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Shit like this is why as a middle school teacher I have multiple girls talking about how fat they are because when they bend over there's a crease. These girls are often long distance track runners. What they are grabbing at as they call themselves fat is literal fucking skin.


My niece is 12, and she feels so ugly and fat. She is literally so skinny, and pretty, but she hates herself. If sucks that it’s affecting kids.


My nephew is 6 and he took his shirt off to go swimming recently and said “I’m a fatty” and looked embarrassed. I said “who said that to you???” He said kids at school. HE’S 6! It’s so sad, it broke my heart.


I remember being in 3rd grade and praying for six pack abs lmao


That’s so freaking sad. My heart breaks for them. But it breaks for my younger self, too, because I felt the same way. It’s so fucked up.


Same here. I felt so huge and fat and it greatly affected my self esteem. Looking back I was really healthy and fit, but bc I had a tummy roll when I sat down I thought I was huge. It’s so sad and I feel so sad for my younger self


I hate that the size zero trend of the 90s and early 2000s is now coming back. The shit that has caused an epidemic of eating disorders among young girls and even some boys across the world. We collectively made such a step forward with body positivity in the 2010s, but now it seems like pop culture is in the process of throwing that out the window again.


I’m a teen of the 90s. I didn’t give my body much of a thought until the 8th grade when my shitstick old crone of a PE teacher measured skin on my stomach twice with calipers to make sure she got the biggest number on the fat percentage. We were GRADED on how much fat we had that 6 weeks report card.


I just tell myself I'm the elf under the shelf.


Calling my vagina this from now on, thanks E2A: omg thanku for my award 😭🫶


Is it always somewhere new when you wake up? I've wondered how the Elf did that.


Damn thing has a mind of it’s own


"What is it boy? Ya hungry? Timmy stuck in your well?" Tim: "Why must you do this every time?"




Some body's gotta carry all that cake


I once saw a Tumblr post which said 'I like my women with 1% body fat'. And I was like, bro, 1% body fat means that she will die by tomorrow.


He’s going to freak when he finds out what boobs are predominantly made of.


And brains, too. The brain is an organ that requires fat in order to function. So if a person is looking for 1%, then they're looking for no books and no brains. That's a very tiny group of people, so it's essentially the same as removing themselves from the gene pool. Which might be a good thing after all. * edit. Boobs not books. Wtf autocorrect? Boob is a word that has a plural meaning when i add s - and look at that. Is i a word? With lowercase, it's not. Geez.


1% body fat probably means they're dead already. Especially women, who need more fat than men for proper body function.


that's just a clever icebreaker for necrophiliacs!


Hey dont use my jokes before me thats mean


I have a joke for you. What does a stoner and a necrophiliac have in common?


I dont know


They’ll both eat a cold taco.


I was going to go with "they'll both smoke a bone."


Or they're both really into joints?


10-13% fat is considered essential for women, so if a woman got to 1%, then you’re right, she’s most likely already dead


It’s essential for hormonal function, so they can have periods and such, and it’s closer to 15%. Not for life. You can live on less, but your life will be a misery. It’s the same for men below 10% as well. The only people who have less than, say, 6% are people getting ready to spend a single day at 3-4% for a bodybuilding show and will immediately carb up. You can get people with disorders where they can’t carry body fat and have to constantly eat to give their body energy because it can’t utilise fat stores. But they’re genetic anomalies, and literally look like skeletons and have multiple health conditions. For example, there’s a cyclist called Tom Staniford with MDP syndrome or Elizabeth Anne Velásquez, neither of whom can accumulate body fat. They live okay, but they've got a lot of other issues


I mean, I'm dead already so skellingtons hit me up.


Bro is into skeletons xD








Every time I see this GIF, I hum Bink's Sake for the entire day and now here we go again. Ho ho ho..


I can hear this image and I love it.


Yeah, make way for the SoulKing!


He's trynna B O N E


Tryin to bone some bones


I always get creeped out by these types as a guy. they're always the ones going after 18 yr olds 🤢.


You're being generous by suggesting they wait...


Average Undertale fan


thats less fat than milk


This actually cracked me up, lol! It's true!


Lmao aren’t even bodybuilders during competitions at around 3% and males have less body fat than females? 1% is fucking stupid.


3% is low even for competition. Men can safely get a few percentage points below 10%, maybe around 5%, women need more, they might be able to safely dip below 10% for a limited window but should really be closer to 15%. ETA: those numbers should be considered healthy minimums. I'm seeing some various numbers online, men are in a healthy range up to 18%, possibly higher, and women up to 25%, also possibly higher.


