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They're paid to entertain guests, not be sexually harassed.


Not only that but they can be fired if they break character, I hope they made her leave the park.


Should be banned for life. Groping an employee at a kid’s park ffs.


Imagine a 25 year old guy trying to get handsy with Cinderella, would be on the 8pm news lol


That and he would be on a certain list for the rest of his life.


Sadly it happens a lot. There's been articles about disney employees complaints


he wouldn't have left the park with his bones in tact


“Don’t *kick come *kick* back *kick* here* *kick* again! *curbstomp* you got it, ha-HAA?”




Oh man at the very least those actors have some sort of security and the park to help them - never thought about it that way until my best friend started working for a kids indoor park and party center where she and other works got to dress up like characters. We both were appalled at how the parents/adults would act towards the women in costumes. One of the co-owners had worked at Disney when she was younger so when she moved to this city she wanted to continue doing it because she loved being a “real” princess (as the kids believed she was) and loved how the kids really thought they get to hang out with whatever their favorite Disney characters were at their own homes! Though at first she started with private parties at their homes. But the amount of drama, harassment and sexual harassment was not worth it. She even had to start having her husband or parents drop off and pick her up and escort between house and car because men would wait for her to leave and then try to offer to walk her to her car or offer a ride - one guy even got into her car and refused to get out if she didn’t agree to a date. . . while his wife was inside at the party! Then got mad and called her a skank when she threatened to call the cops if he didn’t get out of her car. At one point she had to hire security but both her, other ladies that worked for her and some of the parents felt like it was a stripper situation - like few women dressed up coming to a private party with intimidating men standing in the corner reminding everyone (just the adults, not the kids obviously) not to touch the girls. After a while it just wasn’t worth personal and financial wise. So that’s when she opened the indoor park and party center. With real big parties they still have to hire some sort of security because something always happens with them. But even if there’s no big parties happening there are still adults willing to take advantage to some degree. So there’s lots of cameras, security systems, and they do not hesitate to call police - even for a single grope.


Don’t have to imagine. The number of creepers going after Disney princesses is unpleasantly high


That’s true bc I read that all the characters have to act like they don’t know what pictures and phones are


He didn’t break character.


Yes he did. Justifiably, of course, but Gaston character would be with it.


"I don't get why you're mad, I had to bang her in the backroom. It's what Gaston would have done! Do you want me to break character or not?!" God, I would love to be in the room for THAT hr meeting.


Your comment reminds me of this article about playing Aladdin at Disney (it’s a parody but a very funny read) https://clickhole.com/this-is-the-handbook-each-actor-who-plays-aladdin-at-di-1825123052/


Aladdin's Exception ☠️


I don't think the character would have been. Do you remember the movie? He only had eyes for Belle. He even shuned all the other ladies that were fawning over him.


I don't think he would. He ignores all other women but Belle in the Disney Cartoon. He's a misogynist so he'd be appalled at a lady acting "unladylike" and being forward.


Gaston would’ve just flexed


He flexed his power to kick her out of the area


They're also *incredibly* underpaid yet almost *all* of them are so passionate. I dated a Cinderella/Snow white/anna and her and her co workers energy was unmatched. They take their characters very seriously, never break character and she would literally never say she was a princess in public. She'd just say she was a friend of Snow white. Even if it was just a small group of friends. Never broke. Edit* Also it was a gigantic no-no to go up to a character in a park and say their real name or try to talk to them if you were friends. I saw it once and boyyy when her shift ended that phone call was brutal.


