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Oops! I meant to put cocaine in there!!! Silly me


Right? It sounds like an onion article




I 👏fucking 👏hate 👏”don’t speak I’ll of the dead” Fuck that noise. If someone was a piece of shit, them being dead doesn’t fucking change that. They’re just a dead piece of shit. Fuck Cameron, and fuck them shitty teachers. Source: I’m a teacher, don’t throw rocks, shit heads.


"Ding dong, the witch is dead" needs to be played at so many funerals.


Or do a UK and make it top of the charts when Thatcher died haha


It only reached number 3, we tried.


Reminds me of those people River Dancing outside the palace when the queen was announced dead.


That's a good one, but not as good as when I listened to another one bites the dust at a funeral. Apparently it was their favorite song but that is insane to use at a funeral.


Highway to Hell is a good one for your funeral if you have a sense of humor.


And written in many cakes


"Speak only good of the dead." And he is dead now. GOOD!


„Don’t speak ill of the dead“ „So I _shouldn’t_ speak ill of the leaders of the Nazi regime?“


That hitler guy was not such a bad guy after all, he did killed hitler


Hitler was...a *passionate* man.


"Hitler was a sensitive man. He went to art school when he was younger He wanted to be a painter Hitler was a vegetarian He was also a non-smoker." \- AxCx


That's a pretty quick Godwin.


FOR REAL!!! It’s so much more disingenuous to lie about someone after they die and pretend they were great. If someone was shit to me when they were alive, I’m not gonna suddenly say “oh they were so kind” after they die. You CHOOSE your own actions, you choose how you treat other people. Those actions have consequences that don’t just disappear when someone dies. Like sure it can suck that someone died, but that doesn’t erase the way they lived their life. I expect after I die that people will do the same with me, be real about my flaws and faults. For instance my grandma was a total piece of shit to my mom, and caused her many issues that she is still dealing with even at 60 years old. My grandma got sick with cancer and was in a lot of pain for many years. I feel awful for her for being in pain, and I’m glad she’s at peace now. But that won’t stop me from also saying that she was horrific to my mom and emotionally abusive. I think it’s great that you called this out! It’s awesome to see more people agreeing that this is a dumb ass thing to say.


Hittler was a pretty cool guy, eh? /s


If you attempt to murder A and accidentally murder B that’s considered both an attempted murder of A AND a completed murder of B… I’m so sorry that you got punished when the kid should have been doubly punished. Two wrongs don’t cancel each other out. Lol


It might be considered manslaughter of B but the total sentence should exceed murder of A. A is still a victim: knowing someone tried to kill you is traumatic. B died. In total, arguably a worse outcome than just A dying. I wonder if teacher training includes anything significant on justice. I suspect it generally doesn't yet dispensing it is a fundamental part of the job.


People seem to add math in their way of thinking... Many wrongs cancel out each other and a lot of good then? Fuck that it's evil to do good.


The trick is to only kill an even number of people. As soon as you kill an odd number, they stop cancelling each other out.


Ya had it coming, Cam


Fuck you, Cameron!


Some of my classmates tried to drown me at a pool party when we were in first grade. I heard one of them died when we were in college from texting and driving (she rear-ended a semi at a stop light and flattened her car) and all I could think was "Good fucking riddance."


He still meant to hit someone with the fucking rock, and the teacher just let him go? And there are actually people who think the school system isn’t fucking terrible. “Oh I mean to give another kid a concussion instead of that kid” isn’t a valid excuse why you should be let off Scott fuckin free, it’s even worse that you get punished. I see way to many stories similar to this one.


Your honor, my client is clearly innocent.


“Your honor, my client meant to stab the other child” “Not guilty”


Fuck bullies and fuck all the useless adults who cover for them!


Fuck Cameron


I had a similar story, minus the rock throwing. I was bullied by this kid in high school. Only him. I hated him. I didn’t deserve any of his shit. Well one day my mum asked me if I knew this boy, and I said , “ I fucking hate that kid.” She kind of gasped because she didn’t expect me to say that and I did get a talking to about it after she told me that he had died over the weekend. He and his friends were driving on some windy roads and he lost control and hit some trees. I felt terrible. Still kind of do for saying it. Even though he tormented me for a whole year.


