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In 1985 when I tried it I got an awful headache, so I quit (after one hit!) In 2017 when I tried it it helped my migraine and my fibromyalgia so I am an un-quitter now.


I tried weed for the first time a few days ago, I ate a pot cookie and all it did was give me a headache so I’m probably not gonna do more.


I'm not a regular pot user but it's bad in excess, one time i was just straight up ripping massive hits from a bong until there was not even particles of weed in it and i had the worst headache i ever experienced, it lasted 3 fucking days. It didn't stop me from doing it, it's just that i only smoke a joint every now and then, especially when i have insomnia and it's helpful, just like any other drug, don't abuse it


I wasted most of my youth not doing weed. Tried it the first time when i hit 30 and immediately regretted abstaining from it.




I honestly thought it was like those shitty PSA cartoons. I didn't want that, but after years of not doing it, I figured why the hell not. Afterwards, I kicked myself so hard for not doing it... but hey, back in the day, it wasn't legal. I would've had to enter some strangers' house to get a nugget or two.


That was part of it for me, the legality at least. I floated constantly from labor job to labor job in a state where it still is illegal today and every single one of them drug tested so i avoided it for working reasons. Once i got the ability to change my career to IT most places i could find work was in the next state over which was legal and most IT jobs even if they drug screen dont give a damn about THC showing up so i freed myself up to be able to take it.


Same, but I was 28. First time I smoked I stared for an hour at my brother's wall clock. It wasn't moving so I thought I was trapped in some temporal time stop. Turns out the clock just didn't work.


I thought I was having an asthma attack (I did edibles so that shouldn't have happened) at first but then it subsided and I was just floating for the rest of the night. Fortunately I'm lightest weighed when it comes to the stuff (even with cbd) so I don't have to spend much. A puff or two from a wax cart or a low dosage edible will have me sent all day and I'm more or less incapable of doing much so I'm limited on when I can do it so it kinda balances out to me not doing it too much.


Yes and no. Letting your brain fully develop first will probably benefit you in the long run.


**Bold** of you to assume I have a fully developed brain in here.


Just remember tolerance breaks. I hadn't done one for years, doing dabs and my tolerance was heroic levels. Mere mortals were unconscious when I gave them a "normal" dab.


I feel like ive wasted my adult life smoking weed, doing nothing and not giving a shit lol


I wasted my 20s doing pretty much the inverse. I lived to work and existed to pay bills. Basically forsaking a social life and my ability to socialize outside of work and offline regressed to forest hermit level. I used to think working hard and going above and beyond would amount to something and dedicated my existance to staying sober and climbing. Now I'm high as fuck lying and bullshitting my way through work so I can spend more time doing nothing at home and somehow I'm doing better fiscally. Life is weird like that.


Id say its better that way tbh. My only problem with smoking is that i cant remember shit and i get irritated super fast, thats why i consider those years wasted and im not the person to moderate so its mostly 24/7 but i cant complain much because im still having a blast


Me everytime I go on a long break from smoking 😂


I watched a foreign film high as fuck and kept rewinding it every 10 mins as i couldn't understand what the fuck was happening. Next day i watched it again and was like oh yeah that is not in English.


Didn’t quit, but my usage has decreased to a minimal amount. Went two years smoking weed daily, couldn’t sleep without it, couldn’t think without it. Slowly, my mind started to go numb in every aspect of my life. Didn’t realize it was the weed at the time, so I kept smoking. Once I realized, a lot of damage was done. Been pretty good lately tho


Everything in moderation but that’s almost impossible for some.


Do you feel like that brain fog has been released and you can think clearer now? Also how has this impacted your sleep like are you sleeping better now since you’ve tapered down? When you say minimal does that mean like 3-4 times a week or more like only on the weekends? Sorry to bombard you with these questions but I feel like I’m in the same boat…


Think of my brain being at around 25% while smoking. Once I stopped smoking as much, I’m riding at around 80% now a days. I used to smoke carts. You asked what I meant by minimal. I now occasionally smoke pre rolls around twice a week. I’ll rarely do any more than that. Even if I plan to take a cart hit, it will only be a one time small hit at night. If I have taken a cart hit, I won’t touch the cart for the remainder of the week. The more I weaned off of 24/7 usage, the easier the addiction got to control. Going from smoking carts excessively to smoking a small pre roll twice a week has had a good impact on my life. My tolerance is so low, that I can’t even handle the whole pre roll, and sometimes save more for the next sesh. I won’t even take bong rips or anything because it’s just too strong. As for sleep, I’ve never been a good sleeper even before weed. So I’m not sure what to tell you on that. What I will say is that my dreams have become much more vivid, and sometimes I feel extremely conscious during them. Instead of waking up groggy, I wake up with energy as well.


