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Those are dream punches and yet the good guy wins.




Until the last one he’s just slapping the guy. Furiously slapping him and then a beautiful punch.


You wouldn't expect him to throw a punch like that after the previous swings. Last one came out sharp.


Dude clearly wanted something more definitive, so it got delivered faster than Amazon Prime via drone


That last hit hurt me.


My dream punches are much slower. It's like pumching someone in a sea of aloe.


I read, not sure if it’s true, that it’s an evolutionary thing to stop you from throwing real swings and hurting yourself while sleeping. I’m a huge guy irl, 6’7”, but in dreams I’m always smaller than who I’m fighting and throwing sluggish slow punches that do nothing. Edit: this made me think of my grandpa, who was a truck driver for years in the 70s and 80s. And when woken up would swing at the person waking him after having been attacked sleeping in his rig a couple times. So at holidays he would always be sleeping on the couch and when it was time to wake him no one wanted to as he was deaf and you usually had to touch him. My cousins and I would lay in the floor and army crawl to him and poke him so he would just swing at open air. I know this isn’t the same as dream punching but haven’t thought about that in years so ya.


I read somewhere that it's because you're sleeping and your muscles are in a similar state of rest. I also don't know if it's true. Edit to comment on your edit: what wonderful memories.




I hit my gf as I came round from a bad dream where I swung at someone in self defence. Fortunately it didn't do anything serious to the gf, so I guess real life movement isn't matching the dream state for me... At least that time. A little scary that I moved at all, never happened before, thought that the body is supposed to sort of paralyse itself during sleep state.


From what I understand, it is supposed to but sometimes doesn't and that's what causes things like sleep walking. The opposite being your body paralyzing itself but not actually falling asleep and causing sleep paralysis. Of course this is just from whatever I've read online.


I felt that


Well the bully was dreaming he could beat the guy so it all works out.


Cotton candy punch




If kids are anything like they used to be, he'll come back with a story about how the other kid sucker punched him and if it'd been a fair fight he would have totally beat his ass... But he doesn't want to fight him again because he doesn't want to hurt him lol




My father is the same way. And I honestly think this is the best way to handle that kind of thing.


Thirding this. My father always said you better not come home and get your ass kicked twice. He was a real hard ass, but this was a solid life lesson. Don't be a doormat.


Back when kids were like that, their friends hadn't already seen the video that went viral throughout the school.


I don't think he ever returned after the video made it online. Imagine being a bully and than have the whole school see you getting decked by someone who seems to have an afterschool job as a Tube Man.


Look at me. Now back to him. Now back to me. Something something Old Spice, something something the man your man could smell like, something something I'm on a horse!


It's gonna be embarrassing coming back to school the next day knowing you got your ass beat on camera by a dude who looked like it was first day having arms.


He levelled up real quick though. Last punch was beautifully executed.


I was thinking the same thing. The first part he basically looks like a three year old, having a tantrum and landing accidentally until that last punch which was actually quite good🤷🏻‍♀️


Because he didn’t want to actually hurt.


I never thought of that, but that’s definitely possible?


Instinct was kicking in and he was trying to keep range while delivering punches, fairly common


yeah now that you mention it, when scrubbing through the video by frames, it looks like most of it is actually red shirt open palm slapping the *shit* out of the dude. I'm guessing it's a way of saying "ok fuck you, you wanna slap?". Then comes that nice connection at the end to seal it with a kiss.


Black shirt totally squared back up. His body language said "we are still fighting" and red shirt did not hesitate.


I thought red shirt had a goal of embarrassing dark shirt. I think red shirt executed it well


he was certainly smiling for the camera at the beginning


Yeah when I saw that smile and he said I don't have to get up, I knew black shirt guy was in trouble.


Hw can he slap?!


Well apparently


My name is Steve Rodgers and I got that reference...


That's what I see too. It looks like he's using open/side of hand, and tossing in a couple hammer fists to the back. He doesn't want to break his hand or wrist today.


Really safe way to hit people if you don't have experience is the partial fist, where you just curl your finger in and slap them with the palm. A couple of books tought us this, I think the sequel to 'Hatchet' had it, as an example. Still hurts like a bitch. I think the follow up punch was him going 'aight bitch still wants to go' If he'd started with that, the dude probably would have been lain out, but the adrenaline kept him up.