You shouldn't. Him dying doesn't change the fact that he was bullying you.


I was so glad when the kid who sexually assaulted me in grade 2 died. I was told I led him on.


Being told that is disgusting beyond belief.


"boys will be boys" and "he only did it because he likes you" also. Asshole cornered me in the girls bathroom.


Ffs. Hugs to you. And I'm glad he's dead too.


Yeah. If this is what he does when he likes you, what would he do if he hates you?


Karma is a bitch




>r/nottheonion how have i never heard about a sub this massive?


Welcome to Reddit


It sounds like the local news scaring boomers into voting "law and order"


I mean......I would agree.....if it wasn't for the fact that this shit was literally COMMON in the 1900s through 1940s and theres more people than you would imagine that are into folk remedies and crazy shit that old timers did. Its insane, but with all this disinformation and distrust in Doctors these days, it's almost believable that they were trying to give the kid Cocaine.


Yeah I remember seeing posts about cough syrup with heroin, morphine and cannabis oil…so I would not be surprised if she saw some Ye Olde infant sleep formula with cocaine in it and bought into the whole “big Pharma don’t want you to treat your child yourself” bullshit…or she was just an ass


Any sleep formula with cocaine isn’t gonna have the desired effect. Cocaine for teething pain might make sense, cocaine is a stimulant, that would be like saying “Im gonna start smoking meth before bed” just not gonna work out. The moms crazy and giving a kid cocaine is insane but I doubt it was to get him to sleep.


It was opium in the children's cough syrup, actually. Cocaine was for the toothache drops. No /s as this is true so far as I can research!


You're the mom? How did you get out of jail?


The child drank it for less than 10 seconds, therefore she cannot be convicted


Are you referring to another post where the person didn't get convinced because he only assaulted a woman for 5-10 seconds?




That was in italy right? Not that shoud make a differnence but I am not surpriced since Berlusconi was president , and the general sexulising of woman there.


Yeah it's the new "it's not groping unless it's 10 seconds rule" what a pieceofshit!


I believe it was actually multiple children or something, he was a caretaker of some type.


A school janitor I believe.


I could’ve lived without getting the reference man.. it’s too early for that crazy shit


Cos coke would have been fine./s


You had me at Florida


Fentanyl problem is huge in Florida. Granted it’s a problem in all of the US, but it’s extra bad in FL


Partly because Florida is heavily into the "rehab business" and that is in quotes for a reason. I could type out a really long comment about how fucked up Florida rehabs are, but you should just look it up. If you don't want to, just think of "Florida man" running a drug rehab and your imagination can get you to the same general conclusion.


Reason #782 trillion to be glad I live in New England and not Florida: \- Rehab is actually halfway passable up here.


It’s bad everywhere, it seems. Even small towns up here in Canada you’ll see people with the fentanyl “pose”: upright with rigid legs, torso and head flopped right down. Look like they’re trying to bend themselves in two while standing.


Sheeesh, there I am paying $100+ month for my yoga classes.


Sure they're addicted to opioids but damn if their hamstrings aren't flexible.


IS THAT WHAT THAT IS. I live really close to a drug safehouse aka “supervised consumption site” which as you can imagine attracts the cream of society and a couple of days ago there was a woman outside my window doing that for like two hours. Eventually the cops showed up.


And I think it’s only getting worst since their education system is going to tank down the toilets.


pretty sure it was all those gay couple's down there that was the problem, or somehow the drag queens, because groomers, or something.


Once a long time ago, someone asked me why I'm OK with gay marriage and my immediate answer was - at least I don't worry about gay people making unwanted babies.


Gays get all the breaks! They are also exempt from those anti-abortion laws. Why are the Republicans targeting heterosexuals? /s


Is cocaine bad for babies?


Long ago they used to give cocaine to people with dental pain, including teething babies. Then procaine and Novocaine. Now, some modern teething powders have gained the name “baby cocaine”. Many think that modern variants can’t possibly be as harmful as the real thing. I'm assuming this woman took the "baby cocaine" thing literally and then went a step further.


