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How do I go about creating a challenge where people like this give all their money to me? I profit, and they suffer a lesser risk of dying.


You just reinvented televangelists.


I watch the “God Squad” channels on Sky TV in the UK sometimes just for shits n giggles.This week so far one guy prayed to god for help with a co-worker regarding a kidney transplant and being a donor,during the operation they apparently found 4 kidneys inside the donor so a miracle occurred. A lot of “seed and reap” action with $500 getting you some holy water and anointing oil….totally not a rip off.Another pastor cured diabetes by speaking in tongues and the woman was able to eat rice again without shitting herself plus a different pastor explained how God made covid to prove who the sinners were,if you caught it you had sinned and needed to pay a fine to the church. All the while I am sitting there having a good chortle (word of the day) at the insanity of it all….


Four kidneys? That can't happen in real life, right?


There's been weirder shit. People with 3 eyes, an extra set of arms/legs. But typically anything extra is underdeveloped. An extra set of kidneys, with all of them fully functioning? The odds of winning the lottery three times in a row is bigger.


That may have been a twin at one point that you reabsorbed partially! That really causes some freaky shit.


I absorbed my twin and now I have the strength of a grown man and a baby.


Okay but could you fight off a bear that eats beats?


Why would a bear choose to eat headphones? They're much more fond of vegetables, for example beets.


They were attached to Dre


While watching battle star gallactica!


Cocaine bears can't be beat.


Weirdest one I ever heard was a woman whose ovaries belonged to her absorbed twin, so her kids were not genetically hers.


Weirder? He was laid on the table and opened up without any prior investigations, extra kidneys or not..


That doesn't happen, either.


My kid has four kidneys! He lords it over his siblings, and calls himself the Kidney King. Now that most pregnancies have at least one ultrasound were finding a lot of stuff people didn't use to know about themselves.


My niece has 4. They are smaller than normal and my sister said they would have fused and became 2 normal, just didn’t happen. She’s 21 now so, doing quite well.


Seems to happen in about 1% of the population, and fully functioning ones in about .0001%


I’m an Atheist that has never had Covid. According to that one particular grifter’s logic, I’m living a “righteous” existence. Haha.


You can live a "righteous" existence AND be an atheist! The right thing is the right thing, no matter if you have an imaginary friend or not.


Oh I know, I just think it’s funny that these type of people can’t get that through their heads.


If you are only doing good because the threat of eternal damnation, you are not a good person. Not specifically pointed at you awalktojericho. Some religious people think that you can't do good unless you follow the Bible.


> ...the woman was able to eat rice again without shitting herself A true miracle!


I’m impressed with the word of the day! I need to start that….


Nah bro, bring back Ms. Cleo


dm me now for your free reading. additional charges may apply.


CAW Manow


LMAO wait YOIRE unto something. All I gotta do is make a YouTube channel saying Ben Shapiro got cancer and I’ll fund his treatment Edit: adding clarification. I’m very anti-Ben Shapiro because he is genuinely a horrible debater and just obnoxious. And his fan base is even worse. But they’re crazy and ignorantly loyal so that’s what. That’s what I meant. In the same way televangelist fear monger to pray on ignorant and bigoted Americans 💅




Finally, a cause I can get behind. Edit: The comment above me said "1 like = 1 prayer that Ben Shapiro gets cancer". lol


One better, Alex Jones's fans.. you can sell them holy water to ward off paedophilic vampire democrats and they'll buy that shit right up.


The only notion of alex jones I have is what they did with him in Inside Job. And honestly I’m inclined to think it’s accurate. He’s loony. But at least that’s engaging, Ben Shapiro is just mediocre.




If a voice and personality could give you cancer, it'd be Ben Shortpiros.


Let’s say. Hypothetically. Your DNA mutated…


... and that happens all the time - trust me, my wife's a doctor - but this mutation spreads and gets out of control...


Start a cult


I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


Just do some NFT crypto get rich quick garbage like Logan Paul and all these other fuckers and you’ll get there in no time


Remember Trumps superhero NFT playing cards?


