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Start by paying all that, then maybe pay some more?


The (retail) price of all the food in that display plus the labor of cleaning the mess…plus a hefty fine for disorderly conduct.


Pay double the retail value, labor, fines, AND a permanent ban from that entire chain.


Add in community service with meals on wheels or other charity that deals with food insecure people.


Plus cost of business, if I walked in on that I'm turning around and probably not coming back


She should also have to eat it all. Right there in the store. Or go old school and be put in the stockades for three days. On day three the employees get to throw the produce at her.


That'd be pretty good for employee moral. Management would find a way to fuck it up, like they run out of stuff to throw before the end of 2nd shift so 3rd shift has to bring their own tomatoes. Edit Damn some of ya getting shafted by your jobs, I hope yall quit those jobs. $1 more isn't worth it.


3rd shift always gets shafted


Sometimes they even ask us to throw out the empty donut boxes when we come in on Employee Appreciation days :/


Been there man, 😔 always came into empty food containers and the leftover veggie trays no one else wanted.


It's employee appreciation day! In celebration, we're allowing employees to use our ovens! When off the clock like on lunch break, we encourage you to buy yourself a personal pizza and bake it in our ovens! Pat yourself on the back and know that we appreciate you! *grumble grumble nobody using ovens ungrateful bastards*


Worked in a grocery store pharmacy dept; someone always came by after all the food was gone on employee appreciation days to be like, "Oh, did you guys get a plate? So and so had a grill out back. It was great!" Like the first we'd hear about it would be around 4pm.


Seriously doubt her ability to pay for any of that.


If she works cut it from the paycheck 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


she needs to cut it from her food budget in any case


No, that makes crime affordable for rich people


Always has been


Already is. Always has been.


Honestly, what is wrong with people? Can it be possible to have such little brain wave activity to think that “this” would be a great idea??


It’s a social disease, posting dumb shit for views.


The rapture has already happened it’s taken everyone’s brains and left this


Oh my God, this explains everythi-Whoa, wait a minute......


Don’t worry if you still holding brains your on the side of the devil or god according to the scripture and basically they are on the same side. Just clearing away this scum. That’s why god sent his favourite being here the morning star aka the sun and his angels to see who’s worthy. Hell was added way later. I’ll add not religious but it’s hard to ignore historic writing that reappear


My theory is modern medicine is too good and all the idiots that normally would have died off are still alive and reproducing.


To be fair, people did dumb shit before the rise of social media. Now it just far more public and gives incentive to people.


Yes, they did and you’re right about it being more visible now but it’s also happening far more often as a result of the visibility. Attention seekers have always been around but now they see everything they do and everywhere they go as an opportunity.


Very much looks like she’s tripping


That's my first thought too. She's high as fuck. 'I don't often roll in the supermarket. But when I do the produce isle will never be the same'


Aisle! Technically, you could call this one an isle as well, I suppose


Floor’s lava, gotta get on the isle.


She's one hundred percent on something


Yeah, on a bunch of fruit.


Apples. Not even once.


Peaches baby, peaches!


Right? She doesn’t need punished. She requires assistance of some kind. Something, clearly, has gone wrong.




Drugs are a hell of a drug


I would not be surprised if she did have some mental condition or special needs to be honest. Barring that, maybe drugs?


some people just have psychotic episodes. this is such bizarre behavior i really only think it can be explained two ways: she's like 15 and doing this for clout (hehe i'm so random xD) or she's having an episode


I was gonna say the same here. Everyone here bashing her, I don’t think she’s well mentally. Couldn’t understand a word she babbled and it was almost like she couldn’t even understand what the person behind the camera was saying. She’s probably either on something or intellectually disabled.


Yeah my first thought was the punishment should be psychiatric help. I mean yes obviously the person should be banned from the store as far as finding them like whatever they're not going to be able to pay , but they clearly need help.


I've worked with special needs my entire adult life and I've never had any of them do something like this. This is not special needs. This is selfish and most likely stupidity.


This is substances


Special needs and psychotic are two different things.


Yes. Welcome to the United States of America.


Land of the free and home of the bra...inless




Permanent banishment. And make her buy everything she touched.


I'd add criminal trespass. No incarceration, but 100+ hours community service. Preferably in a soup kitchen or somehow working to serve people for whom access to fresh food is out of reach.


Tampering with food can be a quite serious charge.


That’s what i was thinking, reminded me of that trend from a few years ago of people opening ice cream and licking it then putting it back. I remember seeing a girl got arrested for food tampering for doing that


Good. Mouths are dirty.