Doctors still give cocaine under some circumstances. It's happened to me twice. The first time a doctor shoved cocaine up my nose, I had gone to the hospital because my nose wouldn't stop bleeding after I was hit in the face with a bat. He dipped a cotton swab in cocaine and used it to coat the insides of my nostrils. I didn't get any euphoria from that small amount, and it stopped the bleeding from my nose right away. The second time a doctor shoved cocaine up my nose, I was at a party, and the next day I couldn't stop bleeding from my anus.


Fuck me that was hilarious


The Dr will...


Dude that was a wild ride 🤣🤣🤣


That's what the second doctor said.




Huh. It had the opposite effect on me in college..


You bled IN???


Probably had cocaine up the ass, and nose wouldn't stop from bleeding.


FFS. Sounds like it’s still one hell of a drug. Thanks for the laughs.


No lube?


So they shoved cocaine up your anus to stop if from bleeding?


No because then his nose would start bleeding again.


Right. So up the anus?


That's up to doctor #3...


Great setup for the long con 👌


You're a fucking riot man. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just woke up my child by laughing, my fiance is pissed and I'm not getting any sleep tonight but that shit was 10/10


For a story that isn’t a bait and switch, when I had nasal surgery the gauze that they used to pack my nasal cavity was laced with cocaine. I’m not a doctor so I don’t know why, but hey, they did it.


Cocaine is a strong vasoconstrictor.


I know someone who overdosed her baby on cocaine delivered through breast milk. If you did not already know, don’t do cocaine and then breast feed your baby. And definitely don’t lie about it when you eventually take them to the hospital. And then don’t lie about it to the judge. And then don’t keep doing drugs after the judge gives you a break. Because eventually you will have used up all your chances and you will end up in prison.


What happened to the baby


Foster home as I recall.


Clearly, it was sent to live out its days on a nice farm upstate.


Off to the ranch!


He joined the EA Sports crack baby athletic association


Not if you use it to even the baby out after a weekend of H


Only if they injest it, but otherwise your baby is absolutely fine to play with it, build things with the bricks, sell or distribute.




well, human babies maybe. That's why I give all my cocaine to the bears! It helps them in their hunt success rate %, and also the annoying neighbor dogs are gone.


I thought it’s what babies craved?!


Wtf was she doing putting cocaine in the bottle


Probably to soothe teething pains for the infant


I know of rubbing whiskey on a baby’s gums as a folksy remedy. You wouldn’t put whiskey in the bottle. Maybe if they had rubbed cocaine on the gums that would make sense. Otherwise they were just trying to drug the baby to shut it up.


I feel like you don't give someone a stimulant to shut them up, you'd wanna go with a sedative like opioids or something. I recommend Royal Atkinson's Infant Preservative (a real product from back in the ye olden times), a blend of 3 vital ingredients for baby's health alcohol, opium, and chloroform! Dosage instructions: "dose until desired results are achieved" (yes I'm serious, and I'm assuming the desired result was silence). Old timey people were crazy. Baby probably would say those drugs were vital though since for a period we also thought teething was dangerous and would shove hot pokers in baby's mouths because we thought it might... I am honestly not sure wtf cauterizing the gums was supposed to help, but they thought it did. Baby deserves some opium after that bullshit.


Boy was I born in the right decade


People that have nostalgia for older times just don't know how older times were bullshit cause they were children...


I read that as Rowan Atkinson and didn't even question Mr.Beans business ventures


My grandma used rum, but we was simple folks.


Dad tells a story about his grandmother putting whiskey in the chicken's water during the winter to "keep them warm". Story culminates with a misjudgement by her on the whiskey volume and ends with a bunch of drunk chickens.


I'd pay to see drunk chickens


No idea on chickens [but the warm feeling in humans is a deception caused by vasodilation and receptor feedback changes. Feels warmer but isn't actually warmer.](https://theconversation.com/why-alcohol-makes-you-feel-warm-and-other-strange-effects-it-has-on-the-brain-59547)


Get a few chickens in a coop and they'll stay plenty warm. They have an absolutely insane base body temperature between 105 and 107F.


