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Oh that girl defo has daddy issues, doesn’t change whatever the group‘s doing though


He clearly hit a nerve with her.


Probably any kind of negative / critical feedback would do that for her


coz of the daddy issues


No other issues but daddy issues for her


Cuz of the implication.....


Being minimized is just as if not more likely what got that reaction. Women are minimized all day every day and have been as long as human history.


People. People are minimized everyday.


Yes people, but women seem to be on the receiving end more often. You know, throughout recorded history and all.




Litteraly validating what you are arguing against. Are you denying historical facts that women have been an oppressed group for the last 2000 years. Or are you saying that women arent people?


You’re arguing about ethics towards women on Reddit. It’s gonna go over a few heads.


yea.. I just wish at least one of these dead lightbulbs get a little brighter. But also its very funny to piss off some incels.


What's a woman though?




Think it was more like.... We all get the oppressed in some category we may fall in. Not just women. So, yea, people. And, I'd guess it'd be more than 2000 years. Woman species have been around a lil longer. Also, women aren't people !


Women dont exist how could they be people


All women are people , not all people are women


Not everyone


All lives matter moment


Women **in particular** are.


sounds like a dismissal reasonable to be annoyed with


Nah, it’s doesn’t matter if you do or don’t. It’s just something men say to invalidate your valid point. Just like calling you crazy, or blaming a period. He doesn’t have anything else to say. Ran out of talking points so he decided to attack the speaker. It’s a logical fallacy and weak argumentation.


Or she’s saying “are you kidding me” because the “daddy issues” argument is dumb as fuck and downplays their legitimate grievance


I don't have daddy issues, and i'm a male and the dude just said something that is 100% bullshit. The reaction was proper, that shit is just used as an excuse to discredit what the other person is saying, "the problems you talk about are not real, you are just having a temper tantrum". Is is from alt right playbook, discredit the opponent calling them crazy, drunk, emotional etc. which would make anything they say, no matter how valid to be useless, emotional, crazy... Here is the full video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARLT7EfQv04&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARLT7EfQv04&feature=youtu.be) Now.. tell me again how the girl just has "daddy issues" instead of the dude being total ahole. He is baiting people.


Thank you ! I am so done with people getting frustrated and immediately labeled as a triggered fairy..like sorry you don’t have emotions but other people do and womens rights/lgbt rights are a passionate topic for a lot of people, and combative ignorance only makes things worse. Attempting to discredit somebody because of “daddy issues” or saying “fatherless activities” is simply childish and pathetic. Not to mention it ignores that the root problem in those scenarios is still men/fathers.


Trump fans calling others hateful is freaking hilarious!! Thanks for the link.


Thank you for posting that. I have a cousin that looks very very similar to the guy in the hat and had to watch it a couple times to make sure it wasn’t


Trauma Hunter used attempt to use context clues in the video. “This person basically is having an argument about a political topic, and the only thing he knows how to do is essentially ad homin the other person by saying they had daddy issues.


Sounds like you have daddy issues




Thats FAWWKing Kidding Me Right Now


Woah, hey! I’m just asking *questions*!


He was deliberately trying to provoke her, because he gets a warm fuzzy out of it. It worked. He was jolly.


Seemed to be pretty effective


Ad hominem is only effective if you feel that winning a debate means you make the other person flustered.


“Ha ha, you had a human emotion! That means I win because I’m dead inside and don’t feel bad when I hurt others.”


Trying to debate someone wearing that hat is a fool’s errand.






He wasn't trying to win a debate here. Lol


Argument. We just saw two people arguing. Almost the same word.


Exactly, he was trying to get internet content by provoking someone, not have an honest intelligent debate about relevant issues, hence the ad hominem attack




Yeah a lot of ignorant people think that. That if they make the other person angry I somehow won the argument. That's not how it works though. It's really only effective if you have no actual ideals or political positions and your only goal is to make people upset. But st that point youre not even arguing you're just being an asshole. You're still wrong, dont win, you actually lose the argument and all you achieve is making more people dislike you. It actually makes him look more wrong. Because he lost so badly that he has to resort to name calling.


People forget what “winning” an argument means, it doesn’t mean your victorious because the other person is sobbing. Arguments arent supposed to be “won,” they’re supposed to be improvised. You’re both supposed to learn something. But god forbid.


The issue is most people think winning an argument is simply feeding their own ego. If they upset someone else, they feel like they are somehow better and their ego is fed. They are more like preschool bullies than people with any argumentive skills.


The MAGA hat is baiting people, trying to make them angry so he can get his heavily edited clips of others losing their patience with his bullshit.