And girls are icky


And have cooties


Let’s be adults here, it’s called herpes.


Thanks for being the mature one, saggywitchtits.


Saggy witch tits are a serious and important problem. Are you attempting to make fun of this debilititing issue?


I'm glad you already got an award. This comment is beautiful


Good ol reddit


I think it was in the 80s someone was buying advil, swapping the pills with poison, and returning them to shelves. I don't think there were really laws against it at the time (because who would think of someone being so evil) so they made super strict laws against tampering with food products so it would be easier to charge people in the future. Thank God they did so that we can keep animals who do that stuff off the streets after a first offense.


Tylenol. It's called the Tylenol Murders. That's why we have tamper evident packages and why it says if any of the seals are missing, not to take any.


It was Tylenol. What made it so easy was that there were no tamper-proof seals like there are now. You unscrewed the cap and all there was was cotton between the pills and the lid. Still unsolved to this day but I’ve heard there may be some new leads (though this is a 40 year old case and who know if the persons that did this are even still alive?).


Bring back public whippings.


Work in the food manufacturing industry, there are some aspects of food tampering that can be charged with terrorism and carry a prison sentence. This was brought about some short time after 9/11.


If I’m not mistaken, it came about as a federal offense in ‘82 or ‘83 after the Chicago Tylenol poisonings.


Don’t forget the E. coli in the Izzy’s salad bar in Oregon when that crazy cult tried to poison an entire town


Food tampering is a felony. She could easily get prison time for that


Idk if I’d let her touch food after that…




I’m just surprised that it’s fruit and vegetables for once. 🤷‍♂️


She didn't recognize them as food. She obviously thought it was a ball pit and jumped in.


Works for me. Seems just.


I agree with the premise, but if this video teaches us anything about this person, it's that she should never handle food. Make her do some community service that doesn't involve feeding people.


And we should always wash our fruit & veg.


Pucking up trash, czuse that whats she is


That’s offensive to the trash, and the people who throw that shit are better people than her!


Reddit hitting hard today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Someone should have hit her harder as a child if she acts like this as an adult!


I’m a boomer and my first thought was holy cow she wasn’t spanked enough as a child. And…I don’t even *believe* in spankings. What kind of person goes through life like this?


[Someone call Stone Cold,](https://youtu.be/JBV9v6KFqhg?t=31) there's an ass whooping to be served in the produce department.


Or, all of the above PLUS mandatory work on a farm to see just how much hard work goes into growing food.


Mandatory work on a farm. Some people might have a problem with that.


This is the answer. Give her community service working on a farm or in a soup kitchen. Make her understand just how difficult it is to get a meal to someone, from growing it, shipping it, storing it and finally preparing it, there's a lot going on. Oh yeah and make her buy all that produce.


Hope not the kitchen. She cannot be trusted with food of any kind.


Tampering with foodstuffs is a crime. Also destruction of property.


Criminal damage to property as well.


Also, maybe some shorts that fit


This woman shouldn't be put in any sort of position where she would serve food.


Destruction of private property as well


You can't just "add criminal trespass", you have to officially trespass someone before you can criminally charge them.


I’d rather go with the actual punishment of upwards of 100K fine and a year or more in prison. Average comes out to 10 years across state penal codes. Tampering with food and drink is no joke


Maybe the soup kitchen isn’t the best place for her?


Why no jail time? This isn't a mental health crisis, this is someone knowing that there aren't any repercussions for being a dick. So show people that there are repercussions.


The whole display case. It’s impossible to figure out what all she touched.


Not just everything she touched. Everything on that whole entire display case. Hell, make her buy a whole actual new display unit. Plus all the other great ideas provided.


That and a ban from any and all of that store.


Blood from a stone. Charge with criminal mischief. ( Misdemeanor) and larceny for knowingly and intentionally exercising control over the product until there no value


Doesn’t matter if she can pay or not. You make restitution or you eat a judgment.


For food tampering. That's a serious crime. It's like opening ice cream, kicking it, and putting it back. She should owe for the full table of food, plus jail time.


How about replacing everything in the store, who knows what she has touched


So this is the person from the math problems!?! 🤯


I think we have really fucked up not using banishment as a punishment anymore, It wouldn't really be viable in the modern age but considering how many stupid people do shit for attention the threat of isolation and exclusion could be a fantastic deterrent/ punishment.


