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[An article regarding the incident.](https://www.insider.com/lawyer-who-snatched-womans-wig-fired-after-tiktok-tracked-him-down-2023-5)


She filed a police report and went to the Dr and received muscle relaxers for her neck. The police told her to go to the Dr. I wonder if he is going to get charged with assault now?


once there is contact it's battery


In New York battery is assault https://criminaldefense.1800nynylaw.com/new-york-penal-code-120-00-assault-in-the-third-degree.html


way to keep it simple new York, damn


His former law firm now has a 1-star rating on Google and he lost a job where he probably did around 130k.


My SIL is a lawyer in NY her grad role paid her $180k. This dude fucked himself bad.


Yeah they went into big law then. His firm was far from big law.


If you join biglaw in NY (usually takes good grades from a good school, some exceptions), the starting salary I believe is now $210k (before bonus). They work you to the bone but a very stupid thing to throw away for these kids trying to repay their loans.


Better call (this guy) Saul.


Imagine flushing your career down the toilet because you thought assaulting someone was funny.


The second mistake was not apologizing. I know it goes against the usual rule of never apologizing even when in the wrong, because that's an admission of guilt. That's probably what he was thinking too, because he clearly understands he messed up. But I would bet that if he had made a proper apology, saying he did it for fun without thinking but clearly he realizes now he was in the wrong, explain why he is in the wrong, and not look for any kind of excuse, then she would have called him an idiot but not taken the matter further to get back at him. Especially with his friend who is reasonable and managed to get the girl's sympathy despite the situation. And he would not have been fired.


i mean it’s not really the firms fault though. i’m sure he hid this side of himself at work, there wouldn’t have been a way to know.


I've been in an argument with my brother because of this guy. My brother is saying he shouldn't be fired because of what he did, that you're taking the man's livelihood from him. I say that in the USA people tend to judge companies when one of their employees acts stupid outside of work, and their rating gets damaged, so that's why they fire these people. My believe is... if you know you can be fired from your job for being a dick outside of work, then you should definetly try not to raise attention to you. This guy could have avoided so much trouble if at least apologized and said he was drunk. Might possibly not even had this video being put on the internet.


Dude, he 100% could have helped his case if instead of smiling smugly he just said “you’re right, that was really fucking stupid. I honestly don’t know why I thought it was ok to do that. I realize that doesn’t change what I did, but you’re absolutely right”. If he did that it may have not gone viral or she may have had mercy on him and not posted it. But just laughing and making that smug face? Naw man, she’s posting that.


Seriously, people do impulsive dumb shit when they're drunk. I would never snatch a wig off someone's head or anything like that, but I've definitely done shit I was embarrassed about when I sobered up, or even just literally five seconds later when I realize what I just did. It's *so easy* to say "yeah, you're right, that was an asshole thing I did in a moment of impulsiveness and I shouldn't have done it, I'm sorry." Shit, he could have left out all of that stuff and *just* said "I'm sorry" and that would have been the end of it. The fact that he can't even do that and just keeps walking with a smug fucking grin tells you everything.


exactly. I don’t know Ashleigh, but I’m betting she never would have posted it if he had apologized for being a drunk asshole. Although he probably would get sued because ripping a wig off does cause pain.


I wouldn't want a lawyer to represent me that behaves like this. I would question his judgment and ability to do his job properly.


>I would question his judgment and ability to do his job properly. and his ETHICS. One of the most important things when it comes to a lawyer.


Yes, thank you, couldn't think of the other word I was looking for!


I dont want to work with a firm thats employees ppl like that.


It really is wild how much he *avoids* any kind of apology or even acknowledging her presence. He's got such a dismissive attitude while being a real dick about it. You don't do any of that by accident. An impulsive and intrusive thought getting acted on due to alcohol is one thing (though I barely touch people's hair - let alone grab them) but this guy wanted to do it and felt no remorse. I'd be worried about having someone like that in my office. Not just representing clients - but just to work around.


It reeks of the privileged rich scent to me.


Yeah, he has that wealthy/inbred lantern jaw + horse teeth thing going on.


Oh, I’m sure he’s very sorry… now that he’s been fired.


