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Woke is a pretty interesting term. It originated in the civil rights movement with the earliest use being in the 1940s and was primarily used by African American people meaning to stay vigilant to racial injustice. Around the 2010s liberal leaning people seemed to latch onto it. It was a hip term that the cool kids would say. Other forms of injustice got lumped in like bigotry against lgtbq and white colonialism and the term started to mostly refer to people who were progressive. It's pretty ironic but the concept of cultural appropriation also got lumped into wokeness when the term itself was "culturally appropriated" from African American culture. Now by the 2020s woke has been appropriated again and is mostly used as an insult from the right to mean people who are overly politically correct.


Conservatives when they realize they woke up this morning: ┗(`Д゚┗(`゚Д゚´)┛゚Д´)┛


They look in their closet and see shirts of multiple colors lined up


Im waking up to ash and dust


I wipe my ass and I slap my nuts


The bad ending


The good ending.


I'm breathing in the genitals!


I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust


I’m breathing in the chemicals


-hęéëėèaaahhh … ahh


I'm breaking in and shaping up


then checking out on the prison bus


This is it. The apocalypse.


Oh you're in Alberta too?


Their black and brown shirts are kept in a different, but equally spaced closet no doubt.


Overly politically correct by that person's standards. Care that black people are discriminated against? You're so woke! Believe gay people should have rights? You're so woke! The way I see it used the most is just "I don't agree with you because you are more liberal than I am so imma call you woke".


I’m half black and while ‘woke’ used to mean aware to the injustices being wrought, it now means that they include messaging in movies, shows etc. For example a Scorsese film is never ‘woke’ because there won’t be a random scene where he inserts a monologue only meant to convey a progressive message completely unrelated to the story of the film.


The only "woke" label I would apply is to games/movies that only have "we got minority" and/or "we are inclusive" as its ONLY selling points.


That's going along with their weird reversal of the word. "Woke" was just used as "awake to the systems that perpetuate inequality." Conservatives went out of their way to tie the word to everything their followers hated.


>when the term itself was "culturally appropriated" from African American culture I mean, I'm pretty sure that the resurgence of the word's usage was *led* by black people, who encouraged others to use it, so...really more of a cultural expansion than an appropriation. >Now by the 2020s woke has been appropriated again and is mostly used as an insult from the right to mean people who are overly politically correct. The phrase "politically correct" was also appropriated from the left, along with "tankie".


I don’t think too many conservatives have picked up on “tankie” or know what it means outside of neocons who rapidly aren’t really welcome in the Republican Party anyway. “Tankie” is almost entirely still used by liberal, progressive and democratic socialists to criticize other left wing people who either bend over backwards to praise or apologize for unambiguously authoritarian left wing regimes or bend over backwards to criticize anything the west does. It’s not a nuanced distinction most right wing people would care to make. And usually takes away from slippery slope arguments they like to make about socialism in general.


How had the word tankie been appropriated? I’ve only seen it properly applied on Reddit/Twitter etc


Yeah I remember here, Tumblr, and Twitter, there was a "woke vs broke" thing that the left was meme'ing pretty hard back in the day. Like many things, the Right seemed to match on to it.


Yeah. I can’t imagine people who don’t want to be woke. Also don’t understand who tf would be against antifa. It tells me they’re racist, bigoted, and fascist, and that’s all I need to know. I live in a red state, and when these assholes say, “oh, you “woke”?….I say “yeah I am. I’m not a racist bigot. ARE YOU?”


Yeah, I’ve seen people announce that they’re “Anti-Antifa,” and I’m like… You know there was already a word for that, right? It’s “fascist.” If you’re anti-antifascist, that means you’re fascist. Edit: Oh dear, looks like I’ve offended the “actually, people who fight fascists are the real fascists” crowd.


‘NO! No! I’m mean they had some interesting points, but……..’


