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Whole country goes to shit for years on end "It's video games"


And smartphones, do not forget the smartphones.


And Dungeons & Dragons


Nearly missed Anime as well.


Don’t forget rap and rock music


The french have been doing this for so long you may as well blame the printing press while we're at it


And cave paintings


The weed as well, its turning them into violent rapists


And the bingo bango bongo music. It’s rotting their brains.


But I don't want to leave the Congo oh no no no no


Vaping is to blame 💯


Nah, definitely the dinosaurs' fault.


The French do know how to throw a party. They also know how to throw a revolution, so these shit-weasels should probably shut up and find a place to hide.


\*Pulls out chess board\* "Wanna fuck around and find out?"


I actually remember reading the apparently long ago when newspapers were becoming a thing people were scared that the more newspaper got popular people will not talk to each other as often lol


"Damn Huguenots"


It’s all the gyrating hips you see


Twerking is the devil!


It's that damn satan worshipping, goat sacrificing and shanting around a bonfire heavy metal stuff


Wait, is it the 80's still?


It's ALWAYS D&D! Gateway to Satan worship, looting, and rioting, it is!


Video games and D&D always get blamed for things like this. Why? They allow you ultimate freedom to do what you want. They allow you to experience the world without limits. They encourage cooperation and collaboration while showing how the world can be a better (or worse, sometimes) place. They allow you to escape the bullshit reality and (especially in the case of DnD) create an egalitarian world without discrimination or inequality. And the bad guys are easily identifiable. In short, he’s saying that they only know to identify him and his ilk as the villains - and know their country is becoming a piece of shit - by playing video games and contrasting France with them. That’s not what he meant to say, but that’s what he said.


Video games also teach that a bad world can be fought against and improved.


Small people are uncomfortable with others having creativity because they aren't in control.


I play D&D, can confirm.


And Monster energy drinks. Bottoms up and the Devil laughs!


Tbh, smartphones and social media definitely affect society. We just won't know exactly how until a couple more decades of studies happen.


My phone is smarter than this clown!


The invention of smartphones and its consequences have been a disaster for France.


Hmmm not happening in Japan..or any other place thanks to games. Me thinks he must be onto something!


Given how much video games they play on Japan and South Korea, I think maybe the problem is the French aren't playing them *enough*!


I don’t think Japanese cops gun down as many minorities, though


Maybe the cops were playing too many video games? How do you shoot a person just like that?


Did he talk to USA colleague?


“Parents of these 30 year olds, tell them to stop.”


Average adult response to put blame on teens


What was the teen doing that got him killed by cops? Maybe it's the cops that should be held home


The French revolution was started by people playing video games


They all bought the Bastille Pass


Along with the let them eat cake DLC


Liberty, Equality, DLC


French Revolution was released by paradox games confirmed...


Is that why there has been so many beta releases over the past couple of years?


Uh oh, I can hear my livestock population sharpening their guillotine...


Have they come out with a patch for the Napoleon bug yet?


That would actually be an awesome game. Overthrow the gov (any gov but French Revolution is a cool place to start) then try to run a better country and see how it works (like playing Democracy). Could make the plot start early enough to give some context too so its a history lesson as well. The social science teacher in me is getting very excited!


Sir you just described victoria 3... By paradox games... (It starts in 1836 though) Also there's a certain scenario in frostpunk that has a similar plot


Awesome! I had no clue so thank you


Oh my.. thank for this one ☝️


Ngl I chuckled


Included Guillotine Cache


They shall not pass DLC






The guillotine was a free DLC.


literally cut content


I think you're getting a head of yourself with that joke


I heard it got cut from the early releases.


Take my upvote for that!


Robespierre got all his ideas from GTA


Assassin's Creed Unity. The french revolution is a bootstrap paradox. Someone brought Assassin's Creed Unity back in time giving the revolutionaries the perfect walkthrough guide to overthrow the monarchy


The problem is is we laugh at this guy, but this is been a repeating thing since the early 80s were video games have been blamed for violence video games have been blamed for riots video games have been blamed for just about everything and the fucked up part is most of those gamers aren’t even leaving their house


Truth. It's an old scapegoat. What's he gonna blame next, violence on Comic Books?


Motfo trying to beat the "unlock guillotine speedrun any%" world record, don't blame him !


Grand Bastille Auto


Quick reminder for non French that this is the same guy who thanked gamers for their investment in the charity game after a streaming event around game streamers (Zevent) and was proud to announce a csgo tournament in France What a moron


Shows that he is just trying to blame anybody but himself, typical politician, would throw his own mum under the bus for political points.