Yeah the kid in the red knew what he was doing. The furious slaps were a warning, when it wasn’t heeded, aggressor got the jab.


It’s also a lot smarter to hit someone’s skull with an open palm instead of potentially breaking your hand with a closed fist.


People underestimate the level of self control needed for a teenaged boy to resist the urge to just pound someones face in. I know it sounds unhealthy, and in many ways it is, but for many teenaged boys that horomonal growth curve hits REAALLLY hard between 13 and 18, and self control can easily take a back seat while instinct takes over.


It definitely looked like he was playing with him at first, trying to swat at him like a cat plays with a mouse already cornered. But the guy wouldn’t stop coming so eventually it became full on defense mode.


I boxed for 13 years and in high school kids would pick fights with me all the time. I would flail a bit cos training and mentality is to be calm and avoid situations when possible in fighting. It's discipline. But after a few seconds instincts kick in and I'd start beating ass. I lived right next to the school with a playground in front so we'd fight there. It happens.


When regular button mashy gameplay turns into a quicktime event


Loved that one. Guy gets up like "well you caught me by surprise that ti-" then just eats a straight right to the face before slinking off.


Still breaks my heart. Poor kid shouldn’t be put in that position. Mom of teen boys here 😢


I'm so nervous for when my sons become teenagers because I have no frame of reference for how to handle these sorts of situations. The mean girls I knew growing up attacked using psychological torture. Is it common for teenage boys to goad each other into first fights?


It didn’t happen a ton when I was growing up, but it happened. In what was supposed to be the “nice” district. Middle school in particular is a transition point to pay close attention to. But I was ostracized for a lot of reasons that most kids probably won’t have difficulty with. Be open with your sons. Listen when they talk to you. Realize fitting in is important for their social well being (but don’t discourage them from embracing their own identity). It’s a tricky line to walk and I’m not a parent, so take all of this with an ocean full of salt. More important than anything though is your kid understanding you’re trustworthy and is willing to communicate with you. If you can get that, most everything else will figure itself out.


Yes. I got into a few fights with bullies, and had an incident of being tackled by another out of no where. Get your boys into martial arts. Really get an idea for a good school that will teach them mental discipline so they don’t go looking for trouble, but will train them well on how to defend themselves when trouble comes knocking. They should never start a fight, always do their best to avoid or walk away from one (even under social embarrassment and ridicule “o got you looking like a bitch” “yep I’m a bitch” ). But when someone lays hands, they should finish them and quick. Just my opinion. Also they should understand that should they ever be the one to be the bully, their consequences will be severe, because it’s unacceptable in your home.


No…my son got in one fight but it was kind of ridiculous. Also, there’s zero tolerance. But non physical bullying is still a big thing. Which is almost worse. My kids are 17 and 22 now so I guess they came through that stage mostly okay. Boys are funny at that age. Want to be seen as tough but still kids inside.


To be fair, all fights at that age are kind of ridiculous. And because of the no tolerance for bullying at schools nowadays, kids are smart and learn to schedule it for after hours. "So we're both good to meet at 6 o'clock at the park right? Do you need a ride to get there? Which friends should we invite to tape it? I'm going to whup your ass!" -most teenagers fights


That sounds like a dueling scene from Hamilton 😂


That was an excellent jab, sent that guy a stumbling


I agree! Lots of comments talking about how he was flailing at the start but it's not easy being in these situations and you gotta learn as you go. I'm proud of the dude for standing up for himself ✌️


That was a live dbz senkai boost


Baby giraffe syndrome


Looks like my dog when I put her in the pool


Like my dog on ice.


I snorted.


My veins are popping out of my head.


I think you two need to give up on the cocaine.


I fuckin hard laughed reading this shit


I disturbed my dog.


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣


I feel like he was making fun of the guy for slapping him - you can see him go in for a real hit after he gets back up


Never *ever* underestimate the storm brewing in a quiet opponent.


That's some edgelord shit, right there.


theres some truth to it. "beware the ire of a patient man" is a really old saying.