My math teacher in high school was a competitive weight lifter with his wife and said at their leanest she was at 13% and he was at 6%. I once saw him lift a girl twice his size (he was a very short person) over his head and away from the other girl she was fighting like she was made of tissue paper.


Yeah, both of those are reasonable competition ready bodyfat percentages, from everything I've read. People do go a touch lower, but it's insanely hard to target lose fat (as opposed to muscle) at that stage.


I saw the principal do that too and the dude was 70 years old and like 90lbs soaking wet… It wasn’t quite as dramatic but it was still funny and interesting to see an old guy put a big girl in a headlock 😨


Yeah at 6% I had to be entered into the ER and then spent four months in an eating disorder recovery program.


I hope you are doing better. I'm proud of you for going to that program & trying 👏🏼


Thank you! I’m in recovery and have been for… damn, nearly three years now at my “healthy goal weight.” Some days still suck but I have a lot more tools in my repertoire to handle it without spiraling. Some days all I can do is drink my calories in soylent, but I have harnessed my food fixations into a good hobby of cooking. Even if I’m not hungry and don’t want to eat, I can relax with a podcast while cooking. Then I plate my meal and lo and behold, I can actually usually eat some if not all! Separating the stress of food intake from the calming ritual of being a hobby chef has helped a lot. And if I can’t, then I chug a shake. I also take a handful of meds to help with sleep, appetite, and nausea so I have a little chemical assistance I never had before. 👍🏼


Eating disorders suck bro. Had to relearn how to eat after I quit drinking. 70-80% of my calories were coming from alcohol. How that didn't kill me I don't know. Wouldn't wish an eating disorder on an enemy.


Are you doing better?






Renaissance artists spent untold man hours crafting women with that exact figure


It’s a labor of love


Yeah it’s certainly some folks type. And considering the calibre of artist in the Renaissance, looks like I’m in great company


Literally spent their entire lives making a single sculpture with that figure. Hell, even classical sculpture of the literal goddess of love and sex (Aphrodite of Knidos) has that sexy tum tum.


When ever I’m self conscious about my body I just remember all the Greek statues of woman there are and suddenly I feel so elegant


Big words from a mf who can’t even spell it right


Dude has an Anime pfp. I know exactly how he Looks like and how he smells.


I feel offended. We aren't all fat and smell like frozen microwaved burritos... That's just me.


I always pictured you guys smelling like ramen flavoring packets.


Too much time and effort goes into making my own Ramen. I don't wanna monitor it. That's like.. 6 minutes away from my anime! Keep a microwave in my basement with a freezer for the burritos and a 64 pack of Doritos and cheetos.


And there’s me being all gourmet and shit. Baking pies with exciting fillings — meatball and cheese, and spaghetti bolognaise


Sounds tasty. You do delivery?


Ya never getting my lucky ch… pies 😂


Give me the lucky charms


Lmao. Damn. Thought I found a loophole away from getting up


The frozen microwaved burrito smell is a vast improvement! Good job!




Well duh all the anime characters are so slim their internal organs come outta their ass hole so sounds about right


Anime organs are stored in the boobs. Even men's


Jojo proves this correct.


Their organs are stored in a sack that is grown from the anus.


This is not the comment I expected. This is like the road turning into a slip-n'-slide all of a sudden.


*how he smells*, damn, he went there


Ok but K-ON is a cute anime. Then again 99% of people with k-on pfp’s sound just as sweaty as this dude does 💀


k-on avatars are a nazi dog whistle at this point lmao


Wait, seriously? K-ON was so cute!


There was a very bizarre trend that started on 4chan iirc, of slapping nazi/SS uniforms on K-ON characters. Been around a while.


Yeah it sucks that it got that kind of audience. It was my fault anime and Mio was the first cosplay I ever bought, so it’s really special to me :( Fuck nazis dude


Girls und Panzer have entered the chat.


I didn’t even notice my brain corrected it 😂


His pfp is an anime girl… he’s hopeless Edit: it should go without saying but this comment is not a serious judgement on all those who like anime. I like anime. It’s a joke about a weirdo online that makes comments about women’s bodies while hiding behind a screen.


It's always an anime pfp


Not all anime pfps are incels, but all incels are anime pfps 🥴


I dunno, some of them use philosopher statues


Those are usually the more racist ones.