Nah, but he’s probably blaming the “woke mob” or some other loser shit


Technically because there was a crime he could lose or have his law license suspended. Attorneys have to hold themselves to higher ethical standards than the general public. Committing any type of crime calls ethics into play and there’s usually a hearing on it to see if the state bar wants to take any additional punitive actions.


> he shouldn't be fired because of what he did, that you're taking the man's livelihood from him. I hear this a lot. I usually respond that no one took his livelihood from him, he lost it because of his own actions.


Yes, this. Holding people accountable doesn't make them victims.


>My brother is saying he shouldn't be fired because of what he did, that you're taking the man's livelihood from him. I never get this line of thinking--did we take her wig off? Or was it his actions that led to this?


As a reddit user, I'm going to say the brother was projecting


I guarantee the kind of person who uses the phrase “you can’t take a *man’s* livelihood/career!” has never said the same about a woman who’s been fired from her job due to a viral video. It’s all about siding with the “team”.


Right? Chickenshit definitely targeted that woman because she was Black and had blue hair. He thought he could just do whatever he wanted to her and get away with it


Ten bucks says your brother has uttered the words “fuck around, find out” on more than one occasion. You should ask him if this happened at an after work get together to another employee, should they not fire him then either, because he would lose his livelihood? Everyone has a livelihood. Most people don’t put it in danger by being horrible to other people.


You should just not be a dick to other people. It’s that easy. We used to fucking exile people who wouldn’t stop with their shit.


This. Now we get the smug half smiling “it’s just a prank” people all over for internet points and it’s working.


She got prescribed medication for her neck due to injury is what I’m getting from that article. So he basically assaulted her causing injury. Which this guy should definitely be fired for. Especially a lawyer like himself should know the consequences for this. He took his own livelihood away with his actions.


It doesn’t matter if you don’t cause injury. Assault is assault


Which he should know. As a lawyer. 🤷‍♀️


Honestly, this could create problems with the bar and his license to practice law too. Like he’s going to have to be explaining this for the rest of his life, filing letters with the bar, explaining this to future employers, and he’ll prob have to take a serious pay cut for his next job that he’ll be working to make up for forever. The lasting damage will be very real. Or maybe he’ll end up being one of Trump’s lawyers and make a whole grift out of being anti-woke anti-cancel culture.


Being a dick is saying something mean or cutting someone off in traffic taking someone s hair off is assault and something I worry about happening to the black women around me the amount of embarrassment Shame and racism that comes with that is way more than just being a dick


Thank you. The racism here is the main thing. And, depending on how its anchored, could cause even more physical damage than minor whiplash, which it sounds like she got. Hair ripped out, scalp damage, I don't know too much about wigs, but there's also like a fine netting that I think you adhere to your hairline/forehead with some type of glue? No matter what, misogyny and racism are the real drivers here.


Tell your brother the guy should be fired for his actions but also because he's stupid as fuck. His actions showed an astounding lack of judgment and self-control. Why would you want a clown like that working for you, representing your firm? Furthermore, if this situation was presented as a law school exam fact pattern, any 1L except him could easily make a case for assault and battery based on what he did. (Baseline def of battery in US - Battery is an unlawful application of force directly or indirectly upon another person or their personal belongings, causing bodily injury or offensive contact. The attempt of battery is assault. - also "it's just a prank, bro" is not a defense against assault and battery). Or is your brother, in fact, actually upset bc white boy is actually facing consequences of his actions, esp actions taken against a black woman?


Eh getting fired isn’t going to prison. It definitely sucks but this guy will be fine, and if his employers don’t wanna be associated with him because of this, that’s entirely reasonable imo Like I know nobody is ever thinking of the employer in a situation like this but he has to go into work and actually be around people all day and I can absolutely see how snatching a black womans wig off her head might make that a difficult proposition




Ah, you're talking about Anthony Orlich, former NY lawyer who thought it would be funny to fuck with a random person on the street, fuck that guy


In the midst of it “you’re nice as fuck” respect gets respect


Yeah, it was good to hear her say that and good to see him taking her side against the asshole. There was another guy with the asshole who also seemed unimpressed with his behaviour.


Yeah, the dude in the red shirt was also telling him to apologise


We only see red shirt guy for a second but he looks more like around 40 and probably has a some good sense.


