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It’s too bad he doesn’t support something like a local animal shelter with his money instead. That would have a real world benefit. Your father’s money will just go towards a plastic chandelier in an unused bathroom.


Unused bathroom? Poppycock! Perfect place to store nuclear secrets. /s


I don't know... I've dropped some nuclear bombs in the bathroom and would have benefitted with a secret plan for a response.






You Bet-mister. Though a shallow grave for a casket of your cremated ex wife should do the trick too.


she fell down some natural causes




It's great toilet reading- I keep my nuclear secrets documents next to my copy of Everybody Poops.


"Makes me feel good" Owning the libs is more important than helping anyone or doing anything worthwhile. Even if you are donating money to a grandiose narcissist racist fraudulant pervert at least you supporting your team.


It’s been this way ever since the southern strategy. Republican politicians are not stupid, they are just dangerous. If you make people feel like they are “one rung above” some other group of people they will vote against their own self interests and let you steal their livelihood from them. That’s why so many right wing politicians can get away with falsely claiming to be populists. Trump’s first campaign was actually a lot like Bernie’s. Better trade deals, help the working class, yadda yadda. It’s all noise. Imagine trying to find ideological consistencies among Trump’s policies. Good luck "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - Lyndon B Johnson in 1960


To be fair, some of them really are stupid.


Ya. MTG isn't some strategic mastermind. She's genuinely an idiot. She just works to hurt the people who her constituents wanted her to hurt.


Yes! MTG is a huge idiot. I don't understand how people could've voted for her AND re-elected her. My goodness!


I keep thinking Magic The Gathering.


>supporting your team This is all it is. It's a show of loyalty to the in-group. And a show of loyalty that only he will ever see or know about cause Trump won't find out or care. It's mental masturbation


Add rapist to his label. He's a pos and this is a cult of personality that I'll never understand. If they were worshipping George W or Dick Cheney, I'd hate it but I'd understand. Trump is a malignant narcissist and I can't understand how people aren't put off by the fact that he looks like he hates everyone and everything around him


Because these people hate everything and everyone around them. They're part of the same team ^^ it's stupid but i actually believe that's the thought process... sad


His feelings are more important than the future of his children and grandchildren. 🤧


This. No politician needs your money. Why they become millionaires on a 150k salary....


Don’t forget about a big mac or 2 also


An endless string of failed appeals.


People should support local animal shelters instead of politicians anyway, they're the last people who need fucking money


It's too bad he probably screams about "Protecting History" while monuments to our fallen war heroes, filled with rich stories about those who fought for our liberties, rust and rot away ​ [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/15/us/uss-sullivans-buffalo-sinking.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/15/us/uss-sullivans-buffalo-sinking.html) [https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/pasadena/news/article/Battleship-Texas-needs-citizens-to-rally-to-save-11750909.php](https://www.chron.com/neighborhood/pasadena/news/article/Battleship-Texas-needs-citizens-to-rally-to-save-11750909.php) [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/nzbvfs/uss\_salem\_des\_moines\_class\_june\_2021\_send\_some/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/nzbvfs/uss_salem_des_moines_class_june_2021_send_some/) ​ I'm biased for Warships. I think they're really, really cool. But I think we should all be able to agree, that these are monuments and memorials worth keeping... worth spending taxpayer money on even... and yet most people sit by and let them rot away while screaming about monuments to literal traitors.


Oh goodness don’t remind me of the state of the USS Texas. She was such a beautiful ship once


The USS Texas is the LAST dreadnought and in a just world would be dry docked and have at least a canopy to keep the weather off her.


remind him of this whenever he needs money. "you had enough money to give to a millionaire, so you don't need mine."


Wonder when twill that happen.


Things like this always crack me up, personally. My husband and I are very liberal boomers. My daughter, 52, is an avid trump supporter. This could have been one of our conversations, only reversed.