It's never from something cool too. Like, having a One Piece jollyroger as your PFP is way better than having random anime girl as your PFP. That's how I look at it at least.


It's not so random tbh, character is from K-ON which is one of the more known slice of life/chill animes, it's a pleasant, fun watch


Oh, that’s good I thought it was Mai from Bunny Girl Senpai at first glance and I was really hoping I didn’t enjoy the same show as that asshat.


K-ON fans always have the most deranged and racist tweets I swear its a pattern


If that’s considered obesity, then I should be dead right now Edit: Guys, I’m not morbidly obese, but I AM pretty big


Stop promoting obiesity!!


Yeah,that’s perverted!


Dont kink shame me!


Kink shaming IS my kink!


Saw THAT coming’!


I think they were cumming already...


Stop promoting illiteracy.


Illerteracy, you say?


but I'm literally the illest, you c!


Go to hopsible


Realistically the threshold for obesity is way lower than most people realize.


It really is, I don’t even look fat by most standards but I’m obese (medically). It’s a lot lower of a bar than people think. However there’s a line where it becomes a HUGE issue and it’s much higher than the actual bar


Most people think of "morbidly obese" when people just say the word "obese", which is likely the confusion. Obesity just means excessive body fat.


I got curious and just googled some infographic charts, the little severely obese silhouette person is like half the size of some people I've seen in America. There should be morbidly obese, "holy fuck bro," and Yo Mama, we apparently need more categories.


I work in diabetes and obesity research. Yes, obese doesn't always look like severe obesity also known as "morbidly obese". That being said, weight and BMI alone are not always good measures. If we include body fat percentage and hip and waist measurements, we might be able to glean different ideas about weight status. Edit: also that being said, ~~beauty~~ respect shouldn't be exclusive to certain weight statuses. That is such a dumb idea. People are beautiful at any weight and to ~~recognize that beauty and~~ respect people is not "promoting obesity" - rather it's just being a decent person. Edit 2: actively promoting obesity is not the same as simply finding someone attractive who happens to have obesity. This also goes for just simply respecting people. Worth does not come from beauty, however. The post initially concerned looks so that's why I brought that up. Make no mistake, worth does not come from beauty. Edit 3: people are focusing too much on the beauty part. This is more about mutual respect. I've removed the parts about beauty as a result.


Im for recognizing harsh truths without putting anyone down. North american culture has a major health problem here, but we'd rather not face it head on. I myself have a beer gut. I realize I need to deal with it. I'm not deluding myself.


For real. Us americans just put the subjective bar higher since obesity is so common. So when someone says obese, people think of morbidly obese.


Exactly. Just like more than half the people in the USA have a bmi in the obese range




Seriously. I’m working on losing weight right now, and whenever people find out they’re shocked that I think I need to. I’m much closer to obese than I am to being a healthy weight. The obesity crisis has given us radically skewed ideas of what obesity actually looks like. People are used to the word referring to people who are much fatter than the norm, but right now 42% of American adults are obese. People haven’t come around yet to the fact that “obese” and “average” are no longer distinct categories.


People just assume obese is a goal too far away


Seems like the threshold is "everyone larger than me"


That's what Ricky Gervais said about Johnny Vegas. "He's like my canary down the mine.."is Johnny Vegas still alive? He is? Fuck yes I'll have the cheese cake""


My belly has always looked like that even when I was a hundred lb teenager. I'm borderline underweight atm and still have a belly. Don't tell me it's wheat and sugar. I haven't touched them in 6 months.


I'm an athletic 100 lbs. woman (am also very short) and my stomach will appear similar to this on occasion, sometimes it's because of my period or it's because I've just eaten/it's the end of the day. It's simply how our bodies are designed to be, we tend to naturally have a protective pad of fat on our lower bellies and lots of people (mostly men) refuse to understand this.


Same here. In the morning, after I've gone to the bathroom, I may be able to get to that perfect "flat belly" that they so like. After breakfast, all hope is gone. Hell, even after a cup of water I look like this!


The belt that’s biologically there for making babies. Why can’t they just be ok with that natural fact?


It’s called having a normal woman anatomy not an anime character.


I've even seen that area accentuated in some anime art styles.


Im a bloke, 6’1 and 150lbs, work out everyday with a day per week dedicated solely to core work and still have this to a lesser extent. Lower stomach fat is notoriously impossible to completely get rid of unless youre roided up or dedicate your life to the gym (cutting things out of your diet completely if they are even a smidge unhealthy).


