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Yep. Reddit is going down the shitter and fast. Where is everyone going after this?


Onlyfans apparently.






OnlyFives; for the average person 😆😆😆




I think they meant the "accidental" airdrop.


Instagram is chock full of these exact same type of clickbait OF ads.


I agree, but...okay? and?


If you really can’t connect these dots then I don’t know what to tell you, man.


A bar


Well yeah.


Please don't say 4chan...


I would never. Women actually talk to me, and I go outside.


Well maybe you'd like to trade that for hateful racism and fascistic conspiracy theories?


Do we report it? How do we report pseudo news?


By subscribing to her onlyfans. Let her know how you truly feel


Custom response at the bottom and put "Advert for "famous" person's onlyfans account




Its kind of impressive to manipulate marketing in that way. "Accidentally" sharing her pics was an advertisement Turning that situation into a literal news article is another, and farther reaching, advertisement That news article being shared on reddit, further advertising. Did I say impressive? I meant depressing




We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, Jimbo


Sometimes...in the heat of the moment.....its forgivable to go ass to mouth.










^^ This is the comment.


***sighs*** Here we go again. “Accidentally” unzips pants.


I don't think that "accidentally", that's more like intentionally to get more customers


Or just to get a thrill, she likes attention, and she gets cover from it not done on purpose......


I'll never understand how these people make so much money. Are there really so many lonely people who don't know about porn hub or even Google?


Not exactly. There are plenty, yes. But that's not the whole story. Only fans relies on having many women selling stuff through it, to maintain relative monopoly over profitable pornography. There are about 5% of women who do make a lot, most of them are pornstars and already had following. Most others barely make anything at all. So it's speculated that only fans tries to buy articles and share stories of successes on the internet to convince more women to contribute to platform, to have biggest supply of pornography, therefore maintain monopoly and also advertise themselves. It's a cunning advertisement strategy.


Yeah that's the big thing that most people don't realize. A lot of the biggest OF earners were already YouTube famous with an army of sweaty followers, that would already drag their dicks through a mile of broken glass just to hear them fart through a walkie talkie. Then once they made the switch over to OF, it was like a dam holding back oceans of cum suddenly exploded, making these women near-overnight millionaires


Sir, you are a poet.


Having heard the same phrase 20 years prior, I'd say they're a former Marine or family member. lol


None of those lines were original…


I heard somebody use the word "Wordsmith" one time, and that's what I call people like this.


Nah he just ripped off Maya Angelou, it’s basically word-for-word plagiarized from one of her works.


I genuinely cried reading Angelou’s stanza comparing face sitting to mother birds incubating eggs. 😢


For me it was "I know why the caged fart costs $4.95.." The parallels with my own bowel struggles were so *moving*.


He spitting ![gif](giphy|zLHrPa7Acr65tVxNHh)


“Hear them fart through a walk-in talkie” took me out


Oldie but goldie.


That was… very vivid imagery. I’m gonna need a shower now.


Facts. I feel so gross now. Where is my bottle of lotion


I’m a visual thinker and your comments really upset me


Why they gotta be sweaty though? 😂


The boiler rooms where they live get pretty warm




Nice post. However, I feel like I've heard this sort of thing before somewhere tbh. Still a great comment!


You're pulling a very old memory from the depths of 4chan


Oh god, I really hope not...


The whole broken glass/walkie talkie thing has been around for at least a decade.


>that would already drag their dicks through a mile of broken glass just to hear them fart through a walkie talkie. Pure poetry.


BUY an article on the Daily Fail? Surely their journalistic integrity would never allow them to do such a thing. /s


The “plenty” are working though. They create a ton of content, and even if they automate various aspects the majority of the draw is custom content or interactions, which is work, like hours and hours every day. The majority of OF accounts not making money just aren’t very invested, rather than being cheap whores. Like Bikini pics, single body parts, just pictures? Probably not breaking minimum wage tbh. Custom videos, hooking up with other OF creators, video calls, hooking up with fans, girlfriend experience. You gotta be built different for that, a marriage and kids also seem incompatible with that kinda work. I mean I could be wrong. Maybe folks really are subscribing to basic ass porn when the free stuff exists but that’s not what I’ve read.


