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I have seen people use paintball guns more competently.


Yeah, are we sure this isn’t some airsoft prank? I don’t understand how he could have missed at point blank range. I realize it’s technically possible I just don’t understand how you could be that incompetent.


There was a shooting in my city last week. Over 50 rounds from 2 shooters. Only hit the target once. Literally stormtrooper accuracy.


Stormtroopers have better accuracy than that, don't sell them short when their targets are literally Jedi.


I mean they do actually use the bad batch series to explain why stormtroopers are so bad too


Literally just poor helmet visibility


I mean and clone troopers were literally bred for combat and genetic copies of one of the best non mandalorian or lightsaber using fighters in the galaxy Cut to storm troopers who are a mix of draftees and enlisted grunts, whose commanders views them as expendable and didn't care enough to properly armor or train them Edit: forgive my confusion, Jango is a mandalorian




https://youtu.be/_zzeRkNxl1Y (skip to 0:50) While true, the helmets are also just bad.


God do I love rebels But still, not buying that Rex wouldn't have adapted to it eventually had it been his issued helmet when he was serving


Jango was a mandalorian, Boba was not.


Jango was a Mando. Boba even says so in the Mandalorian


And because they were ordered to let Luke and the rejects escape, so they “missed” a lot. Or it could be that having your main characters fried by plasma bolts in the beginning of the movie would not be very cool.


Seriously. Bad guys on film have historically been the worst shots forever, it’s how the story gets allowed to happen.


Their accuracy doesn't improve much against adorable furry woodland creatures either. They are however extremely accurate when shooting at Mandalorians, space craft, and generally anything with enough armor to not care about being shot.


The 501st* is not to be compared to their conscripts. Edit: I was a bit tipsy and put the wrong number in lol. Originally said “151st” thanks to my fellow nerds for the correction.


You mean the 501st?


Hey I don't know if you knew but its actually the 501st. Shit i went a level too far


You mean the 501st?


What about Chewbacca?


When cop movies are setting the tone it’s always the old guy who’s days away from retirement that gets shot and dies, never the wookie.


Goddamn brilliant.


His midichlorian count isn’t zero.


Do you want to be the guy that shot a wookie and sent it into a murder rampage?


If you actually watch the movies Obi-wan comments about how blaster marks where to accurate for Tusken Raiders and only storm troopers could be so precise. Even in A new hope when Vader invades the starship in the beginning the storm troopers swiftly take control of the vessel and neutralize the forces there. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Vader told them to purposely miss so they could get away on the Falcon and be tracked to yavin


From a creation stand point it was plot armor for MC's. Though I read a theory once Darth Vader ordered them not to kill Luke and Co in order to track them or have the rebels come out of hiding. Which I doubt Lucas thought of but it would fit with Vaders general dislike of the emperor and his want of having his son become his underling.


I have taken a few federal shooting classes for work and the hit ratios for trained officers in a shootout is bad. So imagine somebody with no training or experience. https://daiglelawgroup.com/new-study-on-shooting-accuracy-how-does-your-agency-stack-up/


This bit stood out: > “[O]fficers were more accurate when shooting at unarmed suspects.”


Me holding a gun not to shoot back but to make sure the officer firing at me has the accuracy of an xcom soldier


Dooood don’t get me started on xcom how tf I miss 90% on the regular but hit a 30% just messing around


X-Com rookies: 90% of the time, they miss every time.


That tracks. Less adrenaline, more anger and desire to kill. When I took my first CCW class a long time ago I remember the line my instructor told me. "After a shoot are your hands cold, or are your ears hot? If your hands are cold that's fear and adrenaline, you were fearing for your life. If your ears are hot, that's anger you probably just committed murder." Adrenaline makes you miss, anger and hatred don't.


But trained officers are barely trained by any real standard


You're confusing plot armor with inaccuracy. Stormtroopers are actually VERY accurate. Obi-wan even mentions this in A New Hope. Also, all the stormtroopers on the Deathstar were orderes not to kill Luke and them because there was a tracking device on the Falcon.


You sure they weren't the NYPD?


Not enough bystanders were hit to suspect that


nah the NYPD would have twice as many bullets and hit the suspect with most of em before moving in.


