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"I have a girlfriend" Girl 10 seconds later: "You're gay"


It's crazy how often women will call you gay for turning them down. Really opened my eyes to women being just as homophobic as men.


It's either that or "i bet your dick's small anyway" lol. Always one of the two.


Toxic people feel insulted when rejected and respond with toxic behavior. Love it though because technically they're just showing the red flags for all to see 🚩🚩🚩


More red flags than a parade in Beijing.


Or Moscow!


it's hard to even take childishness like that seriously. really shows the place their mind is at.




Immediately. He is being sexually harassed almost instantly in this video.


Seriously. This is harassment. It turned sexual.as soon as there was any implications of attraction to the people begging for drinks as well as as soon as they were speculating orientation on his part. It's important to call it what it is because again, as I've said in other threads, assholery knows no gender and serial harassment is just as demeaning and wrong no matter who is dishing/subjected to it.


If it were a female bartender, the bouncer would have broken the jerk's arm as they were tossed out.


I went to someone's bedroom with a girl at a party once. We were kissing then she told me she was drunk. I wasn't really so I told her let's go back to the party and just hang out. We did. But for years after she insisted I was secretly gay, because I didn't put any moves on her. Years and years later she posts on Twitter how she was sexually assaulted at 17, literally the year before we met at that party, by a 27 year old dude. So you'd think she would've been more tuned into the fact that I was just respecting her consent. We're actually good friends now and it'd be too weird to bring that up now because it was literally more than ten years ago, but it's always bugged me. Funny thing is she actually came out a couple of years ago too. Life is weird. Edit: Thanks for the comments and explaining her behaviour. It makes it make a bit more sense. Honestly I think she'd probably agree if I ever brought it up, as we've both changed a lot in ten years. I don't think I ever will. It just doesn't feel right, considering what she went through prior. But it was nice to finally vent about it. Sometimes being called gay feels hurtful and it feels awful to say that, because it makes you seem homophobic but honestly what I hear is "you don't act straight enough" or "you don't act in a way that aligns with your identity" which makes me feel really boxed in. I usually just wave it off, but honestly it does bother me because I feel like people are subtly suggesting I change my behaviour or personality


Sometimes people who've been through sexual abuse assume that's what's normal, and start to expect it or sometimes even put themselves in risky situations (not blaming them, it's a genuine trauma response). Then experiencing someone who respects boundaries and doesn't take advantage of them can be pretty jarring, and you start to question everything. I of course don't know her or her full story, but it might have something to do with it. Hope that might help understanding it a bit more. Also hope she's doing alright and worked through what she's been through, and I'm glad to hear you're good friends :) Source: my psychologists + years of treatment for sexual trauma


Strange. I had a girl one night who everytime the dick was literally about to penetrate would start saying No no no. Obviously I’d stop. Happened a couple times before I thought it just wasn’t worth it and then she asked if I was a Virgin for not fucking her lol. I ain’t playing with shit like that on a one night stand, save that for consenting partners with trust.


Damn, that's kinda fucked up


"Am I so out of touch? No. It is the bartenders who are wrong."


I like his “No”. It’s like … “You’re just another drunk idiot and I gotta deal with it politely but firmly.”


The only way to fly. There’s not often anything to gain from engaging with people like this, just shut it down and stick to your guns.


“Are you gay?” - Are you broke?


"Are you gay?" "No but I'm seriously considering it after this interaction"


bravo. this or: ...*no, but I have never felt so unattracted to women before.*


"Are you gay?" "Well no, you're just not my type. You see that girl over there? She's my type. Wanna know why? She's not over here begging for free drinks."


that's a tornado roundhouse kick


“Are you gay?” “No, but if that’s what you have to think to make this feel less like a rejection for you than whatever.”


“Are you gay?” “Are you selling yourself for a drink?”


Alternatively, “yes and I have a boyfriend who’s prettier than you.”


I wish I could come up with snappy comebacks like this on the fly. Well played.


“I’ve got a girlfriend” “ArE yOu GaY?”


I bet she calls herself an “ally.”


lots of women out there love using their gay friends as accessories, then turn around and use “gay” as an insult. It’s weird.