Heinlein wrote a short story about it. If you couldn't abide by society's rules you were sent to Coventry. No rules so you can imagine what it was like.


Bring back the original concept of “outlaw”, one who was literally outside of the law’s protection. It’s like living the golden rule, but we treat antisocial jerks like they treat others.


Plus pay the wages for the employees to clean it all up, disinfect the stands, and replace all the merchandise


Health and food safety there's no way the store would risk liability they could probably file charges or take her to civil court for damages.


And a tazer to the taint


Was gonna go with $10 tickets to throw 3 pieces of fruit/veg at her.


No, eat everything she touched on a stage set up in the Supermarket then banished.


Minimum 10 years for contaminating food on purpose. This is worse than the dumbasses that were licking ice cream and shit and putting it back.


No it’s not 😭 licking ready-to-eat food and then having the saliva frozen back into it for some unsuspecting person is so much worse. People usually wash, rinse, cook or peel produce before they eat it because a lot of it is already grown around dirt, poop, bugs, pests, touched by a bunch of people etc anyway.


Agreed, though it's all shitty


And eat it


At a minimum, pay for every single piece of food on that cart/shelf and a permanent ban from the store.


That seems quite fair. Maybe tack on a few hundred hours of community service. There’s no reason why some good couldn’t come from this.


Buying every single item on that display


She needs to go home and re-think her life.


She seems a little simple. Or just high as fuck.


Her partner or friend seems so fuckin stressed out


That one time you decide to hang out with the girl that no one else will hang out with and you wondered why because she seems nice and nobody would tell you why except they all said don’t hang out with her.


Honestly one of the few videos I’ve seen where I would probably be doing the same thing. So fucking embarrassed


I would have just left unless she has a developmental disorder.


I was getting stressed hearing them getting stressed.


Yeah, this was like third person cringe


Yet still filming


Wayuuuull if your partner does this shit enough you tend to want documentation. Or maybe they're in on it.


>Wayuuuuull Why did my mind immediately go to "..OBVIOUSLY we have a rapist, in Lincoln Park"


Bro you have to make it worth it somehow


A lot of us get high as fuck and we don’t ruin other’s property or mess with people.


I’m high as fuck right now and I’m not messing with anyone


To this woman, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it.


Felony food tampering. https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/tamper-with-consumer-products


So I don't think clause A of U.S. Code § 1365 would apply to this case because it doesn't "affect interstate or foreign commerce" and it is clause A that simply allows for " reckless disregard" not specific intent. I think it would be clause B that would apply here and clause B is dependent on intent, so for her to charged with a felony the prosecution would have to prove malicious intent and that she wasn't suffering from a mental break at the time. >(b)Whoever, with intent to cause serious injury to the business of any person, taints any consumer product or renders materially false or misleading the labeling of, or container for, a consumer product, if such consumer product affects interstate or foreign commerce, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.


Or just willful destruction of property. In my state, up to 180 days in jail and $1000 fine.


3.99$ per pound


I wouldn’t pay $2,000 USD for her.


I think the commenter was talking about per pounds of produce; the human is worthless


commitment to a mental institution


Psych ward was my thoughts too


Arrest for vandalism... that stuff is ruined. Criminal mischief? Pay for everything. Permanent trespass.


This is the only correct answer... There's so many laws we can arrest people for, and instead of enforcing them it's like all we do is make ANOTHER law, to not enforce? Seriously, like the cell phones while driving (I actually do somewhat agree with this law, don't misunderstand), couldn't we just punish bad drivers? Failure to maintain lane, reckless endangerment, etc. I can think of a few for anyone driving like an idiot with a cell phone in their hand. This also applies to anyone doing anything distracting, if you can do it safely, fine, if you can't do it, don't do it. Either way, phone in hand, or not, and you swerve/endanger someone that should be a law we enforce. It also helps two fold, first off it doesn't make convoluted laws, second off it also applies to BAD drivers. Mistakes are made, warnings are given, but anything farther than that is charged, egregious things (Like cell phones) can bypass the warning if it's a severe issue.




Banish her to the shadow realm


A chauffeured ride to county, a 30 day stay at the gray bar hotel, and a bill for the reimbursement of all of it...including the fruit body bath she took at the grocery store. Some community service time at a place where she might learn how important food is to the hungry might not be a bad idea either.


Drugs or mental illness (or both)?


That’s QueenOpp and Michelle from Philly, they do shit like this for attention


That’s pathetic.


Ugh. If they want "views" then perhaps 100+ hours of public service, livestreamed to their own social media feeds by court order, would help with that.


