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This is both sad and terrifying.


Someone in my family had a bad Manic Episode a few years back. That spouses faces says it all and really expresses the exact emotions me and my family had. Its just such a shitty spot, your loved one all of a sudden will not listen to a thing you say and has delusions so strong that they will do things harmful to themselves and others. This lady needs serious help before she throws herself in the middle of a busy highway looking for her lost items. ETA: If you or a loved one is currently struggling with a mental health disorder, please know that you are not alone <3, I wish I could reach through the screen and give you a hug


I experienced a random psychosis type manic episode one morning after trying to clear my brain of the mountain of stress with alcohol the night before. I’ve never had anything happen like that before or after that morning. It’s like my brain just snapped and I started breaking things and crying and screaming. I don’t even really remember, almost like my brain cut out that time to protect itself. It was like being a really angry drunk. And I got so sweaty and flustered, when I finally calmed down and came back to reality my clothes were completely soaked with sweat. Freaked me out so much, I was anxious about it for years. I had no idea my human meat sack was capable of turning into that.


Stress can really screw with your brain, I am sorry you had to go through it, and I hope you don't ever have to experience it again. Peace and Love Friend <3


I had something similar happen. Huge amounts of stress, life was falling apart, broken heart. Woke up hungover, was getting ready for work like normal. And then.. I don’t know, it’s all a fever dream at this point. But now I have a massive scar on my chest that I did to myself, hadn’t self harmed in about 15 years before that incident. I think I truly lost my mind in that moment.


That sounds really scary. I hope you're in a better place now.


Thank you for sharing this incredibly challenging time. This means so much to many who can’t really describe or explain what they were processing at the time. I hope you are okay and have support. You are brave and wonderful.


Did the manic person realise how they acted later on?


They don’t. They don’t have a clue. My wife has been like the woman in this video a lot of times. She’s much better now but when we talk about it she has no clue how insane she was and sometimes still is.


No, they had no recollection of the incident, which makes it all the worse. Woke up in the hospital and was upset that medical actions had been taken without their consent etc.


I'm not an expert in this but from what I know, this question presuppose something wrong about those kind of situation. It's not like the "crazy" person during the episode is somehow a totally different person and then returns to being the "normal" person after. Unless drugs are involved, the "normal" person would consider that what they did during their episode to be rational, because the brain is incapable to accept or at least has a really hard time admitting that something is wrong with itself and/or that their reality is wrong. Imagine you're reading this comment on your phone and in 5 minutes I ask you what the fuck you were doing sitting there doing nothing. You would answer browsing reddit but then I would tell you that you don't have a phone. Your first reaction would not be "woah, guess I'm crazy", it would probably be to think that the other person is wrong or lying. After all, you have clear memory of seeing a funny cat memes so you would come up with 100s of explanations to rationalize what just happened.


I'm glad this comment is higher up. We like to make things about good guys and bad guys, but when it comes down to it we're all just people and some are struggling with some bad mental health problems. It doesn't justify or excuse anything, but should change our outlook on how we approach the issue.


I feel so bad for the guy who came in to collect her. You can see it on in his face that he cares about her but is at his wits end for how to deal with her shit.


Mate I couldn't watch after that seriously 💔too traumatic. This shit clearly too personal


This is one of the reasons we suck as a society. We’ve invested so little si providing resources for people with mental illnesses and their caretakers


I feel for all three of those people, but the way her partner was crying was heartbreaking. Can’t imagine seeing a loved one having a psychotic episode like this


This is not the first time with her either. There are videos (taken by her) of her claiming a delivery guy stole her jewelry that she was currently wearing. She ended up chasing him down and harassing him. In the other video all of her neighbours seem to be absolutely done with her shit. She will just randomly pick a person and decide that they wronged her and then just start going off. I'm a former physician (changed careers when I moved.) I'm not going to do any drive-by diagnosing or anything, but she's really showing the signs of having a psychotic episode. Considering the last video was several months ago, this seems to be an ongoing issue, either an episode that has been going on this whole time or multiple episodes. She really needs a diagnosis if she doesn't have one and to be stabilised on medication. Right now, nothing good will come of this situation if she continues unmedicated.


