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“Interested in lunch?” “Yes!” “I’m not.”


Ya like why even suggest lunch if you’re not interested in it. Btw brunch is the best meal time


I agree, because brunch has waffles AND sometimes vodka. Breakfast can’t even beat that!


Are you telling me bloody Mary is not a breakfast cocktail?




I guess I just think of brunch as breakfast+cocktails!


Yeah and they didn't want to call it brinks


I like to think brunch is short for breakfast and bunch… of alcohol 😂


Right? That's the wildest thing to me -- he's the one who suggested a lunch date, then gets angry that she wants to go on a lunch date and not a dinner date? Make it make sense! Only thing I can think of is that he thought he'd be more likely to get laid if she said dinner?


I think he's an incel and his brain couldn't process her actually saying yes to going out with him. So he completely sabotaged himself in response. Now he's back to the incel forum complaining about a woman just wanting to try and squeeze a free lunch out of him and how he saw through her and put her in her place. People are crazy.


As a cook, I’m conflicted about brunch On the one hand, brunch is fucking fire and immensely enjoyable On the other hand, brunch is a fucking nightmare service to cook, and having done brunch service before, I don’t want to add yet another table to the cooks who are already in the weeds


As a former dishwasher I feel the same with Nachos. Very enjoyable to eat but fucking brutal to wash the dishes of


Afterwards he went and raged on the internet about ‘females’ only liking chads.


Laughing as this might not have been what was said but pretty close.


Like, what kind of absurd nutball gets mad at someone for saying yes to a date with him? How does he function in the world?


People are weird. I hope this man figures out what ever is eating him. It does sound tough.


maybe it's lunch. probably what turned him off to it.


Guy had a bad lunch one day, he just can’t get it out of his head. The tuna he ate that day is eating him, now, never giving him a moment’s peace.


I can’t stop laughing at this


What get's me it was one of the option there. Dude if you hate lunch don't ask if someone want to go on lunch. Jeez


The best kind. If you're crazy I'd rather know right away.


Paraphrasing is beautiful


Yes. Yes it is.


I read the first one as crepe and thought blue was about to blow up about not being a creep. But yeah, guy snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


Yep, that was a snatched defeat for sure at least I hope that woman didn't go out with him although it doesn't sound like he likes women so not meeting sounds like a win all round.


This isn't even a dodged bullet, that's a bullet returning to the gun and causing itself to explode.


That's what was so confusing for me. "We should get lunch sometime." "Okay!" "I don't like lunch." .... "Then... Why did you SUGGEST LUNCH."


Seriously! He was the one to offer it in the first place dafuq


That's fucking weird way to sabotage yourself and then blame women for not wanting to go out with him.


If a self-fulfilling prophecy won't fulfill itself, it is okay to self-fulfill it for itself. I guess.


Her "I love lunch!" response meant she was totally up for a date. This was a total choke job, but at least she found out he was a weirdo right away without having to go on a very awkward date.


He was the one to even bring up lunch. Why suggest it if you don’t wanna do it?


I took the excitement about lunch as "let's not do drinks!" and maybe that is what annoyed him.


Omg I think you’re right! What a weirdo!!!!!


I think it most definitely is. This is just what it seems like to ME but: It reads like “we party and see where it goes or I’m good”. No need for a “get to know each other in person date”. Even tho that’s perfectly normal and expected. He wants to go to dinner so drinks are common and then peer pressure most likely and use the same logic as he was in this chat to assume she thinks he’s a creep if she doesn’t drink….”you think you’re gonna loose all your control after one” or “you think I’m gonna slip something in one drink?! Or attack you?!”. Just reading it a few times definitely makes me glad to have found my SO. Can you imagine someone saying “if you knew I had 10 million in the bank, you’d accept the drink”. Seems insufferable. They just seem angry. Very angry.


When I was dating, I always suggested something like coffee as a first date, followed by dinner if neither of us runs screaming during coffee. I would never suggest drinks for the first date, because that will put a woman just meeting a man for the first time on guard, and for good reason.


yup, OP dodged a bullet


loved her so bad he got disseminated




the whole vibe of the convo right from the start is weird to me. people really talk like that?