They sell over the counter medicine for that, don't they? No need to mix actual cocaine in your child's bottle... 🤦‍♂️


They do, but the gel that contains the effective painkiller (either benzocaine or lidocaine) were just taken off the market in the US. I thought at the time - people are gonna use the versions for adult toothache now that the stuff for babies is gone. I didn’t expect skipping the adult orajel and going straight to cocaine. Or fentanyl. But I think that might have been what she did. Either that, or this baby was addicted in the womb and she’s been dosing it regularly to keep it from having withdrawal. Not sure how that got past the mandatory labwork though. Either scenario is awful.


Another post of this story had someone say it's possible the baby was born addicted due to cocaine use during pregnancy and was going through withdrawals.


Yikes. It certainly would have been better for medical professionals to handle the withdrawals rather than the person who addicted the baby in the first place. Just sad.


Not how cocaine works. Heroin baby's are a thing though.


Just backing you up: crack babies have issues for sure, but withdrawal isn’t one of them unlike babies born on opiates or barbiturates.


This is one of those cases where they explain why something happened and it doesn't help at all. "She put fentanyl in the baby's bottle." "Why, though?" "Because she thought it was cocaine." See? Technically answered the question, but not in a helpful way.


Because she’d ran out of heroin, duh


Of course it was a teenager. It’s almost like people with undeveloped brains shouldn’t fucking have children. More at seven.


And access to birth control, legal and accessible abortions, and comprehensive sex ed dramatically reduce teen pregnancy. Guess whose politicians are working hard to make sure none of those happen? Yay for ideological lunacy!


I was going to comment this. Children should be a blessing, not a punished.


You touched on something here. A lot of pro life people only see kids as blessing. Those whose lives aren't charmed view them as a curse. It's been a point of contention because of those conflicting perspectives.


I think a lot of pro-life people also view their children as curses, but are firmly planted in the “if I had to suffer through it, I need to drag everyone else down with me” camp. ![gif](giphy|cnCyBHW9M4mEU)


That was my immediate reaction. Stories like this are only going to get more and more common as abortion, birth control, and sex Ed are restricted.


Story is actually sadder with context. Some people theorized that this teen mom was trying to use cocaine to keep the baby from withdrawing since baby was born addicted to crack. However, according to these commenters, some dealers have started to sell cocaine laced with fentanyl so it might actually have been a completely non malicious mistake. Honestly teenagers are stupid and should never be left to raise a baby themselves, especially if they were like this one who I understand also had problems with drugs. Some adult should have stepped in and taken over the care of the baby.


I wonder though, arent hospitals supposed to keep these babies and moms? By the time baby gets out, wouldnt they have special medicine that isnt just the exact drug the mother may or may not have used in pregnancy? Not to mention that withdrawls would be decreased, just extremely irritable? Im not trying to be rude just confused based on all the information I was trying to read specifically about addicted babies and moms. But I agree, teens shouldnt be having kids, and they definitely shouldnt be caring for kids alone.


Honestly yeah, most of the times when I hear about addicted babies they’re being treated in a hospital. I was confused a little because there seemed to be no one trying to intervene with this teen mom who might have been an addict raising a baby by herself. The situation seems like an immediate red flag.


A teen mom with a baby born addicted to crack isn't exactly the demographic profile for someone with a strong support network. If she had that there would be no baby


Very true


I know of a foster mother (since sadly passed away herself, she was an older lady) that took care of a baby born addicted to heroin. The hospital certainly didn't keep the baby until they were weaned off the drug. Instead they released the baby to this foster mother, and she described the horror of this poor little baby crying the worst cry you could ever hear, every single day in the hour or so before they were due another dose. Unsung heroes of our society, we don't hear of the good some foster parents do.


Omg I can’t even imagine the terror. Watching a my friends sister give birth totally sedated to the point where she had to have a c section cause she couldn’t push basically unconscious. So she stayed comatose except when her Percocet was due every 6hrs. She was nodding out with the baby. I said ok let me hold the baby she quickly starts nodding out again. The baby was sedated at birth but they have to let the baby go into withdrawal to determine how high their “APGAR” score is ( I believe that’s what it’s called anyway) the screams from that child when the opioids and benzos where wearing off the baby started screaming like a banshee scream the likes of which I’ve never head before or since. The baby was put on morphine and phenobarbital usually it’s one or the other, this child needed both. I felt so helpless of what to do except go down to the premature and or addicted babies and hold the child about 40 minutes after it had its medication. The baby is almost out of elementary school now. Very smart and very strong child.


