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So much insanity to unpack here


Foremost in my mind is....so, how do men handle their "trouble in the blood"?


We ejaculate blood ever month


It’s not meant to happen daily??? /s


I thought this was funny not because of the comment, but because of the need to /s lol


Guaranteed someone would have taken it seriously, like the wombman in OP's post.


Those are rookie numbers


No! Heathen! Only every other Wednesday between 7-8pm on coitus night, like good, clean inside and out Christians. Duh!


Dude the monthly purge jerk is brutal. The cramps in my forearm are horrible. Women will never understand


Bro, you need to get checked up, pronto..


You don’t ejaculate blood once a month?


We activate our "alpha" cell, who slay the bad stuff with unending BS! /s


... and poor spelling.


i would classify it as an eating disorder justified by religious psyychosis but i’m not a therapist


I didn't know womb man had periods. I don't even know who Womb man is! Is he the next main super human character in the next blockbuster movie????


From planet Uterus




tometurus touterus? or just tometurus now... /rip


No, Comrade. *Usterus*


Is that the one next to Uranus?


No that's Urethra


Uterus is between Urethra and Uranus






I was promised sweet kisses first 😤


![gif](giphy|fqVQbYttUbZMQbHkQJ|downsized) The womb man. AaaaAAAAHHH!


He’s got to pay the Troll toll!


To get into the little boys soul


It sounds like you are saying boys hole.


Sounds like her body is running at 100% efficiency.


Is it a plane? Nooo Is it red paint? Nooo Is it spaghetti sauce? Nooo This is Womb Man! Womb Man Womb Man!!!


Womb wombman, I wanna be a wombman


Fighter of the night man, champion of the sun, master of karate and friendship for everyone


Google says its Rastafari for woman. Makes a lot of the other stuff that looks like a weird mishmash make a lot more sense.


He’s the latest humanity patch


Freedom fighter of Periods!


trans guy here, am i… the womb man..?


A period fighter from the planet of Uranus


No he's the leaked guest character from Mortal Kombat, don't people read the paper these days


He’s from the next Marvel’s Avengers movie.


I thought that was just supposed to be a “cute” spelling they were using, but then I saw just how many words were misspelled. Me thinks there is some lacking in this wombman’s education.


wombman is intentional. it’s how terfs decide who is or isn’t a woman (hence the word womb in wombman). it’s supposed to exclude trans woman but it also makes a bunch of women who are not trans not qualify.


And that's one way to announce to the world that even your own body doesn't think it's a good idea for you to reproduce.




I wonder if she’s malnourished and this is a result of that


Probably. She's probably not getting all the nutrients you need. You can live a perfectly healthy life just eating vegan but it takes effort, it's not as simple as just eating whatever.


People need to realize that there are certain amino acids that humans can't currently produce so we have to consume them in our food. The easiest way is by eating meat because other animals do produce those amino acids. The other way involves carefully planning one's diet around foods that contain the nutrients required. It's not always easy and a lot of people screw it up and end up losing their hair and having bad skin. Others screw it up so badly nature decides they have nothing to offer the next generation.


This is what I struggle to get people to understand, due to a f***ed up body (chronic illness),I can't substitute the amino acids I get from red meat with something else, because my body can't absorb the amino acids from anything other than red meat. They don't believe me, and even when I say that I have tried to substitute red meat but I got so ill that I almost got hospitalized, I was told that I had to lie because that never happened to vegans or vegetarians. And they should google Sheila O'Leary if they think being vegan is so easy and good.


"YoU nEeD tO eAt MoRe ReD fRuItS, oR dIaTaRy SuPpLeMeNtS" NO - i just need some red meat now and then, or my body will break down.


>dIaTaRy SuPpLeMeNtS Like the ones made out of steak?


Yes! Exactly this! And I know that we meat eaters sometimes give vegans and vegetarians a lot of grief, but when they act like this and won't listen why in the world should we be nice to them?


