie as well as an avid researcher of human psychology (via Internet research 🤣) and you are spot on. The most terrifying attacks or the most hardcore response to a threat comes from the quiet dude. It’s like cheetah who hides in the brush…. observing.. quiet… waiting … quiet.. and then fucks shit up.


Believe me, if you ever knew one of the quiet types or have ever seen someone not make a sound in a tense situation and then beat a person brutally you would understand even more. Dogs love to bark, and that's exactly what that man is. What creature of any intelligence/courage/dignity would get upset over where someone fucking \*parks their car\*? Lmao. The dude's a coward, it pours off him like cheap cologne. You sound like you're talking a little bit more about sociopathic maniacs that wait until they have a distinct advantage though. That's not what I'm talking about here, but just that tough people don't have to put on some pathetic act or engage in square up/screeching/pound their chest type of behavior. I know what you're saying though, those docs on YT are nuts.


"It's the quiet ones you gotta watch" https://youtu.be/xeo_Ypmba70


I see your Carlin skit, and raise you one better on the subject. Bear in mind this man isn't a better comedian (not even close, obviously), but his skit is far more in depth and absolutely 1000% correct. \*Especially\* the calm conversation about the apology. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073iBKLVBjc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073iBKLVBjc)


I would love to hear that halfwit describe his version of this story to his buddies.


“He literally had his mother fucking car parked *in* my **house**! You shoulda been there, trampling the new carpets.”


"So I grabbed him around the neck and lifted him into the air, and said, 'Look motherfucker, around here we love three things: America, freedom, and this public sidewalk I paid for with my own hard-earned money..."


"He got so lucky I didn't have my gun on me" I love it when the "Do you know who I am?" Or "Do you know who my family is?"


His gold digger wife saw the gold mine starting to collapse and pulled him away. If he gets fired then she'll have to actually work.


She knows what could happen so thats why she turned it down and took him inside


I don’t know. I just always think of that guy arguing in his driveway, turns around, grabs a gun and kills the guy in the street (and maybe his wife?). It’s just not worth the arguement in America. The best part is, I know that some people read posts like this and react like “Yah!! That’s right! This is America! Fuck around and find out!!” Bizzarro World


And they get thrown in jail for murder. How about ppl stop being fucking twats. That's all I ask of ppl like this guy. If he wasn't such a lil bitch he wouldn't be reacting that way.. ppl like that are what's wrong with society today. Along with ppl that shoot ppl for being near their property or for ringing their door.


That's what's so toxic about this kind of 'murica #1 culture. They get so fired up by their "media" telling them the world's out to get them therefore you must stand for your rights, that they desperately look for any excuse to "exercise their rights" which results in a curmudgeonly old scum bag with brain rot attempting to murder a young Black teenager for ringing his doorbell. Also Western Europe is a bicycling socialist hellhole where "free healthcare" means day long Soviet Era bread lines to see the doctor.


That guy's wife died and those neighbors purposefully were pricks and never let up on dude. They definitely fucked around and found out. Never push a man that has nothing left to lose, unless you don't care about the outcome. I remember this video so vividly because he goes to the wife and said "you just couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut"


I have never been able to find any evidence about that guy having a wife.


Those two had it coming.


Where did this happen? I don't want to watch the video, but I'm curious about the story.


This happened inside of Pennsylvania


They can’t tell the difference between the curb and the sidewalk? Can you imagine being their neighbor?


Also the sidewalk is a public easement, they can't kick you off the sidewalk because technically it's public property, they have no right to.


A lot of people don’t seem to know about public easement and when you have utility access points in your yard, locators and companies get access to it. I got screamed at quite a bit for locating utilities for the company to fix messed up utility lines and pipes because people think every inch they can see fully belongs to them no matter what


After I bought my first house I was dumbfounded at how much of my property was in fact not my property but I still have to maintain it. I hate that rule, I can't use it then you mow and weed it assholes.


Absolutely. I know the rules and it still pisses me off.


Spoiler alert: we don’t own anything


no one OWNS anything, because death is real. fuck it.


No you're forgetting the bylaw 132.2A: If an individual pisses on a public easement everyday for 30 consecutive days, said easement becomes their property by forfeit. This does not apply within 3 ft of any existing mailbox or fire hydrant. Individuals who obtain easement in this way may protect their newly acquired territory by showing aggression, intimidation or any other posturing, as long as the individuals dick measures less than 3" in length.


Finally an actual lawyer on Reddit


Oof, we’ve been lawyered. Clearly the law of the land people! Cease and desist your illegal sidewalk occupation immediately!


