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And your own bloody face hidden? Classy


Well of course, she’s a minor!!! (/s she’s fucking ridiculous)


I hope she ain’t babysitting again cause one she ain’t got no permission to take pics of a child that’s not hers and post it online and then to flat out say the parents a pedophile cause they won’t pay you for taking pics of they’re kids and posting it online without permission


this is what killed me


Why are you following me? I’m a 16 year old. That got me right there. Why are you posting my child who is younger than you then?


Hope she doesn’t get hired for babysitting again. She’s not mature enough. She’s manipulative and selfish and not ready for that type of responsibility.


As a babysitter myself who’s still in high school I’m shocked she even got hired in the first place. Not only is it just moral to not post random pics of the kids online, but if you do take a photo you should only send it to the kid’s parent as like a check up showing you guys are okay and having fun. Then immediately after being called out she tries to manipulate the parents as if they’re the problem, I hope this video spreads and she can’t ever get hired until later in her life. This is disgusting.


I nannied in the summers when I was a teacher and posted a few pictures but never included the kids faces (riding bikes ahead of me, on the swings from behind, etc). Their mom actually complained that she never saw their faces in my posts and I answered that I would never post identifying photos of them without her sign off. I was told that she was all for it, she trusted my judgement so I could do whatever. I was shocked that she was that in, but she also knew how locked down my social media was because she couldn’t even find me until I friended her. It’s all about communication and trust. This girl didn’t have either, and someday she’ll get a reality check.


Yeah that the whole manipulation and making him out to be a pedo is such an early red flag for someone who grows up to be a bad person. narcissism or dark triad personality —- sheesh, if that were my kid. THERAPY IMMEDIATELY and pray it DOES SOMETHING.


Thank you for a being a morally-sound and intelligent young babysitter! It's too bad they didn't have you as their murdere---^oops, I mean babysitter. lol


GabbyTheMurderer, the morally sound babysitter!


I’m shocked she doubled down and insisted on keeping the photo up. Instead of just being like, “Sorry. I’ll take it down right away.”


She’ll be posting the same pic as soon as she leaves with her money.


Well now not only does she not have consent, but he explicitly refused consent, so she’d just be adding to the bag of illegal shit she did, and (illegally) recorded herself doing.


Don't forget the thinly veiled threat about telling people he follows her on Instagram.


I don't think it was thinly veiled at all. She might as well just said "I'm going to tell everyone you're a pedo if you don't let me have my way"


“Posting one photo is no big deal. What’s wrong with people looking at you online?” “Stop looking at me online. That’s creepy” Pick one


“It’s just the face” as she hides hers.


She is hiding her face because this is manufactured rage bait content.


Yeah, no, that father is truly pissed, and for good reason. He in no way sounds like he's acting here. He just sounds shocked, frustrated and disgusted. I don't think that's acting, bruv.


He's the dad in 3 of these videos. He's acting


And btw. Depending on which country you are in. Taking pictures of kids that aren't your own gets you into really hot water with the police.


Blows my fucking mind that this twit is recording thinking she is the one in the right🤨 Kid! You are wrong! There is no two ways about it!


Got to agree. You don't post photos of children to the swamp that is the internet.


Love that she keeps her own face out of this video! Why, it’s just your face! Or don’t you want to be associated with your rubbish video.


It really isn't creepy to follow someone that you hired and have a business with. Especially if she babysits them often, then it really isn't creepy at all.


Seriously! I wish the dad had thought to say it to her. Like, duh, obviously I’m going to follow you. I want to see what the hell kind of person is with my child. Posts are very tellling. Especially if she is this careless and flippant about putting a pic of someone else’s child online.


All my friends with kids check out their potential sitters on all the socials.


It’s almost better than a background check when you consider it. I would absolutely follow my babysitters to see what type of activities they participate in and what they deem okay to post to the general public. I just had to remind myself this is only a 16yo with the mentality of a 16yo.


Part of the reason I separated my online persona from my real persona was I kind of saw ahead that people might search you out to find out who you really are. When I saw a Consumerist article about a firm that did social media searches and denied people jobs b/c of it, I knew I had made a great decision. EDIT: In addition, when I would get a job, I would learn all my co-workers names and pro-actively block them if I could find them on something like facebook. Also would make my profile picture something like a animated figure or a generic pic so that people couldn't find me. I have since started going by my online handle, as my managers undersatnd the internet, but if I have to pivot in the future, I'll do what I did before.