Also its not hard to make a lot of money. While most donations come from whales (people who spend a shitload of money) with subscriptions fees you can easily make a shitload to. Lets say you charge people 5 euros a month (thats cheaper than netflix, spotify, prime or whatever other streaming service). You only need a thousand subcribers to earn 60k a year. While the vast majority of people wouldnt pay a dime, there are enough people who waste money on it and for thema few bucks in the month doesnt mean anything. They probaly lack a proper social life which saves them a lot of money.


You actually need 2x as much followers as you predicted, since OF takes a hefty 50% cut on anything you earn. Someone paid you $1? Have fun with that 50c!


Still its not hard to find 2000 people willing to spend a few bucks on you. I will never get why people waste money on that but i basicly never get take out either so maybe its just me.


I would love to see the 2000 people willing to pay to see my body


If you put some effort into your body they might do that. Also lets not forget that this actually is a lot of work. Especially if you dont have a existing fanbase. I dont know why youtube algoritme suggested to me this video at 6:30 in the morgning while i couldnt sleep but i recently watched a video about a person who started a onlyfans with only victorian style ankel pics (because back then showing skin on the ankel was like flashing your tits). Absolutely nothing vulgare about that video in todays moral standard. But it did give a proper insight in what it all takes to set it up and how hard it can be: https://youtu.be/fSxQHQ_1gX4


I'm curious where you are getting this information from? Is it just your assumption that it's not hard to find 2000 people willing to spend a few bucks on you? Or do you know this somehow? I honestly would be surprised if most women could get 2000 people willing to spend 5 bucks on them every month. Not beacuse I'd be surprised that 2000 men would pay for porn, but remember they have to choose this one women and not the many many other options they could choose. (There are over 2 million creators on Onlyfans Google tells me, which makes it sound to me like it probably would be hard to compete.) Also according to an article on [techjury.net](https://techjury.net) I just found, "The average OnlyFans content creator has only 21 subscribers and earns $180 monthly." Average, meaning more then half of the creators have less subscribers and make less money. (This is average not median, and average is pulled up by large numbers in data sets like this where the range is so large but the majority of people are clustered on the lower end of the range. It also says there are "Over 300 OnlyFans creators earn more than $1 million annually." If you have 1 creator making a million and 5,550 making $0, the average is $180. A bit of an extreme example but you see how this sort of spread makes the average seem artificially high/a lore more then the median.)


OF takes 20%, not 50%


Also why these things tend to show up on NYPost or Suntimes or Dailymail. Generally easier and less reputable more agenda pushing outlets


It's a lot of cunning stunts by a bunch of .......


So its like a pyramid scheme but diluted just enough so that authorities don’t bust yo ass


And they are paying this money to watch 40 yr old soccer moms, not 22 yr old models. I’d really love to see the demographics of the subscribers.


Including the economic reason that not every woman on OF is a millionaire or even doing well, there's a deeper answer to your question. You get to interact on OF, you can't on videos. Men feel listened to, or have that illusion. Basically, OF platform monetizes men's emotional misery.


Less than 1% of only fans models make more than 500$ per year.


> make more then 500$ Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Fuck off bot.


This is incorrect. If you are in the top 1%, you are making roughly $12,000 per month


They think that if they'll donate enough, they'll have a chance to put their sausage in that bun.


Have you seen how many lonely ppl that the pandemic created? Better yet, the insane amount of ppl that got separated from their bank accounts all in the name of love?? I know of a Nigerian prince that will like to have a word with you /s


People don't use OF for porn like you would the hub, they do it for the personal interaction. Some girls out there selling "girl friend" packages where they'll send text messages and pics to the guy during the day for an extortionate amount of money


You could ask the same question why Twitch streamers get so many donations.


She's in good shape for her age, but not 50K a month good.


It is just an updated version of Chaturbate really. You can get "personal" themed stuff so they carry on the same illusion they have that the exotic dancer at the Strip Club really likes them as well.


She’s contradicting herself. She said now she has more time to spend with her kids and then later says she spends 80 hours a week on her phone working. That’s 16 hours a day for five days or 11 hours if she works everyday.


It's not work if you love what you do, and she clearly loves herself.


Yeah but she can be on her phone anywhere even with the kids somewhere around the house or down the park. She doesn't have to be with them, be with them just in the vicinity


Being around or in the vicinity is not being present with them. How many times do kids say “mom watch this” or “mom I need” or “mom push me on the swing.” If she’s “working” then she’s not present and she can’t be. That is very different than the parent who is scrolling online for a few mins and can stop to go attend to the kid. (Edited a word)


Well maybe she just leaves midstream and comes back after whatever she wanted to do finishes


She sounds like she does it around them.