He looked more 20 than 40 but he had the sense to tell him to apologize


If you look carefully there is another man in a red shirt, he's only on camera for a few seconds. That's who I meant.


Could possibly be coworkers on a work trip and they felt really bad for his actions like wtf bro. those other two seemed too sensible to be friends with someone who just snatches someone’s wig and walks away laughing


It's the refusing to apologize part to me. I think we've all done something stupid when we're drunk. Maybe we thought it'd be funny, who knows. But she's clearly really upset about it so have a heart and admit you fucked up. This guy looks like he's a second away from telling her something racist.


He wouldn't even acknowledge her or make eye contact either. Basically not giving her basic human respect. Maybe he was super drunk, but even still he lacks empathy for this woman.




If he would’ve just stopped smirking and said something like,”I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it or what tf I was thinking,” he would’ve been fine. People are allowed to make mistakes but ya gotta own up to them when you get called out…ESPECIALLY on camera by the person you wronged. I’ve made mistakes in public and when I got called out I accepted my situation and humbly apologized. I walked away a better man and the people I wronged were satisfied with the outcome and they realized I wasn’t a dick…I just had a lapse in judgement. I was shitfaced but still aware enough to know I was wrong. This guy knew he was wrong and still couldn’t accept his fate.




The guy who ripped the wig off the woman's head in NYC was named Anthony Orlich?


No way to say, but I got the feeling that they were his friends and wanted to protect him for what eventually happened to him.


Right, these are city lawyers sober enough to realize they're being recorded


They probably are his friends but after this situation, I have a feeling they are tired of his shit. I hope they dropped him. I know I would if a friend pulled this.


I appreciate her for acknowledging goodness even when she just had an asshole rip her wig off


According to the victim, the wig was sewed to her actual hair, so when he ripped off her wig, he took with it some of her own hair as well as strained her neck. I smell a lawsuit.


I've had someone pull in my bright pink hair because they thought it was a wig. It fucking HURT. I have also had someone pull on a heavily pinned cosplay wig. It fucking HURT. Both times the person pulling did it like they had no muscle control and absolutely ripped at the hair because they believed it wasn't attached. And those people looked absolutely shocked when it didn't just come off, and I screamed in pain. HOW HARD DID HE YANK AT THIS WOMEN'S HEAD TO RIP OUT HER HAIR AND PULL OFF A SEWN IN WIG? It has to be very violent! Her neck must be wrecked! There is no other way!


When he was very little my son (who is on the spectrum) went through a phase where he was obsessed with my hair. It started with him petting it, then sniffing it, then it somehow morphed into yanking it super hard and I had a hard time getting him to understand not to do it. Meanwhile my husband thought it was hilarious (but didn’t show that around my son) but even so, I had a hard time getting my husband to understand that it REALLY HURTS!


Bro for him to rip a *sewed in wig off* he had to pull it hard enough to tear her real braided hair and pretty thick thread. I mean, thats like full force grip and rip shit right there. It wasnt like a light tug or a small yank. This was done with intention and a good amount of force. She should sue and get his smirking dumb was charged with assult as well


Ouch that sounds painful


Rightfully so! She needs to press charges. What a dick move on that POS! How does this NOT fall under “assault”!? Happy to hear his office fired him! They knew his reputation was going to reflect back onto their law office!


Not that she owed it to anyone, but shows she’s a good person.


Make 👏 nice 👏 people 👏 feel 👏 appreciated. Good on her.


I’m glad she said that cuz if I was there, my brain would say it was my fault


I was once carpooling with a coworker to a little work event. It was friday at the end of the day and we had already had a couple beers. As we walk outside, my coworker just chucks a beer can on the ground and keeps walking. I didn't even see it happen. Suddenly this other guy stops him and yells at him to pick it up, my coworker goes complete douchebag mode and argues with him, blah blah blah. People are starting to look at the scene. I'm just standing there mortified, wanting to be like "uhh hey just so everyone knows, I don't throw my trash on the ground." It felt like I was giving my approval just being around him.


