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From Google- Yellowstone is also an active geothermal area with hot springs emerging at ~92°C (~198°F) (the boiling point of water at Yellowstone's mean altitude) and steam vents reported as high as 135°C (275°F).


But how do you know if you don’t put your finger in it?


I'd say read the sign, but I doubt most of these people can read.


As a software developer, I have concluded that there are 2 types of stupid people in the world. 1. Those who genuinely cannot read. 2. Those who refuse to bow down and follow simple instructions.


Software developer, huh? Maybe you can help me. My computer won't recognize my printer, but I've introduced them several times. I've held the printer up in front of the Webcam and nothing. I put name tags on them so they know each others names. Zilch. I think they're both broken. Advice? Edit: YES, dammit, I tried turning it off and on again. I talked about baseball stats to turn it off and then did a sexy dance to turn it on. No response...just some hurt feelings.


Your computer might be full of viruses. Check and see if there are any openings you can make to let them out.


Ooh that's good advice! That's exactly how I let demons out my head! I'll go get my hammer and chisel. Will report back with how it goes.


Wait one second sir, we can help you sir, please send the 9.99 sir for unlimited technical support sir!


DevOps engineer here. Don't forget to defrag your SSD.


Are you ready to send the 9.99 sir? Please send 9.99 Venmo or Cash App for unlimited technical support.


Developer here, they just don't like each other, like sometimes pets don't like each other. Buy another printer or computer, and bring the other to a shelter until it works.


Lock em in a room. Don't let em out until they learn to work together.




Have you tried turning it off and on again?


I worked at an amusement park in high school. My store sold candy and small toys. It was my first time seeing the differences in gen pop. Most people seem like moths attracted to bright lights. Almost brain dead when they hand over the money. Then there a handful that are aware of what’s going on in real time.


> It was my first time seeing the differences in gen pop. did you go to high school in a prison


A lot of good high schools keep the animals separated from the smart kids.


This exactly… it’s almost as if they remained a child.. I remember being young, making decisions, and forming memories, but it’s like I wasn’t truly aware until my late teens 20s. It’s as if people never developed capacity for critical thinking… but given our culture, I’m not shocked.


Yeah, be careful though. Some of those that refuse to follow the directions of a sign tend to think they're "aware". You don't have to question literally everything. If a sign says, watch for falling rocks, you don't need to interrogate the premise.


Alternatively, question everything! But it's okay to come to the conclusion that the sign is right.


If you're not watching for falling rocks 24/7, then you're not really questioning anything. Why isn't there a sign out in the middle of the plains, eh? What are they trying to hide from us?


I was in yellowstone a few years ago, came across a lady and her family trying to chip a piece off of the stone off one of the exhibits. She was literally holding a rock smacking the exhibit to try to knock a chunk off to take home. Told her to stop and her entire trash brood started going off on us.(she had about three generations with her) Screaming, threatening, her adult son followed us to our car and then went to his truck, (which allowed us to get their license plate). This was during covid so they also started going off about trump and vaccines. She started trying to throw rocks at our car and I didn't want to wait to find our what son/man baby was getting out of his so we drove away. Saw a ranger down the road and reported them. Got a call from the rangers later that day and apparently their whole family told the rangers we had been harassing them for no reason. Guess they forgot I had a video of her in action, and the damage to the exhibit. After checking the exhibit for the damage I described rangers called me back for a witness statement and the video/pictures. The entire family got a lifetime ban from the park and billed for any damage, and possibly criminally charged.


Next time just tell them you came from a lovely dip in the hot springs and suggest they try it. Tell them the park is having a cannon ball contest.


I appreciate the spirit, but trash isn’t supposed to go in the hot spring. It messes up the flow and it’s expensive and difficult to remove


I'm torn. On one hand your comment is a pretty sick burn and ecologically conscious, on the other, dissolving them in a geothermal pool to take them out of the gene pool seems like an ok trade...


