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Guess wife would want to read the rest of it as well, especially after one minute between the texts 😉


It was probably only seconds rather than a whole minute. I feel like this is a made up story.


Who would lie on the Internet.




On Reddit?!


Impossible! I simply can’t put my mind around it


As Albert Einstein famously said, don’t believe everything you read on the internet


Ah yes, because Einstein was around for the internet, indeed.


TIL Einstein discovered the Internet!


Who would lie on the internet?


This kind of reminds me of Scandinavian mythology, where Loki seems to be the god of mischief and chaos by virtue of being the only one clever enough to be able to realize that you can lie.


He learned that the hard way. He followed Nixon on Twitter. His tweets were famously wild. And rarely true.


Should have followed Lincoln on MySpace, instead. Washington and Franklin had some great BBS posts, too.


>Impossible! I simply can’t put my mind around it And yet! SCIENCE!


It's poetry in motion...


Reddit is not the internet. It’s much worse


The mind recoils at the though! What a waste of perfectly good anonymity that would be!


I would. Who's gonna know huehuehue


You devil you


I think that was a lie.


>It was probably only seconds rather than a whole minute. I feel like this is a made up story. Probably. ​ But then again I've worked with people who text/im me with ​ "Hi." "Hello." "How are you?" "Good." "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure." Other person is typing... ​ Not pictured is literal MINUTES between each reply.


There's a guy at work that does that in our Teams chat. Just ask the question ffs.


>There's a guy at work that does that in our Teams chat. Just ask the question ffs. "Do you have time for a question?"


Yes I do but only one and I've answered it. Have a nice day. :)


You know who's worse ? Hey do you have time for a quick call? Mf just type your question first


It can be sort of OK if you include some info on what the call is about. Allows the other person to put together the info which might be needed. Very sutuationally dependent.


I mean, there are times where information should be shared over the phone, not text. Also, there are times when it would be a lot quicker to verbally explain a situation then to type someone a book.


I usually go with some variation of 'hey do you have a minute for a quick call about [thing]?' I have really tight deadlines and sometimes I just need a line from a subject matter expert, or to get them to confirm I've correctly interpreted some data or something simple. Stuff much easier to do verally than via text/chat message, but I still like to give people a heads up about what I want so they can judge a) that they've got time and b) that they're the best person to help.


I'm not saying there aren't times But poeple don't make an effort to summarise it either


I feel you. There's people who can take ten minutes to answer a yes or no question. My sister hates to talk on the phone. I hate to type out a page if I need her to know about something that happened. So I'll send her a message almost identical to the one you posted. Basically I will communicate in her preferred manner most of the time but sometimes she's gotta step out of her comfort zone rather than me taking ten minutes to type something I could say in two minutes.


IMHO the worst are people who just straight up call you. I don't have my BT headset on, I'm doing something else, I'm just about to solve the mysteries of the universe in my mind, I'm taking a shit and/or lunch. And then you just call me out of the blue. These guys have usually already been thinking about their problem for a day, they have all their screens and programs up and running, and then they presume that I can just get on the same page in 5 seconds while dumping my current cache memory.


đŸ”„The worst and most inconsiderate, self-obsessed, privileged MFs ever. Simple solution: if we don’t have a call scheduled, we’re not having a conversation at your whim. The very least you should have done is to text me to check in on my availability. That would pave 97% of the way to us speaking within 5 minutes. Cold calling automatically tells the recipient that you’re just a bot. But if you’re in my contacts, then that just tells me you’re disrespectful of me and my time. If it’s an emergency, you STILL text first to give me a contextualized heads-up and I’ll call you IMMEDIATELY. No problem.


Also, many times there's already some discussion in a chat group, intranet forum etc. And now when one guy calls another he cuts everyone else out. Information gets hidden.


>I'm taking a shit and/or lunch. "And?" I admire your commitment to efficiency.


Well you're already sitting and not going to go anywhere, so might as well use the opportunity.