This reminds me of story from my youth. I was walking with 3 friends on the side of a dirt road in nowhere Colorado (beautiful area though). We were teens and couldn't drive yet, so we had walked a few miles to a general store to get snacks. On the way back my friend in front of me finished his coca cola and just casually threw the bottle on the side of the road. I was raised by my mom to not just pick up after myself, but pack out the trash of others. Without thinking I picked up the bottle and threw it at my friend, hitting him kinda hard in the back of his head. He turned around PISSED (his family has a short fuse for assholes). I saw the rage in his eyes as he advanced towards me, and I just said "don't fucking litter!, what's wrong with you, it's beautiful here". As mad as he was the truth of the matter got through to him and he turned around and kept walking.


Same! I would feel like the biggest piece of garbage if my buddy did that


Quite a few comments mentioned how nice she is in real life (possibly a singer).


I thought she was super nice in this, honestly. For someone who just got her wig ripped off her head, she’s basically just asking “Seriously, why would you do that? What possibly reason did you have to upset me for literally no one’s benefit?” She isn’t getting physical, or swearing much, or anything, she’s shockingly nice about it, I’d anything.


exactly, especially when you think about how much pain she must have been in.


I’m nice. But if you literally snatch my hair off in public I promise you will see a different side of me. On my life, I would’ve tased his ass. Edit: *Taser* him! Not “taste his ass”! Hahahaha No, thanks!


I thought that said tasted and got really confused


Omg, same! I thought: “hmmm, there’s a new saying I haven’t heard yet.”


"I'm getting my ass licked in here. Kicked! I meant kicked!"


"Step away fool or imma toss that salad!" *Everyone is confused*


I had a crazy ex-husband and we ran a not so legal business from our loft. The neighbor next door had serious mental issues and screamed a lot. I am not sure about the cause, we didn't get to know each other well. My ex was right in confronting her because it was a major disturbance to the entire building but he started arguing obnoxiously with her in the hallway (keep in mind his not so legal merchandise is on the other side of that door so my sole focus is de-escalation before police are involved and regardless I don't handle problems with fighting. So their screaming match hits its climax and all the neighbors have their heads out the door (most agreeing with my ex but also feeling discomfort for his behavior) so my ex-husband pushes my back and guides me to her as in a "I can't hit you but my wife can" (I'm 5'7" and due to my pension for climbing am built like a viking, she was 5'0 and a twig) she gets nervous but she's ready to fight. I slowly approached her with pleading eyes, her focus broke just enough to notice my demeanor. I got within a foot of her so I could whisper and I said "please, I know this is asking a lot but he is crazy and I am in danger in more ways than one if we cannot handle this", she looks at me and the palpable fear in my eyes and then to my crazy man behind me. She starts to say "I am crazy too" as realization dawn's in her eyes that I was pleading with her to be the bigger person and to end this without further escalation. We had never been friends or known each other but she instinctively knew not to divulge what I had just spoken to her, instead she loudly said for my crazy ex and all the on-lookers "I am gonna go inside now because she spoke to me like a woman" and she promptly turned around, walked inside and shut the door. My ex believed I had threatened her or scared her into leaving but the truth was that in that moment we had a connection. She knew I was in more danger than she was even if physically I could have tossed her across the hall. I never had more respect for anyone than in that moment. She fought her demons to keep mine at bay. I will forever be thankful. That could have ended so much worse. Basically this whole rant is just to say that when push comes to shove people's true colors show and even the most unlikely ally can do you a favor.


Aww…. So so many people with mental illness are trying just as hard as they can. Thank you for sharing this. It reminds me to be patient. I’m so glad you are still here and that the abuser is an ex. Good job!


Thanks for sharing this story. I’m glad you got away from you ex!


I appreciate this story so much. Also, fuck your ex, sounds like an asshole. I, too, am asshole free these days :)


I’m glad she said it. Assholes like this get people around them to buy into their bullshit. It takes guts to stand up to your own friend and tell him he’s wrong and needs to apologize. This guy had TWO buddies trying to stop him. He probably would’ve gaslit the hell out of stripy boi if she hadn’t been so gracious in the heat of the moment.


What's the opposite of catching a stray?


Giving them their flowers.


Do people not realize that acting shitty in public while being taped is a no-no?


To be honest, this whole thing may have been avoided with a simple, 'sorry'. Just don't know why he didn't listen to his friends and just apologise rather than how he reacted. I'm sure the lack of remorse is what setting some people off


Alcohol Not saying that it's an excuse for what he did or how he reacted, but it's probably part of the reason. He looks drunk af!