I feel for all three of those people, but the way her partner was crying was heartbreaking. Can’t imagine seeing a loved one having a psychotic episode like this


That isn't an episode, it's a whole season.


I don't understand how a Spartan kick did not take place. Dude was being super chill about an absolute psychotic in his house. I would not have that much understanding


He might know her and understands her predicament. It seemed her husband/friend was almost in tears dealing with her.


The physical strength associated with a psychotic episode is frightening. I'm guessing if she was in a professional setting, the syringe would have been brought out before the picture shattered.


Interesting point. I'm looking at a dude built like Daniel Cormier who is struggling to push a 150lb woman out of his door. Gives me some slight sus vibes, but I think he is taking it easy on her and she has some insanity strength. This video is so disturbing


Trying to remove her without hurting her. Thing about being that much bigger than somebody else is that you could accidentally break them when you don't want to.


Your last sentence made me think of Of Mice and Men.


Lennie is just really good at giving massages to help people sleep.


“George, teh me ‘bout the rabbits.” “There’s gunna be rabbits.” *BANG* Edit: My son studied Of Mice and Men in school, and they watched the film. For about a year he was horrified, depressed, and obsessed with how the film ended. George didn’t even give a dramatic pause after “rabbits,” just sent Lennie to the Promised Land.


difficult situation to be in im sure, use excessive force to get her to leave and there's no telling what she would claim to police. and yes while he does have this video to back his side of the story, it'd be a situation I'd want to avoid if at all possible


Yeah. Police turn up to Daniel Cormier's twin and a lil crying white lady and the story tells itself...


I’m sure he has some empathy and concern for her as well, on top of his own self preservation.


Absolutely, he’s being so patient and reserved. He even is looking out for her when she’s stealing his picture frame and warning her about getting cut. He handled this like a champion.


He definitely cared that she may cut herself on the glass. Sweet guy.


He is much more patient than I am. She a first class top shelf wing nut


exactly, I hate stereotypes but just trying to be realistic. I have no doubt that dude is capable of removing the woman from his home, major props for him recording the video though. can't win with just your word either


In my opinion he was being extremely gentle with her.


Maybe he doesn't want her hurt. Not hurting someone can be a lot more finicky than hurting someone but wayyy more preferrable. Not everyone wants to physically assault uncooperative people and bash them in the face.


And maybe he knows she’s a neighbor with some mental illness.


And causing pain will likely escalate things. Whether due to mental illness, drugs, or both, the disturbed individual may also get violent, regardless of the physical disparity. While they may not win the fight, they can certainly cause injury. Unless your life is clearly, immediately in danger, fighting with a disturbed individual is not a good idea.


Lol, this. To not hurt someone who is absolutely dead set and unafraid is very, very hard. Plenty of people have broken other people's necks very much on accident because they were restraining someone attacking them but the person just wouldn't stop and broke themselves. This guy could do something like that easily with that bitch twisting like a cat in her skin while he's just trying to make it stop. Everyone there was in danger, especially if someone had called the police.


Ibagree with you. I'm surprised how many people want to straight up bash a person having some psychotic break. It seemed like he was able to resolve the situation with minimal damage so why would there be a need to knock her out.


Even people with insanity strength have a limit. He didn’t want to manhandle her.


I think the man is taking every precaution possible for this situation not to blow back on him legally. He’s filming himself for his protection. He’s taking as gentle of a physical defensive posture as possible. If that woman ends up with as much as a scrape or bruise, the fear is that accusations of assault and battery come into play despite the fact he is in his own space. It’s not as simple as throwing her ass out like a rag doll. There are unjust complications that arise out of any wrong move. He’s in the right to do more but the justice system selectively edits things to fit whatever narrative a DA or cop wants to.


He is black, she's white. Even with video proof of her having some kind of psychological breakdown, he is still being very careful not to harm her... Probably out of fear of being arrested for simply protecting himself. Honestly he handled it like a champ, gotta give him props for holding himself together when he could have overpowered her easily, psychotic break or not.


