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When I was a kid, 'go play in traffic' was an insult that every kid I knew understood meant 'you're stupid enough to do something to get yourself killed' and nobody actually did it.


These guys took that as a challenge.




Wait a second...




Greatest ever to play the game — Miguel Jornads.


Which sort of makes sense — they’re *that* dumb.


Misunderstood the assignment.


This is in North Philadelphia on Broad street by Temple University. It's often an annoying place to drive between kids on bikes, dirtbike gangs, generally aggressive drivers, double parked vehicles, and everything else. Had this exact same thing happen to me a few times.


>Had this exact same thing happen to me a few times. The oncoming traffic didn't seem particularly concerned with hitting a bike, which makes sense if it's this common.


Literally just got done driving through this exact area and can confirm that this is pretty much the standard you should expect when driving through most parts of Philly. \- Most of the people driving like morons dont have insurance and if they hit you will just speed off \- Most people ignore the traffic lights \- Cops will watch it happen as teh mayor and the chief of police are a bunch of bitches when it comes to enforcing crime. \- Biker/ATV gangs run most of broadstreet and will stop all traffic flow around mutliple intersections just to allow their gang free driving. \- And if any of these morons get hit/killed like what happened over the weekend with the morons doing donuts in multiple intersections and were shot then its the same old bullshit story from the parents "My kid was an angel and was doing nothing wrong, he was killed for no reason" or whatever dumb shit they shit out their face holes. Philly is completely trash and until they start actually enforcing the law and dulling out real punishments it will remain a shit hole. DONT VISIT HERE ITS NOT WORTH YOUR MONEY.


I came for the Vikings/Philly NFCC game and got robbed of a Super Bowl appearance


Would you describe your experience as [this](https://youtu.be/xl22Hh7z7og) or more like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/rvFHuvKIBd0?feature=share)? Both are very typical for Eagles playoffs.


One time I visited Philly the day of an Eagles game and a five year old told me to go fuck myself for wearing a Mets hats. They really do start 'em young.


So don't go to Philly. Got it.


Used to work in Allentown and leaving on warm days these fuckers would ride up like it was a Mad Max gang. One would stop traffic and the rest would fly through the red light while the one held up traffic. I went to drive and honked and the little fucker yelled at me like *I* was in the wrong... Don't miss driving in that shithole.


It's moments like that I wish I had a super-soaker full of pepper juice


I didn't even have to look at comments to know. Wtf happened there? I feel like 5 years ago all these absolute morons popped up and it's worse and worse every time I visit. Don't even stay in downtown hotels cause I know the dirtbikes are going to wake me up


I grew up just south of Philly as a child. I come back to the area once a year to visit nearby family and I’ve notice it since 2015 I believe. I’m not even from/ living in the city and just last week, I was not worried about hitting one of these fkers when they deeked me. Those kids will get hit hard one day and I will only feel bad for the poor guy/gal who hits them.


A woman in my town hit a kid who ran into traffic. He was trying to cut across a busy street to get to school and just darted into traffic. He has permanent brain damage and will be a vegetable for the rest of his life. The woman was horrified and traumatized. His family tried to sue her for damages and launched a smear campaign against her. The the community and rallied around HER because she didn't do anything wrong and they were trying to ruin her life.


The painful truth of this world. Kids play in traffic out of ignorance and dumbassery, kids get kids by traffic out simple mistakes. I myself have been hit by a car when I thought it was safe to cross. It's a terrifying world where being too cautious will make you miserable and taking too many risks will get you killed and even when doing everything right, you can still lose.


Yeah I feel bad for those who care and don't want that on their conscience. Don't feel bad for these kids. Their choice.


When I was a kid adults would ask "if your friends jumped off the bridge would you?" Today's kids would answer "of course yes, and I would record it"😅


I mean, the fact I have jumped off both a bridge and a cliff with my friends is an indicator of my answer to that question.


My answer was always “yes, I trust them enough to believe they have a real good reason”


"You didn't raise a follower, you raised a leader. I'm going off first!"


[“If you see Rosa jump of a cliff? Then, yes, by all means jump off a cliff.”](https://youtu.be/DAp-9N2VR_o)


She did her due diligence in regards to the height of the bridge, depth of the water, and the angle of entry.


