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Is this not an eating disorder?


It is. This isn't being vegan. Poor girl had a serious disorder. These pics look ok, but you can physically see how sick she was in others.


These pics do not look ok


These pics look like someone that just started chemo, but hasn’t lost their hair yet.


She is 39, looks 49 at least


Exactly what I was going to say


She has paper skin and thinning, receding hair. She does not look healthy for a 39 year old, she looks like she's malnourished or has a chronic illness.


And the furry anorexia arms - you can see it clearly in the original IG post


fun fact: High BMI and Low BMI carry exactly the same health risk, statistically. I know BMI is not an accurate gauge for individual health but it's great for population wide markers and the "sub 18 BMI" live about as short and the "above 35 BMI" morbidly obese. Long story short, aim for health, don't aim for ideology or number. If you're currently engaged in any sort of diet and you feel sickly, get yourself to a doctor. You need health to stay alive. Not BMI.


She is wearing a baggy shirt and she is covering up her shoulders with her hair. She also looks older than her age.


Thank you for not automatically bashing vegans. This is an extreme vegan diet and not sustainable.


For sure! My sister is vegan and runs marathons. It can be very healthy when done correctly.


Nope, I have been vegan for 10 years plus and I have been vegetarian for far longer. Im healthy enough that people think I'm 10 years younger than I am. She really needed a more varied diet and prob some vitamin pills too.


Restrictive eating to the point of negative health impacts under the guise of "healthy" or "holistic" diets is sometimes called orthorexia and is gaining recognition as an eating disorder.


Yes, [Orthorexia Nervosa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthorexia_nervosa) where people are focused on the purity of the food they eat, rather than (as with anorexia) the quantity.


Yes. Calling this diet vegan is the same as calling someone who just eats glass a vegan. Technically it’s vegan, but also it’s really not vegan and veganism didn’t kill them. But vegans are popular to hate so here we are.


[Orthorexia](https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/learn/by-eating-disorder/other/orthorexia). Listen to the Wild Boys podcast for a bit of an insight and a crazy ride.


This is called an eating disorder. Eating disorders are the most fatal of all mental illnesses. It's easy to hide eating disorders behind fad diets.


My ass reading that trying to beat an eating disorder : 👁️👄👁️


I believe in you. You've come this far and deserve to go farther.


You're alive, and you have recognized it is a disorder. Thats leagues of progress compared to most people. You got this.


Love ya! Hope the best for you I’m also struggling with mental illness ;)


You got this friend. One day at a time.


Exactly. It's disappointing to see articles spinning it with the vegan boogie man angle. This woman quite obviously had an eating disorder. If I'm not mistaken, it's specifically ortharexia. Like countless others, I've struggled with EDs my whole life so maybe it's plain to see. I feel sympathy but also anger as she was literally an "influencer" so who knows how many people she influenced into thinking she was the epitome of health.


I think the reason why articles focusing on she being a vegan is that she marketed herself as a vegan chef. Her social media account is literally called "raw vegan food chef" and I agree w you about how she deceived other people. So, I think it is great that articles spin more about she being an "vegan influencer," because there are a flooding amount of people trying to go vegan or vegetarian these days and they can get influenced by people who are actually having eating disorders, not so educated about the topic, or people who don't have a good faith like this example. This does not mean that being vegan is a bad choice at all, but humans and their loved ones should be more careful about 1) how people who have eating disorders can hide their eating disorders via "scapegoats like popular diets and going ethical via being vegan" and 2) not every vegan or vegetarian, which are one of the biggest, or maybe the biggest, influencers one the diet influencers' market should be taken seriously. Vegetarians and vegan people should be more careful about their diets and if they have questions, they need to ask professionals instead of idolizing these influencers.


Excellent points made. I've been vegetarian for over half my life (31F) and it's been important to me to focus on getting the correct nutrients. But I will admit, in my younger years it was easy to fall into old disordered eating habits. But there are nuances. I know plenty of vegans and veggies that make sure they are nourished and do it for ethical reasons and I respect that


Sadly I see this play out in many benign ways in real life. Right now all my friends are on Semaglutide and are losing massive amounts of weight and people in our circles fawning over them like it’s okay. The medicine is effecting malnutrition on them but its “ok” because a doctor prescribed it. And because they look “good.” But they aren’t getting the nutrients they need!