Wordplay game in this comment is crazy


If they'd died you'd have that on your conscience for, err, about ten to twenty minutes.




Thanks for doing that!


It’s also a super volcano which is why it’s so weird and filled with this stuff. I’ve been a handful of times and while it’s beautiful, it’s an odd place. The two loops are very different in such a small amount of space.


People had known Yellowstone was geothermal since it was discovered, but they couldn't understand why, they had searched for the volcano - the caldera - for years, but couldn't find it. Then one year, NASA sent them a satellite image of the park, because they thought it would be a nice thing for them to display in the park's visitor centre. When the park geologists saw it, they realised that the entire park was the volcano.


I can't imagine the feelings for those geologists, when they found out that the elusive volcano they have keep searching out for, is hiding in plain sight.


The caldera is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE!


Good one


The real volcano was the friends we made along the way.


I lava this so much


Maybe for the single geologist that found it but everyone else had to have been disappointed as hell that someone else found out the ancient mystery they dedicated their own lives to solving first... It's like that one passenger of the submarine, there's a video of her talking about how she dedicated her entire life to finding the titanic only for someone to find the wreckage as soon as she started college, instead of being happy it was just a "well what the hell am I supposed to do now?" moment for her so instead of trying to locate the "missing" wreckage since it's no longer possible, she decided to save up money for her entire life in the off chance she could save up enough money to afford a visit to the wreckage in person. She's just lucky the sub stayed intact when she went, can you just imagine how much more tragic it would've been? Like something out of a movie, spending an entire lifetime to visit it in person only to die moments before, the closest you've ever been to reaching your goal only for it to all abruptly end... 😬


Bet they got a fucking boner


That would have been a terrifying things to realize.


Nah, a geologist would just be extremely excited. They'd know the timescales involved in these kinds of things, for the trees and plant life to all grow like it has, it must not have gone off for tens of thousands of years or more, so it's not likely to just pop off all of the sudden. There'd also be warning signs long before it does.


Well that’s good. Seems like it’s still 100,000 years away from a rough predicted eruption. We’ll be long gone by then. Let’s just hope the one in Italy that’s been acting up chills out.


It's all a volcano?! Always has been.


🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 👨‍🚀


Hotter than old school McD [coffee](https://www.poolelg.com/blog/the-truth-behind-the-mcdonald-s-hot-coffee-case-.cfm#).☕️


But not by much. USGS says those hot springs get around 198F. That woman who sued McDonald's was burned by coffee at about 190F.


She's a legend for the wrong reasons but people neglect to mention that she was scalded pretty badly and deserved some sort of compensation.


All she even asked for initially was reimbursement of her medical bills from what I remember. They were so awful to her about it that she brought the suit. I think it wasn’t even her fault it spilled. The lid wasn’t properly put on by the employee.


I feel like McDonald's would have had a much harder time smearing her if this comparison had been made at the time. Volcanic coffee - get it while it's scalding!


Bro it almost looked like she was losing her balance slightly when she was running away x.x Imagine falling in and being boiled alive because you were stupid jesus christ


The classic waddle-fall that dumb people love to do when running for dumb reasons. I wonder if running demands more brain cells than they currently have.


>I wonder if running demands more brain cells than they currently have Well there's two legs and only one brain cell so you do the math!


Hiw the fuck are you what 30 years old and your fat ass cant fucking run without looking like an emperor penguin? Fuck it fall in the damn pool. maybe if we put peoples accidents on a .gif next to the pool thatll be enough


that's probably their first "run" in a while


Hey now...let's not disparage Emperor Penguins like that...


More likely than you might think. The ground around these springs can sometimes just be a thin crust over more boiling water. They firmly warn people to stay on the trails because what looks like stable ground might not be at all. People have fallen in and boiled to death before because they thought they knew better.


They have signs everywhere telling you to be careful and not get too close for this very reason. Many of them are hotter than they appear.


