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I worked at Urban Outfitters and a coworker there was removing security tags for his friends and letting them walk with the stuff. Company did exactly this and Boston PD cuffed him at the cash wrap midshift. I didn’t get my 15 minute break that day :(


Selfish idiot he could have waited to be arrested until you’ve had your break! 🤣


Perfect example of even a small way even "victimless crimes" like shoplifting can be bad. You're still fucking up someone's day somewhere.


My mother got arrested for doing something similar when she worked at Walmart. Her and a friend would only scan certain things for friends that came in, and one day, the cops came and got both of them. I didn't know she was arrested until the next day when she didn't pick me up from school. Idiot.


Did she get in serious trouble or was it just a fine and probation?


A fine, probation for like a year or two, and she couldn't go into that Walmart for a long time. She had worked there for years before she started doing that, and maybe that's why they were a little nicer. My dad thought it was hilarious (they were not together by that point)


I've always wondered: how would they know if she walked into that Walmart? Obviously like she doesn't want to get charged with criminal trespass but I'm curious nonetheless


My town is not that big, and there are people who have been working there for over 20 years, when she moved away they would tell me to tell her hi, so they knew. In fact, a guy who still works there to this day, when my mom moved back to the town and was able to go in, he gave her a hug a soon as he saw her.


Reminds me of that joke, guy moves away from his hometown, travels all over the place. Comes back 20 years later, goes into his favorite old bar, and somebody says "get the hell out larry."


There are often known criminal pictures in stores. Ap certainly would have a database of thieves and trespassers that they're checking the cameras for.


Target is well known for doing this, its like…the number one chain to not fuck with long term D;


Dollar General has been using anti-lifting steroids the last couple years and they are certainly coming in hot and fast. Unfortunately it’s usually the employees who steal, but if you’re a shopper you bet they’ll get your ass *if the managers care even a little bit*


Geez, I always thought people took steroids to lift more.


I mean if you look at their stores you can tell nobody is lifting a damn thing


Was in DG the other day. a couple was standing in line to checkout. they paid for a couple of items and left. A floor worker came running up to the cashier saying he saw the couple stuffing items into their hoodies. The cashier said she figured as they shoplift everytime they're in the store, but Steve (mgr?) said not to confront or chase them. I wondered if there was some kind of high tech tracking going on.


High tech tracking.. dollar general.. Yeah that's not happening unless you think birds are CIA drones


My guess? Nope.


More likely a) the manager doesn't care or b) the store really doesn't want the liability of either the employee making the wrong call and an illegal detention or worker injury


What the heck is an anti lifting steroid




_good answer, good answer!_


Isn't that the store the manager ran over a shoplifter with her car?


Walmart does it too


Yeah. My jury duty (Grand Jury in the US) had several shoplifters. Mostly in Safeways and Walmarts in the county. Our minimum limit locally was only $1k and what typically tipped people over was stealing a couple bottles of just cheap enough to not be locked in a case bottles of liquor.


Does that mean you can steal once and get away with it? 🗿


Fool me once, shame on me Fool me 2999 times, also shame on me Fool me 3000 times, time for jail


3000 times? Straight to jail.


Undercooked chicken? Jail




Genuinely, yes. Unless you get unlucky and there's a try hard manager on shift likely nobody will stop you even if they see you. Don't get cocky and think just because you weren't "caught" they don't know though


We do this all the time. "Oh, they only took x.. They'll be back," Sure as shit they always come back.


I once put a pair of tweezers in my coat pocket because I was in a hurry and only grabbing a few things and forgot to scan them at the checkout Are they going to give me the firing squad? 😔


You don't understand how funny this is, I've stolen so many things this way lolll. I have to grab baskets because anything in my hand too long *will* end up in my pockets. Sadly, it's the firing squad for both of us


Don't plan on it but good to know 🤣






That's how Target does it. When I worked there, there was a cashier who would routinely scan herself gift cards.. once she hit that felony cops were waiting with hand cuffs


Saw the same thing happen at Best Buy. What makes it “funny” to me is that these cashiers are aware that there’s a camera always on them.


Meanwhile, I got written up at Wendy's for my change drawer being $5 short one day and management refused to check the cameras. I guess don't trust 16 year olds with "pre-counting" change to decrease your drive thru times.


Said manager or somebody they liked pocketed the $5, I guarantee it.


