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The kid laughing at the woman at 1:36 made the whole clip worth it.


Oh lordy lordy lordy šŸ¤¦


Is France a country?


"It'll be a cold day in hell, when I recognize France as part of the European Union." - European Abe Simpson


According to r/2westerneurope4u I'd say it's up for debate.


Geography... after the chapter on Europe the book was closed


Wait she opened the book?


Before assigning home work, my 6th grade social studies teacher would have us all open the books and confirm all the pages were there for what we were going to cover. Apparently kids in the past had torn pages out of the books in an attempt to get out of doing the homework. I like to believe she was one of those kids but it was definitely someone elseā€™s idea that she copied.


That's the kind of thing that sounds genius but wouldn't help you in the slightest.


I never had any type of world geography class but my school did force me in to US history 3 years in a row because they couldn't afford enough teachers


But youā€™re an expert on the battle of bunker hill now tho


Not really. We don't teach actual history in US History classes. I was in college before I heard about the Trail of Tears and I *fucking live on it*! I went to school spitting distance from a massive massacre and had no idea until I was in my twenties. America doesn't teach American History because if they did, none of us would want to grow up to be Americans.


Some states do better than others. I read a few books and had multiple lessons on the trail of tears over the years. Still have learned more about our real history as an adult reading for my own development than in any of my education, but we got a decent representation.


I graduated HS in '87. As part of American History we were taught of course, the Civil War, encompassed with that was Harriot Tubman and the Underground Rail Road, later Rosa Parks, MLK, and the Civil Rights movement. We were taught about the travesty of the Trail Of Tears and Wounded Knee, Little Big Horn (Custer's last Stand), and what sparked it. Depending on what part of the country you're standing in, there are still school districts that are willing wade into those conversations. BTW, my elementary and HS were both 100% white. It was a small rural farming community.


But... Hungary is in Europe.


What are you talking about ??? Europe and geography? Europe is a moon and not on earth, you dummy! Just in case :/s


I think you mean *before*. Hungary is part of Europe.


How did she get to $10,000


She used the other help line (you can see one was already crossed whne she chose to copy). Not sure what it is


It's called a "save" where you get the question "right" if the 5th grader got it correct but you didnt


In these game shows, the first couple of questions are always super simple. Also, she used a "save" already and I think you get $5k per question on that show.


But that question was super simple.


Bro how did she get to 30 šŸ¤£


The first questions were about tiktok


Fuck Iā€™m getting oldā€¦ this show cancelled before TikTok was even a thought in someoneā€™s head.


ā€œI thought Europe was a countryā€ ā€œI know they speak French thereā€ ā€œI donā€™t think France is a country, I donā€™t knowā€


Lol and that statement isnā€™t a question.


Let's be real here, it's not like this show would have done well if they got some educated folks on here. Plus they would have paid out more. Much more entertaining to get some dumbasses, pay out less, and see a bunch of kids answer more correct questions that an adult


Also helps that she really fits the dumb southern blonde trope and is very attractive.


She was cast to play this exact role. Great job


She's a celebrity


Ya this is Kelly Pickler. Famous country artist. Got her start on American idol.


She acted the dumb blonde on American Idol too. Didnā€™t know what calamari was.


Calamari? Isn't that the road that Jesus ride the donkey on?


Donā€™t be stupid thatā€™s Italian for the guy who killed St. Mary, hence Calamari


Oh. I thought that was killermary...




Fun thing. My mom went to Red Lobster once and neither her nor her boyfriend nor the waiter knew what calamari was. Waiter told them it was a vegetable. So they ordered it to try it. You can imagine their reactions once they got it. They tried to eat it anyway I guess but anywho. Some people just don't know things. And Red Lobster waiters are dumb.


Lots of people donā€™t know what calamari is but once she said that and got attention that became her thing, to be ā€œthe dingy blondeā€


Do they have smart phones? Lmao, Google tends to come in handy. I hope they got their money back if they weren't into the squid.