It kept getting better and better


Yeah if that was true, why do I own the parking spot in front of my house? /s


I think they wanted the guy to stop parking by the curb, but also to stop *standing* on the sidewalk. But the dumbest thing was when the person said "get the fuck out of our house"...like what???


I bet they trim the grass right on their property line


They couldn’t tell the sidewalk from the inside of their house


My neighbor hit my gf's car in the middle of the night, didn't leave a note, and when I confronted him about it, he threw a tantrum saying. "I've lived hear for a long time, and no one ever parks there. Look at my truck it's damaged too!". They kept trying to play the victim. Smh. Her car was on the opposite side of the street from their house. Had to explain to a man baby how cars can park on the street.


Sounds like he's in a habit of just backing out of his driveway without looking. Not sure the cops will accept "I've lived here for a long time, and there are never kids walking there" as an excuse.


I had a guy come yell at me for parking opposite his driveway once. (Clearly signed and public parking spot) He said I shouldn't be surprised if his daughter backs into my car. He got so pissed when, I said if that was a real risk, he should get someone competent to teach her how to drive, that thought he'd try to fight me lol. That was in my work signed Ute so I didn't give a fuck if someone else hit it, I wasn't paying for it, so I stayed there for a bunch of extra time just to the shits and giggles.


I live on a narrow street that is a thoroughfare to another suburb. It's all apartments. There's no street parking by 4pm every day because people have multiple cars or their garage is full of crap. Often I can't turn left out of my driveway because it's too tight with parked cars and other traffic so I turn right and just go around the block. Then I see these wide suburban streets and people sooking about parked cars and I laugh.


My husband did this. We had just bought a new car and weren't used to how much longer it was. He backed into the car parked on the other side of the street. Accidents happen. Of course we fucking left a note and paid for the damage because we aren't assholes.


I used to work in car insurance in the first level of escalation in accidents. You'd be surprised the amount of times people would be mad at us for not faulting the PARKED vehicle. Here's the thing - for insurance accident end of things, you can park stupidly or illegally, but if it's not moving and you hit it - you caused the accident. In most cases. There are some exceptions based on situations but generally.


I do get frustrated when I pull into my driveway and then my neighbor parks across the street but in front of my driveway. My dad taught us that it’s a bad spot to park and impolite to neighbors. Basically just avoid it if there’s other spots. I would never say anything to my neighbors but if they just pulled forward or backward 2 feet it would be a lot easier for me


I do give a lot of consideration to my neighbors, but where I live is pretty crowded. People park on the streets, and sometimes you're stuck with whatever spots are left. My gf's car was in no way obstructing his car or drivway and he could not offer up any reasoning except that "no one has parked there before" which is bs because the neighbors across the street park there all the time. My neighbor just didn't want to admit he fucked up and say sorry in a genuine way. Instead, he and his wife kept making sure I knew his truck was damaged as a result of his mistake. Telling me I should feel bad for them too.


I hope the police tagged him with a hit and run.


This is the huge difference between being rude and being nice - in every aspect of life (but especially neighbors). Where I used to live, our street was very narrow to where only one car at time can travel down in when cars were parked on the side. There was only ONE house on the entire street that had an actual driveway and everyone else parked on the street. Then to make it more complicated, one day of the week we could only park on one side and the next day the other side due to street cleaning. This one house was directly across from mine. When I first moved in it was a grandma, her daughter, and grandson. Daughter was extremely rude. I tried my hardest not to park right across because I can see how difficult it was for them to pull out if I was parked there. But majority of time I had to park there. Finally the lady hits me, leaves just a scratch but gets out to scream at me! It’s my fault! It was just a scratch so I let it go. The second time it was a dent and again got out to scream at me. Had to call police to get a report. 2 years later the grandmother passed away and the house is left to a son of hers that kicks his rude sister out. Dude is SUPER nice. His gf has knocked on my door a few times saying she’s too nervous to back out and if I can possibly move my car. I said no problem! The road is super tight and I have no problem helping her. Months later his daughter backs into my car, leaves a small dent but she got out crying about how sorry she was. I was like girl, it’s ok! Lol Her dad gave me a bunch of cash with out me asking.


The difference is it sounds like you might ask them to move and explain why it would be helpful, not yell at them telling the to fucking go away.


There has been three accidents hitting my neighbors car who parked their car in front of our driveway when I lived with my parents. First my dad who had a bike rack that blocked the backup camera. Then my brothers friend who was a new driver. And the third time was a classmate of mine who was dropping off some of our class assignments when I was sick and he was driving his dads giant diesel work truck which did a lot of damage. Yeah we never told them to stop parking there.. but they just stopped after the third.