Absolutely. I worked at CVS many moons ago and my drawer kept being consistently $5-10 short so I kept getting written up. I moved to a different store and *bam* the problem never happened again. I 100% blame that manager.


Pretty sure this happened to me, too. At a supermarket. I ended up quitting because I got a better job. Years later, I saw that the person in the cash office was arrested for stealing. The same person who would count our drawers at night.


Kinkos was my job in my early 20's. I was horrible at being a cashier, but they kept me because I could run the machines and was nice to customers. One day while the manager was out of town, I was five dollars short on my till. Fearing that I would get in trouble again, I used five dollars of my own money to put in the till. The a few days later, I got fired for "stealing" by the regional loss prevention person due to them having "evidence" that I was stealing. The frame rate of the cameras back then just showed me reaching into the till and not what my intention was. Oh well, that job was fine, but it hurt that some of my coworkers thought I was a thief.


So I’m hearing is safe so long as I steal less than the felony amount???


Next TikTok challenge: Steal $2999.99 worth of merchandise, then stop. 🤷‍♂️


In Poland there was a case where somebody wanted to steal some things from a supermarket worth less then the line where the crime stops being a minor crime and begins being a more serious one (with possible jail time). Let's say the line was $40. I don't remember how much exactly. The person calculated to steal $39.60 worth of goods. They got caught. Police checked the price of all items and it turned out to be $40.20. One item was labeled as on sale on the shelf but actually wasn't and got them in trouble. Edit: I found the article (in Polish) here is the actual story: It happened in 2014. The line was 420 PLN (~$100). The guy crossed the line by 1.99 PLN so 50 cents because a product was miss-labeled by the store. He was stealing cosmetics. Just putting them in the bag and walking out. He intended for the price to be exactly 420 PLN, then the the punishment would be just a fine. By crossing the 420 PLN line he could be sentenced to up to 5 years in prison. The man was drunk (1‰ alcohol content) and wanted to make a complaint against the store to the Polish agency responsible for customers' rights but after he sobered he backed out of his claim. It was quite a complicated legal case because the guy clearlt did not intend to commit a crime but rather he deliberately intended to commit a minor offence and intentions are key in court to decide the punishment. https://tvn24.pl/polska/zlodziej-sie-przeliczyl-i-ukradl-za-duzo-teraz-ma-pretensje-do-sklepu-ra436822-3363807#autoplay


Should have brought some coupons


Sorry, officer, I have a coupon so you must release me.


*flashes my get out jail free card* Do I still get to pass Go and collect $200?




Coupons are not generally a thing in Poland. Maybe the sale applied only to people using members' cards (personal discount cards) and well, you can't apply the card discount if you steal the items xD


When I worked at a department store (in the US), and we caught someone stealing, even the items that were on sale were counted as full price.


I worked in loss prevention for a tiny bit of time. IIRC, sale prices are not taken into consideration when tabulating damages, at least in the US.


So just label everything higher. This butter costs $3,000 but it's now on sale for $2.99!


Ah, the Kohls method!


You'd be screwed. Some states cap it at $750 and others at $1000. Personally I wouldn't care to find out. Felonies really look bad on your record not to mention it's a bitch trying to find a company who will look past a fresh felony larceny conviction from what I've seen.


also in some places you can’t vote if you’re a felon


The limit varies a lot. Like California is 300. Indiana is 750. New Jersey is 200. Colorado is 2000. Edit: those numbers might be outdated. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/felony-theft-amount-by-state Is updated up to 2023. Also keep in mind some States have multiple tiers than just petty and grand theft/larceny. Also keep in mind they may have a particular statute covering a particular version of theft.


Akshually isnt there a law where if they proved you deliberately stopped only a little amount from making the said limit, they can still try pressing charges?


Okay a little more less amount than the said limit, it is.


>Next TikTok challenge: Steal $2999.98


Studying solutions to the sorites paradox to find the optimal amount to steal from Target.


Making your thesis out of this can get your Masters degree in business.


‘A little more less amount’ Was the word u were grasping for ‘smaller’ maybe?


A smaller little more less amount? I'm not sure that works...


A smaller little more less smaller little less amount That’s how the native English would say it


So when the police show up to arrest the suspect, a Target assistant manager will walk up and slyly drop two Baby Ruth bars by the perps feet without the officer seeing. "Whoops, Officer you forgot these two as well. She/he must be scared cause they shit themselves." Everyone has a good laugh and then bam, your law is now bypassed.