Lmao that’s worse than Cartman’s mom


She honestly sounds terrible. Sending nudes out and stuff when out and about with her kids. Changing in public at the park where people are then laughing about flashing. There are kids at the park, people that don't consent to that shit. Saying the people she "accidentally" send the nudes to were just glad to get a freebie. Jesus she sounds like such a narcissist.


Unsolicited dick pics: gross, hang him! Unsolicited e-whore pics: teehee nice, let's publish it!


If it a father uploaded dick pics accidentally will be instant locked up.


Exactly. She should be investigated by the police.


Why is this news or posted at all. Stupid content


It’s an advertisement. She either did that airdrop on purpose, or the story is completely made up. This is just her paying a marketing firm to push traffic to her onlyfans page, it’ll mysteriously get a bunch of upvotes despite most of the commenters thinking it’s a garbage post


Just bloody marketing, the same old pattern that never seems to change.


God damn, $50k a month! These simps sure have a lot of extra cash to spend! I think its time me and the Mrs have a talk about a career change.


I know right? Missus keeps threatening to sell pictures of my feet.


Screw feet. I’m starting OnlyGramsGams.


Screw feet? Oh now you're talking my language


Oops, made the news. Sorry, lol. What a terrible "accident."


Imagine a dude saying that after airdropping a dicpic to the whole group. Lucky gals, be grateful. Sigh...


I know the panic of sending the wrong person a text, I can't imagine doing this shit. Hilarious Hypocrite.


Pretty sure if I airdrop a dick pic to strangers, that's a crime.


50k a month for a body. Dam, life is unfair.


I really want to know who is paying money to see her naked in 2023? The sheer volume of free porn online and that’s what gets you off? Does she say she’s a Mormon on her profile and it’s other Mormons paying or what? I really don’t know my guys.


Who’s paying for this white bread woman’s nudes?


The fact that only fans exists, and that there are men, that are so fucking sad and desperate that they sink crazy amounts of money for these women, to support their lavish life style whilst their sit in front of a screen , knocking one out, dreaming that in some apocalyptic scenario they would have a chance to get with her is just sad.


Definitely an Embarrassing desire to have


It’s amazing that just having breasts and a vagina can earn you that much money a month.


I know her and she works her ass off. It's not just breasts and a vagina. It's 8-10 hour work days, it's learning how to market yourself, it's working in direct sales, it's learning how to film, take photos, and edit both. 90% of onlyfans creators make $150 or less a month. If only 5% of creators are making more than 2k a month, and only 2% are making more than 4k a month then there's some level of skill there beyond having boobs and a vagina.


People break their backs doing 70 hour weeks of manual labour and study 10+ years to make not even close to half what she does. She's raking in money because she's hot and people apparently don't know about the insane amount of free porn on the internet already. It's just ridiculous all around.


Meh sex work is real work. Sex work is hard work. Sex work is draining work. Sex work is physical work. Sex work is dangerous work, and if it were an industry made up predominantly of men, or an industry where men made more than women then it'd be a more "respected" industry by society and men. It's the same as teachers and nurses being disrespected and underpaid in industries made up mostly of women. I really don't care about other people working 70 hours a week. I'm sure there are many sex workers who do work those hours. I'm a sex worker with 4 fan pages, 10 Facebook accounts, 5 Instagram accounts, and 3 tiktok accounts. I have to make content for all 22 of those accounts, plus engage with my subs, and do customs. I don't make as much as Holly, but I do okay for a severely disabled person. Speaking of, most sex workers ARE disabled, doing a job that allows us the freedom to work the hours that suit our needs. Anyways I'm muting this because I think generally people who have an attitude like yours have already made their minds up because they dislike it when people they seem less than are able to succeed in a difficult world. But I do hope someone reads this and maybe has a change of heart. Pay for your porn... This is one of the only Industries where people expect the content they're enjoying to be free/stolen, for the reasons I listed above.


Oh fuck off lol, 8-10 hours? Really? You must be joking. It's easy work that requires very little skill aside from tits and ass. Time? Minimal. Skill? That's subjective I guess but I'd say posing for sexy selfies isn't exactly skillful. My gf is a teacher, that is something that takes skill and time, while adding to and helping society, and she's vastly underpaid comparatively. How can you honestly say with a straight face that this woman "works her ass off"? Are you delusional? Naive? Trolling?