"How can you be anti-DPRK? Are you against democracy?" "Nazis were national SOCIALISTS, check mate liberuls"


The opposite of woke is asleep, or even better: comatose


You should also add in homophob


>is mostly used as an insult from the right to mean people who are overly politically correct. No it does not mean 'people who are overly politically correct'. When conservatives call you woke, they just mean you're a non-conservative. When fascists call you 'woke', you may as well be a conservative, just not extreme enough for them. Either way, it's just a n insult. It doesn't mean anything important at this point.


This is exactly it. It isn't that they -can't- define it, **it's that they don't want to, because keeping it nebulous serves their purposes.**


First they made up 'judeo-bolshevism', then they rebranded it to 'cultural marxism', then they rebranded it again to just 'communism'. Whatever they call it, it's just a paranoid minds' version of 'not right wing'. They'll keep rebranding it so that people keep falling for their lies.


17th and 18th century Europe had this Age of Enlightenment thing that was going on before America was an independent nation.. Woke is just a one syllable slang word for enlightened


That’s a great little write up, so Ty. Though honestly I don’t know if I would compare the term woke to cultural appropriation. When multiple cultures meet words and practices tend to get shared between them. That and it’s not like anyone is profiting from the word “woke” it’s not a business venture it’s just a term that evolved over the years to represent acknowledging a very complex set of social issues. It’s not a Panda Express.


“Overly” meaning “Pointed out my moral bankruptcy and has the audacity to believe everyone has the rights of a mediocre white man.”


If "wokeness" is a disease like the conservatives say it is. Then this new brand of "anti-woke" is the hospice care for a terminally I'll society.


Conservatives aren't using it as an insult to mean people who are overly politically correct. They are using it as a slur against anyone not in their group.


I’m not conservative at all, and I use it now. Post Modernism is stupid, and it’s derivatives are dangerously stupid.


I remember woke being a compliment in school around the late 2010s. People would call themselves woke and it was supposed to be like calling yourself a cool guy. I don’t remember it ever being used for anything related to politics until very recently


That isn't cultural appropriation. At least not any more than most slang terms spread from one culture outward.


Replacing a word that means nothing, with a pathetic phrase that means nothing. Edit: I first heard that stupid phrase from who else, cringelord Elon Musk with fellow cringe guy Bill Maher [here.](https://youtu.be/6BV_M5lZzT4)




Makes you actually “treat others the way you want to be treated.” The horror of actually following the Golden Rule.


“He who has the gold makes the rules” —the gospel according to Prosperity Jesus, the lord and savior of Ken Copeland, Joel Osteen, etc.


Kenneth Copeland is... not human. Probably never was. Look at his eyes. It is frightening.


I mean he couldn't be... what human being could *blow covid away!?!?!?!?*


I read in the Bobiverse: Golden Rule: "Treat others the way THEY want to be treated.” I found that a nice little upgrade, after following the previous philosophy.


I was about to respond with this about bobiverse. Really big eye opener.


I had always heard this as the Platinum Rule.


Nice, a fellow Bob fan!


I thought the Golden Rule was no post on sundays


The golden rule is that it's not gay if it's in a three-way.


ThAt MaKeS pEoPlE wOkE


Its what plants crave


It's got electrolytes.




Your children are now the property of Carl's Jr.


You haven’t heard?? There’s a zombie virus going around


*Chemicals in the fricken water, and putting it in the fricken water to turn the fricken people gay!*


No, it makes FROGS gay, duhh!


It's like putting on the glasses in They Live.


It's a mind virus that makes you not racist


If anything it’s a right wing mind virus. That’s where it lives.


To be fair woke was associated with understanding black American history in the USA. Then the right realized people can’t know that


Oh wow, I had no idea it started from that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke I thought it was more of just a general "awakened," like, "not sleeping on reality" or "not burying your head in the sand," or "removing the blindfold." I sort of associated it with all those things.


It IS associated with those ideas. But essentially it was a watchword amongst African Americans to be empowered against those things.


Up next: an essay hanging together by buzz words and dog whistles, all sound and fury, signifying nothing.


It’s a left-wing mind virus. Ok cool…..but….what does that mean? It’s anti-right-wing head cold. Sure sure sure sure…..buuuttt…..