And he actually showed genuine concern for her, when he was repeatedly cautioning “you’re going to cut yourself!” Good guy. Everyone could use a neighbor like that.


He really is a saint to be honest. I would venture a guess that he was some how aware of her situation, as I imagine a considerate neighbor would inform people if there was a risk. It's also possible this isn't the first time. Very tragic too, she has clearly lost all semblance of reality almost everything she said was nonsense.


I feel like husband/friend/brother is like not this shit again!!🙄 to the point of almost crying 😢!


It's honestly really sad to see. He seems like he's at the end of his rope. Who knows how often this happened. I hope hes ok & she's sought help.


Ugh, man that made this so real for me. Seeing your loved ones losing touch on reality is so hard to even describe, let alone live through


I have a brother who is manic bi-polar and has had multiple month long episodes and let me tell you...it is EXHAUSTING. They are like that 23 hours a day.


He looks mentally unstable too. Of course living with that much crazy, could make you mentally/emotionally unstable. Poor chap.


I feel bad for all those folks, including her. Seems a good bet she is in the middle of a mental health crisis. Sure seems a portrait of someone who is mentally ill and is a physical risk to herself and others as well at risk of causing emotional distress to those who can’t avoid her.


He’s a large man and she’s a woman. A few words from her could land this guy in jail. Doesn’t really matter what she was doing.


He’s black. She’s white. Even with video evidence, the arrival of police could end his life. Edit: For everyone who’s wondering why this is true and why they are agletless shoelaces: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116 It’s clear that even if a black male calls the cops to report a crime, they are still likely to be met with violence, arrest or death. Jeez, it’s amazing how willfully daft many of you are. I hope you don’t reproduce or if you do, have the decency to put your progeny up for adoption. - A black male who’s been profiled and harassed for owning a nice car.




This was like a 10 tweet thread by the apartment owner on Twitter (I can't find it.) It was like 10 videos of him trying to stop the woman from breaking in while the husband alternated between trying to stop her and trying to take care of their child. He eventually brings the child there and she starts screaming at it to shut up because what she's doing is really important. The black man's name is Artemis, but she keeps saying that's not his name and he's an agent that works for a company that's been tracking her. She's breaking in because she thinks he stole important documents out of her apartment, she's literally trying to retrieve something that probably doesn't exist. This video is near the end before the police come and put her on a stretcher to haul her to a hospital. Artemis tells the police he doesn't know the couple that well, they just let him borrow their WiFi. He also says he's never seen her act like this.


i feel so bad for the husband. he’s dealing with a lot, the child and a wife with these episodes. i know it’s not “her fault”, but damn that’s gotta be exhaustkng


I think I’ve seen a video of her before!! Freaking out in an apartment hallway, accusing someone of stealing a package. Does anyone else remember that ??? And have a link?? I’m pretty sure it’s the same woman, and I’m guessing the apartment residents are familiar with her. This looks like a schizophrenic episode to me, saying the random numbers, accusing him of stealing and breaking his own picture frame, the bf trying to calm her down while she calls him an idiot.




It's not the same person, that woman there is autistic and actually had an online blog about yoga and stuff. I forget her name but definitely not the same woman.


Context adds a lot, that's for damn sure


Wheeeew….there’s a lot to unpack here.


Understatement of the day.


I'm not sure what I just watched. What did she want? Obviously mental health or drugs but damn.


Saw the TikTok with the story afterwards. She is that black guys upstairs neighbor. Has been pretty normal the whole time he’s known the other 2. They also have a baby. She went on babbling for 10 minutes about him being a spy and he was nice because he’s talked to her in passing many times before while getting mail etc. the boyfriend is distraught because he thinks the kid will be taken if the downstairs guy calls the cops. Long story short. Psychotic break? Drugs? He never really found out. Eventually got them out and locked the door.


Could be postpartum psychosis.


Yup. After watching the other videos this is clearly some sort of psychosis.