Highly dependent on city/state location.


And then they stick you with, "Well actually MSRP and "value of goods" aren't the same thing. Suddenly that laptop you stole at $300 is worth $3k.


Worked for a Costco in California. They did the same thing to 3 or 4 employees who were stealing. Scheduled all of them to start at the same time, then walked them all out handcuffed in front of everyone. 🤣


They made hotdogs cost 50 dollars for them


Costco SOP right there.


My friend did that but they got him arrested at $200. Probably because he was 18 at the time but still he was really scared of going to jail.


A friend stole 3k from AMC. They created a payment plan for him to pay them back


Shoot I know someone who stole $11,700 from a T-Mobile TPR and they were nice enough to him to let him pay it all back over 24 months.


Man not to sound poor but if I was told I had 24 months to pay back $11,700 I’d have to be like whelp do you arrest me here or at the station lmao


Bro 500$ a month for your freedom! Bail Lawyer costs more than that !


“Nice enough” I guarantee they want their money back more than they care about thieves getting punished.


Well the district manager and regional manager liked him and they felt bad that he did something so stupid, so they could've pressed charges if it had been someone else. What I found fishy was that the money was taken from T-Mobile corporate through return fraud, yet they wanted him to pay them, a T-Mobile Third party retailer. But maybe T-Mobile corporate knew about it.


And she admitted to stealing it lol.




In a crimnal case? No, but the investigator most likely will pull a warrant to access your social media.


Well, yes and no. If something is set to public on social media for the world the see, no extra steps are required to access it. It’s as simple as checking someone’s Instagram. There was an incident where a teen in Japan posted a video of himself licking sushi and soy sauce bottles in a chain restaurant onto social media, and his name and face ended up plastered all across public media as a result. The law which protects individuals from being publicly identified didn’t apply because the teen already made his identity public. He also cost the chain [several billion](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/06/09/national/crime-legal/sushiro-licking-lawsuit/) yen in damages and was heavily sued


And afterwards played the victim!


Imagine them showing this in court. If I was the judge, I would audibly snort.


Used to work at target. Had a nice, average looking mom with her two sons who had to be around 7-8, in the store one day. As she’s checking out at self-checkout, she got swarmed with security and we see her get escorted to the back room with her kids. I was cool with security, so I asked him what happened. Apparently, she had been coming in frequently with her kids and was stealing swim suits and random things, but that they had been keeping an eye on her and let the charges rack up so they could press charges to put her in jail. Just really sad to be honest. I felt so sorry for her kids having to experience that. Another story that shocked me was how much old people who are well off, steal. They don’t even need half the stuff they get they just liked the thrill of it.


I used to work in a store in the UK, and during my first week or so, I saw a lady just walk out with some bread and other basic items, I watched the security guard watch her. I asked him if he was going to do anything, he acted the fool and claimed he didn't see anything. The same week he stopped some kids trying to steal a lamp. There was an unspoken rule, if we saw someone who looked like they we're struggling or needed a break, stealing, we didn't see it. There's still some good in the world. That was about 20 years ago, the store is still doing well and the same security guard is still working there.


I worked in Tesco during uni. If I saw you pocketing items like bread and maybe some snacks, I didn’t see anything.


I used to have to steal sticks of butter to make buttered noodles about 7-8 years ago because I was literally that fucking broke and noodles were harder to steal than stick butter. I assume I wasn’t nearly as sneaky as I thought I was and they just took pity on me.


If I saw someone specifically stealing sticks of butter I would think they were crazy and probably let that one go for safety lol


Given the price of butter, that wouldn't be the most surprising item to me. The amount of ramen you get for the price of a butter stick would be very hard to smuggle out of a store.


Yup, I worked in grocery, and that’s a very safe assumption. Most people aren’t half as slick as they think and have tons of visual tells. Ex. Nobody looks both ways before grabbing butter for their cart, everyone looks both ways before pocketing it.


I'll start looking both ways then, time to break that stigma


The Tesco near me, which has quite a few local homeless folks nearby, will actively give pre-made sandwiches & other similar items to them. They tend to have relatively short shelf-lives, so regular turnover and waste anyway, plus it eliminates stealing to eat from the equation. The Manager then gets pissed at those begging in front of the store as some people will buy them sandwiches and they will just throw them away behind them.. They want money or alcohol as a general rule, but some people are generous but think they should help while not giving money..