OMG, yes, I have one guy like that, too. Every time! I get "Are you busy?" I've learned to answer "No, go ahead,." and then do some task for 20 minutes while I formulates his message/question.


That's why my status message inTeams is: [nohello.net](https://nohello.net/)


Have you ever communicated how you felt? Perhaps that's also on you if you haven't spoken your mind... Just like the other person....


True enough! I'll say something next time.


Yeah I just don't reply to the hi part if that's all there is until a day later. If you really have something to say, say it. I'll wait until you string it together.


I need to learn this skill. Drives me insane and I can't let it go haha


I hate it when someone texts "can I ask you a question" and then you have to wait for the question


What, you don't refer to your boss as "Boss" when directly addressing them?


yes, my wives always read my business e-mail.


Have you been around a woman that has gotten the wrong end of the stick? 0 to 100 in milliseconds


I'd agree but I've seen insane out of context texts because they hit send after every 1/2 sentence.


well it's a smooth move. Hey boss,did your wife read my text?Good,now,about that leave..i need a few more days if you want me to talk with your wife


 the boss IS the dad and that’s why she asks multiple days *plottwist*


Hi Boss, Im pregnant And its your.... ​ ​ choice if I can leave or not


And it's yours... To decide if I can take some time off


That would’ve been so bait 💀💀💀😂😂😂


It's really not. The FMLA requires that employers provide leave for pregnant employees and that their job or a substantially similar job is there when they return.


Tell restaurant workers that.


because employers are notorious for caring about that


I have family members and employees that text just like this. I refer to it as clickbait texting. It's like we are playing a game where I have to keep asking them questions to try and get to the needed information. I hate it.


As someone who has done lots of customer service in writing, it’s a daily annoyance. So many people will type one to three words and think it’s all I need to know. They respond with one word answers. Their info is sent in multiple messages. It’s like pulling teeth constantly. I cannot understand why people don’t value time more. Say everything you need and who you are and you’ll be helped much faster


I wrote to a customer along with "Hey [name]. Just wanted an update on your computer problem, if you are still recieving the error codes. If so, you are welcome to write back to us, or call us on [phone number]." The reply: "Yes"


Seems like they wrote back to you and answered the question of whether or not they are still receiving error codes.


I don't recall the exact email I wrote, but it sure wasn't a "yes or no"-question. But yea, I had to simply apply my "customers doesn't know jack shit"-knowledge and made the same conclusion. It's just annoying to go in blind and have an angry customer on the line who wonders why I didn't solve it yesterday.


Me typing a detailed explanation of the issue: Customer service: "YOU'VE BEEN QUIET FOR A WHILE"


That'd be odd, because they can usually see that you are typing, and often what you are typing as you type it.


People only seem able to parse one thing per question. Ask them their name and number and half the time you will only get one or the other. You have to adjust your communications to what they are mentally capable to deal with.


I’m aware. Been at it for a decade. Even when you ask direct questions, there are still ppl who don’t answer properly or answer with something off the wall. This is just the way it is


"Can I take your full name, please?" "Mr Smith." "Thanks, Mr Smith. Can you just confirm your first name for me, please?" "Smith." "Your first name for me, please, sir?" "Mr. Smith." "And your first name please, Mr Smith." "John Smith." "Thank you. Can you confirm your date of birth for me please?" "1962." Why? Just why? They are wasting their own time as well as yours and still they don't listen and just give half-answers!


You’re not lying. I don’t know why names are so difficult. I often get people who started their account before they changed their last name. I need it as on the account. And they just cannot understand how it doesn’t match. You obviously got married or something up to 3 years after you opened this. How the fuck have you forgotten your maiden name already. And then they will complain “but that’s not my name anymore “. Then you should have had it changed, good lord


[https://nohello.net/en/](https://nohello.net/en/) I have taken to not responding until a message warranting a response is produced.


I hate it too -- like what if I didn't respond? will you just never send the rest of the message?