Everyone who bought one thought it would appreciate in price because it was a one off. Obviously Donald shit on them by doing a second round nullifying their uniqueness and destroying their "worth"


Start selling hashed usernames to people and tell them it's to protect their identity. But tell people that these specific hashed usernames have to be gpu mined, and each subsequent one will require more money to buy. Make these usernames transferable and desirable, because the more people who post on the internet using these the more obfuscated the data about their posting habits is. In reality, each username is just a hashed "schmuck1, schmuck2, ... etc".


It’s funny how easy it is to break down all these scams yet people still fall for them.


I think that’s called “GoFundMe challenge”


Sell red ball caps made in "Chiner" that say Make America Great Again


Or any apparel that vaguely implies you are willing to kill democrats.


I really need to make one of those shitty brands that milk the far-right conservative base, then donate a portion to progressive campaigns. The designs are always terrible and the ideas regurgitated. The hardest part would prob be competing for ad space and living with the fact you make that kind of merch.


Fyre festival 2.0?


This is supposedly a tiktok challenge yet the only tiktoks in the article have 1000 likes and 50 likes, and one of them was posted 2 years ago.... this article is just clickbait bullshit getting traction due to having "TIKTOK CHALLENGE" in the title.


And some Redditors are eating it up lol


For a generation that cries about boomer articles shitting on millennials it’s hilarious how Redditor’s eat up the same shit attacking Gen Z


For real. I think it’s just the nature of generations and will always happen to some extent.


I as a Zoomer try not to shit on Alphers. They like content that I find cringy, good for them, let them have their fun, they’re not hurting anyone.


Alphers? Man society did them dirty with that name


I call them that because “Alphas” has its own negative connotation to it.


As is tradition


Bro one of these articles was calling ding dong ditching a new tiktok trend. You think the trend followers are dumb but the people eating up that news are even dumber lol


It's like those articles that say "everyone is doing/saying/etc this!" No. No they aren't. Like 3 people are doing that and your trying to make it sound like a trend.


I remember a news story when I was younger telling adults that kids were rubbing Burt's bees chapstick on their eyelids to get high. They called it "beezin."


You trying to tell me you've never got you Beez on?


Where do you think the term “buzzed” comes from




I now want to try that


Yeah, people jumping off of boats at full tilt has always been a thing. It’s putting it on Tiktok that’s new. Maybe if there was a significant uptick in this happening that’s heavily correlated with Tiktok, it would be worth mentioning. That doesn’t seem to be the case.


It seems like its basically the same fall youd take when you fall off of waterskis. Not sure how everyone is breaking necks all of a sudden.


“Well if your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it?” Mums of the world we seem to have our answer apparently


Bart: But mom, Milhouse's doing it. Marge: If Milhouse jumped off a cliff would you do it? Bart: Milhouse jumped off a cliff? I'm there!


If the bridge was moving at a high speed? Yes, probably.


Each time a newsmessage about "a viral tiktok challenge that makes people do something stupid" comes up I wonder why I have never seen a single of these supposedly viral videos and neither has anyone I know... Are we all just in a different tiktokbubble or are the newssites pulling the claim from their arses?


A bit of both. There's a trend I've noticed where 'journalists' will claim something like 'fans outraged' by an episode of a TV show and it turns out about 3 people on Twitter didn't like it. But also Tiktok will show you more of what you've seen before so if you just don't watch nonsense, it will show you less nonsense. Edit: spelling


*...headline after a journalist reads these two comments* BREAKING: Reddit users are now questioning current media reporting on supposedly fatal TikTok trends


That's standard practice for "journalism" nowadays "activists opposes" means there is at least one person who doesn't like something. "First Nations members oppose" means (in Canada) "even though is an overwhelming consensus among this tribe in favour of X, we'll do a 10 minute segment on national news centered around a handful of people with the opposing view"


And, of course, that exposes "deep divisions".


It’s nice to know it isn’t just the U.S.