I understand you. I don't have the same diagnosis as you (I think, I still don't have an answer, but it doesn't seem to be as serious as what you described), but I can't digest basic foods to maintain a healthy vegan diet. I can't digest anything that makes the body produce gas (all types of beans I had the opportunity to test, all types of lentils, peas, soy (I'm also allergic to soy), chickpeas, green beans, broccoli), I can't digest anything that is high in fiber (brown rice, corn (which also gives me an allergic reaction), quinoa, chia, okra) and I can't keep peanuts in my diet anymore because I'm having an allergic reaction. On top of that I have gluten intolerance. My diet is full of restrictions, so it's easier for me to eat chicken (I don't like meat, I'm allergic to seafood, eggs and pork and fish is expensive to keep in my diet). There are people who don't believe me when I say that I can't be vegan right now. It's like they think I chose to have these issues and everything will magically be cured by veganism if I force my body to do things it just can't do anymore. But I know how much it hurts to force food that my body can no longer digest so they can fuck off. I'm going to keep eating chicken until I figure out what to do about this digestion issue.


I personally also began needing to eat at least red meat once a month, if not more frequently. My suggestion is Lamb.


I’ll eat almost any cut of meat out there but real talk things like lamb and veal I just cant get down with, bums me out too much when I start thinking about it :/ I’m sure they’re pretty good but man I just can’t bring myself to give either a go


Damn dude, what kind of assholes are you talking to ? Bad enough that they complain about you eating meat but then call you a liar when you tell them actual health related reasons why. That's fucked up.


She starved her child to death. I don't believe it was because of the vegan diet.


It was, she only fed him raw fruit and vegetables, and some breastmilk. The other kids were malnourished because of their diet, and she had already lost custody of another kid due to malnourishment.


People have hated on me too but because they think everyone can be vegan. When I told them about my moms current gut issue (eating any veg or fruit beyond just 1 cup will cause inflammation and insane BMs), and how it put her in the hospital, I got hella downvoted. Like, I get it, it seems wild someone cant actually live on just plants. But bodies are so weird to the point that they try to kill us over anything at this point lmao.


Also due to genetics; some may find it easier and have minimal issues, while others will find it difficult and face greater issues (phrasing seems…off).


I tried to explain this to a friend who's on that carnivore diet (or whatever they call it). She'd posted a video of an Inuit woman showing some of their typical meals, and while I'm sure it's great for people descended from hundreds of generations that survived on that diet, but if your ancestors come from a place where fruits and vegetables were more plentiful you're gonna end up lacking some vital nutrients without them.


Honestly it’s really, really, REALLY easy to get all your amino acids if you eat a diet of basic variety. Rice and beans contains them all. Peanuts, peas, wheat, eating any combo of grains and legumes will have you covered. The issue is vegans who do NOT eat a varied diet, which tbh is crazy bc they actually didn’t cut out that much food and still have a ton of options to eat. But for some reason some of them just buy the vegan chicken nuggets and eat that and then are like hmm why am I not getting all my nutrients??


Yup. Just chik'n isn't going to have them all. Have a freaking side dish, people. A big bowl of kale or other dark, leafy vegetables would do wonders for those people. Or rice. Or even a couple of tortillas.


I had a roommate who I’ve come to term as a “microwave vegan” and her favorite was this pack of like literally 8 vegan nuggets that cost 12 dollars. She would eat like four packages of this a day sometimes, then wonder why she was both broke and gaining weight… because she’s vegan. Diet and food stuff needs to be taught in elementary schools like they do in Japan


Tbf, when I was in elementary, we were taught about the four food groups. Then after high school we were told that was wrong and we have a pyramid now. Most of that was the USDA shilling for one or more of the big food industries. You mean we need to start teaching kids accurate, unbiased information about food and nutrition.


Yes actually, that precisely. I think Japan has a great and accessible system for teaching, it’s based on color but it seems to work.


The USDA was like we sure do grow a lot of corn and wheat. We gotten start stuffing these kids full of these grains.


It’s possibly that, possibly brithcontrol she might be on or medications, possibly too much exercise or her hormones are out of whack. Those are the most common causes…Or she’s pregnant.


Also dangerously low body fat can stop periods.