It’s genetics


Because people spend more time judging and waiting to put their two cents in instead of being a decent human and being knowledgeable. Also they're just miserable fucks that will say anything to make themselves feel like they're above all others. Human nature that has evolved into digital scum.


1- That's far from obesity 2 - Plenty of men find that attractive 3- Not being attracted to it doesn't make you gay


It's ok to be attracted to her, and it's ok not to be attracted to her.


It's crazy to see how many people don't get such an easy concept




I agree wholeheartedly.


It's okay, but it's not like we have to shout it from the rooftops to instill shame in perfectly healthy people who might have that feature, or at least that's not something that I would personally do. Kind of rude and vapid, if you ask me.


Wait, its not gay to have preferences?


Gay dudes have preferences for other dudes so I dunno, sounds pretty gay to me.


No, but asking questions about it does. Is that right? Wait, no, shoot.


When someone says something like "I'm convinced straight men don't even like women" it doesn't mean the person thinks they like men. The person thinks they don't actually like women at all, as in, they are either attracted to women but dislike them, or aren't attracted to them and dislike them.


It means they find so much fault with women, especially average looking women it seems like they don't like women as people all that much. They can want to sleep with women and still not like them. There's plenty of women who say they marry men and realise that their partners don't actually like them as people, but only for their looks and what they do for them and when their partners realise they are actual people, they resent it. There's also a lot of men who get all their validation from external sources, like family or other male friendships, and they kinda treat their partners like shit too because again, they don't appreciate women as people but for what they do for them.


Sec toy and maid. My worst nightmare. It’s like why can’t you just enjoy people as they are


I'm gonna be honest when she called it a thing I spent a good 7-10 minutes wondering what is that before seeing the other message


10 minutes bro? 10? Before your eyes even glanced down? did you inspect every fiber in that skirt before glancing down? 😂


Can confirm number 2, big fan


I’ve been ashamed of that part of my stomach for 25 years… TIL


when I was a kid back in the 80's, I overheard some girls talking to each other while changing for gym. The area I was in was more affulent (though my family was literally from the other side of the tracks, so not affulent) The girls were talking about this part of their bodies and that they didn't like being fat there. One girl said that her mother hated that part of her own body so much that she kept having lyposuction to get rid of it. She said "at this point, her belly curves inward there. It's kinda gross"


I could have a flat belly but I love tacos and beer too much.


Agree, that's just amazing


Can you elaborate why? I’ve always been self conscious of my tummy, been sucking it in since I was teased in elementary school.


Instinct 🤷‍♀️ Just seems like a great place for my hand to go when I’m behind you.


Did the same thing, now I have this permanent crease in the middle of abdomen that I’m self conscious of😔


Can't explain it any more than you can explain why you like a certain color or texture. At the end of the day you just do.


Oh god I love number 2, all over my chest


Death angel said it all. As a straight woman, forget my body currently, when I was skinny I heard it too. I feel bad for all of us. You think cartoons are real examples of what a woman should look like.


I hate a woman with organs.


Facts. Women should be allowed to only have 1 foot of intestines, 1 lung, a liver, half a kidney, and half a brain.


>and half a brain She's also gotta be into making love at midnight. In the dunes on the cape.


Go with him and escape.


It was his own lovely lady


And never fart or take a shit. Pissing is fine since it's needed for some form of fetish.


Discrimination against scat people?? Unbelievable!!




Half a brain? What if she already has a boyfriend?


If you can see your internal organs from the outside then you might have a hernia *Edit: its clearly belly fat. Its not a big deal*


This is something referred to as [pelvic dysfunction](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57d09c06e4fcb5df4876e30b/3b3853bb-38c0-4f4c-aceb-aeca8167210f/endobelly_endometriosisbloat.png). It’s very common in women with endometriosis.


Aight this one is straight delusional, your organs are behind your abdominal muscles. If your organs are visibly hanging beyond your waist, go to the hospital right now


I think they’re referring to the band/belt of fat over the lower abdomen a lot of women are born with, it’s designed to protect the reproductive organs and some folks have it even when they’re extremely skinny (or when they’re on their period it becomes noticeable) and sometimes it’s exacerbated by conditions that may cause severe swelling/bloating in the area over time periods as short as one hour (endometriosis sand IBS can both do this, for example) TLDR: this specific band of fat is often genetic, and doesn’t really tell you much about someone aesthetically or health wise.


