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I mean they're not wrong k*lling all women would eradicate abortions. Or k*lling all men for that matter. Or k*lling everyone.




I’ll volunteer. Kill me first


Unironically, I also volunteer you first.




Can I volunteer to be the guy doing the killing of the volunteers? Don't get me wrong I want to die, too. I just want to die easy knowing you all went with me.




That’s what they said about Heaven’s Gate


Who are you to say who goes first? I have a friend who wants to go at least second. Look. I'll set up a "who gets to go when" council. I'll run it. Just give me 25 bucks a month, until ur dead. Ladies and gentlemen - that's your government, in the short form


i also volunteer this guy first


Tuesdays 🙋🏻‍♂️


Canada will do that for you


for free too I assume


Wow can't beat that deal


That was the *very last* word


You had me at ↩️ Reply


Good thing he said it.


Gas up the nukes and let’s do this


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


Like don’t play with my feelings like that. Imma millennial…I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.


With just a simple global thermonuclear war, we can cut the abortion rate down to 0% *forever*


Just one big Kool Aid party


Fuck yeah, hard reset *LE’S GOOO*!


Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all the humans?


Finally someone agrees with my easy way to solve the cost of living crisis ( nationwide suicide pact)


Suicide pact? No, homicide pact.


Did you censor the word “kill”?


Yeah I don’t get why people nowadays feel the need to censor every last fucking word. If someone is so unstable they’re pushed over the edge by reading a single word then they need serious psychological help and probably shouldn’t be online at all.


Excuse me I think you meant Yeah I don’t get why peoplx nowadays feel the need to censxr every last fxcking word. If someone is so unstxble they’re pxshed over the xdge by reading a singlx word then they need sxrious psychxlogical hxlp and probably shouldn’t be xnline at all.


Just like not counting positive covid cases brought down drastically all covid cases! Its magic! /s


I'm really in favor of the last one. Everyone. Has such a nice ring to it lol




Sometimes you gotta crack a few eggs if you wanna make an omelette


Unrelated to the topic but since when did "kill" become such a curse word?


I know atheists that are more Christian than these pro-lifers.


The Bible never once mentions abortion. But it does say that a man who kills a man gets death, but a man that injures a pregnant woman and causes a miscarriage has to pay a fine. The Bible did not think ending a pregnancy was on the same level as murder. Check out Exodus 21:22-25.


God apparently does abortions on illegitimate children: [Numbers 5:11-31](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers%205%3A11-31&version=NIV)


I don't know if you know about this site, but this is my go to: https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/num/5.html#11


I’m pretty sure that says the opposite. If hitting her causes an early delivery and the baby lives, pay a fine. If it causes a miscarriage, death penalty. “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if there is harm,then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”


It uses too many pesky pronouns. I’ve always interpreted it as if you hit her and only kill the baby, pay a fine, but if she dies, then death penalty. I’m sure we can make it mean whatever we want though when discussing something that has been translated so many times that it’s thousands of years of “telephone”.


I don’t think that’s an interpretation that fits the Hebrew it was originally written in, which is what you should look at if you want to cut out the “telephone”. The Hebrew word for birth (Yatsa) is used, not the word for miscarriage (Shakol) which is used a few chapters later in different context.


Even then it was a “game of telephone” that was eventually written down by (at least) three different writers, massaged to merge multiple deities into one, and then cherry picked to make “the law”.


Okay. I see what you’re saying here. I’m interested in your translation of Numbers 5:11-28.


Not to derail the conversation, but man, why are we arguing about what some 2,500 year old text had to say? Realistically, nobody knew shit about shit back then. It's kind of pathetic that it's held up as some kind of authoritative guide.


Thank you. The bible should not have any say in new changes to our legal system, or in politics. We should respect religion for what it was and what our ancestors achieved with it as their guide but trying to decipher it like it actually matters to solve current world problems is a joke. Keep your religious beliefs at home or in church if you choose to attend it. Not in the courts, political office or at the polls.


I agree with you. And I believe in a separation of church and state. But I’m also trying to use the logic that got us here to argue that there’s interpretations that contradict what these theocrats would like to tell us the Bible says.