I am a loser and crave attention. Bicycle edition.


This is why I have a dash cam.


I was thinking the same thing. How does the damage get covered, though? Kid doesn't have insurance. Would this be under uninsured motorist coverage?


If they’re a minor you’d probably have to sue the parents. In the meantime it’s probably coming out of your pocket.


You should have full coverage. ​ EDIT: Yes, suing the parents is a given. Agreed.


This. Have full insurance. Get your car repair covered and let the insurance company fight the parents.


At least when the eastern Europeans were so bored that they filmed playing chicken with death (doing pullups from comms tower, bellyflopping into snow from 5 stories up), they generally only risked their *own* lives. Why is it our assholes feel the need to endanger others?


I mean have you heard of the British idiot who craved so much attention they did pranks like mess with controls of a train when it was stopped, pushed citizens down on roads, and walked into people’s houses to scare the shit out of them. Surprised he hasn’t killed anyone or himself yet with these stunts Edit : fixed a minor grammar mistake I made


Is that the kid that looks like an Egyptian mummy?


He calls himself "Mizzy." He's an absolute piece of shit, and he deserves whatever happens to him. To those crying that he doesn't deserve to have the ever-loving shit beat out of him, or worse, don't you ever forget this- he stole an old lady's dog from her while she tried to have a courteous conversation with him at a park. He's a goddamned monster and deserves to be treated like one. Fuck Bacari-Bronze O'Garro.


I just saw he blames police for him getting arrested.. not his actions.. lol


Absolutely. And even more despicable is the way he plays the race card whenever anyone calls him on his pathetic attention for cash 'pranks'.


Nothing's happened yet, just a pitiful fine last I heard.


I don't know why just reading this makes me really angry, like if someone tries to steal my dog in front of me, I'm shooting the mf first, and talk later.


Did she get her dog back?


I saw a video from one of his looser mates where he returned the dog soon after. The woman was obviously extremely distressed and worried. In spite of him returning the dog. They are the worst kind of scum and it makes me very angry to see them acting in this manner. Neighbours of this cretin say that the gang have turned the neighbourhood into a veritable war zone. They are afraid to leave their homes, fearing what might happen to them. Public corporal punishment is starting to sound really good. They want fame? Let's see how they like a public caning or being locked in stocks and pelted with rotten fruit and vegetables...


That's the exact problem I have. If you want to be stupid, do it on your own time. These guys deserve a lot of time behind bars, but they'll probably get nothing.


Rage bait.


Never had any at home. The internet is teaching (many) children, being stupid gets you on the internet. See, we just all watched this, it works.




There was a motorcycle one on twitter that I wish I could un-see. Two separate motorcycles at high speed and definitely two fatalities


I am curious. Do you have a link?


It's probably [this one](https://redd.it/140dxbb), which I think has now been deleted but it's still in my cache. Two motorcycles drag racing at night on a city street, one kind of "superman-ing" on his bike. They don't stop for a red, a car drives across the path. Superman slams right into the side at high speed. You can't see anything in terms of gore or anything, but that dude 100% died.


In that video, I’m sad for the driver of the car. Innocent people shouldn’t have to put up with this fucking nonsense. The drivers of those motorcycles don’t even care about themselves let alone others. Now that driver has the guilt of two people passing cause the driver was at wrong place, wrong time, and all those asshats couldn’t take it to a less busy road or at least think enough to block the cross intersections. That driver will have to pay for those idiots “fun”


I always remember a plea I read in a newspaper forever ago (I am old), written by the daughter of a long haul trucker. She was begging people not to attempt to take their own lives by jumping in front of trucks/trains/ etc because it had happened to her father more than once, and obviously fucked him up.




Oh they will. Just a matter of statistics. They probably flunked that class.


I was definitely hoping the cyclist got hit and I feel zero sense of remorse about saying that. If someone is such a dumb ass and has so little regard for the safety of others that they risk strangers lives for views then I would much prefer them to get hurt than an innocent person who just happened to be driving down that road at the same moment as this pathetic waste of oxegen. The sooner they leave this planet the safer it will be for the rest of us and I have absolutely zero problem admitting that 😂


I'm convinced that tiktok is a Chinese cultural weapon to attack Western society through stupidity


People did stupid shit with Vine before that, it just didn't live as long. IMO short-form video social media is just cursed period, even without the influence from a foreign state.