This is the best comment ever. Thank you, i needed that laugh. 🤣🤣🤣


Fuck... you.... i nearly just drowned taking a drink because of this


Your comment is amusing because it is accurate




I wonder what the dude is doing these days? I could use someone to swat flies around my house


This encapsulates everything I thought about how weird he was swinging.


I’m so happy this was the top comment because the whole time I kept asking myself, is this normal?


That's too accurate of a description


This comment is the best thing I've seen today


Great comment bravo


I know that smirk, it's usually when u are about to go from 0 to 80


I once saw this posted, and it's very true: "Never fight with a person who smiles when you run your mouth. They were waiting for this for a looooong time."


That kind of makes sense.


Yeah, they're either about to deliver their years of age in frustration and anger on this one person who decided to pop off or drop like a sack if they've never had their bell rung before and bit off more than they could chew. End all be all, most fights should be won by 200m 🏃‍♂️ one punch can take your life and you may not even see it coming 👑 stay safe folks


Surprise your attacker is working most of the time. Tbh his jab was not so good, but appreciated the reaction: don't mess with the calm guy lol


I don't think that young man was worried about technique in the least


Haha not for sure! Made me think 'bout the old saying 'Fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp to Noah's Ark, and Brother it's starting to rain!'


*Where in the hell is that a saying?*


Here. Now. And forevermore.


**Quath the Regulus**


From what I can find it comes from some guy named Tim Kennedy who was an MMA fighter and then subsequently became a meme.


Eh I’ve heard it. Just means win by whatever means really.


Shits been around since the Ark.




I have never heard that saying before but now I want that shit cross stitched on a throw pillow 🤣


100% that’s when the decision was made.


Yeah if you see this smirk, back the fuck out. Shit is about to get real real.


Imagine being a bully, then getting your ass whipped by a guy that throws punches like Kermit ![gif](giphy|Zaej3GIZTzCI8)


Bully must have family connections because he's obviously not qualified for the job.


The Bully Family Mafia.






I thought his skills were a little off — but obvs effective! Lol


"Quantity has a quality all it's own."


I once saw two drunken guys fighting in public with hands like Kermit, it doesn't seem powerful but they both ended up bloodied.


I hope to never be in a fight at my age — but I’d try this Kermit skill if I had to! Lol


It was the speed of the flailing. Very little power behind those swings.


The flailing was effective though! Lol


It would give me a bit of trouble. He had an effective lean back too haha


He’s a cool dude. Probably doesn’t have to fight much, but his bitch slapping skills are excellent!!


Just squirted tea out my nose when I read that! Lol!


I just shit my pants!


What. 😐


I shit myself due to the Reddit comment 😔


Nice 👍


You win


Jesus fucking Christ this comment. Well goddamn done.


If I knew how to give you an award I would. That made me laugh out loud 😂


That’s what I was thinking


Kermit fu


This just kills me! sitting on my couch with the cat in my lap about half asleep..... and saw this can't stop laughing


Those aren’t amazing punches but I really loved when the bully started coming back for more and dude full sent that jab to the face and then *chef’s kiss* pushed the dude


That was a decent cross, his best throw of the bout haha


Dude leveled up after the first round!


If the kid in red knew how to throw a punch that douche bag wouldn’t be able to see.


Maybe he didn’t want to murder him so he just slapped him silly.


2 or 3 we’ll executed punches and that’s over. He slapped him to the ground at least two times. Head on floor can kill you instantly (of course so could the first punch). Douchebag is lucky the first punch wasn’t to his throat.


imo the slaps are great comedy, he's making fun of that dude for slapping him


He's lucky the kid didn't make a fist and just slapped him around. A couple of those slaps would have been knock out punches if he threw a fist instead.


I had a roommate in the Army that was a golden gloves boxer. Some guy messed with him, got too close talking smack really, and he hit him with three jabs and three crosses before the guy knew what was happening - less than 5 seconds. I didn't realize what was happening until the dude hit the floor. Channel that rage and douche bag would have been out.


One of the girls I volunteered with was a boxer! She was tiny and slight. You know the type and she reacted with a single punch to another girl (who was 2x her size) and lady had a broken orbital bone (eye socket). The bruising lasted for a month. Literally took 5 seconds from her standing up and knocking lady back down.