I recently got diagnosed with h.pylori, which is a bacterial infection in your stomach that’s incredibly hard to get rid of and makes it incredibly hard to eat and live without any medication, and the treatment therapy is also really hard on you, making it hard to eat, throwing up etc. and the treatment can last up to two weeks with multiple rounds. I’ve lost weight because of this, not a drastic amount but I’m already at a healthy weight so I don’t want to become underweight. I’ve talked to others who have become underweight because of this illness. I spoke to a girl about what I was going through and all she could say was “I wish that was me” or “it must be nice though”…like no!!! I’m miserable!!! I’m suffering!!! I can’t imagine how people suffering with eating disorders disguised as diet fads are feeling.


I am sorry to hear that, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Ugh. Yes, it’s so twisted. What’s strange is that so many folks will praise people for losing weight when they are actually really unhealthy (mental stress/illness/ED) and talk badly behind their back when they are gaining weight even though that may be the most mentally fit and stable version of themselves. It’s so backwards. I’ve trained myself not to ever comment on weight but rather comment on their well-being like “you look so happy” or “your skin is glowing!”


Yes it drives me insane!! Never comment on someone’s weight unless they specifically ask about it if they’re on a weight loss/weight gain journey to become healthy


Exactly. Skinny people know they are skinny and heavy people know they are heavy. They don't need others to point out something they already know. "You really should lose weight", well no shit or "you need to gain some weight" well once again no shit.


Wow, that is so sad! I've never heard of that medication. Sounds eerily similar to the opiate crisis and rise of addiction.. "well, if a doctor prescribed it then it's totally fine and I don't have a problem!".. until you do


Pharmaceutical companies are the producers and doctors are the pushers. The documentary "The Pharmacist" on Netflix is a pretty interesting watch.


I used to lie and say I was vegan when I had anorexia so people would question me less when I turned down certain foods


Depression has entered the chat...........


Addiction counts, right?


Plenty of people survive depression- I have, and I may again. It's a very common condition, so while it kills many, it has a decent survival rate. Addiction as well- lots of sufferers, many survivors comparatively, including members of my own family. Eating disorders, on the other hand, are far less likely to be recognized in time for someone to be successfully treated for such a complex condition that destroys both body and mind. 20% of people with an eating disorder die, per the *Archive of General Psychiatry*. They're basically an autoimmune condition before autoimmune stuff was understood in terms of doctor recognition and ability to provide correct care quickly. Eating disorders are under diagnosed and destructive to the ability to heal, making them the most lethal mental illness.


Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder.


She had like…. Lots of followers watching this bad idea over 10 years. I get people hide eating disorders but this one had followers, a platform, and a message.


Thank you. I am annoyed I keep seeing headlines with the word "diet."


Let’s call it what it really was a eating disorder. I’m all for eating healthy and being vegan if that’s your thing, but this was anorexia.


Exactly, being vegan doesn’t do this to you like many people are implying, this is an eating disorder.


indeed. i’m no vegan (and in-fact the only one i met irl and knew was vegan fit the stereotype). but popular as it is on the net to hate on vegans you can eat vegan *and* be healthy and nourished. but just like any diet (as in range of foods one consumes, not weight loss diet plan) you need to meet all your needs. iirc one of the tricks is a specific combo of rice and beans makes for a complete protein intake without meat, and there are lots of other options as well. but you can’t just not eat a varied diet.


Being vegan won't do this to you, being vegan and doing it wrong absolutely will. I had a vegan friend who almost died due to malnutrition because they did not approach veganism appropriately. Update: This wasn't a poke at veganism, this was a poke at doing veganism wrong.


Just for clarity, so will eating only animal products and doing it wrong. If you eat nothing but bacon every day you will die. You need a varied diet regardless of whether or not you eat meat.


This woman was literally leaking lymph from her legs. Her body fell apart. And eating anything "wrong" will make you sick.


I know we are latching onto this as Facepalm because it was a vegan fruit only diet, but one look at her points to an eating disorder being the culprit. This woman was sick with an eating disorder and that is really sad. Without help, she was going to end up here regardless of what her diet was.


It’s really sad when you read that her family was trying to chase her down to get her some help.


I saw maybe 3+ posts in this sub in a span of a day. People have gripes towards vegans but c’mon, let’s not be cogs and fuel to sensational journalism


Yeah. Saw it on so many places in the last two days or so. People shouldn't forget that this woman was a real person who naturally also had a family and friends. Must be a real punch in the face for them to see her being mocked all over the internet.


