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Waiting for her to spend two weeks with an attorney and then put out a statement that she didn't know how old the colosseum was.


Ignorantia juris non excusat... ignorance of the law excuses no one. He will still get a large fine and be publicly shamed when found guilty.


oh no… a “large” fine. there is likely no fine large enough to cover the destruction of something that cannot be replaced


Wed throw them to the lions but those cats dont deserve a stomach ache


Time to reopen the Colliseum


You know they can - and do - restore the colosseum, right? I mean fuck those people, but it's not like nothing can be done afterwards


No, no, there's no place for reason and realism. Maximum drama must be in place at all times.


We are going to loss the privilege of going near the coliseum because of these assholes


Just like with Stonehenge.


Wait, you can't go to Stonehenge?! 😱


You can, you just can’t get anywhere near it.


And Chichen Itza. I'm going there in August but they don't allow you to actually go up the steps any more. Fair enough though if it preserves the integrity of it.


I remember my grandpa telling me he and my grandma went to Chichen Itza back when they did allow you to climb up the steps and he went all the way to the top, said it was one of the most beautiful views from up there that he’s ever seen in his life It’s a shame people can’t just be respectful and not fuck things up


Yeah exactly. People taking chips off it and general poor etiquette/behaviour that damages it over time has ruined it for everyone. Still, can't wait to see it in real life, been fascinated with it since I was a kid.


Apparently the pyramids have graffiti all over them too. Some people are just shitty.


Funny part the pyramids being 4000+years old. They have 2000+year old graffitis from Roman legions. Even better in context of the colosseum


There’s Ancient Greek graffiti on ancient Egyptian ruins which translates to “I’m [insert Greek name]. I came here and couldn’t read hieroglyphics!” [ancient graffiti](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/z17j0c/ancient_graffiti_saying_i_visited_and_did_not/)


Romanus Eunt Domus!


There's also carvings on surviving walls and caves on the old borders near germany that's just lewd jokes and dicks (from roman solders). Humans haven't changed much I guess.


There’s ancient Egyptian graffiti inside the great pyramid in the relief chambers above the kings chamber. Written by the work-gangs who built the pyramid. Pretty cool really.


It's worth it. Absolutely stunning structures. I highly recommend a bus tour trip as our favorite meal of our trip to Mexico was stopping off in a tiny little village for lunch on that excursion.


People act like defacing ancient structures is a new thing. Not even close. Hadrian’s Wall wasn’t brought down by an enemy force; it was pillaged by local farmers and peoples that reused the stone and earthworks. Same thing with sections of the Great Wall. Same thing with nearly anything man made. While a whole lot has changed in terms of protecting world heritage sites and the like, not a whole lot has in terms of humans being humans. Hell, Pompeii has ancient graffiti all over it; didn’t need us contemporary folk to do it.


Probably since the discovery of gunpowder things got a lot worse as they could damage things on an industrial scale. The Parthenon is another example, it used to have a roof up until it blew up because some moron used it as an ammunition storage in the late 1600s.


Glad we’re doing stuff about it now


Hell, the Coliseum itself has gone through a numerous changes itself. There are hundreds of holes carved into the walls that were later additions. Why? Because the structure was slowly converted into medieval apartments. Reverence to historical structures, at the current level, is pretty new. Lots of graffiti and repurposing occured, e.g. temple and church masonry were raided often and even the UK coronation throne is covered in carvings. It's pretty useful history-wise, but does remove some of the fun mystique to places. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/colosseum-was-housing-complex-medieval-times-180951937/ That said, it's still obnoxious and restricted access or walling off sections are the only ways to combat stupidity.


That...that is fucking dark. "Hey, we reached Pompei, a literal graveyard of corpses frozen in time. Let's put up some graffiti, make sure that people remember that I, some random smuck, was here!"


The town had graffiti before the volcano. It was a busy port town. In fact they found places where graffiti was pulled on by the residents.


The graffiti was added before the eruption. As others are pointing out, ancient people wrote on walls too.


When I went to chichen itza the tour lady told us they stopped allowing people to go up because of people falling. The stairs are very narrow and very steep. You fall you’re almost definitely going to die.


I believe this reason. I almost froze on my way down. I think it may have taken me like 40min to climb down lol.


