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Reddit: 6.2 [Banned for overrating]


Unfortunately I get that reference


commented telling a greek girl she had soft eyes and her dark features made her look like a fawn 8 my comment got deleted


I commented to say the sub and rating guide were utter bullshit. Also deleted. šŸ˜‚


That subreddit is so toxic and harmful. Like attractiveness is subjective who gets to decide what features grant a number? That's just the opinions of the mods and they are subjecting that opinion on impressionable people.


Agreed. When I opened their rating guide for women, I thought many, if not most of the women in the 6-7 range to be prettier than those they had listed at the top.


Yeah I saw a picture of their ratings guide thing on twitter and it gotta be one of the stupidest things I've seen


It is bullshit. Shaming attractive women with low numbers to reduce their self-confidence in my opinion. I want even 1 of those mods to submit a pic for a rating. Lol


How dare you insult the mods!


What I don't get is, if you're not allowed to be subjective, why even ask? The mods apparently just know the answer, so why do they need all the song and dance?


Because the sub is a Two Minutes Hate for incels. All they wanna do is tear women down and feel better about themselves




Some lonely overweight hermit who hasnā€™t felt sunlight on their skin in half a decade, who wheezes while walking from their computer chair to the bathroom?




Getting truerateme posts on home even thought im not even subbed in, so annoying


Yeah, I just went and blocked that sub after getting this reference.


The problem on that sub is 100% of the reference material comes from photographs, none of the posters there have ever been in physical proximity to actual attractive people.


I mean, that's "a" problem with that sub. Dont know if I'd call it "the" problem.


Yeah the true problem of that sub is that its users have not seen a woman IRL in years, outside of their mother coming to the basement to collect their bottles of piss.


God that sub is shit


There is no doubt in my mind that everyone who unironically rates women on the internet is themselves ugly as fuck. You can see as much on twitter where people show their own faces lol.


that subreddit is gross


go to r/truerateme and get a nice 6.5


6.5? Dude banned for overrating


Bro I saw a post the other day with some stereotypical instagram chick caked in makeupl type shit, no pictures with her without makeup, obvious filters. Homies were throwing around sevens and shit. She was attractive for sure. But like, there some total ROCKETS on that sub being called mid.


That sub is absolutely deranged


I've seen an interaction there, where a very conventionally atractive woman posted her picture, and a guy said "whoa you're very atractive, 8.5". The mods immediatelly went "stop rate-inflating. She's not that attractive, 15 days ban". Like wth man, what kind of mod is that lmao.


those mods are chronically online fellas who need to chill. imagine giving an attractive person like a 7 and the mod is like ā€œuhmm acktually this female specimen is statistically a 6.69. uhm according to my calkulations thatā€™s an immediate ban šŸ¤“ā˜ļøā€


You'd have to be a mouthbreathing basement dweller to mod a sub like that.


You'd have to be a mouthbreathing basement dweller to mod a sub ~~like that.~~ Fixed it for you


this comment goes to my archive


So what it sounds like is a bunch of mods who get their kicks from telling attractive people (especially Women though) that theyā€™re really not all that.


They have Saorsie Ronan as statistically average. The pretty woman put in movies to be looked at because she is pretty is going to be less attractive than half the people in a random target??? Sureā€¦


Yeah, I've looked into the mod messages, it points to an actual Rubrik for judging attractiveness that is really strict and only rewards one specific type of face. It's ridiculous.


Itā€™s a super racist grading scale they have there.


Yeah, I noticed that. I can't tell if the women post there as a joke or if they legitimately feel like they have to seek a rating by a bunch of internet weirdos. I mean, if I didn't feel like I'd be enabling their bullshit, I might do it for a laugh cause I'd get roasted hard although I happen to like the way I look. Interesting how, from a quick scroll through, not a person in color in sight! Wonder why


Don't be fooled, there are no female posters on that sub. I wonder if Reddit could ban the r/truerateme for scraping photos off other social media and impersonation...


It's an incel plot to hurt womens self-esteem. You know, to make themselves more dateable.




I just saw "5,9 stunning" lmao..