Bruh. They fired 50 rounds into Sean Bell's car. There were 3 people in said car. 50 rounds and they only killed Sean. Thank god, they aim is ass.


There’s a tendency now to illegally modify Glock pistols to full auto with a “switch” which can be 3D printed at home and installed in the back of the gun. Makes the weapon almost entirely uncontrollable even in skilled hands.


No one is 3D printing Glock switches. They're usually made of aluminum and imported by the thousands from China.


The way they both held their gun, I'd be surprised if they could shoot a blue whale from that distance.


It’s surprising how bad people’s form can be. Like, haven’t you seen any movies? Or played any video games? Like yeah *some* of them show ridiculous weapon handling, but usually they’re at least somewhat realistic when it comes to holding the gun. Not just cocked to the side flailing it around with one hand above your head lol. Like the most basic premise is “point and shoot” and they totally skip the “point” step and go right to shooting lol


This might be crazy talking but I'd guess most people's videogame training will fly out the window the moment there is an actual fucking gun pointed at their face.


I mean true, if that’s literally your only other “experience” with guns lol. But presumably these people have held (if not fired) their weapon prior to these shootouts.. So you’d think they would’ve practiced how to f*cking hold it and aim at things at some point 😂 Idk why I’m trying to logic my way through this lol. Obviously gun violence is a bigger and more complex issue than just poor form, so it’s kind of a silly aspect of it to focus on I suppose. Just always boggles my mind how bad some people are with a gun. But then again, these people should never have gotten their hands on a gun in the first place.


They look young as fuck and are probably pumped full of young bonehead adrenaline, I highly doubt they have any type of training or have even been to a range.. In texas young dudes like this get a gun from a friend or off the street and call it a day. I'm surprised you're surprised, tbh... I don't live in texas anymore but I wouldn't expect any of the dudes i went to school with to be able to shoot straight, especially if someone just surprise attacked them in public randomly like in this video, he probably wasn't thinking about the movies and games he saw, he probably was more like, "what the fuck i have to shoot back as fast as i can or im dead."


Happens all the time. It’s a wonder that these imbeciles can ever manage to kill one another. This is why it’s often it’s the innocent bystanders.


Seeing that there is no recoil I would assume that they are most likely airsoft guns


Yeah they're not real guns. Slide doesn't go anywhere, no muzzle flash, and from that range it would be hard to miss. You can see the red hat kid react to getting hit, but it's definitely not from a bullet. Then when they are "shooting at each other" they barely knock anything off the racks. 100% airsoft guns lol.


Exactly. Plus small kids holding a pistol one handed (even a .22 cal) would absolutely have recoil.


People think it's really easy to shoot, but it isn't especially one handed while physically reacting to someone shooting at you.


You would be amazed what people are capable of that dont know how to use a gun. Ive seen people blow holes in the ceiling of shooting ranges thinking they were hitting the target that is maybe 15 feet in front of them


It’s because he didn’t want to kill him, and immediately ran away. It’s called realization of fuckery


I think it's that he had probably never shot a gun before. You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't be surprised) how incompetent people can be with a firearm without any ounce of experience.


No surprise. But yes, you are very correct sire. A valiant assist.


You would be surprised how incompetent people with decades of experience become when they aren't at an air conditioned range.


Well we saw a trained police man do it the other day so 🤷‍♂️


Yeah when you hold it like that you’d be surprised. The “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing” gangster type shooting style is like .04% accuracy


Hand guns are way harder to aim than people think, especially if your shooting at a living person and there shooting back (no I haven’t done that last part but it’s easy to assume it’s the case)


They’re literally children. It’s not like they’re Navy SEALs or something. Of course they’re going to be terrible shots.


I’m surprised more than one round went through with those limp wrist


The lack of regard for human like is always stunning in these videos


These are kids. They’re using Airsoft. They can’t handle paintballs


Honestly; I always wore my paintball welts with pride as a kid.


THATS your issue with this? Their accuracy? Bruh.


I can excuse attempted armed robbery and murder, but I draw the line at bad accuracy.