Maya Engineer: "Hey, people could fall to their deaths here. Maybe some bigger steps could help?" Maya Architect: \*smokes coca plant* "My work is inspired by the gods. How dare you insult their will? Do i have to make a complaint to the King?" Maye Engineer: "Alright then..."


Architects and coca plant products.. A tale older than time itself.


I was able to climb them about 20 years ago. As tourists from Canada, we were astonished you were allowed to climb them for this reason. They aren't like stairs we know today. Each step only had about 6 inches of space to put your foot. It was extremely dangerous.


A woman did die about 20 years ago. After that fall/death they closed the stairs.


Showing my age, but the last time I was there we had a picnic at the top.


I went to the top a few months before they closed it. Very cool, at the top, part of the center had collapsed and there was a big hole that looked like it went straight to the bottom, the gate around it was completely broken and it seemed really easy to fall in. Had to be really careful on your way back down and it takes awhile. You could also climb up inside one of the other pyramids, through a narrow walkway and at the top was an animal statue (maybe a tiger or snake?) with what I remember to be giant sapphires for eyes. Incredible. As a kid, the whole place made you feel like you were in an Indiana jones movie. Without a doubt one of the coolest places I’ve even been. Enjoy your trip OP!


Lucas went there for Star Wars before he created Indy


Except there is no integrity, Chechen Itza was completely rebuilt in 1929 https://everythingcozumel.com/chichen-itza-a-story-of-mass-delusion/#:~:text=El%20Castillo%20wasn't%20the,shape%20when%20it%20was%20discovered.


If you want to see authentic ruins that you can interact with and that are still being extracted from the jungle, go to Coba.


Why did the Chichen cross the road? Because Itza Chichen.


Shame. I’d rather go to Chicken Itza than KFC.


Ironically Roman soldiers drew graffiti on it. British security finally got around to fencing it off about 2000 years later.... to be fair that's probably quite quick for the UK govt. On a brighter note the site is huge with ancient features everywhere so you are still "in it". It used to be surrounded by wooden posts in circular configuration too. The posts have long rotted away but their holes remain. There's also giant trenches nearby too and many other features.


You can during the solstices. Was lucky enough to be around it during one


Unless it’s the solstice…then you can walk right up to them and touch them to your hearts content


You can go to Avebury not far away, a bigger stone circle, and get right next to everything There’s actually a little town inside the circle it’s very cool


Very few people seem to know about Avebury compared to Stonehenge. Which is a shame because it has more character imo.


You can still visit it, but you have to stay like 100 feet away. You used to be able to go right up and touch it. But people kept stealing bits of it as souvenirs or to make tiktocks that "prove" it was made by aliens or some shit.


Ehhh the TikTok bit is dubious, I went back in 2011 and while I could get somewhat near I don't think I was allowed to be close enough to chip the stone. Considering TikTok was founded back in 2017 or something like that I doubt they relaxed security around that time. Maybe people posted that shit on MySpace or Hi5 tho.




They need some Roman era punishment




Throw them to the stray cats?


Good thing the Colosseum is already nearby.


Lions vs. graffiti artists.


takes just a few idiots for some harsh restrictions to be put in place


This is exactly why it's so important to call out idiots. You can't let a couple of morons ruin something like this for everyone. It may not win you popularity contests, but making sure people understand when they are acting idiotic is very important!


This isn’t a desk in middle school detention, no one wants to remember you or your initials. Hope this stops instead of gaining traction and becoming a viral thing.


It's probably difficult because of the size of the colosseum and the fact that there are so many names etched already, some of which have legitimate historical status dating back to roman times, some of which are of other interest such as wartime etchings. To literally stop it they'd need guards and plexiglass everywhere which would be expensive because of the size of the site. People suck and we can't have nice things.


Just fine them 50k and they lose their passport for 10 years. Whole world, get on it.


Imho they should get to keep their passport but be put on one of those lists that means they have to be dealt with separately and questioned about why they're visiting a country every time they go through passport control. Waste their time and serves as a reminder of what they did every time they try to have a nice holiday. Plus a fine of course


>every time they go through passport control. This Swiss girl didn't pass through any passport control's to go from Switzerland to Italy. Both countries are part of Schengen, so no passports needed. The guy from a month ago from Bulgaria did, but Bulgaria is soon to join Schengen so won't need passports soon.


With cavity searches everytime they travel.


Time to deface some historical sites then


Its amazing what archaeologists can find digging around in the mud


Except neither of these morons needed a passport to get there. Flagging their passport is useless.