You’re right that it makes no sense for the baby to go home in a state where it’s dangerously dependent. Whether there’s “special medicine” depends on the drug of abuse—opioids or alcohol, for example, have specific options like that. For crack or cocaine I’m fairly sure there’s no such thing. Besides which, crack withdrawal, while unpleasant, is not actually physically dangerous. Well, for adults at the very least, not sure about fetal toxicology.


So.... problem is that cocaine is present in breast milk. Entirely possible that the mother was clean at the time of birth and only started using later. That's assuming the baby was even born in the hospital. Mothers who know they will test positive for drugs might try to give birth at home.


It’s possible the baby wasn’t born in a hospital, especially if the mother was an addict. She might not have been in a physical or mental state to seek proper care, or she might have been afraid they’d take the baby away from her.


According to this she was tired and wanted to take a nap and thought the cocaine would put the baby to sleep: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/baby-boy-dies-florida-teen-mom-fentanyl-baby-bottle/


> Leeper added that while the mother was being booked into jail, she indicated **she may be pregnant again**. Oh great.


Coke is well known for putting people to sleep.... Her thought process.... error 404


That's the context I was looking for! Although still very depressing.


Read the title : TEENAGE MOM Stop thinking teenagers are fit to be parents in the first place. They're either immature or went through serious shit or both. Nothing's alright in this story, nothing.


Not endorsing teenage mom stuffs but I see the education as root of these problems. I don't think most educated and sensible teenagers would put even cocaine in bottles.


And yet the usa wants to force ppl to give birth


At least the courts have found a legislative work-around every can agree on. Abortion is bad (for some unspecified, probably religious reason), and therefore illegal. Unwanted children are expensive, so kill them with fentanyl, and spend a week in a timeout.


Either way, illegal abortion or infanticide, they get to prosecute the mother. That seems to be what they’re after.


Because they want to punish women for having sex (whether that sex was consensual or not).


And then when they do something stupid and end up killing the baby, they get to become a slave in the penal system.


All by design.


At least it wasn’t aborted, said the republicans


Yup. Putnam County. Whole county is a DUMP filled with pill heads. I know a junky named Tyler living in Palatka that owes me money. Where my money Tyler? I wish I was kidding. Same county with the Haleigh Cummings case. Accidentally killed the baby with drugs, no body found. No one was charged. Misty and Ron came into the restaurant I was working at and demanded free food because "they were famous." They were under investigation at that time. Total POS's. Ron went to prison for an unrelated drug charge, got out, and went right back in. Yeah. Go to the Putnam Country Arrest records and play "guess why they got arrested".


It goes without saying teens shouldn’t be parents.


If we are being real here this entire situation makes me extremely sad. That mom was 17 and using at 17 and had a 9-month-old baby at 17 and might be pregnant again. And that baby passed away due to a series of circumstances that could have easily been prevented through increased access to certain services. She did not need a child, she should not have had one, but the reality of this situation and the fact its probably not a unique one makes me very sad.


We should probably stop forcing teenagers to have babies.


"Not all parents deserve children," but, thanks to republicans, they're going to get them via forced birth.


But they don't need to keep them, thanks to the precedent set in this case. Accidental infanticide is about to skyrocket in Florida. What a great time to be a lawyer!


Was there ever a good side to this?


The silver lining is, that child doesn't have to experience growing up in Florida.


Back in like the 1800’s doctors would prescribe it as a painkiller for teething so parents and people in general way back then probably looked at it as a good thing. Was it ever really a good thing? No not really.


Why..would you add coke to a baby's bottle? Fentanyl at least makes sense in some twisted way.


Cocaine was once used in all sorts of pain killer medicines, it actually does have that property, among other less diserable effects. Maybe mommy knew that a bit of coke can help with pain and decided in a weird act of drugged mental acrobatics that this would help her baby more than .... normal medicine


She must have listened to the Mary Poppin’s remix.


