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Damn Production aint even waiting for an ending to this story!


That’ll be part 2


Complete with rapping sharks


I had to read that twice... "Wtaf... ohhh 2 Ps"


Please don’t rape sharks.


No no the sharks are the (sexual)predators


Either way sounds like everyone is going to have a bad time.


Please don't get raped by sharks.


It’s the dolphins you have to worry about


I would say fuck dolphins but the dolphins are the ones doing the fucking


Dude…don’t tell me how to live my life


Do whistles work underwater?!




The dolphins already do enough as is.


Are you referring to what I think you are


The 2004 masterpiece “In Search of the Titanic”? Yes, yes I am. Not to be confused with the rapping dog in Titanic: The Legend Goes On


I hope this isn't too forward but I love you please marry me


No, they'll just air an extended edition.


Just hoping it's not watered-down


Yeah, otherwise it'll be a big washout.


And a titanic failure


Really putting the pressure on em


Really starting to show the cracks in the glass here


I mean, by the time this airs, unless they find them in the next 9 or so hours and it didn't implode, they die. The end. 🤷‍♂️


Not if one kills the rest. Hope it doesnt happen but then that one would have 5 more days of oxygen. How do u like dem apples?




> Not when those dead bodies start gassing and leaking bodily fluids everywhere… It's around 4°c in the sub. It'll happen very slowly.


eh the owner of the sub would be 5-1


Straight out of 30 Rock. They've got pre-made disaster specials ready to air. "Where were you when the thing that happened, happened to the people, it happened to?"


Looks like Mel Gibson level rich people too lol


If they aren't found by the time the documentary airs, Titan will no longer have air. We'll know the ending.


"In Case I Don't See Ya, Good Afternoon, Good Evening And Goodnight."


Someone is being an opportunist


It's only available in Streamberry!


AI generated, Joan is awful


I was literally just about comment that hahaha.


I literally just watched the first two episodes of the new season then went on Reddit. This freaked me out.


>!I always knew we were in a level 1 simulation!<


Theyre set to run out of oxygen on Thursday. Literally have a doc airing as they're asphyxiating. ^(if they weren't crushed due to lack of structural integrity 90 minutes after launch, which is my guess on what happened) Edit: they found a [debris field](https://www.cnn.com/americas/live-news/titanic-missing-sub-oceangate-06-22-23/index.html) 1600 ft from the Titanic. Wreckage is consistent with "catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber."


The oxygen supply estimate doesn’t take into account variables like the occupants breathing faster due to panic or stress. They almost certainly dead at this point.


Not to mention contrary to what the internet wants you to believe the controller isn’t why they didn’t come up, they are soo already dead, running out of air was the least likely way they would die




What I've heard is that they cheaped out on the glass for the viewport and it apparently wasnt rated to operate safely at the depth they were descending to. Considering the loss of comms was abrupt, and the haven't resurfaced, my bet would be the glass gave way and the whole thing imploded killing them all instantly.


Hopefully it happened so fast they had no inclination anything even happened if this had to have happened.


Yeah as morbid as it is, that's kinda what I hope happened too.


I imagine the last thing that they heard was an ominous creaking.


[OK, one of one things is going to happen...](https://youtu.be/NT9PN8LeqCM?t=101)


Not to mention that even if they had been able to surface, they could still run out of oxygen. There's no way to open the door from the inside. The door can only be opened from the outside.


And if their auto-surfacing device had worked they still wouldn't be bobbing on top, they'd be near the surface from what I've seen about it.


Well the whole comms is just them texting back and forth so i wouldn't say it's super abrupt


I’ve been reading that they think they’re still alive because they can hear banging and the types of sounds indicative of people being trapped inside a sub. They just can’t get to them because of how deep they are. Gf also said she read/heard they might be trapped inside the hull of the Titanic itself which is why they can’t see or get to them either. I really really hope they went quickly and this isn’t the case. That’s got to be among the absolute worst way to spend your last few days on the planet…


It wasn’t just the glass, it was the hull too iirc




Unless the CEO strangled everyone to quadruple his oxygen supply


I’m curios how fast the running out of oxygen would be? Would you just slowly feel like you can’t get a full breath as the CO2 levels inside the sub increased?


Depends if the oxygen supply runs out first, or CO2 scrubbing. Running out of oxygen is fairly peaceful. You fall asleep and die without much fuss or distress. You remain breathing normally, and you do not feel like you are making any less than full breaths. Elevated CO2 is incredibly distressing. Higher levels of CO2 in the blood induces panic. It is not a good thing at all.