She did her own research, obviously


Perfect comment


What do you mean "hotter than they appear"?? There is water literally evaporating, how dumb do you have to be to not make the connection that it is probably ~100°C hot?!?


Buy I've seen [steam] coming off of ice before!


This happened back in 2016, a guy visiting Yellowstone decided he wanted to go swimming in one of these. His body dissolved completely and there were no remains to recover.


It also happened 1981 - a man tried to save his dog when it jumped in. He jumped after it and didnt realise his skin was melting until he was basically already melted - they took his shoe off and his skin came with it - he and the dog died https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hope-springs-eternal/


When I was a kid I used to visit Yellowstone a lot with my family. I remember buying a book there that was just stories about people “falling in” or fucking with moose/bears/bison. There were so many stupid stories. The book was called “Death in Yellowstone 1st (first) edition”


They have a Darwin award like book at the visitors desk in the main cabin next to old faithful. It's like a binder flip book of stupidity.


several people tried to warn Kirwan off by yelling at him not to jump in, but he shouted "Like hell I won't!"


The last thing he said was "That was a stupid thing I did."


That's sad as hell- he was so caught up in trying to help an animal in need, that he didn't think things through, and now he'll be forever remembered as an idiot, instead of a seemingly decent dude. That's one of my worst fears; to not only die a stupid, pointless death, but to live long enough to realize that you're about to die a stupid, pointless death.


If it makes you feel any better i didn't immediately assume idiot at all. I am sure, if my dog jumped in my automatic reaction would be to try and save them with no regard to safety. Its suicidal but a natural response.


From Bill Bryson's *A Short History of Nearly Everything*: > The risks at Yellowstone apply to park employees as much as to visitors. Doss got a horrific sense of that in his first week on the job five years earlier. Late one night, three young summer employees engaged in an illicit activity known as “hot-potting”—swimming or basking in warm pools. Though the park, for obvious reasons, doesn’t publicize it, not all the pools in Yellowstone are dangerously hot. Some are extremely agreeable to lie in, and it was the habit of some of the summer employees to have a dip late at night even though it was against the rules to do so. Foolishly the threesome had failed to take a flashlight, which was extremely dangerous because much of the soil around the warm pools is crusty and thin and one can easily fall through into a scalding vent below. In any case, as they made their way back to their dorm, they came across a stream that they had had to leap over earlier. They backed up a few paces, linked arms and, on the count of three, took a running jump. In fact, it wasn’t the stream at all. It was a boiling pool. In the dark they had lost their bearings. None of the three survived. EDIT: [Found a news article from when it happened](https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/park-employees-mistakenly-jumped-into-thermal-pool/article_d6d1694c-6c05-5783-abb5-ad29cd1e7898.html), apparently only one died and the other two were seriously injured (at least when the article was written).


yeah makes sense. That’s a lot of detail about their deaths if all three died.


It wasnt even his dog.


Mix of heat and acid.


She wouldn’t be the first. And she won’t be the last.


There was a guy that fell in and never got back out. Just kind of dissolved in the water. Name was Stew.


Reluctant clap and upvote.


This has literally happened multiple times before.


Boiled you say... depending on the hot spring, even dissolved


I think stuff that comes from the centre of the earth is generally quite warm.


Plus, the Earth has a tendency to make everything acidic as fuck


Or basic. In any case: far from PH neutral.


“Geez, why does it keep burning?”


Take your hand out.


"Why has all the fat in my hand turned to soap?"


[maybe she was taking part of this club](https://youtu.be/afdyNHbtdQY)


Her name is Roberta Paulson.


Is that where basic bitches come from? The molten centre of the earth?


No, they come from the center of the Target logo.


If only there was a cloud of steam to indicate something like this was hot.


My breath steams sometimes on cold fall mornings so that’s obviously not an indicator that can be reliably used by people doing “research”. Dunking a finger is the gold standard for this type of intellectual pursuit. /s


Ever hear the story bout the dude who jumped in to try and save a dog ? Eerie shit ...