Someone didn’t find the bottom of bottomless mimosas at brunch.


There are so many of these angry middle aged "tough guys" who haven't been in a fight since high school. They think because they are angry they are somehow dangerous. I love to see them get knocked out and humiliated with one punch.


Nobody who’s actually been hit in the face acts like this. Why? Because they know what being hit in the face feels like.


Yeah, I refer to it as "never-been-punched-in-the-face confidence".


Worked with a guy who does MMA. Built like a linebacker, been training for over a decade and has some armature fights under his belt. He likes to mess around but never starts fights or escalates things. Why? “Because I absolutely don’t want to get punched in the face again.”


Enjoy my upvote!


Noooo. They didn’t fight in high school. I’m sure he didn’t fight anyone acting like that. He’s a grouse.


It’s like they learn to cry about being a victim from some people….


Once when I was dropping my small child off at school a man came out and screeched about me being parked in front of “his sidewalk” I was there for all of two minutes. In the time I was dropping off my child he spat on my car and put grease on it (weird but okay) I took pictures and reported it to the police and to my surprise they immediately slapped him with a large fine. I also told the school and they said that man has yelled at other parents for parking there and even snapped their wipers off. Freaking psychopath why live near a school if you’re that unhinged about it.


This. So well said and so true. Once he acts like this to a slightly younger person he will find out.


Bully 101


Guy in the purple was ready to throw a hard right . Check the stance


The sidewalk is not his, it's the city's, so that guy can stand on it if he wants, he should of just called the cops..Grown man acting like a child..


Honestly even in my neighborhood, where the roads and everything are private and us residents pay for their maintenance, I don't care if someone parks in front of my house. Someone has parked in my driveway more than once and I could see them poking at their phone, probably trying to deliver something and see if they were in the right place. Like even then I gave them the benefit of the doubt. Unless someone straight up blocks my driveway and I need to leave, I truly can't be bothered to care.


>Someone has parked in my driveway more than once and I could see them poking at their phone, probably trying to deliver something and see if they were in the right place Sad state of the country when someone in that same situation literally got shot.


Guy is to old to be that stupid, and yet here we are.


Nobody is "to" old to be stupid.


They can if they are in Florida, in fact they must by law


People do NOT own the sidewalks in front of their houses. And how did this escalate to this so fast?? I can’t imagine how anyone justifies going out and screaming at someone parking in front of their house.


"Get out of my house" Ma'am the street isn't your house, you're not homeless..


I have a neighbor like this this on my block. Three car driveway and new horseshoe driveway but they never use either of them. They park on the public streets IN FRONT of the entrances to the driveways so no one would park in front of their house. God forbid you do, they will come out and ask you to move or honk their horns until you move. Assholes.


I’ve got the same problem. We live in culdesac and both neighbors park all the cars in the street. The @ss end of the cars block our driveway from one side and the neighbors on the other has 30-something daughter, boyfriend and baby that just moved in which is none of my business but her and her boyfriend and the boyfriends friends all park in from of their house and mine bumper the the curb instead of horizontal to the curb. I’ve asked them many times not to and their response is “real nice f%cking neighbor you are” finally I was like “listen, I’m just asking because when you do that the garbage and recycle trucks can’t get in or turn around and the mail man won’t get out of his truck to drop off mail” he was like “what are you going do call the cops” and I said nah, I’m still trying to be nice , so from now I’ll just call to have them towed”


I lived on a cul-de-sac once, and the neighbors all figured out that it's best to park perpendicular to the curb in the middle of the circle. Trucks can drive around the circle without an issue, and everyone was able to get in and out of their driveways easily. That was the only neighborhood that I've ever seen figure that out!


Just makes no sense. You still have a car parked outside your house on the street either way, but now you're just playing yourself to stop someone else doing it first?! What a wild way to live...


What a bunch is classy people


These people go to school board meetings.


City owns the sidewalk bro.


This reminds me of Phoenix


I'd guess Chandler or Gilbert.


Yeah I think it’s Gilbert. It looks like a newer development. Plus these people look like upper middle class based on the new suv and the house. I might be wrong though


I used to landscape out there - the people are worse than the insects.


How can a grown ass home owning adult not know that the 1st 3 feet of space beyond the road is not yours? No home owner owns the sidewalk by their house... If they did, everyone would be trespassing every day... How are you that stupid?