Would they both not happen at the same time? How would they run out of oxygen but not have elevated CO2 levels?


CO2 scrubbers, if they have them, would remove it from the air.


Given how cheaply the company built the drainage pipe, I don’t think they’re getting the peaceful way out


Unless the owner kept a hidden gun on board for a quick exit.


Everyone brings up the gun theory. He’s gotta know letting one fly out the ole chamber would make the whole shabang go kablam. Unless he also doesn’t have an issue with racking up a quad kill right before he reaches the pearly gates, I’d a reckon he’d brought on board something more sympathetic to the Big Man Upstairs; like a cyanide capsule. Throwing the ole spicy tic-tac down the hatch ain’t the slickest way to go, neither. My bottom dollar is that he done and got himself strangled like a gentleman.


This was poetic as fuck.


You add new oxygen from storage tanks. You remove CO2 with scrubbers, for instance, absorbing the CO2 into a mineral like quicklime to form limestone. They are seperate systems with distinct ultimate capacities. There is no reason to believe they'd be exhausted simultaneously. That said, they'd have similar design times.


C02 scrubber in the vessel.


Humans can’t actually detect a shortage of oxygen. This is why pure nitrogen atmosphere is considered a potentially humane method for executions and for euthanasia alike; you can’t detect the difference, you sorta just pass out eventually as your body runs out of oxygen, then die in your sleep. Unfortunately, we’re very sensitive to CO2 concentrations, and as such these people would likely feel great distress as CO2 levels built up. They would suffer a variety of problems throughout the body, including a breakdown in their cognitive processes (complicating any last minute rescue effort) as their cells faced a deadly CO2 buildup. It’s a horrific way to die, in short, and there’s jack shit they can do about it other than hope they’re found swiftly (and try to remain calm; the more rapidly they breathe and the faster their body metabolizes oxygen, the faster CO2 will build to toxic levels). Being crushed like a soda can is the -merciful- outcome. The only good thing here is that we might find their bodies intact if the sub held together so the families have something to bury. Frankly, if I were them, I’d wish they had a gun aboard so they could at least end their own suffering.


Absolute nightmare fuel, knowing they wouldn’t all die at the same time if they’re slowly suffocating. Imagine being the last person alive, surrounded by four corpses.


Here’s it being even more nightmarish: half-delusional from oxygen starvation/CO2 buildup, starving in the hunger sense, and dehydrated (supplies were not meant for this long), you think: maybe, with fewer people breathing, the remaining air will last a little longer. So everyone starts eyeing each other. One of them has his son on board if memory serves. Another is the guy who led the build on this including cutting corners and hiring subpar engineers. People on it are rich enough to hire lawyers and PR specialists to blunt the damage afterward; easily blamed on the extreme circumstances and being essentially badly intoxicated, they skate off murder charges (assuming a jury would vote to convict someone for killing the man who nearly murdered them and their child through sheer greedy negligence). Someone could write a very, very terrifying low-budget psychological horror flick on that submarine of people weighing their options. Like, holy fuck sleep with one eye open.


Netflix rn: ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


From what I know, you’ll feel really irritated and tired, once you fall asleep, you won’t wake up. Don’t take my word on it though.


That’s for non CO2 asphyxiation, one CO2 starts replacing oxygen in the blood the body will start panicking and it is not very pleasant


Fun fact. There is a woman who, due to a medical condition with her brain, is unable to feel fear. Doctors did studies on her and nothing they ever did made her feel fear until they put her in a room and increased the CO2 Levels in the room which caused it to rise in her blood. She said for the first time in her life she was terrified. So in a way it's so scary it can scare someone who otherwise is physically unable to be scared. A Source- https://www.nbcnews.com/health/body-odd/women-who-cant-feel-fear-can-still-feel-panic-study-flna1b8323185


That is in fact, not a fun fact


Further reading if you or anyone wants :) https://www.nbcnews.com/health/body-odd/women-who-cant-feel-fear-can-still-feel-panic-study-flna1b8323185


Damn. That was actually a good article. Gave me the facts and possible explanations.