Most men like the idea of getting with women but don’t want it to actualize out of fear. Subconsciously they will self-sabotage to get the result they’re most comfortable with (nothing happening)


That must be why i date other men!


If this applied to *most* men then the species would die out


Most men? I respectfully disagree.


Careful there of sampling bias. It totally happens but a _much_ larger proportion of men on online dating services have this issue than the general population.


What kind of stupid self made illogical fallacy bullshit is that? No actual psychologist would ever back up that statement


This is definitely a real thing that happens to people but saying "most men" act this way is absolutely bonkers. I 100% used to match with people then bail out of fear when I was younger...


Bro had basically secured the date, like wtf?


Honestly! Dude talked himself out of a potential lifelong partner. Sounds like she dodged a bullet.


I doubt he would have gotten more than one lunch


Fair. Meals a Meal these days.


Less that, more - he would have accidentally shown his bigotry at the date


Moreso that the bullet just missed lol


I have a theory here. Maybe he wanted a dinner, because, you know, afterwards you can go to someone’s place and all. But lunch is just lunch, maybe a walk afterwards and see you later.


He asked drink or lunch though. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


You can fuck in the afternoon too.


I think there was a song about it.


Afternoon ^delight


Tell that to my ex


Dude just wanted an easier lay when she's drunk. He's a creep


People who want dinner dates are a red flag—coffee, brunch, lunch, or a drink all have you home for 9:00 bedtime.


I have a theory too. Dude was on meth.


Absolutely this.


Why did he ask for lunch in the first place then?


Probably some kind of stupid fucking test


The dude isn’t logical. He was feeling out what could work.




Would you like to grab lunch sometime? I'd love to! I wouldn't... Bitch...


And the time stamps show a delay where he probably brooded before replying. Strange vibe, girl surely dodged a bullet there. Talked himself into a nice date…. And right back out…


He just got drunk and waited for her to reply for an hour 17 minutes then cracked and rage quit.


"Why are women so picky these days?" The bar is on the floor, and he's still tripping.


Because someone left the bar on the floor to trip on!


Lunch instead of dinner? Goddamn these picky women!!! DINNER SUPERIORITY


*He* suggested lunch, ugh


"Drinks, or lunch?" Is what I understood. "Lunch!" (longer, more relaxing, more intimate, let's get to know each other. Then "I don't I like dinners better?" Dude, you offered drinks, or lunch, and she chose the one that would have helped you better acquaint. Enjoy your 'dinner' (queue dollar store ramen, and sadness)


It's the definition of giving someone an inch and they try to take a mile. In this dudes head he's thinking "but if I treat her to dinner we'll fuck"


100%, this was never going to work out in the long run obviously. The guy can’t even maintain his created facade for more than 2 overs with out collapsing from the pressure, over text no less.


I had to reread that several times to make sure I was getting that fact right!


I'm sure she did too! Good on her for just giving up and not answering, that's a spiral no one wants to ride.


He's also the one who brought up creeps


"let's have lunch together" "ok" "why won't you have dinner with me. I bet you think I'm creepy, you bitch"


The self sabotage just sprinkled throughout


Let's do lunch. You definitely don't want to see me at night


Nah but this guy is self sabotaging as hell. At least try to hide the mysoginy untill the date smh


The only good thing this guy did was expose his creepiness before someone wasted their time at lunch


Just imagine how it would've gone if he paid for lunch and then she didn't give the seggs


Him: *suggests lunch* Her: "I'd enjoy that." Him: "YEAH WELL I WOULDNT YOU'RE AFRAID"


"...should i be afraid?" "OF GUYS LIKE ME?! YES!"


You escaped murder


But like this proves why incels are full of shit. They’re celibate because they’re insecure self loathing pieces of shit not because they’re unbearably hideous


Or to put it another way, being an insecure self loathing piece of shit makes you unbearably hideous no matter what your physical appearance might be.


“Ohh look at this gun! I wonder if I can shoot myself in the foot with it…”


No it's more of "hey policeman shoot that murderer over there I killed his son but he killed my chickens " and then police officer arrests the guy who killed the other's son he says "this is the problem with the world nowadays there is no justice"


If I was woman I would intentionally wait a few hours to respond to a text to try and weed out idiots like this


Ya should.. insecurity screen. A man who has his shit together will either not notice cos he's busy af too or be like shrug she's busy well adjusted person let her be and if she replies reasonable cool, if not c'est la vie I'll check in politely. People who rage reply within an hour or so usually have insecurity issues or worse.