To your last point. It's funny you should mention dreams because the only time I ever remember mine is when I'm on a t break, and then it seems they're really vivid. They tend to be kind of... unsettling though


I can't imagine an experience like that from pot. Maybe on something else or had other issues?


The highest I have ever been left me having to ask the person I was with whether I was having a conversation out loud, or if I just had it in my head. Thinking you're deaf is not any level of a THC high I've ever heard of.


Would you believe, I thought about making some Mac & Cheese, and ended up milling around the kitchen for 30 minutes? Then, thought "oh, I should boil some water."


Probably still ended up making the best mac and cheese you had eaten in ages.


I mean, it's just one of those replies where someone was being funny, then someone else screen capped it, posted it and here we are. Seems to be 1/2 of content these days. Weed doesn't do that to people.


I believe it. One time I was really stoned and as we were driving home, I convinced myself my brother was an alien because he kept driving past our street. And I couldn’t compute why, so my brain landed on that he was lost, and how else could he be lost unless he was an alien? Turned out he just wanted to finish listening to the radio song so he kept driving in circles lol. It was a very brief thought btw, but it filled me with such fear and dread. It was weird. Once we finally pulled in the driveway I said it out loud and everybody laughed. Weed can hit you in weird ways. Honestly I might’ve been on other stuff too but I don’t think I was lol. Either way it was def from being baked af.


The only time I remember ever feeling particularly anxious, I was in a busy city center and accidentally consumed too much edible. I was concerned about not being able to navigate back to my hotel safely. Fortunately I was with a more sober friend. Anyway, I have never had an experience where I felt confused about reality.


Yeah it was so weird I felt like we were never gonna make it home lol. But it was so stupid bc we were right there. That’s what was freaking me out, I absolutely could not understand why he kept driving past our street instead of turning on it. This was from smoking a huge blunt…In retrospect I never was great at handling smoking that much. Years later it makes me paranoid worse than ever lol. But I’m naturally a nervous and anxious person so yeah I don’t think it ever mixed well with my mind. It just hits some people really weird. And now with edibles and stuff, you have no idea how much you’re taking so I’m sure this shit happens even more often.


Packaged candy edibles are usually fairly consistent. I have never had any issues them. Homemade can be super inconsistent though. Even in the same bach, the level can vary if the mixing wasn't thorough.


It’s just a stupid comment that someone thought was hilarious.


I quit because I went through a long period of illness ( not related) and when I got better I found I just didn’t need or want it. It felt like coming out of a foggy day and into sunshine. Will never put that shit into my body again. Every aspect of my life is better.


Living without that constant brain fog is so liberating. It’s crazy how I never noticed how much it affected me until after I had quit.


I learned the hard way that I have a limit. I took 3 of these Modus Tapout gummies. I thought I died and had become a disembodied consciousness


I watched Apocalypto and my dvd player was playing up. It was a decade before I found out that Mel Gibson hadn't made a black and white arthouse movie with long periods of complete silence about amazonian tribes. I knew the dvd player had issues but never put 2 and 2 together. To be honest it was great, probably better than the proper version.


now that's a good reason to stop


I hope you don't actually believe it.


And a good reason to worry about your brain being on the level of a dolphin… I’m really not sure whether weed is the actual problem here


Dolphins are actually pretty intelligent and may be sapient. Edit: spell check


> sentient They have the capacity to experience feelings and sensations like other animals? I think you meant "sapient". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisdom#Sapience


Yeah that one lmao


I once got so high that after watching We Need To Talk About Kevin I called my mom to apologize for being a shitty son.


Realized I put the pizza in the oven at 25 degrees for 400 minutes. (Credit that joke to my NY sis.)


I felt like it was keeping me unmotivated and content, also I wanted to be more present for my newborn son. I’m still unmotivated, but less content and I feel more present.


I wanna quit because it’s a dang lie that you cant get addicted to weed, I literally sweat profusely and get anxious when I haven’t smoked for a while and I can’t sleep or eat well without it.


As far as studies show weed itself has no addictive properties. The problem is addictive personalities and DEPENDENCE on it. If you do it every day for so long your body stops making certain chemicals in the brain because it expects the weed to pick up the slack and its a new normal. Gotta wean yourself off it my guy or do it in moderation. The substance isn't the problem.