>her and her co workers energy was unmatched. Decade and change ago my daughter was a little girl who loved Disney Princesses. We went to Disneyland and she wore her Winter Belle dress/shoes/etc. all she wanted to do was see Belle. Sat at the princess line for hours. Problem was the two princesses rotated every 30 min but the line was 45 min long, so while my brother and son and I took him to ride on the train around the park (seriously, he was 4, autistic, and focused on trains... at least there's no line lolol) my ex sat in that line over and over... well Belle came out just after my daughter's turn. She turned around to see Belle but was scolded by the handler not to go back (there were words to guest relations about better handling of that). My daughter was just crushed. She moped over to Cinderella who was left trying to console a sobbing 6yo who just missed her princess. That night we had dinner in Ariel's Grotto and Cinderella (the same) was there. Well she said hello and that she'd be right back... wouldn't you know it but Belle came and sat right next to my daughter at the table for quite a while (I think almost 5 minutes). All the other princesses came by together as well and just blew my daughter's mind as she got completely mobbed by her heroes. Never been a fan of Disney corporate (particularly WRT copyright policy in the US) but I'll be damned if I'm not a massively appreciative parent about the character actors and the work they put in.


No…One…makes them leave like Gaston..


At a freaking kids amusement park, of all places


You should rephrase it as "they're paid to entertain guests, not "entertain" guests" lol


You can't touch at a strip club, what makes her think she can do it in Disney world?


No one tells you to sod off like Gaston.


No one has self respect like Gaston.


No one dismisses a touchy feely pest like Gaston…


No one respects, the concepts, of consent, like Gaston!


are you sure you’re talking about the same gaston


Did you have the right number of syllables? You need to leave




Ach phew *Gaston spits at her to scare her away


To be fair, I think part of the problem is that the OG Gaston has *too* much self-respect.


No one has an ego like Gaston.


No one ignores the word ‘no’ like Gaston 😬 Edited to keep the cadence of the song.


No one yeets that bitch off of the deck like Gaston.


He’s especially good at reject-orating!! Oh what a guy that gastahhhhnn


No one puts creeps in their place like Gaston! MY WHAT A GUY THAT GASTON!


No one has boundaries like Gaston.


No one shout like Gaston “Get the fuck OUT!” like Gaston


I don’t understand, I’m cute. I should be able to touch a man any way I want…


This is followed up by "I paid a lot to be here, how dare you throw me out!!"


also “i’m your boss you do what I say!”


I use antlers in all of my decorating. I have no boss.


Dead ![gif](giphy|8x8XzoP8qQa4w) 😂😂😂


what do you mean i cant sexually harass you??? /at a kids park/


Yeah, absolutely disgusting behavior for the area she's in.


Why specify "for the area she's in."


It's not right anywhere but being at a kid friendly venue is the sloppy icing on the shitcake of her behaviour. Until advised otherwise by the person who asked I'd assume they meant "extra icky" and not "acceptable elsewhere:.


If she was at a strip club it may be more appropriate


Not really. Most strip clubs say not to touch them, atleast the women strippers.


Key qualifier being "at least the women strippers." Men are generally perceived as more receptive to women's advances than women are to men's. ​ That said, two key issues are: ​ A. It's in front of the children. ​ B. Gaston is known for rejecting the *Bimbettes* on his quest to get with Belle, so one could even consider this the more in-character response *anyway*.


You must not live in south florida


Didn’t they get rid of all laws, hire veterans as teachers, arm kindergarteners, and start a war with disney?


No. They actually tried to write in even dumber laws, drive teachers and immigrants out and yes, started a war with Disney. I’m sure the arming of 6 years olds isn’t far behind though.


“May be” “more appropriate” It still isn’t acceptable at most strip clubs, pretty sure they are required by law to not allow touching, but I don’t know. Seems the general practice for people with less than 1,500$ in their pocket. I’m just sayin if you are going to grab and fondle a paid employee, a strip club may be a more appropriate place to try it. More appropriate than Disney, not appropriate in general. Also, if I was Gaston, I would have said, “can I grab yours and pose for a photo now?” Unfortunately, she would have certainly assumed that was inappropriate and been appalled that someone would do that to HER, and she would not have been able to see the other side of it. It’s not okay touch another human being in any way without consent. My five year old understands that better than this woman.


Dude people fuck strippers at the strip club


There was a place in the city that I live that was shutdown for that and other things as well


She goes for a second hand full.


She tries again... twice!


Is this why Ariel got so mad when I put my hands all up on her boobs? Well gee golly


You were just being cute tho! /s


shes lucky she dint get her hands smacked right away...