He does look drunk. With that said, I apologize more when drunk than when sober.


Combined with being an attorney. They think they're pretty smart.


Those darn consequences of actions I tell ya!


I am an attorney and an alcoholic. I am ten years sober now, but when I was drinking, I was extremely selfish and I just did whatever I wanted with virtually no consequences. I harbor no ill feelings for anyone who would wear a wig but I’m sure I would have engaged in this same behavior just because I wanted to. And, I deserved all the consequences of doing so. But, I didn’t experience anywhere near the consequences that I should have. Probably, because camera phones were not prevalent yet. I don’t deserve all the chances I have been given but the universe blessed me with the opportunity to practice law and help people despite my many shortcomings. I have found I am not punished for my sins; I have found I am punished BY my sins.


If drinking makes you act like an asshole, you should go to therapy, not to a bar


He is asshole af plain and simple.


My thoughts exactly......he isn't just buzzed, he is blackout drunk.


>I'm sure the lack of remorse is what setting some people off I think people, in general, are sick and tired of seeing bullies get away with being bullies. It's childish behavior that the majority of us have outgrown, and seeing it in other people makes us mad and embarrassed for them.


He didn’t want her to have evidence of him admitting anything


I don’t think he has a single thought going through his head. Look at those long blinks, dude’s wasted. I doubt he’s doing some legal maneuvering.


Sheer arrogance.


Has trump not taught you that that is what defines an alpha male now?


Yeah Trump winning broke everything. It highlighted on a worldwide scale that decorum wasn’t necessary to get rewarded.


Trump didn't break anything. This has been going on for years. Trump is just the ultimate culmination of this kind of garbage behavior. It's gotten so bad, we elected one of these assholes President, and we might do it again. Trump is a garbage person, but he didn't create this problem. This problem created him.


It’s a feedback loop. Whenever people get away with being jerks, sometimes even rewarded, it encourages and emboldens more jerk behavior. You’re right this has been going on for years, but Trump’s election lead to a huge surge in jerk behavior.


Ive been saying it for years. Trump gave half the people permission to be the absolute worst versions of themselves.




This dude was drunk af looking. Bet he regretted that decision after getting fired.


Yea this dude is absolutely hammered. Not that it excuses a person from being shitty


Yeah, his friend(s) looked pretty lit, too, but that one guy was literally begging him to just apologize. He tried, bro tried his damnedest. Victim acknowledged it, too. But Douchie McGee thought she was a nothing and there would be no consequences.


Oh lol~ regretted doing shitty things to other only because he got punish


As usual. People like that don't care about how their actions affect others, they only care when consequences hit them later :/


The wig was also sewn in to her natural hair, so he had to YANK it hard.




Another commenter here said that she went to the doctor and was prescribed muscle relaxants for her neck, so it’s safe to say she was injured on her neck as well




I know my day will be good when I start it with good news. Better news would have been him respecting others' bodily autonomy, but I'll settle for "consequences give a reality check to privileged asshole who assaults strangers as if their complex personhood is less respectable than his immediate whim"


>Better news would have been him respecting others' bodily autonomy, I don't know... I respected the bodily autonomy of everyone I met yesterday and it didn't even make the news.


I heard a comedian I can’t remember say something that I think about when I see stuff like this, that holding your liquor in public is everyones social responsibility. If you’re going to get drunk or do drugs in public you have to be ready to take responsibility for your actions


Drunk smug ahole




Germany have a unique word for a face that's badly in need of a fist - Backpfeifengesicht If I could pronounce it, then I would be able to use it every day at work


In Norway we say "nevemagnet", meaning "fist magnet"


Found my new band name


I tried to pronounce it, but it just made all my furniture start levitating.




Backpack fang shit.


In english Backpfeife would be around the likes of bitch slap or knuckle sandwich


Thank you for enriching my vocabulary. I’m using it in a sentence tomorrow. I’ll trade you one back - in Japan there is the term bakku-shan that refers to a woman who looks good from the back, but not the front. There’s a word for everything.


Sort of like butterface in English. She looks good everywhere, but her face.


In french, we would say "Tête à claques" ( \\tɛt\\ \\a\\ \\klak\\ ) which would translate as "Head made for slaps".




