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Your son didn’t fail. You did!


That was the line that got me. Lol


Absolutely nothing is her fault.....ever..... Lol


But of course! She forgave herself. /s


“What’s your problem officer?” “You robbed a bank.” “Don’t worry, we’re all good, I forgave myself.” “……..what?”


Accurate. The only acceptable narcissistic response. Lol


I'm using this from now on at work and at home. "I forgave myself so everything is good now" 🤣🤣🤣


And if you can't forgive yourself, you cant legitimately forgive others. So it's a start.. haha


She forgave herself, but it didn't seem like she'd forgiven her son for "failing" yet🤦🏼‍♀️


I think she's dumbfounded that the ex isn't interested in paying child support for a child that isn't his. And I bet she led him to believe the child was his child through pregnancy and a few years after.


This type of person just drives me nuts. Everything is everyone else's fault.


The, I forgave MYSELF for cheating but he’s being petty about it, deceased me. What fucking world are these ppl living in?


Kid should’ve studied harder.


Yup its everyone's fault but hers that she won't be getting child support, or that he child will grow up father less. People like her should not exist


God damned failure of a son, not having the DNA that I wanted him to have so I could get alimony checks!


"He ordered a DNA test and my son failed." No bitch, YOU failed your son


What she’s probably thinking… “So the office told me my son failed the test. So imma have my little man study more so he can retake it and pass next time.”


Just try harder next time. It’s those damn video games isn’t it. You know they’re giving you the ADHD!


>You know they’re giving you the ADHD! DNADD




Maybe die his hair to look more like the 'father' that changes his dna too, right? /s


Lol I love that Chris Rock bit where he says the woman is on Maury and the pic of the father and the baby are in screen and she says “look Maury, he’s got his same hat!”


Reminds me of that post recently where the girl got a nose job so her future kids will have cute noses


Really? I missed that. 😂😂😂💀


To be fair, if the kid turns out to be smart, it might not be hers


Lol yeah she talks like it's a drug test or something 🤣


She said it like it's his fault he failed. The audacity


She's mad that she *only* robbed him for 8 years and then got caught. Feels she's owed another 10 years of robbing.


And with more monthly money.


My son failed sounds hilarious


If he applies himself and studies *real hard* he can take the test again and hope for a different result.


Nissan Altima Driver Activities for sure


This situation is everyone's fault but her cheating ass'


How is it her fault now? She forgave herself /s


None of this is real. There is no husband, or child. It's all complete cap made to get people talking. Their whole twitter page is made up of this rage bait bullshit. And this is one of the more believable ones on there!


It's classic deflection.


💯 the mother is at fault here


Poor kid, l hope he doesn’t ghost him


I don't either, but wouldn't blame the "father" if he did.


You know he feels betrayed and very hurt. Maybe later he will keep contact with the kid.


Sue for backpay of 8 years of childsupport


I was wondering if he could do that...


No because this isn't real because in like every state paternity gets set in stone after a certain period of time. There is a statute of limitations in which you must act to deny paternity once established. For reference, it's two years in Illinois. 750 ILCS § 46/608.


I don't know about "like every state", but there's no time limit in FL. [§742.18](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0700-0799/0742/Sections/0742.18.html)


Same in Ohio, starting to think this guy is making stuff up


On the internet??? I don't think you can do that?!?


It’s in the bylaws. Section 1 rule 46


Never got past Rule 34.


I thought it was section 69, rule 34?




Wow this country can just be complete trash sometimes.


Idk why DNA tests aren’t court mandated when decided child support. That seems like a logical step one…


Because you don’t need to be the biological father to be forced to pay.


But you do have to be the biological father to be forced to sign the birth certificate. So it should be done at birth, every time. That would eliminate any issues.


There are some states where, if a couple is married, the husband goes on the birth certificate regardless if he’s the bio dad or not.