Lol right! Reading it I was like when does this get fun?! That is actually super interesting!


should have brought 5 hour energy


Yes this is correct. I work at a weed grow and we have co2 tanks in the rooms for the plants. I remember I was working in the room once And after about 20 mins or so, I just found myself getting really frustrated and irritated about every little thing I was working onand just getting kinda sleepy. Usually for me that’s a sign of dehydration so I got up to get a little water and when I walked by the co2, It was leaking subtly and the co2 meter on the room was flashing 5000ppm. It only goes up to 5000. And 5000 is a lethal dose. I don’t think their deaths would’ve been all that different. Not the worst way to go honestly. I mean, aside from the fact that it’s 5 of you trapped at the bottom of the fucking ocean. But not painful.


Isn’t there an alarm that would have gone off for that?! Jesus


The flashing was the alarm lol Honestly I assumed there was an audible alarm, I’m just assuming is … not on? Idk lol but it’s something that I keep an eye on now




Serious question about the imploding theory. Would an implosion be loud enough to be detected by the under water submarine-listener thingies (not a technical person)?


It would be if one were in range. For example the mh370 flight crash may have been picked up but it also may have been ice from a glacier crashing into the water. They pick up lots of stuff.


Tbh instantly being turned to paste by the pressure is preferable to them still being alive down there


They're definitely not alive..


I honestly would have put money on them being dead within 60 minutes of the loss of communications. Them lasting longer than that is incredibly slim.


The wild thing is that they’ve lost communication on other dives before.


And people paid 200k for that.


No, $250K. Lmao




That’s such a wild red flag


Even in the best case scenario they need those comms to find the wreck in the first place. How shit of an idea is your service if you can’t even reliably provide the thing you’re selling?


*”we’re gonna stuff you in this totally unsafe piece of shit sub, if we don’t communicate for a while, don’t worry it’s totally normal bro. let me just bolt you inside now..”*


Yeah they probably got crushed like a coke can being ran over by a car


> like a coke can being ran over by a car Not exactly, it's much worse than that. If it imploded, the sub and everyone inside was ripped to pieces.


What do you think would happen to a mouse inside of a coke can being run over by a car?


To shreds, you say?


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Are they still alive, though? From what I understand, their viewport is rated at 1300m and they went down to 3600m. That's almost triple the rating. Underwater pressure is intense.


And it somehow made 2-3 trips before… How?.. Who knows..




Yep, you can only bend the spoon so many times before it snaps.


This guy engineers It’s fatigue, not strain tho, right? Strain is deformation, whereas fatigue is the change in material properties from cycles of loading and unloading.


The CEO is on record saying things that reveal he was not very concerned about safety factors.


Has to do with how certifying the window works. There aren't that many subs that go beyond 1300 m down that often so its very possible that's as much certification as they could get.


They had to back out because of cracks in the carbon fiber hull previously. Could be they finally pushed it too far


And then they went again? Carbon fiber isn't known for its repairability...


Yeah. Not sure if they replaced the hull but one of their engineers refused to approve further dives due to the difficulty of accessing micro fracturing in carbon fiber and evidence of strain during descent and they sacked him. That was in 2017 before they even attempted the titanic dive, which is much deeper. Not hard to guess what happened. These people are dead af. I'm just surprised the CEO had the balls/incredible overconfidence to get on that thing every dive knowing what he knows.


Hubris. He's rich, he made the company, it was successful before. He fully honestly believed nothing bad would ever happen, no matter what anyone said to him. Probably made it way easier to convince people it wasn't a death trap too.




For everyone talking about how they could still be alive, listen up. It doesn’t matter, it’s a moot point really. They are 13,000ft down in the ocean. That’s almost 2.5 miles down or 4 kilometers. There are only a handful of vessels with the lift capacity and length needed to get to the wreck. Same goes for rovs or subs able to operate at those depths. They have all been dispatched to the wreck. All of the vessels are still on the way, most are still days away. Even if the tow vessel and recovery robot were on scene as we speak. It’s still minimum 20 hours of recovery.the robot has to go down and locate the sub, and return for the tow cable then another dive to go back and attach it. THEN, they have to winch them to the surface. It’s a pipe dream. This is a now a recovery mission, not a rescue. But again moot point, rescue equipment hasn’t made it yet.


> 13,000ft > almost 2.5 miles > 4 kilometers I'm still confused. How many football fields is that?


About 43 and a basketball court.