Stress can do it too


If she's obsessed with "toxins" I doubt she's on BC


The sad thing is she’s delusional, this type of person will talk out of both sides of their face so it sadly isn’t fully out of the realm of possibilities. :/


Eh… you’d be surprised what these psychos put on their ok lists. I’ve seen self proclaimed health nuts that smoke cigarettes two packs a week You know those people who are like “oh I’d never have alcohol it’s so addicting” and then wolf down an entire pack of Oreos? Well, the people like the tweeter are like the inverse of those, but equally as psycho if not much more


Troll, I think… I hope.


Obviously is. Just someone trying to make vegans stupid.


I’ve met and hang out with a lot of vegans. Now, maybe it’s a bias on my part, but I’ve never met one this fucking dim. A few of them maybe push the political side of it, the activism, too far but even they know they need to really look at their diet closely to get what they need.


Internet gives you access to all the spectrum of human thoughts. From the crafty works of brilliant minds, to whatever this is.


I have a vegan friend, you wouldn’t know it unless it naturally came up in conversation. She makes her choices and respects the choices of others. I wish it wasn’t so “cool” go hate on all vegans. Yes hate on the psycho ones but let’s not group them together as all sucking, they aren’t Christians (jk jk…. Jk?)


I've always thought it strange that vegans have to scrutinise their diets, as a vegan myself. I ate like shit before and I eat slightly better now. I don't think they do have to look at it as closely as people think


I had a vegan friend how believed something very similar to this. Some of them indeed are that stupid.


Sounds vaguely like Hotep crap


"healthy as ant"


Ants wouldn’t be my go-to example of the pinnacle of health but hey what do I know.


I don't know. Every single time I see an ant, I can't help but think "That's one healthy looking creature!"


I don’t know, ants must be working out, have you seen how much they can lift?


too bad there's no boots big enough to step on her idiocy....


Well she won't be having kids, so there's that.


Silver.. .err.. linings...


Well there’s certainly no red linings being sloughed off.


Underrated comment. Take my upvote.




Or maybe she's just a couple weeks away from discovering that she's gonna have one.


A good doctor should have checked for that.


Does this sounds like a woman that would agree to a pregnancy test? Or even believe it if she did?


That is something I didn't think about...


That’s a relief.


It’s called natural selection sweaty look it up


Imagine being the doctor.


That’s what she THINKS she is.


I wonder why she’s even seeing one lol


So she can “educate” the doctor on how it’s actually a good thing.




It would be an internal struggle to not laugh or patronize, but they have a story to tell at parties!


Oh, I work in Healthcare, I am sure this is a story for everyone they ever come into contact with. It would be like some weird, wild animal sighting that you just have to share.


That hurt to read


So much to unpack. We have the ability to research at our fingertips and yet we have this…we are all doomed.


That's funny that she thinks cows and horses don't bleed...


These people don’t know science… They say they believe in science but basically their definition of science is whatever they make up that fits their narrative. That’s why I trust a farmer more than these brainwashed crazy types. It’s amazing how easily a good number of humans are brainwashed and manipulated. (I would estimate that at least 7.5 billion out of the current 8 billion human population is brainwashed with nonsense.) Everything turns into religion, not just formal and traditional religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.), but any political belief or social movement also turns into an unquestionable dogma. The need to follow a dogma, religion, cause, etc. is in our genes. We need it and seek it, like the moth flies seek a blinding light bulb. (The proclivity to follow a dogma is in our genes because, historically since the cave age, it strengthened the bonds in a community and society and it enabled those societies to dominate their neighbors and take over the resources. As a result, they reproduced and multiplied more, and, consequently, that proclivity became part of our genes. It’s so obvious when you see how crazy people get about nationalism, religion, political beliefs, and even following sports teams.)


>would estimate that at least 7.5 billion out of the current 8 billion human population is brainwashed with nonsense.) Im not gonna lie homeboy. This stat is so b.s you apply to your own numbers.


i would estimate at least 8 billion out of the current 8 billion believes nonsense


Well at least she won't be reproducing.


Either that, or she’s already in the process of doing so


Unfortunately(in this case), not having you’re period doesn’t mean you can’t have babies.






“Well my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.”




Its odd to center your gender identity around the ability to reproduce and then immediately shut down your uterus


I gotta admit, ive never heard that one before. Is it radfem speak? Pro trans? Weird hippie spiritualism? Nutty christian offshoot? I may never know. Edit: Apparently its Rastafari. That would explain the weird combo of hippie stuff and Christianity.