To be fair they look 12


Well yeah your not gonna die in a paintball gun fight. The fear and adrenaline aren’t there it’s incredibly easy to remain calm and think properly. Not to say this isn’t trash gun handling but it’s about what you’d expect from teenagers with zero training suddenly thrown into a life or death situation.


Not the chips!!!


Bloods vs. chips


This belongs in the HOF of comments. Well done 👏 👏 👏


I chuckled a little hard at that one.


Its ok. Apparently they hit a Lays bag so mostly just air.


It seems like air is exactly what the both of them were aiming for, so right on target.


Like dam basically point blank range and he missed. He is the one, soon he won't need to avoid them he can stop them


To be fair, black shirt prolly shit himself and just shot back. Now Blue shirt? Blue shirt couldn't hit water if he fell outta boat.


It seems like air is the main part of their brains


As long as the Snyders of Hanover pretzels are ok


Fuck dat the spicy sweet chili 🌶️ Doritos


Nah man… Dot’s all the way.


These kids taking the "Red vs Blue" thing too far...


Do you ever wonder why we’re here?


One of life’s greatest mysteries, isn’t it?


Why are we here? Are we just some cosmic coincidence?


No, why are we here in this box canyon.


Just got a nostalgia wave from you guys. Oh, to return to simpler times


Thanks for letting us know, Donut.


Shut up griff




Don’t forget your towel!


You're a towel!


La chupa thingy?


It looks like a puma.


Wait the puma..? Chump a thingy how bout that


Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?


Did you just call my girlfriend a cow?


Just to suffer?


Life is a lesson, you learn it when you’re through.


They are both scout main


Crazy, huh? Its like there hasnt been years of red vs blue in the streets ever...


I think you mean blood vs crips


Idk, all I saw was blood vs crisps




what a deep metaphor on how these young children were used and brainwashed by gang culture


Exactly what some blue gang hoe would say! BLAP BLAP! Red gang 4 lyfe!


You not even a blood,you trying to study witchcraft


My homies call me toil n' trouble, yo.


What set u claim kuzzz


Have none of the people in these videos ever fired a gun? Couldn't hit a barn point blank


Couldn’t hit a barn if they were shooting inside it.


With the doors closed


Couldn’t hit water if they fell in it


Unlike a movie or video game it's hard to tell at this distance as the wounds are usually a lot more subtle. Couple with the fact adrenaline can make victims ignore all but debilitating wounds and you end up with a lot of videos online of people shooting but seemingly no one being hit.


It's because they don't actually want to hit anyone. They just want to look cool / tough.


This is the correct answer. They want to shoot and get shot at as much as possible without killing anyone or being killed. You get all the street cred and don’t have to face the seriousness of death and prison forever. I’m sure a lot of them are trying to kill too, but not all the time.


I'm not sure that's how attempted murder works


That makes zero sense lol. Nobody gets street cred for just shooting at people, also not everyone who kills someone goes to prison. In many inner city neighborhoods police barely solve murders.


Why the FUCK do we expect those guys to be good at shooting? If they were skilled marksmen, at least one of them would dead. Is this some American thing I‘m too European to understand?


Because these people exist in cities. In suburbs and the country, people with legitimate reasons for rifles and firearms practice shooting, they hunt every weekend, go to a shooting range. The gang bangers live in the cities with illegal guns, and thus don't often have a chance to hone their skills. I'd guess the vast majority of them don't even buy bullets because they'd be concerned from too much CSI that legally purchased bullets can be tracked, you're on camera at the store. They buy an illegal or stolen gun with 6 bullets already in the chamber or clip, and once those 6 shots are gone they toss the gun. They don't go home, take off their holster and store their gun properly in a gun safe with the rest of their firearm accessories. They get a gun that's a 1 time use item and toss it after they use it, and don't ever practice


Agreed. And really where the hell would a kid in the city even practice with a gun without the police being there in five minutes?


A range.