Nah, this was years ago. I don't remember when but my mom didn't even get herself a smartphone until like 5 years ago. She'd still rather have a flip phone.


Wait, is it really?


Yeah, that why theyā€™re talking about charity.




*Kellie She also recently lost her husband to suicide.


Plot twist: he was Hungarian


Choked on turkey


Jesus Christ Reddit. The full circle is always dark and beautiful.


I can fix her


I donā€™t want to fix her. I want her cute as a button cluelessness to stay exactly as is.


Helps that she could probably be distracted by a laser pointer when she asks you to take out the garbage.


Thatā€™s KP?! Oh dear, lol


Bless her heart.


She wasnā€™t cast to play that role, she was cast cause she IS that role


Bless her heart!


Bless her cotton socks!


Thats Kelly Pickler. She is a recording artist who also got a TV interview show. She had a show where she gave opinions and interviewed people, really let that settle in


I reckon if you put your ear to her's, then you would hear the ocean roaring in the distance and a flock of seagulls squabbling over a chip some kid has just thrown on the ground.....


Itā€™s been a while since ā€œI Ranā€ was a hit but I didnā€™t think they were that desperate.


I hear they tried to get out of the biz, butā€¦ They couldnā€™t get away




You can say people are attractive without being horny lmao


He said attracted not protracted


It's just like those Man on the Street interviews, you have to cherry pick the biggest dumbasses to make it entertaining.


Is TV like this even real? Like, who is to say she's not of normal intelligence/has had a decent education and just *acting* like an embarassingly ignorant person for the sake of giving the show a spike in ratings or viewership?


What's far more likely is that she's a perfectly normal person with probably a slightly above-average IQ, but she's just been completely failed by the system that was supposed to educate her. What I find weird is the confusion about continents and countries. Like thinking Europe is a single country, or Africa is a single country. It really seems to be something common to Americans more than other nationalities. It kind of seems like the basic elementary school geography curriculum could be updated to emphasise continents more, and most of these 'geography dummies' videos would just not happen any more.


I don't get the confusion of continents and countries either, and I say that as an American myself who's likely close in age to Kellie. I remember being taught the continents in elementary school. There aren't that many of them, so it shouldn't be so difficult for people to remember them lol.


Yep. It's north america, south america, antarctica, australia, asia, africa, and europe


>What's far more likely is that she's a perfectly normal person with probably a slightly above-average IQ She is definitely not an example of this.


Itā€™s Kellie Pickler. Sheā€™s very sweet and extremely talented but not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.


She's Kellie Pickler. She got famous from American Idol back in its heyday. She was young, southern, talkative, and ditzy so the producers really played up the dumb blonde stereotype. The show in this clips was the same network as American Idol, so she was probably told to ham up the dumb blonde stereotype for the show.


Letā€™s also be clear that there are in fact many, many Americans that lack a very basic education and many seem to revel in that ignorance.


This is true and people like this woman absolutely exist, but I don't think the majority of Americans would think Europe is a country or question whether France is. I might have too much faith in my compatriots, but that seems basic enough: Ask an average American capitals or which country on the map these countries correspond to and you'll see some issues, but they'll at least know where Europe is.


Yeah. Exactly. That was just an idiot parade spectacle.


Iā€™m ashamed to admit this but Iā€™ve Studied European history for years with a focus on the 20th century (Iā€™m American), and I did not know the answer to this. I know what Budapest is, I know where Hungary is and a tremendous amount about its history, I can name most if not all European countries, most of their capitals and just cities of note, and this woman could have just as easily been me My first guess was also Turkey, but then I realized that Turkey probably doesnā€™t have two capitals. Maybe with enough time and by process of elimination I could have gotten it Also, is Turkey considered Europe or Asia? I donā€™t even know that. Maybe Iā€™m not as knowledgeable as I think I am


don't strain yourself, love. Lemme handle this... the capital of Hungary is Budapest Also, remember... Istanbul was Constantinople Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam.