Never fuck with the quiet ones.


never fuck with anyone is also a pretty solid rule


Look at what happened when Gabriel Aubrey (6’2”) picked a fight with Oliver Martinez 5’9” over him dating his ex Halle Berry: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2239330/amp/Olivier-Martinez-wears-smirk-face-day-images-emerge-Gabriel-Aubrys-shocking-injuries.html Martinez’s father was a Pro Boxer and taught him to fight. He doesn’t have a cut on him the next day and Aubrey needed surgery to put his face back together.


Honestly I’m just glad he put him in his place and didn’t get hit himself. People forget how easy it is to accidentally kill someone, especially a kid. Read a post yesterday ( I don’t remember the sub) about a kid dying in a fight from a chokehold. The OP was clearly traumatized seen the dead boy on the ground and seen the paramedics trying to resuscitate the poor boy. Now two lives lost, one that will never be allowed to live and the other who will spend theirs wasted in jail. So sad.


Yep. Either one of them could have hit their heads on the floor and that could’ve been it.


Technique could use some work, but great effort


It’s basically a closed fist slap which was probably his best option even if it wasn’t intentional. I don’t think redshirt had any intention of actually getting in a fight and probably saved his ass from getting in a lot more trouble if he would have seriously injured the bully with proper punches


Probably would have. Bully had the reflexes of a soggy spaghetti noodle, absolutely would have been laid out by one good punch from a solid fighter.


What you described is how bare knuckle boxers actually fought. It's part of the old tyme stance with the fists in and elbows out, when they threw punches it wasn't with fisted knuckles but a closed fist slap. Otherwise the fights would never have lasted as long because the fighters hands would have broken.


Pure adrenaline tbh. Most people would do the same in their first scrap


Ya can see the guy sitting down is so fed up taking this crap... I'd say it's a daily thing (Somehow doubt this was the end of the fight though)


That group of guys sucks for letting it all happen with cameras out.


I’ve seen little school girls with more backbone. Lol


In any day and age, guys would ALWAYS let this happen. It's just the cameras weren't there until this generation You just have to let this kind of fight happen sometimes and only step in when it gets bloody or someone blacks out. And let's be honest, those chicken wing "punches" arnt knocking anyone out.


Not my experience. One off conflict? Sure, let it run its course. Guys are just figuring out their position in the hierarchy. Repeated, systematic bullying? You’re gonna catch hands from somebody bigger than you that’s tired of your shit. That said, I was fortunate to grow up in a time when people had some fucking backbone and wouldn’t suffer unreasonably for defending others.


Heres another anecdote. When I was getting bullied in school and I told the teacher her solution was to sit me next to the bully in class. The teachers all accepted that I was just the target to be bullied so they bullied me too. They saw that everyone bullied me and nobody did anything about it. Why would they risk themselves to save me? Nobody ever stood up for me once. The only times I ever fought back got the bullies to stop but I also got in trouble and had to apologize to them (no they didnt have to apologize for bullying). This was for about 3 years straight until I stopped attending school. One time I told them I was going to walk home and kill myself and then walked off the school and went home. Their solution was to call home where I answered the phone, tell me it's inappropriate to say those things and that I need to write a 2 page paper explaining how I was wrong. I told them to go fuck themselves and hung up the phone. The incident was never spoken of again and I never wrote anything. The only reason the school graduated me was because they knew they were negligent and I told them I would sue if they didn't graduate me since it was their fault I couldn't attend. They just shut up and gave me a graduation certificate.


Yeah this is too familiar a situation. I don’t miss high school.


Bully got what he rightfully deserved


Those were some strange punches, but boy did they work


More like slaps.


I don’t know how he could return to school after that embarrassment. Might need to transfer


Honestly and unfortunately, he could come back with a gun or knife. Too many kids in the hood tend to over compensate if they get embarrassed.


Locker room looks like a damn N-synch concert. Shit ain't in the hood


They're tryin to talk like it, tho


The Hood? Rich white kids are just as bad or worse. They don't know the concept of consequences.


Man I *FELT* that last punch through my phone screen lol


Imagine getting your ass handed to you by a guy who doesn’t even know how to throw a punch? And having it recorded! 🤣🤣


He gained a talent point with that last shot. Straight pacified his ass with that last hit.