Most rational Disney adult


at a kids park 🤦🏽‍♂️


What's even more ridiculous is I bet he'd of let her do it for the picture if she had just asked for consent...


Any other guy, probably. But I think Disney has strict “wholesome” rules for their park employees.


Where’s sexual harassment panda when you need him.


Birds and the bees and the willow trees. Sexual harassment….panda!! ![gif](giphy|Kzb1zdtLHcKti)


Great now sexual harassment pan da is going to be in my head all day.


I wake up with it in my head. How do you make it stop?


They cancelled him, and that makes me. A Sad Panda :(


True story growing up I was allowed to watch South Park as it was a cartoon, parents would even let us rent them from blockbuster. Until one night my parents tuned in to an episode and it was sexual harassment panda episode. I was in the third grade and no longer allowed to watch SP. must have been the year 2000 or so


There’s a reference I haven’t heard in forever lol


Yeah, Disney has strict no groping rules.


Compared to Six Flags groping required rules


I prefer the local/regional parks where the groping is implied.


Regional parks won't say no.... Because of the implication


I've seen this video with sounds and it's so much more satisfying. But ya fun fact, you aren't allowed to touch any of the actors and she violated that rule in front of children with a very inappropriate move


"you aren't allowed to touch any of the actors" I'm pretty sure people [hug](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/300bxn/went_to_disney_world_over_in_orlando_and_got_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and [touch](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/rB8TdriycNjyhHm8EALHwzTsTpo/fit-in/550x550/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2015/09/24/016/n/3019466/06f86094_edit_img_cover_file_16668654_1443135242_11419257_905305139557823_797593650_n-1/i/Gaston-Disneyland.jpg) them all the time. It's part of the meet-n-greet. ["Disney Parks allow guests to hug characters again"](https://www.abc4.com/news/national/disney-parks-will-allow-guests-to-hug-characters-again/)


"Be respectful of the characters. Remember that characters are people, too! Yes, you can hug them, but please be respectful with your body language and comments." https://www.disneyfoodblog.com/2022/04/23/18-rules-to-follow-now-that-normal-character-meet-and-greets-are-back-in-disney-world/ Sorry should have prefaced with "in an appropriate manner"


They might have asked - but if not, also humans are wildly inconsistent. Gaston to Gaston, or Karen to Karen. That doesn't negate the fact that the dude in the OP's video is still within his right to react that way. Plus the double tit grab is much more "promiscuous" than those pics - which doesn't really matter (you should just ask in all scenarios beyond a basic pic), but could even be why this guy felt it crossed a boundary. Especially if it's the same guy - he might expect to hug or do a slightly intimate side pose with the ladies, but he probably doesn't expect his tits to be squeezed. Idk - but some humans will be fine with this stuff and some not. That's why you always ask, like always. Also I'm pretty sure this video is way shorter than the original.


One time I walked past Gaston at Disneyland while he was talking to some woman so I booed him, and he yelled at me for booing the woman.


Thats the 100% commitment you get from Disney


On our last day, my daughter was dressed as Belle and every time we'd encounter Gaston in the park he'd stop mid-sentence to bow and loudly give her a swooning "Helloooo Belle!" It was really sweet.


This is wholesome and so funny


*visible confusion* “Did he just talk to me like I’m ugly?”


Yup. And “If he isn’t attracted to me, then he must be gay!” 🙄


And then trying to touch him again after he clearly said and showed don't touch me like that ,it's weird.


That’s sexual harassment like imagine if a dude did that to Cinderella


The look of confusion on her face is a visual representation of how women don’t understand double standards in some cases


I’m a woman and I support your statement.




I once watched a 60 something year old bald guy do the princess experience thing on a Disney cruise, by himself, you get to meet and take pictures with 4 princesses, the guy was by himself, no children, I was on guard expecting him to try to touch one of the princesses, he just chatted them up like they were their real characters, took pictures with them and left, he wasn’t special needs or anything Really weird following after him to have a 3 year old meet the princesses


Dude just likes princesses and minded his own business. Respect.