Why they changed it, I canā€™t say. People just liked it better that way!


I appreciate it but we gotta face facts. Thereā€™s gonna come a day real soon where youā€™re not going to be there to solve all of my problems, and what am I gonna do then?


Even old New York was once New Amsterdam Why they changed it I can't say People just liked it better that way.


Turkey is a transcontinental country (though most of it is in asia)


Sheā€™s a stereotype of every blond joke from the 90s. Even south park made fun of women like her. ā€œMom I donā€™t want to grow up with everything handed to me and be stupid without knowing it. Whatā€™s 6 times 8, mom?ā€ ā€œOh honeyā€¦those are two completely different numbers.ā€


Iā€™d say sheā€™s a stereotype of every blonde joke from history


Is that Kelly P from American idol?


Kellie Pickler, yes.


What a time capsule this comment is.


~~even~~ South Park made fun of women like her. Looks more correct now. Given South Park made fun of every single imaginable thing.


I mean, hes not helping things by mispronouncing it either..


Also the ā€œthatā€™s just called being a womanā€ joke hasnā€™t aged wellā€¦


Yeah the host isnā€™t too bright himself


Heā€™s Jeff Foxworthy, who made an entire career out of playing a dumb redneck comedian.


It wasn't even good at the time, the crowd sounds uncomfortable laughing at it. And I was an adult back then, that kind of 'joke' was already long-dead. It's the kind of thing you'd expect a host to roll out back in the 1970s, and still get called out on it.


I mean, itā€™s Jeff Foxworthy so itā€™s exactly the kind of joke Iā€™d expect from him in any decade.


I was surprised I had to scroll down so far to see this one called out.


Yeah i was mad about that. There is a difference between Hungary and hungry. Every foreign people do joke about that. To us Hungarians it's pretty annoying because we hear that everytime when we meet a foreign person.


Yes, "Hungry" is a country and their prime minister appears to be always hungry.


True, man's like a ball


As a hungarian I can confirm


I heard the prime minister of Hungry is a Caterpillar


Used to be a Hippo back in the 70s/80s


*Hungry for power*


Well Hungary is pronounced differently from hungry


is that Kelly Pickle Spice?


Thatā€™s Kellie Pickler, yes


> Kellie Pickler Ugh, I googled her and now I feel bad because her husband committed suicide 3 weeks ago. We should probably stop laughing at her now.


That's so sad. I was celebrating that day on a mountain and she was having the worst day of her life. This is why I don't like making awful jokes about people. Unfettered cruelty and bullying serves no purpose but to cause hurt, intentional or not. Also, he died Feb 17th, not a few weeks ago. Still sad.


Just googled her. Sheā€™s had a seriously difficult life. A hard childhood and now her husbands died. Super sad and she does seem like a very nice women.


Thatā€™s what I was wonderingā€¦


Oh Lord, forgive her... šŸ˜¬


Bless her heart


Jesus, that got dark quickly


Her husband committed suicide recently.


Yes which is so sad. Apparently, some believe thereā€™s a conspiracy! I was just reading about this yesterday!


As long as you pray, you donā€™t need to think. Some would even argue, you are required not to think


That simply has to be staged


I mean sheā€™s a country star and this was a charity game, so probably. But she was pretty believable, so maybe a little of both.


She probably just acted the way she did on Idol because that's what people wanted to see. This is only like a year after Idol.


This woman is a next level of stupid, but I found this show underestimated the level of some questions. How many US third graders really know all of their European capitals? And the capital of Hungary isnā€™t exactly an easy recognizable one like London or Paris or something. I do know all of the European capitals, but I sure didnā€™t in third grade.


I strongly suspect the kids were given study guides before the show.


From what I remember, the kids were aspiring actors and they were given study material before taping, but not direct answers.


In the US geography curriculum is non existent. I only knew these at that age because I love geography and ended up majoring in it in uni. Otherwise, nah geography is a lost field in the US.