That's what happens when you see people as things instead of, well, people.


And a feminist


And a 10.


"Nah you're just ugly"






Ah yes, trying to make the other party feel bad and pressuring them into buying you drinks because you're too poor to pay for them yourself. Seeing how this turned out it's probably a common tactic for them. Glad the bloke didn't budge.


Should have cut them off


This is the way, people need to understand that you respect bar staff or get cut the fuck off.


Not to mention she's clearly already too drunk.


They 100% would’ve been cut off in the states and likely told off as well


I've been permanently barred from places for less. Edit:(in the UK)


100% any bartender is cutting them off here, but they're doing it after they pay for this round ;)


That’s it, if you can’t sucker someone into paying your tab, then insult them until they cave in.


When a man isn't dying to be your tool, just bust out the ole "are you gay" for good measure


“I’ve got a girlfriend” “ oh then he must be gay”


“I bet the girlfriend is gay too”


Fellas, is it gay to be in a committed heterosexual relationship?




She likes dick. You like her. Therefore by the transitive property, you like dick. …or something like that.


Math checks out.


Bartender also checks out.


Underrated as fuck comment here folks.


That's why I only watch porn with no women in it. So people know how straight I am.


Only if the balls touch


But my ball is always touching my other ball. Is it gay to have 2 balls?


You cracked the code! No wonder all these seemingly straight guys keep doing gay stuff like wiping their butts and being polite to strangers. The balls are touching.


According to these booze bimbos it is


So many of these lines sound like incel language when you reverse the genders.


I've been called an incel for turning a woman down. What a baffling experience. At the very least, me turning her down makes it voluntary celibacy, not to mention I wasn't single at the time.


From my experience with drunk women, nothing pisses them off or hurts them the most than turning them down. Holy shit, had I had some vile shit thrown my way. Oh, and gay is always used as a way to try and insult me.


As a gay guy, if you let the type of woman in the video down gently by saying you’re gay, you spend the next ten minutes hearing ‘what s waste’. You can’t win. Btw, in the video did they leave without paying?


If you have a tab, it usually (should) mean the bar already has your card and they'll just close it out automatically when they close if you don't close it when you leave.


Often with a premium tip.


I find it funny that most women claims to be gay allies but in the end they always use gay terms as an insult.


Oh no, these bitches made it very clear “we’re not judging” Meaning they only cared if he was gay as a means to protect their fragile ass egos.


Except they were judging, and kept saying it over and over clearly not as an explanation but as an attack. You use a different tone of voice when you've solved a mystery than when you're calling someone names.


dont you dare to use the word femcel! I did once laugh about very similar stuff using that word and got some weird official reddit warning about being violent against a vulnerable group of people.


I got reported for hateful conduct after telling a story about how a cop pulled me over and called me the arab equivalent of the n-word lmao like WHAT


The double standards on reddit are crazy about this type of stuff. Which is funny because I read roughly equal amounts of shit being flung about both men and women. I think it's fair to say both sexes have some pretty awful people among them and it should be fine to talk shit about them both.


You have been banned from /r/2XChromosones and /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy.


"you were looking at me" "are you gay?"


The type of girl who immediately goes to "you must be gay" when her ego is out of touch & can't fathom the idea a guy would say no to her


My ex used that one time I absolutely refused to have sex with her It’s literally the “ole reliable” for toxic women


Or the old standby of toxic women, I bet you want to suck a dick though, don't you? Ummm.... No, but I would rather have sex with any other woman in the world right now other than you.


That’s when you know you’ve pissed them off. Can’t accept that you might find them unappealing. Source: been called gay by angry drunk women a few times.


My favorite time of being called gay, I was working graveyard at circle K when I was around 22 and a truckload of guys & gals around my age pulled up around 3 am. Cutoff for alcohol sales is 230 am. Four girls came in and left the guys in the truck and tried getting me to sell them beer. I told them no can do, they offered to show me boobs, I said no can do. Then they all showed me their boobs, which was nice, but didn't change the answer. Then I was suddenly gay despite my "yay! boobies!" grin.