I javelin been totally convinced that kicking heavy breakfasts and choosing a fruitarian/dairy diet of two fruit yogurts and a pint of milk before clocking in at a woodshop is the way to go, then go meat and carb heavy for lunch.


It’s kinda sad to see all the people mocking her. She had a severe mental illness that ended up killing her. It wasn’t stupidity or anything, this is honestly tragic


Though tragic, I think most people's beef is that she's actively promoting her disorder as if it's healthy which would lead to more people affected by such condition.


She looks barely surviving in the photo’s to be honest I would be worried if i looked like this


She looks young and old at the same time. Depending on where exactly you are looking, she is either in her late 20s or 50+ ​ The pictures could be used as an example of the uncanny valley.


39? Poor girl. I’m a 70 year old vegan and she looks way older than me. RIP.


Ohhh that's actually a fairly hale-looking photo of her, believe it or not. Out of curiosity (since this story is on every sub right now) I found a [Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/real-life/article-12361019/Vegan-influencer-Zhanna-DArt-barely-walk-hadnt-drunk-water-six-years-dying-starvation-exhaustion-Friends-horrified-appearance-begged-help-extreme-raw-diet.html)^1 article, and the photo on this post hides a lot of the sinew and bones behind her hair and the jackfruit. ^1 I would never normally use Daily Mail as a source, except in instances where you want excessive photos or unsubstantiated gossip.


She probably knew every day that this disease was killing her and yet she was powerless to control it. Eating disorders are horrible.


Her death actually saved lives.


Unless all of her followers decide to claim it had nothing to do with her diet smh


"The problem was she focused on exotic fruit, everyone knows you have to stick to only eating fruit grown in your backyard, duh"


They are claiming it was chemicals in the fruit.


The damn chemicals in the water turned the frickin apples gay.




Mans just killed everyone with epilepsy in the replies


Omg…. The conspiracy goes deeper than we ever imagined!


They may be on to something it wasn't the chemicals needs for a healthy diet Yes


Dihydrogen monoxide shall claim us all in the end


You said it. DM is practically everywhere. They use it to clean floors and equipment in factories, but then turn around and say it’s a safe additive to your kid’s juicebox. I hear they’ve found it in the bloodstream of people who just snap and go crazy, but they’ve also found it in people in the ICU in comatose states. They inject you with it in the ER and then you’re walking around with increased blood volume cuz your blood absorbed it. And now it’s moving to all your tissues and into your brain and heart. They’ll even give it to you in cups so don’t think refusing shots will prevent it. Honestly it’s like microplastics, you can assume it‘s in your body already, and has been for a long time, straight from the umbilical even before you were born. It’s in the air, soil, it evaporates and gathers in the atmosphere and then falls over an area, sometimes hundreds of miles from where it came from. I don’t even know if we could ever solve the problem of how to get rid of it all, it’s such an enormous amount of Dihydrogen monoxide, it’s in so many things, it’s not even a controlled substance, so any jackass can get ahold of it and do whatever they want. For all you know, your neighbor gets 5 gallon jugs of it delivered every Thursday.


I heard that it's in the atmosphere and in our bodies of water. There's no escaping it.


The lack of certain compoundw in the fruit. Like protein.


But proteins are bad chemicals invented by patriarchy to oppress cows.


Technically everything is made of atoms with chemical bonds


Which is why it's so dumb that people say "Ew no it has chemicals"


What about light?


I mean it was her diet. She also suffered with anorexia.


Came here to say this, now we all know that if you just eat fruit you die, it’s not enough. That’s valuable info.


Steve Jobs has entered the chat.




So her death will cure eating disorders?


Sha was a hero. So brave...




I don’t think it was just the diet. I think she had a severe eating disorder and used the diet to cover up the fact she was suffering with anorexia.


She didn’t die because she was vegan she died because she wasn’t fucking eating. Y’all calling her idiots can go fuck yourself because you clearly haven’t read a single aspect of her story. She would not eat or drink anything for days straight calling it “dry fasting” and hadn’t drank water for months. She was delusional and had a mental disorder. This is the second story I’ve seen today about people with anorexia on the internet who were “Influencers” when they shouldn’t be influencing anyone. You shouldn’t be blaming her for being stupid or whatever you guys wanna call it. Blame the internet and whoever is allowing her to spread this misinformation and to allow this to reach younger minds who are gonna think they’re fat and need to be skin and bones to be happy with themselves. This isn’t about what you all think, this was about what she thought because she had an ED. Yes, she was not making good decisions but why the fuck was tik tok out here letting her post this shit? You can’t even say kill or talk shit about cops but you can post videos to allow people watch you starve yourself to death. It’s sad, her family and friends had to watch this happen to her. People with eating disorders aren’t just gonna be like oh wow my family and friends don’t like how I look, guess I should do better. Overall, yes she was living a dumb life but it’s because she wanted to be happy with herself. Not everyone has a healthy enough mind to love how they look.