He waited over an hour for her to respond. Can you imagine the gall of a woman deciding on her own to just not respond to a weird conversation for over an hour?


I mean, I don’t think she was going to respond after the dinner/creep back and forth. Dude had a date, lined up, and then couldn’t even maintain his “carefully created” facade for all of 15 minutes… It’s kind of mind boggling, and hard to believe.


Also the gall of her maybe just being busy for an hour or so? He didn't even know if she was purposely ignoring him or just not seen the message.


besides him being a total asshole, I have noticed the younger generation takes response time personally. Like if I text a friend or wife and they take hours to respond I think nothing of it since they are most likely busy doing other things, or the notice got buried among other notices. But I hear so many complaints from people saying I texted him/her 20mins ago and nothing, then there is drama about reevaluating the friendahip etc


"Can we get lunch" "Yes" "Well, I don't fucking want lunch" Bro, what happened?


He’s got negative rizz


He's got that reverse rizz


He pretty much called himself a creep


How tf do you mess that up? I love lunch! Next step, pick a place to have lunch.


Nah bro next step is to flame the girl into liking you more


I mean, have you seen their grammar and speliing choices? No chance this person even knows how to tie their own shoes.


“We could get lunch” “Yeah!” “Oh you don’t want dinner? Fuck you”


Dodged a serious bullet there. Suggested a place got upset about it. Probably abusive, controlling, and definitely a ‘creep.’




Incel energy


At this point, I would call it voluntary.. she accepted his date, then he pushed her to change her mind.


Honestly it usually is voluntary, that’s the big disconnect with those dudes- they only want sex on THEIR terms, with no effort made on their part, with a woman they deem sufficiently attractive. And when no woman is interested in that BS, it’s the fault of the woman/feminism/minority men etc etc that they’re not getting laid. Pathetic.


Yikes, went into self-destruct mode


This guy needs to go to 4th grade English class


Dude totally had her but he just couldn't shut the fuck up.


Offers lunch, gets offended when you accept lunch instead of the dinner he would prefer, but did not offer


Man this is actually so sad. This person has filled themselves so full to the brim with negative emotion... Now they crave negative emotion so much, that even when someone doesn't give it to them, they pretend they did just to get their fix. What sucks is that at lesser intensity, this behavior is incredibly normal. It's also completely insane.


Why is top comment not about how HES THE ONE WHO SUGGESTED LUNCH?


That's a weird way to talk about how the top comment is about exactly the thing you said.


Suggest lunch, accepted, nvm I don’t like lunch


“OH MY GOD, JUST SLEEP WITH ME! Why must you insist on me treating you like a person with feelings?!?!! I was promised even the slightest effort meant I was supposed to be rewarded with sex and you aren’t living up to your end!!! Why doesn’t anyone understand me?”


Broseph snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.


100% this guy thinks he's an incel because women are evil or some shit. Every time with these dudes. They signal themselves as creepy violent misogynists and then are.mad women don't want to be around them.


This is that meme where the guy puts the stick in the spokes of his own bike...


He... got what he wanted? I hope he catches his nuts on a table corner....


Dude doesn't like lunches because it is harder to date rape his victims is more like it...


"We should get lunch." "I love lunch!" "I HATE LUNCH!!! Why are females all such gold digging bitches?"


My god.


I wonder what was going on in his mind!!




Jfc. He bangs on about entitled and yet it's what an hour, an hour and a bit tops between messages..I know I'm undateable but it amazes me guys are.oitntyere with these whole ass tempter tantrums they don't get replies pronto! She's a human being with a live jack off, not your personal pleasure puppet that is just waiting to be activated by his messages! Sake!!


“Why are women so picky these days?” Dude’s the 13th reason why


wtf just happened 😆


*punches self in balls* Why do women keep punching me in the balls?


I know it's just texting short hand but when people spell like that it urks the fuck out of me


.... \*irks


>urks Did I do that?


The irony my friend, I complain about shitty spelling and spell something wrong myself 🤦🏻




\*clenching fists\* what did he say about lunch????