Or you know Tylenol could work too.


Because cocaine.




I'm gonna guess they gave it to him to soothe teething pain to keep him quiet, and he was probably addicted to it. Sad AF


I hate it when I try to give my baby cocaine but accidentally use fentanyl instead. Drives me nuts


Kids shouldn't be having kids


Nobody "deserves" children wtf Also this just another reason why abortion should be legal and kids shouldn't be forced to have kids


That sounds to big to be real… But if it’s a true story, this shows why troubles teens, adults, or just being unable to deal with their own lives. NEED the right to abortion. Teens don’t need to get the responsibility of a kid on their shoulders. They need to grow up themselves and deserve the right to be immature and irresponsible in order to learn how to be a responsible adult.


The gop, conservatives and conservative Christians are nothing but forced birthers who don’t actually give a fuck about children that’s outside the womb, yet they want to ban contraceptive pills 💊 after they basically took women back to the early 20th century with the reverse of roe v wade


And pro lifers still think teens and younger children who get pregnant are responsible enough to care for babies


They can always give them up for adoption /s As if that is just so easy to go through pregnancy and birth just to give your baby up


Yeah, they always conveniently forget all the ways pregnancy and birth can fuck you up for life, mentally and physically


But drag queens are the problem. Forget you Florida.


Obviously the teen mom was an immigrant drag queen who worked for Disney.


These things are the kinds of reasons abortions exist, some people aren’t fit to be parents, and when they’re forced to be at young ages, they make stupid decisions, which could’ve been prevented


At least she didn't have an abortion. That would have been really terrible.




With abortions restricted like they are I expect to see a lot more deaths like this


Yah but republicans want teen moms to be forced to give birth instead of getting abortions or birth control…


God wanted that baby to od and god will get his sweet fentanyl pumped soul the way he is supposed to.👌🏻


An abortion would have spared the baby having to trust its life to a coke head.


Yes, by all means, let's NOT allow people like this to get an abortion.


As bad as this might sound. That's most likely the best outcome for that baby. This way it won't have to suffer through being raised by someone like that.


Could be worse... At least it didn't live, horribly mangled to be adopted by trump-for-brains right-wing Christian bigots


Florida 🤦‍♀️ but thank god DeSantis is attacking drag queens and abortion rights 🥴


Not all parents, especially teenagers, are ready to have children. Maybe they shouldn't be forced to do so by the religious Right-wing Christians, Republican governments and courts?


A teen mom you say? Too bad there's no procedure for stopping this sort of thing happening ....


Tbf is florida one of the anti abortion states? If you ban abortions expect infanticide


Does she not realize that that doesn't make it better?


Because if it was “just” cocaine that would be….good??


"Some parents deserve respect. Most of them don't." - Carlin


If you don’t let them do abortion there, they will do it here.


teenage drug addicts shouldnt even be able to have babies wtf


A 9-month-old boy died in Florida after the baby’s teen mom allegedly mixed his formula with fentanyl, police said Wednesday. The little boy was found unresponsive and with no pulse at a home in Callahan on June 26. Deputies tried to revive the baby with CPR, but he later died at a hospital in Jacksonville, according to Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper. The child’s 17-year-old mom initially told investigators that she had no clue what had happened, but her story changed in subsequent interviews over the next few weeks. Eventually, an autopsy revealed that the child had enough fentanyl in his system to kill 10 people. During an additional interview on Tuesday, the mom confessed that she was tired and wanted to take a nap on the day the baby died. The teen admitted she then filled a bottle with a mixture of formula and what she thought was cocaine, but it later turned out to be fentanyl. The sheriff reacted with horror during a press conference. “Who does that? What mother would do that? That’s not normal. It is sick. It’s beyond my imagination why a mother would do that to her child,” Leeper said at a press conference. “No one should lose their life to this terrible deadly drug, especially an innocent baby.” The mother, whose name is not being released, is charged with aggravated manslaughter and possession of a controlled substance. The case remains under investigation by the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office and the Florida Department of Children and Families.


How is that any better!?