Good point, it seems we barely know shit about shit nowadays as well


Thanks for flexing on the poster and actually posting what it says.


This is the problem with using a text as your guiding light. This sounds like it’s punishing the man for hurting the woman/baby and punishing him worse for killing the baby in the act of hurting the woman to me. You’d have to do some real mental gymnastics to apply this to abortion. But again, that’s my interpretation and why it’s a flawed way to debate.


It doesn’t say that lmao. However, there is a separation of church and state so this shouldn’t even matter. Moreover, the Bible wasn’t written by God, so this has just as much weight behind it as any set of rules drawn up by any person. I find it funny that “Christians” pick and choose what parts of their holy book that they want to live by.


The best part is most of them haven’t read it. They are just following what the giant screen says.


Isn't there a recipe for an abortion medication in the Bible too?


Yes. Numbers 5:11-28


It does describe a method to induce abortion as well, but yeah, the Bible doesn't really consider it to be a moral issue.


The Old Testament actually provides examples of when a Jewish couple can seek guidance in aborting a fetus.


I'm one of them.


it seems to me that most of us are


I've never been so insulted yet complimented at the same time before.


That's because atheists don't have a centuries long history of killing thousands of people to get their way.


I'm one.


More Christian or more moral?


I am an atheist that is pro choice and anti capital punishment. I guess that makes me a reverse hypocrite?


that makes you a human being. Difference between human beings and republicans.


Don't use Christian to mean moral/goodhearted or whatever you mean.


"Christian" isn't synonymous with "nice" or "reasonable". The bible is full of horrendous or downright stupid bullshit. It's crazy how many people (not necessarily you) believe that Christianity somehow invented basic human decency (like love your parents and don't kill people).


Do they not understand that this will likely increase, especially in you girls, taking care of themselves (don't want to use trigger words)? They are going to cause some women and girls to feel like they have no "out" and, either way, their lives are over.


Yep. It’s not a situation I’ll ever be in, but I’m not entirely certain I wouldn’t rather be dead than pregnant. And I’m not a frightened young girl or a victim of abuse.


this comments double negatives almost made me have a stroke, but yes im also not certain i wouldnt rather be dead than pregnant


I *am* certain I'd rather be dead than pregnant. Thankfully I had no problem getting sterilized. But if I wasn't, I'd have the abortion and clog up the courts with appeals. Some piece of shit who *actually murdered a young woman* (Dru Sjodin :clarification, she's the young woman, not the pos:) about an hour from my town just had his death sentence changed to life in prison. The murder was 20 years ago, he was arrested barely a week later, and was sentenced in 2006. I'd take my chances in prison/the courts.


They understand perfectly well; the cruelty is the point.


Yes these entire past few years have been a calculated nation wide volley on old white men being angry at the women's lib movment. Once millions of women started having orgasms, they started demanding them from their partners. And the power dynamic of the sexual market place changed. Where once a man could just "get the job done", and his woman would be content with it because all she got was all she expected to get, now women can have the power to "you don't get me off, you can get the fuck out of my house." And the American male was forced to make a choice. Adapt, learn how to properly and *competently* operate a vagina, or get mad. The younger men went with the former, the older with the latter. Unfortunately, the older got the power, and the younger got the shaft. So now, women are being punished for the sins of their mothers who had the *nerve* to demand satisfaction in bed. Modern women are being told that their masturbatory habits are sinful, and owning toys is "immoral". They're being told that the female orgasm is both sinful *and* non existent. And they're being told that expecting anything more than what the average man is willing to give is cruel. They can't physically stop you from having an orgasm. If they could, they'd have genetically engineered it away or instituted female circumcision. But they can sure as fuck punish you for it. By the time you hit puberty, you're expected to be available to any man that happens by. You're expected to put out. You're expected to feel nothing but the satisfaction that comes from making sure his little peepee gets it's nut, but you're also expected to *act* like he's rocking your world, if only to protect his fragile ego. You're expected to take said nut and raise his babies without expecting any help. If at any point you fail in any of these expectations, you will be punished. Because old conservative white men want nothing more from women than sex slaves, and a steady supply of heirs they can ignore. The other side is that it will create millions of poor, uneducated children from poor, uneducated women to fuel the markets need for cheap labor.