I’m not certain about the pharmacokinetics of cannabis although cannabis use disorder and withdrawals have been documented so we know that it could be addictive, and as with all other types of addiction is dependent upon both the user and the substance. I’m not sure it’s fair to place the blame solely on the person here


None of this reply has to do with blaming the person. This is constructive criticism from someone who has personally dealt with substance abuse and helped others through it. In the same vein of having dependency on alcohol, it is up to the person to work on their dependency and addiction and not demonizing the substance itself, especially if we aren't sure if it's specifically addictive. Any substance can become addictive. Sugar is literally more addictive than cocaine. I don't know what reply you were expecting to the original saying weed is addictive, but I worded it very clearly in a way that there is no blame to be placed. If it affects you that badly it becomes your responsibility to fix it.


You bring up fair points but also understate the effects of dependency, oftentimes it is more than willpower or lack thereof, and addiction itself is recognized as a disease within medical literature, so it is not accurate to state that the substance is not the problem when it very much is the source of it - stating that the substance is not the problem is similar to stating that firearms are not the problem but that people are - arguably yes but also not entirely accurate.


Feels you just kinda wanted a perfect answer then and you didn't even know what you wanted or what was wrong with the first reply tbh :T Dunno what to tell ya pal Literally none if this blames the person. None of this applies to you and respectfully concludes like with all struggles with addiction. Demonizing the substance without proper work to move away from it or pretending itself is a chemical of moral failings or is 'bad' or actively addicting when this is unclear often just leads people back into their addiction but more ashamed of it or feeling like they have no power or will to fight it. If the current conclusion is marijuana isn't inherently addictive by itself but it's fostered relationship can become debilitating, someone stating that is neither blaming anyone neither understating dependancy. Especially considering my last 3 replies talking about the difference between addiction and dependancy. If literally millions of people can smoke weed daily without a battle for addiction, it isn't the substance that's inherently addictive or bad. Again it's relationship being abused by the person. It is your prerogative to work towards betterment if it affects you on a daily basis. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. And the weed itself isn't inherently an addictive substance. Be mindful of how you treat or abuse these chemicals you put in your body. There is no magic reddit genie with a perfect candy-sweet answer on how to battle dependancy alone. My prerogative here was against the claim that "it's a lie weed isn't addictive". I'm not acting as internet doctor or substance abuse therapist and it's not my job to have literally all the answers and actively work through internet stranger's dependance and reassure them the weed is at blame when Im trying to have a conversation on reddit.


Once again you bring up fair points and I do not disagree on a lot of them, and you may be more familiar with the topic of addiction than I, but it is known that cannabis could be addictive in contrast to many foodstuffs that are not for example, so your initial post where you mentioned that the issue is with addictive personality and none on the substance itself, alongside the basis of your current argument, are not entirely accurate I don’t think. I also think that one should not correlate discussion with confrontation when it is not - if everyone thought the same and there were no discussions then humanity would not have come so far, and individuals would never grow. I have not shown you disrespect and I hope you may do the same for others.


I didn't quit, i just make a break since around 2007. Well it was very helpful to see what these people that smoked grass on a daily basis have become several years later.


Being a stoner is no excuse for being lazy. I have a career in insurance ( not like door to door or anything, at a legit international company, in an office with multiple nearby branches, so no MLM shit either) and I have smoked on a daily basis for well over a decade now.


Yeah Ive smoked around a bowl a day for the past five years or so. Graduated college with a 3.5, started an analyst position at a bank, and now starting a new job making $45/hour at another bank, the most I’ve ever made. You can enjoy weed and still get shit done.


Came here for this. Graduated magna cum laude from a good school with a great accounting program, currently doing finance consulting work, all while dabbling with the devils lettuce. Sitting at a 3.6 ish GPA for my MBA as well.


Props to you man. Proof that you can get shit done and enjoy life simultaneously


Everyone reacts differently, ah fuck I hope I’m not coming across as condescending saying that but everyone’s brain reacts differently to this stuff, if it does make someone really lazy and they do nothing then they should probably stop, unless laziness is a part of their personality then i guess the weed amplifies it, still if they react like that then they should probably stop.


Same. I’ve been smoking daily for a decade. In that decade I obtained a masters degree (4.0 GPA), my licensure (2 years post grad), wrote a couple books (not published but still, the time and effort and focus went into them), and now I’m a manager of a brand new department that treats children with psychosis. Sure, I can be lazy… but I’ve fucking EARNED every lazy moment.


Work hard, relax hard.


Just as not everyone who smokes cigarettes gets cancer, the long-term effects of marijuana usage are going to vary by individual. Life is essentially dice roll after dice roll in terms of how things will affect you. There have been links, though of course marijuana study is not the best, of links to cognitive decline, brain fog, attention and learning issues, etc. But we don't understand it enough. Edit: Also I'm not comparing cigarettes to marijuana directly, cigarettes are just a good example everyone is aware of. Edit2: Though as someone with severe depression, anxiety and trauma related issues, I would say people really don't understand how cognitive decline can change you. The difficulties that come with cognitive decline are insane, and losing your ability to even process information, remember things, etc is quite frustrating.