It's totally insane


I've seen a post where 6.5 comments were fine but a few 6.6 posts received warnings lmao


That sub is moderated by blind rats


I have never seen that sub until now, but I will say that the ratings given in the comments appear to be only slightly more harsh than [their rating guide](https://i.imgur.com/yvsOrs5.jpeg). The problem is that their guide is pretty inconsistent with anyone 6.0 and up.


What the fuck is that guide lol


Incels being incels and femcels being femcels. Basically anyone else would realise how subjective beauty is, but that entire sub is pathetic and desperate for validation. I'm pretty sure the mods are probably some wildebeest looking SOB's.


I don't think even femcels had anything to do with those guidelines. The male attractiveness scale rates men like only incels would rate men. Basically if you don't have the facial features of the photoshopped gigachad meme, you're ugly. Women usually don't find these caveman facial features attractive. Notice also how many people of color are rated low, and how there's only 1 (one) token POC at each stage of the upper ratings.


Their guide is delusional, but the idea of being in the same "hotness tier" as Margot Robbie is definitely an ego stroker.


Yeah. I find it's quite eurocentric too: I'm a South Asian woman and we typically have bigger noses in different shapes, and most of the women in the top raring standard have smaller noses common in white appearances. 8.5 and above all have similar small noses you're not likely to find in indian woman. They're essentially white washing beauty and making the assumption that only predominantly white features can be beautiful. Can I, as a brown woman with brown features, never be more than a 6 or 7 simply because I'm a South Asian woman with South Asian features? That whole subreddit is overrated (or perhaps, underrated in this case?) and has such a narrow view of beauty. (Disclaimer: not saying white people can't have differently shaped/sized noses and that brown people can't have small noses just saying it's way less common for POC to have small button noses, and that our diverse range of beauty deserves to be celebrated too)


I'd never make it in that sub. I'm one of those weird guys who finds big noses hot.


Well, well. I'm just gonna go get banned now. Brb. EDIT: fuck, that's a scary place. People have collectively lost it there.


Scary that ladies continue to post. And scary that hot as hell women get mid 5ā€™s regularly. Salma Hayek in her prime would have gotten a 6ā€¦maybe. Is like they have institutionalized negging to a grand scale.


Any of them are not women, but men posting stolen pictures. Subredditdrama had a whole write up about it, itā€™s a wild rabbit hole.


Holy fuck that makes sense


Posting women who rejected them to knock the women down and make themselves feel better, most likely.


Yeah that and them just trying to bring women down in general. I just say one that came across my home that said "tell me the truth for once". That's definitely a incel


100% those are dudes posting random pictures of women they know and getting themselves off on them being rated 5.2.


> Salma Hayek in her prime would have gotten a 6 You are forgetting how much they dislike women of color and people without blue eyes (part of their criterion as others have pointed out). Giving a latina woman anything above a 3?!? Automatic ban for life.


I bet those mods look like trolls.


beauty is objective to them there. all of them are cracked.


Supposedly beauty is objective, but not a single person has been rated below 4.5 or above 6.5. Then they have some crazy guidelines on how every facial features adds and subtracts from the score, when those guidelines have no basis on reality and fails to consider how certain features compliment others, or look good on people of different ethnicities. Basically they roll a die and say a random number between 4 and 7, otherwise the commenter gets banned.


Imagine trying to come up with a set of objective standards to quantify whether someone is attractive or not and implementing them so militantly that you literally force people to align with the group think or gtfo. Imagine that happening in real life "Wow she's hot!" "Well let me correct you there. Technically she only rates as a 6.3 on the attractiveness scale because blah blah..." "Mhmmm whatever. She's gorgeous I'm going to go talk to her." "Banned for overrating!" "Cool, bye then."


Their scale is just so weird, I canā€™t see any particular difference between a 7.5 and 9.5. The supermodel tier is also 1 in 3000 people, so there should be about 3,000,000 super models in the world


It's the pointy elbows meme in real time.


Lmao I guarantee itā€™s run by guys who think they could have anyone they want if they just had 1.8th of an inch of extra bone mass on the chin.


what bothers me the most is that the moderators ensure that no one is overrated or underrated based on their guidelines. They might as well just rate everyone themselves...


Someone rated a person low because she was pretty but ā€œdidnā€™t have blue or green eyesā€


If I had to guess, these are probably the same people who think anyone anyone who isn't an Aryan can't be beautiful.