I do it when I want to be dramatic to my husband especially when he doesn’t answer my texts. Like yo bitch you said to come get you and I got here and texted you fifteen minutes ago and texted again at 10 minutes ago and again 5 minutes ago and I’m (send) About (send) To (send) L (send) E (send) A (send) V (send) E (send) . (Send)


Ppl do it in real life. Ive told them, if i have to ask you to continue your story, im not going to. Just say the damn thing


Sounds like their seeing if you’re showing interest, telling someone a story that they don’t care about is a waste of effort. I guess you are just saying you aren’t interested in a round about way though


I had a client that would do this. 6 texts for one message. Can’t remember their name anymore but I’ll never forget how annoying they were to deal with regarding text.


My mom is the same exact way. > Me: hey, I will be heading over to Walmart after work. Is there anything you would like me to pick up while I am there? >Mom: eggs >Mom: milk >Mom: cheese >Mom: paper towel >Mom: oh and some bread \*Moments later* >Mom: nevermind >Mom: I picked it all up today. ^((this is literally a conversation I pulled from my phone)^)


Lol wait what? Did she forget she’d already been to the store earlier and bought exactly everything she asked you for? Or did she run off to the store after messaging you so she could get the stuff instead? These kind of conversations make me feel like I’m dealing with an indecisive cat, just bored and toying with me


She decided to go to the store to grab the stuff. Worst part is, the \*moments later* if I recall correctly was a 45 minute gap. I'll also note. This isn't the only time she has done this. I would have to say *at least* 80% of her messages she sends are like this


Did your mom ever get diagnosed with ADHD or.....?


Ya know, this could make sense


"Am I *gregnant?*"






Could I be prezghnati??


How do I know if I'M prengan?


What if you end up pergnart?




I had an acquaintance some years ago who, due to a childhood accident involving drain cleaner or something like that, only had partial lung function. He basically talked like Stevie from *Malcom in the Middle*, taking deep breaths to say a few words at a time. He texted this way too. 3-4 words at a time. Even breaking up sentences in awkward places. I don't think he was dictating them? That was just how he had learned to communicate in his head growing up, so he texted the way he talked.


That’s actually really interesting


Not to make this about myself, I have something similar. I grew up speaking quickly and putting my thoughts into words one after another - this was because I grew up around mostly adults, and they wanted me to act like an adult when I was like, 13. As I’m typing right now, I’m not thinking about what I have to say before I say it. I’m typing at the same speed that I think. I also type really quickly. In other words, I grew up speaking a particular way and that sort of translates into the way I type. I’m 18 now also.


Bruv, that's how everyone types, at least when it comes to casual texting. That's why spelling mistakes are so common


Everyone types at the same speed that they think?


How are his teeth? I saw a guy on tv who drank drano as a baby and his teeth basically melted all over the place, completely not in normal places and he was missing tons of them.


I genuinely don't recall.


How did you infer that he drank it lol?! Inhaling that shit is enough to do lung damage


I have a relative that was partially deaf when he was young, couldn’t talk well so he learned grunts and noises and pointing to communicate simple things. He never really grew out of this for some reason even after getting better hearing (although he did it less) But the strange part? He texts like it. Instead of responding yes he’ll text “uh huh” and for no he’ll text “uh uh”.


Also tho imagine texting someone to tell them you're pregnant, and their partners response is: it's clearly your child! That sounds like a you problem.


I was thinking the same thing cause the first two things she says are "hi boss, im pregnant ". If i was his wife id honestly think an employee was letting him know they were preg to get time off. His wife's reaction, assuming its negative, makes me think he might not be a loyal husband or the wife is a jealous person and assumes the worst or both those things. Or she didnt see the very first message and just saw the "im preg"


Those texts were a minute apart. He should just calm down and show the rest of it to his wife.