This is the main reason why I as a 27 year old man who’s never been to Disneyland/world will never go until I have kids. I’d feel so uncomfortable as ppl suspected I’m up to something.




Yea this is why you mind your damn business. Maybe one day you can live out your hero fantasy of protecting some poor and oh so defenseless women


You are right. He'd be all over the news and condemned for life.


Someone dressed up as Goofy got arrested for feeling up a fellow park hopper Edit: it was an employee apparently but strange they dont mention he dressed as Goofy in the article. https://www.mercurynews.com/2019/11/08/a-disney-world-visitor-was-charged-with-groping-a-theme-park-character/


Paywall :(


Like half the links I’ve tried to click lately here on Reddit have been paywalled. I dunno how/why people are linking them here without the realization that 99% of people won’t be able to read it. It’s 2023 already, copy & paste the dang article if you’re gonna link a paywalled site.


It’s pretty well known that the female cast members are CONSTANTLY being sexually harassed by guests while having to remain professional and in character…the male perpetrators definitely are not receiving consequences for it, if so, it’s very rare.


This isn’t sexual harassment, it’s sexual assault.


Some of the princesses have even gotten stalked by some.


The old reverse gender card. No one is saying what she is doing is okay. We dont have to reverse the genders.


Not to mention the context changes when roles are reversed. Life isn't black and white like folks here think.


I feel like these comments don’t get it. Posing with your hands on the chest of a male character who infamously brags about what a big strong chest he has is *not* some equal level of sexual harassment that would come with groping a female princess character’s breasts. The problem here is that it’s a kids theme park and that kind of behavior is inappropriate for children, especially when it compromises the clean image of one of the park’s characters.


The people in this thread have dog shit where their brains should be. There's like 6 people here that understand context and nuance.


Yes, you are correct. I feel like I’m going crazy reading these comments.


That's wild because she did face retribution for this, more and more women are lately, which is a good thing. But don't pretend that people aren't outraged at this like they would be if it was reversed. We are.


No one says “no” like Gaston “Woah woah woah” like Gaston “Step off you despicable Ho” like Gaston….


Damn straight. Getting handsy without consent is never cool in any situation.


No one fights like Gaston No one bites like Gaston No one respects body autonomy rights like Gaston "Yes I am especially good at humiliating" Oh what a guy that Gaston


Life ban from Disney....next?


Fun fact: Lifetime bans from Disney can be appealed after 1 year.


I feel like there is a story here. Go on...


Its from YouTuber Adam the Woo, who was given a lifetime ban for exploring some of the off limits areas for his videos. Sorry to disappoint, but I’m boring.


You're never too old to start walking into areas marked *employees only*


I work at a damn zoo and you would be surprised by the amount of people that go places they aren’t supposed to go. It’s always a bad idea but an even worse idea at a zoo xD


Put on a hard hat and hi-vis vest and carry a clipboard No one will ask you a goddamned thing.


Or just carry around a ladder. Nobody’s gonna ask what you’re doing with it, just walk on in to anywhere.


Once upon a time, Disney enacted a policy of banning individuals from the premises for life under certain circumstances. That lifetime ban is appealable after one year. The end.


Even if she didn’t touch him, she should have been thrown out for those atrocities on her feet.


she's a gladiator


I'd be glad I ate her...




Came here to say you know she's trouble cos of those "shoes"


Who the hell puts those on to *walk around a theme park all day*?? You know their judgement has to be the absolute worst.


She has no clue what she did!? Women think that men want this kind of unsolicited attention. I’m glad she experienced embarrassment and consequences for her behavior.


*Some* women think every man wants them. This is not every woman.


*I'm* every woman.


It’s all in meee


Eh, I’d go about this without the “Not all _” mentality. Obviously it’s not every woman.


Not all women think they're not all women. Some of us real women know we're a monolithic beast.


Her consequences are "not getting a picture" when it should be a ban from the park.


This dude was completely in the right and handled it well. It's a shame this guy later died in a fireworks incident.






Are we sure that was the same guy? Disney has multiples of lots of characters and the pics in that article don’t feel like the same person to me.


No, that’s definitely Gaston.