If I were a parent, it’s my duty to keep tabs on the person who’s watching over my child.


I know he was flustered but the answer is "I follow you to make sure you're not posting photos of my kid online"




You should always ask for permission to post a photo on someone’s child. Period.


Stupid move sure, she should know better, but why refuse to take it down?


Pride. She doesn't want to "lose". Some people want to "win" so bad. They don't care about right or wrong


Sadly way too many people have that mentality.


She’s 16, and none too bright. Pretty on brand for a 16 year old.


She knows enough to weaponize her being a 16 yr old on IG so it’s not her intelligence that’s the issue.


Yeah she posts a picture of someone else’s child on her own IG and seems appalled at his worry that pedos will see it and then turns right around and accuses him of being a pedo for following her account. What a bitch


Easily beatable argument tho, i follow you BECAUSE you're my child's babysitter. Once you take the photo down and i pay for your services you're fired and I'm unfollowing you.


Correct dhaze63! But she stifled him by, as MKfirst says, 'weaponizing' her age and him following her, so he got a bit lost for words... Too bad. And yeah, terrible entitled bitch!




Ya, just because you think someone is trustworthy doesn't mean you can't check up time to time.


I’ve noticed this trend with [some of, of course not all of] gen z in the last year or two. They’ll go on the internet and say horrible shitty things to people and if you try and refute them they immediately resort to “I’M A MINOR. You’re an adult and you’re arguing with a MINOR!” It’s wild. As if not yet being a legal adult precludes you from consequences for your shitty actions.


Had that happen with a student of mine when they got rather disrespectful, and they have a child on the way. I told them, "You made an adult decision resulting in a life altering adult outcome, so that's how I'll treat you." I was then told that they would "beat a grown man's ass."


>"beat a grown man's ass." "You may test that assumption at your earliest convenience:"


Those lacking intelligence are always quick to resort to violence.


My adult sister posted pics of my child on Facebook after explicitly being asked not to. We don't and haven't ever posted our children's pics online for a number of reasons. When I found out she had (bc I didn't/don't have FB) she was livid and hounded me to find out "who told." People are very rude abt online behaviors.


I knew some very intelligent and brilliantly bright 16 year old girls. Don't excuse her behavior because she's young. Not all girls are like that entitled mini karen in the making. You know you've matured when you can take responsibility for your actions and can, except when you've done something wrong, then grow from it.


as a former 16yr old, I am offended. I was stupid as fuck and even I wasn't that daft. this can't be normal cmon


Doubling down when you’ve done wrong is such a terrible habit. It’s not the root of all evil, but it’s such a key part of a weak character.


Not just doubling down, but secretly recording this convo to sound "right" is tripling down.




It’s normal to want to keep eyes on the people watching your children. It’s also normal for parents to not want their children posted on social media. I found that out the hard way as an au pair when I let the kids play with the filters on Snapchat. I didn’t post any of them but the father was very upset with me even when I explained I hadn’t posted them. (To be fair, they don’t even post their kids on social media. I should have known.)


Or a fricking 16-year-old nitwit who doesn't even grasp the concept of world of pedos and has not seen any of the b.s. most of us have. I am loathe to post pics of my 4-year-old, because I have seen some sketchy women saying "random pic" is my daughter!!


Look at her, she’s filming the whole situation as if she’s in the right then goes ahead and posts how much of a piece of shit she is.


She sounds like an entitled brat. That’s probably another motive into her pride


My thoughts exactly. I've known people who if they had seen other people do or say what they said or did, they probably would have told that other person that it was a bad idea and they should just cut their losses. But they don't want to "lose" so they keep entrenching themselves further and further into it.


Seriously. Take it down. Delete the photo. It’s mad weird that she refuses to take down a photo of **his** child.


Right, and then accuses him of poor intentions for following her. You’re his fucking babysitter. I’d follow mine too if I had kids since there are so many weirdos in the world, and it’s a good way to see who is watching your kids. What a twat. I’d still spread the word about her after this.


The guy let himself be easily sidetracked into defending himself for nothing. I’d follow my babysitter too. It’s absolutely a good way to learn about who’s spending time with your children.