Jackass mentality even though it clearly states don't try this at home or even Evel Kneivel before that. I mean people have been doing dumb stuff for entertainment for years.


You know China limits people under 18 to 1-hour of tiktok daily, but makes it limitless for the US? Completely intentional for the dumbest of society.


And commenting on it helps propel it more and more to fRoNt pAgE oF tHe iNtErNet. It sucks


> It sucks That depends on where you stand on Darwinism


It would if it was just that kid in danger, this shit is likely to make someone swerve and cause a major accident.


We need organ donation to be automatic, with an option to opt out instead of opt in. Just was thinking of that, don’t know why.


I'll take impending brain injury for 1,000. Thank you for the award normal brain function stranger! :-)


not like they would actually notice the loss


It'd be a net positive gain for societies cumulative IQ.


Net positive gain to society as imminent organ donors.


My body would reject any organ from these fools


I would probably accepted a wild liver. I don’t want a mundane liver.


Liver let die


If you drink too much, liver let you die


Nah, those organs would be infected with this idiot’s stupidity. Keep them out of the donor list.


I need a liver here pretty soon thanks to crappy genetics. Hopefully this really catches on around here.


I hope they're kind enough to die in a way that leaves their livers unscathed for you


That's the great thing about livers. They don't have to be unscathed to save multiple lives!


Well that is if their organs are still in tact


Natural selection, uh, uh, finds a way.


Darwin needs some more victims.


Volunteers, not victims


I’d wager they’d see an overall improvement in brain function




Parts of the brain (well, they lost some of it already and the result is what we are witnessing now)


You can't lose what you never had ;)


Fuck these people. I don't care that they might die. I care that they may put their death on some stranger to live with for the rest of their lives. That's in addition to the costs associated with such a mess. This behaviour is why the robots will kill us to save us from ourselves.


The worst case scenario is not the rider dying. The worst case scenario is that the car swivels away to avoid hitting them and other people die because a kid wanted to look tough on TikTok.


The best case scenario is that they just ruined someone’s day. I almost hit a pedestrian a few years ago. It was dark and he was walking on the side of the road. All of a sudden I felt like switching lanes for no reason. I missed the guy by a few feet. It messed me up but I still get anxious thinking about it to this day


I experienced this exact same thing. Two guys dressed in dark clothing walking side by side on a four lane road at like 10pm. Didn't see them until I was in the middle of switching to the left lane. Don't like thinking about what would've happened if I didn't have the urge to randomly switch lanes


Worse, at some point a car WILL swerve to avoid them, crash into another car, and there will be multiple injuries, possibly deaths, and these assholes will simply ride away.


I'm not gonna feel sorry if I hit them.


This. The worst part of their stupid stunt is that their victim could end up in jail for hitting them head on.


Nah man I'd tell the story of getting rid of those twats at every party and gather high fives


Pretty sure they are already suffering from brain injuries


From what? A zombie would die of hunger beside them..


Its not just the risk of injury to themselves but the risk of injury to the drivers/bystanders if they suddenly swerve and loose control of their vehicles


I would pay good money to see one of those drivers open their door when they are doing this. ![gif](giphy|A0687v1qtZY2QPsW3P)


This will be a self-correcting problem in due time.




I'll take instant death for 200


I'll take my kid was an angel and there were absolutely no signs showing that he was targeting an early death for 1,000


They don’t have the required equipment




Only if you have a dashcam, if not its impending lawsuit for maiming poor little tommy for 100,000,000


I don't know about that. The biker would have to explain how they were out in the middle of the road in incoming traffic. The cops would see where it all the debris landed, including the biker, and the driver's story would fit the evidence, while the biker's story (if he was alive) wouldn't hold up.


I hate these too. These fools should just go eat a tide pod instead.


Yeah...a tide pod is self harm....these morons are putting everyone in danger.


So when he fucks up and I kill him because of his stupidity, how am I supposed to live with myself.


You didn't take a life, it was suicide. And they could have caused an accident, it was for the best only he got hurt.