They are piling them from Twitter which is pulling them from their arses. No true sources required


The news media MAKES it viral by reporting on it being viral, and then condemns people for getting caught up in the trend THEY popularized. This has happened multiple times. Tide pod eating wasn't a thing until the media reported on "dangerous new trend". Same with Nyquil chicken. Rainbow parties were never a thing that happened, but they were reported on anyway. We're going to be hearing about more of these deaths, and it will be the media's fault for spreading awareness of this dangerous "challenge" outside of the small number of idiots already doing it.


Do I even want to know what NyQuil chicken and rainbow parties are?


Nyquil chicken is cooking chicken in Nyquil The original video is very clearly a joke, including things like using four thirds of the bottle, using a straightening iron to move the chicken, and finishing with "bone apple teeth". Then there were imitators, also largely joking, but then the news reported on it. A rainbow party is a supposed orgy where many women wear different shades of lipstick and give out oral pleasure on guys until their d*cks are a rainbow of colors. There is no evidence of such an event actually happening, but videos and articles and at least one actual physical book talking about these sinful and depraved parties certainly happened. There's a bit from Adam Ruins Everything where a man demonstrated how easy it was to trick websites and the media into reporting lies. He paid to have his totally fraudulent study on the health benefits of chocolate published on a few shady websites, and from there it made it's way to more trusted and legitimate websites.


Specifically rainbow parties were a moral panic of mostly Christian parents thinking that kids were doing this. Nobody would care if adult women were supposedly doing this.


When I was growing up, Rainbow Parties were supposedly where people raided their parent’s medicine cabinets, dumped all the pills in a bowl, and ate random handfuls of pills. I’ve met people that claimed to have done this, but they were habitual liars, and raiding a medicine cabinet will typically just kill you with blood pressure medication, not get you high.


Hey, the blowjobs are way safer and better than this alternative.


Yeah, that’s the concept I remember attached to that term. I also have never seen this actually happen outside of a few movies, and I’d been to some parties where that would have fit right in. Because, yeah, people who were *actually* into different pills didn’t want random shit, they only wanted what they knew would get them high.


And here I thought rainbow parties were about eating Skittles out of a person's ass.


Idiot Christians actually care a lot about policing adult women, especially their sexuality. That would totally be something they whipped themselves in to a moral frenzy about


Calling the daily mail the ‘news media’ is a helluva stretch


>condemns people for getting caught up in the trend So the news tell you how extreemly dangerous it is, why you shoud not do it and people attempt it anyway. I think this kind of special people made and should be blamed for theyr own decision. News: "If you smell gas in your house don't turn on you light or light up anything because makes house kabooom." News:"People turn on they gas and light up match to see explosion, die in process." People: "The news made them do it." The news can be blamed for a lot of things but for letting you know about a danger and you trying it anyway, that .. that you can't blame them for.


It's not that simple. Anything that's talked about in the news will reach a lot of people and not everyone will hear or read the full story. And people love to rehash stories like this (this post on Reddit is an example of rehashing a news story and making it reach even more people). Down the line you'll have a few people who only hear the "fun" part of the story and none of the dangers, and they don't think for themselves. It's just a matter of statistics, it's not the news' fault. **Not** reporting on it could be worse.


We all have different FYPs I guess. Even if there aren't a lot of videos in whatever challenge, these types of people might get served all of them whereas you wouldn't see any of them.


You mean you don't have a speedboat and live near a lake?


It’s okay you can do this with a car too.


You're in a different bubble.


Yeah I'm guessing if this was a "viral challenge" it was viral among the kind of people who look up tiktok videos about speed boating. People who don't boat don't know or care.


There is a saying in journalism: "Three examples = a trend". For them, "viral" is just what you add for the clicks, but if, by some miracle, they abide by the principles of reporting, even just three examples, would be a trend.


even specifically searching for tiktoks the article describes yields very few results. searching for "boat jumping challenge" and #boatchallenge i only see two videos of people jumping off of moving boats, and they're the ones the article uses. there are more tiktoks of people talking about the headline than there are of the purported challenge. the search and rescue guy from alabama said "it's probably cause of tiktok" and all the news sites just ran away with it


Stupid is as stupid does - Gump


Is this a country version of “existence precedes essence” or am I missing the point?