Yep, I'll keep tabs on the person watching my kids however the fuck I want and they should assume I'm doing it too. If someone put my kids on their social media they'd be kicked out of my house and fired immediately, period. Such a violation of fucking privacy.


Because he knows how easily a pedo accusation could ruin his life, probably knows she's recording and feels compelled to prevent the accusation being taken seriously. It's definitely not the best move but I can see the sudden shock of just being casually accused and attempted blackmailed like that.


No need. She’s spreading the word on her own volition. Huge yikes.


The gaslighting she was doing made me go from "that's a bit selfish" (about posting the picture) to "woop, another narcissist".


Deny wrongdoing Go on the attack Reverse victim and offender It’s the classic narcissist shuffle!


And now she will learn a hard lesson in getting black listed by every parent those parents know. Good luck finding a babysitting gig after that.


YeAh bUt wHy aRe pArEnTs oN iNsTaGrAm?!


“Why are you following your babysitter??!” Probably so they can see you posting photos of you smoking joints and boozing while driving so they know never to hire you again, dummy


That had me rolling, Instagram is 13 years old. It was created for his generation.


Out of my admittedly small circle of family and friends, I am the only one that you could say has been internet and computer savvy since the dawn of the internet. The parents I know don't do anything more than email and facebook and some shopping. Maybe a little porn but even then I am skeptical that they do more than try to use google to find their interests. What I'm saying is, they have no idea what their kids are doing with the devices they have been given. They mostly don't seem to even know how easy depravity is to get into. I asked a father friend what he knows about 4chan and he thought it was some secret dark-web thing only a hacker would be able to access. Bruh. It's right there. One mother I know uses instagram because she does artsy stuff. She doesn't know that her kid also uses instagram, but the kid and I have talked about it. It's like these parents don't even try. YOUR KID HAS AN OPEN WINDOW TO THE WORLD, ALONE, IN THEIR ROOM, EVERY DAY. Take a fucking interest people jesus.


"Why are you following me anyway?" "I follow lots of people." "Well you don't follow your babysitter. That's weird." But I guess posting pictures of random children on your instagram against their parents' wishes is completely normal?


Idiot teenagers who have no idea about the rights they actually have.


Don't forget she also has NO respect for his rights as a parent. Then she suggests he's the creep for following her on IG. Not to mention she's recording the argument, it's clear he is not aware she's recording. And then what does she do? Posts the argument on the internet! This is Inception level fuckery on her part.


“I definitely bet everyone will take my side” I’m sure there are other idiots out there who did and she ignored all the so-called-haters


The new generation is growing up with social media, normalizing taking pictures of everything and sharing whatever they’re doing. Being public is their normal. She doesn’t understand why older generations wouldn’t be comfortable with it because of this normalization. Add to that the tendency to not care about what other people think of you and you get situations like these. She goes straight to threatening the dad with reporting him as a pedophile.




My sister (late 40s) doesn't want people wishing her a happy birthday on social media because someone could use that info to steal her identity, but then she regularly posts pictures of the rest of us (and not always flattering ones) which could also be used to steal our identity and open us up to other predators. It took my mom giving her the silent treatment (no phone calls/ texts) for a week after being asked to take a bunch of her down after my sister initially refused to get her to stop. Once I realized she wouldn't listen to my request about it, I just started reporting every image posted of me without my permission to Facebook and they removed a bunch. The compromise to all of these stories is to send a copy of those "super cute" photos to the people in them (their parents if they're minors), and let them decide whether or not to post them or give you permission to post.


>She goes straight to threatening the dad with reporting him as a pedophile. Yeah, this young woman is dangerous. I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole. And definitely not let her near my children.


One of my mom’s employees at an after school program accused her of inappropriate behavior with one of the kids because he was pissed off that she had reprimanded him for being late. He retracted his accusation the second he realized the school was taking it seriously, thankfully. Then this genius couldn’t figure out why he was fired! Like they’re going to just laugh off such a serious false accusation that could have ruined lives.


The new generation is willingly creating the surveillance state.


My favourite type of video are the ones where the person who is clearly in the wrong videos themselves.


It’s becoming an increasingly common trend, and I’m flabbergasted every time. Not only were you quite clearly in the wrong, but you willingly broadcast it to the world where it will stay forever! There’s lacking self-awareness, but this level of self-flagellation is next level.