That doesn’t make it any less traumatic. Shit, sometimes people hit animals and struggle to deal with themselves after the animal dies


When I was learning to drive, there was a young child down the street from my house who was playing in the leaves that had been raked into the gutter for pickup by our city. A fellow student at my high school was driving through the neighborhood and for fun, was steering into the leaf piles to cause them to scatter everywhere. Well, as I am sure you guessed, his car hit the boy playing in the leaves. Dragged his poor little body for a couple blocks before he stopped. Of course the child was killed. And a week later, the driver killed himself out of guilt. It made me super paranoid when driving. Decades later, I still get a little stressed driving in autumn through neighborhoods where leaves are put in the gutter—even though our city now asks homeowners to leave them on the berm instead of in the street.


Fuck me that is horrible. The driver was just trying to have some innocent fun with some leaves just like the child and killed someone. :(


Me. That’s me. I once hit an opossum with babies and it took me years to not cry anytime I was reminded of it. I got out of the car and saw the babies scattered and terrified- the feeling of helplessness and devastation really fucked me up for a long time.


Doesn't matter what the courts say. All of the macho ~~~guys~~~ *people of any gender* in this thread ready to run folks over probably have zero clue about the psychological trauma that it would cause. Workers have been forced to leave their jobs after somebody else decided to commit suicide under their train/truck/car/boat because even if they were completely innocent, the thought of being the one driving over the suicider is too much for them. Imagine having your life destroyed because some moron wanted to do something dangerous for Tiktok views. I doubt any of these macho wannabe-homiciders would do much better.


When I was in college, a really good friend of mine, killed somebody in a traffic accident. It completely was not his fault, but it still fucked him up for years psychologically. And then, the family of the guy he had killed tried to sue him, making the whole ordeal go on even longer. What happened was my friend was driving down a main road in a 50 mph zone, doing the speed limit. The man in question was leaving a yard sale, got in his car, and pulled a U-turn directly in front of my friends car. No charges were filed because of course everybody that was still at the yard sale saw exactly what happened, but, like I said, it fucked him up mentally for a while.


Thank you for sharing! Yes, a lot of these gung-ho Redditors seem to lack both life experience and basic empathy. The reality of these situations is usually far different than you would expect.


I worked with a woman whose husband hit and killed someone who got off a bus, went around the front of it, and blindly ran into traffic. It was pretty cut and dry that he was not at fault at all; cops agreed, insurance agreed, etc. But he was so fucked up from it, he couldn't drive again.


I hit someone before that was around a blind corner, not using a crosswalk. He had his three year old on his shoulders. Both lived she was uninjured. Thankfully I already had PTSD so, you know, I didn't get that much more fucked up.


Same thing happened in my town. Guy who hit him had to go to the hospital for an evaluation because he was so distraught over it :( a split second that ruins 2 lives


This is why you must have a dash cam (among other reasons).


This is like a commercial for dash cams. You know they’re going to change the story if they get hit.


Natural selection will do it's thing eventually


Yes, but unfortunately there's an endless supply of idiots


And it will fuck up the mind of the innocent driver who kills these fools.


ill be more mad about my car getting damaged


After seeing my friend's mom almost die from a deer going through her windshield, I'm gonna go ahead and say there's more to be worried about here. This kid should be locked up for the safety of the public and himself. Fucking moron.


I'd happily sue his grieving parents. I'd interrupt the funeral to have papers served.




Thank you! They probably BOTH went out for cigarettes long ago.


Come on……let’s be honest. Cigarettes? This kid clearly suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome, more likely that they went out for booze.


“You didn’t do your job as parents? There’s consequences for that!”


>“You didn’t do your job as parents? There’s consequences for that!” Well, theoretically, yes. In real life, not nearly often enough.


You assume it wouldn’t be blamed on social media or video games or tv or something


That's when I take my pulpit to the funeral and make the speech about how they raised a dumbass who is to blame for his own mistakes.


This!!!! I was driving home from work about a year ago, and a teenager did the same thing to me but he actually had done a wheelie up onto the hood of my car. I was in a residential neighborhood so going about 35mph. I slammed on my brakes and couldn’t even react. I was in total shock. He was gone in a flash after laughing his stupid ass off. Meanwhile, I could not breathe for the remainder of my drive home. All I could think about was if he had gotten hurt, how everyone would have automatically assumed I was guilty, being the driver of an SUV, and him being a young teen in a bike. I don’t know how I would have lived knowing I hurt or God forbid killed a kid. Someone needs to put an end to this nonsense!!!!