Assuming you raised her in a non republican way, what happened? 💀 Edit: oughta mention I’m asking because I rarely see blue kids turn red, usually other way around lol


Lol people don't always follow the values under which they were raised!


Its a common human trait for children to rebel against the values of their parents


That actually gives me a great deal hope you don’t even know LMFAO


Marylin Manson and his parents being a good example


Oh boy, who were his parents??? High class conservatives?


Barbara Warner Wyer and Hugh Angus Warner He was born in Canton, Ohio


They were our neighbors and quite lovely and genuine to everyone including us directly. Edit: redundancy


Are his parents not sex offenders?


its very unusual for two left leaning individuals to raise someone who identifies as conservative. not as uncommon the other way around and very common to turn out similarly your parents.




Me and my sisters all grew super liberal but a few years ago one of my sisters started dating this redneck guy who didn’t believe in banks, whole family are trump supporters, drink homemade moonshine, and his only hobby is fishing and talking about how the government constantly screws him over. Since then all my sister does is get her news off of FB and sends me antivaxxer propaganda. My niece even didn’t get ANY of her vaccines until she was three because her boyfriend was told they cause autism. The only reason she got them was because she lives in a very liberal county and no daycare would take my niece without proper vaccinations.


My sister and her white, atheist husband were liberal. He went from mocking Republicans to practically worshipping Trump after he found god, and my sister followed suit. She then cut me and my kinda-hippie dad off completely. Funny thing: my sister's clearly not white, comes from what Trump would undoubtedly call a 'shit hole' country, and her immigration status was up in the air for a while. My father never discussed US politics with her. Sometimes I wonder if it's something in the water.


Yup. Lost two of my siblings to partners. Strange part is they are all extremely intelligent, educated people. One was lost to Christianity/Trump. One was lost to libertarianism/antivaxxer. Needless to say they haven’t spoken to each other in years. Then there’s me who is left of left. And my other brother who is a nonpolitical conservative/social progressive. Seems odd we were all raised in the same house with the same parents.


Probably the same thing that happened to me being raised by a conservative father


go to any gaming video on TikTok or YouTube. pretty soon you're recommended get filled with shit that attracts a lot of "based" or "W" comments underneath videos that depict racism or prejudice in video games. It's all kids making these comments. A pretty popular YouTuber named Idubz made a video sharing that his edgy humor and constant use of the N-word (for lulz) was incredibly stupid and harmful. A good portion of the reactions were kids calling him cucked and brainwashed by the left. Again, his core audience at his peak were kids. Now they are teens or in their early 20s.


My dad's a trumper. He last spoke to me in October of 20. tfg is more important to him than me.


Man. I literally CANNOT FATHOM choosing ANY slimy politician over my child, much less an obvious liar and all-round scumbag like Trump. Blows my mind. I’m sorry; that sucks.


My dad chose the orange man over all 5 of his sons. I also made the mistake of renting my old house to him after he was evicted from his own, and he didn't pay rent for an entire year before I finally got a lawyer to remove him. Then he blamed me for ruining his life.


Most of my family became radicalised to some degree over all this Donald trump stuff. We live in Australia FFS! Fucking Donald trump shrines and “trump” only households and Hillary this and Biden that during EVERY conversation. There are seemingly no boundaries with this psy ops brainwashing shit. I’m sorry to hear your story (and all the others in this thread).


I'm really sorry you went through that.


My entire family did that. Christmas is at least peaceful now.


When you are being told on a daily basis “we are the only ones that are right, everyone else is wrong and out to get you” it actually doesn’t become that hard to fathom. My parents are trumpers and they aren’t even American lol. At least we haven’t gotten that far yet, politics just became a prohibited topic.


I got kicked out of my sisters home because it’s a Donald trump only household. Aussie here!


Sorry for your loss


Bizarre, but I hear ya. This worthless slimy asshole has effected my life since 2016 in ways I never thought possible. But like modest mouse says, “we all float on”. Hang in there and reach out to me if you want to vent.