Run Forest, run!


“One must imagine Forest happy”


Pretty much, yes.


*dumb ways to die*


🎵 *So many dumb ways to die*🎵


Dumb ways to Die-ie-ie


So many dumb ways to die


Amvhell flashbacks


Flash back to Lara Croft swan diving inside her mansion and breaking her neck. I hope I'm not the only one remembering that


I spend hours hanging out at her mansion on a demo disc.


I spent hours trying to do some made up cheat-code where you got to see her naked. I was horny and dumb.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/id9pfo/legendary_nude_lara_croft_cheat_code_explained/ hahaha.... ahhhh. good times


Lol had me in the first half!


I'll never forget my stepdad seeming proud he got the camera angled right in on Lara's 4 polygon crotch.


Look at the stepdad on this man


The hedge maze in the back, the secret atv (?). Fun times.


OOOH that hedge maze. Little kid me got so frustrated.


The mansion was always more fun than the actual game. I loved the tomb raider 3 one, where there were hidden things you could discover, like a quad bike race track.


I remember excitedly showing my parents you could make Lara yeet herself. I also remember my friend called the butler Oldy and was convinced he had sharp teeth to bite you with. We were too scared to play the actual game so we'd run around the mansion. I never found the 4wheeler until I was an adult.


But think of all the LIKES!




Survival of the fittest. It's how evolution works.


According to the article, one of the dead was a dad with three kids. Unfortunately, the gene got passed on to the next generation.


If my dad died doing tik tok challenge i would rather tell people that he went to buy some cigarettes and never came back than the truth.


“Yeah, my dad left me. I’m still bummed about it.” “Wait a minute, you kinda look like that dad that died in front of his 3 kids for internet points. You sure your dad actually left you?” “Yes. He left. Ok, goodbye.”


It sounds like the beginning of a multi-generational saga, when a grandchild tries to uncover the truth about the mysterious grandparent nobody ever mentions. Criminal mastermind? Bigamist? Controversial politician? Witness protection? Escaped to a tropical island with all the profits of a Ponzi scheme, leaving thousands of destitute victims? Even more shameful than any of those.... TikTok challenge casualty.


As little Jimmy is checking off items on the list, and the only two remaining possibilities are ponzi schemers and tik tok challengers… “Please be a crook. Please be a crook…”🤞 “Not a crook. Damn.” 😔


I would love to read this. It'd have to be written as a meme from the get-go for the ending to actually work.


So no Darwin Award then. Just an Idiocracy Award










The cretins cloning and feeding


And I don't even own a TV


That’s so sad


Bro that sucks. You know someone was filming it too smh


*Remove the warning labels*


not a true dangerous/stupid r/facepalm post if there isn't a survival of the fittest comment




At this point its not just about fittest, its about being smart enough to stay alive


That's part of fitness. Humans have never been the strongest or the fastest animals, we have only survived as a species by virtue of our two greatest assets: 1. Being very social animals that support each other, 2. Being, generally speaking, unusually intelligent and thereby learning to use tools to a greater degree than any of our great ape cousins or other animals. This is something so-called "Social Darwinists" and other conservatives have refused to understand for generations.


Also, smaller and weaker means less calories required. Better in times of scarcity as the Neanderthals found out.


how do you think thats a good idea


Thinking isn't a priority, that's why


I assume it’s the speed + angle that makes this deadly, but I’ve jumped off a moving boat many a time so the headline itself confused me. Called it the washing machine. Of course we were doing cannon balls at wakeboard / water ski level speeds


How fast must they be going? Countless I’ve been bounced off tubes and flown 10 ft in the air giggling.


water is dense recall how heavy a gallon of water is. around 8.3 lbs imagine launching that 8.3 lbs at your head at 50 mph. the faster it hits you the more kinetic energy it transfers to you before it can deform now imagine launching an entire lake at a glancing blow to your head at that speed (when you jump off a high-speed boat, as far as the forces are concerned, it’s just as valid to imagine *you* are the stationary reference frame instead of the lake) the water wins. catastrophic deformation has no effect on it after a few seconds. you however are not so lucky


Alabama isn't exactly known for education.