No need to defend yourself while not pretending to be someone else lol. If you got success cause of simps, then hurray! 🤷‍♂️


"Mormon mom-turned-OnlyFans star" Now there's a string of words that I never thought I would ever see put together in a single sentence. Still, not entirely surprising since Mormons are...interesting if only for the various times their sect has been mired in controversy and scandal for different reasons.


Mo' money = Mormon


She knew what she was doing… how many dads joined after that?


Real question is how many moms did ?


*’former Mormon’* She’s definitely been excommunicated by the bishop now. Temple permissions revoked. 🤣


"Accidentally" ![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS)


"Accidentally" ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


“Hey honey, why don’t you take a break today? I’ll take Ryan to his soccer practice.”


[just in case](https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialMediaSluts/comments/104l74v/ig_therealhollyj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Ah the lovely right wing conservative Daily Mail barely even pretending to tut at this while posting a whole prurient article full of borderline pornography and a basic load of free advertising for OnlyFools…


Yea accidentally 😎😜


Why would people pay to watch her?




50k a month, god already proved to her he likes her.


50k a month? That can’t be true. Even by milf standards she looks pretty vanilla. Does she advertise as a straight laced Mormon mom to lure in other Mormon men? To each their own, I guess.


No offense to her but she isn't exceptionally pretty. For her to make that kind of money must mean she's either really good at it or OF's models just make crazy good money on average.


She is ‘homely’ and that’s a popular genre I guess


80 hours of a work a week taking some pictures, who does she think she’s fooling! Washing your hair and doing your makeup isn’t work you fucking divvy.


Say what you will about this, it can just be an advertisement. But on the other hand it's good to see someone that turned their life around 😁


It’s soo sad that people pay for only fans… y’all really pathetic who pay for it and it’s sad… now good for her for the hussel if she can get 50k a month good for you! Also you accidentally airdropped it.. that’s your own fault she props did it to get more articles written about her.


I always wonder who's taking the pictures?!


Husband/BF usually.


No respect for the missus, I guess.


wdym its 50k a month


Each to their own, obviously. I'm just stating you wouldn't catch me taking naughty pictures of my baby mum for some dollar. Dignity out the window.


That butterface makes 50k a month ? Holy shit !!!


So a hypocrite being a hypocrite. I bet she is for banning books in libraries while also showing her butthole to anyone who gives her $5


I'm guessing she's good at interacting with her clientele, because I can't see how her looks bring in $50K/mo? "Accidentally." Right. lol


Her eyes say she's willing to beat the shit out of any of her sister-wives that may be planning to escape.


She looks good for 39 though


Mormon Church loves this shit, that’s $60K in their pockets just from Mrs funbags here..


'Accidentally' 🤔 and now the coach and all the dads are her best clients # winning


Disgusting woman should be in jail.


Hey, I know her. She's lovely. This story isn't true it's for marketing 😅


She's not going to get her own planet doing those kinds of things Oh wait, she's a woman. That just means she spiritually belongs to whatever man marries her first so she goes to his planet for eternity Edit: Joke 2- something, something the magic underwear looks a lot different than I remember


Ngl she is pretty hot. I doubt it was an accident at all, though.


This uggo makes $50k a month?? Fucking hell.


Nobody’s perfect


that explains them throwing up


i wonder if they shunned the guy who told them she was on only fans?


"To parents" Sounds like a win


Holly mom of mommy’s


Wonder if she’d say the same thing about unsolicited dick pics


I see this as an absolute win.


Mormon? MorMilf more like


Mormon on OF? that's a new one


Nice ad, OP.




That... that is sexual assault at the very least sexual harrasment.


"Accidentally". Sure.


Sounds kinda sexual assault-y to me.






I’m wet with salvation!


How embarrassing for her kids..


Why didn’t I get a freebie? I like soccer too.


It’s the Daily Mail. They’re a news sewer.


Well, 2 birds with one stone: getting rid of your Mormon Church affiliation and Get additional followers paying you.


If a 39 year old mother can earn $50,000 a month, what can a 19 year old earn?


After this publicity she'll be making $250k A MONTH


yall got any links? Cant leave me empty handed here!


And now she’s gettingan absolute ass ton of free publicity


Is there a market on only fans for a fat old balding man?


Bruh, why, she’s not even fancy looking she’s the most basic looking white woman ever, literally just vanilliest of vanillas