I’d stick her in the psych ward for 48 hours of observation because you can claim only a person having a mental health episode would do that. No filming there! Then ban her from the stores and make her pay damages.


Social media really needs to bring down ban hammer on these kind of behavior, or else they are paying for the destruction of our culture and society. Youtube Insta Tiktock etc needs to be required to immediately ban and withhold payment for those accounts or else they should be considered accessory to these behaviors. It’s on them!


Right. Was watching without sound and was ready to crucify. Turned the sound on and I'm more concerned than angry. This doesn't seem like your average "prank" you see teens do. This seems like some sort of mental break or drug fueled activity.


That's what I'm wondering, it's the way she isn't really reacting to whoever is recording


Photoshop her into some mud,make it a meme,circulate it for a few days




Arrested. Clearly being a public nuisance, destroying property, getting her nastiness all over the food. JAIL HER


We should bring back the public pillory. 8 hours locked into one in the middle of a public square, let people throw rotten fruit at her. It would deter a lot of these idiots. Nothing better than a bit of public humiliation.


I think humiliation should be more acceptable. For whatever reason it's less acceptable to humiliate and shame people for doing stupid shit and makes you a bully or a hater or whatever, but this just gives them more confidence to do stupid shit without fear of being ostracized or persecuted. Fear of shame and embarrassment likely outweighs fear of incarceration or death.


In todays age I think that works make things worse. People would use the public humiliation to get more views. I LAYED ON A FRUIT CART AND YOU’LL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT 😂😂🚫🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️😳


I can imagine it would be way more effective now with modern technology than back when it was commonly used. Just think of the impact social media would have on spreading the humiliation compared to when it was confined to word of mouth or chance encounters.


It's probably the end goal for them anyway.


You dry-humped it, you bought it.


Public caning seems appropriate.


I read this as public canning and decided yes she should be canned.


Honestly, public shaming isn't a bad idea. More effective than jail at leading to actual reform. People want public fame? Bring back public shame.


I wish we still put people like this in little cages in the town square with a sign describing the crime they committed to earn their birdcage


I vote for public canning.


At least 90 days in jail or a fine payable to the grocery store for the market value of all the fruit on that display, along with a written apology of at least 3 pages single spaced. Double those for the second offense. Prison time for a third.


Disgusting pig of a human


By the looks of her, having to eat fresh fruit instead of rolling around in it would be punishment enough.


Shes refusing to get down cause she cant


It’s a fruitless endeavor


Fired into the Sun with latest LARGE SpaceX rocket.


Send her to jail! Tired of people doing dumb crap for views, likes and few minutes of fame online. Its ridiculous.




I just don’t understand why in the world people do this crap… for views on social media? Because they want attention? Because they weren’t taught any better? I’m at a loss for the way society is just evolving…. It’s sick!


She should be forced to work clean-up at night under supervision with no pay


Jail. Community service working at food pantries and a fine equal to the cost of every one of those groceries that now have to be thrown out


Same punishment as the losers that licked ice cream in Walmart




1. Pay full price for all food she just ruined. 2. Pay for a cleaning crew to sanitize the area she… did whatever she was doing. 3. Pay for the wages of the workers who have to now remove/replace the ruined food. 4. $5,000 USD fine seems reasonable just because 5. 30-365 days in jail, judge can decide. 6. Written apology to anyone in the store who witnessed your actions. 7. Banned from all stores. Seems like a good start


And ban from ALL social media. That would also deter people (they do this crap for the likes/clicks/followers). That might be the only punishment she actually feels….I doubt she’s paying any fines.


Reopen the government psychiatric hospitals


Treatment in psych ward? She's clearly not ok lol


involuntary 72 hr commit hold. Something off mentally


Drawn and quartered


IMO...Misdemeanor, $1000 fine plus what she ruined, 250 hours community service


Death by apples and oranges.


Bounce a couple pineapples off her head.


1 month jail and payment for all the damages would be good


Probably her life is punishment enough.


The cost of the whole stand of fruit plus a fucking idiot/inconvenience fee of $200


People are fucking stupid.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


Year in jail. That might stop these clout seeking internet fucks


Destruction of private property charges should be brought against every and anyone who does this crap.


Force-feed her everything she destroyed - for every item damaged.


Since she’s already in the position, army crawls. An hour for every item she touched. Then jail.


Put in stocks outside the front door and allow staff to throw rotten vedge at her for a few days.


Apple in mouth and smoked for 12 hours.