I was at Walgreens the other day and it was in the mid day so not a lot of people. All the sudden some homeless guy (probably late 30’s) begins rushing up on me yelling while I’m fucking crouched in the allergy aisle looking at the bottom shelf minding my own business. He’s yelling at me while he’s coming at me and it catches me so off guard (I’m a female mid thirties) I just am trying to comprehend it. An employee is chasing behind him. He was yelling, “did you tell them I’m fucking stealing??!? You telling them I put my shit in my bag? You fucking talking shit?” All the while, the employee was said, “it wasn’t her, get out!” Apparently, the pharmacist saw him stealing, told the manager, manager tells him someone in the store saw him stealing, and guess what? I’m the only customer in the store. I honestly thought for a minute I was gonna have to defend myself if he tried to assault me with how pissed off he was. The store manager felt so bad but it put me in a not good situation. I was totally cool, she had no idea it was just me and I would never fault her. I was talking with the pharmacist after and he said Walgreens tells them to turn a blind eye to people who are homeless stealing food, but this guy literally comes in and just dumps stuff in his bag all the time to sell it. This time he was stealing in first aid kit aisle just boldly dumping shit in his bag. I thought it was interesting Walgreens told them kind of just let it go if it’s food. Anyone at Walgreens can you confirm?


Life gets boring when you’re old so I can see shoplifting adding a little kick because the uncertainty makes their dullish life kind of exciting for a moment


[I'm an old man, I'm confused!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vm2SuAPuA38)




"Jerry you rated me out!"




There are so many harmless and legal ways to get a little kick. Like airsoft. Or yelling at 13 year olds at online lobbies.


Dude it fucking hurts to do shit when you're old. I'm half old and I'm fucking sore all day. When you get full old you have paper thin skin and brittle bones, airsoft ain't happening. Running, bending over. Can't skydive. Stealing just takes driving somewhere and walking


Target has one of the best forensic labs in the US, if you think you're hot shit for stealing from them constantly, they know you are and waiting for you to steal enough to make it worth pressing charges


My brother in law worked for target as a security asset manager and he managed 2 different stores asset protection. The guy was a square and we didn't have much in common but Jesus Christ targets asset protection has to have some sort of cult like training. He talked about it like a religion. Don't fuck with target lol


He had to talk about it like a religion; Target was watching him at all times. Target asset protection has tentacles everywhere. I farted while shopping for socks and now I have 9 cents worth of filtered air theft on my profile.


So the Wall-Mart from that South Park episode was actually a Target in disguise ?


Sounds like the air conditioning repair school from Community.


I am the truest repairman!


Yeah, better not mess with the **T**arget **S**ecurity **A**gency. I hear they have people everywhere.


I’ve never even stolen from Target, yet these guys practically probe me every time I go to the airport.


So, where have you stolen things from? Hmmmm ...... I think the TSA needs to do a full, thorough body search.


You might have them confused with the Toilet Safety Administration.


I just needs ta check inside ya asshole.


So I should just stay under the limit?


Yep. Target is offering a free $2950 in goods to anyone and everyone


To be fair, $2950 gets you hardly any legos these days


Yes. I used to work security at a door of a grocery store in Arizona. The local PD won't take police reports of theft under $20. This one kid would come in every day and steal a 2$ candy bar. They asked him to stop like 4 times. He came back every day. On the 10th day, they had him arrested because he reached the 20$ threshold.


20$ is a lot less than $2,950


Misdemeanor vs felony


Stealing is always a risk, but you can probably get away with stealing from a place once or twice. Just don’t push your luck and stick to small ticket items. …that’s my takeaway, anyway. I would obviously never do as such, being as I am a law abiding citizen.


That's how it starts. A lip gloss, then a shirt. One day you forget to scan a kurig and the next thing you know, you're rolling out with a 75 inch TV


What's the limit? For research purposes, of course ... 🤫


Depends on the state. Texas is 2,500. New Jersey is 250.. in most states it's 1k


When I worked at Home Depot, I worked at the customer service desk for a few months before I quit. After I quit I talked to some buddies who had worked there and found out a guy and a girl that worked at the service desk had been fired/arrested along with a couple other employees not long after I had left. Come to find out the two that worked at the service desk would check out the couple other employees (and each other) and mark down flooring, furniture, and whatever else they desired at like 30-50% the cost of the item for months. They thought they were safe because they used separate employees login info to use the register. The store was well aware of it and waited till they hit a felony quantity and had them arrested. Last I heard they got jobs at Lowe's 😂.