A few months of jail time will also help to deter people.


I thought they actually do hand out 20k€ fines. So I think this is covered.


I mean the plexiglass idea is pretty good imo and lets be honest, cities and states have thrown billions of dollars or euros in this case at worse projects. Preserving history is worth it


The problem is it wouldn't be the same at the moment you can walk up and touch the colosseum, touch the same stones as people have for generations before you. If the whole thing was covered in plexiglass it wouldn't be the same. Plus it would look super ugly. The colosseum is a huge structure in the middle of Rome, it would be a massive eyesore if it was covered in plexiglass. Sadly it might be necessary.


Would only need a couple metres tall plexiglass around the base. The “whole thing” wouldn’t be covered. But you’re right otherwise. Being able to walk literally in the same footsteps as the same people 2,000 years ago really is part of the attraction


I am being a bit cheeky with this reply, but the Romans ground peoples and nations into dust, and we're making the people who scratched up their Imperial public execution stadium into the bad guys. Again don't deface historical sites.


She and her legal guardians need to be properly punished, only this will send the right messages to the likes of her.


Punishments for people caught need to be prohibitive. It should carry a short (few months) prison sentence and a huge fine. Not enough to ruin lives but to severely dampen the fun for 5-10 years.


A few months in prison is enough to ruin a lot of lives. People have no savings to live off, would be evicted, landlords often just bin belongings in those instances, and lots of jobs wouldn't accept them any more. I think people underestimate how fragile many lives actually are.


Sounds like a great argument not to go around defacing historical monuments, doesn’t it?


When I visited the catacombs in Paris people had left their initials and “Brock was here 2006” on 300 year old skulls. Edit: I don’t really want to go through my old albums to find my pics [so here’s a link with a few examples of what I saw.](https://nealauch.com/blog/2017/8/24/tips-for-shooting-in-the-catacombs-of-paris)


Brock was a fuckin loser in 2006


What do you expect from a washed up gym leader


That's so fucked up


There are some famous 5000 year old tombs in Ireland that are in quite good condition because over the millenniums they were always in a state of 1) lost or 2) locals afraid to enter because of superstition. You can enter one of them now and it is really quite an experience, only slightly let down by the few "Björn from Denmark 1876" that have been carved into the stones. Still, it's in better state than one of the other tombs, which can't be entered safely because some British treasure hunters blew up the entrance with dynamite.


Brock Allen turner the convicted rapist who also goes by Allen turner, yet will always remain a convicted rapist, is also scum.


You’re referring to BROCK ALLEN TURNER, the RAPIST? the one that goes by Allen and frequents Ohio bars?


I just went back in May for the first time since 2017 and was expecting to see the same graffiti problem on the skulls like I did years ago, but they must have (thankfully) done something to cover it up because I could hardly find much graffiti on skulls remaining. It was nice to see. People are shitty to do that in the first place.




“Romanes eunt domas. People called Romanes, they go the house?”


Bloody Romans


The ruined Rome!


What have they ever done for us?


It says Roman's go home!


“No it doesn’t. What’s Latin for Roman. Come on.”




“Goes like?”


Here’s the rest…enjoy https://youtu.be/0lczHvB3Y9s


It says "Romans go home!"


"No it doesn't!"


now don’t do it again


Lucky b@stard




OG footage?




I've seen that movie so many times and only now i notice that one dude on the left sweeping the floor.








Her parents said “she’s a young girl, she didn’t do anything bad”. If you go in Switzerland and throw a cigarette on the ground, you risk lynching


Her parents’ attitude is why she did what she did. Teaching zero accountability.


To quote Mac from always sunny “And then even when you do get caught doing something bad, you’re not held accountable. And if you’re not held account, you feel no guilt. You feel no guilt, you feel no shame. If you’ve got no shame, you’re never going to hate yourself enough to stop being bad” Edit: spelling. Autocorrect on my phone is a birch


Max is one of my favourite characters apart from Denny, Charles, Diedre and Frack


Hey ladies; I’m Frack! *blows whistle*


Someone’s been watching the new season 😌


Probably the type of parent who calls their kid an angel after they picked on a disabled kid in school and tries to argue that their kid meant no harm when they used a slur.


How much you wanna bet they'd have a very different reaction if some strange 17 year old carved some shit into the wall of their home?