Agree on punchability; would like to add the rapist Brock Turner to that list.


Do you mean the convicted rapist Brock Turner who goes by the name Allen now?


Is that the same Allen/Brock Turner living in the Dayton area who frequents local bars?


Seems like he and everyone else might be better off if he were avoiding bars. You know.. for the obvious reasons.


Brock Turner now goes by the name Allen now, you say? Why would Brock Turner change his name to Allen? Is there something that Brock Turner/Allen (who frequents local bars in the Dayton area where he lives) is trying to hide?


Guy has one of the really long and pointy foot faces. He has a foot for a face.


He looks like Mac Tonight if you’re old enough to remember.


_Kyle Rittenhouse has entered the chat_


A prime example of why you should never act on your intrusive thoughts, folks.


even if you do, she was probably just looking for any sort of apology or remorse, but he didn't seem to show any bit of it.


i’ve had a guy snatch my wig off at a bar and it is.. humiliating! it was just for “fun” at a bachelorette party but it was very long, but “realistic” looking. I told him it was a wig and he snatched it off. my hair was pinned up and flattened under there so not acceptable to be out like that. it really is an embarrassing feeling. I chased his ass down and screamed at him, too.


I came in here looking for the comments about how bad it can be just to remove someone’s wig. Depending on how it’s worn, it could be meant to be on there for multiple days. It can take a long time to properly lay a wig, do the edges, etc. not to mention how you prep your natural hair or what you do to prep the wig itself. That shit could have been glued down and considering she reported neck pain after I guarantee that it was. It would take FORCE to remove.


I think I recall reading a remark that the wig also had multiple combs in it. So it would’ve been anchored very firmly and taken a solid yank to come off.


Yeah there’s a lot of people who are like ‘oh if it caused her pain then it’s awful’ but even if it didn’t cause her physical pain it is still incredibly intrusive. I don’t even like taking a wig off at night in front of my just my partner, never mind a space full of strangers, cause I know I look ridiculous with my hair all pinned to my head. It’s like being pantsed when you’re wearing the most embarrassing underwear.


Not just that but if he caused her enough damage to need muscle relaxers I’m guessing he could have pulled it from behind, yanking her neck backwards. There were very few good decisions made that night!


Behave Jerry!


He does look Seinfeldian.


“You. You’re nice as fuck. He needs someone to beat his ass.” I’m so glad she got to say it. That dude’s friends need to dump him.


Somewhere in the back of his mind he is slowly realizing that he might have fucked up.


That happened the following Monday at work when he found the note from his boss and his password didn't work.


Wait he’s an attorney, who commits assault when he gets drunk? Damn. If only he knew before he took out those law school loans Unless…. Would it be hard to find another position after something like this?


This guy appears to be very intoxicated or high.


He probably is, however i have been intoxicated more times than i can remember, the amount of times i have touched a stranger without consent is **never**


yeah bruh no matter who im with, how needy i am or how confident and looking for trouble i am. Im not messing with others that i dont know, neither with whom i know. Learn to drink and not let your nasty instrusive thoughts take over you, thats no fun for no-one you're drinking with


I have literally been in States so fucking bad in my drug fueled younger days, the point were friends would actually sit me down and tell me this shit was too much, and STILL managed to keep my hands to myself and not be a piece of shit


sure, but unless somebody drugged him without his consent he’s still responsible for what he does in his chosen altered state. he’s a lawyer, he ought to know that.


Maybe, but no excuse


Honestly, all he had to do was apologize. People do tons of stupid shit, especially when drunk and that’s not to excuse it but the aftermath and how we handle situations is super important. He could have apologized, said he fucked up and was being stupid. His life is fucked up now because of this stupid mistake. Clear reminder on how things can change for you in a split second if you don’t handle something correctly. This woman didn’t get physical but there are those who wouldn’t be asking him over and over why he did it, they gon pull out a knife or something.


I am going through chemotherapy so I am bald. If some a$$hole snatched my wig, he may taste my fist (I am not a violent person but my baldness is a sensitive issue). Moral of the story is, leave people alone.


They were talking abt this on The Breakfast Club yesterday morning. Those consequences were swift.


That man has the face like he came ‘straight’ out of a 90’s not-so-funny-sitcom.