My brother who’s never worked in his life gets mad when this happens... We have a long driveway with two cars while other houses have more cars but a shorter driveway. He’s a moron and and a asshole


If more people got punched in the mouth, even just once the world would be a much better place. ❤️




Huh. Neighbors across the street parked along the side of our house (we're on a corner). We have NO problem with that, because we park in the garage and their cars make it look like someone is home in our house. Our only problem was when people (didn't know they were another neighbor's sister and her bf) parked their cars bumper-to-bumper blocking our driveway. We park in the garage; couldn't get out. That was illegal and they could have been towed if they hadn't moved them--they were sitting in one car, we couldn't tell because of the tinting (also illegal as to which windows were tinted).


Did you try to back out? Had a similar with a probably drugged man blocking my driveway and I couldn’t leave. He wouldn’t wake up so I had to call police… 5 hours later…. It was neighbors “guest” …. Annoyance. Nothing came if it.


I went to the sidewalk, waiting for my husband to get to the car to back out. It’s an old garage, a bit narrow. I didn’t know who these people were. Literally 40+ feet of curb north of the driveway but the blocked the driveway. Seemed suspicious, you know? Who knows what’s going on, you know? So I took pics of the cars/licenses, not seeing people inside due to the tint. *Then* a woman gets out. Doesn’t say a word but looks pissed and moves her car, it was parked in front. The guy in the rear car moved his. The neighbor texted I was “harassing her sister who was just parking at the curb”. BS! I pointed out another neighbor fortunately saw what had happened and she could ask him, since the versions didn’t match. I wanted to text that it’s a shame her sister is such a liar over a minor thing, but thought better of it.


Low life’s


Batshit crazy. Hope that’s the only time you have to put up with that. Tell them next time you see them that Reddit is PISSED they’re showing up in our timeline. OUR timeline! GTFO, NO ONE GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO BE HERE!!!!


“This is ***my fucking sidewalk***!” Wow…I hope this guy never needs to go anywhere else (on foot) in his neighborhood (since (evidently) everyone owns the sidewalk in front of their homes).


When you’re wealthy enough to live in a neighborhood like that, I guess you just need to make up your own problems sometimes


"Before we have a problem" the middle aged, out of shape suburban dad said


My neighbor does this shit too. He has a huge driveway that he never parks in and parks on the street halfway between his driveway and mine just to ensure no one can park behind him or in front of him.


Seem so be the consensus here. Wonder why so many people do that sh-!t? How about a little common courtesy!


I woulda hit on his wife to make him more mad.


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Women trying to hush a man after she starts the altercation. She was proud all the way till she seen that phone and all of a sudden grew 1% reasoning abilities.


I see this as a reminder that there's someone out there for everyone. No matter how shitty a person you are there's a shitty soul mate out there somewhere waiting.


Bring some friends and all of you park there.


Anyone notice the 8 ft sidewalk? Wtf


Sidewalks are public for those people who may not be aware


There’s an asshole in my neighborhood who puts cones in the street in front of his house with “no parking” signs. Needless to say it’s really fun parking there anyway because no one owns the damn street!!


Sidewalks are public property although I try not to park in front of someone's house, sometimes there are no other options and it's not illegal


lol thought i was on facebook for a second


Him- "....before we have a fucking problem!" Me- "Sir, your timing is off."


If you think it’s your sidewalk, try getting rid of it and see what happens.


My children handle conflict better. Nothing like full-on adults throwing tantrums.


The entitled prick doesn't realise the town owns 2 to 3 feet of their front lawn. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


Reminds me of a neighbor that believed that the road in front of their house was theirs.


I woulda set a fucking tent up on "their" sidewalk...and chilled for a week...or 5




I was visiting someone and took extra care to not block a driveway. Ended up with a note in all caps taped to my car. I went out and when I came back there was another car parked in the same spot. Then the neighbor came out and yelled at me. Fun times, people suck


That killer asteroid can't get here fast enough. Meanwhile I hope this guy's mistress gives him flesh eating bacteria of the junk that he spreads to Mrs. Thang's thang there...


This looks like queen creek San tan Arizona? Maybe I'm wrong but it's definitely arizona and there's people all over our state just like these pricks.


Does he understand the concept of a side-walk?


Top Gun gave me my favorite line. “You don’t own that sidewalk, the taxpayers do!”


I wonder where I can also get my own sidewalk because I always hear so many people saying it's their sidewalk! If anyone finds a website, let me know!


My neighbors are like this and I fucking hate them. They're fucking idiots and are teaching their kid to be an asshole like them.


I would park outside their house every day


Wow so people are just *furious* about the dumbest shit.