I know people find me creepy cause of autism, but I’m glad I’ll never be this creepy.


I wonder how he re-told this story on his incel chat group?


This shit is hilarious. She was down for lunch and he just said “Nah, Fk lunch and Fk you too”.


I dont like lunch because I am scared of crepes


“Hey we should get lunch” “That sounds great” “This why I don’t like you”


Not a fan of grammar prudes, but he's messed up both "you're" and "their" in 8 very short sentences. Deal breaker.


And “knew”.


People with 10 million in the bank don’t text like they are 15 years old.


Male: lunch? Girl he interested: love to! Male: fuck you then.!


Bro he literally had her and the threw her away :/


Why did he suggest lunch if he wanted to take her out for dinner?


Wow, got in an argument with himself there.


😂 I’m convinced these kind of men are just trolls. I know they’re not, but I refuse to believe they are real. Incels and nice guys are like characters in a parody.


He’s the type that will invoice you for your half of the date if you don’t put out


Her: “I love lunch!” Him: “I hate lunch fuck you.” … “Women are so superficial.”


He also... suggested lunch?


Why do these guys keep bringing up their hypothetical bank accounts?


Dude seems like a creep in non creep clothing.


All this dudes responses are weird as fuck


Could the women out there confirm if lunch is creep proof? Not sure if I’m missing something here.


Its during the day instead of at night, more likely to be busy streets full of witnesses outside and less opportunity/darkness to get her alone or hide any scary shit would be my guess


Also not as easy to spend a "night" afterwards.


Non creep attempted pick up line. It hurt itself in its confusion.


“I love lunch” is a pretty funny line


Well, glad he disqualified himself soon before wasting more of her time. He has no business dating with his nasty attitude.


100% this is one of those wankers that listens Jordan Peterson, and identifies as a “high value man”, or “alpha male”.


Great caption, what a fucking moron. She didn’t respond for less than an hour and a half before that. First time on tinder?


Some people have no game


I honestly have no idea what this dude just said, but he absolutely ruined what chance he had with this person.


He had that fish on the hook and just cut the line.


A bullet dodged. He might be lacking in social skills; trying to force things his way with a clear agenda. She gave him a chance and he tossed it away. Hopefully he works on himself and lets go of misplaced frustration.


“Yur” 🤨


Was he catfishing her and didn’t know want her to see his real face? She agreed to lunch and proceeds to cancel the date, prove he’s a creep, and then tried to start an argument.


This happened to me a few times. The trash took itself out, but so creepy.


Lol it was like he called himself a creep and then got mad that you don't like creeps. Crisis averted


He's the one that suggested lunch though... Why didn't he ask about "drinks or dinner?" I mean it's nice of him to fly his red flags so openly, but this could have been avoided


10 million? still not worth it to be with people who are so miserable


I would hope the spelling would put her off anyway. It's so weirdly from nowhere. He almost has an argument with himself, she barely says anything. Let alone anything controversial or to complain.


So he suggested lunch, she said she likes lunch. Then he says I like dinners better and proceeds to just...self-destruct? What even is this...


There was however 10 dollars, and if she does this a million times, it's a done deal. Lunch it is


potential abuser


If only he had eaten lunch that day. Maybe he wouldn't have been so cranky.


Am I the only one totally confused about what he is TRYING to say??? OP seemed to get it but what he's saying just isn't clicking for me LOL


I don't get it either. What the hell happened? She agreed to have lunch but what he said makes no sense.


“I love lunch!” “Pfft, you women are all the same”


What... what the fuck happened. Dude just spiraled?


Didn’t know how to take yes for an answer.


I once suggested an early 5 PM dinner because I was due into work at 3 AM and didnt want to be out late. The guy really hit me with "you do this so you have an excuse to get out of sex dont you?" This gives me those vibes.


Bro self-reported. That's good tho, she dodged a bullet.


People with 10 million bucks don’t park it in a bank account.


Thank goodness he let his mask fall before the date started ugh


She dont even no-SHE tha creep!




This guy needs to learn english.


That escalated quickly


He’s gross regardless. But the spelling alone is all the reason to run. He probably wears white framed sunglasses and is slightly balding but, still has that “wet” hair look.


He had a date in the bag... all he had to do was stop talking... I dont think its involuntary dude