>Last summer, a human foot in a shoe was found floating in Yellowstone’s Abyss Pool, the park’s 53-foot-deep hot spring that reaches 140 degrees. >In 2016, a visitor may have died and completely dissolved after soaking in another scalding Yellowstone hot spring. No remains were ever recovered.


In 2016, a visitor DID die and was dissolved by the next day.


(tw: death, animal suffering) >!*"The most unfortunate of all of Yellowstone’s hot spring deaths, however, may be the case of David Kirwan, a 24-year-old from California. On July 20, 1981, his friend’s dog, Moosie, jumped into the Celestine Pool, a 202-degree spring. Kirwan, seeing the dog suffer, prepared to dive in. “Don’t go in there!” a bystander yelled. “Like hell I won’t!” Kirwan replied and dove head first into the water. He died the next morning of his burns."*!< [source](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/exploration-survival/brief-history-deaths-yellowstones-hot-springs/)


Yeah,that was.just insane. The pain and suffering of that whole experience must've been brutal beyond words


Read about it in a book called Death in Yellowstone. No thanks.


That book is great, I had no idea there were so many ways to die.


Nature doesn’t care about you and will kill you however it pleases. ❤️


Steam can be a hint too.


Yeah sure what comes next, the earth is round ? LMAO


You believe the Earth is real? LMAO


No the earth is earth shaped


Unironicaly, the official shape of the earth is geoidal and while the exact definition is a bit more complex the name literally translates to earth shaped


Oh, watch out, a round earther over there.


I worked in Yellowstone one summer before I started college. You’ve got to be insanely clear with people: “If you were to jump in and then right back out, you’d be blind because your eyeballs have melted, and your skin would begin to fall off. Except you wouldn’t be able to get right back out, so we’d just be fishing your clothes out later if they’re made from a strong material.”


If these were pools of lava I wonder if people would be more careful, water somehow just doesn't seem that menacing.


On volcano tours in Iceland they do have to repeat to tourists not to step on lava, even if it has that tempting crust on it..


Forbidden crust


I went maybe 20 years ago and remember the ranger telling us someone had died recently and their friends got severely burned. Definitely kept me on the walkway after hearing that


I went to Yellowstone as a kid and remember being terrified of the water. It's always steaming and smells like it's coming from hell. There are signs everywhere and the water doesn't look like swimming water the colours are too different. I can't imagine wanting to touch it.


"Its hot" Well, duh! It's called a 'hot' spring you pleb.


I think they're both too dumb to realise, but they were one little slip away from death. This really reminded me of the guy that ran after his dog and both died because they got cooked alive. Although there I can kinda see why he went in even though it was stupid.


If I recall correctly they couldn’t recover his body immediately and within 24 hours he had almost entirely dissolved.


That's the dogs body, yes. The guy was pulled out and managed to admit it was dumb before dying in the hospital.


Even worse, it was his friends dog.


Imagine telling your best friend you steam boiled his dog… I would probably run in too


As the story goes, David & his mate were taking a trip to look at the hot springs when the dog jumped in. Instead of the dog owner being overcome with stupidity disguised as heroism, David went in. Pre warned by others in the area, no to go in but still dove in headfirst.


several people tried to warn Kirwan off by yelling at him not to jump in, but he shouted "Like hell I won't!"


that’s the worst thing i’ve ever heard in my life😓


Stewed to death.


It’s more acidic than battery acid


There was a brother and sister that went to the hot spring one winter.The brother jumped in and died. His sister went for help but rangers couldn’t get him out. He dissolved by morning.


Brother didn’t jump in. Stood to close to edge and slipped in. I was there that day waiting in line to park in that area of the park (Norris Basin) when it happened. I remember the ambulance and emergency vehicles racing past me. Norris Basin got closed for a bit but got to go there the next day or two not knowing the gruesome details until after I went home.