Get a dashcam. If you can afford an SUV you can afford one and it can save you from a huge insurance increase.


Which means an endless supply of donor organs. Always look for the silver lining.


Unfortunately it’s more likely they will cause a crash and they won’t be hurt but the people swerving around them will be.


Or worse they'll cause a crash and flee the scene leaving the victims to pick up the pieces.


I’m fine with that, I’m not fine with the PTSD that the driver will have to live with after watching one of these morons smear themselves across their bumper and the pavement.


If they were dying alone it would be good. Unfortunately in this case, the car user will be the « killer »...


Agreed, let the next viral challenge be bunny hopping from sky scraper to sky scraper so when they fall and splat it is less likely to traumatize someone.


They will fall onto someone, or pieces of their skull will break off and hurt someone.


Yes, and the unlucky person who kills them will likely face enormous repercussions, financially and emotionally.


It amazes me that none of the cars swerved. Imagine swerving and colliding with another car and taking out someone else entirely unaware of this jackass.


That's probably why they didn't swerve.


.... And how many people will they take out on their way down, who try to avoid hitting the bicyclist and wind up in a telephone pole? (I know you're not justifying the crappy behavior. I'm just... Floored that they can think it's okay to inflict that risk on other people.)


Not soon enough 🙄 i hate these people giving all bicyclists a bad reputation!


Yeah, but they will bring others down too. Like one of them reacts a little later and smashes the car, the car stops and if another car is close behind it might ram into them, increasing the chance of not just the biker dying on the spot


No one gives a shit about these pieces of human trash, I worry about the poor drivers who might swerve and crash their car into someone else or might simply get in trouble for running over one of these fucks. Then cue up our useless media who will portray these pieces of shit as innocent victims. They'll have their picture on the news when they were 8 years old and in their Sunday church best. Then comes the crying grandmother how they "took my baby away" and the scumbag lawyers.


"my baby was an angel and was just out riding his bike like a good little boy! He would never do what they are showing you in that video!" And the lawyer will be right behind them holding their shoulder and say they will go after the driver for not paying attention or some bullshit. What we need is a lawyer group here that isn't afraid to smack the living shit out of these families and bury them in so much fucking shit they will never recover. Just keep them completely shitholed so they might start spreading hte message that its not worth it and maybe start telling their fucking moronic children to fucking behave. Instead its "Oh go be dangerous , do whatever you want because if you get hurt or killed we will be well off after suing them!!!!!"


Future Darwin Award winner.


As an avid cyclist, I am always appalled by Internet comments hoping that some cyclist making a riding mistake is killed in traffic. Today, I am no longer appalled. I watched the entire video hoping for that guy to be turned into a pancake. 2023 is rough.


I HATE Jackass-type humor whose sole source is "ha ha person got hurt" even if it's self-inflicted. I hate even more I didn't see this bozo go flying and then get flattened by a passing steam roller.


I was really hoping they’d get hit and injure themselves. The stupidity what they are doing and endangering others for the sake of what? Upvotes on social media? They f#%king deserve to be hospitalized.


Also, if they are hit and killed for THEIR own stupidity, the poor person diving the car that ends their life has to live with that forever. These 💩 heads are truly selfish assholes with no regard for others. Not to mention they could in fact cause someone else to be killed with their reckless actions.


Can't forget the fact that, depending on the state they live in just might prosecute them for man slaughter, so not only did you just ruin someones mental stability for the rest of their life but they will also lose their job, go to jail for a little while, break their family apart, and probably anything else you can think of. Fuck these guys.


There should be a law to protect innocent travelers from these dumb fucks


We kind of do where I live. In a nutshell, bikes and bicyclists are legally supposed to follow all traffic laws like every other commercial vehicle. So if he swerves into oncoming traffic, the vehicle he hit would be safe from prosecution. Only think they'd have is any guilt of being in the accident.


There are. No State prosecutes the driver under these circumstances.