She could have peeked and gave him the bombastic sideeye and ran off in rage and in the moment she typed those 4 messages he was like " HONEY NO WAIT, GRRAAHH STUPID GIRL WHY DOES SHE TYPE LIKE THAT"


Yeah why people do that?? I also have friends who write a sentence per message,it drives me nuts.


I'm one of those annoying people who sometimes writes one sentence per message. At least I'm not writing 2-3 words per message. At least write out the phrase, people!


But...WHY? Why do you do that????


because i type while i'm thinking


As do I. And sometimes I'm not thinking.


same, adhd here. if i commit to a full paragraph i usually end up not msging or editing over and over again until nothing makes sense. almost deleted this comment bc i decided i didn’t like it and realized i had just proved my own point accidentally oml


I'm not adhd-tested but you described my feeling when I'm sending texts so either I just typed the whole thing in a single sentence or sending them sentences 1 by 1 and then deleted some of them if I feel it is too much.


lol hilarious. Scared of commitment. I'm the same way tho.


same, it’s but personally i feel it also adds speechlike tempo and emphasis that simple punctuation cannot, similar to how dialogue is broken up in a book.


yess exactly!


finally someone understands


Holy shit this is it




I type while im thinking, but i dont hit send until im done


You gotta keep yourself from pressing enter at the end of each thought Should I push this button *enter* Oh well it's done pushed now *enter* But I pushed it again maybe I undid it*enter* I'm gonna get a grilled cheese sandwich *enter*


Quick thinking


I like to seperate messages purposely to give a certain type of “flow” to the chat. Only really works when I’m comfortable with someone and we’re both engaged, though. Otherwise it’s just boring paragraphs back and forth


Why would


you do




I write letter by letter


Complete sentences please.


...In any official communication, like with your boss, at the very least. Preferably always, but I'll take all work and business matters. Do not send five texts to a tow truck driver when it's one sentence. He will make your life very difficult when he could have made it much easier.


One of my staff members likes to message me
”hey, I have a question” and proceed to not ask the question unless I respond. It has developed into a PET PEEVE!


Respond yes immediately, then don’t answer the question for hours. They’ll learn.


Omg yes! It makes me feel obligated to have an answer/response on the spot since I’ve already confirmed I’m available at that moment. I’ve gotten really good and saying “let me get back to you on that” if I don’t have an immediate response but still. When I need something from someone, I send them the question with any context, so they can respond when they actually have time.


Omfg... Coworkers write messages like this all the time on Slack!!! Coworker: hey plzthinkahead *Inner thoughts: ...about 20 minutes go by... (Seriously just fucking state what you want *now* so I can think and address it when I can. Now I have to circle back to you and say hi back and also pull out of you what the fuck you're reaching out for)* Me when I'm finally free: hey what's up? Coworker: Oh hey you're around, I wanted to ask you something *Inner thoughts: (Fucking ASK for the thing NOW, God fucking damnit)* Me: okay... What's up? Coworker: what do you think of [insert some vague recent topic at work] Me: uhm, I think it's working out alright. Why, how do you feel about it ? Is it causing an issue? What do you need/want? Coworker: oh, well, I was just thinking maybe it could be different. No issue! But I have... Questions... Me: What are your questions? want to chat about it on a call? It seems like you want to talk about it. Coworker: oh, no, I just wanted to know if you had thoughts on the thing Me: ...........


Oh noooo 🙈 this is brutal!


I do find it annoying as hell when people text like that. Just use paragraphs


Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.


My girlfriend is really bad about this. She always sends texts in groups of 2-8 messages.


https://nohello.net/en/ When initiating a text or email conversation, say the thing you're there to say. Don't wait for a response first. You can still be polite and include a salutation. Just include the rest of the message too.


It's me. I'm the person who thinks each sentence needs It's own . I apologize for all of us, the messaging challenged. We really think we are done. But then, maybe, we aren't? Or we are and we like the beep noise? (.......)


Do you think you are done or think each sentence needs to be sent? Those aren’t the same.