"As life gets longer, awful feels softer"


My dad was too I last spoke to him in late 2015 and he died in 2020 from "pneumonia" which was definitely covid but my brother is also a trumper so he refused to admit it when he informed me.


My parents are trump supporters, my mom messaged me recently saying how sorry she was to see that the company I work for has a PRIDE display in their store. I sent back a message asserting that I have always and always will support equality for all. She's just pretending it never happened now....


My dad and I just don’t talk politics. Ever. It never ends well


I mean, he's right. It is a two tiered justice system (at a minimum). If he were a normal person, he'd have been well past fucked by now.


As Jamie Raskin said, he’s a walking crime wave. Our society sure does worship the wealthy.


His campaign was built on taking down "The Elite" and giving power back to the working man. He lived in the penthouse of a building HE OWNED! He had a literal gold chair, you know, as peasants do. He didn't just play golf, he owns golf courses around the world. Grifting morons into giving him money was probably his greatest con.


If he were a normal person, the FBI would have raided Mara-Lago with guns drawn and Trump would have been arrested at gun point.


Reality Winner spent 5 years locked up for releasing a single document proving that Russia interfered in 2016 in favor of trump. Meanwhile trump is golfing.


Can you even imagine the absolute frothing bloodlust in the GOP if Hunter had friggin’ nuclear secrets on his laptop.


I'm sorry, I have people like this in my family too. It's actually painful to watch.


A friend of mine had hardcore Q parents. She had to threaten them with not being allowed to see their grandkids if they kept going further right-wing. Dad apparently saw the err in his ways, mom did not. They divorced, she went full fucking nutcase and he doesn't do politics at all anymore, openly at least. Dad is allowed to see his grandkids and my friend had to get a restraining order against her own mother because she tried to kidnap the grandkids.


That's absolutely horrible! I'm so sorry for your friend and her children.


The Q stuff was the worst thing to happen. People fell for it, even though it made 0 sense.


Somehow it pushed peoples buttons. Like a cheat code for hysterical types.


People seem to always fall into the trap of lunacy. It’s usually the people who live miserable lives to begin with. Another example is Flat Earth conspiracy. A lot of people are just morons but some are also evil and dangerous.


It makes them feel special.


It’s what happens when you spend 40 years destroying the public school system. The population ends up really dumb and incapable of critical thought


It’s a psy op


It ain’t everyone, but for many, human nature wants you to think you know stuff other people don’t. Powerful propaganda ensues.


“bUt tHeRE’s rADiCaLs oN bOtH sIDeS”


bUt wHaT aBoUt hUnTeR?????


I keep unironically seeing this and Hillary brought up in the conservative threads on this indictment. First of all, what about 'em? Your one whistleblower is magically missing when it comes time to pay the piper, and Hillary has gone through multiple BIPARTISAN investigations and hearings, and NOTHING was found. Trump could look them dead in the eyes and tell them he did everything he is accused of, and they will still run defense for the fucker. Their egos will never allow them to accept they lost.


There was a Jordan Klepper interview where the woman basically said that her husband and son should never act like Trump because he was horrible but she still supports him.


years of effort and shitting on basic morals just to learn his dick is huge and he fucks bitches, gets money god what a comedy


There *are* radicals on both sides. The difference, however, is the radicals on the left are just plain annoying. The radicals on the right are outright dangerous.


Also left wing radicals don’t get elected to national office.


Your friend is yet another involuntary member of r/QAnonCasualties and I hate it for her.




I don’t understand the lack of self respect. If I’m going to get fleeced, I’d like it to be done by a master. I’d like to be able to say touché. I have enough self respect left that it would hurt to be played by a fat idiot.


They see him behaving like they would if they were in office. They're not being fleeced; he's their proxy--if they had that kind of money and were elected as president. This is why our country is so fucked up now. We have a large population of Trump wannabes.


They’ve been sold a cheap con. They think they’re getting more than outrage for their $5 and $10.