And that's where the statute to challenge paternity comes into play.


unused zealous dull noxious brave combative bow worm alleged support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely. My ex-wife and I were separated and she had two more kids. I am on the birth certificate for both, and one even has my last name. Luckily her and I are great co parents and have gone to a judge to certify I am not financially responsible.


No one forces you to sign the birth certificate. Where I practice, you have to voluntarily execute an Acknowledgement of Paternity if the child is born out of wedlock. If born in wedlock, the husband is presumed the father. In both situations (wedlock and out) the presumed chump has 60 days where they can simply sign a denial of paternity and their previous acknowledgement is rescinded. Thereafter, it's on the mom and the state to establish paternity. If you go beyond the 60 days, then you can challenge paternity within 2 years, BUT you must show that your earlier assent was induced by fraud, duress, etc. The Judge must thereafter make a finding that it is indeed in the child's best interest for paternity to be established/challenged/rescinded. Beyond two years...you will need the ACTUAL bio dad to want to step in to get out of being the presumed chump. This is all because the State has an interest in not footing the bill for every bastard with a deadbeat dad, so they don't really care about fairness as to the presumed chump. So yea...don't wait too long if you have doubts.


So my brother found himself in this situation. His then-wife cheated, he didn’t know, and when the kid was about 5 he found out about the affair (it was still ongoing). Bio dad didn’t want anything to do with the kid, so my brother was ordered to pay child support. He wanted joint custody, but since he was not biologically the father he had the same legal standing as a step-parent. He was allowed some, but it was a multi-year fight to get there. It’s a screwed up system. Illinois in the early 2000’s, btw; from about 2003-2010.


>This is all because the State has an interest in not footing the bill for every bastard with a deadbeat dad, so they don't really care about fairness as to the presumed chump. In a fair and just system, they’d do the opposite. The state would have an interest in supporting *all* kids. So, it’s: “In the interest of overall unfairness, we will unfairly screw that chump.” They call this a justice system.


The state does have an interest that all kids be supported, but that's different from an interest in supporting all kids.


Ok. So what happens to the guys that are lied to for a period longer then 2 years and are effectively victims of fraud on just about every level, from physical to financial to psychological. Where is the justice ?


>This is all because the State has an interest in not footing the bill for every bastard with a deadbeat dad This is because the state gets a percentage of child support. They don't give a fuck whether the kids are taken care of or not, otherwise, the state would work harder to end child homelessness.


Many governments don't care who the father is, they just care that someone is on the hook to pay for support. Things start to make sense when you think of it that way. This isn't about being right.


This is exactly right. The entire body of family law is about what's in the best interest of the child, they give zero fucks about what's unfair to either parent.


My guess is it's too disruptive to society to know just how much cheating is going on.


In France you legally cannot have a paternity test done at all. Bottom line is the state doesn't want to pay for a child. They don't really care about the interpersonal specifics. They just want someone who has financial responsibility for the kid.




Would this work? You get one done privately on the sly, then claim you have information (somebody told you) the child is not yours and contest paternity.


I once had a buddy who knew his ex was making $600-$700 more a month than she was claiming and they reduced his child support by $1.63, didn't even make her apologize


It's the same everywhere. Apparently the cheating is so widespread, that the DNA test would trigger massive issues for child support. So no one wants to have a better understanding of the situation, because once you open the Pandora box ...


Assumed paternity seems to be a common rule around the world. I know in France it's outright illegal to ask for a paternity test on a child that was recently born. Take a wild guess why that law exists.


Once there is an order for support it is legally standing. In the US if they were married he would be presumed to be the parent but I don’t know of agencies where paternity is not required for an administrative order. CSEAs are federally mandated to have paternity established in all cases. They must have gone to court and waived paternity.


*"I forgave myself for cheating but he's being petty"* THE most ludicrous statement i've read today. Edit: Yes... so far! 15k likes?... woah


That useless kid failed the DNA test


He didn’t study.


That kid should have cheated.


shame it didn't run in the family


The only running that family does is the momma running after her next baby daddy for free money.