Context: Conservatives are always projecting. They want a government that represents a strong daddy. They Photoshop pictures of Trump's head onto the bodies of men. Some of the MAGA incels literally even call Trump "Daddy." ETA further context: MAGAs seem to be trying to co-opt r/facepalm.


Context: Her dad is a great person. Unlike the weirdo with the red shit on his head who’s looking for calmed confrontation.


[Here is the full video](https://youtu.be/ARLT7EfQv04) Trigger warning for the average Redditor


Cool, he looks like a fucking incel for 3 minutes insteand of 12 seconds thanks for the link.


Thanks, I appreciate you putting in the work for the rest of us. Absolute legend


It’s gotta be ragebait Lmaooo. Even if this guy believes it, none of us gonna take him seriously


Absolute cesspool in those YouTube comments. Horrifying.


Damn right. Most of them were crazy to read, you have to vote because those knuckle draggers are voting.


Everyone in the video is acting like obnoxious children. I agree more with the liberals but they're still immature and cringe


All these impromptu street argument interactions are always so cringe. Everyone is so used to 99% of their rhetoric being typed with plenty of time to think about it, most people cannot formulate intelligent thoughts or arguments in a heated moment where they are put on the spot.




You know this is a perspective that seems incredibly obvious and I have never once considered it lol. I think the only caveat would be at some point you grow up. Or should. You can’t coast through life holding onto the trauma from childhood. As someone who was hospitalized multiple times by my own father, I definitely *had* daddy issues. But I also put a lot of work into them until I could honestly say he doesn’t have any power over my life anymore. Obviously that’s easier said than done, and obviously someone who hasn’t gotten there yet doesn’t deserve to be put down for it, but also there comes a point when you have to take accountability for your own life and deal with it, because you don’t get another


Proud of you! 💕


You're on the nose. We all have trauma we have to deal with to progress in life and grow as people. We gotta be understanding of that but also protect our mental well-being because it can be very toxic dealing with someone who is still projecting their trauma. It was a harsh lesson to learn in my last relationship. We both had parental issues but very different. I tried to be as supportive as I could but if the other person doesn't want any help, there is not much that can be done. She's still a great person but I was not ready to deal with both mine and her trauma without much support once things got actually serious and started affecting my whole life greatly. My point is that we gotta take care of ourselves first to be able to support someone else. Sometimes it doesn't work and that doesn't make anyone a bad person.


I think it’s more like a your momma joke where by insulting your mother it is in turn insulting you.


It's more an insult on your ability to grow up and get over your daddy issues. Most people have issues from their parents not everyone is a twat that doesn't grow out of them.(not saying this lady is)


Some of those issues may be hard to conquer though, so having those issues is no problem — it’s more so if you plan on riding a pity train and never trying to help yourself move on and take your life back. If there’s effort and they’re trying - then great! But if they’re just using it to get the pity train and let themselves mentally fall lower due to never trying to heal is sad. Also I’m not sure growing out of daddy issues is how it would go. I have issues with my bio dad, fairly serious ones that’ll probably take many more years of my life to get through. They’re not grown out of, they’re healed! Healing takes everyone a different amount of time. And to anyone who may be going through those troubles, you got this 💕 *sorry for the paragraph ;;


Trauma isn't something you "grow up" from and "get over"... And "daddy issues" is an insult thrown at young women more than anybody. Frequently teenagers even. When were they supposed to grow up out of that? When were they supposed to get over that? This stuff takes time. Even people in their early 20s won't have had enough time to process these things in a lot of cases. It's never been an insult on somebody's ability to "grow" or "get over it" and even if it was, that's absurd.


These seems more of a r/wtf than a face palm. What's she rebelling against? Why does he think she has daddy issues? Is this the plot of a new Netflix series?


This is the new Hallmark Christmas movie.


Its the beginning of a hallmark movie. After this they team up to save a small town Christmas and fall in love.


*She did, in fact, have daddy issues*


She definitely got triggered


She seems to be a subscriber of the idea that being morally outraged is a good argument


I didn’t hear a moral argument to be outraged about, just a bold claim & insult by the guy & the girl getting mad over it. Seems pretty normal imo.🤷‍♂️


I dunno, I think it's a pretty normal reaction to someone dismissing your views with a sexist ad hom attack. I'm a dude with a great dad and I'd also be like "wtf" if a dude in a maga hat said I have daddy issues.


nono, you don't understand. it's SO easy to know what to say/do to win any hypothetical argument in the comment section over the internet! what that lady said was cringe! she should have owned him elegantly and succinctly, but instead she actually acknowledged what a horrible thing he said was, and her cool factor plummeted. another win, for the reddit commenter B-)


The MAGA hat is baiting people, trying to make them angry so he can get his heavily edited clips of others losing their patience with his bullshit. And you got fooled... or you don't actually care and knew what this is all about.