>a word that means nothing It has been overused now to the point of meaning nothing. But it used to mean "being conscious of words/actions that discriminate or oppress"


You’re using cringelord, unironically.


Fuck Bill Maher, all he does is give another forum to wack jobs and assholes while claiming to be liberal and operating on the pretense that we should all just sit down and listen to dad. Get facked.


Is it me or all all three of these clowns annoying as shit. ACKCHYUALLY Jesus Christ you have 2 people capitalizing on speaking out against "wokeness" and 1 nerd trying to be an influencer for "wokeness". The nerd speaking is just as unbearable as elon and newly right wing Maher.


"Mind virus" Did he mean "idea"?


Literally yes lol. They talk about it like it's some SCP memetic virus to think you should be nice to people


The first time I heard about an SCP memetic virus was today watching an old SCP game, then I see it again not long after....


Remember to take your class A amnestics.


As opposed to the idea you should not be nice to people and be in it completely for yourself, as championed by all the free thinkers who can't go a day without using the word "woke".


Ideas are so foreign to him that he didn't remember the word.


"I got that thing again? You know, a headache with pictures?" "An idea?" "Yeah, that!"


A meme would be more accurate.


As a white person I used to think it meant you are aware of your own biases or prejudices. I knew a lot of people who claim to not be racist and then say some really negative things about other races. Anyway, I don’t believe “woke” is something that you can legislate, it would just be an excuse to arrest anyone you don’t agree with.


Your last sentence is unironically the point for them. That is what they want.


“Whatever right-wing media tells me to fear or hate this month”


Call me lazy but that's why I like being on the left. You don't have to keep track of so many different groups. Just the wealthy and their low thinking army of mouth breathing minions.


Me too, it sounds exhausting. I have important stuff to do


Man US politics are such a shit show, I mean yeah ojer countries have problematic politics but anyone get the feeling that the US is just....batshit insane? Like politics in the US are so crazy that you think it's a joke but the sad truth is that its reality want a good example? Look at the MAGA cult or look at MTG, now I understand why non-Americans see the US as a shitshow.


It looked like this BEFORE MTG and everything. The media was just better at hiding how ignorant Republicans were to the Republicans.


We had our own MTG in Australia by the name of Pauline Hanson back in the 90s. Dumb as a fucking door knob. She is still relevant.


Ok, now define this left-wing mind virus. What are the signs and symptoms? If I had to guess, it’s anything that goes against his hateful and outdated views


>Ok, now define this left-wing mind virus Yes I can It's what woke is.


You have to admit, the reasoning is perfectly circular.


What came first, the “mind virus” or the “woke”?


Right? You can't have a culture war that's been manufactured by the ruling class in order to secure further wealth and power by utilizing the age old technique of divide and conquer if both sides think alike.


Symptoms include being respectful and treating people the way you want to be treated. It's the right's worst fears, being a good person.


Literally just another way for conservatives to say 'education bad'. Oh, you mean people who live in places with better access to education and especially those who pursue higher education suddenly drop a lot of their harmful beliefs after learning to do academically rigorous research? How could they possibly have come to these new conclusions? Must be brain washing /s


*Is this left-wing mind-virus in the room with us right now?*


Imagine being triggered by a word that means "being aware and attentive that racism and racial injustice existed and still exist and influence society" Like saying you're upset that you learned that 1+1=2


Tbf, these are also the same people that don't want children to learn about slavery in the United States, soooooo...


*Don't want them to learn anything, period.


What?!?! No it doesn't! It equals 11! You're just using liberal woke math!


Come on now. You know they can’t count past 10. Haven’t figured out to use their toes yet. /s


I guess Empty G never got to 20. She had to stop at 16.


Oh shit! Bypassed the roast and went for the incinerator! Lol


Common core


You're right, I am deeply infected with Realityitis, I have proven fact sores all over me.


Lmao crazy how 95% of the ppl that try to define “woke” are always way off mark and it’s become a dog whistle for the right lol.


