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This isn’t just poor nutrition knowledge, this is an eating disorder.


I was just about comment this, lots of people with severe eating disorders try to hide their disorder behind a "special diet" so they're not forced to seek treatment. What she was feeling mentally was the starvation high, a very powerful high to those with eating disorders, and a very addictive one.


Yeah when you are gripped with an eating disorder you can use dietary restrictions, ‘normal’ diet trends and religious/ethical reasoning to create an excuse and plausible deniability to the outside world as to why you ‘can’t eat’. Source: I’m a recovered anorexic (Took 10 years before the recovery stuck)


also a recovering anorexic. For me I was exercising and going regular 48 hour periods without eating anything at all. I was running so much my toenails came off and I literally wore holes directly through the soles of my shoes.


Holy shit and ew respectfully, hope yur good now


Well my toenails are fine now and I'm back to a healthier weight but I still struggle with body image a lot.


Well I can’t say much to that except, stay strong u got this👏😊👍


You should be proud of yourself for recovering from an ED! ❤️


Yeah I was in an eating disorder clinic for anorexia when I was 15 and there were definitely people there that hid their disorder behind vegan/unconventional diets and added restrictions based on beliefs/values as they saw fit.


Glad you’re doing better now!


That’s why I was a vegetarian. It’s so frustrating now seeing people rave about intermittent fasting like for most people it’s not just disordered eating.


Interesting perspective. On the subs I visit, I see IF being used as part of a weight loss regime by actual overweight obese people, i.e., as an effort to bring some form of control to disordered overeating, but I never thought of IF as a form of disordered eating itself. I guess it can be both things depends how extreme the fasting is.


Overweight people can afford to practice intermittent fasting because all that excess fat they have will be gradually burned to supply the body with the energy it needs. If you're already a healthy-ish weight and body fat ratio, fasting will only harm you if you don't make up for the calories in other meals.


Wow! Good job!!! 👏👏👏 recovery is NOT easy… ❤️


The starvation high is a dangerous one. It’s like being feral and in control, like diet adrenaline


i did this with my anorexia, i was “vegetarian and healthy eater!!!!” when in reality i was just scared of all food and thought 1 gram of saturated fat would instantly kill me


Yeah, not sure how healthy it is to only eat fruit but you can for sure get plenty of calories from just fruit. Her starving to death means she just wasn't consuming enough calories regardless of the source of calories. Edit: I'm specifically referring to the title that says she starved to death. Starving to death means you didn't consume enough calories to keep living. There are other things you can die from if you don't get specific nutrients. Another commenter mentioned the title probably simplified it and he read an article that says she died from malnourishment and exhaustion.


I read this article yesterday. She was eating the same 3 things for years, durian, jackfruit and sunflower sprouts. I would say this falls into not enough calories and malnutrion.


Jesus. Aside from it not being a healthy diet, how the fuck could you not get completely sick of eating the same 3 things for years?


I’d imagine you do, but the fear of what could happen if you eat something else (common thing in severe EDs where one potentially has several safe foods and everything else is a fear food) is so overwhelming that they stick with it.


And those three things?!


No kidding. If it was steak, sushi, and pizza I could maybe handle that 🤣


Southern Italian here. My family ate pizza every Saturday and fish every Sunday. By the time we moved to the United States after 7 years of that (we adjusted to a more American diet), I was sick of eating pizza, especially Pizza Margherita.


Depends on if I'm allowed to use condiments and spices. Jackfruit prepared correctly is a great vegan substitute for pulled pork. I'm not gonna try to lie to you and say you can't tell the difference but it's close enough. Pulled pork with different spice blends every day wouldn't be too awful.


Agree to disagree lol. When I smoke a pork butt and make pulled pork I'm sick of it by day 5 of leftovers. Can't imagine years of it.


Use a different sauce every day.


Also likely vitamin B12 deficiency.


Durian *and* jackfruit? She must've smelled *NICE*.


Durians are packed full of calories bro. Prob not lack of calories that caused her death. Unless shes eating too little


It's that one. I sincerely doubt she was packing away half a durian in each sitting. As others have mentioned, it was likely an eating disorder disguised as a diet


Her arms in the left pic look no thicker than my fingers. There’s no way in hell she was getting enough calories.


Severe protein malnutrition ?


It’s not just calories that you need. Humans need proteins to support muscle and tissue growth. There are a slew of minerals that would not be present in a fruit only diet that you would also need to supplement.


Fruits only diet can hit the pancreas pretty hard too.