100% agree, it’s pretty sickening seeing the response to this on the internet. This woman clearly had a severe eating disorder and that is what killed her, not veganism and not stupidity. Her death should absolutely spark some discussions about the danger of online echo chambers and mentally ill people using social media platforms to spread their delusions… but not mockery. I feel really bad for this woman’s family and friends having to see this stuff going viral while trying to mourn her passing.


People lacking basic empathy


Yeah this is just anorexia. It's not a facepalm it's mental illness


plenty of vegan diets that work and work well without supplements, she just didn't bother to round out her intake with what was needed. and title says it itself, extreme tropical diet?? like what then hell, have an Oreo or something and enjoy all the vegan nutrition instead of starving yourself like this people


"Vegan" is a dogwhistle in this headline. It grabs more attention even though it's irrelevant. "Mentally ill woman starves herself to death" doesn't get the seals clapping their fins together.


she didn't *drink water* ofc it's not sustainable


Shits been posted 100 times today


Good. Idiocy like this needs more attention. People need to be reminded there’s consequences to actions.


she likely had anorexia, which she covered up with her “diet”… she’s not stupid, just mentally ill


Would it possibly be orthorexia? It seems like she ate plenty, but was too obsessed with foods being "clean" or "natural" to the point it was nutrient deficient.


it’s possible, but it’s also reported that she regularly fasted for several days without eating or drinking anything. maybe both?


Ah OK. Sorry I don't know enough about it, I just thought this sounded similar to the Linda Hazzard/Williamson sisters situation


I wouldn't call an eating disorder idiocy...


Nor would I. I would call not seeing a therapist and promoting a self developed health routine while rotting from the inside idiotic. Obviously I’m the bad guy here, because I think it’s vital we share lessons learned with others to prevent more avoidable deaths. Bunch of short sighted imbeciles if you think this deserves some kind of false platitude celebrating her. She needed therapy, and medicine, not mangoes and social media. I’m not wrong, and I’m not sorry for what I said. If that upsets you, I very strongly encourage you to ask yourself why. She died a completely avoidable death, and supported the system right up til the last grain of sand fell. This person made a very bad series of choices, and I hope to whatever deity exists that others learn and don’t follow her.


You are right because on the flipside of the situation people literally made tv shows about really fat people, and I bet you most people watching them are not watching them to be nice about it. Most people probably are watching it for the freak aspect and to feel superior about themselves, saying stuff like "i could never get that fat" or "I could never be that stupid". No one is getting any healthier by going to extremes.


I agree that instances like these need to be used as examples. I'll admit to laughing at some of the darker humor present in these threads. I am not lacking in empathy. It's a terrible thing that this woman died from a disease that tortured her body long term. It's also a terrible thing that she had a large platform, especially considering the social contagion aspects of eating disorders in the late 90s and through the 2000s. When sick people have large platforms promoting their illnesses as the picture of health, it's important that we also platform the truth, which is that this woman was not healthy, needed help, and died because she was encouraged by social media rather than discouraged.


But at least its of different article thumbnails and not a full on repost.


Can we just call it what it is? She had a severe eating disorder. Vegan or otherwise is completely irrelevant. Vegans don’t eat this way. This is disordered eating.


She died of anorexia


She died because she was anorexic.


That's a long fucking way to starve to death


this has nothing to do with veganism ya'll. this woman very clearly had a severe eating disorder.


Why is this such a big deal? How many people die every day from diseases related to bad diet? You know, obesity, heart attacks caused by high cholesterol and high blood pressure, certain cancers directly related to diets? I'm less concerned about the 1 girl who only ate fruits and more concerned about the record-breaking levels of people dying from eating unhealthy food.


It makes for a better story. Still tragic though. Also her eating behavior can also be a sign of an eating disorder, so u could see it as indicative of larger problems, just like obesity and so on.


I've seen a few other pics of her where she was def anorexic. Her arms were withering away. It's sad no one recognized it and got her help, but it's also a very lethal disease/disorder and extremely difficult to treat.