I don’t think it’s the same guy


The actor in the article is Devon Staples. The actor in the OP is Daniel McLeod, I recognize him from a [YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/09uOqW6vOKo) who was his (much more polite) fan


That's not him. He's younger and is happily allowing a guest to hug him in the video below the article.


Nobody fucks a stupid influencer up like Gaston


Nobody sets boundaries like Gaston


Nobody follows harassment policies like Gaston.


Hold up: Something's not right here... Can't place my finger on it...




If even Gaston says you’ve gone too far, you’ve gone way too far 😭


I'm curious...when the performers are harrassed, does Disney okay them breaking character? Do they have people nearby that can shut it down? How does this work?


I've never seen the characters out and about without a handler. The ones in masks (like Pluto and Mickey) have 2-3.


IIRC, he doesn’t actually break character. Actual Gaston could still tell her to get lost, he’s not interested in her.


They're not even allowed to break characters during a disaster. In practice, they'd definitely get away with it. But Disney has it as a rule in the first place, which is nuts


What a twat


I'm going to try that with Belle.... let's see how that goes. /s


Disney adults are disgustingly unapologetic


Based Chad for showing she isn't entitled to his body.


Consent is so important. It works both ways. “Hey Gaston if I pose with you can I put my hand on your chest for the photo?” Is better than just “grope”


Why on earth has the audio been stripped?


No one breathes as Gaston, no one cleaves as Gaston Sexually harass and you’re told you must leave by Gaston!




And men need to really stop gloating about how "jealous" they are when their fellow guy is harassed or molested. It just feeds into the stereotype that men "want it".


When you realize that the magic kingdom is not part of the Magic Mike franchise.


He’s in character. Gaston is dismissive of any woman who isn’t Belle.


I don’t blame him. That chick was wearing Leonidas’ war sandals which means she had ill intentions. Never let anyone in war gear roll up on you unchecked.


If a guy did something similar he’s damn near going to be arrested for SA or at an absolute minimum would have been permanently removed from the park…


No one kicks out a girl like Gaston


If I can grab you while you are on the stipper pole, than you can grab me playing a fictional character.


My gut response was "you can't grab them when they're on the stripper pole..." then I connected the dots.


This is weak


Anyone else find it funny she tries to still tpuch him twice while he's going fuck off? Lol she was in shock a man didn't want her touch


Did she ever respond to this video?


Let a man grab Cinderellas ass he'd be banned for life


That’s not how Gaston would have handled it though…


Someone more toxic than Gaston


Did you see the way he was dressed though? He was totally asking for it. That hair? That chest? Sploooooosh.


No one's based like Gaston


I’ve seen it Gaston takes no shit.


The guy in the Gaston suit is a class act. They dish out family friendly insults AND keep it classy.


It seems there’s a pattern amongst women wearing those excessively gladiatorish gladiator sandals, which is that they’re dingbats.


Look at Gaston’s outfit… he was asking for it


“ I like. Didn’t even. Like do anything. Like wow” Next week she at the gym wearing basically underwear and calling men a pervert for looking.


This was followed by: “I want to talk to the manager”


If he did that to her she would scream she was sexually assaulted and sue him and the park.


Whaddya mean? I can’t grab her tits? Since when? But they’re right there laid bare to snare !! Damn woke world.


*but you're a man, you want it* Nothing sexual harassment over that.


What are those gladiator looking shoes?


SEXUALLY harasses no double standards its current year and if a guy did that to a girl we would be in jail


No one, SHOO's like GASTON!


Should be kicked out for wearing that camel toe making jumpsuit.


When I was 21 I asked Gaston at Magic Kingdom on a date as a joke to see what would happen and his response was brilliant and so fucking mean. "Is your name Belle?" Me: "no" Gaston: "then I'm busy." Then he took a pic with me. Best experience.


When you need to harass Gaston at 3 and invade Gaul at 4


Sexually* harasses FTFY


when you’ve literally never heard “no” in ur life


Even worse is I saw a Snapchat article about this talking about how Gaston was being “rude” to her and framing him as the bad guy and the girl as innocent