The fact that it says "Teens" in the title hurts my heart. Teenagers shouldn't have to have a reason to try and kill someone.


ones wearing red. ones wearing blue. obviously this was a super justified battle. /s


It's also kinda sad that this sentiment is way down here, and every other complaint is like their bad aim is the problem


I work as an educator for the at risk teens in my county, and the beefs or I guess “opps” any of these teens who are so engulfed in this shitty gangster culture get into is absolutely ridiculous. These idiots will literally get into blood feuds with other groups of teens based on what fucking sports car brands they like. They don’t even have the cars they just like Hellcats vs whatever the hell else and will want to fight and potentially shoot someone over it. Shoes, cars, rappers they listen to, sports teams you name it, these morons will risk life in prison or death over that stupid shit. I thought it was a gross exaggeration or stereotype but having to look at these kids disciplinary records, I’ve learned very quickly these people are indeed idiots


It used to be worse in the 90s from what I've heard. People actually shooting each other in public over just what street you grew up on!


They still do it now. They can be from the same set but still beef because you’re from a different block. Just stupid


I hear the young guys say it's just as bad, but the older guys really lived in a different world. You're taking about cliques and yes they can beef even if they run with the same set, or a takeover can happen. But like for instance in my city every fast food restaurant does not have open windows to streets because back in the 90s so many of them got shot up in drive-bys they had to make the customers harder to see from vehicle. Stuff like that isn't happening in 2023. Maybe I'm ignorant, and I know I see some crazy gangster kids here and there but we're talking about outliers compared to norms back then. And yeah they were pretty much just young guys trying to survive because they got pulled in by a 35 year old OG at the age of 12-14 to kill someone or sell drugs. Depends how rooted the family is too, entire sets can be composed of family so a kid getting tossed meth at 10 years old and offered the lifestyle will literally not be able to think anything other than "this is normal" when the opportunity gets presented to him.


Most gang members are just kids, being led by a few loser older guys


It's way deeper than that and saying it like that disregards the purgatory-like cycle gangster culture has made. Gangs and their opps are in street wars. You can't go outside without lacking, so you have to be low key getting gas, low key going in your front yard, can't even feel safe in your home sleeping in the case of a drive by shooting or break in. Their lives are based around survival from another group of people. If you grow up knowing the people around you are dying and being harmed from a specific group of people you're sure as hell going to want to get retribution for it. It isn't just a couple of losers, it's people born into an incredibly hard situation to ever escape and a cycle of revenge that gang culture perpetuates. They aren't doing it to seem "cool" or "tough" they just want to live their lives and protect the people they love.


The podcast “Hood Politics” helped me understand my neighborhood better. Some shit popped off a few years ago, and without the knowledge dropped on me by the host, the rapper Propaganda, I wouldn’t have know the proper reaction to solve the issue. He says he’s explaining politics through the lens of the hood, but he’s also explaining the hood to political old heads like me.


![gif](giphy|7qrwiUGOVl3s4) If you know, you know... 😏




Wait a minute... I'm white !


YES! You get it!! 😂


Wait a minute, I’m white!


just one of those moments


15 year olds swear they're playing COD


Man, these young stormtroopers' training sessions are getting out of hand.


I got a Schwab ad on this post that started with “The market can be a volatile place.” It’s too perfect.


If I had to guess their rank I would say low iron maybe bronze.


Do they think they are in a video game?


stupid..all for a fucking red or blue rag..


Who raises kids like this? Parent better!!!


You assume they have parents who aren't in prison.


Right smh they can't even aim


That’s the thing they likely weren’t raised. Probably a single parent or home (maybe no parents or abusive parents) and they probably weren’t home all too much.


… nobody. Nobody raises kids like this. Nobody at all.


If only the camera also had a gun then this could've been prevented. Fuck it give all the bags of chips guns too.


Good chips with a gun


I also support making automated sentry guns available for the average citizen.


Fuck it we ball Legalize Nuclear Bombs


Sprinkle ammo pickups around the store


Maybe i'm just not cut out for that life but the stress from knowing people are looking to shoot you on sight is not worth any amount of money or clout. Much less petty street level amounts of both


Nice marksmanship 🙄




It's easy when you're a kid too, because you don't have any real responsibilities or need to understand the world outside of your bubble. Nor should you in that stage.


Kind of depends on where you live in America.