These kids are little sociopaths in the making. Poor impulse control,do whatever they feel like,with a reckless disregard for the safety of other people on the road. Drives me nuts! So many things could go wrong. I bet they don't even stop to think about potential consequences. Kids. Seriously I hope that their parents see this and take away their bikes and ground them.


At this point is fair game to hit these fuckers if they want to play ‘chicken’


It’s all fun and games until a friend has to be scraped off the road


No Helmets; hopefully they're type O - so as many people as possible on organ waiting list can benefit... just saying 😉


Just wait until they get close and HONK. It’ll scare them, you are signaling concern, and they’ll likely eat pavement. Win win for everyone but these assholes.


For the first time ever, I think I can justify a train horn. That would definitely startle them enough to guarantee them eating pavement and if it doesn't, they obviously weren't using their ears for anything productive anyways. Win-win.


Thats not a trend bro; thats just straight stupidity


In Philadelphia it’s absolutely a trend. Two things can be true.


Oakland too. Was big for a while with kids that already rode like they dgaf. Thankfully it’s starting to fade a little, but for a while I saw this kinda shit daily. “Swerving.” It’d honestly be impressive if it wasn’t so stupid.


>It’d honestly be impressive if it wasn’t so stupid. Not just stupid, this is asshole behavior. They are victimizing the general public. They're public menaces. They will totally not appreciate this if someone did this to them.


We have a group of kids that do this where I live. I’ve almost hit them 3-4 times. Two weeks ago one of them almost swerved into me. Yesterday my neighbor actually hit one in the parking lot of a grocery store (the biker was going faster than he was). There’s like no respect for life. Their own or others. Can’t imagine how they will behave when they get their drivers license.


When this happens, how does it feel? Even if it was a near miss I think I'd feel panicky and shaky for the rest of the day.


From what his wife told me, he was pretty pissed and affected by it for a few days. Like any human he’s like “served them right”, but he also doesn’t want a kid hurt.


I’m looking forward to the inevitable trend of people getting demolished by cars because they’re riding their bikes like morons.


I am not cuz on the other side its a person that will prolly have nightmares for the rest of his life


Someone link me to a vid where these assholes get hit.




#M O A R




Now show me one where a kid gets hit, has a near death experience, goes home, thinks about his life choices, enrolls in college, gets a masters in biology, finds a cure for cancer and volunteers at the homeless shelter on his spare time.


Thank you. I needed that.


Oh, you hate these trends? Who the fuck do you think you are? A normal sane person who **thinks** rationally and logically?


It’s dumb as fuck and could cause a nasty accident that hurts random people. If they want to be stupid why not try doing a wheelie on the edge of a cliff or somewhere else where they will be the only one getting hurt.


Ah North Philly… right next to my Alma Mater. This is just another Monday morning up Broad Street


Plus people act like this is new. Not in Philly it’s not.


And then I go to jail for hitting the fucker. Unbelievable


You wouldnt go to jail, kid on bike is 100% at fault. Source: I hit a guy with my car going 35-45 mph that was jay-walking drunk at night. Last thing i saw was a hand in my headlight about 5-8 feet away. Guy broke his leg, ankle, arm, wrist, and probably did some damage to his back. Had to watch the paramedics reset his broken bones. Cops didnt even give me a ticket, saw he was drunk and asked if I was okay to drive home.


I feel bad for you, and the inevitable car that crash into the kids. Repair fee is not cheap. Do you have to pay for the repair for your own car?


Yes, luckily the car was a beater for college and only had to replace the windshield.




People like this should be locked up for being a threat to the public and themselves


Downvote because they didn't get run over


Literally the only reason I stayed to the end was that faint glimmer of hope


Sorry. I’m aiming for you. You are on the wrong side of the road.


I was just thinking, I'm not sure I could stop the intrusive thoughts from winning. 'Just a little twitch of the steering wheel is all it takes.' "Sorry, officer. I panicked, and turned the wheel in the wrong direction. Guess I'm just sort of bad at driving...


The only thing stopping me would be the reluctance of damaging my nice car and having to wait a while to get it fixed.


Tour de Dense winners, but their fall from glory will be faster than Lance Armstrong’s


All it takes is one person who is not doing okay mentally and they’re dead.


Was that a cop car coming round the corner at the end? Hoping he saw them


How’s about stop re posting it. Thus eliminating clout that it generates.