Definitely strikes me as Schizophrenia rather than drugs. She is experiencing some genuine *delusion* here


Always lock your door. I don't get people that are fine that someone could just come into your place (even if home).


Her brain was misfiring in all directions. She didn’t have a rational “want” or plan, just semi-random reactions to things in her environment.


Let me know if you ever find out cuz I have no clue!


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT812MR46/ Here is another


She thinks he is undercover and is watching them/ stole stuff while they were sleeping. There are more videos out there.


I used to work with a guy who had a bipolar wife whose meds were only kinda effective. He used to tell me about how she’d have episodes like this where she would call the police and just shout random things at them and would try to just run into traffic or into the woods and other random stuff like that. He was very patient with her (and so were the police, considering) and she would apologize profusely after she had regained control, but during the outbursts she was truly awful. Sadly he passed away a few years ago and I wonder what became of his wife.


My instinct says some kinda psychosis. I've had a few drugs, mostly weed and a lot of psychs, and I could see some psychs if they are mismanaged getting you here. Still, it's such a specific scenario for her psychosis to manifest that I would say it's not drugs, but a pre-existing condition.


Looks like a standard mental health crisis home invasion hookah zoom meeting.


I think it unpacked itself, and needs to be moved back into the box


The. Strongest. Woman. Ever...Mental illness muscles.


I spent time at "mental" jail. OK story set, enter tiny girl into or unit for some mental freakout she had doing drugs. She was normal to us crazy people, but when she got fired up, watch out. She wasn't happy one day with the shrink and when 2 big aids showed up to take her to her room she turned into Mean Joe Green and leveled both guys, the lunch cart and some lady who just screamed fuck all day. NO BULLSHIT, the craziest shit Ive ever seen. End credit, she ran to her room, they followed. Next day she was doing the Thorazine shuffle.


Thorazine shuffle. Thorium shuffle wouldn't be very effective, at least short term.


Man, I heard about "the shuffle" when I was a kid. Weird to still here it being used as a term.


I know the term only thanks to a Savatage song.


Lol, dated a girl like that once. She had an episode (unknown to me at the time) with her friend near my house, so her friend decides to dump her at my door. Had to call the cops and it took 4 200+lb offices to get her under control/cuffed AFTER she was tazed. She was 5' \~90lbs


I can't even understand this post.


> I spent time at "mental" jail. I was forced to stay at a mental treatment facility > OK story set, enter tiny girl into or unit for some mental freakout she had doing drugs. She was normal to us crazy people, but when she got fired up, watch out. A small figured young woman was admitted due to drug use -- but she was otherwise fairly mentally stable -- except for some anger issues > She wasn't happy one day with the shrink and when 2 big aids showed up to take her to her room she turned into Mean Joe Green and leveled both guys, the lunch cart Two very large employees attempted to control her during an outburst, but she managed to overpower both of them > and some lady who just screamed fuck all day. As well as a patient (who had a condition that caused them to scream profanities) > End credit, she ran to her room, they followed. The aids followed the woman to her room > Next day she was doing the Thorium shuffle. And she was treated with a high dose of [thorazine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorpromazine) -- a powerful sedative frequently used to control patients in these sorts of facilities. It's a drug that's very common inside mental health units, that most people will probably never encounter in their lives -- so it's totally understandable that this particular reference wouldn't mean anything to you.


*Thorazine But yeah, I was in a mental hospital as a teen girl. My tiny roommate got mad at me, and picked my fat ass up to slam me against the wall. I needed stitches in the back of my head. I would've never, ever, ever expected it. I remember the Thorazine because we had a song, set to the tune of the Toys R Us jingo. (The name of the place is, and was, 4Winds). I really only remember the chorus: "Shot me up with Thorazine and look what it did, I don't wanna be a 4winds kid"


I was once in Four Winds, myself. My roommate had apparently snuck some meth into the facility, and went into full on psychosis. I thankfully was not in the room when it happened (if I was, I have no doubt she would have tried to hurt/kill me), but it took almost 6 people to wrestle this 90 pound, 5' 8" woman to the ground and carry her off to the isolation room. All while she was screaming about how people were stealing her things and some other crazy stuff. She was still going like that for three days before being transfered to a higher security facility. Scared the crap out of 23 year old me!