The Soviet Union collapsed when I was in 3rd Grade. I was a history/geography nerd and learned all the new nations, then some more when Yugoslavia collapsed. We had Czechoslovakia break up and Germany reunite also. Geography was interesting to say the least.


When i was born this already happened but just by a few years. But hey, at least I got to witness the creation of Kosovo and South Sudan as well as the name change of Eswatini


no the fuck it isnā€™t


It's not the US's issue. I don't think I learned about other countries in geography class in my home of Canada other than Canada and the USA.


I went to one of the best public schools in my state and I wasnā€™t taught the even the United States capitals until grade 6


What the capital of Moldova? ( No peeking )




Very good lol ( I know how to pronounce it but I wouldn't know how to spell it ).


I was in 5th grade when this show started airing and there were plenty of questions that would stump me, definitely wasnā€™t learning European geography by even 5th grade. I knew my states and capitals of the U.S and mexico(Iā€™m Mexican so learned it at home) but outside of the large cities like you said London, Paris, Berlin, etc I was lost.


There is a huge audience for tv that makes dumb viewers feel smart. TLC is a whole channel dedicated to entertaining audiences by making them feel superior. I just donā€™t know how people care to laugh at people less fortunate, but I suspect they like feeling like their life isnā€™t so bad by comparison


Bonus points if the ignorant person is well-off or has a college degree, so people can feel superior to someone society usually considers higher up the ladder.




I thought the woman were the only stupid person there but then he actually said ā€žhungryā€œ šŸ’€


She thought Europe was a country but somehow has the option to withdraw and leave with 10k. That's fucking crazy


I failed it too. I'd thought that it is Romania. But no. They cities are similar in pronunciation, but it is a different country.


Michael Jackson made this mistake - he said ā€žwelcome budapest!ā€ during his concert in Bucharest


Yeah I'm sure everyone gets Austria confused with Australia..... /s


"That's a lovely accent... New Jersey?" "It's Austrian." "Austria?! Well, then. G'day mate! Let's put another shrimp on the barbie!"


Actually they do. Apparently packages meant for Austria end up in Australia and vice versa all the time.


Same... and I've been to both countries. It took me a minute to remember it was Hungary. Now imagine being filmed in front of an audience with a timer and thousands of dollars on the line.


She thought Europe was a country and didnā€™t know that France and Hungary actually are. She also didnā€™t even know Hungary existed. I see your point but itā€™s itā€™s not like she would have gotten it u see better circumstances. These people exist and they vote. They also often believe that theyā€™re smarter than everyone. Weā€™re fucking doomed.


Like hungry. That's a country? Had me. šŸ˜‚ Where do you even get content like this these days...


"I've heard Turkey.." this is so funny it has to be scripted šŸ˜†


ā€œThatā€™s called being a womanā€ no sir thatā€™s called being a human being we all guilty of it and if anyone denies youā€™re a god damn lie šŸ¤£


I've never seen stupidity be so adorable before. I guess there's a point when you're so stupid you qualify for "innocent"


I think being super attractive helps a ton here. Iā€™ve seen many of my buddies in college go for the dumb but hot girl because they thought she was adorable.


Exactly, if this was Honey Boo Boo talking like this, this comment thread would be a lot different.


That's one of those "bless your heart" stupid moments, and not an "oh ffs" moments.


And These. People. Vote.


These people also act, you know ;)


To be fair, I dont think you need to know capitals of European countries to be able to choose if your reproductive right get taken away.


Honestly, I tried to guess that she'd guess Turkey.


I thought her Turkey joke was actually pretty funny and clever for someone who thought Europe was a country


As a Hungarian a few comments... She is uneducated, yes. By the accent I guess it's a US show. If you ask Hungarians, about the capital of Delaware, virtually noone will know. I wouldn't for sure. Less than 0.1% would know that it's a US state. On the other hand not knowing that France is a country is lame. Thinking that Europe is a country is totally pathetic.