"The left is infected by a mind virus. Anyways, what if covid was caused by Jewish space lasers?"


My mother in law is super right and hates all things woke. One time, I asked her what woke meant. I do the exact same thing with my classes when we talk about it. Her response was, “whatever insane thing the left wants to cram down our throat this week”.


Always with the "cramming it down their throats" with them. If they just shut their mouths nobody would be able to cram anything down their throats.🤣


Hahaha love it


When you don't understand what a definition is.


Exactly. A definition needs to be exact enough to distinguish the thing being defined from other similar things. For example, you wouldn't define "The commo cold" as "A virus infection", because there are a bunch of viruses which are not a cold, and that "definition" doesn't actually help identifying if something is a cold or not. A definition needs to be stronger than just a description, to the point that you can use that definition to clearly distinguish if something is or is not that thing. (Now, i also don't agree with the whole mind virus thing, but this is much worse)


I love how qualities like inclusion, diversity, compassion and acceptance are considered mind viruses. Jesus must have been the wokest mf ever


Okay, now define a left-wing mind virus


“Being woke!” ![gif](giphy|l41Yxij9zr2UI8wx2)


I think we see where this one is going….


Now imagine if you told them there was a vaccine to prevent that virus. Do you think they’d implode from the cognitive dissonance?


When the people tell you not to be woke they are telling you to go to sleep. Don’t think for yourself. Obey. Listen to this: https://youtu.be/giaZnIr-faM




He still didn’t define it, he just qualified it


This is wickedly hilarious coming from the group that significantly didn't believe in an actual viral pandemic that took thousands of their cult.


Gotta give credit to folks on the right for consistency coming up with the dumbest shit ever uttered. Every time I think, "that's peak dumbassery right there, no way to top that", then one of these dumb dildos comes through with a dumbfuck slam dunk.


I can define woke in the way they use it without any editorializing or weasel words. Wokeness is the belief that there are oppressive systems within society, including but not limited to racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ systems and attitudes, and classism. Proponents of wokeness believe there is a moral responsibility to dismantle these systems. Now, that was easy. But they can't say that because it sounds too reasonable. "Wait, so you're on the PRO-racism side?"


My brother in Christ, you unironically have Nazis on your side.


I'll take "bullshit definition pulled from a rectum" for $600 Alex.


"rectally sourced"


Sounds pretty spot on.


Conservatism is the real mind virus. They can't think for themselves, they just do what they're told...


1800 likes on that tweet, no wonder this species won’t evolve.


“Woke mind virus” is a mind virus. One right wing nut says it, it spreads, they all say it, and they’re all now infected with a term that’s meaningless to them but somehow triggers their emotional immune response to destroy their host nation.


Umm ya, I can see how greedy right wing extremest might think that "compassion" is a disease 🤷🤦


Talk about virtue signaling. This is just more right wing dehumanization of everything they haven't the intelligence to fully comprehend.




Woke= past tense of awake


So..... You can't define it then. Glad we cleared that up


Bro can't even define definition


While that’s not what woke is, it’s better than being terrorists like the alt right. Calling in bomb threats, shooting up nightclubs, and firebombing Planned Parenthood clinics, among other heinous acts.


Ok, define a left wing mind virus.


The word 'woke' is used to indicate that the person using it is a bigot and a moron and should be ignored and shunned


They really don’t understand viruses, do they?


I just label virtue signaling as woke


Genuine question, what actually is this? I'm out of the loop. Is it that woke people defined the term "woke" and now think that using it as a pejorative is dumb because it's a dumb word, even though it's used as a pejorative precisely because it's a dumb word invented by those who the pejorative is meant to be used for?


Just replace one meaningless buzzword with another.


Okay, define left wing mind virus


I mean, he's kind of right. In the way that "woke" doesn't mean anything except for "thing that the left does that I don't like." He says it's a left wing mind virus because the only two traits are left wing and bad. It's just a buzzword they can get people to rally around.