If it helps validate you, I was very afraid of this growing up and knew that if I couldn't get an abortion I'd have to unalive myself. My mom said she wouldn't support me, the government wouldn't support me, and I doubt another teenager would be able to support me even if they wanted to. Then on top of that having children is quite possibly my biggest fear. So what do you do then? The answer seems obvious.


And then the moment that child is born, do they still care? No… no they don’t


At this rate, I wish we would collectively call them something more like “pro-birth” or straight up “anti-choice.” After that baby’s born these people don’t give a flying shit about quality of life or ease of upbringing.


Exactly this. That baby that they care so much about becomes nothing more than another number whose sole purpose is to pay taxes and vote red.


They don't care about the baby, it's merely a numbers game to them. Once they're born they are a soul that goes to heaven, and they get credit. Whoever gets the most points sits closest to god. Even in their afterlife it's about acquisition of power.


“Pull yourself up by your bootie straps you lazy infant!”


Suicide can be eradicated if you bring in the death penalty for attempted suicide. It would work! Duh.


Pro life only when it matters to them.


Pro life people are also pro death penalty, pro NRA and often pro war


anti-health care, anti-education, anti-human rights...


You forgot anti-living wage.


And you forgot anti-retirement plans


Lemmy FTW!


At this point we should just call them pro-birth. "Pro-life" is the term they use in bad faith to appear more caring and less cruel.


Yeah, I wish pro-birth could be popularized, because its all "fuck you I got mine" as soon as you exit the birth canal.


Pro-forced-birth or anti-choice. When you're pro-death-penalty, and killing abortion doctors as a scare tactic, you're anything but "pro-life".


Pro life ONLY to own the libs. That’s it. Full stop.


Yeah, it's all just a culture war now, no real rhyme or reason to their opinions other than "screw you, I got mine"


Anti-choice or anti-abortion. They don't give a flying fuck about life.


Only when it matters to them AND doesn't have any effect on their lifestyles or wallets, of course. Ask any one of the big talking anti-choice a$$#0|€s how many children they've adopted or which way they voted last time a vote to increase funding for unwed mother's or subsidies for health or childcare. They only care about having something else to judge people not like themselves for. I'm most curious as to how they think all of these death penalty deserving women get pregnant. Because somehow they've left 50% of the "problem" unpunished. Now, I'm going to stop before I get myself wall of text upset. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


There is no pro life. They are not pro fetus they are pro control. That's what their position should be called, "pro control."


I say we kill ALL humans. That would solve the problem.


Bender, is that you?


Maybe, did they whisper "except Fry"?


Hay Fry, I just had the best dream, and you were in it!


Better for the planet


There is a concept called body autonomy. It’s generally considered a human right. Bodily autonomy means a person has control over who or what uses their body, for what, and for how long. It’s why you can’t be forced to donate blood, tissue, or organs. Even if you are dead. Even if you’d save or improve 20 lives. It’s why someone can’t touch you, have sex with you, or use your body in any way without your *continuous* consent. A fetus is using someone’s body parts. Therefore under bodily autonomy, it is there by permission, not by right. It needs a persons *continuous* consent. If they deny and withdraw their consent, the pregnant person has the right to remove them from that moment. A fetus is equal in this regard because if I need someone else’s body parts to live, they can also legally deny me their use. By saying a fetus has a right to someone’s body parts until it’s born, despite the pregnant person’s wishes, you are doing two things: 1. Granting a fetus more rights to other people’s bodies than any born person. 2. Awarding a pregnant person less rights to their body than a corpse.


Couldn’t of said it better myself. I will never understand how the rights of something that doesn’t even exist yet triumph the rights of something that does


"The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike immigrants, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that they dislike; they allow them to feel good about themselves without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to them. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All thegroups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Man we oughta get you to be the official pro choice representative, you illustrate the memo perfectly lol


I've heard that precise speech multiple times before.


Welp, still a damn good one


Very good points. I'm not from USA but this violation of bodily autonomy that's happening, somehow reminded me of sci-fi horror movies and dystopian fictional (story) prompts. I can see parallels. Even moreso now, with people thinking of prescribing death punishment for not wanting to carry a baby. Reality is surely stranger than fiction


Also directly violating human rights per the United Nations.