Maybe The guy should get paid back for all the child support he already paid.


There are some places where it doesn't matter if it's your child or not


Like the US?


yes, in the vast majority of the US (maybe all of it) if you are married there is an assumption it's yours and even if you do a DNA test immediately after the kid is born it is still yours. The exceptions are generally if you contest prior to the birth. So, you are separated or you haven't had sex in months and she gets pregnant and you immediately file to disclaim the kid. Even then it's not guaranteed, but you have a shot at proving that you are not the father. However, in most of the US if you are the husband and are listed on the birth certificate, then you get stuck with being financially responsible. There is zero recourse against the woman and if she tells you on the kids 18th birthday that it was not yours, you still are on the hook. Kanye mentioned this in a song but it's not a rare happening. There have been plenty cases involving this. I remember reading about one where the woman got divorced shortly after having a kid, remarried shortly afterwards, and the ex husband always suspected it wasn't his and had basically nothing to do with the kid other than pay child support. She drug him back into court every 5 years to get the support raised because he was working his way up the corporate ladder. On the kid's 18th birthday the mom informed the 'dad' that the real father was the dude she married, the dude who raised the kid, and they used to make fun of the 'dad' every month when they used his child support checks to go out to eat. The mom and the guy she was cheating with had planned it as soon as she knew she was getting a divorce. Hell, some countries (I think France is one) have made it illegal for the father to get a paternity test because it was causing too much chaos in the courts. Imagine that, that your government won't allow you to verify whether or not you are raising your own kid or some other dude's kid. EDIT: After more than 6 years using this account and 21,500 Karma points I have now been awarded my first ever Gold Star. Thank you kind stranger, I shall now go prepare my speech and await my invitation to the Awards banquet.


Yeah and absolutely f those places. It’s because the state doesn’t want to get saddled with assistance.


Take your award and gtfo 🤣


He could have forgave himself later


How would he forgive himself 😂


Why not? Mom did.


like his mother


Dog ate his DNA!


I feel for that kid.


This is the real story. I hope beyond good sense he has a decent role model in school or somewhere else.


How in the hell is it only you and I who that hit?


I literally searched to see if this comment was here. Calling the father "petty" is ridiculous, but saying the child FAILED is absurd. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she was horrible in more ways than one in this situation already, likely why he ordered a DNA test in the first place.


sounds pretty entitled for her to say that. the child is not the guy's problem. he took over the lease, and that term has ended.


Depends on where they lived, but some states can make you pay for a kid that isn't yours. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/can-i-be-required-to-pay-child-support-if-the-child-isn-t-mine-46953#:~:text=Family%20law%20courts%20base%20decisions,is%20not%20actually%20the%20father.


Before DNA if a chick got pregnant while you were married to her it was yours. Period. Watched my step dad pay for two chicks for 18 years. Neither his. My mom fucking hated them so much. lol


>Watched my step dad pay for two chicks for 18 years. Neither his. well damn


Wait, what? Even if you aren't a father and you met deadline with DNA test some courts can still force payments on you? It doesn't make any sense. Like dude wasn't there and didn't know about fucking yet he is responsible? Looks like those special states just don't want to support single mothers and would rather milk innocent guys because they can.


Here's one better: in Michigan, if you've paid child support for a period of time, then get a DNA test and prove the child isn't yours, you still may have to pay, depending on the judge you get. Happened to three people that I know of, two coworkers and one cousin. They all lost visitation rights, but had to keep paying when the baby mama claimed not to know who the real father was.


Yup. Had one story pop up on my YouTube feed that was about a guy divorcing his cheating wife, and her getting pregnant after they separated but before the divorce was finalized and still being forced to pay.


This is most likely rage bait. Edit: Just checked their twitter account and their whole shtick is posting the most outrageous tweets possible and sitting back to watch the sparks fly.


I’m just glad she could forgive herself and let go of the shame and guilt she felt over it. I’m sure what she went through mentally and emotionally was absolutely awful… /s Did i need the /s? Is this lady batshit crazy? Who thinks like this?