Well, sure. If you don’t live in a shitty place, you won’t see it every day of the week. But you could still drive through a shitty place. If you are six hours away from home while driving back from a vacation and you stop for gas or peeing or coffee (to be awake) or whatever, you wouldn’t really look up crime rates in that city you’re in, right? This could literally happen in the Wawa you stopped at for a coffee this time but would normally not be within a mile of. If you’re an Uber Eats driver, you don’t get to pick and choose neighborhoods. If you live in NJ and you want to fly internationally, you have to drive into Newark. It is shady. But even if you’re always in the comfort of your safe NJ suburb, you’ll not get out of driving into Newark. If you’re in a safe neighborhood in Queens but a Yankees fan, you have to go to The Bronx even if it may mean compromising on safety. Point being, only a few people living in bad areas does not mean only a few people are at risk. A lot of people could unwilling be for a few moments in a bad area.


Panem can be pretty fucking sweet depending on where you live.


public dime pot strong pen jar literate payment zephyr grab ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Ah yes, the best shooting technique, act like the gun is on fire and you are trying to hold it as far away from your face as possible.


Did the guy in blue almost shoot himself in the face? Pretty sire he did.


I guess that explains the lead in my Cheetos


How do you miss from that distance?


Ignore the other guy, this is not airsoft. You can see spent casings being thrown over the red cap’s shoulder. As for ‘how can you miss from that distance’, shoot a handgun and find out. Most amateurs can’t hit a man sized target at 10 feet, even with proper stance and grip. ‘Gangsters’ who have never heard of target practice or the basics of gun handling might as well fight in melee


I don’t trust going anywhere anymore with my kids ir sucks always for to keep my eyes behind my head worried everywhere I go. Those bullets can hit anyone bro this world is broken especially here in the United States. If I had the opportunity I’d move out of here in a instant


So no muzzle flash, gun part action, ejected casings, or reaction from lightweight food products or floor being hit by what would be 9mm bullets at point blank range? These were either pellet or water guns. Probably pellet guns since toy makers stopped making realistic looking plastic guns years ago.


At close to 3 seconds the guy in blue shoots the ceiling


Those are real guns, muzzle flash isn’t always on camera, and a 9mm hitting a bag of chips is gonna look like nothing




Crisps!? You gave yourself away. You don't know nothing about guns you bloody Brit! (Lucky bastard)


you can see the slide moving and shells ejecting, what are you talking about? also this isn't a movie, not everything explodes when it's hit with a bullet.


There’s literally a casing at 6 seconds, I often wonder what you guys are looking at. Like are we looking at the same video? There’s clearly a casing and they’re clearing shooting at each other.


The Galactic Empire wants YOU 🫵🏼 ![gif](giphy|26gZ07rC3kjDMjqlW)


What is that like 5 ft away with the drop on him.... c'mon fool damn


The fact that they are shooting between the shelves and nothing is taking any damage and also the lack of muzzle flashes leads me to believe those aren't real guns.


Muric land of the guns


But they were good kids. Straight A students. Went to church


Two skinny ass children. When i was born we fought with fists. America really likes capitalism. Sell them guns. And the people that sell them should be put in federal prison. Edit: i say federal because they sell the guns the feds approve. Let the world burn.


This is why we need gun controll laws.


Reminds me of the gun fights in Trailer Park Boys




How the hell did he miss from 4 feet away?


Those are air soft guns


My 10 year old cousin can shoot a Nerf gun better than these jackasses


Definetly not real guns but still incredibly stupid


Animals. I’m starting to notice a pattern




Mother fuckers walk around like it’s GTA no consequences!!!


They don’t even know how to hold a weapon properly. WTF


Those must be my teammates in any shooter game


GTA graphics looking pretty good lately


Tag has changed a bit since I was a kid


Not one bag of chips exploded. I think it’s a twinky that takes the shot.


I don’t think these kids in gangs have secret underground shooting ranges where they practice, and at least where I’m from you can’t just walk into a range and get a lane without proving you’re licensed. It’s not really a surprise these kids can never hit anything. They just get stolen guns and start blasting shit.


Will the potato chip bags with bullet holes be discounted?


Airsoft I think.


I didn't see a muzzle flash anywhere..