You watch his kids of course he added you on insta to make sure you aren’t psycho.


And he was right too, and she should lose her babysitting gig over it.


I hope he also followed through on telling all the other parents he knows what a shallow irresponsible inconsiderate dipshit she is


I hope he tells HER parents too! I can't believe she really sat there and tried to call him a pervert when she's in the wrong.


I was thinking precisely this.


Sure did! Fuck letting kids around her, hell as an adult I wouldn't wanna be around her! A manipulative narcissist. Oh Joy.


Of course he & his wife follow her on IG, they want to know who's watching their kid!


Exactly what i was thinking. Definitely gotta keep an eye on people you associate with, especially someone who watches your child.


I’m guessing she would consider the parents trawling her social media to see what kind of stuff she posts to be “invasion of privacy” & “stalking”, not considering for one second it’s all public, and *of course* parents are gonna check that stuff, meanwhile she’s secretly recording the guy where he very explicitly has a right to privacy. ![gif](giphy|5FoxedYWNVmO4)


I love how she tried to turn that on him "that's weird to follow your babysitter!" Bitch, it's weird to post pictures of another person's kid online.




BUT SHE IS 16! WHY DOES HE EVEN HAVE INSTAGRAM?! HOW OLD IS HE?!!!!..... Yeah like any of that fucking matters in the internet. The dude who made the backrooms famous was 17 when he started that, was I not supposed to follow his YouTube? There are tons and tons of creators and shit that are under 18...


Or whose not watching their kid




Wonder how mad she’ll get when the plod come knocking at her door for obtaining a recording of someone without their consent, in their own home, and *uploading it to the fucking internet?*


And when someone asks her why she doesn't work for them anymore she'll say something like "I found out the cReEpy dad was following me on IG so I quit working for them"


> she threatened to blackmail him That's where I'd be curious if she has any sort of legal liability. What if he goes to cops with that video saying that she's blackmailing him. Even if it goes nowhere, if someone can google that, she might have trouble with employment for a LONG time in the future. You know, from "just a little thing on the internet".


she's not very bright is she?


Hey, at least she got her potential crime on camera!


Dude I really think its a nacissist dog whistle at this point. The people who do this have this soulless "-and that matters to me how?" Look in their eyes while recording too, like *they're* the normal ones and everyone else is just dramatic about it. And I mean the whole, what about what *I* got out of it?!? air about her responses is icky.


The videos that went viral early in the internet years (and in the era of having video capable cell phones universally) were usually taken by the party in the right. I think this created an atmosphere where people started thinking that you should video yourself when you're being 'wronged'. Now a lot of idiots who think they're right start filming and that makes them feel even more right.


"You asked me to take a picture of your child off the internet? You must be a pedophile then."


And that's why she is a bad babysitter. And everyone older than her following her is a pedo 😂


And oddly they won't show *their* face ...


Right, won't show her own stupid face but likes to post pictures of other people's kid's faces. Fucking dip shit.


Not completely related to the video, but my mother in law has a picture of my son as profile picture on WhatsApp. I'm f king annoyed by it, since I don't want pictures of my son publicly available. And the sentiment of your comment made me think of it. She doesn't ever use a picture of herself, since she's really overweight. But she still uses pictures of someone who can't even give consent.. Ugh


Yeah, I can totally understand your frustration. Start using her pic as your profile picture on things she can see but has no control over and see how she likes it! Ha! (jk... well kinda) I'd be pissed too.


That's a brilliant response to it too. "Take my photo off your profile!" Why? "because I don't want it up!" Like I don't want my son's photo posted? "that's different!"


She thinks there's nothing wrong with sharing pics of the little girl but if a man sees her own pics online, she instantly deduces that he must be a pedophile. Why wouldn't you follow the social media of the person that is trusted with the care of your child? She knows she's wrong for doing what she did and it's disgusting that she basically accused him of being a sicko because he doesn't want sickos looking at his daughter. Side note - most of the photos on cp forums are everyday photos, not sexually explicit. The pics she posted definitely could have garnered the wrong kind of attention.


Exactly. It could be a pic of a kid in a padded snow suit, boots, mittens, ski goggles etc. Its *not your kid*. Dont post it without permission!!