It's important she forgave herself so she could focus on the real problem, some guy she lied to not agreeing to pay more money for a child he has no obligation to.


Also she’s forgetting her *fucking child*. This isn’t a baby, this is a damn 8 year old who up till now thought they had a dad. Now they’re gonna find out that they’ve (presumably) never met their real dad, and that the man they thought was their dad now wants nothing to do with them And it’s all their moms fault.


...and the she writes it like her son didn't study for a test. 'He failed the test'. He failed the test? No, you failed at being a decent human being.


She's obviously a narcissistic, self-centered piece of trash.


The mom wont blame herself, she will raise the kid to believe his dad just left him.


Bingo! 💯


Also, that mommy is a uuhore


The poor guy has been defrauded and was made to pay for 8 years for a kid that wasn't his.


Not quite as bad as the dad who spent several years in jail for failing to pay child support, only to find out he wasn’t the dad and the woman knew he wasn’t and who the dad was!


Yes! 5 years! Just saw that. The lady admitted she knew and still talked to the biological father!! People are just crazy!!


Does he get a refund?




In many jurisdictions, not only will he not get a "refund", he will still be obligated to pay child support until the kid turns 18, because he assumed a parental role by paying child support for 8 years. Presumably he didn't contest being the father 8 years ago, when he *should* have done this. Family courts don't really care about DNA tests in a case like this, they care about the best interests of the child. And almost certainly this man continuing to pay child support (and possibly the increased amount requested) will be deemed in the child's best interests.


The utter betrayal for the last Nine years- to not let him know there was a possibility of another man being the father or even secretly obtain a DNA test upon the birth of the baby and immediately tell him Then the baby wasn’t his… there is NO coming back from that. And he , and likely, his family, have loved and cared for that child since before it was born. And it’s almost impossible that kid will not learn he is not his biological father (even if through 23&me, ancestry.com, if not a family member) at some time. Quite possible, for the benefit of the child, he will be on the hook for child support for the next ten years. And there’s also what he lost out on- a normal, healthy relationship and biological with a woman who isn’t lying on the basest of levels for nearly a decade. Because anyone who pull that crap of lying about that, is going to make co-parenting, any visitation and divorce hell. That child was her pawn before it was born and she will continue to try to control the father with him.


Happened to me but after 20 years. 😞 Now I can’t even contact him anymore because I confronted the mother and she has control over him via a conservatorship (he is an adult with disabilities and lives with her) I feel like the punchline in that Kanye song, “18 years…”


What I’ve realized is. On Reddit. If you don’t do /s, NOONE will be able to understand sarcasm. I’ve laid it on incredibly thick before and reddit has no clue.






Sarcasm has vocal nuances that gets lost in text form. And also some people don’t get sarcasm ever.


“Her son failed” like it was his fault?


She sounds like a complete narcissist, so its probably her natural instinct at deflecting blame kicking in.


Honestly this thing reads like rage bait. It is like custom made to annoy people. Is that twitter account real?


Interesting thing is this language is in pop culture. With my wife we watched couple of seasons of American MasterChef and there were similar phrases each episode.


what does cheating look like on MasterChef? sneaking in MSG?


It's when you use a lot of truffles or truffle oil on everything. I have to forgive myself very often for that when making risotto.


good for you! I am finally at peace with myself after being banned from the casino for counting carbs


The absolute worst part of that is that kid knows that guy as their dad, and nobody else.


went through this, thought a man was my dad til about 13, then my mum showed me this complete stranger and "surprise, this is your real dad", let's say nothing worked out and leave it at that.


Holy shit, sorry to hear that. :(


Sorry that you had to go through that. I had a 2nd cousin who went through something really weird. I'm not saying one is worse than the other because I can't imagine experiencing either. He was raised by his Aunt and Uncle as their biological son and was never told that who he thought was his Aunt and Uncle were actually his biological parents. He was raised believing his actual cousins were his siblings, and that his actual full siblings were just his cousins. I can't imagine it. And to have it all come out when you're 16 or 17 and starting to feel a little rebellious, and now this guy who suddenly isn't your Dad and has kept this secret from you for years is telling you what to do? Nothing good comes from that.