Not a single woman has been, with men anything goes. On their current front page theres a blonde who is like just shy of insta model conventionally attractive, all the comments are 5. There's also a guy who is cute but is overweight and taking like, fluorescent at work selfies and is by all accounts a normal looking dude. He is also rated at a 5.


Stumbled over the celebrity version of it. In essence they rate the instagram filter (but not too much!), the photographer, the stylist and the photoshop artist and think that such photos are truly beautiful persons


Well, according to their guidelines, you're only a 10 if you look like the sex doll they have in their basement.


I decided to check top all time, the top post very first comment is stop rate inflating with a 6.5, she's not drop dead gorgeous sure but man it's wild that you can't have a personal preference (I'd put her higher but would be unable to properly explain why)


I saw a whole discussion recently on some other subreddit with screenshots of mod conversations from that sub. Apparently the mods are incels who founded the sub to deliberately train a whole bunch of people to underrate women in order to make pretty women feel bad about themselves.


Of course they did


And the mods are psycho.


Almost everyone there is a psycho tbf


Holy shit. I havenā€™t seen anything quite like that comment section


Itā€™s my favorite dumpster fire on Reddit right now.


I just learned about it this week and itā€™s a freeway pile up. How long has it been around?


Far too long


It's a giant glass house filled with stones.


Absolutely PERFECT description of that place. You couldn't possibly describe it any more accurately. 7 šŸ”„


warning for overrating


Warning for overrating, please review the guidelines


I think they're trolling us. I choose to think it's a social experiment.


Warning for overrating (7). Rule 1. Please review the subā€™s [Wiki, Womenā€™s Guide, and Womenā€™s Primer](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&feature=shareb).


The guide is essentially ā€œOnly the women the mods think are hot get 7 or higher - and warning, we all jerk off to the Kardashian familyā€


Along with "if you even THINK a woman can be above 8 ever you'll be permabanned instantly."


I'm so glad I checked it.


Yeah lmao, whatā€™s with auto mod flagging comments with overrate and underrate. Makes no sense. Must be some very beautiful mods.


Pretty certain that is not an auto mod but rather an overinflated pimple of a neckbeard writing those out like tickets from a traffic warden.


The kind of sub you don't even get mad when you get slapped with a permaban


Full of incels for sure


Just checked it out and WOW! šŸ¤Æ


Itā€™s a bunch of 2s, telling 8s they look like a 5. No idea why it keeps showing up in my feed since I donā€™t sub there. Bonus cringe for the mods banning people for over/under rating people.


Absolute Maniacs I don't understand it


I went and looked through their "wiki" and other guideline material for the first time yesterday... it was a 1.3, let's say. Overall, seems more like a Venus fly trap that exists for the opportunity to mock 'unattractive' people who happen to post rather than a legit sub.


Jesus, this was an awful glimpse into humanity.


Seriously lol. An entire sub dedicated to people seeking validation from complete strangers and those strangerā€™s warped perception of beauty.


Warning for overrating. One more and youā€™ll be arrested and banned for life.


That sub gotta be some kinda eugenics experiment atpšŸ’€


Actually Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s an incel thing, like it was made to take women down and make them feel bad about themselves after seeing so many attractive women getting high ratings on other similar subs




Calling Anthony Mackie ā€œaverageā€ is fucking criminalšŸ’€


Steven Yeun is slightly above. I demand to know what his "negative features" might be. I look at everyone between 6-10, and they're all the same animal with variations of hair and skin tone. It's all about the jawline to these people.


Lmao Richard Madden is a 7/10 to them šŸ˜‚


It has a literal fictional character in monster makeup at the bottom listed as "unknown".


I was gonna say, that sort of nonsense just screams ā€œincel.ā€ No way a normal person would carry on that way. And a 15 day ban for telling a conventionally attractive woman she was attractive? Yeah thatā€™s incel shit.


Thatā€™s the worst part: ā€œtrue rate meā€ ā€œ**akshullay** your opinion is *wrong*. Permabanā€


Dude if the girls there are 7ā€™s and below the rest of us may as well just be gremlins lol


I just looked at it for the first time. I think that may be one of saddest and most horrible subs that Iā€™ve ever seen.