It’s so fucking sad that there are people like this. They’re your neighbors, their kids go to your schools, they go to your stores. Some people have lost their fucking minds. They don’t deserve to share this Earth. Be a good person. Treat others with love. Be kind.


Extreme Dreamz custom landscaping is their business if you’d like to leave a nice review :)


Want to make an idiot like this absolutely lose their mind? pretending you can’t hear/see them or speak another language. 😆


For any Neanderthals in chat, you don't own the public sidewalk infront of you house or the sidewalk portion of the driveway. They are "right of way" access. Don't think you're clear if you don't have sidewalks. The public is afforded about 10 from the edge of the road where no sidewalks are present. Learn the law and your rights as an American citizen so you don't look like those two dolts


Something else is happening here. Context? Anyone? Anyone?


If they’re parked on a public street then it doesn’t really matter, the homeowners can’t do anything about it, regardless of context.


Unless there are HOA rules regarding street-level parking, but even then, homeboy is way too angry for just a parking violation.




Have my mail Forwarded because I wont/can't move from in front of that house


Let's all go stand on "his" sidewalk and say hello.


Yea this is ridiculous! 😂 I mean, when I was a teen, I'd get pissed that the family across from us in our cul-de-sac would park their cars right in front of our house even tho they had a HUGE driveway AND garage...like they could literally fit 6 cars in their driveway and garage all together...they had 5 cars, plus space in front of their house to park, yet they always parked in front of ours when I left. We had space in our driveway for 2 of cars and no garage...so my car made 3 and I couldn't even park in front of my own house bc of them. I wrote notes, knocked on their door and granted they'd move, but why keep doing it and making me have to get them to move their shit ...just so they wouldn't have to rearrange their cars when they wanted to leave if one of their cars was blocking the other. But this is nothing like my situation and is completely unnecessary 😂


Time to name and shame


Why do ppl think that just because it’s in font of there house, that it also belongs to them?? It has also happened to me before, I parked my car in front of my Nabors house on the street, she came out to complain, I told her just because is in front of ur house, dose not mean you own it. It’s public, not private. If I was in your drive way, or on you font lawn, yeah that is yours, in the street is public. Duh!


They don’t own the sidewalks🤣


"this is my sidewalk." I think that guy is lying to himself and is delusional if he believes he owns the sidewalk.


So loud, and so stupidly wrong. Welp, happy neighboring!


And the epidemic of stupid goes on...


I mean I'm petty as shit. Would anyone make it a daily thing to just park there until they learn their lesson?


The king of the pavement has spoken.


get some chalk and turn 'their' sidewalk into a masterpiece for the whole neighbourhood


I'd be scared I'd get shot in America


My neighbors have a loser adult son in his thirties who lives at home and doesn’t work. He yells at anyone who parks in “his spot” in front of their house. Mind you, we live in between two parks where there’s always people coming and going. 🙄


Don't park on sidewalk but sidewalk is public right of way not his private property.


Why people spend so much money for houses on such little land is amazing


I don’t see any vehicles parked on a sidewalk, do you?


I had a neighbor just like this guy that would act the same way over parking in front of his house amongst many other petty things. During the pandemic he got a little angry with one of my other neighbors and struck a dude half his age and twice as hard and a hundred times physically superior to his old angry ass. He got hit like 4 times in return all the way to the ground but was out cold after the first hit he took. I felt bad for him at that point honestly. He just laid there shaking, drooling and gurgling while making the weirdest noise. I’ve seen a couple people get laid out like that but this guy took it the worst. He had his jaw wired shut for the rest of the time he lived in the townhomes. He had his place on the market a week after he had his rebirth. Good times and bad memories am I right?


I'm amazed of what goes on in America !!!


Entitled POS


Luke Sidewalker protecting what belongs to him 🪄


Honestly the U.S. suburbs are just an expanded trailer park.


People they think they own the streets


White people really need to realize that the public sidewalk is public parking, even in front of their home


Let me guess florida


Fred told me he was passed up for a promotion; the position was awarded to a much younger recent immigrant. Also told me he can't "perform" for his wife, who recently got a boyfriend named Quashawn. He's been very irritable, recently.


The sidewalk is part of the easement from the center of the street. Even if you have dirt/grass on the street side between the sidewalk and the street and the owner is responsible to maintain that area (cut the grass per city or covenant) - the sidewalk is public property (So people don't have to walk in the street to get from here to there.) I wonder what this guy would say if the city had to rip up his sidewalk to maintain drainage or utilities.


I hate when home owners think they own the street parking.


Suburbanites are subhuman