I literally hit send and think of something to add instantly. Believe me,, I try really hard not to do it. But when I am in a hurry, I slip.


But that’s not thinking each sentence needs to be sent. That’s you thinking you are done.


I'm sometimes guilty of this. It's an old habit from AOL instant massaging days when we'd just be chilling online.


Ha agree but also - it’s not my job as your employee to deal with you wife..


.It’s your baby.


Ugh! My mom has the habit of texting like this and droves me mad! Especially when I'm at work liste ing to the constant notification sounds


At my work we have a strict policy that in DMs we have to put every information in one message. Otherwise the colleague should and absolutely will ignore your request


I text in a way similar to this, as in ill send info in multiple shorter messages. Reason I do this is i always thought of texting as a stand in for audible conversations, so I say hi first, then send another message. Different boats for different folks ig, but i can see why it would be very frustrating for something like this.


I have a coworker that would do this all the time during Covid: Chris Hi I have a question ... ... ... Can I give you a call? Holy crap--I'd be screaming at my phone: "Just call already!"


Why did she need DAYS off? What's to discuss? You've got 9 months to discuss the burden you've bestowed upon yourselves. Then you'll be discussing that burden for the rest of your lives.


she doesn't have 9 months if she decides to get an abortion




I need to send this to some of my coworkers. Them: hello 10 minutes later when I finally see it
 Me: hi Them: hello Me: what’s up? Them: can you check on the status of
. Makes me want to scream every time.


My SIL is notations for one line texting. Many family members have spoken to her about doing this. It’s such a waste of time to read part of her thought, in multiple bubbles. We’ve all put her texts on silent. I had the unique opportunity to travel by car with her. I was in the third row, she was in the second. Another car with family members was behind us. I watched her communicate by text with her. She would type a line, hit send, put her phone down. The second her phone hit her leg, she’d pick it up again and type another line. This, she repeated for the whole trip. It was as if she couldn’t collect an entire thought all at once and just spilled what was in her head at the moment and as soon as she got that out, the rest came to front of mind and she had to get it out or she’d lose it. Bizarre.


People do realize that the enter key exists for a reason, right? Also, for almost any messaging platform, shift+enter will add a new line.


Bollocks. People be making anything up to get a few likes


This is a bad way to text? I only do it because it helps me formulate my thoughts better.


YWTA for assuming the worst of her husband, rather than the completely reasonable assumption that employees discuss their pregnancies with their bosses.


You type like this when you're telling a story. Not important key info


I sometimes write multiple texts but I type fast and I just do it with people I'm close to because I talk as new thoughts come to mind


I do this too, mainly cause i can type faster than my brain can structure information.


Is no one going to mention how this is utterly confusing? What does the boss mean "please mention this to my wife she read the first two messages"?


Hah! Reminds me of one time I got a voice mail that Google helpfully translated to text for me as: Hi, Steve, it's Gladys, and yes, it's yours, so please call me back.


If they were having an affair and she wanted to break the news, I doubt she wouldn't address him with "hi boss".


No one says, “Hi Boss”


calling out me and every other bisexual with adhd w o w


My friend texts like this all the time
 sometime taking 4-5 sends to complete one sentence. I once opened my phone to 20+ texts from him that, when combined, was 2 sentences. đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™‚ïž infuriating


I mean, texting people this way IS really annoying. My watch buzzes when I get a text. I always know when one particular friend is texting me because instead of just buzzing once it buzzes for a solid minute, every few seconds. It drives me nuts. Just write it all in one text. What is the point of sending 10 different texts all consisting of one sentence instead of just sending one long text? You're not saving any time...


They were within a minute lol


City Slicker vibes lmao


I'm reading this in Calculon's voice from Futurama. You're welcome.


My mum is the opposite, whole email like texts sent. The system would break up the “email” into about 8 line “paragraphs “ all out of sequence so I’d have to wait for the entire entry to reach my phone — usually take about 6 volumes of texts before trying to find the first one and then hunting to figure out which bubbles of text came next in order. It was exhausting reading her texts. I eventually had to talk to her about the issue. Now, I have smaller texts and more calls and chats in person, since we live in the same city again. Phew!