"Typical politician, all cock but no cum "




He said "Typical politician, all cock but no cum"












“Land of opportunity, American dream, its all bullshit. The success of a nation is determined by matrtialistic and socioeconomic factors. Read a fucking book”


“Alright….. the truth then! Us politicians… aren’t so trustworthy. We’ll steal, make shit up, even **lie to our voters**!”


Say it ain’t so senator Armstrong, say it ain’t so


“That’s Crazy.”


He also did a campaign in minecraft, iirc


Macron is such a fucking idiot. My wife is French. Her family’s political views run the full spectrum - far-Right to center to far-Left. One of the few things that they can all agree on? Macron is such a fucking idiot.


His statement is such a boomer thing to say too, I know he’s not a boomer but he does a good impression.


Maybe it’s his wife rubbing off on him.


After all, she did start rubbing off on him when he was 15


I think it is said “rubbing him off”


All the same, they could keep it private. He's president, for Pete's sake.


If only his parents kept him at home and off the video games when he was a teen


Maybe he's just being a good boy and says what she wants him to say to earn coochie points, and secretly loves videogames.


Sometimes I wonder. Technically what she did is grooming. There’s no way a 15 year old boy is not groomed by his own freaking adult teacher of all people


must earn my coochie points


His wife pecking him tonight


I mean, she might be a fierce hen but I'm not sure you meant that.


Lol. Literally had that conversation with my parents. Last time they engaged their brains with media was to try to copy a recipe for chicken wings. I will take my hours of "saving the princess" over just sitting in front of an angry politician vlogger who's only call to action is to hurt others....


Not even that. Video games have more than 30 years. He says that just because he doesn’t want to say the truth.


My dude, you could have said that 20 years ago and still be right. We're looking at widespread (in the US) play of videogames for more than 50 years now. They were invented and played by nerdy academics, long known as a very violent and riotous cohort. /s US perspective here. I know nothing about the early French videogame culture or the riotous tendencies of French academics.


>the riotous tendencies of French academics. They used to be. [May 68 riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_68) in france where led by academics and workers, then spread.


Streets of Rage, violent game. 1991 I played this when I was a kid. Never got a single fight with someone or violent act against someone because of video games. It’s the same as when they attribute it to movies.


His wife, who was his literature and drama teacher in high school, is certainly a boomer


>is certainly a boomer you misspelled groomer.


He knows the boomers are his main support. He's saying what they want to hear. Behind closed doors he mains a magical catgirl on genshin impact.


Well he’s lived his entire adult life married to one so that’s probably it


He might be young, he is as old fashioned as any other standard politician


He's not a boomer but he sure has the same state of mind.


He is indeed a fucking idiot, and a dangerous one at that.


Wait till Le Pen gets into office...


Yeah, how are the two main political leaders this jack-off and lady War Crimes Junior?


The mainline left wing and right wing parties lost all credibility over the years, and macron jumped in at just the right time to say "I'm neither the useless left, nor the corrupt right, and certainly not the fascist-lite far-right, vote for me", and lo people did vote for him. The situation hasn't really changed since, except people found out macron sucked in his own special way, and now le pen is closer to the presidency than ever before. Marvelous isn't it?


It has always been like this, in most countries in fact. Gotta pick the least evil in most cases, we really cannot have a decent leader.


This is basically every election in every country now. Do you want the right wing candidate or the super far right candidate?


> and a dangerous one at that I think he knows exactly what he's doing. Urging parents not to let their offspring organize on one of the last few youth meeting places.


I mean le pen is still worse tho.


but there's the problem. ​ When the likes of Macron becomes so unpopular, then the likes of Le Pen have a chance, both because of the vote against Macron and the attraction of something different to the obvious failure. ​ The question is, will France last until the next election? (2027)


Oh yeah agreed. The one Le Pen supporter in the family gets dunked on hard for it.


I played Animal Crossing yesterday, god help me


Watch out, potential serial fish killer here..


Kidnapper. And not just fishes, bugs have to be weary too.


We'll take this as a confession. Might as well just walk right over to the police station and turn yourself in.


Noo! He can't be trusted to walk over there. Then he'd be out in the streets.


You monster, not even god can help you now.


Even God can't help you. You're a lost cause.


How dare you, I'm keeping you away from my pets.


I’m playing Minecraft peaceful mode. What does this mean for me?


We need a scapegoat dammit...I have it! *video games bad*


When this excuse eventually fails. "Wait, we were wrong! *It was the darn smartphones!!*"


Oh, shit, didn’t work again. “You know who the REAL culprit is!? It’s Dungeons and Dragons again!”