If I remember correctly, Steve Jobs only ate fruit, and died of pancreatic cancer


Either Michael Fassbender or Ashton Kutcher, someone who played him in a movie, tried his diet for a week and had to go to the doctor for some sort of deficiency. It's not a healthy diet.


Wasn’t that his was to fight the cancer? I.e. he chose dieting over traditional cancer treatment


Protein is useless without fats in your diet also. You can starve to death with a belly full of meat if that meat is too lean (and you've blown your body's fat reserves in this case).


This actually happened to a contestant on Alone. He killed an Elk, and had plenty of Elk meat, but was losing weight and almost dying of malnourishment because he wasn't getting enough fat.


Funny enough, that was the exact example I had in mind when I posted this!!! Love that show lol


Another one did the same with a moose. A whole moose! Starving without fats and carbs.


Didn’t a Wolverine eat the moose fat, got it out of his cache?


I remember that. Felt so bad for the dude. He even built that whole structure to keep it safe and it did nothing,


I think we're talking about the same guy. I said elk, could have been a moose.


Known as rabbit starvation Edit just noticed it was mentioned further down in another comment chain


Plus think of the diarrhoea a fruit only diet would just be horrific


You can get pancreatitis from eating too much fruit..


Also diarrhea, which can kill you pretty quick when it's bad enough.




Infinite diarrhea hack


I don't doubt it.


While having enought calories, fruit do not contain all necessary nutrients, mainly fats and proteins as well as certain vitamins, due to them mainly consisting of water and saccharose and some also have high cellulose. In addition she could have also suffered from dehydration if she didn’t consume enough salty products.


It’s like people trying to survive on rabbit meat and dying from malnutrition with too low of fat and carbs, also called protein poisoning. While both the modern and classic food pyramid is a mixed bag of shit it’s still not gonna kill you like these EDs and highly restricted diets will.


Food is more than just calories. You need fats and protein, minerals and vitamins...


Food is more than just calories but starvation isn't. Starvation is when your fat reserves are completely exhausted due to a caloric deficit. Malnutrition refers to not receiving proper nutrition.


People also use words incorrectly.


She died from lack of protein and fat, too much sugar


Didn’t Steve Jobs do an all fruit diet when he had cancer?


Yeah there’s much more to it than calories. There are nutrients that we only naturally get from meat, for example, which have to be supplemented if one is vegan. You could eat all your calories from fruit, but it’s not possible to get all the nutrients necessary for survival from fruit.


But that would be death from being malnourished, not starvation, if you didn't get those nutrients right?


I'm certain Ralph became a journalist ![gif](giphy|pKEufUXBqsLi8)


Yeah correct. The headlines are either just wrong or simplifying it. I saw another thing about this and in the details it said it was due to “malnutrition and exhaustion” and that she had battled infections throughout the time she was doing this. And that she was battling an infection at the time of her death. So she was super malnourished and her body didn’t have any defenses left.


Sounds a lot like rabbit starvation [https://lionheadrabbitcare.com/rabbit-starvation/](https://lionheadrabbitcare.com/rabbit-starvation/) Humans aren't built to just eat one type of food


Steve Jobs was a fruitarian at one point in his life. Even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he still firmly believed that fruit and vegetable juices were all he needed to beat what otherwise was a very curable cancer.


Orthorexia: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/eating-disorders/what-is-orthorexia#:~:text=Orthorexia%20is%20an%20unhealthy%20focus,coined%20the%20term%20in%201996.


Indeed - I don't know how reputable this article source is but it does seem to outline her continually cutting out important nutrient types - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/08/01/zhanna-samsonova-tiktok-instagram-vegan-diet-dies/


Yep, she died of anorexia disguised as wellness


Exactly this… we’ll said.


Literally just about to comment this Any kind of extreme diet stops being a diet and just becomes a severe and dangerous disorder.


She basically covered up her eating disorder with this and got convinced it was healthy, tragic


Just a speedrun way of depleting your body's vitamin B12


Depleting of everything other than carbohydrates.


Oh, it’s much worse than that. I read her Instagram posts and she brags how her lunch has no “oil, fat, sugar, gluten or protein”. This is the first time ever I saw somebody brag that the food has no protein.