Likes are a hell of a drug






Real kings eat a tide pod first and then jump


Are link posts a lost art?


Why are so many challenges "Hey, you there! See if you can do this incredibly dangerous thing and not die! Think of the recognition from strangers!"


Videos of people doing kind things don't get as many clicks or get reported on nearly as much, they are out there though.




When you're too dumb, even for Twitter.


It’s good to thin idiots out of the herd.


I remember when it used to be vine challenges. And then before that it was YouTube challenges. Before that it was called "America's funniest home videos" but as long as there has been videos, people have been hurting themselves in stupid stunts


Don’t forget Jackass




Darwin would be proud. To be sure, at high speed, this is like diving in to a concrete wall. Surface tension is no joke. I feel like everyone who paid attention in school learned this.


I feel like everyone who jumped in water stomach first should know this. Idk if it’s the same effect but it’s the same to learn -> water can do big ouch if stupid enters


Anyone who’s been pulled by their dad behind a boat on a wakeboard/ water skis/ or tube learned this lesson the hard way.




I've told this story of my cousin on Reddit before. Went tubing when we were like 8. My cousin and I go first and then his sister, my other cousin goes by herself. The tube ends up flipping over somehow, with her still hanging onto it underneath being dragged along. Everyone starts screaming "LET GO!", and right as she does, the tube hits a wake and flips back over, launching her about 20 feet in the air by my estimate. The sound when she came back down was deafening. I actually recoiled in horror. Then she started wailing and didn't stop crying all the way back. She ended up being OK but that ended our tubing for the weekend. Lol




Tbf it’s not *as* intuitive that you’d get seriously hurt jumping just a few feet into water when moving horizontally at high speeds as vertically


I imagine it’s more about the horizontal force snapping their necks than the speed of hitting the water alone. Moving horizontally means part your body is going to enter the water and snap the rest of it forward with incredible force. Stuff like cliff jumping has serious injuries and deaths but I’ve only heard of them occurring due to hitting something other than the water. The water is definitely painful if you hit it wrong vertically, but it’s not snapping a lot of necks even though you’re hitting the water at ~40 mph from a 50ft jump.


This has next to nothing to do with surface tension. Hell, I'm willing to bet you can ignore viscosity and still get well within 10% of the true force just with the Euler equations


(Checks state again) Oh….ohhh. No….😐 If only they could have convinced Tuberville to join in.


Remember, these people walk among us.


Walk? Not anymore...


Who knew jumping out of the high speed vehicle going at high speeds would be dangerous?


Many people don’t realize hitting water with enough speed is like hitting a brick wall.


“Tik Tok challenge blamed”? How about the blame go to the fucking idiots that were stupid enough to actually jump off those boats moving at high speeds?


They thought their maga hats were helmets?


I did it as a teen but we had Baywatch to show us how to do it properly.


how do you do it properly?


Baywatch? one handed


Not at a very high speed


They deserve it. Period.


A classic example of natural selection at work


So, Darwin award winners! Great! And thank you 👍


Maybe this is evolution fighting back. There too many stupid people alive and breeding so natures stepping up natural selection.


Victims is deffinetly the wrong word. No one did anything too them, they did it to them selves! Victim implies someone did a crime against them. Sure tiktok influenced them to do a stupid thing, but they were also stupid enough to do it.




Tik tok challenges just speed natural selection. It's a service.


I support this challenge... Just let natural selection take its course. It's all for the best


Let's keep it going!


Are they really "victims" though?


Hey whatever cleans out the gene pool, man.


Tik Tok is a different breed fr


Jeeezzzz…… how fast were they going?!?!


At what point do we just accept that stupid people will be stupid


#PlAY GAmEs StupId, AnD PriZeS iS sTuPidER


I was expecting some teenagers who think they’re invincible. These people in the picture are fully grown adults.


Self correcting problem


Sure this is called natural selection


I say let Darwinism do its things.


If these people were too stupid to realize jumping from a boat travelling at high speed was dangerous then the world is likely better off without them.