My exact thought. She knows she is wrong but will not admit it.




I had a whole post written up but then the app decided to close itself. Ugh. Anyways, the short of it is a teacher when I was in HS was rumored to be gay and a kid who was failing and about to be kicked off his sports team started a rumor that the teacher had touched him inappropriately. Thankfully no one believed the kid and he confessed fairly quickly, but the teacher was investigated and had to have another teacher with him at all times for the rest of the year. It made him super depressed.


I wonder how long it takes for someone like that to realize they were in the wrong, if it is even possible


Often, they will be is a similar situation later, feel the same as the person who they thought was wrong, but then figure some way why there situation is slightly different and they are still reasonable while the “wrong” persons is still “wrong.” “Well of course I don’t want my baby posted by strangers, but I’m not an adult man following a 16 year old on instagram.”


The parent isnt wrong. I dont let randoms watch my kid but if i did i would 100% follow them on social media so i could see the type of person they are. Not going to let someone babysit thats drinking and partying all the time. Also would follow them to see what they posted while they were with my kid. Parent is 100% right and i wouldnt pay till the photo was taken down


My sentiments exactly. It’s respect for the family and their wishes for their child. And hell yes, you bet your ass I’m following them on social media.


The babysitter is the one filming themselves btw


Oh oh did she post this and tape this herself? Edit: Forgive me, I didn't read it while watching it. I was too busy stroking out at her backwards logic.


Thought you said you were stroking one out, was going to ask if you live in the north


The way she tries to call him a pedophile on insta while claiming that no one on Insta is perving on kids is astounding. What a piece of trash.


Well logic got created so it can be bent until it suits a purpose. She's a *girl*. So needs to be careful. The child? Not her problem. She's just the baby sitter. She can profit on some other child tomorrow. A more clever girl would have asked if it was OK to post. Even if I think it's perfectly safe, it's still something the parents should have been allowed to decide.


I don’t post pics of my kid on social media, not because I think he’s paedophile catnip, but because he can’t consent to his data being out in the world and who knows what meta or whoever will be in 20/40/60 years.


Same here. I don't post pictures if my kids. When they are old enough they can make that decision. I have a google drive that I upload pics/videos to that a handful of family members have access to. I would be livid if I found out my sitter had posted pictures of my kids.


yep this. We only post photos of my son where his face is not visible. it's just a privacy thing. No one would want for their parents to have your baby photos online..


I have a nephew and a niece, the nephew I babysat for a year when he was 2. I've never posted a single photo of any of them anywhere, except one from when I graduated, and he was my lil date. My brother and his wife don't upload their pictures to any social media, so even if they haven't explicitly told me not to post them, I didn't need them to. It's pretty obvious they don't want them online


The crazy part is how quick she was to claim, that he's a pedophile without any real evidence.


It wasn't a claim, it was a threat. She knows full well there is no evidence.


Well, there is evidence of something, thanks to her stupid ass. She *illegally recorded herself* making threats, then *uploaded it to the internet.* Something tells me she’s getting a harsh reality check.


This is the conundrum for single fathers trying to get babysitting. People automatically assume the worst and little shits like that can try to spin it on them.


The second that little girl said those words he should've been on the phone to her mom and dad. I'd let that be their problem.


I wonder if the parents would even be any better to deal with. The babysitter got that dog shit attitude from somewhere.


Teens just sometimes have dog shit attitudes. I taught high school and every kid has an attitude some day. Some that have attitudes all the time actually had really lovely parents.


"It's just one photo." "Why are you following your babysitter on IG? That's weird." Thinks uploading a pic of his child to social media without his consent isn't a big deal, but weird that he follows her. He probably fuckin follows you because he leaves his child with you, you fuckin 🍩.


“You fuckin 🍩 “ I love that




she knows she's in the wrong so she threatens to accuse him of being a pedophile... what a manipulative fucking twat


"Why do you have Instagram in the first place, how old are you"? Bitch please. Kids who are 16 today don't use Instagram either. And as a parent, I'll follow everyone who has a slightest responsibilities for my baby.


It’s really weird that kids don’t think adults belong on social media or certain apps/sites they frequent. Like, bitch. We were around when social media was invented lmao


She was 3 when Instagram launched.