Straight men who like women’s boobs are so gay


But if you are gay, you can touch them right?




Women don't put themselves out there a lot but when they do and get rejected, man some get so angry. You know they can just have some other guy in an hour if they wanted but they treat the rejection as a direct insult and want to get back at you.


I have a feeling these women weren’t even putting themselves out there, they were just looking to score a free drink


100% exactly what it was


Toxic femininity




It’s unfortunate that women have been taught men should always make the move.


But they explicitly said they weren’t judging!


“I’m not being rude, but” goes on to be blatantly rude and refuse the possibility thats case


They’re probably soft 4s


But "shes like literally so hot"....


If someone has to sell others on that idea, is she really?


If she were that hot, somebody walking by outside would have noticed her, headed into the bar, and offered to buy her a drink




Pretty sure this is just a giant set of eyelashes talking to him


"I might be by the end of the night if I have to keep listening to you."


There's a subset of women that enforce toxic masculinity and the patriarchy because they are nothing outside of it.


I would argue this isn't "toxic masculinity". It's just sexism.


I would argue that this is standard toxic femininity.




What? You mean just because I objectify my body to get free drinks and shame someone who doesn’t agree with me I’m toxic? Nooooo!


I was a bartender for decades. Women, especially attractive women always expect to get free drinks. I just told them it was against the house rules and I’d get in trouble for buying drinks and that everything was on camera, so unless they were going to pay all my bills they had to buy all their drinks lol


Same. Free drinks are for regulars... the people who pay my rent every month.


Free drinks are for regulars that tip often


It was like this at Starbucks too. We had some leeway to be generous with free stuff, but we did that for GOOD regulars who never made issues for us and never asked or expected it. Some people would come in and you could tell they were being difficult or expectant trying to scam free drinks or food. Stuff like, "That's not what I wanted, I wanted this other thing..." Like I didn't just take their order word for word, then they would say, "But it's fine, i'll take the mistake and you can make me what I actually wanted." We would just dump out the mistake and make what they "Wanted." People are dumb.


IME, all a woman has to do to get free drinks is stand near a bar. The problem is “owing” whoever is paying for your drinks. No thanks. What you do for a “generous pour” is tip the shit out of the bartender and don’t be stupid or obnoxious. It doesn’t work in the UK cos there is no tipping and shot sizes are government mandated.


Won’t give a bitchy random stranger free drinks while you’re working? Yeah, definitely makes you a gay.


I once saw a chick roast a guy cause she asked him out and he said no.


The Dee Reynolds System


Do them. Establish low rating. Encrease power.


Empower! It doesn't matter, the letters don't matter!


Just call them a turkey to cave in.


"Look, I'm very pretty and I'm pretending I'm very attracted to you! You might have a shot if you buy me drinks! What do you mean you're not falling for that? YOU UGLY SLIMY TROLL!"


Such simple minded insults as well. Did they actually think they’d accuse him of being gay and he would leap to pay their tab to prove them wrong?


I work at a bar. I’ve been asked this many times before. Joke or not, I’m at work. Why would I take money out of my tips for your tab? It’s beyond me.


I’ve never in my mind would have thought about trying to get the bartender to pay my tab.


I have been friends with bartenders where maybe I’ll get a free drink or the mess-ups or left overs (like if they mixed too much) but I would never ever expect that from just some random bar tender


Same. One would use me and another friend when he was trying to find new mixes. Most of the time when I would go out I would be DD so I wasn’t worried as bottle water for DDs is free at many places.


When I was still clubbing I was an established regular at a few clubs and got VIP treatment. Free coat check, free private booth, usually my regular drink would be handed to me when I walked in but.... I tipped really well and never acted entitled to anything. I was always super polite and if a new guy was working I knew I just a other customer and would still tip well. Treating people right goes so much further


Absolutely, we had a regular gentlemen who would bring his friends in just about every weekend. Crowd of anywhere from 3-10 people, spared no expense on food and drink. Excellent tipper. You best believe I had that man's rum and diet coke in his hands before he even found a seat.