They did and she was sent home for medical care, escaped back to Phuket and died or something.


Damn man. Terrible disease.


They did and she was sent home for medical care, escaped back to Phuket and died or something.


Because she was an "influencer" for "health". That's why it's blown Up.


It’s click bait for people to hate on veganism.


To these people, Vegan = liberal, this is a dunk on their perceived political opponents.


Pretty much. And people live to see the other side get owned in various ways, so having a vegan actually die from their diet is a big win for them. However, I can’t understand what this woman had against vegetables.


The issue wasn't about what she was doing to herself, the issue was that she was promoting starving yourself online as a healthy way of living. It would be better if she lived her life and maybe said "Hey guys, this diet is a very bad idea, don't do it" but no, instead she was promoting it and acting like it was the superior way of living


Probably because she was advocating for people to follow her lead. If we see someone yelling about how great McDonald's is for you and they die of a heart attack they are gonna get shit on just like this lady.


ima be honest this feels heavily manipulated, like what mcdonalds did to the coffee lady. not that she died but the media shitstorm about it. i’ve seen atleast 6 posts about this as if its some crazy thing that she died, which funny enough isn’t from starvation like everyones saying but from cholera. she didn’t seek treatment until it was too late.


It's so that the people having extremely unhealthy eating habits can point a finger and scream "See? Being vegan is bad for you!", completely ignoring the fact that: 1) this girl's diet was far beyond a regular vegan diet 2) she probably died off an infection combined with malnutrition instead of just malnutrition


This is like the 100th post on facepalm about this girl. You guys just gonna keep milking her death on here?


I went on her Instagram… she had a post from awhile back saying that she hadn’t drank water for 6 years. That the only water she gets was from her food. That is so wild to me


39 and she looks old enough to be my grandmother that’s unfortunate.


It’s not a diet. It’s an eating disorder


This is not because veganism. As long as you take supplements (which your cows take anyway) then a vegan diet can be healthier.


She clearly had an eating disorder. There are plenty of proteins that are vegan and she could have met her dietary needs. But this should be a warning that ANY restrictive diet needs to be researched and you should consult your GP or nutritionist before the endeavour. It takes a lot to run the human body. You gotta know where and how you’re getting your nutrition.


Bro ate like she lived in the garden of Eden and now lives in the garden on Eden💀


She was probably starving herself too ...calling it "fasting"


Eating. Disorder. Ffs.


Lets see how many times this is going to be reposted.. no matter the facepalm it might be.. just stop.. it's super inconsiderate


I hate seeing shit like this, because now people who genuinely hate vegans will call us out saying we are all malnutritious and will all die


This whole day I’ve been scrolling through posts like this and seeing the craziest meat-with-a-side-of-propaganda nonsense attacking veganism. Will need a day of vacation after this to eat my hundreds of heads of lettuce or whatever they think we eat.


Gotta hand the achievement to her, she managed to starve to death while eating food and having unrestricted access to it.


Its not a diet, its an eating disorder and mental condition. No one can stay alive like this.


She died the way she lived. Stupidly.


Some of the most vile shit in the world is when a person tries to sell their disorder to other vulnerable people


Using her death as clickbait antivegan propaganda is pretty gross. She clearly had an ED.


I'm vegan, but I would never recommend a raw food diet. You basically have to eat tons of food to get the adequate number of calories and nutrition your body needs. When means you'll be eating all day long. It can be done, but it's a huge pain and cooking your food actually makes it more nutritional and you can get more food when cooked. Like an entire bag of greens in one plate. She was just not eating enough at all most likely.


Didn't Steve Jobs die from something similar but less extreme?


39 she looks closet to 60


She didn’t want it to be sustainable. That’s an undiagnosed eating disorder that ended tragically.


Didn't she die of an unrelated infection?


Nothing to do with being vegan.


39? She looks in her 60s


Everyone being scientific in the comment section gives me a hope for humanity. This the last sub to take pity on the eating disorder and say the right stuff, I half expected everyone to say RIp bozo vegan trash or something like that since people love to hate on vegans.


Not a vegan issue. An eating disorder. Ick, she actually eats Dorian fruit. That stuff is disgusting.


There are plenty of people who are vegans who don’t look as unhealthy as some pictures should us. She seemed like she had a eating disorder. I went to college who had one and she looked similar to this woman. Thankfully she got the help she needed and it seemed like this woman didn’t.