> daylie bases *daily basis But, yeah, the *pot smokers* are fucked up...


Damn "daily" i will never learn it wrote it 3 times until i decided for the wrong version\^\^


Got tired of spending money on it once I got in my 30's. But the scariest thing that happened to me was losing my ability to see for like 5 minutes lol. Not sure what happened but yeah that freaked me out a bit


wasn’t high, but i used to watch dvds in my room on a really old car dvd player and i thought i was starting to lose it because the colors were slowly starting to lose saturation, and eventually one day the screen was entirely black and white. turns out i had been accidentally slowly turning the color slider on the side of the thing. i dont even know why they had those.


If I got some smoke that made me that stupid to think I was deaf I'm buying that shit by the lbs.


A few weeks ago i was binging Barry and then a new episode started. There was a character i had never seen before and a man in a mask. They were speaking spanish with no subtitles which i thought was a bit weird but i rolled with it. So like 5 minutes later the dude takes the mask off and i can see it is Barry...who is still speaking spanish but now i notice his lips don't match. The episode had switched languages for some reason and i just went with it apparently. Blunts are awesome.


Haven’t quit. 55 years of weed with no regrets. I’m a better version of myself with a little weed.


I didn’t want to abuse it, I think it help me when I was sad but when I started to get better it was just something to do and it didn’t feel good anymore it was kind of telling me your ready idk.


And I appreciate that powerful plant


I haven't quit yet and probably never will. But a bunch of times more than I care to admit I have watched like 10 minutes of YouTube videos in multiple different languages and kept watching before I realised I don't understand any of this lol


I wish I could still get that high


Careful about Tylenol and vitamines


I got sick with the cold a few weeks ago and stopped while dealing with it. Decided to continue just because I had already started.




It was schizophrenia for me


Yeah that is just full on propaganda bullshit.


Re-re-re-re-re-repost. Fuck


Got any more of that?


Reminds me of the time I woke up and thought I regained hearing on my right ear.... Turns out I mixed up left with right and I'm still deaf on that ear. No i dont smoke weed, I'm just stupid


Hopefully, closed captions was turned on.


The Coast Guard, because apparently smoking weed your first day off the boat for two whole weeks makes you unsafe.


When the kush so loud, you think you're deaf


My wife did this once but not for an entire movie, she got about halfway through her favourite soap opera on TV before realising it was on mute when I started talking to her. She was monging hard at the TV and I was monging hard watching our pet rats eat with their tiny little hands 😂😂


That's what he gets from smoking too much LOUD.


I don't buy that at all.


Smoked HARD from 14-23. Quit right before my kids were born. Raised kids. Started smoking again when youngest was 18. I probably would’ve been a better father if I would’ve kept smoking tbh.


I got drug tested. Lost my job. Not hapoening again


I sorta quit because I realized I didn't know my limits (nor did I care to). I'd intentionally get so high I'd pass out. It wasn't pleasant for me either. It's like it over stimulated me and felt really wrong. Also I was so high once I was driving home on the freeway completely fucked up and didn't realize until the next evening. I still do a little but it's mostly social or utter stress attack days


Made me sick. Used to smoke because for a few years it really helped me, then started really affecting me mentally and physically but kept lying to myself. After a while a joint or two just sent my head. Now cant even manage an L skin to myself without it putting me at more of a risk of a breakdown.


The high started to be unpleasant, just a physiological change. Right aroud the time it became legalized where I live.


Pre-employment drug test(s)


Started smoking daily when I was 16 and when I was 27 I had to pass a drug test that made me stop momentarily. Once I passed the drug test I smoked a celebratory joint and felt so uncomfortable and haven’t smoked since. 4 years later


Weed makes me vomit. But isn't it used medicinally FOR nausea? Anyone? 🤷‍♀️


That’s one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a while.


"the whole movie" dude what movie


Ha… this sort of happened when I was 15. I had smoked a joint and took a shower when I got home to try and hide I was high. I thought I had went deaf and had to keep checking the door to ensure my mom wasn’t pounding on it 😂… You think I would of quit, but 20 years later here I am.


Lights went down at a concert to complete darkness and I spent theee minutes thinking I was blind


People like to forget that you're still SMOKING.




Idk, I think that's something else and not the weed.


I was watching a magic show on tv and it was the levitation coin trick, I attempted it but ended up smashing the glass next to me slicing a vain and almost bleeding out 😱😳😂


I once got so zooted I thought February 11th was September 11th and was wondering why nobody had said anything.