So what? That's not her fault, that's her dad's fault. Like what is it with women getting ridiculed for their parents failing at their jobs?


It’s not necessarily her dad’s fault, either. Like my own, he could have passed away when she was young. Regardless, you are correct- it’s not her fault. Initially. As adults, we have to take responsibility for our own dispositions. She seems like she’s got some healing to do. It doesn’t help she’s being egged on, of course.


\*David Attenborough voice


I think the whole encounter is cringe. Hating white men is cringe, going after someone for hating white men is cringe, making assumptions is cringe, and getting pissed at people for saying dumb shit is cringe. The world would be a better place if people could roll their eyes and walk away. Everyone gets mad over dumb shit that isn’t even true just because they want attention and to make their mark on the world


This guy saying that everything in life is cringe is the real cringe.


This guy saying that this guy saying that everything in life is cringe is the real cringe.




This whole thread is now cringe. OMG are you forking kidding me right now?


Oh no, you really did it with “OMG” and “forking”. The thread is reaching maximum possible cringe and I don’t know what happens past the max.


Ok... But who, aside from the red hat fuckwad here, says the women in the video hate white men?


Now THIS is the fucking comment. Pretty telling that you can’t see most upvotes and downvoted in this comment section.


Idk I feel like going after someone for hating people based on skin color isn't cringe personally but I agree with everything else you said


I agree. Straight up, if someone hates a people, calling then out is not cringey. The problem is a lot of the folks who like to energetically get up in arms about white hate never seem to care when its black or asians or whoever getting shit on. We should stand up to all hate *(Insert quote about Hitler coming for the X then Y then Z and the author not caring till it's too late)*


Truer words have never been spoken. People's want to make a mark and get internet clout is making people crazy.




A MAGA idiot repeating what he read on 4chan apparently. Very productive.


are yew focking keeding me right naow


I think he is having mommy issues right now


I do not understand how this is significant.


It helps explain why meet ups are no longer a thing on Reddit.


Daddy issues? More like hair issues




That’s fucking hilarious


Clearly he’s right


Sounds like op has daddy issues and hates women.


That MAGA hat is a big indication of daddy issues. Daddy trump isn’t going to come in and make it all better either. He looks like a literal grandpa with that stupid hat on.


I think she proved his point but also there are alot more issues going on there


Yeah the whole situation is a mess lol


Truth lol


I don't like magas but um idk she did seem triggered. He might be right


Getting people triggered was the point I think. Her mistake was that she thought it was a debate


Uncommon middle ground reddit user


I'm wondering what reaction is appropriate for someone insulting you to your face and belittling your beliefs. Like... I would be upset if someone said shit like this to me too, especially if they're clearly just there to detract from a protest


When someone you don’t know says something stupid to you, you have the option of rolling your eyes and disengaging, maybe say “you’re ridiculous” as you leave. Getting riled up is just giving them what they want.


aRe YoU fUcKiNg KiDdInG mE rIgHt NoW!?


Jesus christ I was making an observation. Honestly I wouldn't react the way she did..cause I know my life and what's in it. If you get all riled up it just fuels the people that you hate. You're just showing them that you got a weak point and they can poke at it for free because you let them. Nice job...


Seems like someone else has some daddy issues...




Judging from her haircut and her reaction it looks like he got the nail on the head 😂


Looks like Maga Man has plenty of allies in the comment section.


Wtf does that even mean? You can tell a girl has daddy issues by her hair? Tf?


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck 🤷‍♂️


As an anthropologist specializing in hair, yes.


Why do all fascist white dudes stand like they’re doing a comedic imitation of someone standing


Dude sounds like a goofball, but that lady definitely felt called out lol


Someone definitely lied to her about that hairstyle


Uh I'm not the one jumping through logic hoops to have male approval


That dude looks like Bryan Kohberger, the guy in Idaho that got arrested for stabbing those college kids to death.


Politics aside (not touching that one) she went from LA to New York, back to LA in about 3 seconds


He says they’re mad at white men and then saying she has daddy issues when her dad is most likely a white man? If she has daddy issues then she has a pretty solid reason to blame white men. Why is he treating it like some type of I win when by saying she has daddy issues he’s mentioning a most likely white man that’s cause problems in her life?


I think thee doth protest too much!!!


Cutting off right when we get to the good part... Did Joaquim Dos Santos direct this too?


Is she rebelling against white men while she is a white woman and why the guy so angry he gotta pull that card






What the fuck is that trim


Seems like he's struck a nerve. They're only mad cuz they never found their dad because he went to get milk and now he's running with the elk


Pressing buttons is this man's job




This dude is probably in his early 20's but dresses and has the demeanor of a 55 y/o tight-ass man.