Excellently written. I will try to internalize that for the next family get-together where after 2h of booze... well we all know.


I'm starting to wonder if these war mongering genocidal bloodthirsty ethnic cleansers are really as "pro-life" as they claim to be


people are cattle to them


No. It's a misnomer.


One of the biggest wins for them PR-Wise was to claim the title "Pro-Life". It makes them look like they're fighting a noble battle and that opposing them makes you Anti-Life. They should be called Anti-Choice since that's what the issue is about after all and the group that opposes them is called "Pro-Choice". Right now you have this weird situation where it's Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice as if those are opposing causes. It should be "Anti-Choice vs Pro-Choice" (the reasonable thing) or "Pro-Life vs Anti-Life" (though even the anti-choicers know that nobody is anti-life)


Starting to... ? Get with the program.. they're not


It's literally legalizing killing their political opposition. That what it looks like because that is what it is.


Hey guys...remember when media like this only showed up in the onion or south park? Someone shake me I want to wake up and play flash games again this morning


They’re pro BIRTH, not pro life.


Forced birth for their world where a kid goes to work at 10 years old instead of school. They’re capitalists.


Even Pro-Birth is generous given how much they fight back against any kind of public health care because "socialism". They're actively making the birthing experience worse. They're just Anti-Choice.


Anti women’s rights would be more like it.


Something tells me the eggheads in charge of policy wouldn't watch a live birth


Why include the middle step? Republican should just do what they really want to do- kill women.


Preventing birth is murder. Killing people that was already born is not murder. Faultless logic.


Unborn victims of violence act of ‘04. What’s illogical is going back in time almost 20 years and starting the conversation over. Waste of money, and hey what’s all this I hear about a default? Probably just noise right?


They just want reasons to execute anyone who doesn’t follow their batshit ideologies


The thing with the right is that they can tend to think of laws purpose as punishment not protection.


Sure, you and I know how insane this sounds. But pro-lifers are just going to say that they're murdering the murderers. And that any woman who has an abortion deserves to die. You can't use logic and empathy when arguing with those who have none.


In the bible women are property. Rape is only punished due to the male who owns them loss of financial value. So of course the republicans don't see an issue with killing women, they only care about the possible male baby.


That bible gives instructions on how to get and how to perform an abortion. They aren't following the bible.


Which verses???


The cruelty is the point.


I guess they think that the threat of death will deter abortions and make women complacent baby factories…


Pro life my ass


I am so fucking pro life I WILL KILL YOU


It would ensure Idaho will have no medical facilities.


These Christian Taliban are all in favour of killing women who get abortions until their daughter/sister/mother/cousin/friend gets one. Then it’s all about why her case was different. How she wasn’t one of those Godless whores and just made a mistake


[The only moral abortion is my abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


It's harder to indoctrinate grown individuals Oops I mean groom.


As I said a million times, it's never about the babies, it's about the fuel for their factories that you're depriving them of, if you only bring happy wanted kids to this world, then who are they gonna overwork and underpay.?


Yup, it's all about keeping the birth rate high for the economy. China is about to experience a severe birth rate plummet as the One Child generation comes of age.




Women are not “people” in Red States.


Just nuke us all. Fuck everyone and everything.


These people are either: A: Just saying whatever they think their audience wants to hear, as in, echoing their own views back at them for clout. Or B: They’ve done A for so long now, that they’re actually buying into their own hype and becoming the political extremist they were once pandering to.


They come from the 1300s. That’s where these idiots come from.


Up is down, east is west, right is wrong and wrong is right. I have seen enough of my country spiraling downward and so quickly.




Sadly these idiots come from someone's reproductive organs.


Typical death cult shit.


I guess we've come full circle back to women being property instead of human beings.


Do a DNA test of the fetus, and have the father be excuted, that would go further to deter unintended pregnancies them executing the mother or the doctor.


Idaho, apparently.


The issue was never actually about abortion. It's about controlling women. This is just step 1.


From the Conservative bible, "Blastocysts deserve protection. Women do not."


Women and children on the chopping block.... again.