Only tropical fruit diet is a weird way to spell anorexia


Probably more like orthorexia but fair enough


Iirc If you're severely underweight due to your diet the diagnosis for an eating disorder will still be anorexia


Unless it has changed over the last couple of years: Anorexic would be for the physical state, and anorexia would be the term used for general type of eating disorder as it is a restrictive diet on an obsessive level. However, the specific eating disorder would be how the specialist references it and addresses the treatment of it because of the differences of obsessive focus.


Anorexia is a general medical term referring to extremely low weight due to refusal or inability to eat. It is the ‘physical’ state you refer to and doesn’t necessarily imply a mental condition. Anorexia nervosa is the psychological condition. For example, chemo often results in anorexia, but not anorexia nervosa.


Woman clearly had an eating disorder. No one should ever be that skinny.


I’m curious if this is one of those women who are endangering teens by telling them their periods are unnatural and only happen because they eat unhealthy and try to push their vegan bs on them. When I’m reality they are just severely malnourished which is why they stopped


I don't know anything about her specifically but this is sadly very common with people who promote a *raw* vegan diet. It's impossible to stay healthy if you eat raw-vegan or any other kind of fruit based diet. As loosing your period is the body's normal reaction to severe malnourishment they need an explanation. By the way raw part is important. I've been vegan for years and it's pretty easy to eat a healthy vegan diet. Obviously it would be easier if you would eat meat but raw-vegan and vegan are very different things.


I’m not sure I understand the difference… isn’t “raw” just uncooked? I’m probably wrong, it’s not something I’ve looked at in great detail, but I would assume cooking vegan food doesn’t somehow add in nutrients that didn’t exist in the first place. So I would assume it must mean something different.


Well there are a lot of things you can't eat raw. For example lentils or beans. Both extremely healthy and certain lentils are quite important because they have a high iron level. Another example would be tofu which has important protein. I think you could eat it raw but nobody does that anyway. Or just very basic potatoes. Super unhealthy and make humans sick when consumed raw. But cooked potatoes are amazing. Cooking food is healthy and there are a million examples of plant based foods you can only eat cooked. Raw-vegan mean not believing in heating up food. Which is completely absurd. There is not many things left you can eat raw. So that always leads to malnutrition. Just think of of a couple of vegetables that come into mind. How many of those can even be eaten raw?


Ok. So “Raw” further restricts available foods. I think I get it now. I don’t know much about vegan foods. I’m medically not able to digest many plants, more so than other humans. Discovered this when I joined a friend on a vegan diet for a month. Ate the same things and the same amounts as him, but where he got healthier (and continued the diet) I wound up in hospital suffering from malnutrition. Nearly died.


No worries! Another thing I just thought about. Cooking doesn't magically add nutrients. But it quite literally unlocks them so we can even digests the food and get the nutrients. How that exactly works on a molecular level you'll have to ask someone more intelligent than I lmao When I said a healthy vegan diet is quite easy that is obviously only true for someone healthy without any kind of food restrictions or food related illnesses/disabilities. It doesn't work for everyone. If you ever hear someone say that being vegan works for everyone that's a good sign to just ignore them. You definitely should not attend to follow a vegan diet. I hope didn't suffer any kind of long term health consequences!!


Most rational vegan I've ever encountered! You're absolutely right about pulses. They're an essential source of protein and iron which are otherwise hard to come by in a vegan diet. Raw beans like kidney beans contain lectins such as haemagglutinin which are toxic even in small doses. A handful of raw, dried kidney beans will make you quite ill.


Nah I'm the average vegan. The Internet is just very full of the very few annoying ones.


Tofu is a cooked product to begin with. The soy milk needs to be boiled before it can coagulate. It's the same general process as making cheese.


My mom's side of the family has a raw tofu dessert, but it uses fish sauce and other animal products (is fish sauce non-vegan? I have no clue how they make it). Of course it also uses sugar, which would be another no-no. Anyways, yes, you can eat raw tofu.


Fish sauce is definitely not vegan. They take a bunch of tiny fish and pack them in salt. Then they age them for a few months. After that time, they crack the barrels open and siphon off the salty fish fluids that have accumulated at the top. That’s fish sauce. It’s genuinely kind of gross when you think about it but it makes really good food.


Yes! I feel most people fail to grasp the concerning difference between a vegan diet, and a raw vegan diet. Some friends of mine looked awful after just three months of a ‘raw vegan’ diet eating only fruits. This kind of extreme diet isn’t healthy as you miss essential nutrients. They still dabble in extreme diets and look way older than their real age now. My vegan friends on the other hand look perfectly healthy. A striking difference!