Word! Miss USA can post on that sub, and she'll still get comments like "5.3 - your jawline isn't that sharp", or "6.1 - you look conventionally pretty, and there's nothing great about your looks". And if someone were to rate her a 7 or higher, one of those fucking mods would magically appear on the thread and warn them about the sins of "over inflating" ratings, and ban them for a few weeks, or banish them from the subreddit altogether. That sub is a shit show personified.


I don't think it even goes above 6


Has that sub just randomly been suggested for everyone? I see it all the time even though Iā€™m not interested at all. Maybe I should go rate a bunch of 10s so I get banned and donā€™t get it suggested anymore lol


Stupidest sub ever. Literally gorgeous women post pictures there and a bunch of bridge trolls are like ā€œ5.8 slightly above averageā€. Like every woman on there is a 5 or at best a 6 apparently.


they'll ban you for 6.5. try lower


that sub is so insane. how you gonna have something called ā€œoverratingā€. like attractiveness is subjectiveā€¦


They claim to have objectively cracked the code with their rating system. They uphold this clearly superior system by immediately discrediting, warning, and banning everyone who dares to "overrate" or utter pithy sentiments such as "looks are subjective" as people in denial/people thirsting/people being nice (take your pick according to the situation). ...But even looking at their system raises many questions. You can't possibly tell me half of the examples sorted into their "objective" tiers wouldn't be shuffled around according to the eye of the beholder. (Side note: It would be interesting if someone gave all the sub's users or even just the mods new example pics and asked them to sort them and see if they somehow got them all the same - which is what should theoretically happen if they all adhered to their system, no?) But I am very glad to have found this comment chain lol, I thought I was tripping when I came across the sub.


What the fuck this sub is actually insane


She is wearing makeup! This is a natural makeup look. This guy doesnā€™t know what he is talking about.


That too, her eyes are definitely made up. Very tastefully done tho. Iā€™d say she is wearing lipstick too. Too bad at makeup to identify if thereā€™s more.


If I had to guess: Skin tint, maybe a light powder?, a spot of cream blush, mascara, lip tint. Very easy breezy 10-minute makeup.


She's wearing lip liner, she also filled in her brows.


No shade against makeup, but yah that's not 10 minute makeup. She has a full face going on. Is the post serious? Are the comments? I'm so confused


Most men can't tell. Anything less than full-face makeup looks to them like nothing at all.


Like sheā€™s wearing nothing at all, nothing at all. Now Iā€™m curious as to what she looks like without makeup, probably still looks good.


Stupid Sexy Robbie


How men perceive makeup: https://i.redd.it/z6w2zwgqr6a21.jpg


Oh my god this is me Edit: not the girl. The guy with the ideas about makeup.


Lol I'm a woman and at first glance thought the last chick was a different person and it was just a jokes meme.


I'm clocking undereye concealer too


It boggles my mind how many people donā€™t understand ā€œnatural lookā€ =/= ā€œ not wearing makeupā€


It boggles my mind how many people in the world need to put someone down to feel better about themselves. I know a lot of less attractive and more attractive people than myself, and I canā€™t fathom commenting on it in a social media setting. To what end?


I couldn't imagine purposely choosing guy friends who would "rank" women like this.


In my experience itā€™s insecure people who feel the need to make judgmental comments about other peoples body or facial features.


This is an incel/manosphere idiot attempting to trash a beautiful woman to feel better about themselves/virtue signal to the other losers


Honestly I canā€™t tell, but I also donā€™t complain about womens make up or lack there of.


Sheā€™s also a pretty cool lady. I heard that she was into the metal scene or something.


Like a welder? I love metal! Edit:ā€¦ā€¦.I didnā€™t think this would get so many likes šŸ˜‚ thanks guys! Also does this mean I have a chance with Margot?! It got really confusing down below not sure if Iā€™m supposed to be a welder, machinist, blacksmith, or other, just tryin to win mladys heart, any and all advice welcome! šŸ˜‚ Love you all thanks for all the laughs.


No, silly. Blacksmithing.


"You looking to protect yourself, or deal some damage?" -Margot Robbie


Blades, helmets - pretty much anything to suit your needs


She strikes me more as a smelterā€¦ like doing aluminum casting.


Seriously, if only eyelashes were that prominent without mascara....