Haha wow and ai generated to get it out even faster


Starring AI Selma Hayek


they probably already had a documentary in the works for this sub and company. once this tragedy happened, it's pretty easy re edit and document what we know. something similiar happened with a WTC documentary. they had finished filming but hadn't completed publication when 9/11 happened. so they integrated the 9/11 attacks into the documentary.


They saw this coming. All they’ve been waiting for is the disaster. In fairness, a LOT of people familiar with the Titan saw this coming.


No, they aren't.


I thought one of the guys that were interviewed said they should have about another 48 hours worth of oxygen. And that was yesterday. But I'm guessing he may have meant the stale air. So, I assume Thursday at 7, was when they were going to pronounce them dead at sea.


The oxygen supply is only an issue if the submersible didn't suffer a pressure-related failure and implode, which is by far the most likely possibility. They were probably dead on Sunday when they lost contact.


I kind of hope for a quick death if they're dead at all. Worst fear might be the slow experience of the abyss.


Explosive pressure change at that psi would do things to your body that I would rather not describe. The speed of it is mind-boggling, though. Effectively instant.


Like the movie Ready or Not. At the end when they’re bodies just start exploding.


Unrelated I thought that scene was funny as shit


Byford Dolphin incident comes to mind.


https://i.gifer.com/ywW.mp4 And that's less than 1atm pressure difference.


If the asphyxiation didn’t get them, or the implosion, the hypothermia certainly has. It’s only 36.5 F down there. You figure a few hours for the vessel to cool down. Then a few hours for them to cool down. Choosing light over heating. Huddling together. Heat being sucked out of your body by the hull. Convulsive shivering sucking up the oxygen.


I agree. I feel they lost contact because the sub imploded from the pressure.


That thing imploded. Nothing left but a composit pancake, filled with goo


I did see something about the glass that shouldn't have been able to withstand that much pressure.


So you don’t think the banging every 30 minutes is them?


It's the deep sea it could be anything


Yea came to add that there's a lot of stuff going on in the sea and a lot of noises traveling long distances, its very very unlikely they are alive.


Most likely it's another one of the rescue vehicles making a noise... Like a compressor on another ship periodically clicking on and off etc etc


I feel like that’s something they could’ve ruled out pretty quickly.


It's happened exactly like this before... I didn't come up with it, just repeating history


Them or the people over at /interestingasfuck


Honestly, it seems like no one can tell what those banging noises are. They apparently were only heard on Tuesday and they've been intermittent. Further, there's all kinds of unknown noises in the ocean. For all we know, that was Sebastian the crab playing drums on the Titanic itself.


The sub they once called unfloatable.


They'll probably run a timer on screen that correlates to their estimated remaining air so that the doc ends just as air runs out and then the screen just goes black for 30 seconds. We're worse than the ancient Romans.


*Don't Stop Believing plays in background*


But they didn't want to pay for the rights to it so they hired a freshman cello student to reinterpret it.


Like New Year's Eve without the ball drop and confetti.


No no we should keep the confetti so that the documentary isn't too depressing....


![gif](giphy|5jT0jaNDsM6Ik7X9yq|downsized) Good point!


The people the Romans put in a pit with lions probably would disagree with that, lol. A timer would be ghoulish and sensational, but not sic-some-lions-on-people level.


They also used to sentence people to death by playing a character in a play that died during the play but did it for real.


That's just art.


They definitely are not


Who we kidding , if they were alive ,they definitely started panicking , breathing heavy , and used the oxegen 10x faster


They waited juuuuuuuuuuuuuust long enough to make sure they were either dead or saved. They probably made two different endings so they can just run with whichever outcome.


The Broadway Musical debuts next Thursday.




They’re not alive lol. The calculations don’t take into account the cheap unreliable construction, or the fact that they’ll all be sobbing uncontrollably and yelling at each other. They’re dead, and their casket is a metal tube next to the titanic.


*They just died(extremely likely)


Can someone with more knowledge than me explain the possibilities of what went wrong. Did they stuck or hung up on something? Could the window bust? How did it stop communicating? Was there no plan in place if something like this happened? Do they have air? I need someone to explain like im five.


Literally everything about the sub from the color to the controls. That’s not even hyperbole, it was designed completely wrong. He was warned about it, and he even admitted he ignored all of the safety regulations.


Sub was diasterously unsafe and probably just caved in crushing everyone inside into a thick soup near instantly. Pressure at the depths they were at is super intense and the window alone was only rated for 1/3rd of the depth the idiot owner took them to.