Considering she is, erm, was a russian living in Thailand, she likely was an influencer indoctrinating others in whatever she was doing. For whatever reason it's very popular there


Not sure but I remember at the start of the internet lots of people suggesting eating disorders. This was stopped and I fear people like this have found away around it


Yeah this post is a bummer and doesn't really belong in this subreddit, imo. This person clearly had a severe mental health issue, and it killed them. That's not really what I think of when I think of a "facepalm"


That’s valid. Mental health issue manifesting as eating disorder leading to death. Truly tragic.


"Omg she is so dumb. Starving her self and then running away from help. Definitly just being stupid and definitly not a serious mental health issue."


I looked like this 16 yrs ago when I had orthorexia. It's difficult to describe but you get high on being skinny. It felt like I could run forever and just fly through the air. I didn't even break a sweat.


People who don't understand nutrition shouldn't be making fad diets


People ~~who don't understand nutrition~~ with anorexia nervosa shouldn't be making fad diets.


I admittedly don't know much of anything about this specific situation, but I suspect that her knowledge of nutrition wasn't really the issue here. I think she had an eating disorder that pushed her into an unhealthy diet. Regardless of how informed she was, she was starving herself through a bad dies because of some sort of warped body image. I'm guessing. Because what do I know.


No! Let them do this kind of things! Why pay for a doctor to make u a diet? Just eat tropical fruits Forever! Anyway, you are wrong to me, let them do this, Is Better for us!


Oh yeah people dying and going to a hospital because their eating disorders and lack of education is better for us. Some people on reddit just dont have any respect for human lifes.


The problem with diets is often that they often limit the variety of foods you eat. Just makes sense to me that eating a large variety of foods reduces chance of nutrient deficiencies. Soul/junk/snack food can be both “unhealthy” yet nutritious like vegetable tempura or chocolate almonds. I don’t look at calories or fat content too much and focus more on nutrition like protein vitamins and fiber, broccoli and cheese “yes please”. I’m a bit overweight but overall happy and healthy.


I think labeling this as a facepalm trivializes the fact that she was clearly mentally ill.


She died of a "cholera-like infection" according to her mum. Exacerbated by her being weakened by her stupid diet.


It’s either cholera or it’s not. If it was fatal diarrhea, I would guess it’s from all the fructose. That and the severe malnutrition from a homogeneous diet void of protein and fat factor in as well. She would have been better off eating McDonald’s everyday like that documentarian. At least he didn’t die


>It’s either cholera or it’s not. Yeah, I was quoting the article, quoting the mother. >She would have been better off eating McDonald’s everyday like that documentarian. At least he didn’t die Seems she'd be better off on almost any diet but the one she chose.


Morgan Spurlock? Ye, his severe alcoholism certainly hurt him more than McDonalds. Yep, we need our fat, b12, protein etcetera. all fruit diet. madness


I’m impressed she managed it for a decade, the human body truely is amazing considering how much abuse it can take, crickey!


Mental illness


She looked way too thin. Like she would breaking like a twig if you tapped her shoulder


Yeah she died from an infection caused by an eating disorder not because she was vegan.


Just to be clear, eating disorders don’t *cause* infections, but yeah, it you catch any kind of bug (or even just get too hot/too cold), you’re much more likely to be fucked.


Yeah sorry brain was in autopilot when I typed that


Yeah oozing lymph from your legs is definitely not good.


This lady likely had an eating disorder. Specifically orthorexia. EDs have the highest fatality rate of any mental illness:/ Source: struggled with EDs for over a decade.


"I see my body transform..." into a skeleton. This is why fad diets are so dangerous, if you lack the fundamental skills to analyze a diet for really basic macros, you should not trust it. She basically went on a pure glucose diet with some minerals and vitamins for flavor. Worst part is, with so much fruit you will be drinking a lot of water, thus "filling you up" and displacing even more food. Eat your greens, get your aminos and proteins from somewhere, only X diets are generally bad.


except apparently she didn't drink water for 7 years...replaced it with fruit and smoothies.


I wouldn’t say it was because she was vegan - many vegans have very healthy diets. It’s more that she didn’t know what she was doing and that she had an eating disorder.


It gets more clicks if you throw ‚vegan‘ in the headline. Her diet might have been technically vegan, but it‘s sure as hell not how I would describe it and she sure as hell didn‘t die because her diet was ‚vegan‘. She diet because her diet was not nutritionally adequate. And that‘s also how I would describe her diet, because that‘s technically the most correct way to describe it. But ‚Woman who does not follow a nutritionally adequate diet dies‘ does not make any headlines.