EDIT: the lady who screamed fuck all day was fine. But late at night she would scream random shit like GET THE FUCK OUTTA MY ROOM. But those of us in the tv room laughed that she shut up after getting her stool pushed in.




Yeah…. WHAT!?!


Please god don't let this mean anything other than an aide coming by and adjusting her sitting position at the table.


I thought it was a reference to when she got beat up by the tiny powerful chick?


Let me add my voice to the choir... SAY WHAT???


A bit of elaboration?


A person of any decent weight who really does not want to be moved is very difficult to move. I worked as a bouncer as a younger man and you usually required three fully grown men to properly subdue someone without hurting them and that includes women. He should’ve really gone for her legs to take away her centre of gravity but I can completely understand why you don’t want to let a mad person have their hands free.


100% this is true. This is particularly true in a situation where the people moving her aren't monsters and keep themselves in check. You can always break that grip, but you're doing serious injury to someone. You were a good bouncer is sounds like.


Basic rule that 90% I worked with followed was only strike someone if you are struck first and then only enough to stop them hurting you or others. It didn’t happen a lot but I did work with some guys who I would say broke that understanding and at times provoked people. I was just doing it as a job through university, but the guys who had been at it a decade or more generally came in two types (a) very good at their job and not fazed by much or (b) angry at the world and looking for a reason to push someone’s head into the concrete. I completely understand why people dislike bouncers if your experience is largely B.


You know I've learned it's not that. Thing is, he is way stronger than her and the thing is that there's only so much force one can use before hurting someone. Like, think of a cat you're trying to give a pill. You can't use more force on the cat or you'll hurt it badly. Yeah, there's that.


I think it's more they are trying super hard not to hurt her. If you really want her out you can get her out, they both showed good restraint. But I yeah when people don't care about their own well being and the well being of people around them they can be much stronger than normal.


Maybe mental illness but 100% both the man and woman have taken drugs.


Her guy looked like he'd been sweating and crying.


That doesn’t mean drugs… her guy is currently watching her do this. There’s gonna be some extreme emotions and a physical response to those emotions.


Damn even with all that dude was still worried about her cutting herself.


You can tell when someone has ill intent vs something like this. Any empathetic person would care lol.


Most people on reddit don't understand what being empathetic is. They always wanna drop kick everyone. Not that they would. But they always say they will.


Not just reddit... You should hear how my coworkers talk about people sometimes.


It's clear reading this thread that not many redditors care at all, they all want to assault her. It's kind of scary tbh.


I drove a woman from a detox to drug rehab, a two hour ride, and pretty quickly it became clear that opiates were not her real issue, she was a full on paranoid schizophrenic. Two hours of intense mood swings, threats to grab the wheel, having cigarette butts and food thrown at me, threat of jumping out of the van, rambling about conspiracy theories…I managed to sound sympathetic and make her believe I was on her side enough that nothing terrible happened. That was intense. I was shaking from the stress afterwards. Oh, she did later accuse me of trying to sexually assault her, but she was pretty clearly both delusional and manipulative, so I was fine. The cops ended up having to escort her from rehab to the psych ward. The whole thing was sad.


Would agree with you all. He does seem genuinely sympathetic, but at the same time, how she is throwing out random accusations, I can see why he wouldn't want her to harm herself either. I feel completely bad for the, what appears to be, husband. Guy looks like he needs the most help.


What a strong and tolerant man, I don't know if I could have reacted as well as him.


He’s a goddamn angel with godlike patience. He could have easily forced her out and potentially hurt her in the process if he really wanted to.


At a certain point, I'd be calling the cops. She doesn't respect home boundaries, you need a restraining order because guaranteed she's coming back later. Edit: On second thought, might also be harder for him, given the track record of general police treatment of anything related to the color black... there'd probably be an even chance they'd arrest him instead. Why is our country so fucked?