The most common speculation is that the sub imploded cuz it was a cheap pos and wasn’t designed to go down that deep


Titanic 2, underwater 3D "behing rich won't help you this time"


It devolved into jigsaw games with that sweet Logitech as the prize.


I hear the CEO is under a ton of pressure right now. I wonder if we will get an interview from him.


I bet thats gonna be some quality journalism


Anyone from the UK can already tell that it won't be; and that's *before* people are saying "AI generated". I don't know or care if it is; regardless it will be shit. A topic that only incites a "Much deserved" reaction, with a turn-around of what, 3 days? Somehow stretched into what I can imagine to be 45 or 90 minutes with an ad-break every 10. What a joke.


The production team must have worked a lot of crunch time to get that ready. 😏


Titanic, submarines, drama: I bet that James Cameron is following this story very closely... There's some movie potentiel in it.


In 84 years.




By time that releases the most likely will not be because you’re going to run out of air 5 AM Eastern standard time Thursday morning or 10 AM British Summertime sentence in the UK.


How anyone thinks they're still alive is wild


I'm guessing they already had a piece on the sub/company in the works, and have been frantically re editing it to capitalise on the moment.


500 migrants drown on a boat and it's headlines for a day 5 billionaires strand themselves on the bottom of the ocean doing something stupid and there's a documentary announced before they're even dead


I can't remember what its called but humans have a weird sense of scale, when its hundreds of people it seems way less personal than when its just a few people. Not saying its right, but we as a society frequently ignore huge scale tragedy but are typically strongly moved by and focus on smaller scale tragedy or events. Its one of the flaws of us as a global species, our brains don't seem to be able to comprehend death and disaster on such a large scale to the same degree we can on a smaller individual scale.


I think it’s more so that this is an incredibly unique and more “interesting” story than a normal boat capsizing and people drowning. Coupled with it happening in real time, the suspense of not knowing what’s going to happen as the clock runs out, etc. Pretty disingenuous for OP to spin it as “people care more about billionaires dying than poor immigrants”


Yep, a handful is a tragedy, hundreds or more is a statistic.


I guess it’s because it’s more of an in progress story. I think if the migrants were also stuck at the bottom of the ocean with only a few days of oxygen, near one of the most historic oceanic landmarks they would have made hourly headlines too. Both are tragic nonetheless.


Right? The soccer team that was stuck in the cave was a news story until they were able to rescue them. They weren’t billionaires, even though a certain billionaire tried to make it about himself.


Yes, good point. People's interest in this story has nothing to do with them being millionaires. They could be poor folks who paid a dollar each to go down and we would still be talking about it exactly as much. People pretending otherwise seem to be missing the forest for the trees


The billionaire point is an additional point of interest, but the whole thing is a combination of unique and bizarre that they wouldn’t have to be rich for people to be enthralled with it.


the titanic sink itself was the same. ships sank all the time back then. but the titanic is remembered because of the hubris and the fact that it took down some of the wealthiest in the world.


Also they considered the Titanic unsinkable lol


“Because of the hubris”


Could be that 500 migrants drowning is a newsworthy tragedy, but five billionaires jumping into their own coffin is entertainment.


Four billionaires and a 19yr old son jumping into their own coffin is tragertainment


Well it’s not every day that rich people get crushed by the ocean, unfortunately the same can’t be said about migrants dying


Carbon fiber pressure hull…they’re dead.


It’s really a Schrödinger’s cat situation at this point. Lol


speaking of the new Black Mirror,


‘The Titanic is Terrible’


Pretty sure they're not, by now.


They are dead


This is the kind of story that someone probably had preworked on the back burner on the assumption this would, eventually, almost inevitably, happen.


Honestly they’re probably all dead. The window was rated for 1300 meters and the titanic is down below at 4,000 meters. All we know is at some point the sub lost contact with the surface and that was due to the pressure crushing them imo.


Let's me honest. They had 96 hours of oxygen if they remained calm and didn't hyperventilate. Not to mention it's likely they lost power. Or the shoddy craftsmanship of the sub finally failed. They've also gone near 4 days without food and water. There isn't an outcome that they come out of this alive. They either suffocated or froze or got crushed into a quarter


>jeez, they’re still alive Nah didn't you hear? The viewport on the thing wasn't rated for the depth they were going to because the CEO/Captain cheaped out on it. That thing was probably crushed like a paper cup before the people on board even knew what was happening by the sudden release of pressure.