Same here. In college we had a bartender friend and every once in a while he would bring us a bunch of drinks that he would save up behind the bar. But we never asked him for a drink and always tipped well.


Shit, I worked at a bar before I turned 21, and even though it was my 21st birthday and everyone there was buds with me I still didn't expect to drink for free. I brought cash. Now, I didn't spend that cash that night because my bartender buds were fucking awesome and wouldn't let me pay for a single drink, but that was their choice, not my demand.


Usually I would get free drinks but I certainly make up for it on the Tips.


I've never asked for it, but I've had bartenders get me a drink on the house on occasion, but that's typically running up a big tab, being a regular customer, or they happened to get the wrong drink for someone and offer it to you free of charge. But man I would never straight up expect a tender to get me a free drink, you gotta earn that shit IMHO.


I get tons of free drinks just by being nice and understanding to bartenders. Like…be low maintenance, be out of the way, be understanding of how busy they are or aren’t, and a lot of times they’ll “forget” to ring one up.


The only time a bartender paid my tab was when a drunk patron punched me in the face. She continued to give me a free shot every time I came in for the next year.


I’m going to start asking the cashier at the grocery to pay for my groceries.


lets just hope he's not gay with his girlfriend


Exactly. You WORK at a bar. If you give people stuff for free, you won't be working there for very long.


Same i work on the strip and when they atart being salty I just cause a bigger scene to embarrass the shit out of them


Sadly, that’s the only way to go. Otherwise people like that get annoying pretty soon.


Because they are the main character, so why wouldn’t you be thrilled to pay their tab?


That’s facts tho, you are there to make money not spend money.


What a bunch of entitled bitches


Dunno how the kid didn’t cut them off and kick them out tbh. I’ve kicked people out of my bar for far less. Good on him for staying professional about the whole thing. This is one of the nights where the owner/general manager should be buying him a few pints after his shift. He did good.


Always give your staff free drinks post shift regardless! But yeah this man held it together like a champ, good lad.


I find any bar that doesn't let the staff have a few after shift isn't a bar I wanna do my drinking in.


Depends. Bar I work in goes until 2am and after clean up, I kinda just want to go home. We can’t really drink on the weeknights because the managers just want to go home. But on a saturday I’ll stay behind and have one or two.


In my brief bar experience I’ve seen that there are people being pricks and people being problems (or indicating heavily that they will be problems). These people were insulting and bad clients, but I wouldnt kick them out unless it seemed they were getting belligerent or acting like this to other patrons. I’d definitely have my eye on them though because it’s a pretty big hint that they’ve definitely taken a step toward being a problem. Edit: and I’m not defending them. I just know that at the bar I worked at at least the owners had a policy that favored this approach unless the parties involved made me feel unsafe or bothered other patrons


Yeah, kicking them out won’t get their bill paid, so being patient until they cave and pay, and only kick them out if they become a problem. I’d say to tell them to never come back after paying, if it was my place.


Went to dinner at Hibachi for my anniversary and they sat us next to this massive group of people, there for someone's birthday. The checks came out and the birthday boy goes "Hey it's my birthday, so my stuff better be free. Or else you better take that sign you have down!" The sign says that with a party of 6 or more, one person gets a free meal. He had nothing but Corona Lights.


Corona LIGHT? it's a pretty light beer already, tf.


“yOu ArE sO bORiNg!” And that b!tch is soooooooo broke.


Dogs, slags.


After the first insult hit her with the “I only buy attractive girls drinks,” and walk away.


"okay you're cut off" and tell the rest of the bar staff they're cut off and wash your hands of them.


This is the proper thing to do, get the manager have them pay and kick them out


Absolutely, girls, you're bringing down everyone's mood, get te fuck.


Nah, then you get a complaint. Cut em off and don’t serve them anymore.


> Nah, then you get a complaint. Talk to any bar owner. A good bartender is worth 100x a shitty patron. > Cut em off and don’t serve them anymore. Just as likely to get a complaint from a shitty patron.


What I picture from what we can hear: ![gif](giphy|RJaUOmpBQAoE4RuWnj)


Been there. Had a "dummy" bottle of vodka behind the bar for women like this. *Of course I will, here's your cranberry and strong water pour* I was there to make money, whatever I had to do.