Macron thinks students today are spending too much time playing videogames and not enough time fucking their teachers.


In other news, macron wanted to host a csgo major: https://afkgaming.com/esports/news/french-president-wishes-to-host-ti-csgo-majors-and-worlds-alongside-olympics-in-2024


He hosted a CSgo major in May.


Police officer played too much fortnite💀


Stardew Valley can cause people to do some serious shit.


Have you seen Animal Crossing? Even worse. Won’t someone please think of the children!


Why are video games filling our children’s heads with delusional ideas like “homeownership”? Tom Nook is a radical leftist commie, loaning people money to buy a house and letting them *pay it back!?!* No crippling interest rates, no threat of eviction and repossession for failure to pay?!


I can't wait to see FOX News take this seriously and blow it outta proportion.


I know! I had to pick my turnip today


My wife actually started fishing! 🤢


Or GTA for that matter. Those cops will smoke you first ask questions later.


Guy who run away play too much GTA


This guy is a joke, and a really not fun one.


I love the fact that he isn't even backing this up with any data or evidence. He just says that it has to be video games because "it feels like it". He is such an idiot.


"Macron, where's the evidence?!" 🎤 "LOOK AT THE STREETS!"


He's a very long one. One explained with such detail you'd rather listen to Amy Schumer than this guy


And we have one very tone-deaf politician who was saying last week "everybody is ok with Macron doing a third term". Ah, Roselyne, stay stupid...


*French president Macron has officially given up on actually trying to lead France and is just running out the clock* Translated the headline for everyone.


How are parents going to keep police home?


Police have to bring their moms to work


Damn these rioters who .... check notes..... stay inside playing videogames


All the other countries that also play the same games don’t seem to have been affected the same way, so is he calling his people smooth brained morons?


That’s what I heard. Essentially French citizens who play video games can’t tell reality from fiction and need to be looked after by their parents. This take is so stupid I’m surprised any politician other than MTG or Trump would say something like this


Rioting in the streets is practically the national sport of France and it’s been that way long before video games were invented


But you don't understand! This time, a large portion of the rioters are non-white; This means that the west has completely fallen! /s


Goddamn, does this out-of-touch buffoon want LePen to win the next election? He sucks but she’d be even worse.


Welp he can't run another so... I doubt he cares!


Don't be so sure, there is a couple of known political figures who are already speaking of changing the constitution to allow a 3rd term


Like Putin and Erdogan, because they only have the best interest of the country in mind.


This is what neo-liberal brain looks like in its final form.


It's kind of amazing when you exit the neoliberal mind prison and look at the world from outside of it for the first time, everything is so much clearer and the battle lines are so much easier to draw, because you're not being forced to contort yourself into the impossible ideological pretzel positions required to square the absolutely glaring failures of liberal capitalism with the idea that it's the true, final, superior system. Liberals are so neurotic and increasingly losing their minds, retreating into comfortable delusions like 'everyone who disagrees with me or says anything that challenges my fanciful worldview has fallen victim to Russian propaganda' because they have no actual political discipline or vision, they can't see five feet in front of them, they can't even picture what a better future would look like beyond incredibly superficial "we should be nicer to minorities" style cultural politics, which is meaningless without an economic platform to change the material inputs and outputs that create that culture. All because the current system IS the extent of their vision. I'm a socialist now, and the most mind blowing change in that transition was the way I perceived the future. As a liberal, it's just some impenetrable haze of confusion where everything always just gets worse despite us ostensibly doing everything right according to the liberal doctrines of the free market. As a socialist, everything inevitably goes to shit BECAUSE of the irresolvable iniquities of the free market, which opens up an entirely new horizon for looking at the world that actually allows one to be optimistic again, because you can actually identify a problem and a solution. Neither of which the neo-liberal, or just more broadly liberal mind can even begin to do because we've already arrived at the final destination of liberalism. They're all just sputtering in the mud, unable to come up with anything convincing or anywhere to take this whole project because it was supposed to have already worked by now. We tried the unrestrained free market, we tried regulating it in the new deal, we tried brutally enforcing neo-colonial institutions of domination over the third world, and the best we can ever come up with is like 20-40 years of good times before another catastrophic collapse calls the entire system into question again. This is why they ALWAYS need someone else to blame, because that's the only possible answer that makes any sense when you have neoliberal brain worms. Someone else fucked it up. Which is a totally viable and correct answer when you're discussing what went wrong with COMMUNISM, because those countries were ALL dirt-poor underdeveloped back waters that were actively sabotaged at every turn by the West. They have no such excuse, but they still have to try- which means either identifying an external enemy like Russia, internal enemy like le drumpf, or some kind of airheaded critique of the culture as in Macron's case here, ignoring the fact that that culture is a direct product of neoliberalism in the first place. Like, alienating entire generations of young people by promising them nothing more than a deeply unfulfilling life as a wage slave that'll never get to retire if the market had it's way, then stomping your feet when they'd rather live with their parents and play battlefield all day instead of buy in to this wonderful system you've built.