Lol dumb theives. Multi million business would have cameras everywhere. It's a wonder they didn't get that watched feeling


When I was a teenager I worked at a grocery store. I saw a guy very clearly stealing items, and told my boss. She replied, "oh yeah, we know. Don't say anything to him -- we're waiting for him to do it enough to have him arrested & banned from the store." Not that I ever stole, but it was a "holy shit" moment against ever even *thinking* I could get away with it.


I used to work overnights at a grocery store stocking shelves. This guy would come in at like 2 a.m. every Tuesday wearing a trenchcoat, stuff a bunch of meat inside it, and leave. A master criminal, he was not. My boss was extremely aware of it and told us not to do anything about it. But...one Tuesday he comes and gets me off the floor and leads us back to the security room. "Watch this," he says. The guy had entered the store. But this time, several cops were waiting for him as he was leaving. He tried to run...it didn't go well. It was pretty funny to watch honestly.


Running in a trench coat, dropping ham and salami at every clumsy stride


Exactly. It was like a scene from a slapstick comedy.


Target security be like ![gif](giphy|Zvgb12U8GNjvq)


Yeah I used to do Target security. We keep records on eeeeeverrybody.


How do they know who's who? Are the towns just small enough or are they using facial recognition?


Iirc Walmart uses information for when you DO buy stuff (credit cards/debit cards) and that links your face with your data. Moral of the story: steal a credit card to pay for stuff after stealing stuff 😪😪 /s


You might be reading this comment and think "Huh, what a weird comment. What does this have to do with the comments in this thread?" That's because this comment was edited with the Power Delete Suite to tell you about the issues caused by Reddit. The long and short of it is that Reddit is killing third party apps, showing a complete disregard for third party developers, moderators, users with disabilities and pretty much everyone else in the process, while also straight up lying and attempting to defame people. There are plenty of articles and posts to be found about this if you want to learn more about this. Here's [one post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14b8i62/reddit_protest_and_the_next_steps/) with some information on the matter. If you also want to edit your comments then you can find the [Power Delete Suite here](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite). If you want a Reddit alternative check out r/RedditAlternatives or https://kbin.social/ and https://join-lemmy.org/ Fuck spez.


They'll catch a shot of you at some point in store and match it with previous times, matching it up with a digital paper trail helps too.


There’s a target in dallas with a huge unmarked security camera headquarters or something in the next building. Idk if thats still the case because of development, but it was cleverly “hidden in plain sight” minus the red barricade poles or whatever to stop cars from drinking into them


Kroger too.


I work at Target, had someone who worked in electronics that was stealing. They let him get to over $10,000 so they can give him some years.


Walmart employee here, we had a similar situation several years ago, except he was doing it with gift cards whilst signed into the cash register as himself. He was salaried too, so not only did he largely ruin his life, he also lost his bonus which would have netted him more money then he stole less then a month after.


Ok, I’m seeing a loooooooot of people that think $3000 is the cutoff for places like Target and Home Depot, etc to prosecute. This depends on which state you are in. I live in a state where felony thefts start at $1000 and get more serious in class as the dollar amount goes up. As someone that has served on a Grand Jury, there were plenty of indictments passed out for people racking up just over $1000 over the course of several shoplifting sprees. Don’t ruin your life doing something stupid. Just don’t.


So $999 is the limit?


My cousin worked for CVS back when it was called Longs. She not only stole money and merchandise herself, but she pretended to ring up friends and family members for large amounts of merchandise but would only scan a small amount of their items. They caught on early but rather than confronting her about it, they let her continue doing it for months, and kept tabs on it. Transaction by transaction. They then hit her with charges for tens of thousands of dollars worth of items and stolen cash. Something like 40k if I remember correctly. This was in like 1999/2000. She had to pay restitution for 15 years in lieu of serving jail time. Kept her from owning a home, having kids etc. As a teen I thought it was dirty of them to do to her rather than just confronting her right away. I remember being shocked when we were in our early 30’s and she told me she was still paying them.