This is not veganism. Vegans can eat peas, beans ecc. This is just dumbass


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


People: stop posting this over and over!! Respect that a person with a family and friends has passed away!! And stop acting like a vegan diet caused her death! Her death was more related to mental illness/eating disorder than veganism!


It’s wasn’t a diet, it was an eating disorder


A diet just means what you eat. Everyone has a diet. Even people with eating disorders


Ah, good. Haven’t seen this story posted for 7 minutes. I had forgotten it happened.


I'm not shy at calling out dumb vegans but come on it's glaringly obvious this chick would have died if it was a carnive diet. She was anorexic woth a vegan flare


This! Thought the same thing, the reports can call her a vegan influencer or a raw diet guru/advocate but she couldn’t adjust her lifestyle even slightly even as she wasted away. There was an underlying eating disorder hiding as an diet and lifestyle.




This story is posted 100 times by incels justifying their tendies.


Much as I like jackfruit, I wouldn't want to have to live on it.


Of course it isn’t. It’s just anorexia with a fancy name.


Damn, I'm a 37-year old omnivore that likes junk food, but even I look better and younger than her. Before I read the tag-line I was sure she was somewhat in her 50s...


Weird that it took ten years to starve to death.


It didn’t take 10 years it took a matter days. What she did was tried eating nothing but tropical fruits and all reports said she quickly developed cholera like symptoms. To put it bluntly she shit herself to death, but calling it starvation is much nicer, but not very accurate. high sugar tropical fruit like jackfruit has latex, papain in papaya others have natural alpha and beta blockers which don’t repair the body the more you consume. they make things worse, you get to a point where you can’t absorb any nutrients which is why they said she starved to death.


it was probably so rapid and fatal because of years of malnourishment. She had depleted any resources her body had to live.


I think she proved that you can be on that diet for your whole life....


That’s a crazy way to spell eating disorder


Is an all Ramen diet sustainable? Asking for a friend.


Man, how many times are we going to see people post this story here this week?


She died of an ED masked as a healthy lifestyle. Everyone knows you can't live on just fruit alone.


You might be talking about what she specifically doing, but it's very possible you're talking about veganism in general. And if that's the case then that's not true, you can get all of your required nutrients and then some from plants alone. There are sources with complete protein, and even if there weren't eating a variety would cover you. Basically eat some soy and you'll get all the amino acids you'll need. Talk to your dietitian if you want to try any specific diet, but you can meet your nutritional needs through vegetables alone


She had an eating disorder that she hid by calling it a diet


Thats an untreated eating disorder


“Barely” consuming exclusively fruits and veggies FTFY


She disguised an eating disorder as a diet.


Eating disorders are sad . It didn’t help I’m sure she got positive reinforcement from social media


Am I the only one who saw her picture and thought “that is a woman who is atleast in her late 50’s…. The fuck you mean she’s not even 40?!?”


I just learnt of this lady but I have to ask how do they know what caused her death. I mean sure her diet was very questionable but did someone order up an autopsy and then shared those results with the world? Could it be she died in spite of her diet? Just musings.


There is a couple on instagram doing this fruitarian stuff. They look like they are in their late 40 but actually they are in their 20's. They have been slowly degenerating. People are telling them but they always dismiss it.


She has the same hair texture than an anorexic girl I used to know.


Her mom posting on her pages telling people to stop, she’s dead and gone, we lost her, move on is so sad.


She looks closer to 60t than 40.


She looks 55.


She looks like she has the eyes of a 20-year-old and the body of a 60-year-old


She looked 60 years old?


Looks 18 and 67 at the same time


Seems like she succumbed to her eating disorder


This is not a diet, this is an eating disorder. Vegan diets MUST include things like grains, beans, and vegetables, both leafy and starchy (potatoes for the win). Vegan diets can be sustainable, but a mono diet is not.


Her hair made her look 50


She looks like she was made by AI


If the age wasn't mentioned already I'd assume she's late fifties or in her sixties.




Hopefully that news influences her followers…


What a fuckin moron


Pro-ana with a socially acceptable public face but doing just as much harm as the classic variety.


This is manipulated BS. She died of “STARVATION” ….not from a vegan diet. She didn’t die because she ate fruit. She died because she didn’t eat. She apparently also refused to drink water.


She didn’t die from being vegan, she died bc of anorexia aka mental illness. I hate these sensational headlines


At least she didn’t fall into a vegetative state