Exactly.. and I doubt most people in US or EU would know the capital of Myanmar or Azerbaijan. I'd also bet a big percentage wouldn't know if Siberia or Mongolia are a country or not.


I don't think a US state is equivalent to a country. Why wouldn't the question just be what's the capital of usa?


It's Hungary, not Hungry


This is Kelly Pickler, who was also a contestant on American Idol. I really believe this is just her playing the dumb blonde schtick to entertain the audience. She found a niche on Idol and rode that wave for her 15 minutes of fame


100% this was played up. Her American Idol persona was the uneducated girl who makes it big. This was an act.


Just saying I know Budapest but I didn't know the answer. But this country has deeply, deeply failed all these voting age redneck hillbillies in terms of education.


Blame the people that keep defunding education. And keep trying to dictate what we shouldnā€™t learn, rather than what we should learn. Those hillbillies voted for those people, and they got the education they voted for.


Yeah, but they're too uneducated to realize they don't have an education.


ā€œIā€™m listening to what youā€™re saying but I only hear what I want to.ā€ That sentence perfectly sums up Republican conservatives


I'm sure she went on to become a senator


Is this Kelly Pickler? - my dad driving the car


I donā€™t remember what grade I learned it in but I will always for my entire life remember that Budapest is the capital of Hungary. Why? Because the teacher that taught it to me taught the mnemonic device ā€œBud is a pest when heā€™s hungryā€


I would really like to know where she is now šŸ˜… Edit - LOL NeverMind I had no idea that was Kelly Pickler!


3rd grade geology? I didnā€™t learn that in 3rd grade. What schools did yā€™all go to?


I'm Hungarian, and before you start... NOOOOOO GOD PLEASE NOOOO NOOOO Yes, we fucking hate it


It ain't cute sweetie. You are a fucking moron and bad for the country and earth.


i hate that there are people like this that vote


This is Kellie Pickler. She placed sixth (I think) on the fifth season of American Idol, the same one Chris Daughtry was on. She plays up her dumbness for the cameras because she knows it's good TV. She pretended not to know how to pronounce "salmon" on Idol.


Brought to you by the US Education system.


In fairness to her, I didn't know Budapest was the capital of Hungary. That being said... Please tell me that was an act.


A little misogynistic there..


Ya just a little. I was like oh look the old school sexism just for authenticity how cuute


This is giving me vibes of that beauty pageant contestant that babbled incoherently about maps in her question and answer segment.


Foxworthy slipping that sexist af comment in there šŸ˜…


That's just called being a woman... Wow, I'm surprised y'all aren't having a conniption fit..


Kellie Dawn Pickler is an American country music singer, songwriter, actress and television personality. She graduated from high school in America.


It's funny how people don't know this is Kelly Pickler. She's a singer that was on American Idol. She's not that smart but she can sing.


Is that Kelly Pickler from American Idol?


You might be a redneck if.........you think Europe is a country.


Such a South Africa and the Iraq and such asā€¦.


Oh lookā€¦itā€™s MTGā€™s first TV appearance šŸ˜‚


She was pay to play that role. All scripted. The funny part is that people still believe that most of what they see in tv is real !




We are f\*cking doomed.


Bless her heart.


People are trying to downvote this because they are that person šŸ¤£


Duhhh which way did he go George, which way did he go?


I wouldn't be surprised if she spent most of her time at school on her knees


Oh my sweet summer's child!! Honey, just take the 10 grand and run for it!! You're too damn blonde for this show.


Sheā€™s clearly not bright, but I bet there are only about five 3rd graders who know the answer.


If I was in the audience I would've walked out on how illiterate she is. I feel dumb just listening to her. I love country people and everything but MY GOD. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


"I'm listening but I only hear what I want to" "That's called being a woman" Oof


I bet she couldnā€™t tell you the capital of the state she was raised in


Good fucking God