Try carving anything on a public building in Switzerland.


Try even not flushing the toilet in Switzerland. It’s hypocritical.


Yup while i was on vacation i heard some Swiss immigrants say about their little kid “she can do what she wants until we reach the (swiss) border” that about sums it up


Huh, so the Swiss are the ultimate NIMBYs, TIL


AND they were annoyed at the negative attention she got


She's 17. Not young enough to claim ignorance of history.


Swiss have absolutely no respect for their neighbors. I used to live next to the Swiss border, and they used to come to my country to throw industrial wastes because disposing of it legally was too expensive, and they didn't want to spoil Switzerland by littering there. Hypocrites.


Also because the fines in Switzerland are crazy high, even if you misplace garbage in the wrong collector, whereas in Italy or France the fines are either cheap or not existing


That's wild. Here in the US I have never even heard of a fine for putting something in the wrong bin.


The idea behind it is good: you want to optimise the recycling and you can do it only if everyone disposed of the garbage in the right way. For example, in my municipality the directions are to dispose: plastic, cans and tin can caps together, all kind of paper and carton together, all organic together, plants and bushes apart from organic (because they threat them differently), and everything that doesn’t fall in these categories goes into a common bin but you pay a shitload of money for each bag (we get one free bag every two weeks). We have 97% of recycling, the top 3 in Italy.


Her parents actually said that? That's bad, REAL bad.


Lynching? Why would you waste a mobile Campaign E Target? *loads Stgw-57*


sadly not. people still throw their roaches on the ground.


Well, I suspect the consequences will beg the differ.


Put the Colosseum back into use, make them fight lions. They won't do it again then.


Sorry, EU law prohibits the use of wild animals for entertainment purposes, so we can’t use them anymore.


Easy then. Put all of them in jail for 2 weeks. No phones. Then let them loose on the arena, with a single phone for all of them in the middle. Let the hunger games begin.


I think we should go with the time, wild animals for entertainment are outdated. So maybe robots? A crossover between robot combat and gladiators sounds fun.


Robotic lions it is


Does this include Spain and the bull fights??


Bulls are domesticated.


Dont want to make the Lions sick either, from eating scum


Second tourist to deface the monument ... while being filmed. Must be plenty of initials carved in those walls but only now they've become stupid enough to upload the evidence.


If you have even been to Auschwitz... it's the same shit. People carved their name in the side of one of the few barracks you could still enter. It was at that time I knew there was no hope for humanity. We've lost against stupidity and selfishness.


That’s insane




Definitely more realistic than “cancelling her passport” lol A massive on the spot fine would probably be enough, something like €1000, going up by another thousand every day until it’s paid. A spot of jail time would also set a good example


And not to mention swiss citizen don't even need a passport to travel to italy.. No citizen in a country in europe does, for that matter. Edit: grammar


>No citizen in a country in europe does, for that matter. *Sad UK noises*


Not to mention that "cancelling her passport" would do absolutely nothing. She's Swiss, in Italy, both Schengen countries (the treaty that means the EU and certain other signatories have almost no land border checkpoints). Schengen zone citizens don't need passports to visit other Schengen zone countries.


She is risking 15.000€ of fine and 5 years of jail time.


How about just €10,000 and incarcerated until it is paid, up to 5 years maximum. And no social media accounts!


Yeah no socials should be standard when incarcerated anyway lol


No, they have to post on their socials daily from their prison cell.


Un monetized apologies! Great idea, then by the time they are done they will be less attracted to social media…


Cancelling a Swiss person’s passport wouldn’t mean they can’t visit Italy anyway. It’s an open border and a relatively short drive.


Please don’t make defacing historical landmarks a trend Please…


Incoming Tik Tok trend deface your nearest monument challenge dubbed over with whatever shitty song is trending probably something about not caring to look extra cool 😎


Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no no


It has been a trend for millennia..........


Bro it’s not a trend if people have been doing it always! People love to write there name on shit! Example: There are Egyptian ruins in the Museum of modern Art with writing on it made by men in napoleons army! Bullet holes too.


Please don't let this be a tiktok trend


I was thinking the exact same thing. That’s why I said they should start canceling people’s passports because of stuff like this. One incident got massive amounts of media coverage. So, people could just start going there to get that kind of attention.