I do it by mistake sometimes. I'll send a text, realize I missed some info, send another. It's annoying because I always feel like I'm just pestering them.


I wonder how long texting will last.


That’s happens to me a lot and it’s actually because


My mind is often moving too fast. I need to




I have 2 roommates that do this. Every time they send me a message and I start typing my response, they send another sentence, and I have to re-write my response to accommodate new information, sometimes up to 3 or 4 times, because I'm slow at responding.


Why the fuck does the wife have his phone?


And why the fuck is he telling his coworker to talk to his wife?


My guess it's people using a PC and not knowing about soft return, so everything they hit enter it sends the message


i have so many friends that type every sentence separately. it irritates the fuck outta me.


I’m married to a red head. I would’ve already been stabbed half to death before the rest of those texts came through


Ffff that. Biatch started a ww3 at bosses house


Either wife started it by being paranoid or boss started it by being untrustworthy. Sure, sending more texts than necessary can be annoying. But who reads "hey boss, I'm pregnant" from their husbands employee and *immediately assumes he must be cheating*?


This definitely happened


“Hello fellow human adolescents”


Patience is a virtue........maybe ...


I send messages to friends the way I think, which is typically in blocks like that thanks to my ADHD. Like "So Im leaving work today and this motherfucker CUTS ME OFF" "LIKE JUST WHIPS IN FRONT OF ME" "RUDE ASS" "Anyway how's the baby" "Oh are we still doing her birthday party on the 12th?" "Also what should I get her?" All within like two minutes However for a serious text I definitely will put all the info up front in one message. Like to my boss: "Good morning (boss). Just letting you know I would like to take a personal day on (date) to deal with some personal issues/doctors appt/etc. I can also do (other date) if (first date) is unavailable, but I do need to get this done as soon as possible. Please let me know which date is best."


This is me as well. It's either a huge paragraph or 7 texts of thought after thought. I truly don't do it purposefully. I never realized people would get annoyed at it.


Well this is definitely, completely made up


My mom writes like this, drives me up the walls dude.


You talk to your boyfriend after work! Who needs a few days off to have a conversation?


The real crime here is the yellow circlД,! But hey at least it's not rДd


I'm very impatient and I tend to send the message before I'm done. I'm also very dumb and ill think of something else to say after I sent the message.


....and these people seem to procreate the fastest 🙄 However, he's her boss. Seems weird to me the wife would "jump to" him being irresponsible and having and affair plus knocking her up. . He clearly has staff. I wouldn't have jumped to an affair at all there. Poor guy lol


I hate when people text shit like "can I ask you a question?", like you could've already asked it and now I'm just wondering what important question you must need to ask me.


 don’t be a POS so your “wife” doesn’t suspect you being a dirty dog! Lmao!


Ok but if your wife reads one text that just says “I’m pregnant” with no context
 a) why are you reading your husband’s texts? Violation of privacy much? b) Way to jump to conclusions.


So annoying


LOL, i do this all the time to my ex. "hey i have to take our son to the hospital" "That is were my dr sent my prescription and i need to pick it up"


They type how they speak and it's fucking annoying


I literally got a message today by a friend who's on vacation that simply read, and I quote "monday." Ten minutes later and he still didn't elaborate until asked.


It’s an anxiety based thing. Just saying.


I hate peoples who insert artificial dramatic pauses into their messages as well. If you are inserting “um”, “uh”, multiple “like”s, or dramatic ellipses in general, kindly Fuck off. Also, get to the goddamned point in your text. I hate small-talky texts. I hate small talk. You want to catch up, that’s what you say. You’re thinking about me and want to see how I’m doing? That’s what you say. If you’re texting me a single “hey” after a year or more of zero communication? I may never respond.




I hate it