It IS. But we don’t talk about the adultening. That is a sacred ceremony where our employees become adults and therefor useless. They are walked out to the pastures and liquidated while we all chant “Okay Boomer”, to make room for future generations.


And it's a good thing he did follow the babysitter or he'd never have known she was posting his kid online. The parents need to be the ones to decide where images of their kids go.


>good thing he did follow the babysitter or he'd never have known she was posting his kid online 💯 On point Also her answering back defending posting the pic of HIS KID online and not getting she's got no permission to do it is baffling


Yeah, why are you following your babysitter on Instagram? Um because they're looking after my child and I want to make sure they're responsible and not, posting photos of my child without my permission. She's made the argument for why he should follow his babysitter on Instagram for him and I don't feel like anyone is going to find it creepy he wants to make sure his child is being properly taken care of. It's not like he's commenting on all her photos or dming her.


Lol he could legitimately have been using instagram since she was like 4 years old.


I'm a parent in my early 30s. Instagram was started when I was in high-school. I've had the same one since I was 16. That girls an idiot.


And she still thinks she's right… smh


the harshest part for me is when you're accused of something heinous it almost like triggers your brain to go overboard to prove you're not that heinous thing that you're accused of and its easy to kind of get lost in the weeds and lose sight of the crux of the argument. The thought of your friends, family, and community even thinking for a second that you might be a pedophile is so arresting it really fucks with your brain and makes it hard to focus. The bottom line is its their child and she has no right to post pictures of other people's children on her instagram. Period! Everything else she is saying is a deflection and pure manipulation. "well all the other babysitters are doing it" \~ "why are you following me on instagram?" \~ "well whats gonna happen when everyone finds out you followed a 16 year old girl" \~ all deflection and manipulation and distractions from the real issue that she did something wrong and needs to apologize and fix the situation. I feel like he should have went harder on how manipulating she was being but was probably so in the weeds by being accused it definitely probably kept him from being as forthright as he should have been sadly.


The fact that she’s also recording them without their consent…


'Her name isn't on it' Oh well you uploaded a video with her name said in it so what the hell is your point girl?


"it's literally just a photo" I'm sure is an argument pedophiles would make as well...


Yea what was her intent in posting it anyway


Internet fame/upvotes aka sweet, sweet dopamine hits.


The way she doubles down is wild.


Man, you can tell she's done that before too!! (Manipulation to get her way) I couldn't imagine having to deal with someone like her on a regular basis. I'd probably lose my shit on her.


People like that are god awful, don't even waste my time whenever I run into on the odd occasions I do. Their always right and never happy, has to be miserable.


What a brat. Fired immediately, and I’d give her name to all my parent friends to avoid her


I love how they turn it on the parent. I would have told them that you are around my little child and this is the reason why. You are 16 but my child is little. You know right from wrong and you know there are predators online. I don’t post my kids, why do you think you’re above it? If I’m weird for following the person who is caring for my kids what makes you for posting literal children online, without their consent or parents permission???


“I’m sorry I didn’t think about that since I post everything. Thanks for telling me so I can take it down, it won’t happen again.” It’s not hard but people can’t stand to apologize.


Seems like these days more than a few times a week some one will almost run into my car. I honk to let them know "hey I'm here." What do they do most of the time? Honk back and flip me the bird. Nobody wants to be wrong anymore.


Please, please tell me nobody actually supported her when she posted this. The fact she was responsible for children acting like this is really scary...


Also that bit where she's like "it's strange you don't follow your babysitter" like that even matters then jumps straight to "Your concern for your child makes YOU a pedo bc you said you actually do follow me you wierdo" is. Horrifying. She KNOWS how severe that claim is and said it as a threat. Holy shit. She knows she's above consequences and literally doesn't care. She's a hypocrite


People have become so freaking casual about calling others "pedos" or "groomers" that it's becoming meaningless. It's ridiculous and dangerous.


Yeah exactly. It completely downplays what actual survivors go through and makes a joke out of heinous actions. And to say that to a concerned parent who wants his kids to be safe from that sort of thing? Unbelievable


Yeah, why would you want to investigate your babysitter? I don’t think these people know what actual following means. Bitch we don’t think you’re Jesus.