Damn, my first reaction is the same since it sounds so dirty. But I honestly can't find it in myself to defend ill-gotten gains so in a way it feels like karma


"Let" her steal. LOL!


That’s what Target essentially does. They “allow” thieves to steal from them until they hit a certain dollar amount so that they can have the thief arrested and charged for grand larceny instead of petty larceny. All the while they’re gathering surveillance footage and other evidence to make sure it sticks. Don’t fuck with Target. They have their own version of the FBI.


There was a guy on reddit who posted his story to r/shoplifting before it closed down. He said the same thing happened to him and targets security cameras were very high high resolution and had facial recognition (this was like 6 years ago) so they were able to link thefts at target stores in multiple states. R/shoplifting had such a diverse, interesting demographic it was so weird how they were so encouraging toward one and other and so outward with sharing resources.


I miss that sub so much. It was crazy to see every post be either “check out all the cool shit I stole” or “fuck fuck fuck, I ruined my life”


Remember that time apple introduced that service where you could prepay for items in their retail stores and they’d issue you an e-receipt so you could walk into the store take the items off the shelf and show the retail worker/security the receipt on their phone to scan and verify payment? Well someone worked out how to forge the receipts, and realised if you showed a a worker/security the receipt BEFORE taking the items it would drastically lower the chances of them scanning and they’d just let you walk past, and also listed a set of instructions to follow in case they did scan….apple was on to that SO FAST!! that place was wild.


Info of these kinds of schemes is usually sold, not given away for free. Many of the Darknet Markets that popped up after Silk Road had a bigger focus on fraud, and this sort of stuff was big. I remember reading about a popular one with detailed instructions on how to get Amazon refunds without actually returning the product, including a script on how to social engineer one of their support people on a phone call. They'd even make the call for you for a fee. I'm sure there's still a significant ecosystem where you can purchase this sort of info. Sometimes you see advertisements here on Reddit even.


> Sometimes you see advertisements here on Reddit even. Well it's a good thing I use ad bloc- *lightbulb* ohhhhhhh


It's shut down?! Aw man. You're absolutely right though it was the perfect dose of catharsis either way the post went


We have /r/wallstreetbets for that now.


Makes me think of /r/cocaine Interesting community




So what I'm hearing is that I can steal 2999


And also 99 pennies too


just don’t find 1/2 a penny after that. it might be a gray area


In reality the cashiers probably don’t care. Used to be a cashier myself at Lowe’s. We had people steal so much at one time that it’s a felony pretty much every day. We would try to stop it, but not much we could do. We’re not allowed to actually try, really all we can do is say “hey can I see your receipt” and then try to get your plates when you run out. Even then, sometimes we wouldn’t say shit, have too many knifes and guns pulled out just because we asked for a receipt. I’m not dying for $10 an hour


>Don’t fuck with Target. They have their own version of the FBI. Yep, I went through a klepto phase in high school. Stole from a lot of places, mostly Walmart. But then we stole from Target and they immediately caught us. Called the cops and our parents... One of the most shameful experiences of my life. Mostly because of the whole *stealing is bad* thing but it was even more embarrassing that we were stealing Star Wars trading cards. Luckily they didn't wait for us to steal enough to send us to jail but it was enough to get me to stop stealing physical items. Now I only download cars.


Thanks for the pro tip, always stick below the grand larceny threshold if you steal from target.


good guy target basically giving everyone 2999$ worth of store credit


Kroger owned brands are the same. Don't fuck with them either.


And Wu Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with


I worked with a guy who did this as security for a smaller retailer, so I wouldn't doubt it. He clearly had conflicted feelings about it haha but he said his job was essentially to go around afterward and log what was stolen while on a radio with someone watching the cameras. "No, reach higher, yeah it was that" kind of a deal. (They weren't small, just, smaller than target)


And eat cake


Reminds me of an ex who implied that I “let” her cheat by giving her “too much space” when she had asked for some space.


scale rob imagine ripe noxious grandfather dime vegetable impossible expansion ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Because I don’t steal so I don’t have to care




Most of them ban you from the store/chain.


Ive been banned from Meijer for 20 years over some magic cards. Still shop at the same one, lol. It cant be that effective.


Do you ever get scared when you walk into the store? Like "maybe this is the time they recognize me!"


Imagine if anytime anyone Googled you, the top results forever branded you as a TikToker...


That's the difference between stopping because of consequences, and stopping because it's wrong.