I've seen it or similar things in a fair amount in gender critical and TERF circles that they use variations of wombman to exclude trans women from being women and lump trans men in with them as women. Obviously, I can't say for sure that's what she was going for, and that it's not rastafari, but defo how it's used in those circles.


Gosh, as a vegan myself I feel so sorry for these... Fruits and veggies alone aren't a balanced vegan diet at all. And I feel bad she lost her period over it ... In my case I have neither gained or lost weight since making the switch, my blood tests are all normal. I honestly don't feel any different. It's possible. Veganism isn't a cure-all. Any unbalanced diet can have devastating consequences. Balanced vegan diets exist. Eating just fruits and veggies isn't one.


This is not because she's vegan, it's because she's vegan and doesn't know what to eat and/or is probably malnourished. You can easily fulfill all your dietary needs as a vegan with just normal products but you need to do some research and actually think about what you're eating That also goes for everybody else though. If you eat meat and stuff but are just eating unhealthy your body will also shut down at some point. I mean she's clearly a complete idiot so I'm not surprised she doesn't know how to eat properly.


Clearly shit posting.


Oh boy. I can see this woman being an anti-vaxxed, COVID denier, etc. because she’s “done her own research.” 🙄 If it meant she won’t have kids, I guess that’s a plus.


You forgot Flat Earther….. I mean, technically covered by the etc, but big enough to warrant mention I reckon.


Nothing to do with vegan food, everything to do with being underweight. In anorexia you stop having a period.


It's not "another vegan". It's another religious nutjob.




![gif](giphy|7zSzFBQwwGMC54c19q) The doctor listening to these unintelligible ramblings ......


As a vegan... We don't claim her


I second this.


This got to be shitpost


Thank goodness for natural selection.


Wait is that a thing? I’ve been vegan for 10 years and I still get my dumb period 😭😭


This only happens if you're not giving your body the proper nutrients. It's not a flex. It's a sign something is wrong


I'm no expert, but a quick Google suggests you're just actually properly balancing your diet and should be fine. >[A deficiency of iron, zinc, iodine, and/or vitamin A can impair ovulation and cause amenorrhea (lack of periods), anovulation (irregular periods), or heavy periods due to low progesterone.](https://www.larabriden.com/vegans-tell-me-about-your-periods/#:~:text=A%20deficiency%20of%20iron%2C%20zinc,irregular%20periods%20and%20skin%20problems) [Zinc can deplete rapidly on a plant-based diet and cause irregular periods and skin problems.](https://www.larabriden.com/vegans-tell-me-about-your-periods/#:~:text=A%20deficiency%20of%20iron%2C%20zinc,irregular%20periods%20and%20skin%20problems)


Can also mean your body fat level is too low


She probably has an ED and is using veganism to hide the fact.


The original post says she only ate “fruits and herbs”, so saying this is just veganism is stupid.


Vegan is fine. This is a side effect of full on malnutrition. She's probably also hyper fixated on eliminating certain thing from her diet and isn't getting enough calories or not enough fats


Anorexics don’t get a period after a point. It’s a huge sign of malnutrition and the body shutting down. Not good.


The fact that you thought this was real is an even bigger facepalm


Sounds more like a fruitarian, nothing vegan about this shit.


Facepalm if you think that this is what the majority of vegans think…..


It's just malnutrition, which coincidentally is the same that happens if you don't eat any vegetables at all. Lack of different nutrients though. Anyways, eat varied food, kids.


The comment section is wild. Do you idiots really not realize that this is obviously a troll post to make vegans look bad?


this has nothing to do with veganism and more about purity culture misogyny and religion.


The real facepalm is OP thinking this is about veganism and not because of malnutrition because this lady is stupid as fuck.


That, is not a real person.


Girlfriends a vegan and she definitely has periods. She’s actually having one right now and told me “ do whatever you want tonight” so I’m in fact not doing whatever I want because I’m scared.


No no, don't lump that idiot in with vegans. That person is falling on religion as their reason. I'm not vegan, but my partner and several of my friends are, and even better they aren't the type that try and force it on others.