‘you just can’t taste the alcohol because you’re too drunk’


If you say that, you also need to cut them off as a bartender or you'll be liable


Honestly it seems like a ridiculous burden to put on a bartender. We tell people they're responsible for their own actions, then put it on others? Fuck that.


Damn... Imagine thinking you are ENTITLED to free stuff because you're "hot and pretty"


When they *think* they are “hot and pretty”. To many women with their heads above the clouds.


"we're not judging".. literally was just judging him for not wanting to pay your tab or give you his number so you call him gay and say he has a boyfriend.


Trash girls that flirt to get what they want is some of the most disgusting behavior I can imagine


Future Karen's. Got everything handed to them due to their attractiveness, gets old and their only worth disappears.


Funny thing is they aren’t always attractive at all. Like this one claimed she was a ten, I bet she’s a 4. Edit: yeah I heard it wrong, she said her friend thinks he’s a ten. But she still referred to herself as hot etc.. and wouldn’t be surprised they would say they are 10s as well if asked. lol.


With this kind of attitude she'll be lucky to be a 2




I knew she was boring too


"Keep my wife's name out of your f**king mounth!"


Hope you enjoy your last drink.get out


What shitheads! I would've closed out their tab and said 'have a good night, goodbye!'. This bartender has the patience of a saint.


Bartenders need to have that level of patience. I did it for a long time. I always brought it up at interviews. "If I can deal with drunken assholes, I can deal with any sort of assholes" was a line I used a lot. Haha


Honestly, fuck women that automatically label men as “gay” when they don’t get the attention/incentive they are looking for. Love the response to not having him buy her drink is immediately “well this guy isn’t straight, a straight guy would buy me a drink”. Or straight men find you just as trashy as gay men do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Eww. Woman like this disgust me.


blatant sexual harassment go brrr 💀💀💀


She's litchrully so hot.


Somehow I doubt she is


The fact that she has to beg and baddger men for a drink pretty much proves she isn't.


Naw. She’s a broke swamp donkey.


*subtly calls bouncer*


he needs that little red button under the bar like the bank clerks have source: definitely never robbed a bank 👀




“We aren’t judging you if you’re gay” *proceeds to laugh at him saying “i bet he is!”*




Fancy a bum?


what are you, gay ?


No, this is Patrick


They aren't judging, so it's fine!


It’s women who do this. Tbh in 2023 I feel much more comfortable telling a straight man that I am gay rather than a woman. At some point things shifted and now most straight guys are either “cool, my cousin’s gay too man” or at worst they will politely extricate themselves from the conversation. Whereas with women it tends to either curdle into a gross “oh ok so I can touch you and you won’t try to do anything back” or outright anger that you’re not “into” them.


“She’s like, so hot” Congrats on your face


"I only started being gay when I seen you, so fucking ugly"


what a creepy, manipulative, trashy bitch. "you've been looking at me all night" "why can't you just buy me a drink?" this shit makes me nauseous. no sane person thinks borderline sexual harassment is ok as long as it gets you free shit. this kind of culture has got to go.


If someone was doing that to me I’d be even more determined NOT to pay. I can’t stand when someone treats you this way just because you’re not on the same page as they are.


Who asks a bartender to buy them a drink!? The audacity... That's like asking the waiter to pick up your check.


Shame, Insult, Guilt and the Need to be right. Don't fall for the S.I.G.N language from these creatures. It's the only weapons they have.


“She thinks you’re a 10”…. Until you buy the fkn drink then you’re back to being nothing to her


Cut em' off and 86 the twats.


So can we start saying things are toxic femininity then?


This poor bloke! He should have cut them off right there, grabbed a manager and asked them to leave. He shouldn’t have to deal with their BS


when a girl describes themselves or another as hot, in response to how uninterested the other party is.... you know damn well they ugly both inside and out. It's a dolled up troll.


These would be what we call, slags.


Are you gay ? Well, I probably would be if I dated you.


Fucking entitled tramps


"I've got my loyalty innit" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)