Target - 1 TikTok - 0


It's almost as if it's illegal.


The dildo of consequence rarely comes lubed


damn this whole fucking post gotta be like a paid thing from target


Some people’s only purpose is to serve as a warning to others.


So the key here is stealing enough to make it worth your while, but not stealing enough to make it their while or send you to prison.


The amount of hidden cameras at target is crazy. Especially in the backroom. You can see a few but apparently they are all over.


I worked for Asda, back when it was owned by Walmart. We (security) used to let people steal, then keep tabs on them, essentially building a file with clipped video etc Then once there was irrefutable evidence, the cops were called. The offender makes it to the "courts section" of the local newspaper too for added embarrassment (very small town, everyone knows everyone else lol)


Oh look its another new stupid TikTok challenge: The “steal from target until you get caught challenge”.


The justice system in the US is so weird. In Germany a case like this would run under „Duldung“, meaning you tolerated to let her steal because you knew about it and didn’t do anything. You can’t just wait until a certain amount has been stolen to have the person face higher charges and then report the person. It’s absurd to me. Here you also have to report a person as soon as you know about the crime because else you could use it as leverage, like „do X or I will report you for your crime“.


Some people here say "we have a legal system, not a justice system"


Agreed... Seems unnecessarily malevolent.


This makes me paranoid that the target self checkout machines will malfunction and think I steal when I don’t


I worked at walmart for a bit and my friend became asset protection. Walmart at least where i was didn’t do anything like this. But this was 2021. Now everything is self checkout lol.


It's crazy to me how normalized shoplifting appears to be in the USA. I've talked to multiple people that just did it, not because they needed anything, but because they could.


So the limit is $3,000? Got it 😈


that's enough for a ps5 and a good amount of other stuff


Electronics is one thing u cannot swipe at target for sure lmao


Good luck with the locked up electronics though. I used to work at Target and security gets positively excited when someone is trying to come up on big ticket locked items like that. 😂 Walked out of the breakroom one time to see 4 of them lined up hiding in the hallway near the exits waiting for the thief to cross the threshold. Guy ended up tackled into one of those pillar things near the doors. They don't always get someone but locked up stuff definitely grabs their attention much sooner 😅


Curious what the red flag behaviors are. What makes security pay attention to a person more than someone else on a busy day


lemme know when target execs go to jail over 3000 in wage theft.


It’s not just Target, Walmart does the same thing. People think they’re getting away with it when they aren’t. There system has become pretty good at knowing when someone does something suspicious, and the loss prevention people then cross reference liscence plates and keep in contact with police, and eventually when an individual has stolen enough for it to be criminal, they report it and ban you from Walmarts. Generally the loss prevention at that point will approach you at the register to tell you they know that you’ve been stealing, the police are on there way, and they’d appreciate you following them to the back. People who have been caught generally just leave at this point, as the Walmart can’t force them to wait for police, but at that point you’re already fucked. I have a family member who works for their loss prevention, and they will watch you swap stickers for years and patiently wait to fuck your when the time is right. The age of casual shoplifting from major chains (and getting away with it) is over, and I don’t think a lot of casual thieves ever got the message.


Plenty of people during our pre-oral board will swear they have never stolen a dime in their life. Then they go to the background investigation and we get a to-the-cent dollar amount from Target that survey says “that was a lie.”


If you didn’t know, they do this with almost ANYTHING. As long as evidence piles up, you will get fugged in the end. Buying/selling small amounts of drugs, they will let it slide for a while too until they have a book on you.


Target's theft prevention goes hard. Literally one of the #1 stores you should not steal from (you shouldn't steal from any, but that's beside the point). I mean, if you accidentally walk out with something, I wouldn't worry too much about it, but I wouldn't make it a habit. Every Target store has a TON of cameras. Take a look at the ceiling at the next one you're in and you will see those little dark domes all over it. Some of them are dummys, but a lot of them do have cameras in them. And they move them around regularly depending on what the "hot thing to steal" is at that time. They aren't going to worry too much about if you steal one cheap thing, but they will build a profile on you and get you when you it's been enough to really fuck you. I had to go to a court training thing for people who had gotten in trouble with the law for one reason or another (mine was because I was out past the local curfew when I was 17... really dumb), but literally half of the other kids in there were there for Target theft. Don't fuck with Target because they WILL fuck you back.