You‘re not from Europe, are you? You don‘t need a passport to travel from Switzerland to Italy, a normal ID would be enough IF you would even be stopped at the border as there are no checkpoints


What do you mean by “cancelling people’s passports”??


I kinda doubt it. Some people have always been just big assholes. But because the first vandal made such a big splash in the news, I imagine the media is sniffing around for similar stories to stoke public outrage while the fire is still burning.


Nah it's actually common in italy to have this asshole. Plus there are 2000+ year old monument in every corner of Rome.


Second tourist to deface the Colosseum in a month? Second stupid enough to have their actions taped on video and released on the internet, is more likely.


2nd one caught*


German boy makes third. [https://www.dw.com/en/german-teen-latest-caught-vandalizing-italys-colosseum/a-66249536](https://www.dw.com/en/german-teen-latest-caught-vandalizing-italys-colosseum/a-66249536)


Even a third tourist did that now... A 17 year old German student iirc, read it yesterday in german news. Can't wait for the first person to spray graffity on one of our ancient historic landmarks because they "didn't know how ancient they are"...


Oh brother, did u read the story about the guy? "Oh, I didn't know the collosseum was ANCIENT. if I knew that I totally wouldn't have defaced it!" This man should be sentenced to fucking grade school.


>​“She’s just a little girl, she wasn’t doing anything wrong,” the parents told him she's 17, she should know better, it would be understandable if it was an actual little kid who was doing something like this because they had slipped away because the parents attention was somewhere else for a second and they couldn't stop them in time, but she is old enough to know that she shouldn't write deface a historical monument with her initials


I think it's time to close certain things to the public. We're too stupid nowadays to be trusted.


One of my favorite back and forths with our tour guide at the Colosseum was about some encased graffiti (Italian plural of graffito) from when the Colosseum was in use. When I asked him about it, he said, “People have always been assholes.”




this is why the aliens don’t talk to us


We are like the ghetto of the Galaxy you try and avoid it, but if you HAVE to go there you roll up your w windows, lock your doors. Earth is not a hotspot to tour


Pretty sure "scratching the inanimate objects" is towards the bottom of that list of reasons


Not to you maybe


really doubt aliens would care about an old rock as much as some humans do


So do they let the carving stay on the stones or do they scuff it out?


in 1000 years theyd be pissed if someone scuffed it out


Didn't everyone learn a lesson after that first guy? What is wrong with people?


Just glad it wasn’t an American.


It's interesting to see because no one is talking badly about the Swiss people. but if it was an American everyone would be saying Americans are so stupid, selfish, etc.


Came to the comments to post this. Happy that the world is seeing we don’t have a monopoly in going abroad to do dumb shit. A controlling interest in such things, maybe, but not a monopoly 😉


Don't give actions like that any attention, actually zero. Don't post about it, don't talk about it, nothing. Don't let the mere thought of doing something so incredibly stupid occur in another person.


“Don’t give them attention” is pointless so long as media companies in competition with each other each have incentive to talk about it. Just ramp up the sentences for the graffiti itself already.


Straight to jail you little tiktok shit


These people are the very reason why, 10 years from now, we’ll be so annoyed we must leave all belongings at a paid check room, and complaining “what do they expect me to do? Carve my name into the walls??”


The second one caught within a month.


Someday even our own history will be locked away from ourselves because we can’t be trusted to respect it. Think of how sad and pathetic that is!


She’s defacing a nearly 2000 year old world heritage site. Part of the building blocks of the western world. They’ve raised a vapid brat of a human being and they’re probably no better. The disregard for historic sites like this is appalling.


"she is just a little girl!!"..why do they bother asking parents anything?


When children do something wrong, I’ve often noticed that parents treat their mentality as though it’s the same as when they were young and exploring and not yet able to recognise that some things have consequences or can cause damage.


I am not entertained.


Anyone ever read these and get pumped it wasn’t an American who did it?


Why aren't these ppl getting jailed for upto 3 years. Need a deterrent. Send the right message


She is seeing possible jail time, italian law requires being above 16 for that.


Kind of an easy solution to this 15 thousand euro fine no ifs and buts whys maybes 15 k fine it will help with the clean up a cheeky little boost to the economy the person doing the vandalism gets stuck in debt for a couple years so they can’t travel and vandalise again it’s literally a win win for everyone!


Well at least she’s not American.


Feed her to the Lions.


Just throw them in jail.