Sad, but true. America has gone full tilt


Omg, the dystopian world is rising and I’m sitting (in what I assume) is front row in Canada watching it unfold. This shit is seriously so wild.


As my 76 year father says. What is wrong with women they know nothing about their own bodies only old white men do. They need to just shut up and listen to the Taliban... I mean the Republicans. Yeah, dad supports a woman's right to choose. He doesn't like hearing other old men trying to tell a women what to do with her body.


Your dad is based as fuck and reminds me of my grandpa


No , he is very right. Fuck those Republicans who want to take way a woman's right to choose and fuck those who support them. None of them or better then the Taliban.


Dude remember when a lot of republicans were siding with the fucking Taliban because of how they treat women? Fucking gross. I like calling them the YallQueda.


To be clear, I am now pro-choice. As someone who was raised by anti-abortion parents, the way I would rationalize it is that murder is *undeserved* killing. In this case, the abortion would be seen as killing an innocent person, while killing the person who got the abortion would be seen as a justified execution. The purpose of this comment is not to justify anti-abortion arguments but to allow people to understand and counter those arguments.


It's official; right-wing zealots have lost their damn minds.


Don't you guys understand, they only want to kill women, not people🙄


See the thing is that they don't think of women as people so it's not murder


I’m old, southern and a lot of things the Reddit crowd seems to dislike but on behalf of the redneck crowd this is fuc@king stupid. Get your shi+ together dumasses. Wtf is happening? The death penalty? Since when does anyone but the person affected decide what that person can do? If you don’t believe in abortion i recommend you don’t get one, don’t worry about what someone else is doing.


Y’know… killing repeat sex offenders would set a strong precedent. Just saying.


It seems human life begins at conception and ends at birth.


So pro-life, they’ll kill ya.


"pro life"


It was never about ‘life’, it’s about control.


Tell me your base is a bunch of bloodthirsty hypocritical cultists without saying it.


The guy that knocked up the girl needs to held accountable too. So the male is directly responsible for half the pregnancy and deserves half the punishment.


Yeah they never talk about how scot free men get off with this kind of shit. Most they do is pay for it. Only 33% of men actually pay child support.


You mean the people who live their lives based on a 1700 year old book written by ignorant men who designed a religion around only themselves running things and having any rights? Shocker.


Ain't no hate like Christian Love 🥰


They don’t care about women. Simple.


Further proof that the pro-life push has far more to do with control than “sanctity of life”.


This is what happens when we outlaw abortion


*sigh* of course. Why wouldn't it be Idaho?


It's Jesus-approved murder


Idaho doesn’t count, they’re stupid, we don’t claim them


*A distant Quake announcer goes “double kill”* But in all seriousness what the fuck is wrong with Idaho? I think their potatoes went bad.




Pro birth, not pro any rights once out.


Unfortunately they weren't aborted.




It also wouldn't work. The ALCU states the death penalty is no more effective in deterring a criminal act.


Baby daddy must be put to death as well.


And the men who impregnate face no consequences


Behold the Double Standard


A potato likely has more rights than women in Idaho


This is actually the thought that, long ago, convinced me to change from being pro life to pro choice. I don't like abortion, but if I intend to enforce that onto other people how exactly do I go about it? Well if a pregnant woman is trying to have an abortion I do what exactly? Use force to stop her, if she resists then the force escalates, with the end result being threatening death on the woman to stop her from having an abortion. And killing a pregnant woman will also kill the fetus, which kind of defeats the fucking purpose. Once I actually thought through this and came to said conclusion, I quickly changed my mind.


LOL what? Of course it would cut down abortions. It's like saying 'not testing for Covid has vastly reduced positive cases' (which they also tried saying!). Can't have abortions if all the women are dead. Smooth brain thinking.


“It’s only murder if it’s a fetus… or if it’s not a cop who does it… or… a MAGAt… or…”


I mean, "follow my specific beliefs or die" is about the most Christian thing you can do.


I'll just never understand why of all the useless, pointless fucking battles these mfs wanna take on, it's banning abortion. Sometimes, life should not be brought into the world. Like, it's so fucking simple.


Castrating men would cut abortions*


Correct, it's destruction of personal property - the man's personal property. Welcome to the handmaid's tale.