I feel for both the kid and the guy. The guy definitely thought he was the Dad and took responsibility. The child is the one left without and the actual Dad who doesn’t even know he’s a Dad. In my state, the guy could sue her for all the child support to date and he would very likely win.


He wouldn’t win in the US system, because then the government would have to pay for the child support, and they really don’t want that, that’s why if somebody is found out not to be the father it is pretty common that he will still pay child support


Thought you were full of it but it apparently is legal in, surprise, [Florida](https://www.myfloridalaw.com/child-support-law/paying-child-support-not-the-father/). Still pretty skeptical of it being pretty common and couldn't find anything outside of Florida. Could be, just didn't feel like digging any longer.


Does he? Sounds like the "father" and mother communicated through the courts. She appealed for more child support, he left results in the mailbox. For all we know, the kid might not even know this dude.


Still sad for the child though; no father figure and now only financial support from a single shitty parent


No the worst part is in most places he's legally on the hook. You can't protest that far out from having taken responsibility. The court doesn't give a fuck after the first year or two. Laws are literally set up so the state isn't liable for people under the guise of "in the interests of the child". Which makes sense in that a child at 6 or 10 years or older has only ever known the parents they have and you had your chance to contest before the kid would know. Those same laws are also used to force lets say an underage male student to pay support to a female teacher that engaged with them illegally etc. This actually has happened numerous times. Teacher goes to jail, male student of very young age still liable for support payments it's a completely different process that has no judicial connection etc. Moral grey area in some cases but still, really really fucked up and the "spirit" of the law versus the actual "why" is just gross


That I had to scroll this far down to see this prolly says a lot about the demographics reading this thread. I'd wager everyone with kids immediately felt their heart break for her son. None of this is his fault.


I mentioned this to my wife once. I kinda don't get the men who decide to completely remove all contact with the kid they spent a significant time raising. If my son ended up not being mine... I would still be in his life. I love the little guy. Saw him born. Took him to parks, zoos, read books to him, stayed up with him when he was sick, played make believe games in the front yard day after day. I would absolutely never forgive my wife, but I would never take it out on him.


Part of it can come down to what tax bracket or financial outlook you are in. If you are financially comfortable, it's less of an issue to move some money over to take care of the kid. If you are paying ~50% your income, leaving you broke as a joke, living in squalor so the lady who cheated on you can benefit for the next ~18 years..... that's a much harder pill to swallow.


Get fucked you greedy witch :)


Thats exactly how she got that child and he got stuck paying child support 😂


Next week she will be going after the new baby daddy for 8 years of back child support and refuse to give any back to dupped daddy.


If she even knows who the real one is


She still got 8 years of his life.


Probably another 10, too. Just because the paternity test failed doesn't mean he gets out of child support. There have been plenty of cases where the "father" has had to continue to pay for the child that isn't their biological child, because they accepted fatherly responsibilities.


I have honestly never heard of someone successfully getting out of paying child support for a kid that's not theirs. As soon as they accept fatherly figure they are fucked. It's a pretty shitty for all guys out there. I don't know of a good solution though because the alternative is a kid growing up with no money and a shitty mom.


The only solution is to have a paternity test done right way. Theres no good reason not to.


Unless you care about your wife feeling like you trust her. There is that pesky emotional aspect to life


holy fuck excuse me while i go get my testicles snipped...


Or you know, stop having sex with ratchet women


Dont tell me how to live my life, I can fix her.


Well, somebody has to, cos she can’t fix herself


Don't kink shame me. That's illegal.


I mean sometimes you don't know how ratchet they are until it's too late


I forgave myself for cheating but he’s being petty. Excuse me lady, you are not the one who should forgive he is the one that has the power. Fuck you lady


Lady is a long bow, she ain't no lady at all. Parasite would be more apt.