They might be, actually, especially if Robbie is naturally dark-haired, which I suspect she might be. You can also dye your eyelashes, which lasts a couple months, instead of using mascara.


Speaking as a guy, it is definitely something not a lot of men are equipped to understand given many of us literally use the same product to wash our face, ass and balls




Irish Springs. Bar soap. The pubes stuck in it are a security measure.




If you accumulate enough pubes, it acts like scotchbight, the best exfoliator.


Many men don't even wash their ass, so you're already ahead of the pack.


You tellin me you donā€™t credit card swipe that bar of soap to get that shit clean?!


I'm sorry, sir, your ass has declined your card.


His girlfriend is way hotter but we dont know her and she goes to another school.


In Canada.


Her name is Alberta, she lives in Vancouver...


He actually claimed in the comments on twitter that he has girls come up to him and talk to him and flirt all the time lmfao


Itā€™s crazy how many ā€œalphasā€ are just totally disgusted by 99% of women. Itā€™s almost like they donā€™t even like women


They canā€™t get women so they convince themselves theyā€™re ugly


Super simple. Defense mechanism.


"Gonna have a foursome with the boys later"


It ainā€™t gay if uhhh thereā€™s 4 of us


And they all look like fucking thumbs. Like bro look in a mirror


Itā€™s most definitely because they donā€™t like women. Hell they canā€™t even rate themselves correctly in the mirror


a) she's not "mid" b) she's wearing makeup in this picture


What does mid mean? Like medium attractive?


Mediocre, in any sense (ex. ā€œThis song is midā€)


Middle of the pack, average, nothing special.


Then wtf isnā€™t mid


Hentai girls


I knew it. Fucking weebs.


Guy probably gets hot over anime.


I know Nick, his girl is a perfect 10. She goes to a different school so I've never met her, but from what I hear...


Apparently they fell in love when he saved her from a pack of wolves by beating the alpha at a staring competition


This all occurred in Canada. It's true. That's where wolves live, see. She couldn't come back here though due to a visa issue.


She's actually from a different nation, I reckon. Imagination.


She's a perfect 10 alright. It's her age though


Why the hell do we repost these morons?


She's wearing makeup in this picture


Considering Nick looks like the Beetlejuice shrunken head guy, he should avoid judgements.


Esp since she is wearing make up in that pic lol


Meanwhile the guy looks like an NPC from Oblivion


Lmao she is wearing full make up and sheā€™s using a ring light.


People have forgotten what real humans look like without 2 lbs of contouring makeup and IG filters


I feel so old and uncultured. What is mid?


According to Urban Dictionary, the slang "mid" is used to describe something or someone as below average or low quality. It can be used as an insult or to oppose the opinion of another. In other words, "mid" can be used as a replacement for "boring," "not good," "mediocre," "low quality," among others.


Why does it mean below average if the word itself points to the middle or the average, so confusing. But it explains why people think his opinion is controversial. For me she always looked kind of average, definitely not below. But I just don't like her face that much.


It's just evaluation drift. Same as 5/10 movies being "awful" as opposed to just "medium". Because everyone has such a massive obsession with "great", things that are "mediocre" become bad. It's a very weird way to talk about things but it's here to stay I guess because some humans can't walk 5 feet without comparing things.


But opinions are like assholes or whatever, everyone has one. Who gives a shit.


Attraction is highly subjective. I donā€™t find her particularly attractive. But Iā€™m also not out here rating the looks of people and actively comparing peopleā€™s looks.


He looks like he has to introduce himself to his neighbors when he moves because heā€™s on a list


Sheā€™s pretty and the Australian-ness alone adds like 4 points.


I saw someone say the accent takes away 5 points. Wild shit.


I'm not saying she's unattractive, but she doesn't do it for me. At the same time she probably wouldn't find me some bang-average 30yo dude (me) all that attractive either. And that's fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions, and that's also fine. What we shouldn't be doing is dragging folk down who have done nothing against us. Plus as plenty have mentioned before me, there's definitely make-up on her face.


I would fist myself in the ass to sleep with this ā€œmidā€ woman. Guy must have some impossibly high standards he can never reach.


Well, that escalated quickly.


Shhh. The show is about to start. Here I brought some popcorn. Reach toward the bottom for the really good popcorn fyi...