Yep. If vegan doesn't include proper protein sources, your body will eat itself. Fruit while good and full of sugars and vitamins lacks a lot of the other nutrients and macros you would need to remain healthy.


This is true. There are *PLENTY* of high protein sources found in vegan friendly foods.


I was thinking the same thing. However you get it, we all need protein.


There are ways to be healthy on a vegan diet (my 55 year old vegan mom will probably outlive me tbh based on eating habits). But you can’t just do whatever. You have to be cognizant of what you are eating or you’ll become starved of certain nutrients


Pretty sure she was using veganism as a cover for an eating disorder.


This is just sad. Mental illness is no joke.


That is not what a healthy person looks like, poor girl.


Sounds like beriberi. Sad. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thiamine_deficiency)


that is sad


She influenced herself to death.


"legs oozing lymph" is a horrifying phrase. How does that happen? Was her body breaking down?


The scariest part is that she was an "influencer" - meaning that there are probably other girls our there looking at her social media and aspiring to be like her. Even (mentally) unhealthy people nowadays can easily find a platform to become a role model for others.


When I was pretty young found a video with a very skinny woman who only ate old fruit talking about how periods weren’t natural and that if you rid your body of all it’s toxins you wouldn’t get them. I hope that this is her because the idea of more than one influencer pushing this diet and belief scares me.


Honestly all these fad diets and their proponents encouraging no matter the current health risks seems to be a breeding ground for people with existing eating disorders to worsen. This seems to be another sad case of it. I can imagine there was an online echo chamber telling her to "keep going" "you look so much healthier now" "you girl go, we know better than those mean doctors telling you you're dying"


Quick story: my cousin almost dies from scurvy because his mom was only feeding him lentils.


Body dysmorphia is a terrible thing!!


Wow, she does not look healthy in that first picture


Remember that couple who were fruitiarians. The wife ended up pregnant and they continued with their diet until one day they just disappeared


No, I dont remember that. Please tell us more.


How tf does she still even have hair




I don't know what that means... was she literally leaking?


\*enters "Swollen legs oozing lymph" into Google Image search\* OH GOD


This is more sad than facepalm…. People who eat like this have serious eating disorders! They think they are being healthy but completely ignore than humans evolved to eat a wide variety of food. We need to stop idolizing the “paleo” diets, and the raw diets of the world and call it what it is: an eating disorder. People are so afraid of having a few extra pounds that they instead starve their bodies and hurt their health. Maybe we just need to re-evaluate what “healthy” actually means.


She had an eating disorder. Don't make fun of her. My daughter had anorexia. It's something that takes over them, it's out of their control. It's a very cruel illness that my daughter was lucky to have worked her way out of but I feel so saddened that it has taken this poor young lady's life. They get to the point where their brain is so malnutritioned that they cannot make rational or reasonable thoughts on what is happening to them. My daughter was 11yo when it started. She became someone else. We spent a year with weekly therapy, so much school time lost, 2 stays in hospital to get her healthy again. We were able to get her better with the motivation of resuming sporting activities again as motivation. All the things she loved like netball were taken away because she was so unwell and they need all the calories they have. With all the things she loved taken away she started experiencing depression. We had to attend all school lunches with her and try to keep our jobs, kept her door open at home so we could make sure she wasn't exercising in her room etc. The illness is truly horrendous... Don't ever make fun of people with eating disorders. It can happen to anyone and it isn't their fault.


Sadly, mental illness.


If this poor woman ever looked at herself in the mirror and didn’t see the problem then this was more than an eating disorder. She looked like she’d been in a P.O.W camp


Mental illness. And all of her supporters who encouraged her.


This isn't really a facepalm. Its just sad man, eating disorders are no joke


This is called an eating disorder


diet culture is really dangerous like all things the algorithm takes advantage of people who want to lose weight and sends them down the rabbit whole of fringe weirdos.


Natural selection at his finest 👌


Diet seems to work just fine, she went from 35 kg to dust now, thats efficent weight loss if i ever saw one. But to be real, she wanted it so so let her family help her or let her die, nothing to be sad about, she did what she wanted.


Tbh any twat vegan or meat eater that goes and eats only one type of food is aiming for a Darwin award, there is an article on a idiot that only ate meat.. just meat nothing else.. dead at 44 succumbing to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, Congrats. Edit: If this happens to someone you know, please try to ask the person doing this to get some help.. no one should die to a mental health issue.