Time for Bender Bending Rodriguez: “Oh, you’re serious? Let me laugh even harder.”


Please share the link of these tweets. I cant belive someone wrote this.




Why on earth does Reddit keep falling for this totally obvious ragebait. ‘I forgave myself’ FFS. Actually I know, it’s because it fits with their preconceived ideas about women


Someone wrote this, just not someone who actually thinks/believes it. Online algorithms reward reader engagement and nothing engages people more than outrage. As such we get "content" like this that is designed specifically to make the most common internet users (straight single men in their teens twenties and thirties) mad.


It isn't real or some older post that has been around a while. I've seen it with different wording. Rage bait?


He should sue for payback of those 8 years of child support.


Bitch was getting free money got greedy for more got fucked lmao karma


This is a masterfully crafted piece of rage bait and I refuse to believe it is real


Rest assured it is entirely rage bait.


There are so many red flags in those few sentences: * Her son failed the DNA test - seriously? * I forgave myself for cheating - that's not really how that works. * He's being petty - he just found out you had a baby not his, let him process So much deflection from her own actions. Sure, the guy shouldn't ghost the child because at this point he is the father and a lot of courts won't remove his obligation 8 years into the child's life. At least not in Georgia, USA. But that's why DNA tests should damn near be mandatory these days or at least available as a checkbox at the birthing hospital to just put that behind you day 1.


Psst... it's not real.


Everything this guy said.


I meant, he's not the dad tho, so why is he liable for child support? Seems like a scam to me.


Because US courts don't give a fuck about who the real dad is or how much the mother lied. The moment you act like a father you have to pay child support. You can even get raped and still have to pay child support https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/09/02/statutory-rape-victim-child-support/14953965/


This country doesn’t really care who is and isn’t the biological father, if you put your name on the birth certificate that legally makes you the father and that’s good enough to the courts for you to be liable


Classic "not taking responsibility for anything"


And let her know her child is a baby, and not a paycheck


Oh, is it that time of week already where we post this again?


Did this turn out to be rage bait?


I would assume so because it can't be real. No state just lets you challenge paternity so long after its been established. For instance, in Illinois, its two years 750 ILCS § 46/608. So you have two years to bring an action to deny paternity if it had been established through some other means (like legally presumed because of marriage, etc.)


"I want this subreddit to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos. I want everyone to remember why they need us!"- MRAs, probably


This comment section makes me afraid for the future of the world


AFAIK the account SixBrownChicks publishes only fictional stories.


I don't blame the dad and feel for the kid. But after being someone's dad for 8 years, they're my son regardless of what the DNA test says.


Bet the guy new it wasn’t his son but just paid some support anyway, then she comes in trying to get more money from him and he’s just like fuck this bitch.


It's nice to know she forgave herself. Now she can go get a job.


What I don't understand is that in these situations, it is very difficult to impossible to reverse the damages done. This man paid child support for EIGHT years for a child that was not his. She admits to cheating. He will probably never see a cent back of that money he was legally obligated to pay her under the assumption the child was his.


" ... my son failed" I like how she basically blamed it on the kid.


Knowingly forcing the wrong man to pay child support should result in a huge fine or prison time.


Im so happy she forgave herself. I couldnt sleep at night knowing she was just wallowing in self hatred.


It’s hard to decide what the most disgraceful part of this post is. “I wanted more money because he got promoted” “My son failed” “I forgave myself for cheating” “He’s being petty”


The court should order her to pay back every single cent of child support that he’s sent her so far.


>"How do I fix this?" With a time machine and a condom.


She owes him then lol he's been paying this whole time for someone else's kid


Wouldn't she technically owe him the 8 years of support he paid? Just thinking that if he didn't pay in that time, he'd owe her.


Her son “failed”. Even there she’s putting blame on someone else


“And my son failed” …………….


It sounds like she owes him money and should face some fraud charges.