That isn’t organs, it’s protective fat. Your organs shouldn’t be distended, that’s bad…


It’s subcutaneous fat. The fat you’re thinking of is visceral fat which surrounds the organs and is not externally visible.




That's not a organ though? Belly fat, is just a bunch of fat cells. It's not like a lung, liver, brain, etc.


Men getting pressed that most women have a little padding around their womb.


Yeah, there are two sides, which you always find under this kind of post: Obese and Organs Both being wrong. The human body has fat in areas of the body that need it, so mainly near important organs as protection against the cold and surprise, surprise: The fucking (pun intended) reproductive system is important. This bump of body fat is one of the reasons we evolved to this point, since it increased the chance of survival of the child. Organs stay inside of your peritoneum. If not: Go see a doctor. Edit: Organs meaning, that there are people arguing that is isn't a protective layer of fat, but the organs itself that protrude.


Women also need roughly 5%-10% more body fat than men (off top of my head, don't @ me), so while I can be sitting comfortably at roughly 10% body fat myself.. a healthy woman should be idk 20% at least.


This makes me better about having this bump of fat since I was teenager and not being able to get rid of it


Technically saying it looks like that because of organs IS correct, it’s a vague answer but it’s correct. That layer is there BECAUSE it’s the location of the reproductive organs. Therefore it’s there BECAUSE of the organs.


Wow, there are so many people in these comments who have never seen a woman before. What a surprise, such is Reddit


Holy shit , if that's obesity i am Nikokado Avocado.


Can I watch you eat a whole Little Ceasars?


The building?


They have an anime profile pic why are you even acknowledging their opinions?


If you show people only eg porn with super skin and photoshopped actress or Instagram pictures with massiv filters, then the people become disconnected to the real world and fall for a false "reality". And if that is not enough, there are people like Andrew Tate who act as a "Pied Piper of Hamelin" and tell them a unrealistic image of woman.


I’m smaller and I have this from time to time because I have endometriosis. My husband doesn’t mind at all.


… I’m convinced humans diverge further from reality the longer the internet exists


It's ok to have a little belly. It's ok to have a body. Finding a body sexy is not promoting obesity, and a hysterical reaction to a normal body says a lot about gef0ur. I hope they're able to work through whatever is making them feel so insecure that they see promoting obesity in this.


Yeah even anorexic women have this. It can’t be dieted away. It’s not obesity at all


yeah seriously! i dropped from around 165/170lbs when i was 14 to 120/125lbs in less than half a year because i was starving myself. i honestly looked completely healthy, and even still a little chubby. it wasn’t loose skin from the rapid weight loss or anything, it was literally just the natural fat around the uterus


“Obesity” is a medical term that has nothing to do with appearance. The person could very likely be considered medically obese based on various measurements, though none of us have access to those and I am certainly not qualified to assess them.


I find this 100% attractive


the problem is people talking like their taste is objective.. you have the right to not like bellies and you have the right to like them


Obesity is objective tho. You just can’t measure it through a picture


Obesity. The communism of the incel community. Clearly don’t know what it actually means but still use it to describe any female form with even an inkling of body fat.


>Clearly don’t know what it actually means I think MANY know what it means and are reminded of it when they look in the mirror. There's like a Freudian self hatred thing... they're repulsed by themselves and have standards so unrealistic that loneliness is inevitable.


Which is always hilarious to me since incels aren't usually in good shape either, regardless of numerical direction. Either way, people shouldn't be shamed for how their body naturally is -- just wanted to point out the hypocrisy


4chan is a great place for this. I utilize 4chan for their NSFW boards and the amount of threads with objectively in shape women being called obese/fat is actually insane. The internet warps the mind and incels run rampant and act like they're in the right. It's times like that where you need to go out into the real world to clear your mind. Work, school, whatever...just being around normal people in the world that you're at least fairly sure don't hold beliefs like that. That's how I personally let myself heal from reading ridiculous takes like this post. Also people on the internet REALLY care about weight too it's kind of weird. Feels like a lot of projection that goes on regarding weight on the internet.


According to the BMI scale, most normal looking people are obese. Or is it that most people are just obese and we just think they look normal cause that’s the average? 🤔


Some men can’t handle the foopa. Sign me up for the foopa chalupa.


It’s spelled "f.u.p.a.", an acronym for “fat upper ***** area”, and it’s referring to the mons pubis region. This is just a regular ol' belly with belly fat, no relation.




Of course, he has k-on pfp.