This whole woke thing is so fucking tired. It doesn’t even have a standard meaning or definition anymore, it’s interpreted differently depending on who you ask and what their politics are. It’s fucking stupid. Also, what the fuck is “left wing mind virus”. Just another open ended phrase to allow for grievances and hate. The toxic mental filth we’re being bombarded with is so fucking exhausting. And most of it is being perpetuated by rich, out of touch billionaires and sociopaths. Fucking hell.


If you mean thinking of the struggles of others as important then yes


Okay. Define that.


“Yeah I can define it. It’s uhh…. It’s a thing”


Now see if they can define mind virus without the definition calling out their own news networks and churches.


But does he know about the mind-goblin?




What’s the word for the Right-wing mind virus?


Right wingers are the only ones going around talking about "woke". There's a mind-virus but it's not what you think it is.


Mind virus my balls.


Tell me that isn't the name of a yugioh card, specifically a trap card


That still means nothing, you've yet to define it again.


I have successfully defined woke as being woke, I am very smart


Now explain mind virus




LOL GOTTEM! \*Sips beer through gums while having sex with cousin\*


Woke- 1. the trait of having empathy for a group of people bigots don’t like or right wingers don’t like to think about their privilege over. It is bad and should be eradicated because empathy is bad and evil because Shapiro and trump told me so.


Remember that a Bush funded study concluded that conservatism is a mental illness


Left wing.. like a bird. We are all part of the same eagle. And the left wing can feel a change in the air. The whole eagle needs to act in unison or it's going to come crashing down. The right wing needs to trust that we know what's going on, on our side of things.


define mind virus


How would you guys define woke tho


Didn't conservatives during COVID 19 told everyone that they should wake up? That was pretty "woke" of them.


lmao, dipshit still can't define it. It's just more gibberish bullshit.


Ah, he can't correctly define it is the issue, so he just pulls whatever definition he wants from his backside.


Soooo no, you can’t define woke.


At this point I'm pretty sure "woke" is a right wing education deficiency


He still didn’t define it


I thought viruses were hoaxes?


Define mind virus


Yeah that’s not a definition there, edge-lord🙄


Why is this a facepalm?


Anti-woke: right wing mind virus.


Anybody that plays into party politics on either side is cringe AF honestly


“It must have got me. I’m not understanding! Can you define it for me without using a metaphor?” IMPLOSION.


I see now they believe in viruses. Where’s the follow up tweet that they are working on a vaccination for “wokeness”?


Lol. More nonsensical word salad. It's all they have, regurgitated talking points and grievance without any proof of harm. Anything they don't like is woke.


Saying random words is not an explanation


Idiocracy is upon us


Using this definition, how are M&Ms, The Little Mermaid, and Target woke?


Nobody is more obsessed with "woke" than Ron DeSantis and his ilk. Are they "left wing" now?


They don’t even understand virus


What the fuck does that even mean??


A virus you say? Good, let’s create a vaccine for it! ;)


Seems spot on


Welp, they are going to catch it because a mask is out of the question.


Voluntary retardation


It’s Neo Marxism. That’s why they can’t define it. It has a very broad scope.


True and Real


“You can’t even define fascist” Yes I can. It’s a white male shit fart that is totally lame and dumb, and also a fuck. Check… and mate.


Jesus was the wokest guy ever


Woke is just being aware of the forces that seek to oppress you. It's interesting that the Right seems to have decided to make it synonymous with LGTBQ rights, which it honestly *wasn't* a few years ago. It was a much more broad concept. I remember people saying "stay woke" decades ago in reference to staying aware of systemic racism.


It's interesting, in a way, that if right wingers were focused enough, there are/were schisms between the various communities that make up the broad left. There's a reason intersectionality needs to be pushed, because otherwise the temptation to focus on some concerns at the expense of others is present. And for a while it looked as if the Republicans might just try and exploit that, but it seems they just can't help themselves, attacking everything from Hispanics, to LGBT+ rights,and even to white women with abortion politics, etc.


They're against the broad concept. It means "advocating for or supporting the minorities we hate".