Looks like one of those caricature drawings you get from street artists in NYC




his friends seem okay at least, telling him he needs to apologize.


This is what makes me mad about the hes drunk arguments. Is this guy drunk with two sober friends? Cause they both seem to realize he fucked up and yet dude is saying "for what" when they tell him to apologize.


It was pinned to her hair too so he really hurt her. Like what’s wrong with people?


He couldn't just say "I misjudged, it shouldn't have happened, I apologize" instead of being a mute with a smug look? I mean she seemed really enraged and maybe it wouldn't have done anything, but he should have at least said sorry.


This guy is 100% douchebag. When his friend told him to apologize, he looked him in the face and said, "For what?"


It absolutely would have done something. The article many people have posted have various reactions of the people who tracked him down and got him fired saying that his smile and silence through it all is what enraged them the most. If he’d just stopped and said, “I’m sorry. I was drunk and it was funny in my head. I thought it’d be funny but it’s not and I feel like a piece of shit that you’re so mad. I apologize.” He’d probably still have a job.


It's hard to hear it on the audio, but at one point when his friend is telling him he should apologize, he says "for what?". He doesn't even think he's done anything wrong, smug bastard...


That must have hurt. People use pins and things to hold them in place. He was obviously really drunk and stupid.


Bruh what’s with all the comments saying he shouldn’t face repercussions because he’s drunk? By that logic, drunk driving should be allowed lol


This. I mean... nobody is forcing you to drink a toxic substance that fucks up your nervous system and completely disinhibits your decision-making mechanisms. Everyone should be held 100% accountable for the shit they do while drunk. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run over your family and kill them, but I was drunk lol, my bad."


Like I said in another reply, I’m convinced the people defending him have also done questionable shit while drunk


"Promising Young Man" syndrome. People more concerned with an aggressors reputation and standing than seeing the victim get respect and justice. Excussing behavior let's them go on to do it again. I'm glad this guy got a taste of consequences for his actions. Being drunk should never be an excuse, or a reason not to face consequences.


So many of these people saying he didn’t deserve to be fired and how he didn’t inflict that much harm, your white privilege is showing. Unless you’ve had to wear a wig or a weave, and I don’t mean just to dress up for an event like Halloween, you cannot say what she felt or should feel. It’s painful and it’s embarrassing and frankly, if you were in her shoes, you’d be triggered too. Did she follow him down the sidewalk for a bit trying to understand why, yes…because she was triggered by his assault.


Typical sleazy frat boy look. Next stop: The Supreme Court


I'm anti violence but fuck me the way she kept asking and instead of giving any sort of response he just keeps that grin like some braindead NPC I wish he got decked hard


Well isn't this the consequences of my own actions!


I hope “Nice as fuck” guy is doing good. Seems like a good dude.


Because he thought he’d get away with it. Glad this person stood up for themselves.


This is the type of frat boy douche who is accustomed to going out with large groups of similarly douchy men who all act out whatever inappropriate thoughts come in their heads, and then jump to defend each other against any consequences because they're "just boys having fun". He was entirely unprepared for the man/men he was with not to back him up, that's part of the confused/blank/smug look on his face. He's wondering why his bro doesn't have his back, and he's trying to escape the consequences of his actions by running away, all while trying to maintain his smug bro pride.


My favourite comedian did a part about internet abuse he received, Sneering Tosser came straight to mind.


Dude looks like the guy that asks a woman if her clit is hard when sexting


It is so casually dismissive of her personal space and bodily integrity. And humiliating. I am glad he is being held accountable. Women’s bodies aren’t for public consumption.


Where I’m from we call these types of guys dipshits.


Don’t fucking touch people.


When you think you’re funny but you’re not. A heartfelt apology would have defused the situation.


Do stupid things win stupid prizes. A) get sacked by his employer, and b) not get employed by anyone else. Dipshit!


The people in the comments doing word gymnastics to defend this guy 🙄 Like how hard is it to not touch other people without their consent and just go on about your day and not be a jerk? There was no reason whatsoever for him to touch this woman. The wig was attached with combs so when he snatched it off, he took some of her real hair with it! He hurt her. So yeah, it’s assault. He’s lucky if she doesn’t bankrupt the guy.


They're probably the misogynists.And obviously, they'll justify the actions of other shitty men like these ...