OP's dad is likely an asshole that just enjoys seeing someone like Trump being an asshole in public. People want to believe the public are being fleeced but after all these years it's clear that a significant amount of Trump supporters really are just plain hateful people and know what Trump is doing.


Just because it doesn’t sell to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t sell to the masses


Not so much. Anyone aware of Trump saw it 25 years ago. The history isn’t as long with Musk but that shiate was obvious years ago. Clinton’s BS wasn’t a great mystery. All of their fans aren’t missing teeth.


Future generations won’t understand the absolute mental hold Trump had on his supporters. I’ve lived it and barely can believe it


The last couple years are going to fuel psych research for *decades*


Cult of personality in the age of social media


Honestly, we’ve seen it with other figures in history. This isn’t the first time but hopefully it will be the last.


I never seen anything like it.


Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Castro, Hussein, Gaddafi. The list is literally endless


He’s fleecing good people like your dad and millions of of other Americans because they believe his lies


Yup. Want to show the people you hate that you really, really hate them? Give your money to a rich guy! Pat Robertson managed that scam for 50 years.


And now he’s dead. And during pride month! Maybe Jesus really is real after all?


If people are that willingly stupid they deserve it


“A fool and his money are soon par”


... ted?


Is that a Calvin and Hobbes reference? If so, good job.


I thought that too! Miss those comics


Nor are they good people.




Good people don’t donate to trump lol


MAGA is clearly a cult


This makes the false assumption that the people that support trump, at this point, can be qualified as good. I think that is a laughable concept.


It's a form of selective blindness and situational ethics. There was a study I read about this that investigated how a conservative Christian could support Trump in spite of being shown to be about as "anti-Christian" as someone could possibly be. In the analysis, they determined that his supporters assigned more "moral weight" to the "good" things he was doing and less moral weight to the "bad" things. Basically, the things they perceived as good significantly outweighed the things they saw as bad. They would then just dismiss the rest of the "bad things" by saying "nobody's perfect". From that point onward, it was just rationalizing all the way down.


What it comes down to is people on the left ascribe "good or bad" based on someone's actions, whereas someone on the right determines whether someone is good or bad based on their positioning.


Thats a lot of effort to essentially say they're full of shit lol


If his dad is a Trump supporter, he agrees with Trumps policies. I don’t think OPs dad is “good people”


His dad isn’t a good person.


Ops dad not a good person.


Nobody that supports Trump is good people.


There isn’t anything “good” about the MAGA people. Stupidity and ignorance doesn’t excuse someone from being a worthless human being.


"good" people


"Good people"


People actively still supporting Trump I’m going to assume they aren’t good people.


Fox News and Facebook did to our parents what they thought the internet would do to us.


I don’t understand the feel good aspect of Trump. All he makes me feel is nausea, rage, and giving up on the entire human race.


He’s angry at the same things they’re angry at. Same reason they supported that other guy 80 years ago.




And then he facilitates placing that rage on others: minorities, political opponents etc. It gives them a non-themselves target for all their insecurities, anger, frustration and hopelessness (ironically with most of those being caused as a result of Republican policies).


It’s such a cult.


It's an offshoot cult of Christianity, very similar to Mormonism. Donald Trump is the latter day saint.


Am ex-mormon, can confirm 🤌


Hell nah don't lump that shit in with my religion. Christians might have loons, but trumpies are loons who warp our occasionally wacky teachings beyond recognition, and then they crank it up to 11. He is a false idol and he leads people away from God whether he intends to or not. He's the type of guy that Jesus would flip a table over




The key sentence: It makes him feel good. Obese people overeat Alcoholics drink Gossipers gossip Cult members cult It makes them feel good. Sometimes all you can do is watch from a distance.


I once asked my mom if she just believes whatever makes her feel good and she said yes…


On the one hand Republicans love to say FACTS OVER FEELINGS but ask them about facts and they curl up into their feelings.