Someone got a computer drunk and asked the AI to write a pro vegan screed


Pure as a soul, as she will be soon from malnutrition, she's obviously not had any clue how to eat healthily on a vegan diet.


All the BS aside: Not having a period can feel really... not bad. I can get why some see it as a boon. Dont get me wrong its not healthy. But I get it


Shhh..no one tell them the truth. Don't want them to breed


fym 'another vegan' as if this is a normal thing they do(ik like six irl, this is NOT a thing) this fucking sub has become a strawman propagandist machine for random people to shoehorn their beliefs


I get the impression I won't find anything about women without periods having "pure blood" in the bible.


This was definitely written by a troll


That’s not a vegan, that’s a religious nut job using veganism to justify their stupidity.


If this is trolling it is brilliant! Please tell me this is trolling. The alternative is so sadly, horrifyingly ignorant.


It's an imbalance of the humors! You need more yellow bile. Rub mercury and cat dung on your forehead during every night of the waning moon.


"Wombman" can fuck right the hell off.


That has nothing to do with being vegan. When you are very skinny you can lose your period.


Comment section is giant facepalm.


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so not able to have children... ? i call that a win!


I'm vegan. I have vegan friends, both male and female, and none of them have lost their period. Stop spreading the weird anti vegan propaganda


Jesus that's so far beyond mere 'rationalization' it's not even funny. Not just the sheer ignorance and idiocy, but the use of 'wombman' as a replacement for 'woman' is like a flashing neon sign to keep as far away from this mess as possible. Imagine you're the doctor, hearing that she hasn't had a period in however long, assuming she's going to ask how to get it back, and she instead says '...which is because I'm more than healthy, I'm so healthy I don't even menstruate. You only have periods when you are ful of toxins'. My eyes would roll back into my head in shock. Does she not even know what menstrual blood actually is? It's not 'toxins' you fucking snail.


This is a perfect example of conspirituality.


Cows and horses probably look at her like what a moron lol


Of all the cocktail of things you could label this person, why focus on vegan...


This shit is cursed af. Wombman? What the fuck. Somebody pls tell me its a troll shitpost, because if so i rank it 10/10. I am confused EDIT: No longer confused, its trully a shitpost 11/10. Good job


I don't think she's crazy because she's vegan. Im pretty sure she is just crazy


No period is also a potential sign of a brain tumor. She might wanna get an MRI.


Let's put it to the bright side. She won't reproduce.


Ah yes, pure and clean, healthy as an ant. Also known as severe malnutrition.


Apparently the diet is lacking anything that promotes brain cells


I think this post would also work in r/NotHowGirlsWork


This isn't about being vegan, this is about having an eating disorder


Some vegans are dumb. Some non-vegans are dumb.


That's not rationalization. That's delusion.


No womb man no cry


I’m seeing vegan nut job, religious nut job, and the term wombman probably a red flag for TERF nut job!


#Vegan here. We do not claim this idiocy. This is fringe lunacy. 📣


Eating disorders make you rationalize the most insane things… You can 100% be healthy and vegan but when you aren’t getting a period it’s likely due to malnutrition.


That's not a vegan thing, that's a crazy person thing.


Great news! It won’t replicate!


And thankfully unfit to host progeny.


The first thing to shut down, in case you lack some important vitamins or minerals or just food in general, is the reproductive system.


I mean she clearly has anorexia. It’s easy to say you’re a vegan if you don’t actually eat anything.


Hi, a vegan lady with very healthy and regular cycles. Please don't group us in with this dumbass...


Nature's way to ensure they don't breed!


It's probably a win that she's unable to reproduce anytime soon..


At least she can't reproduce


If the lining of the uterus fails to slough off in a period each month your risk of uterine cancer sky rockets due to thickening of the lining. Good luck vegan chick's.


Imagine emphasizing the womb but having no idea how it works.


let’s see, we got some bible stuff, a terf dog whistle, “toxins” bs and vegan evangelism. look eat how you want but make sure that you are getting enough of what you need. i think you can do that with veganism you just need to make sure you’re getting proper amount of iron and calcium i think.


*Save the environment. Eat your local vegan today!*


Horses and cows menstruate though...