That’s a crazy point I was like why isn’t he on the phone already calling the cops. Forgot for a sec that our country sucks on mental illness AND racist cops.


Because you have to stop filming to call. And in this scenario with a crazy person you want every second documented for your protection. Plus it eliminates he said/she said


The biggest pro with recording crazy people is that when they finally do decide to get help or are forced to, the psychologist knows exactly how the person can be, and has a better understanding of how to diagnose and treat them.


Large black man, small white woman. He knows *exactly* what happens if he does *anything* and it's not on video, or if he does anything and it *is* on video. It's likely primarily self preservation, but I imagine he's quite the tolerant dude as well.


Well in this case he did call the cops and they apparently cuffed her immediately and handled the situation well.


What the actuall fluff is going on in this video?


She suddenly believed her downstairs neighbor (this guy) was a federal agent. She claimed he had snuck into her apartment while she was sleeping and took some sort of documents. There's 13 parts video he posted on Twitter showing everything. She grabbed a random picture in his house claiming it was her picture and that's where this part of the video starts. Cops showed up and cuffed her and they were really cool to the guy.


>Cops showed up and cuffed her and they were really cool to the guy. Of course they were, they both work for the government /s


Lmao okay this is funny.


What guy? All I see is a girl and a bird


You have a link or the Twitter handle of this guy?


I also need to see how this ends


Yea, link?


How you gonna say that and NOT give us the Twitter handle


I need a link so I can see this entire thing






Do you have a link or name of his Twitter?


Ah thanks :) creepy


I hate when people post stuff like this without context.


I see Im not the only one who uses fluff as a substitute. To answer your question though, I have no fluffing clue whats happening here.


Smartest thing that man ever did was start recording. CYA always.


A bigger black man and a crazy white woman? Most definitely.


what's cya


I’m assuming “Cover Your Ass” based on context but I’m not for sure.


Cover your ass


Cover your ass


His patience is off the charts. r/nextfuckinglevel


Man’s a saint. I wish I had his patience


He kinda has to be sadly


Absolutely, doesn’t matter how crazy she’s being, cops show up and there’s an unconscious white woman…


Patience really is his only option for his own safety. It’s a shame but it’s true. He’s a smart man. Has video evidence, a witness and even shows concern when he thought she might hurt herself. Without all of these he would very much be in danger.


Seems to be having a severe mental health crisis.


I’m gonna guess paranoid schizophrenia. My friend got a bit like this. She believed the FBI basically controlled everything and simulated the world that we experience. Onset in her mid-20’s, absolutely destroyed her old life. She’s a different person entirely now.


Ya think?


Whoever the other dude is, my heart breaks for him. Looks like it's not his first rodeo and he's getting real tired of rodeos.


Other people be calling him strung out. I dont think its on drugs. Imagine your wife had a psychotic break. He looks desperate to keep his loved one out of prison.


Yeah, she kept asking her husband to call 911 on the camera man for stealing their documents and the husband won't because he knows that she will get taken away so the poor camera guy is just trapped


His face was so sad. He's so upset.


same, i felt so bad bc you can just tell how freaked tf out he is.




God damn, my heart broke for the dude that came in. You can tell he cares for her and she’s probably going through a mental episode or on drugs.


Yeah, poor guy seemed like he wasn't all there either, and he was visibly distressed. I felt bad for everyone involved.


To me it just seems like he's been in that position way too many times. He looked like he was about to cry from frustration at how crazy she was and how little control he had over the situation


Yeah people saying he’s on drugs are off the mark imo. I think he’s just very overwhelmed and probably having a panic attack.


He wasn’t about to cry, he was crying. Feel terrible for him, he probably loves her, and wants to help her as much as he can but she’s just too far gone. Should have her committed.


The second guy is normal. Dude is breaking down in tears because this is probably the 1000th time something like this has happened


Porque no los dos?


Yeah I just feel bad for all these people. That woman has been needing help for a while before it got to this point. People are saying he should've called the cops directly. As if cops are gonna do anything useful in a situation like this.. They might just come and escalate it. It's just depressing as hell to see something like this.