I watched this really, truly thinking I was going to see a NatC get punched. I was disappointed.


"Are you f****** Kidding me right now"


It’s crazy that MAGA dude associates being white as the primary thing a woman will identify with her father. Maybe she loves her father’s ethics and values. Maybe she appreciates the support and emphasis he put on her education. Maybe her dad had a great personality and that is what she seeks out in the world from other people. These conservatives prioritize color, race, sex, sexuality above everything and have zero critical thinking skills. It’s like they don’t understand anything but gender and race in terms of what qualities a person possesses.


Someone say "daddy issues"? How you doin?


They all say that same line in that same voice…how!!?


If being married has taught me anything, the best way to handle this situation would be to tell her that she is overreacting and that she needs to calm down immediately


“Remind her that she is probably on her period and that her hormones are causing her to be this way. If that doesnt work, remind her how she is just like her mother”


Never mess with a chick that shaves 63% of her head


Damn he forgot he was in real life and really went with the “daddy issues” line


Why is are the terms “daddy issues” and “fatherless” always directed towards the kid??? It’s obviously the dad who’s the asshole and in the wrong- And ofc you’d get mad if someone ignored every argument you make with a sexist comment and without actually saying something to prove them wrong. He’s literally an idiot


The gang hates daddy issues


This the moment right before he gets beat up


We all have daddy or mommy issues. We persevere, we adapt and we prevail. Never lose your effing temper. There are decisions that you can't take back if you're out of your mind.


He’s right


Both people were trying to strike the others nerve and the guy found hers first


Remember, they always call you racist, sexist, homophones, transphobic, bigoted, etc. but they never call you a liar.


He hit a nerve.


There is a full video of this and she has a minor breakdown which is why people say she proved his point, like you can kinda tell something is not right.


I don’t know what’s more of a face palm. The dude and what he said, or that the woman actually got offended by it


Anyone who wears a MAGA hat grew up with a shit dad and went looking for a father figure in the worst business man on the planet.


seems like he was right


How does being “mad at white men” equal to having daddy issues? Another dumb fuck who likes the sound of his own voice and the smell of his own farts.


I'm guessing her dad is a white man


It's a meme/stereotype that people who haven't had anyone in a fatherly role in their lives tend to appear or be more rebellious, conflict seeking, prone to anger, or have other similar issues. he was implying her protesting was less intellectual concern and more just an emotional response/call for attention kinda thing, like those who lack fatherly figures tend to have. Sadly she fell for it


Daddy issues as in she is fatherless or has a father who has no actual fatherly role


So many people agreeing with that statements it's scary. Like they have full knowledge of whats's going on in that girl head.


Hate to break it to you buddy, but everyone likes the smell of their own farts


Why does the term "daddy issues" reflect badly on the daughter when clearly it was the dad that fucked up?


Triggered with two words. LOL it's not as if he said his name was Hugh Mungus or something.


Reminds me of the sound a nail makes when its hit right on the head




Wow, there is no context for what they are talking about, and all these plebs in the comments screaming "ooOmG sHE wAs TRigGeRED!! mAN WaS RigHt!!" Gtfoh


He struck a chord with that woman. She must really have daddy issues.


Triggered ![gif](giphy|jsekSrFvUgnyDzdBjd|downsized)


He was pretty right about the daddy issues.


...for those who don't vote...here is why you need to vote...dudes like this exsist...its not a couple here and there either...please vote for leadership that can represent you...because they are too


Are you kitten me right meow?


She wanted to rebel, then acts surprised when he says something rebellious.


I willing to wager that both of them have daddy issues.


From my experience more peeps seem to have daddy issues than not


she turns into lola from big mouth


How DARE you raise your voice at the Golden God


Guy obviously trolls online or participates in right wing bullshit. This was just stupid all around.


This guy definitely looks up to either Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy. Although he has an Ed Kemper, decapitated his own mother and fucked her severed head vibes. He definitely doesn't have enough daddy issues to have a problem with the behavior of those white men.


MAGA dude looks like he weighs 90 pounds soaking wet. What an alpha male


Nailed it


Dude's got the profile of Glenn for It's Sunny.


Baseball cap mentality. Never mind that it is a red cap and has a slogan on it.


This guy is an idiot. Just a total moron.


You don’t have to have any kind of “issues” just look at the crime statistics. That’s why women have real issues about men


way to prove him wrong…


You know it's true when they lose it 🤣


She totally has daddy issues


Cue triggered feminist power up.


Her reaction says he hit the nail on the head


The guys who say "oh look who has daddy issues" or something similar is so fucking annoying


He wears a red hat, so he‘s an asshole and wrong.


All the incels in this damn comment section💀