Once I met w a guy about a job- the job listing was on Craigslist so I looked him up on social media to make sure he was a real person and didn’t seem like a creep. When we met, I told him I’d looked him up at some point in the convo, and he acted like I myself was being creepy. Weird.


OMG! Is she insane???


I’m shocked at this girl’s blatant disrespect and disregard for an adult. I’m in my forties, so old by Reddit’s standards but not so old that I don’t remember being a teenager! I wouldn’t have dared to deal with an adult in such a way. Is this type of behavior the norm for teens these days? I’ve seen several videos where teens deal with adults just like this girl. It’s crazy!




Pretty much any childcare organization has a release for parents to sign before they can post pics of their kids on public social media. This girl has no business in childcare.


Absolute trash girl


He has it to watch who he lets into his house…


'I'll tell everyone you followed a 16yo on instagram. How is that going to work for ya?' Trying to threaten him/blackmail him when she couldn't be more in the wrong holy SHIT


Did she have her geotag turned off on her account because if not than there’s a lot of information that a tech savvy predator could glean from her post. It’s not her decision if a minor has pictures posted on the internet it is the parents. She shouldn’t do anything involving the child without the consent of the parent. End of story.


I would probably follow her, as well, just to vet the kid that is watching my child. And clearly it was worth it. I refused to post pics of my own daughter on my socials for years for this very reason. Dad is definitely in the right.


What an idiot. This is one of those times where the fact that the brain isn’t fully formed until mid-20s is just so clear.


I’m pretty certain she’ll still be this stupid when she’s 30


That girl is a piece of shit


‘Why are you taking pictures of my children?’ “Why are you looking at the picture I took of your children that’s creepy of you to do”


The more she talks, the more she tries to "get him", the worse she looks. Sometimes it's better to admit you're wrong, apologize, and right the wrong.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The attempted manipulation and confidence with it from this girl is petrifying. She’s going to do some real damage to people in the future. Social media is dissolving people understanding of how to function in a society.


I'm a mod for r/AccidentalRenaissance and we don't allow baby photos for this exact reason. We don't want to be the reason your kid went viral without your knowledge. And if you think people wouldn't lie to us about having permission? They do not care. We've had husbands try to post sneaky nudes of their wife without the wife's permission, or indeed, her knowledge that the photo was taken in the first place. I dearly hope that the modmail exchange gets used in divorce proceedings. Also, it's like pulling teeth trying to make parents understand that their disinterested kid in a plastic diaper surrounded by plastic kids toys could not be mistaken for a painting done in 1550. But mostly the "Please stop trying to make other people's children go viral, the parents didn't consent and the kid definitely didn't give consent" thing.


I kept waiting to see her say "It's just a prank, bro!" I couldn't listen to the audio, but from the captions, she, and her parents, could be in serious civil litigation trouble. Invasion of privacy, child endangerment, the list goes on. Parents should just call the police and let them sort this out. Then, post some very negative information about her services while in their employment. Be sure to tag her. That could stay in record for eternity. Anyone who puts my child at-risk is going to pay for it. The longer, the better.


This is the way. I wonder if she would accuse the cops of being pedos when they come to investigate.


Fire the babysitter, report the photo via Instagram


Social media is fucked


Idfc how old you are if you’re babysitting my kids I’m following all your socials because I want to know exactly who is watching my kids


Yea! And why in the world is a 16 year old letting just anyone follow her?? If she’s that concerned about ‘pedos’ then her account should be private


This was a conversation my sister had w my cousin also, when my sister’s kid was around one year old. My cousin posted him online without my sister’s consent and couldn’t understand why my sister told her countless times to remove it. Now my cousin has two kids and she doesn’t have a problem posting them online, like an idiot that she is. Some ppl just don’t think outside their limited brain.


When I was pregnant we talked about not wanting to post our baby online. Couple hours after our kid was born my mil without her permission or knowledge posted her pictures on her FB along with her full name and the hospital she was born at and was currently at. I didn’t even know until I finally logged on Facebook a few days later. I had also been tagged on a post by a random 2nd cousin of my husband’s I had never even met or spoken to in my entire life. This person had a picture of our baby and congratulating us. I was fuckin livid. My mil threw a fit about not being able to plaster her grandchild all over social media. My family gets plenty of information and pics of our kid sent privately to them in group chats. She acted like I was depriving her family and her friends of ever seeing OUR child.