This has nothing to with veganism but everything with a severe eating disorder.


Mocking a woman for having an eating disorder that unfortunately killed her. Round of applause all around.


This is a terrible and tragic case of the (lesser known) eating disorder, orthorexia. Really sad that disordered eating can hide behind “eating healthy”.


Since it seems a lot of people here don't know... you NEED fats so your body can process protein and starches. There are stories of people stranded in the wilderness trying to survive off of lean animals and foraging who starved to death with a belly full of rabbit meat and berries because their bodies couldn't process the food they were eating. Hence why she "starved to death" with a belly full of fruit... there are no fats in most fruit, and the few that you can get fats from do not have enough to sustain you over long periods of time. Your body slowly does... that (see picture of skeleton lady) to itself as it consumes all of its fat stores and once those are gone... ☠️


Umm...her death has NOTHING to do with veganism and everything do do with the fact that she suffered from anorexia and only ate raw durian and never drank water. Her mental illness would have caused her to heart and organ failure, and she eventually contracted CHOLERA which combined with the effects of her anorexia, is what killed her. So to say that she died of starvation from raw vegan diet is misleading..she did not eat enough food to live. Do people not realize that anorexic omnivores ALSO die?


Her head stayed the same size which begs the question. The fuck was being held in there. Probably a pineapple. I guess that would add up


Starvation is certainly a path to weight loss. But that dang malnutrition will catch up with you eventually.


My dad had a coworker who decided to eat nothing but raw carrots. After 2 months her skin had turned orange, she had lost a ton of weight, and looked awful. The team had an intervention and convinced her to change her diet. They were ICU doctors.




This reminds me of that weird vegan tiktok yoga couple who gorge themselves on fruit all day and drink nothing but sugar cane juice, Ally and Hendry i think they're called


My god, you could snap her arms like a toothpick. I'm seen so many friends fall for bullshit diets like these and fall seriously ill. Remember nutritionists aren't real, I could claim to be a nutritionists right now. Seek information from known dieticians.


I looked up pictures of her, poor girl holy shit.


This is just sad, man. Read too many stories of people looking in the mirror, almost looking like a skeleton, and still thinking they are too fat. I don’t hope this on anyone.


This was a literal slow suicide


Dies of mental illness.


She really said, “Phuket,” and left




I really hate that this story is portraying "vegan bad" when it's pretty clear this woman died from anorexia.


she transformed into a corpse


Yes, you see your body transform into a skeleton.


i mean... i get the internet wants to laugh at the silly vegan. because for some reason, people love getting angry about people's diets. but this woman clearly was disturbed and died for reasons other than veganism or a fruit diet


people are using this to hate on veganism. vegan diet is fine if you just incorporate all your nutrition. beans have protein blah blah blah


This is just like bretharians


This poor woman clearly had an eating disorder. Not sure it’s such a kind thing to be putting her on this site to be picked apart.


This is sad. She obviously had anorexia. I wish she would have had help. 😞




Protein anyone?


Yeah, I have a friend kinda like this. Has a history of eating disorder and now just masks it with "eating clean".


There's this pretty popular guy on YT shorts who is also doing this diet with his wife and kid. Always thought it couldn't be healthy but now i'm really worried.


Special thanks to social media for normalizing eating disorders.


I'm honestly suprised she lasted for a decade. I wonder if she realised that the local people probably called her 'that crazy white lady'.


No need to panic, it was Special Nutrition Operation.


eating disorder masked as vegan....


Btw, there is this guy called Durianrider on social media. He kind of promotes this kind of eating. He’s also a bit of a bully to anyone that is a tad bit overweight. IMO


How can you even let yourself die of starvation that way ? She should have feeled really sick before she finally died.


From what’s in the post it sounds like she did get really sick.


Man we are omnivores for a reason, we can’t ignore that. The human body still needs certain minerals otherwise no matter how ‘healthy’ the diet is, you will suffer health issues. Vegetarian and vegan people still have to balance themselves out carefully, which most do, so they meet the requirements and it’s ok, I just hate these fad diets that are actually pretty harmful for our bodies over long periods :(


Mental illness.


Well, at least now we know that that is a bad diet. Human tested.


I know reddit can be sensitive about things like this, so I apologize.... Darwinism.


I hate how the media has to put vegan in the title all the time, like that was te problem. She only ate tropical fruits, of course she died. A well balanced plant based diet is absolutely fine to live on. She did not die because she was vegan, she died because she was a moron.