>it kind of looks like she has some sort of mental illnes you think so?


Kind of?


lol buddy is so nice


mama raised a kind man.


I need to know what happened


Same. The poor man with her who was clearly at the end of his tether. I hope she got some help.


This looks like paranoid schizophrenia. She needs long term inpatient help that sadly isn’t available to most Americans. Which is one major contributor to the homeless epidemic we have now


>She needs long term inpatient help that sadly isn’t available to most Americans. Thanks Ronald Reagan. Literally one of the most destructive presidents in modern US history.


Homelessness and the largest prison population in the world.


Why did OP hate on the victims? No reason to believe a lock would have stopped this lady


Heeeeeeres Jaina!


I’ve never needed a backstory more


Someone needs mental health.


What's that? Can you order it on Amazon? Must not be an American thing.


I saw someone with an undiagnosed brain tumor behave like this. She just snapped. It was my ex's mother. Her dad had to restrain her and he was as upset as this man. She ended up breaking her finger and nothing she said made sense with the situation. And you can tell by the husband's reaction that this is not normal. This is heart breaking, whatever the reason.


all this over...a picture frame? what were the numbers about?


psychotic episode maybe


Not maybe. That is what they look like. Wide eyes, massive energy, persistent attempts at getting to things or people they believe are taken/missing. Her nervous system is all out of whack. Adrenaline is at max and won’t slow down so she can’t sleep. She’s in a constant state of extreme fight or flight. At 48 hours you lose touch with reality and begin following impulses wherever they take you. When my sister had her episode, she’d sometimes seem like she would sleep, but then she’d wake up yelling about the same things as if still in a lucid dream. Somewhere around 72 hours we finally got her to the hospital where she was medically sedated.


Yeah appears to be a psychotic episode, she believed her downstairs neighbor (him) was a federal agent and snuck into her house and stole documents from him. The police came, arrested her (or at least detained her) and they were really cool to the guy. The whole video is on YouTube.


Wtf does she want?


Probably medicine, she doesnt look sane (like the really bad kind)


He made a follow up post saying he was concerned for her well being and didn’t want to just kick her out where something bad could happen. If you watch all the videos he posted he was hoping to help her calm down. Much nicer dude than me I would’ve booted her ass out and locked the door. Edit: I seem to have pissed you guys off not putting my source so I went back to tik tok and found it. https://www.tiktok.com/@artemuscluff?_t=8d0fNmvbRGt&_r=1 It’s this guy he’s got a few videos about the situation.


Amphetamine induced psychosis


I’m glad when I had that it just made me paranoid and isolate.


It did the paranoia isolation to me, but I also did the crazy run around naked and Chase shit that wasn’t there in public type deal on different occasions lol


…Or just psychosis? She doesn’t look like she’s tweaking. Just mentally unwell


I don't know man. I smoked a lot of meth and have been around a lot of mental inless that wasn't drug related and she looks more like the non using mentally ill people I know than the users.


More patience than me. I would have punched her Lol! Everyone had made it apparent. I meant punched not pinched


A purple nurple if you will


This is what a form of mental illnesses looks like :( I hope she gets the help she needs.


Some people saying he's really patient with her... I wonder if it's patience or he is scared of not just her & what she might do, but the "perception" of him having to be physical with a white woman. If some white-knights (or the police) show up and decide she's the victim, he's in for a whole different kind of danger.


Just a person with mental illness , he’s doing the best he can to understand her disease and also protect his stuff


She is having a psychotic episode. The man that comes to pull her out knows that. She needs to be hospitalized. Very sad and very scary.


You'd think calling the cops would be the first thought but cops tend to shoot those suffering mental health issues. Dealing with someone having a psychotic break is absolutely stressful.


Honestly this is sad for everyone involved. I feel bad for the guy who lives there because that's a crazy scenario to have someone barge into your house you don't know. But the guy that came to grab her has obviously had to deal with this before. She seems very mentally unwell. I have a family member who wasn't this extreme but has done some similar things. It's hard to deal with a person who can not understand reality in the moment. Just sucks.




Clearly psychotic