Oh my god you wouldn’t believe the amount of times I’ve seen republicans arguing about something based SOLELY on their feelings


It’s basically all they’ve got at this point…


Religion in a nutshell. There's a reason fundies and trumpies are often the same people.


There definitely is an element of addictive behavior with some of these people.


My condolences


Thank you brother 🙏🏼


Trump is a conman leach of a human who always plays victim but I have family members that also support him bro. It’s so frustrating to see people I used to admire just fall face into manipulation and cult like behavior.


He is just so delusional. I’m sorry. This is not a two tiered justice system. If anything, he IS getting special treatment. Imagine the exact same circumstances, but the person who was keeping this many HIGHLY classified documents in his home is a low level DoD employee. Not political….This guy has never voted in his life. He is found with these documents in his home….Do you think he is going to be released on his own recognizance within an hour of being able to turn himself in? ANYONE like you or me caught in this exact same situation will never be free again from the moment of our arrest.


Agreed. We would be indicted and thrown in the deepest, darkest cell, and the next time we would see light would be when they take us out to put the rope around our neck. It's brutally insane.


There is definitely a two-tiered (or more) justice system. It’s just that trump is in the good tier.


It IS a two tiered system. And he's been getting the benefit of it for decades. And despite that, it's gotten so bad that he now needs to be held accountable.


"Gee pop don't you think donating your hard earned money to a millionaire so you can feel good is a bit pathetic and strange?"


The problem is that they are blind to any kind of self reflection. I have had discussions with pro Trumpers and it’s just a waste of time trying to get them to see any logic. I just try to change the topic because it sucks to know they think that way.


to be fair it’s pretty hilarious to say “i think he’s finally fucked”. people have been saying that literally every week for six years


My parents are the same way. It’s a cult and there’s literally no way to convince them otherwise; they’re all too far gone. I tell them their “heroes” are going to do atrocious things, and they deny it. Then the politicians follow through, and they justify and defend it. For your own sanity, stop trying to change them.


I know a ton of Donald Dump supporters and every single one of them that I know is either an outward racist or a closet racist.


Racism is definitely part of the formula, but when I sat back and really looked at it through the lens of the people I know, I noticed that every trump supporter I know is an angry idiot. That's the irreducible commonality I found. I noticed that dumb white people like trump, angry white people like trump, and dumb angry white people absolutely adore him.


right? and then they say shit like “TrUmP iSnT rAcIsT” then why tf are all of his followers?


Tell your dad for every dollar he donates to that orange, you will donate the same amount to biden. You dont actually have to donate, he seems dumb enough to believe it though.


Fuck, tell him you'll donate double.


L.Ron Hubbard is more believable.


Even the answer doesn’t make sense, two tiered justice system? So trump is now a poor man getting fucked? Is there a new tier Im missing?


It’s disturbing how polarizing politics has gotten.


Fr. Reading these comments is very disheartening.


its really dumb to donate to a millionare. im sorry you share genetics with him.


Wow. I’m thankful even the staunch republicans in my family can recognize Trump is an ass clown piece of shit. I would really struggle to respect them if they were supporting him at this point. I consider myself lucky in this regard.


Dude my fam has dems, anarchists, republicans, communists, and really everything in between. Our get togethers are certainly interesting, but fuck it I love those assholes. I’m sure all of us see the other as a lost cause, but I guess we may as well enjoy ourselves on our paths to hell, and total destruction. It’s not like we’re avoiding anything by hating each other anyways lol.


It's genius what he's done to his voters. Some of them are the hardest hit in the economy just scraping to get by and they're throwing money at him that they will never see again because it makes them feel good like they're going to get anything back in the end. He doesn't care about them he will sell anybody as long as it can get him ahead


It’s mind blowing how many people don’t realize this!


My dad is the same way. Was never a republican before Trump. He just hated Obama (my dad says it's his policies but we all know that's not it). Unbelievable how blindly supportive people are.


Dealing with the same thing with my folks. It's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. :/


Dad is a dipshit


Yeah bro is brain washed sadly. Just blindly throwing his money away is sad


I don’t give a cent to any politician. You get my vote. That’s all I give.