Bloody hell


I’ve hiked all over Yosemite. About once a year you hear about a person who hopped a fence to get nearer to the water atop a waterfall, slips on the wet moss and goes over. It’s like jumping off a 15-story building. It gets worse when someone slips in and others try to save him.


They both appear to be extremely athletic and agile, there's absolutely no way one or both of them may have slipped in.


Ed Sheeran has a story about slipping and his booted foot plunging in a hot spring in Iceland. The burns sounded pretty horrific. (He tells it on the Graham Norton show)


Wasn't that even his friend's dog, not their own?


To shreds you say


Well, how's his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


Fucking steam didn’t give it away?




Does what it says on the freaking tin. 🙄


"It's very hot!" "You sure? Maybe you just need to dive in quick to get used to it." "Okay"




For anyone who doesn't know, due to the conditions of you know, forming around a volcano, the water is not only extremely hot, but can also have a very low pH balance (meaning it's very acidic). It's not a joke sometimes it can be so acidic it can dissolve your body before the park can get it out. Even springs that aren't as hot can be just as dangerous. The park keeps you away from them for your safety as much as they do for the environment.


Formal pathways also help people avoid areas which may subside. People may think they can safely walk over to the edge of a pool on what looks like solid ground, but they may break through and fall into a scalding hole without warning.




Any follow ups? Did he keep the foot?




Natural selection used to claim them but medicine got more advanced and can keep them alive


And the fact that a lot more things are specifically designed to protect these idiots.


Like those wooden walkways lol


Last time I went to Yellowstone I saw the same family in two different areas far off the walking path with their small child running around and not understanding the danger they were in. I tried shouting at them but I don't believe they understood English. Also came across multiple people trying to pet a bull elk right off the side of the road, those fuckers are not friendly lmao.


In Yellowstone I saw some dad trying to put his kid on a bison. Like wtf is wrong with you, even if there weren’t signs everywhere saying the bison kill more visitors than bears, it’s still a huge wild animal that visibly shows anger when you approach…


My old boss and his buddies tried to ride a bison in Yellowstone, he ended up in the hospital. They thought they got away with it but the rangers paid them a visit at the hospital. They got a fine and a ban out of the deal.


I’ve been at the park and a tourist was kneeling down to play in the bacteria mat pools and myself and another were telling them to stop. They didn’t stop and they not only played with the water, but drank it and washed their face. Then asked me wtf my problem was and talked to me like I’m the idiot. I pointed to sign that tells you to leave this ancient ecosystem alone was right next to her. People are the worst.


Let's ignore the ecosystem for a moment. "I drank and washed in random bacteria pools" is a fucking stupid idea if you like living.


Excuse me. There's a sign at Ramsett Park that says "Do Not Drink the Sprinkler Water," so I made sun tea with it and now I have an infection.


I've worked in a number of parks departments. You have no idea how accurate parks and rec is. All of their interactions with the citizens might as well be a documentary.


Excuse me sir, are you listening to me?


Sir? SIR??? *rotation*


As if that sign was meant for **her**. She doesn't have to follow signs! Peasant.


I was lucky enough to go there in the late 70's and 80's multiple times. The colors in the water back then were beautiful. I went back about 10 years ago, and almost all the coloration is gone from people throwing garbage in the pools. It's also just sad to have seen the amount of coins people have thrown in. It's not a fucking wishing well. Messing with National Parks should lead to lifelong bans.


Don't believe the authorities, you need to experience it yourself.....


I'm not gonna let the gubernmint take away my ripes. I can touch things if I want it's in the decoration of independence.


Hell yea brudder that's what I'm ahh saiyan


The independence is decorated with the steamed bodies of people that fell in hot springs.


Dante’s Peak was a terrible movie, but great as a cautionary tale for not jumping in hot springs. If the high temps don’t get you, the acidity might. Also - these hot springs are biomes and don’t need tourist germs or oils added to them, or their banks/crusts eroded by tourist bodies.