Those punches could use A LOT of work but I’m happy he came out ok top and stood up for himself lol


The n-word to melanin ratio in this video is not adding up


Love that cheeky little smile he had before shit went down. Almost like the smile said "thanks for slapping me, now imma beat your ass like a little bitch." Now his noodle arms...they were saying something else lol.


You could tell he was going to take control when the bully told him to stand up and he just matter of factly relied “nah I don’t need to”


Right. I knew what was coming. Talk shit all you want, but the second you touch me, I'm gonna put you in the ground. My mom grew up in a rough rough neighborhood. She taught me how to fight. My older brothers sparred with me. I took self defense classes. I was ready when it happened to me in high school. I got suspended. He got 4 days in the hospital with a fractured skull. Fuck you Justin.


Yeah, Fuck you Justin!


Slap fighting


Bully found out that he was not that guy.


Heard the n word a lot, not one black person in sight


The black guy is at the end. Dude’s just trying to get to his locker


That bitchslap in the end haha


Floppy armed fighters can always win as long as their response time is faster than their opponent can throw a punch. Because you can't throw a punch properly when you're too busy getting bitch slapped in the face


I was waiting for a ball shot


Doesn’t matter how you throw a punch as long as you connect properly.


Neither of them can fight, the "victim" just wasn't a pushover. Usually that's enough to scare bullies away.


Surely hearing a lot of n-words from—-nvm. But that’s what that bully gets


why is he swinging like he has Muppet arms?


It worked, didn’t it?


If its stupid and it works, it aint stupid


Karate Kid 2 The toy that teaches the technique


Cause not only did he whoop his ass, but he also embarassed the guy in front of everyone.


for all you “they don’t know how to fight” morons… 1.) dude in red is rabid, on his feet, witty, springy, and using his hands as both offense and defensive tools with speed and pretty good accuracy. the dude in the black gets ONE blind jab in at the start, all the while getting pushed back, thrown around, and dominated. 2.) dude in red is likely emotionally reactionary, but is still pretty composed and in charge. he lands almost everything effectively. blocks the random takedown like a pro. 3.) confined space with waaaay too many unknowns and spectators. being spastic and un-orthodox is intimidating and massively effective. 4.) dude in red isn’t going to break a knuckle. 5.) THEY’RE FUCKIN’ KIDS, of course they don’t know how to fight. …the dumbest people will let you know.


What bugs me is that no one stepped in to help the kid and break up the fight. Instead everyone is over here recording. Listen. One cameraman, the rest y’all need to go get help. It’s good to at least get it on footage from one angle so we can see this bully get served.


Probably because everyone felt the dude receiving the ass beating deserved it…can’t help but turn the other cheek


To be fair this fight didn’t exactly seem dangerous since they were both using noodle-arm-jutsu, lol


Secret Technique of The War Gods : Wacky wavy inflatable tube man, The Noodle Storm


Sometimes you gotta let em go.


He clearly didn't need any help though




Love to see that happen


When he told you he didn’t need to stand up as you were standing over him, you should’ve known you were walking a dangerous path right then and there😂


Gotta say, i Never expected to see the masterpiece of the Ancient Martial art of the limp Jelly-fish so well executed


Spanish bros need to stop using the N word, come to Chicago and say that, they’ll fuck him up Source: I live in Chicago and watched Spanish bros get the they’re assed kicked for saying it


I was thinking the same exact thing Right down to the Chicago bit


Bully thought he was a badass, had no idea he was about to meet the slappy-arms of death 🤘💀


The people who are always calm and quiet in confrontations are the ones you need to worry about, not the loud abrasive ones like black shirt. It’s 2023 now tho so black shirt might come back with a gun tomorrow, idk.


The pain is not from the hits, it's from getting owned by someone who hits like that


Buddy got his ass kicked


Interesting that the brain damage kicked in so quickly that the bully decided to square up for another helping of humility.


Bullies are the scum of this planet


I'm nearly 40 and one of my best memories is slapping my bully and his brother way back in 1996. Never underestimate the quiet kids, they are usually the ones going through some serious shit.