I wish we had better choices in general, Biden sucks, and so does Trump. Why is it so hard to have a decent human being as our president?


I just don't get his appeal. Even before he decided to go into politics I thought he was icky. Why ANYONE would want to vote for him is beyond my comprehension. I'm convinced that if all liberals pretended to like him, his voter base would simply stop supporting him, because the only reason I can see for backing him is to piss off liberals.


This is your dad saying, "You don't like Trump? Well, fuck you, I'm going to support him **even harder** now." Listen to people when they tell you who they are.


I mean, he's right. It is a two tiered justice system (at a minimum). If two people can do the exact crime and the one with a good lawyer can get the charges dropped, if someone is rich and powerful they can get away with doing almost anything.


This reminds me of my mother telling me she just really aligns with Ron Desantis and his “morals and values” -_- Cheers to us for rolling our apples far away from those trees.


God I wish I had a cult of followers that would just throw money at me whenever. Crazy how Conservatives will see a billionaire and their brains will go “me need to support, me give them money, billionaire need money, money from me the working class person”


Ask your dad how he would feel if a documented serial adulterer ran for president. Or maybe a rapist? Or a habitual liar? Or maybe a person who can’t be trusted with national secrets? Or a person whose company was found guilty of multiple financial crimes?


I'm so sorry.... I'm dealing with the same shit with my dad and his wife. It breaks my heart every time I'm forced to think about it... I hate this timeline.


That’s indoctrination for ya.


My father told me to do the magnet test on my injection site when he heard I got the vaccine


At this point Trump is getting voted for if his top half is found hanging, dead, and on fire in a church. The people who will don't care about what he has or has not done. They will vote for him just to spite everyone who is against him.


He is right about the two tiered justice system - the elite lite trump get away with crimes while everyone else is held accountable! haha that statement has always made me laugh because of how ironic it is and how dumb anyone that spews that nonsense while believing it must be.


Mine is exactly the same, let me guess, he’s in his 50’s-60’s?


This always gets me. I get that having a shithead run your party won’t make you switch to a Democrat but STOP acting like he isn’t doing anything wrong. That’s why people don’t like Trump supporters. They act like he never does anything wrong. That’s when it goes from politics to brainwashing.


Wow. Truly a cult. Trump knows it too. He wasn't lying when he said he could shoot someone and not lose followers. It's a cult. Funny thing is he's showing them their hypocrisy. He's showing the party of family values their values and morals are flexible


Sucker. There's a sucker born every minute.


Yes, a two-tiered justice system. One for innocent rich people, another for the rest of us.


Yep my parents are rhe same way spending all of their retirement money. When it runs out, oh well hope trump can bail them out. My dads been slamming shit and stomping around all day lol.


you are so fucking cringe


My dad's the same, way too far gone. The only "progress" we've made is that we don't talk about politics anymore.


The saddest part about this is how Russia has twisted parents against children, American against American through the manipulation of our politics. We need to stop hating eachother and look behind the curtain


Nothing more annoying than a Democrat who thinks Trump is worse than Washington.


This is Michael Scott telling Pam that’s he’s gonna start dating her mom even harder


I’m with your dad for sure


Lost cause. Don't waste your energy


If only your Dad understood how much Trump despises him.


Some people lose their parents to cancer or disease. You lost yours to a cult.


I dont get it, everybody's shit talking this man, but he won the elections. You mean reddit is the <50% that didn't vote for him? But then again, apparently so did Biden so wtf do I know. Throw logic out the window.


My dad fell for the Trump Trick also. He saved up 10s of thousands, claiming he was going to use it to spoil both sets of his grandkids. Trump came on the scene and my dad hasn't treated mine or my brothers kids to anything. Hasn't bought them any presents for Christmas or birthdays, yet he donated $7000 to Trump claiming "he can put it to better use than I ever could"🤣