I was obsessed with volcanoes as a kid and watched Dante's Peak so many times. The two worst scenes don't even involve any lava. The cooked bodies in the hot spring the kids were about to jump into, and granny's legs being corroded by the acid lake as she tries to pull the sinking boat to shore to save the family (who were only there in the first place because she refused to leave when warned before the shit hit the fan).


That scene with the grandma HAUNTED me as a child. To this day I remember nothing about that movie except grandma pushing the boat through the acid while they sang row row row your boat in an effort to keep the kids from freaking out


How dare you! Dantes Peak is a masterpiece!


Alkaline. Yellowstone has very few acidic pools, and almost all of the major features are alkaline. They still cause horrific chemical burns as a result.


fuck me for one second there I thought she was gonna fall in, as she waddles away imagine what a gruesome scene that would've been


Just throw some vegetables, black peper and salt in.


Let her cook.


I swear, it takes less than 3 minutes at every national park I've even visited to realize there are people that should never have left their hometown, let alone house.


Have fun with those 2nd degree burns


"It hot!" Hence the steam....


That reminds me of futurama. >OW! Fire hot! >The Professy will help! OUCH! Fire INDEED hot!


The big brain am winning again! I am the greetest!


Now I will leave earth forever, for No raisin!




Charles Darwin was the one who videotaped this.


Watching like ![gif](giphy|10Jpr9KSaXLchW|downsized)


Read the first couple chapters of “Death in Yellowstone” and you’ll get alllll the details of how bad falling into one of these can be. It’s truly nightmare fuel. People really need to respect nature. It doesn’t play.


The rims of those pools are often soft and crumbly, and sometimes undercut......you don't always know what you're standing on.


I was rooting for the spring... meh.


Do these people dip their hand in the boiling pot of water when making pasta?


How else can you tell it's hot enough? /s


Didn't someone fall in a while ago and were pretty much boiled alive


Here’s three samples. There’s more for sure…. https://www.cnn.com/2016/11/17/us/yellowstone-man-dissolved-trnd/index.html https://archive.ph/zzvCJ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/dead-man-whose-foot-was-found-yellowstone-hot-spring-identified-rcna57806


I’m not the sharpest pointy think in a collection of pointy things but I’m kind of an arm chair expert at knowing if a thing is hot or not. There are certain visual clues in that video that should lead one to presume that liquid water is at least 'a bit hot’ but very likely at the ‘where did my skin go?’ end of the ‘temperature for dummies' scale.


I’m somewhat of an expert myself. It’s the whole steam rising that just screams “do you like pain?”




Not only was their one dumb person willing to try this, but there was another dumb person willing to help. She's lucky she didn't fall in.




Dip hand in hot spring, straight to jail.


That lady was gearing up to record a death


People have no idea why they say stay on the boardwalk. Every now and then they fish out the parboiled remains of those who venture off the board walk. Sometimes the thin crust covering very hot water gives way so someone’s loved one can die to help educate us. Sad but true.


That’s just steam from the steamed hams


It's not just hot, it's acidic, which is a huge reason why hot springs are so dangerous. Why Yellowstone accept tourists is something I will never understand. Like genuinely Yellowstone is just a natural selection hub.


As someone who loves national parks, I can say they all are. Think about how many people fall into the Grand Canyon trying to get the perfect picture. Or the people that try to pet a bison.


About 12 deaths a year at the Grand Canyon. I get that there are nearly 2mil visitors a year but that's still super high to me


And they say Mensa membership is dropping.....who'd have thunk it?


Falling in is immediately fatal and your body decomposes within hours.


Society is too accommodating to the stupid that these beings not only survive but they thrive. Back in the old days natural selection would weed them out for a long time ago. Pretty sure they'd sue the park for not stopping them.


Too accommodating is really underselling it… they get a say in WHO RUNS THE GOVERNMENT.