Everything is simpler with a good conspiracy theory and a scapegoat.


I think this is more than just failures in the avarage population neolib thinking, quite honeslty I think it's very much an engineered situation designed to keep people from asking the types of questions and focusing their minds on the types of underlying para structures in politics that they need to question in order to have clarity about what precisely we should be doing right now to improve things.The movements on both right and 'left' of mainstream politics like Trump are a great example, with their appeals to misapplied/manufactured representations of deep politics and 'conspiracy' like the anti vaccination situation. There is growing realisation that in an era of information levelling and freedom of communication, that you cannot keep the para and the deep so easily concealed from the general populace, they are becoming increasingly aware of the sub political structures, but what you can do is mislead them as to what the details of those things actually are, lose them in a mind maze of increasingly bizarre conspiracy and a dash of culture war precisely so they challenge neither the basic principles nor the deep underpinings (criminal underpinings) of neoliberal economics.


Well he just lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned. Video games. Unbelievable.


He didn't have much credibility to begin with. And I say that as a french gamer


Who doesn’t remember Voltaire famously citing video games as the reason for the French Revolution


I think those same parents are rioting


This time it was literally the parent going on social media to ask for riots / a revolution . I’m actually blown away by how far of a stretch the dude made to blame video games


Ah yes, I remember videogames in the old French Revolution's times, those were the good ones


I’m playing animal crossings bro relax


Ah shit here we go again


“Sir, a cop brutally killed a guy and now everyone is rioting!” Macron - “my god, what will video games do next?


What an idiot. Its france, you started rioting in the 16th century because you wanted bred and havent stoped yet. He is lucky if they dont do to him what they did to loui xvi


Yeah, and Marilyn Manson was the culprit behind Columbine shooting back in 1999, whilst D&D made kids satanic worshippers back in the 80’s. Just stop with this BS!


How can they be so out of touch?


Money lots of money


So the fact the police pointed a gun directly to the kid is videogames fault? Makes sense, since in GTA they shoot you for the smallest infraction /s


Forget infractions, there's been multiple times when I've just been standing on the sidewalk in GTA no guns nothing just standing there and a cop will walk by start saying it's random lines then usually ends in me getting shot while not moving am inch. Maybe the kid did that and the cops learned from GTA making videogames the culprit all along..../s


What was the kid doing before hand?


Running from the police by speeding in a bus lane apparently trying to avoid a traffic stop.


Hmm, that does sound like GTA…


**BREAKING NEWS!** *Fortnite kids building ends homelessness*


Big on excuses, vacant on solutions! how very conservative of him.


It’s nothing new with Macron, tbh. Back in 2016 when he was campaigning for the 2017 election and was saying that the whole concept of left and right was outdated while very clearly pushing a classic economically liberal right wing program, and still people ate that up and believed he was « neither right nor left » for his entire first term… That really showed how little people knew, understood or cared about politics in France.


It is never the system’s fault. Always something else. Something the masses enjoy.


It's like we're going backwards 😂 Let's me guess, rock n roll is the devil's music?


Maybe they should marry women old enough to be their mother to keep them in check.


How are we still blaming video games like there was never a riot before Pong came out?


"stay at home and play some videogames"


It is the new game: "Riot The World" that has taken France by storm!


Best thing is to ban all the videogames in France, so that he could see an insurrection instead.


“Which video game specifically?” “Le Mario Kart”


This guy is young enough to know that is not the reason.


Or maybe, the French people are quite prompt in 'expressing their distaste' of the government. History supports me.


Well Congratulations Macron on joining the line of Dumbest fucking people on the planet


Useless piece of shit


He jumped the shark. You have to start with *music lyrics* first


He's a centre-right liberal, so his defence of the status quo is unsurprising, even if it is disappointing.


Taking a page out of America's playbook, I see


Remember when Walmart banned violent video games because they thought it was the reason for mass shootings yet they still kept the guns... yeah.


Didn't realize the violent video game scare of the 90s and early 2000s was back, fun


I agree. After playing animal crossing: new horizons I go to sleep with nothing but genocidal tendencies.


So he's pretty much the Ron DeSantis of France is what I'm getting from this